9 Pages Essay Samples

The green party | political analysis

In Harmel and Robertson; Hauss and Rayside " Cleavages or strains; institutional factors, such as characteristics of the electoral system and centralization of the government; and more directly political factors, such as the position of trade unions and the configuration of existing party competition" were identified as factors behind differential success. However, it is highlighted β†’

Kazakhstan- (cis), was officially a presidential republic and,

Kazakhstan was a bilingual country: Kazakh had the status of the" state" language, while Russian, which was spoken by almost allKazakhstanis, was declared the " official" language, and was usedroutinely in business and day-to-day communications. In 2001 and 2002, in an acknowledgementof Kazakhstan's efforts to transition awayfrom the Soviet planned economy, the EuropeanUnion and the β†’

Republic of ireland’s primary care strategy: an analysis

Primary Care Strategy Introduction " Primary care is the first point of contact that people have with the health and personal social services".[1] This means that primary care must be sufficiently well developed to be able to address the most complex and diverse range of health-related challenges and problems that will manifest in healthcare service β†’

Genetic profile of the bvl lutra lutra population study

An attempt to optimize the PCR amplification of nDNA extracted from otter faeces to develop a genetic profile of the BVL Lutra lutra population Diana Ferreira, Carlos Fonseca, Eduardo Ferreira, Rita Rocha Introduction The determination of wild species distribution and abundance is extremely necessary for conservation biology studies since some species, such as carnivores, are β†’

Ricardo’s theory of value research paper sample

With this in view, Ricardo explores the rest of the categories, every time raising the question, of whether the category, which he considers, is different from the definition of the cost of labour value. The difference in the degree of durability of basic capital and in the relationship between the two forms of capital leads β†’

Lukes’ three dimensions of power

In many cases, the exercise of power is more subtle and results from the use of mechanics beyond the scope of the one dimensional view. The two dimensional view of power recognises this; that the mechanisms of power and the way it operates can go beyond what meets the eye.

Strength of spider silk comparable high grade steel biology essay

SPIDER WEB AND TYPES OF SPIDER SILK: Prior to the geographic expedition of the construction and belongingss of spider silks, building and design of webs have been the major country of focal point. The diameter of the silk can be controlled by the valve located at the terminal of the canal [ 47 ].

Brave new world ,the passion of new eve and the handmaids tale

The title is a quote from Shakespeare's The Tempest which is also quoted in the book by the character John; ' O brave new world...'. This is because of the way she has been treated in the reservation due to her upbringing.

European debt crisis assignment

The story of the Greek financial crisis obviously coincides with the current global economic crisis; however, the events in Greece are unlike the financial events that have plagued the rest of the world. With all signs point to the fault of the government, the actions of the entire country had actually put Greece in their β†’

The inherent characteristics of the construction industry construction essay

All employees' safety culture should be created The improvement of project safety management model is based on the all employees' management and participant. Therefore, creation of all employees' safety culture is equally important to the safety management.

ο»Ώthe glass castle: life should be taught somehow

Elements that are considered " controversial" for banning of the novel are the profanity used by the characters, violence the Wall's family goes through, and the alcoholism which is a huge part of who Wall's dad is. The excessive amount of profanity used in the novel is vital to help readers understand the storyline because β†’

So many questions – original writing

I did not know anything about her, her wonderful life with her 'parents' the life I never had. I was right she had rejected me.

A public sector marketing communications media essay

The main objective of the campaign is to help the government reach it goals to be " the first major nation to reverse the rising tide of obesity and overweight in the population". Coca-Cola believes that everyone is at the risk of getting obese and as such they have launched this campaign to contribute in β†’

Need for soft skills training in management teachers education essay

The primary purpose of this paper is to bring forth the importance of soft skills in the career of management teacher as well as knowing the need of soft skill training in their professional life. The major objectives of the study are to find out the importance of soft skills and to know need of β†’

Caring for a person with a long-term condition

They will also analyse the role of the nurse in the management of long-term conditions, the student nurse will then compare and contrast different approaches in the management of a long-term condition. The Incidence and Prevalence of Parkinson's in the UK.[online] Available at: https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/sites/default/files/2018-01/CS2960%20Incidence%20and%20prevalence%20report%20branding%20summary%20report%20Published%202017.pdf[Accessed 28 Oct.

