Genuine Argumentative Essay Examples

Free argumentative essay on strategies for combating childhood obesity

In this paper, I will present essential statistics of child obesity in the US, examine the causes, analyze the effects, propose strategies to curb childhood obesity and the concomitant counter-arguments and draw a logical conclusion from these aspects. While diseases are normal in life, it is important to mitigate and militate against them and obesity β†’

Free argumentative essay on over-exercising and the importance of moderation

Due to this, there has been a surge in the amount of exercise that people are getting, to the point that many people exercise every day of the week. To that end, a logical approach to exercise would allow someone to make sure they do not over-exercise; however, over-exercising is itself a pathological and irrational β†’

Fast food argumentative essay

In order to live one's life to the fullest potential, one must limit junk food intake as it not only has a negative physical effect but also can turn into something similar to an addiction. Most of fast food is deep fried and, consequently, it is loaded with fats and calories.

Argumentative essay on ethics in policing

The circumstances under which police are working is shifting and the police service are up against many trials in their day to day work. This means that police need to work on a global scale and improve the levels of policing practice internationally.

Argumentative essay the apprenticeship of duddy kravitz

From the moment he hears his grandfather say, " A man without land is nobody," he is prepared to seek the land of his dream, no matter what the cost would be. Duddy has all the qualities that are needed for him to succeed in society; it is only a matter of time.

Should the alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased argumentative essay

On that basis the main point of this essay is to show the advantages and disadvantages of increasing or decreasing of drinking age and prove why one is better than the other. In my opinion, the thing we do not want according to the present social, finance, and politic circumstances is that the legal drinking β†’

Example of argumentative essay on marijuana

By a careful consideration of the benefits and effects of marijuana as well the benefits and effects of other equally harmful but legalized drugs falling in the same or almost the same category with marijuana, it can be argued that marijuana should be legalized. The most formidable arguments siding with the legalization of marijuana are β†’

Example of hydraulic fracturing argumentative essay

There are allegations in the media that, because of the hydraulic fracturing process, natural gas enters private water supplies and pollutes streams. The fact is that, the hydraulic fracturing process is a safe technique for natural gas extraction.

Argumentative essay essay sample

The process of recycle paper, the old paper is turned in to pulp to use in making recycled paper and use fossil fuels in the same way as non-recycled paper. The Negative Effects Of Recycling Paper.

Pedagogy of the oppressed argumentative essay examples

In this regard Freire contends that the teacher-student relationship is one in which the teacher forces down knowledge to the student. To this end, Freire is of the idea that in an ideal situation, the teacher should be able to teach the student and enable learning, similarly, in the same spirit, the student should as β†’

Market entry mode in thailand argumentative essay

We need the help of a local partner to understand theirculturebetter and language In order to penetrate into the market. The local partner have a deep understanding of the local market and strategy while we, the foreign partner can give idea, technology, recipe and a different perceptive.

Argument for market segmentation

Market segmentation is the process of dividing the market according to similarities that exist among the various subgroups within the market. To overcome this problem, a bank must adopt a market segmentation strategy, which recognises the wisdom of specialising to suit the need of a segment of the market rather than trying to address the β†’

Example of argumentative essay on gmos are a health risk to american consumers

GMOs are products of biotechnology which makes use of bacteria or viruses to penetrate the cells of plants and introduce genes that would make the plant more resistant to environmental conditions such as drought and insects. The study by French scientists of 200 rats for a period of 2 years showed that the rats that β†’

Argumentative essay on genetically modified foods

Unlike our ancestors we can be sated with different kinds of fruits, vegetables, meat throughout the year, and it's all thanks to special chemicals that are used for producing more food at a faster and easier way. Genetically modified food is used everywhere: in the US, Europe, countries of the third world and etc.

Overpopulation argumentative essay

As the population is now, " one out of every seven people alive, go to bed hungry." and " About one billion people lack access to sufficient water for consumption, agriculture and sanitation." As our population grows those statistics are going to get worst and worst and so will our quality of living. One more β†’

Good example of has religious rhetoric been instrumental in the shaping of the modern world argumentative essay

For instance, Liguori writes, Calvin in his work The Institutes of Christian Religion discusses the importance of discipline in the church that is, for both the clergy and the congregation. Haeckel in the writing The Confession of Faith of a Man of Science argues," the whole cognizable world is constituted, and has been developed, in β†’

Sexism argumentative essay examples

Sexism is one form of discrimination which is still being experience in every society, culture and country in the world. Majority of the world religions are patriarchal in nature and are the basis of the most biased concepts and ideas, with the relegation of women to a lower level as compared to men.

