Genuine Analysis Paper Examples

Analysis on the importance of language in disclosing the truth about othello

Jealousy is also a concept that is quite important in the turning point of Othello's character; the number of times that it is repeated in the extract is an example of this. The audience is able to grasp that this scene is a turning point for Othello due to the changes that can be seen →

The scarlet letter analysis

The Scarlet Letter is repetitive of its time period through Dimmesdale's state of religious anxiety and self-punishment, the glorification of punishment by puritans, and puritan fear of witchcraft and the devil. Puritans lived in constant fear of the devil and witches like the suspected Mistress Hibbins.

Rhetorical analysis

His role in the article is important and provides basis for the basic structure of the writing. To the audience, the article carries a positive vibe and by the end of the writing, the reader can expect to feel good about the Olympics, for the Britishers, in spirit of the games.

A character analysis of mice and men by john steinbeck – curley’s wife

Being a victim of high yet empty expectations of fame and fortune that was common in the rising age of modern media, Curly's wife was encouraged to settle instead for marriage to a financially stable man, socially, a good lifestyle choice for the time. Using her sexuality and body for power acted as a way →

Death of a salesmen literary analysis

Being " boxed in" is a symbol of Willy's serious desperation with his life in the city, hiscareer, and hisfamilythat eventually led to his death. All of his frustrations make for Willy not think straight and making irrational decisions.showed the factors that led to Willy's feeling " boxed in".

Mellon strategic analysis

By acquiring many of the large players in the industry, they are able to reduce competition and remain in business despite the economic conditions. S and Canada, they utilize both the companies specialization to services their customers.

Character development in a thousand acres

As the novel progresses, I can already tell that he's not much of a father figure to Rose, Aging, and Caroline. This quote was narrated by Aging, talking about how she was talking to him about her dad Larry behavior toward the dividing of the land.

Analysis of guy de maupassant’s the necklace through the feminist lens

Basically, people thought that a woman is much weaker and has lesser rights and lower positions than a man in the previous years of our deepest history, they thought that a woman is just a person that can control the affairs in the house. Power is something that is in the husband's hands and Mathilde →

Film analysis: comparison between boogie woogie bugle boy and rosie the riveter

This paper analyzes Rosie the Riveter by the Vagabonds and Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by the Andrew Sisters to establish the message behind the films, their importance at the time and whether the ultimate goal for their production was realized. The films personify American women in the 1940s, and the role they played when men →

Anheuser-busch, inc. case analysis

The company is actually a branch of Anheuser-Busch InBev and research indicates that the company contributes to approximately fifty percent of sale of beers in America in the alcohol industry. In the event that the suppliers reduce their products quality and raise the price of their products, it will be a great competitive challenge to →

Marketing analysis and strategy recommendation

It is the goal of Struck to involve partners as decision-makers, volunteers, and leaders in the initiatives they support. The future of Struck, which is in a fast-growth phase, is apparently to be successful and promising.

5 step value-chain analysis for customers’ strategic needs

Step 1: An overview of value-chain analysis Value chains may be defined in two ways: within a company they describe the various value-added stages from purchasing materials to distributing, selling, and servicing the final product,[3] and they also delineate the value-added stages from raw material to end-user as a product is manufactured and distributed, with →

Analysis on the marketing strategies

This is the only commercialized magazine concerning hiking and natural environment in Hong Kong, as it is new and unique with less interested groups comparing with magazines of other genre, therefore, marketing strategies are especially important for them, in order to attract consumers attention, and many of the promotional tools it use is much different →

Coding and theme analysis

According to this study, customers have a perception of value which is manifested in prices of a businesss products or services 1. The study went on to note that the price of competitors had a significant effect on the purchase of entities products, and that, the pricing strategy impacts and affects the consumers purchase decisions.

Fmcg five force analysis

There are scarce customers because the industry is highly saturated and the competitors try to snatch their share of market. The resistance is very low and the structure of the industry is so complex that new firms can easily enter and also offer tough competition due to cost effectiveness.

