Genuine Article Review Examples

Sample article review on summit electric lights new erp system

Summer Electric Light can be considered as one of the future beneficiaries of an ERP system if the development is studied and implemented properly. In terms of operational efficiency, the new ERP system can improve this a lot. Likewise, they are also able to monitor their products that are disposed fast and can work on β†’

Example of “take a cruise, save the world” article summary article review

There are many underdeveloped regions and tourists will pay to get there and offer their helping hands. Thus, the company will get a revenue from organizing a supply of workforce; however, its main aim is to make a positive impact on the global society and not maximizing its profits. For example, tourists from the United β†’

Example of research summary article review

The first major finding of this research was that the positive effect of uncertainty avoidance was higher than the negative effect of power distance. The finding, in this case, was that power distance and individualism had negative effects while uncertainty avoidance had a positive effect.

Balanced scorecard article review examples

Unlike the traditional performance measures which used ad hoc collection of measures that were more like checklists to keep track and improve, balanced score card aligns the activities of the organization to the goals, visions and strategy of the organization. It gives a way to link the intangible assets in the organization to the tangible β†’

Good article review on analyse for “from social class and the hidden curriculum of work.”

Consequently, the children from the less fortunate families would go to the middle-class schools and would not be on a similar level of competition as the children from the working-class schools and the affluent professional schools. The article has thus achieved its aim of showing the readers the Social class β†’

Morgan stanley article review

Moore in his article " Morgan Stanley to Award More Bonuses Up Front," reports of the intention of the Morgan Stanly giving more bonuses upfront a clear indication of the growing profitability of the company. The author begins with a summary of the price chart showing the evident increase for the recent past.

Example of article review on children’s literature and how it grew

Other than those, Egoff assumes children that could read had to make do with books such as romances and fables and the like that were written for an adult audience. Then, in the era of the Puritans, they discovered that children liked to read books about other children, so children's β†’

Educational implications article review

Wavering concludes his article with the educational implications of Piaget's logic of meanings. In his article " Vygotsky and the Social Dynamics of Classroom," Peter Smagorinsky discusses Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky's theory of how learning is influenced by social dynamics. He concludes by stating that implications of culture on thinking. Although the theme of the β†’

Adult learning article review

Education needs to change from a process of conditioning to empowerment while learning needs to change from a homogeneous commodity to a customized experience to the needs and individual characteristics. In other words, the conception of the adult education is a venture in informal learning.

Nanotechnology article review sample

However, through the recognition of such ideas and facts, the society may avoid the repetition of errors in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Nanotechnology and the Developing World.

Free dwight d. eisenhower article review sample

It is the strategy of the United States to limit the expansion of the communism and the power of the Soviets. The objective of the policy of Massive Retaliation is to reduce the waste budget of the military and to focus on the development of the higher weapons which is the nuclear bombs. The policy β†’

Article review on evolution of education over the years

Introduction- - Definition of the concepts of education relative to the formal and informal sector - Development of the background of the notion and concept of education-the understanding of education, in terms of the learning venues and spectrums - Evolution of technology relative to education-why education has changed coincidentally with the changes in technology - β†’

The deficiency of critical thinking skills is restraining the workers and the organizations article review sample

This deficiency has resulted in lack of good leaders in workforce. - Argument Pedagogy is highly related to knowledge but the element of critical thinking is not found which is creating problems. It is the higher education which has failed to fulfill its purpose in developing good leaders. - Weaknesses The biggest weakness of this β†’

Human development article review

Research Methods in Human Development: " Child Care and the Development of Behavior Problems among Economically Disadvantaged Children in Middle Childhood" Child Care and the Development of Behavior Problems among Economically Disadvantaged Children in Middle Childhood: A Review The peer-reviewed article is the work of Votruba-Drzal et al.. The focus of the study is β†’

Example of article review on evaluation of hand washing program for 2nd graders

The purpose statement include key concept/variables and the study of population in interest because it is used to determine the hand-hygiene behavior of 2nd grade students in order to improve the hand washing behavior among the students; and to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The model/framework was clearly linked to the β†’

Example of article review on review of article five meta-trends changing the world

Yes, I think the article was written in a clear manner. Although the author gave his opinion in each of the five areas discussed, and gave supporting references for each, I still do not believe that I would classify the article as overly biased. He supported his position in a β†’

Example of article review on international relation theory

The main theme of the article is war and Brill goes to an extent of criticizing the perspective of the American military where he argued that the perspective resulted to the failure. This is a very accurate observation that happens in the real world where countries merge to bargain for treaties that are of interest β†’