Provide some reflective thoughts on the subject she raises argumentative essay examples

These incidences are highlighted in the various examples that are inculcated in the piece of art such as; " Daughter of the East" Inspires Women of the World" this is in the context that she focuses to brings into the limelight the hard fought battle for democracy in the middle east and the turmoil of β†’

Free argumentative essay about how do the ideas of enlightenment help shaped modern society

The enlightenment refers to the sprawling of intellectual, social, philosophical, and cultural movement that spread through France, England, German, and other parts of Europe during the 1700s. The enlightenment saw the application of scientific methods to study human behavior and society during the eighteenth century.

Financial analysis argumentative essay

This is more so when the official economic growth figure for the outgoing fiscal that Finance Minister AMA Mitch has, in his budget speech, mentioned tends to defy the predictions and projections that were made by different quarters during the period of political volatility and also subsequent to it, taking in view the possible adverse β†’

Argumentative essay on can anyone eat super food

Super foods that are macrobiotic, that is high in natural, unprocessed foods, complex carbohydrates and vegetables, have low fat saturation and provide the body with the essential fats. They help in boosting the immune system, cure some diseases and health conditions that are incurable.

Free argumentative essay on human cloning

This breakthrough has been the approach of scientists saying that this will or may lengthen the life of a person, while others are refuting the ethical procedures and the advantages of this process which many scientists are claiming. View point of an ordinary person will also be included to state and explains the negative side β†’

Ethical reasons against abortion argumentative essay

Some people think and argue that during the first few trimesters, the child has no life since the fetus is not developed and is independent of the mother's life and hence abortion should be legalized. She is therefore not entitled to the child's life and an abortion therefore is a form of murder.

Example of welfare time restrictions argumentative essay

However, despite the good intentions of such a measure, the imposing of time limits on welfare would not solve any systemic poverty problems, and are simply a means to try to solve a ' welfare queen' problem that simply does not exist. First of all, it would be extremely difficult to determine the appropriate length β†’

Federal food subsidy programs for young children argumentative essay examples

The program supports women who are pregnant through vouchers for foods that are healthy for the development of the unborn child. One of the reasons that the WIC program was established is because some of the vouchers are specifically for the exact formulas that the babies' doctors want them to consume, ensuring that they are β†’

Sammuri argumentative essay

In the movie, The Last Samurai, it was said that the " sword is part of the soul". As mentioned previously, the Samurai were trained warriors and their job was to kill predators so in a way it was a good thing that the tradition was discontinued.

Argumentative essay on points against hygienists practicing expanded functions

A recent study sought to examine the impact of delegating expanded functions on the efficiency and productivity of general dental practices. The study found that most of the sampled practices assigned numerous reversible practices that are related to the provision of prosthetic and operative services to expanded functions dental auxiliaries.

Cost effectiveness and benefits of transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment argumentative essay sample

The target of the treatment is to drive stimulation in the nerves of the brain and produce a clinically significant acute antidepressant effect. Therefore, not only is the treatment is cost effective in terms of other treatments but also on the cost in the burden, it is more effective in dealing with depression and in β†’

Living the american dream argumentative essay examples

This phrase was first applied to the hopes of immigrants and the phrase nowadays applies to all the people of America with the exception of extremely reach individual in the society. The rhetorical devices used by the narrator in 'Living the American Dream' crafts the American Dream and this is not common with other narratives.

Free argumentative essay on wet foot dry foot policy

The amendment, passed by Congress in 1995, was intended to provide a solution to the immigration issues between Cuba and the United States of America. In order to contain escalation of immigrants from Cuba to United States of America, the piece of law was amended so that Cubans intercepted enroot to America could be returned β†’

Should states be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants argumentative essay example

The fact that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes should not be a rationale behind the failure of the states' authorities to bar children of undocumented aliens from acquiring education. Therefore, to lessen this economic burden, states are not required to educate children of illegal immigrants and instead invest the funds in other developmental programs.