Analysis of the marketing news story

In Nineteen Start- up Challenge 2012, the expounder of 8 Securities, Abdullah mentioned his team was restated with the 'legacy technology, not having product development, and most importantly, no own customer experience' in the traditional industry. With the clauses set on the eligibility for the free Faceable shares is to use their online trading services, →

Swat analysis for victoria station restaurants

The Victoria Station utilized the English depot paraphernalia to support the theme; gas lights, a red English telephone booth, and a London taxi. 2) The building became the logo, for them it would take more than changing the sign and menu to be a whole new restaurant.

Rachel carr

This is the result of advertising to children, but, are we holding the right people responsible for the children's choices. The article The Ethics of Food Advertising Targeted Toward Children: Parental Viewpoint touches on how advertising in the market directly effects children's unhealthy food choices and is centered around the parents' ethical views of advertising →

Strategic analysis for philip morris

Increasing tax rates on cigarettes especially in U.S.and Western Europe The barriers against outside producers in china, korea, taiwan, japan - Economic Forces Increasing buying power of the consumers in developing countries Incremental costs of alternative marketing strategies Compensation expenditures Shrinking old markets in developed countries Growing new markets in developing countries - Social Forces →

Marketing strategy and swot analysis for randoseru bags

Hence, the idea is to take a popular Japanese icon, in the form of the randoseru, and build on that to create a new product. The team's reaction to the bag was very positive, and can be seen as a good indicator of the expected reception of the product.

Analysis of destiny group in bangladesh

This analysis will try to explore the basic problem, causes and ramifications of the MLM issue in Bangladesh in light of acase studyof the Destiny group. Since the Sales & marketing plan of the company and the concept of the business system, was very new to the ordinary people of Bangladesh; the company started facing →

Social media for business-an analysis of statistic data

Questioning in which there is a relationship between the kinds of social media is and the type of business. For the most part, this assignment shows that there is a relationship between the use of social media and their relation with customers.

Rhetorical analysis of pedigree advertisements advertisements

When looking at this photograph, our eyes immediately move towards the digging dog, with its nearly white fur standing out amongst the gray asphalt background, then to the bone, and finally to the text and Pedigree emblem placed in the upper right corner, implying that the Pedigree was the cause for the dog's phenomenal strength. →

Marketing analysis of famous amos (singapore)

Famous Amos Cookies are also recognized as the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Famous Amos is also widely distributed in the island.

Competitor analysis for accessorize

Competitor Strengths: Accessorize is a popular, well known business which owns many stores; there are many franchises of Accessorize all over the world, with 180 stores in the UK and a massive 400 international stores! When walking past an Accessorize shop and seeing a familiar face in the window advertising the products inside, it will →

Analysis of sporstwear

Given the wide gap, JJB at some point has control of the control of the entire market sales and distribution and posed a barrier of entry.[pic] Illustration from: Given the above, characteristic of a monopolistic competition exist in this industry. Each competitive firm produces a good that is a perfect substitute for the product →

Case analysis: marketing management

The major trade off for Altruist using Elevate Strategy will be seen in the shift of market share of the company in both " off-course" and " on- course" channels. The core competency of the company from sales in on-course channels will not be disturbed due to the launch these new products in Elevate.

Janmar coatings case analysis

Hiring a new sales representative would be the smartest decision right now because they will know every detail of the products and have the ability to market that properly to each of those consumer segments. Because our contribution margin is 35%, with the addition of a new representative costing $60, 000, about $171, 429 additional →

Marketing situation analysis of macro environment

The analysis of the macro-environment will identify trends that will impact upon the development of the microwave oven, the target market and the marketing mix. Monitoring changes in the size and age structure of the population is a crucial step in the future success of Environmentalist' marketing strategy for the microwave oven.

Rhetorical analysis of a print advertisement

The advertisement's successful attempts to appeal to the observer's emotions, use of the ethical appeal, the appeal to logic, and a fallacious element of the argument will also be analyzed. The appeal to logic in the advertisement is indistinguishable quality of the bags of blood.

A rhetorical analysis of the video of the new iphone 5’s keynotes

Module A Rhetorical Analysis of the Video of the new iPhone 5s Key s The speakers' goal is to persuade as well as motivate the audience to purchase the new iPhone 5. The message is being delivered by the Senior Vice President of Worldwide product marketing to instill confidence to the audience about the quality →

Literary analysis

Literary Analysis: The Ransom of the Red Chief ' The ransom of the red chief' is one of the most interesting and enjoyableshort stories by the renowned American writer O. The main theme in the story is the triumph of the underdog.