Free article review on approaches of the authors on the subject matter

In the United States, racism has continued to undermine the economic development of the nation. The subject matter of both authors revolves around importance of race to both the democrats and republicans. The separation of blacks from the whites brought about a number of educational, economic, and social disadvantages. Specific area of American History from β†’

Article review on americas racial future

At the time of the movie's filming, interracial marriages were illegal in various states in the country, and mostly in the southern states. This paper will provide the dreams of the film's characters and compare with the steps taken in the country since the filming. The film provides a reflection β†’

Example of leadership and its applicability to criminal justice article review

Summary of the Article The article entitled " Transformational Leadership and Staff Training in the Law Enforcement Profession" written by Bynum and published online in The Police Chief presented relevant issues on transformational leadership and training personnel as applicable to the criminal justice profession. Likewise, the author was able to solicit β†’

The war between information and privacy: public life in the internet age article reviews example

Moriarty's perspective on the world of social media in the workplace is one of complete negativity; the releasing of personal information is shown to ruin careers and reputations such as Ashley Payne's, and paints a deep mistrust of companies that wish to collect potential information about consumers. In comparison to Moriarty's article about the loss β†’

Office 365 cloud article review examples

The article entitled, " Live@Edu grows, evolves into Office 365 for Education, leapfrogs Google Apps for Education," by Christopher Dawson. In 2011, Microsoft Corporation; the largest software developing corporation in the world launched " office 365 software" that has unique and advanced features and applications for students, teachers and educational systems. Office 365 Software β†’

Article review on end-to-end analysis of the spam value chain

It outlines the important aspects that should be taken into account in addressing spam as an important tool for advertisement: secure Botnet services, registered domains, name servers provisioned, as well as acquiring proxy or hosting services. Additionally, they acknowledge the specific researchers who have been involved in such studies. It seeks β†’

Computer technology article review sample

It has made it possible in theft identification - Explain the purpose of an intranet and the advantages it offers to a business. Intranet enables the employees within a business unit to access the internet. The disadvantage of digital format of newspapers is that it is not accessible to all people because of limitation of β†’

Review and evaluation article review example

Article Critique: Digital Government and the Digital Divide by Richard Groper Introduction The article subject of this critique is entitled " Digital Government and the Digital Divide", written by Professor Richard Groper of California State University in Fullerton, California, United States , and published as a chapter of a β†’

Urban spaces, ghetto places and the discourse of school shootings article reviews example

Abraham, Deleon in his article presents the issues surrounding school shooting and compares it with the urban crimes that take place, According to him, the school shootings are tied to the discourses that emanate from urban setting view. The idea of exposing the truth as it pertains to the rampant school shootings in the β†’

Example of article review on religion logic and media

This is a fallacy in that the person claims his opinion based on his own understanding. Premise B: people have different definitions of what religion is. This is a fallacy in that it only suits the claim of the proponent and no particular evidence is available to prove this. Premise E: religion need not necessarily β†’

Free article review on titlenamename of school date

In line with the main purpose of the article, the authors listed the following hypothesis that they aim to address in the study: Employees with positive perceptions about spirit of camaraderie in their organizations tent to experience higher Affective Well-being.The second hypothesis presented in the paper is the β†’

Free article review about self as social

It is clear that the main factor being dealt with is a fluctuating material where the same given object is treated as part of the individual. The most interesting and unique social self is found in the mind an individual is in love with. Mind, self and society from the β†’

Example of article review on portion of article a

The argument for the theory is based on the perception of the working principle of reputations. As such, a single state is on top of the other states and has the ability to command power resources.

Example of manic-depressive illnesses and creativity article review

In the Jamison article, diagnoses of mood disorders are provided. The text file 0 article provides an easier and understandable approach to mood disorders.

Example of international negotiation article review

In addition, King Hussein of Jordan also played as an actor as he, too, tried to influence Netanyahu and Arafat to come up with a deal. The Respective Positions of the Actors in Relation to the Negotiation Items The position of Arafat was for Israelis to move out of the West Bank to which β†’

Free article review about us-mexico border

The article speaks to the fact that for most of the twentieth century, the cities of Nogales in Arizona and Nogales in Sonora remained under confinement of the border which place limits of the physical movement of the natives. McGuire , notes that the people of Ambos Nogales remembers longingly that the border was β†’

Public safety article review

The article shows the various ways through which the missions of the public safety agencies such as the policemen have been improved through the use of modern technology. The article argues that the policemen usually undergo a training that makes them able to know what is in mind of a criminal. The author of the β†’

Example of information and intelligence (including terrorism) fusion centers article review

And Fusion Center Success Stories Fusion Centers play an important role in the countering of terrorist threats in the United States. This means that Fusion Centers work towards making sure that there is a liaison between the federal and local governments in the process of countering terrorism in the United States.

