Genuine Article Examples

Theory paper

The article discusses the various assessment tools and interventions to improve and improvise the scope of career alternatives for individuals. The learning environment within organizations also supports Holland's theory of career development and offers employees to choose training that can exploit their potential and improve their performance output.


The physical and the mathematical interpretation is expanded in both experiments in order to magnify the outcome. Selection: Depending on the two classes chosen, the demographics of the school itself can greatly influence the outcome of the experiment due to goals.

Christian (faith based) article for a newsletter

As Executive Director, my most important duty will be to join the dedicated team of volunteers, donors and staff in contributing to the restoration of the communities we serve and reaching affected persons. The work we do under the aegis of the Nehemiah Center is one defined and inspired by our collective Faith in God.

Errors and omissions insurance

Deciding where to present the claim The author of the article presents the claim of E&O insurance from the first paragraph of the article which not only raises the curiosity of the audience but makes them consider purchasing the insurance. They are written in different size and bolded to differentiate them from the rest of β†’

Article adequate facilities for instruction in the

Besides, in order conserve and nurture different languages spoken by the people of India, Article 29 states that " Any section of the citizens, residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own will have the right to conserve the same". Article 350-A, in β†’

Schizophrenia, substance abuse, and violent crime by fazel

Many researchers have felt that there is and that those who suffer from schizophrenia are at an increased risk for violent crime and substance abuse. 4; P Thus, Fazel's study demonstrates that, as most scientists and psychologists have expected, there is an increased chance of violent crimes and substance abuse in individuals with schizophrenia.

2nd article: operations strategy essays example

Informing the employees of the company's future by emphasizing the vision and the strategy besides enforcing the corporate culture, will be no doubt make it achievable in attaining reports on unethical lapses and actions within the company that hinders growth of the company. Coming up with a strategy refers to the concentration on all those β†’

An argument about affluenza, using an article as support essay example

The rate at which consumerism is changing in America and the need for companies to satisfy the needs of the customers has made invention take a different root. The issue of class and the need for many to be identified with the high standing in the community determines their shopping habits.

The issue of innovations in bill keller’s article “the twitter trap”

Throughout the article, the author precedes his reasons with examples that strengthen the point he is trying to make to his argument. Keller appeals to his reader's emotions throughout the article and evokes a sense of guilt to the reader with his word choice and anecdotes.

Critique analysis of the article is google making us stupid? by nicholas carr

As previously stated, the problem is due to our increasing reliability on the internet for answers to any question that comes to mind. We can get ourselves used to the fact that information is readily available to us and form a habit of skimming for information.

Components what rationale is mentioned in the article what other reasons do you case study examples

Why do you think Boeing decided to outsource the design and production of so many critical A: Boeing based its decision to outsource the design and production solely for financial benefit. Nothing in their research and development plans appears to have planned for the potential of language barriers, as in some cases, the directions for β†’

Abstracts 4 articles decision making

Another example of it is the mid-level decision-making paralysis in many American companies when a manager is trying to avoid of making a decision. The fundamental distribution error relates to a personal incompetence of employee while on the other hand the fundamental surprise error is the situation when personalobservationdiffers to a reality.

Read the article, and answer the question

Theories on Power Scholars suggest that there are two bases of power; formal power, and personal power. Legitimate power arises in formal organisation structure, representing the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy.

Scholarly articles

In the second paragraph, the author introduces the thesis statement by use of a question, the question is, and the question asked is in reference to advertisements as a means of building a business brand This is similar with article in story grammar which uses case studies in introducing their thesis. Evaluation, The author of β†’

Ethical behavior and unethical behavior articles


Managing overconfidence

Therefore increasing our metaknowledge is the best way to overcome overconfidence as it creates a range within which we can draw our knowledge and use it in decision making.metaknowledge can be developed by having a feedback mechanism that is accurate and timely in informing us of how much our estimates are off from the actual. β†’

Classics supplemental articles list

ISSN 00178012 Beer, M. ISSN 00178012 Nadler, D.& Tushman, M.

