Genuine Argumentative Essay Examples

Argumentative essay on abortion

Today, satellite and cable television, interactive video and electronic games, the personal computer and the internet are central to the daily lives of children. The Internet is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing our children's learning, communication and play. Impact on Physical Development It may not seem to β†’

Argumentative essay topics

Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choicers often collide in a venomous war of words that often leads to violence of the highest form. Animal rightsand experimentation there is one acronym that reigns supreme when it comes to the rights of animals and that is PETA. The pharmaceutical industry has been alleged to be responsible for β†’

Free argumentative essay on abortion

This is done to restrict the number of children in a family, or to regulate the population growth. There are many reasons that abortion should not be allowed under any circumstances. Rather, the child can be later put up for abortion because there are many childless couples in the country that would want a child β†’

Argumentative essay on globalization and the internet

Huntington's study in the patterns of conflict in " The Clash of Civilizations" more influential in the globalization of our blue planet. Friedman argues that the world has become increasingly globalized, and this globalization has become an effective and permanent replacement for the Cold War. Friedman, in effect, argues wholeheartedly for a hugely dramatic shift β†’

The atlantic world argumentative essay example

However, the Portuguese came to add another commodity in their ship which was all about slaves and they involved men and women (Falola, Toyin, and Kevin, 67) The trade resulted to negative impacts and they affected the political stability, religion and social life of the native inheritors. At the end of β†’

Feminism and environmental justice argumentative essay

Maybe in the virtual life, equality can be achieved but not in the physical life. A tool that is used to make rules and regulations and to determine the course of life is power (Lukes 1974 and 2005, and Connolly 1983). Without distorting the meaning of power to suit the different β†’

Example of argumentative character analysis of josie argumentative essay

Josie is determined to explore the city with a French tutor, learning about love, language, together with loss as her life intersect in surprising ways with the life of others. To Josie, loss is much a part of her experience of what was going on both figurative and literal. In the story, the author has β†’

Good argumentative essay on all citizens should be required by law to vote

On the other hand, this writing claimed that a law must require all citizens to vote so as to be more responsible for the society's future political progress and development. Law Should Require Citizens to Vote Voting must be an obligatory duty of registered citizens. If all citizens will be required by law to β†’

Reading response mini-essays argumentative essay

The article aims to understand and analyze the significant role of equality against the global liberal views. Lastly, " Care and Justice in the Global Context" discusses and accommodates the developing role of the morality of care and its significance in guiding the moral conceptions of equality, individual rights, and the global laws. This is β†’

Good example of argumentative essay on malcolm x

Meanwhile, many question whether a person, who was one calling white people " devils" and was a black nationalist promoting the supremacy of black people to white people deserves to be on the American stamp, as, after all, he changed his rhetoric only during the last years of his life and activity. And although the β†’

Free argumentative essay on h.s. dress codes

All these concepts aid students towards self confidence and awareness. A learning institution dress code is supposed to inspire its students to be proud of their school organization. High school students wearing uniforms is the best option, bearing in mind of their identity crisis issues which always lead to poor grades and confidence.

Example of what is political equality argumentative essay

Hence, political equality is institutionalized through the political participation of the citizens in an elections, political campaigns, political protests, local participation and actions within the community, etc.. In such practices, the citizens are able to express their needs and their interests to the political system and this makes the latter turn more attuned to their β†’

Good argumentative essay about ethics of the united nations

The Just War Theory is a doctrine developed by Christians to determine whether the war is just. The Just War Theory tries to prevent nations from going to war by showing the bad side of war.

Election campaign in the us argumentative essay

This was the election event which had the greatest media attention in American history. This essay will address the effects of the Presidential campaign on the behavioral, cognitive and psychological aspect of the viewers. In manipulating the behavioral, cognitive and psychological variables, the media in its role as being an element β†’

Young african americans support president obama but turnout not a guarantee argumentative essay example

Dowd conveys to the reader that some young African Americans feel less enchanted this time around and that their best interest has not been served by President Obama, while others will continue to support and not blame the President for the massive problems that exist in this country today. Throughout the entire article, the author β†’

Drug testing for welfare argumentative essay

Welfare is an income-based aid, drug testing before being granted welfare should be mandatory. There would be many advantages to administering drug test to people who want to receive help in the form of government aid. Making sure welfare is being spent on appropriate items is hard to control once the money β†’

Argumentative essay on the relationship between the federal government and states

The United States constitution provides for a link between the congress and the state government. Articles of confederation The articles of confederation are thirteen and they served as the initial constitution of the independent U.S. They stipulated how the central government was to operate and relate with the states. The β†’

Personality psychology argumentative essay

This style is determined by the characteristic organization of mental trends, complexes, emotions and sentiments. The psychological approach enables us to understand the phenomena of personality disorganization and the role of wishes, of mental conflict and of repression and sublimation in the growth of personality. The sociological approach considers personality in terms β†’

Argumentative essay on education

In fact, several studies claim " that about 97% of climate scientists actively doing research agree that climate change is happening and is human-caused" (" Climate Change Just the Facts"). Although there are other groups of people who strongly believe that global climate change is brought about by " the natural variation in the planet's β†’