Free article review on un seeks action on syrian humanitarian crisis

The September 30, 2013 news article in the Voice of America namely " UN seeks action on Syrian Humanitarian crisis" states that the United Nations having arrived at a consensus with the Syrian authorities over the elimination of the stockpiles of chemical weapons, the UN Security Council is developing a strategy to enhance humanitarian β†’

Example of homeland security article review

This reorganization was informed by the September 11, 2001 attacks; with the goal of protecting the sovereignty, US territory, US citizens and important infrastructure against both external and internal threats and aggression. As discussed by Bullock, Haddow, Coppola and Yeletaysi , the passage of the Homeland security act of β†’

Article review on the institutional affiliation

Information assurance focuses on integration of protection, detection and reaction to some unauthorized intrusions and guarantees protection. There is given a description of a wide variety of methods and measures for information security by means of information assurance. One of such articles is Information Security Threats and Information Assurance where authors discuss methods to be β†’

Example of article review on economic security a world divided

The piece is written in Tickner's usual style: conventional and educational, but not overly accessible to a wide audience. A particularly interesting point of Tickner's is that concerning the term " positive peace," coined in the early 1970s. This fact implies that while the relationship between politics and economics can be studied and commented upon, β†’

Global study article review examples

Dore Gold has actually responded to this question by agreeing that a nuclear Iran is in fact a global security threat. He argues that there has been a myth that has been created through governmental propaganda, outright falsehoods, and media misrepresentations that a nuclear Iran is actually a threat to the global security.

Article review on racial inequality between whites and african american

African Americans still face the Incidents of racial inequalities however they have sacrificed many of their lives fighting from such inequalities and still fighting to get their appropriate position in the society. Thomas Shapiro in his book " The hidden cost of being African American" has highlighted the issue and touched

Good article review about getting down and dirty with combative

Because the system is founded on principles, its strategies as well as physical skills can be studied and retained very quickly. The system also put emphasis on confidence, intercepting, timing, capturing the centerline, and setting up for repeated strikes, trapping as well as shocking the opposition. Intercepting refers to how the practitioner responds to incoming β†’

Good article review about good mothers, bad thoughts: new mothers thoughts of intentionally harming their

Some felt frustrated, angry and guilty that they could be prefect mothers and tend to dehumanize themselves or their children leading to the emergence of harmful thoughts. It was such thoughts that often led to depression in the women and this accentuated the occurrence of thoughts of harm in them.

Article review on childhood experiences of appalachian female survivors

Furthermore, the increasing cases of violence in families in southern Appalachia is a major concern of this study. - The study is a qualitative study. - The study can be classified as qualitative and descriptive because it describes the childhood experiences of women who were victims of IPV. It is also correlational because β†’

Article review on the relationship between reading skills in early english

The Relationship Between Reading Skills in Early English as a Foreign Language and Hungarian as a First Language: Marianne Nikolov and Ben Csap 's paper, The Relationship Between Reading Skills in Early English as a Foreign Language and Hungarian as a First Language, seeks to discover how Hungarian school children's reading skills in English β†’

Example of article review on critique

They provide an explanation on how this method is linked to another experience oriented learning tools, the disadvantages of the technique and a case study of it being used in practice, in a consumer culture model. In this paper, the writer explores the use of estrangement autoethnography as a way of encouraging student autonomy and β†’

Article review on classroom without walls by jacqueline s mclaughlin

It also elucidates the essentials needed for better understanding of the environment as a way of enabling the students acquire the perfect knowledge needed for conservation of environment, and it is to be achieved through engaging the students on activities outside the classroom and the applicability of McLaughlin's assertions.. Article Summary Through research, it β†’

Article review on m7 comments

The authentic instructional practice using ' Reciprocal Teaching' was indeed an effective model that enabled students to see themselves from the perspective of the teacher, who assumed the role of a student and intentionally made mistakes to practice and develop analytical skills of the students. The ' Think-Pair-Share' strategy that enabled the students to correct β†’

Good article review about nursing

CDC Trends and Analysis The health of Americans requires improvement in various areas and Healthy People 2020 focuses on improving the Health of Americans by: - Identifying and prioritizing health improvement opportunities through research and evaluation - Bringing together all relevant stakeholders including communities for a collaborative effort - Empowering people for informed decision β†’

Article review on women and revolution

For instance, the perception of the position of women in the society changed. This was a big setback, because their men counterparts worked together in sabotaging the efforts of women in seeking equal rights for women. In conclusion, like in the French and other revolutions, women played a significant role in the American Revolution.