Article two

Engaging in corporate responsibility gives the company a better image and consumers will want to engage more in the products being offered. The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility.

Adapting kohlberg to enhance the assessment of managers’ moral reasoning by james weber

The purpose of this review is to provide the readers with a concise summary of the most significant points of the article, present some background information, evaluate the text using a detailed examination of its strength as well as weak points and give a comprehensive summary of the analysis that was performed. It would not β†’

Example of peer-reviewed articles research paper

The pursuit of quality and excellence is still, for the most part, a function of the researcher's will and moral conscience. For obvious reasons, the conglomeration of researchers in one area of study studies in the pursuit of the most accurate representation of research is the zenith of team work at the altar of β†’

The goal of advancing in the emerging markets

Segmenting the Base of the Pyramid" by Rangan & Petkoski A Summary The article s that during times of economic recessions such as now, thereis a need to incorporate value into businesses' goods and services, particularly for those targeted at the mass base of the economic pyramid. For low income people, the appropriate strategy is β†’

Essay on reply to an article

The ability to collect and disseminate information by the public has made it hard for the military to operate in secrecy. Due to the sensitive nature of security of a nation or society, it is important for military to be able to keep certain information from the public.

Employee perception on commitment oriented work systems

Literature critique The study aimed to establish the relationship between employee perception on commitment oriented work systems and the managerial perceptions of employee commitment in the work place. The research attempted to identify the relationship between employee trust or loyalty to managers and employee's in-role and extra-role performance in comparison with that of organizational β†’

Articles of confederation term paper examples

Under the articles of confederation, Job Tucker enjoys the right for the United States US to pay for defense and taxes under the article VIII. Under article V of the articles of confederation, each state has to maintain its own delegates in a meeting of the states.

Article critique dealing with annoying co-workers

As a result, as one of the management of the organization, it is always necessary to come up with a mechanism that can enable you to handle different employees. This aims at ensuring that, at the end of the day, both the employee and the employer, or the management and the junior are both satisfied β†’

Wal-mart article

NAFTA reduced the tariffs on imported goods and this was a major boost to Walmart since it provided a level ground for Walmart to compete with the existing retailers. As Walmart continues to reduce the prices of goods, other retail stores such as Comerci reduced the prices too to combat the completion.

Analysis of organizational theory

Feasibility study is nothing but an assessment of the product being developed in terms of the outcome, operational use and technical support in implementing the product. The total expenditure incurred in the development of the product is derived from the outcome of the product.

Manual on the regulation of international air transport by international civil aviation organization

The Manual on the Regulation of International Air Transport outlines the regulation a State undertakes within its territory in its endeavors to maintain sovereignty over its land and the airspace that is above it. The manual explains that air regulation extends to both international and domestic air services in addition to foreign and national air β†’

Article analysis

Article Analysis: " A culture of accountability" " A culture of accountability" Article A culture of accountability Author Name: Scott Morris Major Thesis: The article was written to proffer pertinent issues relative to the issue of accountability, particularly focusing on the need for organizations to establish a culture for accountability to be effective in its β†’


For some people such satisfaction can be called by the benefits and reward and recognition, other employees' motivation is affected by the achievements, feelings of power or affiliation. Eisenberger, Jones, Stinglhamber and Shanock, explain the impact of need for achievement on motivation from the point of the opportunities for an employee to be able to β†’

Summary of the article by caleb hannan

The need for education and transparency in trading motivated Sykes to establish the website that offers market-trading advice. The article concludes that Sykes's douche marketing attracts everybody and the website is positive to both investors and Sykes.

Article reflection

In fact, it is otherwise - smart people make poor decisions because they are influenced by the internal and the external bias. Nevertheless, Mauboussin has effectively presented a different view to decision-making which has been enumerative and challenging for the readers.


inserts his/her Management The book is a comprehensive demonstration of management theory with detailed focus on the various functions of management including planning, organizing, leading and controlling. To conclude, the book provides a comprehensive description of various management concepts at the basis level.