Image, representation, experience: understanding the architectural object argumentative essay examples

Although some people would like to argue that photographic images distort the viewers' experience of the building such that the viewers look at the building from the perspective of the photographer, it is essential to point out that, in some cases, the image is the only medium that the viewers might have to interact with β†’

Argumentative essay on the woman question: finding a writing niche in a male world

As the wheels of industry churn faster and faster, they will produce more and more distractions from the realities of society, and those in power will keep the public from noticing the stratagems that they use to hold onto that power, because of the sheer number of distractions available. EB: Do not you think that β†’

What is literature argumentative essays examples

He also agrees that criticism that is text centered is also important and is also necessary enough; however, it is not enough to make a full interpretation of literature. Hirsch also suggests that critics of literary works borrow from linguists' works and language of philosophers with their emphasis being placed on the intention of verbal β†’

Separation of powers argumentative essay

1) The Legislative Branch is composed of the House and Senate, The Executive, is composed of the President, Vice-President, and the Departments and the Judicial, is composed of the federal courts and the Supreme Court. The framers answer was a system of checks and balances. The system of checks and balances is a constitutional grant β†’

Why we need dress codes, argumentative mla. essay

Dress codes in public schools would be good, in order to cut down the violence, which would eliminate the problems of wearing hats or jackets that could carry weapons to school. Every school should adopt some kind of dress code so it will cut down some of the everyday problems that schools deal with β†’

Argumentative essay about college education

As a reader or listener it is essential to take heed into Springsteen's early interest in cars as they play a monumental role in symbolizing his need for escape in arguably his three most famous albums, Born to Run, Darkness on the Edge of Town, and The River. Analysis of the author's work Due β†’

Humanism and the role of the spirit argumentative essays examples

The work is a tragedy because Lear is so good and the outcome is such a disappointment. Today's world is flawed and in need of change, much like the writing of the Renaissance, which inspired a major movement of personal empowerment.

Free parenting and video game violence argumentative essay example

So, what is the danger of computer games and can they be useful? Harm of Computer Games The biggest danger posed by computer games is the emergence of gaming addiction. The extreme degree of gambling addiction is when gamers lose appetite (do not want to be away from the game even for a meal) β†’

How video games affect todays youth argumentative essay examples

On the other side of the argument, there are groups arguing that the impact of these video games to the youth are dangerous as it has the capacity to entice physical, mental and social deterioration and present further complications to their futures. While the argument continues to grow and as β†’

Example of supporting material page argumentative essay

These videos went viral both among the users of YouTube and also among the users of other social networks like Facebook and Twitter and thereby spreading the central idea among a wider base of targeted audience. According to Wright, Internet and video games have made computers from being high end calculators into tools which can β†’

Video games causing negative impact on child psychology argumentative essay

Moreover it is clinically proven that regularly playing video games results in poor large muscle development and due to very less physical activity, obesity cannot be denied as well.[ CITATION Gro98 l 1033 ] Video Games are only one of the social conditions that cause this kind of behaviour, children with different mental disabilities can β†’

Argumentative essay on current state of society in technology

The Internet was introduced in the 1990s, and was meant to be a bastion of new information and the exchange of ideas. As a result, it can be said that video games and other technologies leave us in worse health than if we did not have them. Some claim that the Internet culture makes β†’

Good example of should teenagers be allowed to have legal sexual intercourse argumentative essay

Regardless of the difference in teen pregnancy on the basis of age, origin, society and race, it is a serious matter of concern which needs to be carefully addressed. In this regard, it is important to find a solution for allowing legal sexual intercourse for teenagers. Although this does not mean that the educator pro β†’

Example of giving birth control to teenagers argumentative essay

Giving access to birth control to teenage does not really mean to encourage them to indulge in sexual activities with safe methods but to ensure that they do not become pregnant. Background In the year 2008, more than 430, 000 births occurred to teenage mothers that were in the age bracket between 15-18 years, β†’

The drawdown measures argumentative essay sample

As a consequence, the United States Army is now in the process of one of its largest drawdowns (reduction in the size of the force) in history. One of the potential issues that many soldiers will face as a result of the drawdown is adjusting to life outside of the military.

Example of argumentative essay on who is to blame for the war

Though Germany had its hand in evil during World War I, there were other countries adding to the devastation of the war effort, and the rest of the world did not respond to their actions correctly. Austria-Hungary, according to Herwig H. The orders given by Hungary-Austria were, as stated in, β†’

The arguments of the class theorists

Class theorists argue that class provides the basic structure of society and is also the chief cause of the inequality of modern societies. The hierarchy of the Australia class system consists of a " ruling" upper class, a " white-collar" middle class, and a " laboring" working class.

