Genuine Article Review Examples

Genomic medicinean updated primer article review examples

The article, " Genomic Medicine An Updated Primer" by Feero and Guttmacher, offers an update on the field of genomewide scans, or a test that provides a measurement of up to millions of types of disparate genes within an individual's genetic structure. The surgery of the lump removal is successful and Cathy has chemotherapy as →

Example of article review on the 2 kinds of muscle fibres are called slow and fast twitch

Did deleting the MED1 gene from the mouse DNA have a negative effect on muscles? We cannot say for sure that the effect of deletion of this gene on muscles was good or bad, because from one aspect it has improved the muscles, the size of mitochondria has been increased in muscular cells which →

Example of status of jews article review

In ancient times it was called Sumer the positioning of Ur of the Chaldea and the birth place of Abraham. The land bridge that connected Africa and the Arabian peninsular was a source of competition between the two empires.

Cultural and ecological factors in the education and socialization of african-american article review sample

ABSTRACT All practitioners in the fields of education, social work, and youth and family services should be aware of the cultural and ecological factors that affect the development and education of African-American youth, and adolescents in other minority groups that have traditionally experienced stereotyping and discrimination. This article considers two culturally-sensitive methodologies for →

Free article review on comparative politics

A country needs to select the system that will best fit its needs and conditions. The writer decided to write about the US since the world view is that US is democratically matured and many nations end up copying its democracy. This helps people to understand that politics is a result of the scramble for →

Military veterans and post traumatic stress disorder article review example

Other than advanced training mechanisms in form of war simulations and training environment, veterans continue to suffer the effects of PTSD and CFS. The article compares to that of King, L.A., King, D.W., Fairbank, J.A., Keane, T.M., & Adams, G.A.who analyse the issue of resilience for war veterans. Foa, Edna B., Gail Steketee, and Barbara →

Arterial blood gases and oxygen content in climbers on the mount everest article review sample

The researchers allowed the subjects to use supplemental oxygen at altitudes higher than 7100 m at the rate of 2 to 3 liters per minute while climbing and 0. The research relates the role of supplemental oxygen in influencing the PaO2 and PaCO2 levels.

Free article review on becoming a gendered body practices of preschools

The literature review in this article is in the beginning of the piece. Some of the reasons for differences are because of the way boys and girls are taught that they are different from each other.

Good why most of the banking institution over-relied on government during major financial article review example

In the last section, the G20 meeting is discussed where the procedures on how to deal with similar crises will be dealt with in the future. According to an International Monetary Fund executive, " The problem with the biggest banks is that they expect the government to rescue them in times of difficulties. The regulations →

Good example of article review on main point

Therefore, hypothesis 1 states that the interconnection between servant leadership and creativity of employees is mediated by leader identification. Because the followers view their servant leader as a role model and define themselves in the context of leader-follower relationship, they are likely to pursue those goals and objectives that benefit their development and, therefore, their →

Good article review on annotated reference list

Innovation in patient-centered care: lessons from a qualitative study of innovative health care organizations in Washington State, By Reed P, Conrad D.A., Hernandez SE., Watts C.& Marcus-Smith M. The article highlights the importance of improving the quality of services offered to clients in efforts to enhance the heath of the US population. The authors →

Good article review about the rise of mobile x-ray technology

However, one of the main drivers of the mobile X-Ray technology is the increasing demand for wireless connectivity where radiologists and medical technologists can perform X-Ray imaging in half the time. The article encompasses a complete analysis of the technology providing both the pros and cons of mobile X-Ray. The Improvement Contribution of Mobile X-Ray →

Examining the push for three-year bachelors degrees article review examples

The article evaluates the benefits and the problems that can result to the various stakeholders in the education sector if the decision is implemented. In the first place, implementing the program will not work immediately since adjusting the current system will be difficult. In addition, the author specifies that the workload of the students will →

Example of how to get paid twice for everything you do article review

Concurrently, the author further expounded on the constituent parts of traditional business models; in conjunction with the reported business-ecosystem view of the world. Roos have clearly identified parts of the business model in terms of the following dimensions: value proposition (instrumental, intrinsic, and extrinsic); key stakeholder; distribution channel; relationship; →

The government and the entrepreneurs article reviews example

Entrepreneur should be aware of a number of factors significant for success and they also lie in micro-level: price of the same product in the competing firm, demand on the product (how much to produce and how elastic is going to be the demand), marginal revenue and relation of the latter to marginal cost. The →

Article review on sociology

Therefore, after reading the quotation, it is apparent that we comprehend what he essentially meant. In this quotation, what Durkheim is meaning is that a religious group is essentially not a ritual precautions simple group that a human being is held to take in given circumstances at given periods of time. I also understand that →