Values of nationalism in pakistan

The consent is taken from the symbolic and imaginary way of " we" and " them", and it is implemented by the media event and the selection criteria of news and its presentation. Both electronic and press media in Pakistan is more focusing on the future of Pakistan as independent nation with different identity in β†’

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder – essay

Inattention in a child with ADHD can include failure to pay close attention to details or make careless mistakes and will not have the ability to complete tasks on time. Another option to use with a child with ADHD is peer tutoring or the use of an assistant in the classroom.

Eight stages of genocide

All of these stages can be applied to the study of the Jewish Holocaust and the first six stages are the early warning signs. However, the first two stages of classification and symbolization will not result in genocide unless dehumanization the next stage of dehumanization also occurs according to the Eight Stages of Genocide.

What are the alternatives to scientific realism philosophy essay

The aim of scientific realism is to give us a literally true generalized description of reality, so truth plays an important role in the formulation of the basic realist position.[2] The correct statement of scientific realism is, Science aims to give us, in its theories, a literally true story of what the world is like; β†’

The mobilecasting usage and leisure activities media essay

Due to the rapid growing of social networking sites, the results of this research is the social networking sites play a significant role to the young people and the reasons why they engage in the social media are for social uses and varied to their own personal. The mobilecasting usage determine the leisure activities of β†’

Two forms of communication psychology essay

The observation of non-verbal communication engages all the senses, such as hearing which is used to identify the vocal characteristics of the spoken messages. An individual lacking in the understanding of non verbal cues may lead to misinterpretation and create wrong perceptions of others, the situations and messages.

Communication in a care setting essay sample

Also the register is done verbally the children have to shout yes Written communication Written communication is the use of letters and/or symbols to form a written message using words in the form of a language. In a early years setting Most of the written communication is to the parents normally in the form of β†’

Advice and support

2 The role and value of an advocate in relation to end of life care is to support and enable individuals to express their views and concerns, to access information and services, to defend and promote their rights and responsibilities, and to explore choices and options 6. 1 To support individual's care through the process β†’

Uzawa’s growth theory and the neoclassical growth model essay

The physical capital is produced through consumption goods in the output using human and physical capital while the human capital is produced with physical and human capital in the education sector. In this model, the production of human capital depends only on human capital while the production function of the physical capital is Cobb-Douglas.

Emergency and critical care medicine: an essential component of all specialties and practices

Likened to two specialties joined as one, in a continuum of care and in a partnership working with other specialties, veterinary emergency and critical care focuses on the immediate needs of a severely ill or injured animal and also on management of the critical medical and surgical patient beyond the primary problem. I also will β†’

Summary paper of group dynamics

It was never about who was going to take over or speak for the group, who was in charge, or who had the best ideas, it was more about how we listened to one another and found our own skills within our group to achieve the ultimate goal on whatever activity was being conducted. The β†’

A case of shady business ethics business essay

It was established under the name of " Creative Star" by the major transportation companies in Hong Kong, Octopus Cards Limited is the operator of the Octopus System and the issuer of Octopus. Prompted by the business expansion of the Octopus card, Octopus Holdings Limited was formed in 2005 after a company restructure and Octopus β†’

The conflicting theories for social order sociology essay

He returned again and again to the subject of power and as Aronowitz points out, power was a central category which permeates Mills' social thought, especially the mechanisms used by the elites in economy and social institutions.'...the structural clue to the power elite today lies in the political order, that clue is the decline of β†’

Biomedical and social models of health

According to Baggott the biomedical model of health looks at individual physical functioning and describes bad health as the presence of disease and illness symptoms as a result of physical cause such as injury or infections and attempts to ignore social and psychological factors. In effect this is directed towards the dysfunction of the organs β†’

Swot analysis on indian national congress

From the foundation of national congress 28 dec 1885 till the time of independence of india 15 august 1947, the national congress was the largest and most prominent india public organization, which influence of the Indian independence movement. After the first war of Indian independence and the transfer of india from the east india company β†’

Linear dynamics system essay

From the equation force is equal to mass multiply by the acceleration of the body; this means that mass is directly proportional to the force exerted by the body given its acceleration; F = mawhere: F is the force exerted by the object m is the mass of the object a is the acceleration of β†’

Drug trafficking laws and penalties criminology essay

The effects of drug use and drug trafficking damage our global economy, affects the youth of the word, and spurs violence amongst people. A study prepared by The Lewin Group for the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimated the total economic cost of alcohol and drug β†’

Wikileaks case study

ETHICAL DILEMMA: The ethical dilemma in this case is found to be: To release classified information to the general public OR Not to release classified information to the general public These two dilemmas have undesirable outcomes for the decision maker and all parties concerned. In this case, the greatest good for the greatest number would β†’

With reference to relevant literature discuss the history

I will outline and discuss each of these phases and alongside explain the changing role of the probation service and what its goals and aims are in the present day. The welfare phase developed and moved into the 1970's and it was said that the 60's and 70's was the 'hey day' of the probation β†’

Ids financial services case study

Market potential: To calculate the market potential for financial services in the context of the case, we started with the figure of 42 million high-potential customers. Sales Force Issue: The first challenge for IDS as mentioned in the case is to increase its sales while decreasing the cost.