Transcendence: a movie analysis

The film Transcendence is an ideal example of the good that can come off technological advancements, as well as the ethical and legal grounds it can break when there are no limits. Biotechnology, which explores the combination of human consciousness and the unlimited capabilities of technology, is stepping on the line where limitations should be →

Rhetorical analysis of how to mark a book

His association with books is unmatchable, and to share his passion for reading, he has written the article " How to Mark a Book". Adler emphasizes on the importance of the essence and the knowledge that is preserved in the books, and his third type of book owners have this habit of reaching to crux →

Conduct a rhetorical analysis of krishnas replay to arjuna in the bhagavad gita

The use of dialogue has been expressed whereby, a persuasive tone is used in Krishna reply to Arjuna. In conclusion, the rhetoric analysis of this book brings out the tone of war and its cultural aspect.

Azalea seafood gumbo shoppe in 2004: a case analysis

The main issue with regards to this increase in capabilities hinges on the company's willingness to secure and move to a larger facility. Describe what they should do and how they should implement it.f the company aims for more growth, the way to achieve this is to move to a bigger building and expand in →

Case analysis: the early bird – electric power load despatching

The Early Bird continuously calculates the marginal cost of delivering additional kilowatts of electricity to Southern Company customers anywhere in the company's service area; then, as electricity demand rises or falls at points throughout the system, Early Bird transmits " raise" or " lower" impulses to the company's generating units and routes the correct amount →

Macbeth literary analysis

The second soliloquy is found in the beginning of Act II, where Macbeth is seen alone with a " dagger" in his hand. Without Shakespeare's choice of technique, the audience will not fully understand what Macbeth does to become who he is.

Analysis of the main character in three day road

Further more, the loss of identity, his desire to become a war hero, and the use of morphine to escape reality caused Elijah Weesageechak to become a motionless killer. In order for Elijah to prove his killing abilities as a soldier to his peers, he begins to collect the scalps of his killings as trophies.

How to adapt melville’s “bartleby the scrivener” for film

The reader of " Bartleby" is made to feel that she has missed something, that there is some clue to the secret of Bartleby and " Bartleby" that has been overlooked and which would resolve the pervading feeling of dislocation. Giving a name to the narrator is not the solution to this problem, as that →

Belgians are hunting books instead of pokémon

Inspired by the success of Pokemon Go, a Belgian primary school headmaster has developed an online game for people to search for books instead of cartoon monsters, attracting tens of thousands of players in weeks. Gregoire is now contemplating taking the game a step further and creating an app for it.

Theme analysis on henrik ibsen “a doll’s house”

INTRODUCTION * Statements of the problem * Objectives of the Study * Significance of the Study * Scope and Limitations * Definition of Terms II. To find out the theme of the story; 2.

Reverse sear: a rhetorical analysis of “consider the lobster”

As the essay continues, the reader notices the transition of a review of the festival into a topic on to the ethics of food consumption, specifically that of the lobster. Wallace provides them with the possibility that this is a cash grab, and humans have little to no morals of the animals that they consume.

The theme of family in books 6 and 24 in homer’s iliad.

The leaders of the Greeks are brothers, and Achilles's revenge against Hektor is caused by the loss of the brotherly love of Patroklos. I have had the noblest of sons in Troy, but I say not one of them is left to me...and all that are left me are disgraces, the liars and the dancers, →

Beowulf’s defining characteristic

He says that God allowed him to kill the monster and gave him all of the credit. Beowulf remembered all of his past victories and knew he had to stay loyal to his people, no matter what the challenge was.

Importance of books in life

Books can have a profound effect on society and the world because they enable an individual to change the world. Think 'Tuesdays with Morrie', 'God has a dream' and you begin to see the role of books in society and why they are important.

Books and music

You read and interpret the books meaning, that the books are set to be more of a one meaning kind of thing, the writer had the idea of what the lesson of the story's are going to be. They also have more a basic outline of how to read and write books to make them →

A long walk to water book analysis

Salva did not really understand what the war was about until a normal school day was ruined by a random war outbreak in his village and he was forced to flee from his family and house, at the sound of gunfire, his schoolteacherordered the boys to " Go quickly, into the bush, not home. Despite →

To kill a mockingbird, by harper lee: a character analysis of calpurnia

Cal's kindness results in Atticus keeping her to be their housekeeper, and Atticus chooses to take Cal to tell Helen, Tom Robinson's wife, the news of his death after his trial that accused him of raping Mayella Ewell. Toward the middle of the novel, Calpurnia is watching Scout and Jem while Atticus is at work.