Sample article review on the effectiveness of immigration policies

Despite the regulations that have been put in place in order to regulate the immigration in the United States, there have been numerous setbacks that have led to the questioning of the effectiveness of the immigration policies. This among one of the major factors that have contributed to the ineffectiveness of the immigration that have →

Article review on envy up, scorn down: how comparison divides us by susan t. fiske

We should be cautious enough to patiently study, analyze and understand the intensions and the ability of people to influence our lives in whatever way. In addition, I would like to agree with this writer for suggesting that the only surest way to mitigate envy and scorn is through empathy and recognition. Many people, especially →

Free article review on roman empire

The highest class was of the nobles who had real powers; the second one was for the rich who could be given a horse in case of war to fight for the Roman Empire. The third class was of people who were free but had little to contribute and the lowest class comprised of slaves →

Issues in industrial psychology article review example

New fields of research and practice will emerge in the field of industrial psychology to gather for the demands of these diverse groups. It will require industrial psychologists to handle issues from an international perspective. Swift changes in the type of work brought about by globalization and the use of information technology has impacted psychologically →

Article review on david hume

English The focus of this week's readings will deal with the standpoint of Hume in differentiating civil liberty in both the republican government and monarchies. This can be illustrated on the basis of his personal observation that in order to achieve liberty in politics, the government should be free and to improve for →

Article review on kant’s “what is enlightenment”

ANSWER: " Sapere aude!" is important for Kant's own historical context because it was used during his time as an exploration of his theories of reason in the public sphere. If Kant is a determinist, he would have just relinquish his theory of enlightenment such that people ought to learn to think for themselves. - Is →

Review: globalization and its contents

To this effect it has been foreseeable that delving into the analysis of the provided article is very integral as follows. Main ideas The main and resounding message being conveyed in the article is the vast. Secondly, the transition it has faced from the past to the present accounts with respect to the benefits →

Free article review on banking: the federal reserve

The William Boston's article titled " Merkel Backs Bond Buying Program" reports the move by the German Chancellor, at a summer news conference in Berlin, to back the process of buying bonds by the European Central Bank in a move that could only be perceived as an endorsement of the ECB president, →

Good article review about obstinate or obsolete

According to Hoffman, integration is " a vindication of the nation-state as the basic unit". The nation-state is a form of social integration and a factor of international non-integration.

Review article review examples

The article discusses changes that have taken place over time in the gender construction of women in China. The article is premised on establishing the relationship between changes in the economic state of China and its impact on women relative to the gender construction in the Chinese society. Indeed, the article further advances the →

Example of article review on turkeys accession to eu

Turkey's Accession to EU Smith stated that the European Union had finally allowed the formal talks on Turkey's bid to the EU on October 4, 2005 despite Turkey's initial application sometime in the 1990s. The EU made compromises with Turkey and its members to begin the negotiations, one by opening Turkey's →

Critique of the articles article reviews examples

Analysis of " Lesser Evil" and " Lesser Evil is not Good Enough" The Michael Ignatieff's perception of democracy in the article " Lesser Evils " seems to be sophisticated and contradictory." The Lesser Evil is Not Good Enough" a book review by Rabkin Jeremy on the other hand is confusing on the appropriate →

Homelessness among young adults article review

They also suggest that the homeless problem can be for the better good of the society because it helps solve some problems like unemployment and lack of education in the society It forces the local authorities to shelter the homeless youth and gives them the right to education which maybe they could have →

Good article review about film articles

At the same time, the very taking of a picture with a camera changes the subject's meaning, and Sontag notes that today's more consumerist culture values taking a picture of doing something more than doing that thing itself. Sontag " Fascinating Fascism" In Sontag's review of these two books, she discusses Riefenstahl's The Last of →

Article review on whats so bad about hate

What then could be the definition of hate that makes it so bad? The bad thing about hate is that it ultimately leads to the suffering of one group of people.

Good anika gupta’s how technology is set to transform india’s fragmented education system article review example

Article Review In her essay " How Technology is Set to Transform India's Fragmented Education System" the author Anika Gupta talks about the lack of penetration of computers and the internet in India's education system, especially amongst the ' low-income' segment and how things are bound to improve in the near future. There →

Example of rhetorical analysis of metaphors article review

Metaphors effectively convey the message about intertexuality because a reader's understanding of the context of the words used by the writer produces the overall meaning of a written work. Where is the original thought that he/she contributes to the body of knowledge? The example used by Porter to expound on the idea of the →

Example of what stands out most to you from malcolm x’s essay article review

Malcolm started with the task of learning the dictionary from A-Z; he stated " He never knew that so many words existed ". The will to learn and to start reading and writing is perhaps the most significant part of the essay and is the part which impresses one the most. Malcolm X is definitely →