Researched proposal essay on education reform

The law and policy makers need to make the quality of teaching and the recruitment of competent teachers a first priority in their legislations. The remuneration system for the teachers is also a severe problem that inhibits the acquisition of competent teachers in the American schools.

The economy of south korea case study

Introduction The mall purpose of this report is to analyze the beef and wine markets In South Korea with two theories of consumer behavior as following, social clashes Include the Income of different levels of class and their behavior toward beef and wine. Owing to the climatic reasons and the capacity of the land is β†’

Humanities middle ages

It starts from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the beginning of the early Modern Period in the 16th century, a period history refers to as that of the High Renaissance marked by wide development and revolutionary thinking in the arts, humanities and burgeoning scientific practices. Via the Crusades β†’

Visiting miami – the city of sun and sea

The peak tourist season is during the winter months from January to April when the weather is warm in Miami and cold in rest of the United States. Downtown Downtown Miami: Located right in the heart of Miami between the busy Brickell area, the beaches and rest of the mainland, Downtown is the perfect place β†’

Death by strangulation – an investigation of the essentials essay

The delineation between strangulation and hanging is made in Jones' definition of hanging which describes it as the external compression of the neck as a result of the weight and suspension of the head. The type of ligature used to compress the neck according to Aggrawal is also indicative of the type of strangulation that β†’

Robert mapplethorpe: photographers work essay

In most of Mapplethorpe's flower still-lifes, there is the sense that he, similarly, is laboring in the service of utter formal perfection, that he aims, further, to proffer refinement for the sake of refinement. One of the reasons to insist on the legitimacy of Mapplethorpe's work is to intervene in that construction and the political β†’

Ethical dilemma in the use of nonbeneficial treatment at end of life

This ethical issue asks the question, " Would continued treatment for a patient at the end of life truly follow the ethical principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, and fidelity?" Cardona-Morrell, Kim, Turner, Anstey, Mitchell, and Hillman researched nonbeneficial treatments in hospitals at the end of life internationally in 10 different counties, including the United β†’

Split brain case study

Epilepsy is a kind of storm in the brain, which is caused by the excessive signaling of nerve cells, and in these patients, the brain storm was prevented from spreading to the other hemisphere when the corpus callosum was cut off". At the same time he states that the conciseness, which appears in the right β†’

Differences between drug related and organized crime in america

The Differences Between Drug Related Crime and Organized Crime The history of America has been filled with some form of organized or drug related crime that dates to the time of the early settlers in the 1600s. The differences between a drug related crime and organized crime are established through understanding the definition of each β†’

Village life essay

Though the facilities in villages may be lesser than that in the cities however most of the people living there are far more content and happy. People living in the villages mostly indulge in agricultural activities and stay away from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic city life.

How hot drinks effect peoples feelings

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the temperature of a held drink on the appearance of either positive or negative feelings towards other people. The results obtained in the replication of the study are consistent with the findings of the original experiment conducted by Williams and Bargh.

Chapter 04 study questions

The interest rate charged per period multiplied by the number of periods per year is called the _____ rate.a.effective annual b.annual percentage c.periodic interest d.compound interest e.daily interest Answer: b Difficulty level: Easy Topic: ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 2. Option A is the better choice of the two given any positive rate of return.c.

How general environment affects organizations assignment

Such as the economic recession and decline of consumer confidence in the United States happens in 2000s has affected economies and organizations around the world. The sub-prime mortgage crisis started since last year would be a great challenge for managers in respect to the economic downturn of all around the world and loaning cost increases.