Literary analysis of macbeth

With the encounter of the witches, they greeted Macbeth as, " Hail to thee; Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King here-after." The title he has now is Thane of Glamis, but he does not understand how he could have the title of Thane of Cawdor, when actually Macbeth only led King Duncan's forces →

Tablets vs. textbooks

The opponent of tablets' argument is that tablets can have a bad influence on student'seducationin a way that it can distract student's attention and contribute to an eye strain. But, if we are using tablets, it will lower the amount of papers teachers have to print out for the assignments and handouts, which will consequently →

Integrity as the main trait of a lawyer: atticus finch character analysis

In the classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, main character Atticus Finch lives by this saying; he judges the seeds he plants, not his success each day. Even when the town and even his own family disagrees, Atticus does his job to the best of his ability.

The pros of reading fantasy books

Fantasy books often tend to be very appealing to teenagers and help develop theirpersonality, which is why a lot of teenagers who previously never used to read books started reading books. Therefore it is beneficial not detrimental for teenagers to read fantasy books as it instills in them the habit of reading from an early →

Gimpel the fool by isaac bashevis singer: literary analysis

He was forced into a life created for the merriment of the villagers and refused to live a life made by him. Throughout his life he was provided with numerous opportunities to evolve and rise above the taunting and the meaningless existence in which he was embroiled Gimpel became a product of his environment.

Ebooks are inferior to real books

The topic before us this evening is that " eBooks are inferior to real books" Not one member of the affirmative team will deny that eBooks have been a great innovation however there are many disadvantages associated with the use of eBooks which would support our team's argument that traditional books are superior and therefore →

The case of barnes and noble bookstores

One of the factors that affect the stock price performance of the company is the internal decisions that guide the company. Explaining how these internal factors could affect the fate of Barnes and Noble stock prices, it would have to be attributed to the image that the company projects towards their customers as well as →

Reading books is better than watching tv

This lassification was made in the light of the characteristic influence of the religious and cultural orbits which the Turks entered. In the social life of Turkey, citizens used to be respectful and have a good fellowship.

Problem of unreturned books

The first step would be to identify the shortcomings of the current system for the program creators to know what will be included in the system. This creating a matrix to show the areas in which their system surpasses other company's systems and the advantage that will have to the overall performance of the company.

The two books, coined by the theologians

His glory is declared in the heavens, the work of His hands is proclaimed in the skies, and " the order, intricacy, and wonder of creation speak to the existence of a powerful and glorious Creator". The Two Books that God reveals Himself to humanity include, " General Revelation and Special Revelation." General revelation refers →

Book analysis: the rook

The character that I identify with most his detective Patrick Bowers, the reason that I identify with detective Patrick bowers is because my uncle is also a detective who also has delt with cases similar to this, only not as extream as Patrick bowers. My uncle and Patrick Bowers are very similar when it comes →

Macbeth analytical essay

In regards to context, the Jacobean audience believed that witches' had the ability and power to predict the future and that there predictions would always be true and therefore would have expected Macbeth to receive the titles of the Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor, as the witches have predicted this earlier within the →

Analysis of literary devices of jane eyre

Analysis of the Theme of Jane Eyre and its Literary Devices Jane Eyre is an outstanding and meaningful novel which was written by Charlotte Bronte who did not have a fascinating appearance, a perfect figure and a gloriousfamilyand who had the similar fate with the heroine of the novel. The essay is focused on the →

Diagnostic book thief essay assignment

A lot of kids that went through the whole Nazi era did not really understand what was going on, and therefore did not really care. He was too young when the whole Jesse Owens incident occurred, and he did not understand that if someone had seen him covered in coal they could have sent him →

Woman at point zero by nawal el saadawi: character analysis

In the novel Woman at Point Zero, Nawal El Saadwi uses first person point of view to develop Firdaus as a sympathetic character in order to develop a theme of the oppression of women in society. She has to allow men to treat her the way they do because she is not allowed to do →

A literary analysis of cat in the rain versus indian camp

Here the object is to get that cat and the helper is George, who supports her. Another argument that George is the helper, is that on the moment the girl says that she doesnt like herself the way she looks, he confirms that she is beautiful, that he likes her the way she is.