Example of argumentative essay on tip-of-the-tongue states: lexical retrieval failure or metacognitive awareness

A lexical retrieval failure pertains to the actual momentary inaccessibility or the cognitive TOT while a metacognitive awareness pertains to the feeling of momentary inaccessibility or the so-called the phenomenological TOT. Studies by Schwartz and Diaz stated that there exists a strong association between the lexical retrieval failure and metacognitive awareness. The TOTs β†’

Argumentative essay on is environmental damage the responsibility of the government

With stricter standards in place for environmental protection and more scrutiny when it comes to environmental issues, the government's massive financial and ethical weight of protecting people and the environment from environmental damages can be effectively lightened. Certain types of environmental damage should be considered the government's responsibility. Protecting people and infrastructure in times of β†’

Higher education losing its way/civic responsibility argumentative essay sample

Higher education is at a fork in the road because of the greater possibilities of the technological age, distance education is becoming more and more of a common option for many, leaving normal higher education in a strange position. Because of the higher use of online education as a way to easily get an β†’

Good argumentative essay on hero of war

This rather innocent offer, of glory, adventure and heroism is used to lure the young man into war, expecting to come back home to the adulation of the society. The idea of being a patriot to their country and defending the flag is the motivation and the young man is no exception. The involvement of β†’

Argumentative thoreau essay

If everyone in a community lived by the virtues of individualism and self-sufficiency, then there would be no community. If everyone in a community lived by the virtues of individualism and self-sufficiency, then in times of crisis or suffering, there would be no sense of community where people helped one another.

Gran torinao and its association with the american dream argumentative essays example

With the above said, this paper will specifically examine the ways in which Gran Torinao reflect the achievement of the American dream. The film reflects the American dream through property relationships. The relationship between Walt and Tao as established in the film is a relationship meant to achieve some form of contentment in the aftermath.

Sample argumentative essay on gran torino

Gran Torino is a delicate examination of that dream, and how Walt reconciles not only with the changing landscape of America, but with his own guilty conscience as he realizes the dream he once wished for can be had by his new friend Tao. On the surface, Gran Torino appears β†’

Vietnamese war argumentative essay example

The war was very necessary for the security of the United States. United States believed that if one country adopted communism, then other more countries would follow suit and communism. This is why the war was necessary. Those who say that the war was not necessary argue that many United States citizens died.

Argumentative essay on protecting the right to act autonomously: a philosophical argument

The ancient Greeks and Romans " did not believe that life needed to be preserved at any cost and were, in consequence, tolerant of suicide in cases where no relief could be offered to the dying" The ancient schools of philosophy, the Stoics and Epicureans, believed that an individual who no longer wanted to live β†’

Dax cowarts case argumentative essay

The following sections describe his accident and treatments, relate the stand of Dax Cowart about his treatments, and discuss the rationale for euthanasia in the case of Dax Cowart. The accident and treatments The accident that changed Dax Cowart took place in 1973, in Henderson Texas. Dax Cowart was an adult during the time β†’

Free argumentative essay on nuclear energy as an alternate power source

Nonetheless, while opposition is still active against nuclear power, nuclear power is a viable and efficient power source as it is cleaner and safer to the environment, as well as a beneficial energy source for a nation's development. Three arguments have been raised to prove that nuclear power is indeed beneficial, implicating that the alternative β†’

Essay about american civil war

Nevertheless in order to save the image of the constitution as a legal binding document that granted freedom to all Abraham Lincoln together with the support of the Union states felt that liberal source of labour was much more profitable both to the economy and civilization of the United States.

Does the death penaltys deterrent value outweigh its negative factors argumentative essay examples

Is the death penalty a deterrent and if so what can be learned from death? Socrates was famously executed by the state for corrupting the youth and although he had the opportunity to escape his fate he chose to stay because he felt that he owed his life to his government. He may have felt β†’

Good argumentative essay about environmental studies

However, the policy position of political actors also depends on the general structure of the organizations involved and the actors involved in the policy process and how MBIs are linked with other policy issues. Argument: Market Based Instruments Are Toppled By Political Considerations This essay primarily argues that MBIs may work well in theory, β†’

Argumentative essay on same sex couples should be able to adopt

It attempts to explain why same sex couples should not be allowed to adopt. The institution of the family remains important in society. Allowing adoption by the same sex couples would deny the child either of the roles.

Lessons from frederick douglass argumentative essay

In addition to listening to the reasoning of both sides on the issue of same-sex marriage, it is also useful to consider lessons from history to see what happens when rights are offered to some people but not to others. As same-sex couples and their supporters work to convince voters β†’

Good argumentative essay on same-sex marriage

In the event that we were to implement the thought that marriage exists for the sole purpose of having and raising kids, no futile people would be permitted to wed; we would need to make moves to guarantee that all wedded couples not be childless; simply, there is no connection between childbirth and same-sex marriage. β†’

Example of gun control support argumentative essay

Due to the raising of criminal activities in a majority of states that allow the public possession of guns, gun control measures if implemented will go a long way in reinforcement the current laws on the gun ownership and in the process violence will be on the decline. As much as the challengers will try β†’

Good can organic farming feed the world argumentative essay example

However, the truth is that the figures used are conservative as most of the conventional corn rotations already use a cycle of more than 2 years. The main argument made against organic farming is the nitrogen requirement in the soil cannot be fulfilled by the availability of green manures and plant residue. This way organic β†’