Article & video question answers

With the winnings and the revenues being shared, there is bound to be an increase of investments in the payroll hence bringing reducing and if this continues eliminating the competitive imbalance brought about by the difference in market size. Their lack of winning will bring all the plans to a dead end as there will β†’

The article: embattled j.p morgan bulks up oversight by monica langley and dan fitzpatrick case study sample

P Morgan Chase Co.faces gross regulatory and legislation woes, and it intends to use more than $4billion, and employ approximately five thousands employees to clear the bank's compliance and risk challenges. Monica and Dan points out that this move would not only clear the bank's compliance and risk challenges, but also restore the bank's reputation β†’

Cracking the code of change

In a bid to effective strategies to deal with change, most organizational leaders tend to put a lot of focus on the various initiatives to deal with change while forgetting about the ideal reasons for changing. Every organization is different and needs to approach change with a lot of sobriety in order to ensure the β†’

Article abstract assignments

Analysis of Competitive Balance in the National Football League after the 1993 Collective Bargaining Agreement by TravisLee Travis Lee' article on National Football League is an investigation of the overall parity effects that result from the 1993 Collective Bargaining Agreement by determining the correlation among free agency, payroll constraints, league rule, parity, and competitive balance. β†’

Current event on macroeconomics

North Carolina Got It Right on Unemployment Benefits, According to the article that was written by John Hood, North Calorina became the first state to end the extended benefits program that was focused at providing assistance to the individuals who have no jobs. The article indicates that in 2013, North Carolina was the only state β†’

Green buildings in china and europe

Most of the architects in Europe are aware of the impact of the green building constructions towards the reduction of energy unlike those in China. Conclusion The positive impact of green building construction in both China and the United Kingdom is unquestionable.

Stamps; recent issues honor famous personages by dunn, john f

Moreover, she was instrumental in the fight for equal rights and is accredited to the inclusion of the sentence, " Men and women are equal before the law" in the German Basic law. In conclusion, she is a professional lawyer championed for equal rights and encouraged women to be ready to take up positions and β†’

Karina cervantez interview

In her interview that took place in the University of Miami, she talked about herself and her responsibilities. Her other responsibility entails serving in various commission such as the recreation commission where she manages the budgets of the open spaces in the community.

Analysis of two articles about robots

I major in Mechanical Engineering which is directly related to the construction of the robots. Comparison Both the articles are written in simple language and address the design of robots that may make work easier for humans.

Dicussion 6

The success of a speech is often the beginning or the end. The introduction of a speech has to catch the audience's attention.

What concerns does this article have about our genetic privacy in the future essay

The availability of genetic information would greatly improve health care because it would have significant contributions to diagnosis and treatment. People would not have to spend too much on health care and medicine because the disease is detected even before it presents itself.

Red sex, blue sex by margaret talbot

The other identified factors contributing to the dilemma are religion, perceptions about sex, the use of contraception, participation in abstinence-pledge movements, and commitment to " network of friends, family, and institutions that reinforce his or her goal of delaying sex". What is more alarming is the lack of relevant information on the root cause of β†’


Collaborative learning in an online environment affiliation Collaborative learning in an online environment Online s give the chance to form a highly social education environment, described by interactivity and participation for both instructors and students. Furthermore, Asynchronous learning is a learner-centered teaching technique that applies online learning means to enable information distribution outside the constrictions β†’

Summary and reflection of an article

The authors of the article point out that the issue of match-day attendance is greatly influenced by the uncertainty of the outcomes of the matches. Despite the fact that both teams are very strong and it is difficult to predict the outcome of the results, such matches are stilled thronged by a magnitude of fans.

Reaction paper 6

The companies had implemented the strategies in order to cut back on the cost of labor and improve the companies' profitability levels. The reason for this major reorganization is the constantly increasing cost of labor in countries that once provided the cheapest labor in the world.