Example of japan’s missing female scientists article review

A different reason why a huge amount of Japanese female scientists goes to work abroad is because of the male scientists' dominance in the country. Recession, the unappealing pay for the scientists and the dominant role of male scientists, have contributed to a large portion of bright Japanese females leaving the country.

Good example of how is it displayed in the rockefeller wing of the metropolitan museum of art (the article review

According to Clifford, how is tribal art displayed in the Hall of Pacific Peoples at the American Museum of Natural History? Clifford is very enthusiastic about the manner in which exhibits are displayed at this museum. The ' Igbo Art' is also daring and different from the MOMA exhibition since it exposes fokloristic aspects β†’

Evidence based practice review article review example

From the observation of the behavioral dynamics of the representative sample, this paper aims to come up with an efficient theory regarding the duration of breastfeeding. - Purpose of the Study. This research is based on the behavioral dynamic of women attending a workshop in Ontario, Canada. Therefore, the research questions are based on the material β†’

Organizational leadership culture article review sample

The leadership cultures in the organizations are based by the level of the performance and technological improvement. This has helped in a reduction of the gender discrimination and hence concentration in the performance.

Example of culture difference among boys and girls article review

Arguably, boys and girls have different ways of expressing aggression and conflicts, they both have varying goals and posses' explicitly different values, generally boys, and girls live in two different worlds. Notably, due to complications, there is a great need to define what Deborah Tanren implies by stating that boys and

Example of the importance of supporting mothers who breastfeed article review

Barrientos and Paula Bylaska-Davies addresses the benefits of breastfeeding for child and maternal health as well as discusses the role that healthcare professionals play in encouraging breastfeeding and in educating parents about the benefits of breastfeeding. Therefore, the value of the article by Barrientos and Bylaska-Daviesis not only in outliningthe advantages of breastfeeding, but also β†’

Children’s health/ aids article review examples

Children's health and social theory of risks: Insights from the British Measles, Mumps and Rubella controversy Children are passive recipients of medical decisions; therefore, parents who are conscious of good parenting practices ensure they make proper medical decisions on behalf of their children. Government and health departments should seek to provide β†’

Article review on primary health care

Each and every member of the team concurred with the views expressed in the article in regard to multi-disciplinary team care and primary health care networks. A multi-disciplinary team approach to care will ensure that all patients have timely and equal access to the right type and level of care which would reflect in β†’

Article review on reality tv show

I Would be a Servant to Him The article " I Would be a Servant to Him" is about the role of women in the society from the perspective of reality TV producers and creators. The author brings our attention to the image of women in the modern shows, such as The Bachelor, β†’

Page 3 article review examples

Parker argues that students particularly minority students should be encouraged to learn through the fostering of a counter-narrative by being exposed to culturally relevant material, by receiving positive reinforcement, by receiving positive peer support and social interaction, and by being offered new challenges. Parker begins her essay by citing that one of the greatest impediments β†’

Reaction article review example

As much as there are goals to be achieved, motivation is the grease that lubricates the wheels of success. According to Anon., there are various factors that affect motivation. As such, if the personal, situational and environmental factors are despised, there is a possibility that hindrances along the way can lead to failure of accomplishment. β†’

They are article reviews example

The integration of heath care organizations can lead to a change of priority. 3. Even if the organization employs a lot of people, the costs involved in their salary will be high. 4.

Managerial techniques article review sample

I work as the project manager and am aware about the amount of work and hours required to be invested to successful complete the campaign. To achieve efficiency and complete dedication of the employees, I have decided to decentralize the power and have delegated the work to employees according to their strengths and interests.