Literary analysis of odd wording in billy budd by herman melville

For instance, referring to Claggart as " Jemmy Legs," gives the reader a sense of how Claggart is looked down upon by his subordinates because it suggests that the Master-at-arms has restless legs, that he is jittery and nervous, and that he has no control over any of his motions in his legs, implying that →

E-books or print books: which do you prefer?

The study found a much higher use of e-book over print book, and the trend of personal preference is not only restricted to the group of students but the whole younger generation. Apart from the print books, there is another kind of books - electronic books, which poses a challenge to the position of paper →

Eye-related of methods of analysis of biomedical images

Eye-relateddisease such as Diabetic Retinopathy is a medical ailment in which theretina of the human eye is smashed because of damage to the tiny retinal bloodvessels in the retina. In thisstudy, the diabetic retinopathy is discovered from the fundus images andfluorescein angiography images of the eye retina with image segmentationtechniques 3.

Communication climate in the film “on golden pond”

She needs Norman's help and knocks on the door." Someone's at the door," says Norman, not even looking up from his book." It's me you old poop," Ethel says. Ethel, in contrast to Norman's character, uses confirming messages entirely through the film.

Analysis of the clerk’s tale: the impact of walter’s and griselda’s marriage

The tale itself is a mirror of the social strata in the Middle Ages: the elite royalty and nobility, the small stratum of merchants, and the large section of the laity. On Griselda Griselda is obviously the " weaker" character in comparison to Walter, considering that she is from the lowest social class and a →

The “brave new world” by aldous huxley analysis

A key reference that the play features of becoming a brave new world of a group of survivors living in a disastrous world of darkness trying to reminiscence the times of the Simpsons episode: " Caped Fear". One of the essays of the play " Once Upon a Time " How Myths Evolve" deals with →

Analysis of macbeth by william shakespeare

In the play, Macbeth is a Thane, so the audience knows he is noble. The third characteristic is the person being tempted by something; something of value can be obtained if the person is willing to give into the weakness." All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!" In this case, the three witches tell →

The three character traits of macbeth

The three witches that he met In the beginning told him his prophecy, which Is that he Is going to be the future king of Scotland, " All hall, Macbeth! Macbeth wants to prove to his wife that he is the one that she desires for and to do that, he listens to whatever she →

Literary analysis of a separate peace english literature essay

The author's use of time and place is confusing at first, but once the setting goes back in time the reader is thankful an explanation of the school grounds is provided at the beginning.B. The theme of the work is jealousy and denial.A.

Hamlet theme analysis

Claudius attempts to make it look like everyone is friends in the eyes of the court by trying to sympathize with Hamlet but ends up just telling him to suck it up and deal with his father's death like a man." Take it to heart? Horatio tells Hamlet that his father's ghost had been spotted →

The mind of the mad: analysis of hamlet

This is another example of Shakespeare ' playing' with the madness of Hamlet, and to keep the reader guessing. It is important to note that Hamlet is a tragedy, and holds many of the characteristics tragedies held in the renaissance.

Analysis of hamlet in terms of aristotle

In Hamlet Shakespeare has chosen to base his play on the six rules to a tragic hero set by Aristotle, the function of the play, and the purpose of a tragedy. When we look at Hamlet he is in fact a person of high status, he is the son of the previous king, and is →

Romeo and juliet analysis

The implication is that this play is a tragic romance and all reenactments of the play have sought to bring out the challenge of love amidst troubles and the sad ending that the characters face in their lives. Ford notes that the implication of the costumes in the play is aimed at communicating given aspects →

Analysis of hamlet’s morality

At the beginning of the play, Hamlet is presented to us as a cautious and courteous man; however, due to the negative circumstances he has to face, we see how his moral character becomes reckless and uncivil. Eventually, Hamlet's new characteristics lead him to the achievement of his main and primary goal.

Lady macbeth character analysis

Contents As a startling and illustrious female character in Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth, there are numerous crimes that Lady Macbeth committed. Lady Macbeth is portrayed by the play as an evil person who influences her husband's decisions and diversion of her husband's roles.