Obituary story about myself

He was born and raised in Maracaibo, a town that is located in one of the cities in Venezuela. After finishing, he was part of the production and editing team in various media houses in the United States, had a lifetime dream of serving his people and dying at a ripe age of 90 years, β†’

Oil falls to near $76 as us crude supplies grow

In the fourth quarter, National Australia Bank lowered it's crude prices' forecast from 84 dollars a barrel to an average of 82 dollars. The bank reports that world oil production remains robust, even as growth in the demand in crude oil continues to fade in many developed economies, a situation that has continuously created an β†’

Analysis of articles – the earths sixth mass extinction by barnosky and can we defy natures end by pimm

In some cases, the factors are unfavorable to humanity and this means that focus can be shifted to significant resources for supporting humanity while the threatened elements of the environment receive protection. This is because of lower prices in the regions and the total cost for the threatened regions is estimated at $ 4 billion β†’

Holy water by joan didion

She is not cynical of people that do not share her intensity of love for the water, she merely shows in a very subtle and delicate way that people consider water another commodity, they take it for granted whereas it is a force of nature, and in some parts of the world, it is extremely β†’

Chinatown: the written by brian j. godfrey

Through the groups struggle, the community has used ritualized strategies effectively to oppose to the spatial threats within the town. From my perspective, what the future has in store for Chinatown is very uncertain.

Allama muhammed iqbal

He encouraged him to continue his studies and polish himself as a poet at the Scotch Mission College in Sialkot. During his life in Europe, he realized that Persian was the language for him to express his ideas and thoughts in a philosophical way.

Media article

However, the long awaited dream of Alan Lomax has been given a real existence to spread the traditional music and culture of different nations from around the globe. Analysis of the Article: Alan Lomax was the first American folklorist and a prodigious traditional music collector who dreamt of creating a global jukebox, even before the β†’


Lawrence has only been in the college for the last two years, he is currently responsible for overseeing the implementation of stringent managerial and academic policies in the college. On his defense of the policies on mobile phone usage in classroom, the academician noted that new technologies had transformed the minor sources of distractions into β†’

Invisible hand and market equilibrium

However, a recent study shows that the demand for a durable good such as automobiles tends to be more income-elastic in the short run than in the long run. In the long run, some firms will exit the market because they are making a loss while new firms will enter the market if there is β†’

A woman’s curse by small

The advantages and Disadvantages The information, according to the writer could be used by men in their paternity assessment tests, not in the present circumstances but also in the future. Writing through the Beverly Strassmann empirical research work, having lived for over two years among the Dogon of Mali in West Africa, being part of β†’

Obituary story

Everyone who met Fletcher, a notable local dietician, and a generous community volunteer loved her as she was a kindhearted woman and would never let an opportunity to make the society a better place pass her by. She was a patriot of her home area and, therefore, a longtime cast member of member of the β†’

Analysis of odds and probability article by fulton, mendez, bastian & muzaffer

In an article from, the author revealed how the census bureau does clean their messy data. He claimed that the bureau does revise their data where they identify the possible errors in the name of the people by using an algorithm.

Herbert hoover

Since his ideology that the economy could be fixed, could not work in such a situation, he was the centre of criticism and mistrust. Herbert Hoover was a reformer and believed in improving the condition of livelihood of the citizens.

Why has the uk’s productivity lagged behind that of its major competitors and what can be done to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the uk economy

Lagging of UK's Productivity Introduction Productivity in UK is lagging behind productivity of countries such as Germany And United Stated which are the major competitors of UK. The indicator to the productivity decline in the country is that the country is not performing at its true potential and this result to lower incomes and high β†’

Blog post about: social media influences teenagers’ body image

02 March Shattering effect of social media on teenagers' body image: It is no hiddenreality that everyone is busy nowadays in trying to fit into an ever narrowing social ideal because that is how others want them to act. This practice of social media to impose an ideal on our teenagers is highly objectionable in β†’

Electromethanogenesis: the direct bioconversion of current to methane

Recently, according to a number of specialists, methane could be the answer to the problem, or perhaps the problem itself. What the specialists suggest is that if there is a source of current, then there is a source of electrons and methane can be produced electrochemically.