Good critical analysis of research article review example

The current study seeks to investigate teachers and students perceptions on the cultural dimension of language teaching and learning and some of the classroom practices present. The research focuses on the way culture shapes the different aspects of teaching language in the classroom. The epistemology of the study takes an objectivist approach with the β†’

Article review – csr and its effectiveness in poorer communities essay

The writer expressed concern that companies in some cases assumed CSR initiatives were just " one-off philanthropic projects instead of a set of strategically planned efforts consistent with companies' own corporate strengths and complimentary to programs offered by the government." 2 The article noted that even where good CSR initiatives are in place, the sectors β†’

Article review on psychology

In their work, it was highlighted that the periphenal lesion rats have the inability to discriminate between old and new objects and this was thought to be caused by the inability by these rats to remember previously observed objects. Many researches propose that poor memory can be attributed to the fact that those experiencing poor β†’

Simple minds a qualified defense of associative learning article review examples

The article provides an associative explanation, which has been used to trump more of the cognitive hypotheses used in the study. Associative learning is used to challenge associative blindness, due to the fact that associative learning occurs in various forms of taxa and functional contexts. Claiming that animals have simple β†’

Dialectical behavior therapy for binge eating disorder: article review sample

The study found that by the end of the treatment, 89% of the experimental group were abstinent in binge-eating behavior at the end of the treatment, while 57% were still abstinent at the 6-month follow-up. This indicates that, although the sample size was small, more research should be done on β†’

Article review on the discontinuity test

AOA is an important factor or determinant to gauge the degree of foreign accent as well as degree of accuracy in the pronunciation of L2 and the study intents to confirm this widely accepted belief. The observation of age effect on the L2 performance of individuals forms the backbone of β†’

Article review on study objectives, design and ethical challenges

Article Review: Strength and Weaknesses Article Review The article revive is a report of a randomized controlled study conducted by Davidson et al., with the aim of evaluating and comparing the cost and health outcomes of active treatment and usual treatment in the management of post Acute Coronary Syndrome depression. β†’

Nursing article review research paper example

The conclusion was that learning using high fidelity simulation was ultimately more enjoyable, and the recommendation was that this is the only method that should be used to teach ACLS. This particular research is quantitative in nature. This is a quantitative study design that seeks to explore the everyday experiences of people.

Free house and home article review example

They believe they breathe music and that it is in the air, in the water, and for them music is everything. The residents feel that Musicians' Village is a creation of beauty. What are some of the ways in which the community of LeDroit Park has evolved over the past 140 years? Alice, a resident, β†’

Good the intake of foods that is high in lycopene should lower inflammation in overweight article review example

Is it double blind/placebo controlled and is the protocol appropriate in this area? It is not double blind/placebo controlled and the protocol was not appropriate, since only females from a single university were allotted. How suitable is the randomization? The randomization was not suitable for the sample, since it chosen via advertisement but there were β†’

Example of essay on an overview of special education law part ii article review

Furthermore, the article talks about the functions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act before concluding with an assertion that the Special Education Law is complex. Discussion The article is, by all means, a pertinent addition to the available literature on the Special Education Legislation; a part of the Elementary and Secondary Education β†’

Health care studies: statistics article review examples

The study entitled " The impact of the AIDS pandemic on health services in Africa: Evidence from Demographic Health Surveys" written by Anne Case and Christina Paxson for the Research Program in Development Studies and Center for Health and Wellbeing of Princeton University in March 2009, is an example of the health studies that β†’

Elliot’s brilliance of the rigid kind and article review examples

Complexity of the Human Mind Elliot's Brilliance of the Rigid Kind and Complexity of the Human Mind The key to T.S. In fact, the sharp criticism of Hamlet does not stop with the play itself but rather extends to some of the well-known critics, such as Coleridge and Goethe, who found " β†’

Sample article review on practice exercise 10.1 fallacy spotting in professional contexts

This stereotyping, especially given in the context of the problem of rape by boys and men living in very poor districts, can have dramatic impact on the perception of masculinity, its dependence on the job status and its effect on men getting involved in rape. In this quote, the author assumes in her question to β†’

Free article review about oil prices, exhaustible resources, and economic growth

The discovery of other oil fields has also led to the increase of oil production. The increase in oil production lowers the oil prices. The oil production in the US has increased for a period of 150 years due to the advancement in technology.

Good hitler as war leader, 1939-1941 article review example

In 1939, the ruling circles of Britain, France and the United States endeavoured to direct Hitler's aggression against the Soviet Union. Furthermore, given the strength of the English navy and the weakness of the German fleet, Hitler decided that the only way to defeat England is to defeat the Soviet Union.