Hamlet: analysis of shakespeare’s main character

As the ideal Renaissance gentleman/noble, Hamlet's refinement of spirit is best represented when he criticizes Claudius, the murderous king, for his drunkenness; his great sensitivity of mind is exemplified in his stupor over his mother's quick re-marriage to Claudius following the death of Hamlet's father, and his humility is evident in his deep love for →

Romeo and juliet love analysis

Friar Lawrence could be described as the source of paternal love for Juliet as he is the person who understands that she loves Romeo, and is willing to help her. As the nurse ends with her wish to see Juliet married in this quote, the audience might almost think that the nurse is just as →

Character analysis: brave new world

In many ways, Brave New World is almost a story of survival not survival as opposed to the natural world, but survival of the human race, of individuals trying to live in a world where the individual spirit is considered nonexistent. In this context, the people who inhabit Brave New World jump off of the →

Never a happy ending

At first Macbeth is fighting for the better of his country and for the love of his king. Macduff can sense Macbeth's dishonesty and leaves everything to find a better suitor for the crown.

Psycho, the greatest film of all time?

This essay will attempt to show you the brilliance that is Psycho and how Alfred Hitchcock managed to create a film which even today grabs and retains the interest of any audience. The camera angles and lighting in Psycho are arguably the cleverest and most effective ever used in a film.

Indiana jones the movie, analysis of hinduism

While many parts of the movie are relatively close to real Hindu life in India, like: the presence of a Thugee Cult, the government in India at which the time in the movie takes place, and the religious and political structure of India. In my opinion three of the most significant wrong-doings in the film →

Media studies analysis of a modern scripted film

Everything your not suppose to poke fun at he does, and it's not just jokes, it's the REAL response of the people he encounters and their reactions to these topics is where most of the humor comes from. The underlying result of the satire is powerfully and beneficial for people to watch.

Stereotyping in the film the birdcage (1996)

With the exception of academics and serious students in film or cultural studies, most movie-goers regard the viewing of films as simply an entertainment activity when, very often, central to the experience is the swallowing of messages that the creators of the film wish to advance. Richard Dyer, Professor of Film Studies at King's College →

Bonnie & clyde film analysis

One of the central themes that you can follow in the film and in Bonnie and Clyde's real lives is the idea offamily. You can see that Bonnie and Clyde kept a tight knit group in the film and in life.

Reaction paper on the film “a beautiful mind”

With this illness, he was not able to separate the imaginary world from the real world he is living in, with all the hallucinations and nonexistent friends he has. Lucky for him that he has understanding wife, because if it was not for her love and support, he would not be able to get through →

Contrast/comparison essay on horror movies

In the horror film, " A Nightmare On Elm Street", takes place in a town called Elm Street where teenagers are paying the price for actions their parents made, by burning a man to death, when they were young. In two horror films, " A Nightmare on Elm Street" and " Texas Chainsaw Massacre" the →

Analysis of mise-en-scene in the film ‘american beauty’

Leister is also a disruption to the room- his checked pyjamas are in linear and in uniform with the rest of the room- as he looks out of place, sprawled in the bed, sheets ruffled and contrasting with the colour scheme of the room. This opening introduces the family's lifestyle and sets the scene for →

Outsourced movie analysis

A language barrier existed when he asked the Indian nationals where is the train station in English, with the Indian nationals not understand what he was saying and thus, Todd was not able to express his thoughts effectively to the other party. In a bid to get out of the situation as soon as he →

The lion king movie analysis essay sample

We chose to analyze Mufasa, King of Pride Rock, and explain his use of the Path-Goal Theory and its different leadership approaches based on who he was leading and the situation. He ignored Scar's needs and relied only on his positional power as king to lead the restless lion.

“touching the void” short analysis

When Joe Simpson and his friend Simon Yates decided to go climbing in Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes, he would not imagine he would caught up in the most spectacular survival story. The howling was coming from Joe unbeknownst to Simon until he decided to go investigate and was flabbergasted to see his injured →

Into the wild character comparison

In this story we learn that he gives up almost everything he owns to take a dangerous Journey and live off the land. He did not receive a degree though because he did not see a point in it, and only studied for the sake of learning.