The roots of immigration legislation argumentative essays examples

The immigration legislation in the is the product of decades worth of political wrangling and public anger on both sides of the debate. The Clinton Administration had to address the brewing anti-immigration sentiment and decided to emphasize interdiction of illegal border crossers and enforcement of immigration law by increasing the number of Border Patrol β†’

Decriminalization of illegal immigration argumentative essay examples

The fact that a man is trying to search for a better life for his family is nothing wrong and if he does not have the means to travel to another country then at least if it is a genuine case of economic migration then the law should look kindly on such individuals. There is β†’

Example of argumentative essay on has the educational system in america taken our freedom of speech away

The American constitution guarantees the freedom of speech in the part of the bill of rights. The move by the Supreme Court that prohibited a practice that had been carried out every morning was the first sign of the denial of the enjoyment of the freedom of speech.

Example of home grad argumentative essay

The reality of living at home after college is not a common goal. After completing a trial of self-dependence and all the spendable money is depleted, it is okay come home to regroup for another, more permanent arrangement.

Groupon case argumentative essay

Other terms included the voucher's ex e O xpiration date and, in som cases, lim on e me mits 3 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 - Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. One of these was Groupon Stores, which enabled merchants 10 β†’

Example of the syrian opposition argumentative essay

The Syrian revolution differs from the other Arab Spring revolutions in various ways, but what is the most curious is why the Syrian opposition is in such disorder and how it managed to be formed at all? On the other hand, death of Hafez al-Assad, in 2000, gave a new opportunity for the democratic self-expression β†’

Writing an argumentative essay (a guideline)

An argumentative essay is a written form of an argument which has a typical organizational pattern consisting of an introduction which contains a thesis statement, a few paragraphs of supporting arguments which argue for the validity of the claim made, at least a paragraph of counter arguments with the appropriate refutation and a concluding paragraph β†’

The cause of iraq war argumentative essays examples

On top of the destruction of Saddam's military arsenal, the recovery of land, military equipment and freeing Kuwaiti prisoners of war from the first Gulf War was also given as a reason for the US involvement in the Iraq War. The political and humanitarian reasons given for the war was the ushering of a democratic β†’

Iraq 2003 violence peace and social change argumentative essay example

The case in point used in this paper is the invasion of Iraq by the the year 2003. In short, the reasons behind invading Iraq were given as: a) Combating terrorism, b) Confiscating and destroying WMDs to keep the U.S.and the rest of the world safe, and c) to give the people of Iraq β†’

Argumentative essay on rendition

A more recent form of rendition by agents of the federal government is the apprehension of individuals in the US and transferring them to other countries to face trial. So when the US transfers them to these countries to face trial, it is not only impeding the democratic growth of the other country but also β†’

Argumentative essay on why dolphins should be considered persons

He believes that if it is immoral for humans to use other humans and means to the ends of their own selfish purposes, then likewise, it is immoral for humans to use other species for the same end. If dolphins are accepted as intelligent beings will wills, then it follows that they have a right β†’

Free argumentative essay about texas hold em poker is the best card game to be played

In this case, the players should be fully aware of the rules of the games and how to make intelligent moves in order to gain advantage of the other players. This is one of the unique characteristics of the game that makes it more outstanding and unique.

Argumentative essay: working while in high school is essential. travis j. burleson

Another reason for having a job while in high school is to learn the ability to manage money. The final reason for having a job while in high school is the abilities and work experiences gained from working.

Argumentative essay on bertholt bechts condemnation of fascism and capitalist regime

He writes most of his works from a proletariat point of view which acts as the a means of sensitizing the majority of the people in the society to actively seek the solutions for their problems. He used the play The Life of Galileo to condemn capitalism in the society.

Argumentative essay on canadian federal-provincial relations

Additionally, the most essential of all the amendments was that whatever political party obtained two percent of the overall national vote or got five percent and more in the constituencies it actually competed; would really be given or ennobled to allowances from the financial department and ministry of the government equal to one point seven β†’

Free human nature: the struggle for happiness argumentative essay sample

And, finally sixth one refers to the constructed world-view, which refers to the basic building blocks of the creation of this world. There is nothing that was created by mankind in this world; each and every thing is created by the God, and even we are considered to be the creation of God.