History article review sample

The main idea of the article is shown in the summary: American reaction to the abolition, shift in views of the white population and the political parties of the USA, an attitude of the Republicans to the black population freedom and black farmers. The author provides different views on the problem of the article, tries β†’

Example of article review on central theme

The speech was primarily targeted towards the soldiers who were ready to meet the Spanish armada and the sole purpose of the speech was to tell the soldiers how important was this war for them and what was waiting for them if they would come as winners. Queen Elizabeth wanted β†’

Example of geography of mexico article review

This because cheap food stuff was imported into Mexico from other neighboring countries making farmers in northern Mexico unable to continues with farming. Experts further assert that the economy worsened during the financial crisis suffered the United States, the biggest trading partner of Mexico. The situation kept deteriorating such that by the end of the β†’

Article review on mental illness

Besthorn 09/15/2012 I chose to write my article review on the article entitled, " How clinical Diagnosis Might Exacerbate the Stigma of Mental Illness." It is a not new concept that people are consistently drawn to a labeling others with a stigma, and this article delves into how we as social workers can β†’

Following the american psychological associations guidelines article reviews examples

The cells themselves are often lost to the infection in most HIV infected individuals after the vaccination is administered. CD4 T cells that were CMV specific were found to be more malleable than those that were Ad5 specific. Non-dividing CD4 T cells were also found to be more susceptible to HIV, and the spread of β†’

Article review on critical analysis

The author cites a UK study in which 60 subjects of dementia, as well as 84 subjects of Alzheimer were investigated to elucidate the effect of cerebral emboli (blockage in the blood veins of the brain) on their cognitive functions. On the other hand, a 70-points scale assessing the level of Alzheimer disease was used β†’

Acknowledgement article reviews examples

Article Review: Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: Theory and Practice Abstract The following paper is a review of the article " Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: Theory and Practice" by Kerry Smith. In this article, Smith assesses the Barnett Methodology to determine if there is an actual increase in natural resources scarcity β†’

Article review on leadership theories

Therefore, trait theory is a current event that takes place in an organization and related to the organizational behavior. The other leadership theory is the situational theory. This theory is also related to the organizational behavior in an organization.

Example of the existential necessity of midlife change article review

Consequently, to expand on the idea that life can be productive at midlife, the common myth of midlife crisis needs to be demystified. Most people view midlife based on the problems that one is likely to encounter. Such training can help most executives to understand that, after their jobs, it could β†’

Method article review

It was expected that if the infants were able to relate between words and object then in the first half of the training the infants were expected to have related the words with their corresponding objects. The pictures were easily linked to the words by the infants because of the repetition that took place during β†’

Example of article review on articel review on social skills groups for aspergers disorder and pervasive

The strength of this practical research is that the parents can learn the technique and practice with their children suffering from Asperger's disorder in other natural settings, increasing their concentration and social abilities to interact. The section " Practice Point: Start with Simplistic Topics and Review Often" has also a practical role, since it offers β†’

Example of daniel siegal mind brain and relationships article review

According to their inference, the short-term lifespan of information is 20 seconds, and if this lapses then the information decays and thus forgetfulness comes. The Working of the Human Brain (Long Term Memory and Short term Memory). According to several scholars, the small capacity of the short-term memory is a function of the evolutionary survival β†’

Article review on human evolution in science textbooks

The first was examining the textbooks of the 18 countries and finding out if the topic of human evolution was present in the science textbooks. The second examined two sets images: the Genus Homo in the chapters of the science textbooks on human evolution; and Homo sapiens as part of the β†’

Occupational carbon monoxide fatalities in the us from unintentional non-fire related article reviews examples

In any case, CO-related mortality information is not accessible through standard reporting plans, and accordingly, the extent of CO- related mortality has dependably been liable to estimation. INTRODUCTION/THEORY OR BACKGROUND/LITERATURE REVIEW Is/are the problem /thesis clearly stated? : Comment: Yes The investigation of CO mortality information β†’

James baldwin’s sonny’s blues: to listen and to be freed article review examples

Baldwin seems to reveal through the two brothers' relationship that this is a common aspect of the human condition, to be isolated from each other. The suffering Sonny and his family have endured is immense. Sonny's Blues is a story about the human condition, the challenges all types of people share, and how much better β†’

Free article review on blood breath alcohol

Blood Breathe Alcohol This paper talks about the increased level of alcohol consumption in the University amongst the students and other college fans, especially during the game days compared to other social days. Moreover, lastly, the articles also compared the rate of alcoholism between the college fans and the students during the game β†’

Air quality article review

The main focus of the paper was on the interrelations that exist between air pollution, and physical activity, and the relation of these two factors to the design of a neighborhood or community. According to the study, outdoor air pollution and physical inactivity were the leading causes of impairments in health. β†’