Some aspect of distribution theory

Marketing Blog al Affiliation) There are various methods of distribution of goods and services; in the lessons learnt this week, it is evident that business practitioners employ the use of various methods and channels to make sure that goods and services are accessed to their clients. An example of a real life scenario where technology β†’

Jet blus – articles case studies

As the suggests this articleexamines the implementation of YouTube to establish excitement for the company. The main consideration is that Jet Blue has recognized a shift between outdated modes of advertising and the increasing need for organizations to harness the powers of the Internet to gain consumer interest.

The impact of congruency of ambient scent on static advertising recall

The use of scents to capture the attention of the consumer in the corporate sector dates back to the 1990s. The various research works carried out on the test subjects exposed them to unscented environment versus a scented environment to conclude on the effect of scent on the purchasing behaviour of the consumer.

Unilever’s and nestle’s international marketing strategies

According to Webster, Price is a vital component in the marketing strategy of any marketer as it interacts with all the other elements of the marketing mix to establish the effectiveness of each one of them. They consider the demand of the product and the prevailing economic conditions to determine the purchasing power of the β†’

Article summary

The article d ' MarketingSherpa Email Summit Social Media is email with fresh paint,' is an analysis of the similarities between email and other social network systems such as Facebook. A social login that operates through a single click into the individuals website that contain information from social networks such as Facebook can also be β†’

Article abstarct 04

The research question that Winfree and his team wanted to address was how the attendance of a game or match of baseball was affected with regards to the closeness of location of the two the teams. The fans are the main driving force of a team, and they authors did well to show the teams β†’


Some of the chapters include topics such as marketing value to consumers firms and society, marketing strategy planning, evaluating opportunities in the changing market environment, focusing marketing strategy with segmentation and positioning, and final consumer and their buying behavior, the book is overly influential to marketing. I also learnt the marketing value to consumers firms β†’

New ideas about marketing and marketing in politics

He lost a lot of arguments and he lost the high ground in a number of debates. This sounds like a lot of useful information to me.


Benefits of ERP Systems Introduction Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Control, Signal Processing and Informatics ascertain that Enterprise Resource Planning systems are super complex multimodal software application, which is concerned with harmonizing all departmental activities in an organization to ensure perfection and efficiency. Oracle is among the best companies associated with production, installation, β†’

Proximity based marketing

There are several LBS types such as person-oriented LBS, which consists of application with user based services where the user controls the collection and utilization of location information, and the device-oriented LBS where user applications are external, in which the device or a person located does not control the service. The vertical market consists of β†’

Alpine food

Put differently, due to Alpine Food's basic reliance on international markets for raw food supplies, expected delays in international orders factor in frequently in company's delivery system's in domestic market given a wide range of political and social issues as well as regulatory measures external to company's control and particularly exacting on an already vulnerable β†’

Pricing strategy

The utilization of national guests is the institutional utilization of geographic division, despite the fact that geographic sections may be grouped by recognized land districts. Demographic Segmentation Demographic division is isolating markets into diverse gatherings as indicated by their epoch, sexual, pay, ethnic group or religion of the commerce segment and the life cycle of β†’

The 6 marketing metrics your ceo actually cares about

The trend in the effectiveness of marketing metrics, cost of application of the metrics, and trend in usage of the metric by competitors are the salient factors to decision making. The trend in the effectiveness of the metrics is important in determining whether they are significant in the contemporary marketing environment.

Individual assignment 10

According to the rights perspective of ethics, internet and social media users have the right to privacy thus advertisers must disclose their intentions or permit the switch off tracking option. In addition, virtue ethics require that advertisers embrace honesty, patience and openness thus they must disclose the tracking intentions or allow internet users to switch β†’

A tale of two cities: distinctiveness theory and advertising effectiveness

The hypothesis of the distinctiveness theory is that the lower the proportion of ethnic minority in the society, the greater the effectiveness of ethnic stimuli in the ad becomes. Upon application of the distinctiveness theory to persuasion, the minority group's participants were found to develop confidence in the brand if the spokesperson belonged to their β†’

Context planing article

Context Planning: The Door to Media's Future Context Planning: The Door to Media's Future Today popular brands strive to keep consistent customer relationships more than ever before. The emergence of countless organisations in the same industry increases market tension and thereby the responsibility of media agencies or context planning professionals to ensure consumer contact.