Gender differences in language use argumentative essay samples

The article, Linguistic variation and social function by Cheshire records some amazing findings that prove the difference displayed by men and women in language use. Trudgill, Eisikovits and Cheshire in their articles have put in a lot of effort to explain some of the differences in language as expressed by gender to explain why men β†’

Free argumentative essay on stoicism a lifestyle for happiness

Understanding the nature of pneuma is essential in later applying Stoic logic and ethics, the first step in attaining freedom and happiness. The ultimate accomplishment for a Stoic is to reach a level of knowledge, logic, and discipline to become a " Sage".

Philosophy of religion god exists argumentative essay sample

A common objection against ontological arguments on God's existence is that it is not possible to prove any form of existence using a priori reasoning. In conclusion, it is possible that God exist as a perfect and coherent being.

Free argumentative essay on financial crisis- who to blame

Financial institutions have the role of enhancing the flow of money in the economy. This was to avoid some form of inflation that was in the minds of the public.

The genesis; comparison of babylonian and creation stories argumentative essay examples

Some of the skeptical circles suggest that it is fashionable to claim that the Genesis account of creation was borrowed from the Babylonian account of creation. In the Genesis creation tale, there is no battle between the creator and any of the subjects since there is a peaceful co-existence among all beings, God, and the β†’

Good argumentative essay about exploring identities

By the way, personal, meant also, that it was no need to share the gifts and the attention of the family with anybody, as he was the only adorable son and grandson. He took the photo of his father, kissed it, and hugged to the heart.

Free argumentative essay on the death of a salesman

She sees and understands the challenges that all of them face and she behaves as the leant between all the members of the family, determined to maintain a peaceful home. Arthur Miller's playwright " The Death of a Salesman" describes the psychological difficulties that Willy faces in accomplishing is role as the head of the β†’

Plato and his theory of aesthetics argumentative essay examples

That is because true art is from the very soul of the creator not from making an imitation. He asks this because if the artist is going to paint a carpenter, the painter cannot really know what it is to be a carpenter, so he can only paint the appearance of a carpenter not the β†’

Abortion argument

It is important to know and understand abortion for what it is, to fully grasp the influence it can have on a woman. There are several organizations that make it their goal to prove which side of the abortion argument is true.

Abortion argumentative essay examples

To start with, abortion is the termination of life, despite the situation one goes through with the pregnancy; abortion should not be among the options to consider as the remedy. Although it is a personal decision, abortion entirely is an inhumane act and a silent killer that deteriorates moral values of the society.

Arguments and persuasion – lake of fire argumentative essay examples

In Tony Kaye's documentary Lake of Fire, the abortion debate is considered from both sides of the issue. Emotional appeals are also used in the case of the mother, especially in the cases of rape and incest victims who people do not want to abort their children.

Example of zombies: fact or fiction argumentative essay

The traditional idea of zombies that of a human brought back from the dead started by believers of Voodoo. In conclusion, there is a great need to re-examine the history of zombies if we are to truly understand their religious and cultural impact.

Argumentative essay on code of the course

The following essay will discuss about the learning power and the myth of education and empowerment. In order to understand the myth of education, it is important that the essay discussed about the history of education in America.

Cold war argumentative essay

The Soviet Union communism is a political way of thinking and an idea of how society should work and be organized. The main differences between Socialism and Communism are that, in a Communist society, the state ceases to exist along withmoney, so that the people work in exchange for the things they need to live.

What is africa argumentative essay example

As the saying goes, the ocean is blue because it reflects off the ocean; the descriptions of Africa are as many as the people who describe it. The traditional and the modern social sciences are the main causes of divisions in Africa and it difficult to see the continent as a single unit.

History of africa argumentative essay

This type of system was enforced by the crew in order to contain the slaves who were desperate, afraid, and would usurp any opportunity to regain their freedom by overthrowing the crew in order to obtain control of the ship. The Europeans also took a great part in the transportation of African slaves across the β†’

Advantages of a retirement home for mrs. willis argumentative essay sample

An understanding of the challenges she faces at home will help in determining why the facility is a safer and better option for her. Analyzing the standards and provisions of the facility beforehand helps to decide if it is the most appropriate for Mrs.