Article review on public policy

The article reviewed aims at providing policy initiatives to increase the understanding of the digital divide within the Canadian context. The paper starts by explaining digital divide as the gap between individuals that can access the internet and those who cannot. The article examines what gets meant by internet access by using the " →

Article review on evaluation of the article

Article Review on Leadership in the Police Article Review on Leadership in the Police Effective performance of the police force depends on the quality of training they undergo. The introduction of a revised ethics program in January 2011 provides a foundation for aspects of trainings such as; field training, organizational awareness and →

Free article review about critical discussion and synthesis

Summary and Synthesis of the Article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" Summary and Synthesis of the Article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" Summary The article, " A Model of Scrolling of Touch Sensitive Displays" essentially discusses the significance of conducting research on users' behaviors →

Article review on offshore bank accounts

Article Review I agree with Holman on the issue of the invasion of financial privacy of innocent citizens. However, the recent global financial turmoil led to a need for the regulation of international markets.

Review over article article review sample

He also gives the Canadian and Ecuadorian governments' point of view and their reasoning for the diverse conditions between American laws and those of the other countries. Three different industries were discussed in Knudson's article, Ecuador's petroleum industry and the lumber and fishing industries in Canada. Canada also has the →

I can’t lie to your face: minimal face-to-face interaction promotes honesty article review example

The purpose of this format is to be able to control the conditions that warrants the expression and manifestation of the appropriate response of the sender and the receiver. The reason why the authors explore on this discussion because they wanted to point out that amidst the plethora of negative attributes associated with entitlement, there →

Article review on quantitative research critique

Reviewing other studies done on the same topic was appropriate because it was important in refining the research methodology by building on the strengths on previous researches and learning from their mistakes to avoid the same pitfalls. Research Question The research question for the study was: Is bilingual reading acquisition a joint function of →

Free article review on why is the compound 1 important

The dimeric iridium intermediaries and cyclometalated ligands were made as per the literature method. Synthesis of iridium complexes. A combination of dppmmi+Br, Ag2O, and the dichloro-bridged cyclometalated iridium complex in 2-ethoxyethanol was excited to reflux for 12 h under nitrogen in the dark. It is critical to →

Reaction paper article reviews examples

The Professor's name In the article Katrina Shows Racial Divide in America, the author Jamal Watson, reintroduces the issues of racial inequality that exists in the USA. The author, Beverly Wright, uses the example of the Hurricane Katrina to explain the importance of the above mentioned terms in a modern society.

Caring article review examples

According to this article, morality has a double meaning in that, it refers to education in two perspectives, the sense of conducting and planning education as well as the role of education in enhancing the ethical ideal of the people who are taught. What is the educational theory / methodology proposed in the article? According →

Free primatology article review example

Purpose of the study was to observe the specific band of baboons and their behaviour with another band of baboons on the basis of their day to day activities to ascertain the cause for such variation. 2. Summary statement of the results: Band 3 baboons were identified to choose doum palm trees instead of cliffs →

Good article review on florida and the modern civil rights movement

Winsboro has set out his thesis of the book in the introduction by providing a summary of a series of status based contestations in Florida and in the subsequent chapters contributes to this thesis by successfully build an argument based on several essay explorations to present his case. Many readers and observers seem to have →

Example of economic & philosophical manuscripts, 1844 by karl marx article review

This is the central theme of the essay and also the point of his writing. In this scenario, that man would at least be able to connect a tangible benefit with his work and the benefits that he and his family reaps.

Human engineering and climate change article review examples

In this article a new solution is suggested and that's Human engineering and why we should take it into consideration or why we should not is argued.basically these methods will make behavioral and physical changes in humanity and if we compare these methods to geoengineering solutions, we can see that →

Free article review on ocean acidification

The article discusses the acidity of the sea and how carbon dioxide and harmful greenhouse gases are seeping into the ocean and affecting life in the water. The study takes place in two locations, the first is in Castello Aragones, which is west of Naples, and the second location is in Australia, by the sea →

Ror1 can play a role in breast cancer cell growth

Building on prior research the authors affirmed that the ROR1 associations with human breast cancer contributed to tumor-cell growth and survival via the activation of PI3K, AKT, and cAMP-response-element-binding protein. The experimental design employed the use of various methods fully described in the context of the article.

Good article review on technology

Technology works in tandem with research, and this will improve the health care of the masses. Technology in cancer research and treatment This article highlights on the technological developments to address the issue of cancer that has been challenging the health care industry in the past. Technology, health care, and management in the hospital →

Mtor kinase: physiological roles and interactions article review example

This could suggest that mTOR signaling and the need of novel phsohorylation sites becomes helpful when hormonal action alter kinase binding properties. mTOR structure: Yang et al described the structure function aspects of mTOR kinases. For this, they initially highlighted a typical mTOR mLST8 complex that has a crystal structure with1, 500-amino- acids →

Good example of color value article review

For example, the low contrast image ' Terminal c, 1892' is used to welcome the viewer to the pre-industrial ages of the town. Value implies to the relative lightness or darkness of a surface. The lighter the color, the greater its value and the more light it emits.