Camp happy valley

CAMP HAPPY VALLEY Summary Situated in London, the Camp happy Valley had a disappointing season in the 2001 summer, resulting to complaints from campers, staff and parents. Camping was advantageous to many residents in Ontario with the greatest advantage going to the smaller communities residing in the province.

Toyota and the future of green marketing by joel makower

In his article titled " Toyota and the Future of Green Marketing", Makower takes a look at the market implications that Toyota suffered when the company decided to choose market factors such as " high-aesthetic, high-performance, affordable cars" ahead of being green. According to the writer, the reason why Toyota failed woefully in its decision β†’

Reflection paper

The documentary also identifies the marketing effects of politics, it discusses how the politicians utilize the marketing perspectives to be elected and stay in their offices. The film indicates that the type of advertisement that has occupied the marketing world and how they are convincing to individuals.

Article example

Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice is a valid statement because, for the realization of fair treatment of all people, the governing rules must apply to everyone. The tension that King referred to was the tension of the fear of an outbreak of violence.

Summary of an article

She tried to answer the question why many people are increasingly seeing marriage as no longer necessary, particularly on the heels of a PEW Research Center survey that found that marriage is losing its social, spiritual and symbolic appeal. She observed that wealth has been central to the changing dynamics of marriage since the 1960s.

The things they carried

The title of the novel The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien refers to the small number of private possessions that soldiers carried with them in their kit bags. O'Brien notes: " The things they carried were largely determined by necessity".which suggests that they had really no choice in the matter, as if the nature β†’

Els paper

The business can develop a human resource system that will help in the management of duties and responsibilities. Conclusion Business administration involves a variety of activities that help in the management of the business.

Articles annotation

Articles Annotations Articles Annotations Three articles that proffered issues on the impact of learning motivation to various areas such as research and teaching and the influence of culture, motivation types and self-identify changes, as well as impact on academic performance. The value of the author's findings is emphasized in terms of focusing both on the β†’

The undue weight of truth on wikipedia by messer-kruse

The main thrust of Wikipedia as an online contributor-based social encyclopedia limits itself to the assertions and writings of a book and the stance of the majority to the exclusion of others. This occurred as a reaction to the Wikipedia entry on the Haymarket riot and trial of 1886 and involves an attempt to modify β†’

Article annotations

Thus, in a situation where there is no hypothesis, there is a possibility of some deviation from the purpose of the study hence the findings may lose the precision and accuracy that is necessary for the viability of the findings. There is also a retrogressive study of the participants to establish the relationship of the β†’

Based on your reading/viewing of pollan’s article answer the following questions

Pollan perceives Julia Child's shows to be more educative, comprehensive and centered on the subject matter unlike new age TV shows on cooking that are strained, regularly interrupted and add less value to the audience.4. The decline in cooking has been due to the technological advancements that have made it easy for food companies to β†’

Comment on the attached article

The agricultural subsidy is the doubtful tool of modern economy which artificially makes the competition higher and promotes poverty and unemployment in developing countries by pushing local farmers in these countries out of market, and as a result, they may be a cause that unemployed people in poor countries would join fundamental groups or terrorists. β†’

Functional social support and major depression in cancer patients

In the article, it is evident that depression is one of the major conditions that cancer patients face. In the same study, the researchers sought to analyze the impact of social support in relation to major depression by age.

Any evaluative

In reviewing this movie, Peter Travers has done a great job in following the criteria of movie evaluation that is, considering the theme, the plot, the role of the actors, and the directing of the movie. Travers, Peter." The Last of the Mohicans Movie Reviews Rolling Stone".