Example of shouldn’t russians finally bury lenin argumentative essay

With respect to being buried, some leaders in Russia are of the opinion that the remains of Lenin, who was a Bolshevik Revolution leader, should be finally be laid to rest in the ground. In his response, he reiterated that the people of Russia should be given the opportunity to decide.

Research method and findings argumentative essay sample

Perhaps, I believe that the reason that the locals support single party system in the country is the historical, political trend prevailing in the country. The single party system focuses to manipulate the performance of all the economic, political and social elements in the country.

Guantanamera film argumentative essays examples

This is evident from the new directive that allowed the citizens to transport the bodies of the beloved only up to the nearest funeral parlor that was in a bordering province. The directive was intended to save the amount of gasoline that was used in the course of such transportation.

Climate change argumentative essay sample

Climate change is brought by natural and mostly anthropogenic factors that influences sustainability on all life forms, and despite the consequences of climate change, the public and governments can reduce the severe consequences climate change can bring by utilizing environmentally-friendly solutions, programs and policies that would optimize sustainability from the home to the entire country. β†’

Example of argumentative essay on outward appearances

This means that it is not only the outward appearance of a person that the media praises. I believe that people who care about outward appearance must also question matters such as: why do I not have enough money?

The risks on indoor tanning argumentative essay

The tanning of the skin is because of the exposure to Ultraviolet radiations. The severity of influence and damage of the ultraviolet radiations depends on the frequency and amount of the ultraviolet radiations to which the body of a person is exposed.

Bullying in schools argumentative essay

There is a large number of bulling through most middle and high schools with students being harassed and making poor life choices. Finally I have talked about the ways of stopping bulling and how serious it really is and how it is no joking matter!

Passing of the ppaca argumentative essay

In 2010, the American health care system was completely overhauled with the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; amended later by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. The primary points of the PPACA include the restructuring of the American health care system into one where insurance companies are held β†’

Health care reform in the usa argumentative essay

On the contrary, others disagree stating that the current care system is contaminated with cronyism and corruption; even though the nation spends heavily towards the development of its health facilities, it still suffers from administrative waste, uneven quality, and worse still, it fails to provide the basic care to all. The universal health care β†’

Sample argumentative essay on the future of green architecture

It is often called the " green architecture" which refers to the evolution of architectural designs which are concerned with the awareness to the environment. The first sustainable skyscrapers are also built in Manhattan to promote the awareness to the environment and to simply reduce their consumption of energy.

Substance abuse: driving under the influence argumentative essay

As mentioned in the introduction, there are a number of DUI programs in the United States that seek to control the menace of drunk driving through education, counseling and treatment of the offenders. There are a number of other organizations in the US as well as many other countries that are engaged in conducting programs β†’

The sistine chapel ceiling argumentative essays examples

In addition, it can also be illustrated that the Sistine Chapel Ceiling is the most referenced work of Michelangelo when it comes to the understanding of men as a subject. It was due to this reason that the Sistine Chapel Ceiling has been marked as a milestone during the period of Renaissance.

Good example of analyzing the implications of no self from parfits and the buddhas standpoint argumentative essay

In Henry Clarke Warren's Pali translation of select passages of Buddhist Sacred Books, " Buddhism in Translations" there is a scene where a between The Buddha and a wandering ascetic who demands desperately for an answer of the Buddha to his question, " Whether or not the Saints exist after their death?" The Buddha saw β†’

The internet argumentative essay

This is because the internet has been the driving force of information technology and is responsible for the major lifestyle change that has been experienced in the world today. The use of the internet should however be limited, because overusing the internet can have negative effects especially on social relations with other people and child β†’

Sample argumentative essay on video games cause less violence than other forms of media

There is not enough scientifically proven data concerning causation of real-life violence by exposure to virtual violence in video games;- Video games do not provide more violence to customers in comparison to other forms of media;- Perception of violence in video games depends on factors of personal and social nature for users. It is not β†’

Example of do video games make people violent argumentative essay

Blaming the video games for violent behavior makes the video game the exact cause of the violence while the act itself is just being considered a consequence. And the media has misled the people to believe that a link exists between violence and video games.