Article review on 10th amendment

It will briefly reflect on the importance with this Main Body The tenth amendment of the Constitution state that power is given to states and people. Again, sadly it is reflecting in the Navy Yard shooting which is seen in the article " Vet in Navy Yard Shooting Had Troubled Past", from FOX →

The health of children conceived by assisted reproduction technologies: an article review example

While long-term studies must still be done to consider the potential trends for health risks to children conceived by ART, the Larcher study suggests that there are, indeed, health risks that are posed by ART-assisted conception. The primary issue, according to the Larcher research, is that implantation often occurs with multiple →

Criticisms for two articles about happiness and money article review sample

Although one believes that money cannot indeed buy happiness; it is for the simple reason that people are unique and the measure of happiness differs according to individuals. Like a Virgin: The Strange Relation of Money to Happiness.

Technology fundamentals of electronic commerce article reviews example

This question of myths is asked since the rapid changing technology has led to consumers forgetting how e-commerce has evolved. - What is the influence of social media on e-commerce? Social media has grown in popularity with varieties of social networking technologies and are thus free to open accounts with them. This question is posed because →

Example of settlements in the west bank/east jerusalem/golan heights article review

It has become an interesting region which gives the contemporary society a lot of problems. The paper reports that the conflict between Syria and Israel has been caused by the decision of Israel to assume ownership of Jerusalem, West Bank and Golan Heights. However, as the paper discusses, each of the involved countries is reluctant →

Good article review on child sexual abuse

Furthermore, the children require psychological therapy; consequently, the nurse should make sure a psychiatrist is assigned to the child to work on treating the trauma of the child. As such, the nurse should be able to assist the child to continue with life as normal and also to avoid the occurrence of the abuse again →

Time for a defense of nationalism: article review of james markham’s “the rise of nationalism brings hope and danger.” essay

Only the small states in these wars, the real victims, seemed to demand the basic nationalist idea: that of self determination and the preservation of the national culture. The citation of the anti-nationalist writer James Billington at the Library of Congress is another problem. This places nationalism in a completely different light, and is the →

Article review on euthanasia in canada

The ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda stated that the investigation " would not be of ' sufficient gravity' to justify further action by the ICC". This decision might open up the ICC to a lot of criticism and might eventually bring the court to disrepute. The court's acknowledgement that war crimes may have been committed only →

The history of air freight article review example

The main objective for the air freight was for business orientation. The air freight business boomed in 1927 to 1931 where the shipments of goods increased. The history of air freight.

Modernist cuisine article review example

The difference in availability of ingredients creates variant dishes that are unique to that location. In the book " Modern Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking" the term is coined from the cultural revolution and modernist movements in fine art, dance, music, architecture and other cultural disciplines. It has influenced →

Good adaptive memory article article review example

Pandeirada during 2007; they stated that because mental processes that take place in human beings are similar to those of their ancestors from the Stone Age, the memory system in humans is adjusted according to the information related to survival of the fittest. Human memory is designed to achieve certain →

Example of article review on applying knowledge of qualitative design and analysis

This design works best for the research because it allows to give an in depth understanding of the human experiences of the participants involved in the research. For the process of data collection, the study conducted by Steyn collected data by doing an interview during the author's field research in the schools. Steyn →

Example of article review on magazine: international journal of production research

Yeow Summary of the Article: The article entitled " Proving external validity of ergonomics and quality relationship through review of real-world case studies" written Erdinc and Yeow reviewed five studies focusing on the external validity of the cause-and-effect relationship between ergonomics and quality within field settings. The authors should be commended for providing a →

Geology article review example

The article in question presents one of the most recent discoveries of a rock/site that has the potential of providing significantly high quantities of natural gas. The article addresses some of the most important aspects concerning the extraction of natural gas from Marcellus shale. The significance of the Utica Shale in the region is that →

Facilitator article review examples

For example, I would add negative effects of the same sex marriages to individuals and societies in the concluding page. However, the paper is not comprehensive and fails to provide relevant evidences to support the counter claims against same sex marriages.

Good article review on art in the tomb

The political power of the Shang emperors and dynasty, allowed this technique to flourish considerably since there have been considerable discoveries of bronze ornaments and weaponry that date from this period. However, Clunas seems to argue that although there seemed to be political polity in the China of the Shangs, this was evidently only a →

Example of article review on the designed interior

In this chapter on designed interior, the author evaluates the aspect of designed interior from a historical perspective from the beginning of the 20th century to the current levels. This chapter also appears to fully look into the factors that have led to different internal designs and some aspects associated with the different designs. →