Example of argumentative essay on preventing incidences of teen pregnancy

The same study reveals that a bigger problem is the number of young girls in developing countries who become mothers at the age of 16, " with the highest rates in sub-Saharan Africa and South-Central and South-Eastern Asia". Society as a whole, including the family and educational institutions, must also be vigilant in finding answers β†’

Q: do parental negligence lead to social problem among youngters

But they give their children with materials as they assume that, if they give those kind of things to their children, they will not be involved in social problems. But, in this point, we have to realize that parents are the ones who have a big responsibility to educate their children adequately.

Argumentative essay: overview

Even though, the land founder of America had envisioned that people can have a lot of time to do what they want and many people followed up to maintain it. In factory, longtime work will increase the chance of errors and dangerous; equally, for people who are working in the office, longer work hour make β†’

Argumentative essay on the river between and effects of colonialism on african societies

One community embraced the ways taught by the white men and rejected the old while the other pursued the conservation of their tribe's independence; therefore, the river which once united these tribes, become the river which divided them. Female circumcision, however, was a foundational rite of passage in the Kikuyu community; therefore, the missionaries' intentions β†’

How technology should be used to solve climate change argumentative essay sample

A goal of countries around the world is to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases that enter the atmosphere causing global warming to become worse. The main problem is that not all the food is used and a lot of what has never been eaten lands in the garbage bin to be carried away by β†’

Herman melvilles billy budd sailor argumentative essay

The story is provocatively double layered, heavy in its symbolism and meaning, in which the author's interest rests, among other things, on a clash of conscience and law, on a never ending war between the individual and the society, the vulnerability of innocence and the final question of whether the readers are to condemn captain β†’

Death penalty is not just and fair argumentative essay examples

This is a legal manner that is taken into courts and after the hearings of all the witnesses and considering all the proofs; he is than considered guilty if the proofs are against him and then the court decides to announce the death penalty. Human life is considered to be the most precious conception of β†’

Argumentative essay

First of all, the death penalty is a violation of two fundamental human rights, as laid down in Articles 3 and 5 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights: " The right to life" and " The right not to be tortured or subject to any cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment". From the moment you are β†’

Time i experienced failure argumentative essay

Coming into 9th grade I thought it was going to be really easy in 9th grade but I think the real problem was that I was not focused At that time i really did not know what gpa was and when i got to 10th grade after the first marking period i had a 3. β†’

Example of argumentative essay on how will america generate electricity in the future

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy and has minimal impact on the environment whereas cleaner coal and nuclear energy have relatively lesser impact of the environment compared to carbon fuels, and produce large quantities of electricity. However, cleaner coal, nuclear energy, and solar are the alternative sources of energy that American should use β†’

Free argumentative essay on facilitator

Troy and Cory are the two main characters in the story guided by disputes, antagonism and conflicts. The difference between him and his father comes in the fact that, at his time, the teams allow blacks to play for them and he gets a chance to play in the college team.

Good active euthanasia vs. passive euthanasia argumentative essay example

Involuntary euthanasia is murder, and is carried out against the will of the patient. Passive euthanasia only prolongs their suffering, and this makes it better for the patient to die from active euthanasia than from passive euthanasia.

Explain the argument for legalizing euthanasia

Currently, the laws in the UK make it illegal for a person to assist in allowing a person to commitsuicideunder the murder Act of 1965 and the Suicide Act 1971. Despite a series of proposed safeguards to be put into to prevent abuse of the system should the law be passed, the Scottish Parliament failed β†’

Example of physician assisted suicides (pas) argumentative essay

If the benefits and harms of the practice are to be weighed, practicing euthanasia seems to be a optimal choice, is practical and rational, all provided there is no other way out for the dying individual and his physician. What is debated even today is the moral limit of relieving a terminally ill individual of β†’

Sample argumentative essay on active euthanasia

The argument against the psychological pressure of active euthanasia believe that besides the psychological pain, the patient should choose it as this will eventually relieve him from the pain of his disease and decision. The argument of the proponents of active euthanasia is to relieve the pain of the patient.