Review of early adult romantic relationships

This essay critically reviews the topic of " early adult romantic relationships", with a particular focus on " Personality, Family History and Competence in Early Adult Romantic Relationships", by Donnellan, Larsen-Rife, & Conger, as an example of the type of methodology used in this field, outlining the research and its contribution to the topic. In β†’

Jetair ltd. and contemporary companies and securities law

Introduction In acting as advisors for the Pilot's Association Australia and Airlines Union Australia, we seek to explore the legality of the various actions of the Jetair Ltd.'s Board of Directors which ultimately lead to the hiring of a new staff body in New Zealand by JetairNZ Ltd at a lowered salary and the subsequent β†’

Are we free to make our own choices in life?

Through a discussion of censorship of history textbooks in Japan, censorship againstracismin Singapore and move ratings, this essay seeks to show the benefits of censorship to the community. Due to the complexity of censorship, the government needs to be prudent in using censorship to the best interest of the society.

Circulation weather types as a tool in atmospheric, climate, and environmental research

In the last decades, the advance of computing resources and the availability of datasets have fostered the development of fast and objective methods that process large amounts of data. Circulation weather types and spatial variability of daily precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula.

Nhs: history of, and modern day

Early approaches to health in the UK generally saw it as the responsibility of the individual to seek and pay for health services. Social reformers began to survey the living conditions of the poor and 1842 Edwin Chadwick published his Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population of Great Britain which concluded that β†’

Views on the environment in the bible

The text says, " Since the beginning of the eighties the increasing deforestation of tropical forests have raised major concerns both in the respective tropical countries and in the industrialized nations. The reason is that the destruction of the tropical forest ecosystem does not only impact on the economic and ecological well-being of tropical countries β†’

Free the last days of socrates essay sample

What makes the historical and philosophical character of Socrates even more elusive is the fact that Socrates himself did not write any big volumes of philosophy and the sole vessel to his philosophical contributions are the reminiscences of his equally gifted student Plato. This information contradicts the allegations of the private citizens who alleged in β†’

The relationship between motivation and performance business essay

In the instruction profession, nevertheless, research workers in the '80s raised inquiries about the pertinence of Maslow 's and Herzberg 's theories to simple and secondary school instructors: Do pedagogues, in fact, fit the profiles of the norm concern employee? Specifically, the findings disagree with Herzberg in relation the importance of money as a incentive β†’

Interactive whiteboard: benefits in the classroom

Teachernet credits interactive whiteboards with the benefits of: Improving understanding of new concepts Increasing pupil motivation and involvement Improving planning, pace and flow of lessons Teachernet online, Interactive Whiteboards As Cogill points out in her research report for Bects/DfES on IWBs in primary schools, the uniqueness of IWBs lies in its design to be used β†’


His jump from the laboratory into the war is a complete shock to the reader and one of the most powerful character modifications in the novel. As Aureliano falls deeper in love, everything in his life starts to remind him of Remedios, and he begins to neglect his work." The house [becomes] full of love" β†’

Bmw marketing excellence flashcard

The Intel Inside campaign aimed to " educate both the and to explain to them the differences between the microprocessors" without the technical Jargon. Many consumers were uncertain about the quality and reliability of microprocessors, and Intel found a way of taking away the mystery of the product, gaining the confidence of the end consumer β†’

Slum and squatters resettlement in asean countries

Introduction The urban population in the world is expanding in generally with Asia being estimated to hold 60% of the increase in world's urban population over the next three decades. Slum and squatter settlements have formed mainly because of the inability of city governments to plan and provide affordable housing for the low-income segments of β†’

The issue regarding conflict of interest law company business partnership essay

Sharp being a portfolio manager at Morrison Ventures Fund which is in the business of buying and selling bonds knew that a conflict of interest would occur if he were in receipt of the restricted information in connection with the financing of Oblique.Mr. Sharp breaches the regulation of the Act in using the restricted information β†’

Editorial: tavi and the challenges ahead

Relevant topics for discussion include the relative merits/drawbacks of TAVI compared to SAVR, the impact and potential mitigation strategies for periprocedural stroke and permanent pacemaker implantation, the use of oral anticoagulation after TAVI, and the question of long-term transcatheter heart valve durability. The risk of cerebrovascular events and how to prevent them, the impact of β†’

The effectiveness of mass media advertisements marketing essay

The emphasis of these marketers was mass messaging of the brand to the consumers as company's based their television spending on the ' share of voice,' that is making sure your market share, expenditure of competitors and the company's growth expectations of the brand was in line with the advertising budget. As Brand awareness is β†’

The price of eggs inflation in thailand

From The price of eggs in Thailand is high effect to the food sellers have to carry the burden of rising prices of eggs as they continue to cook food for customers. The price of eggs in Thailand is important-in that the price is an " Index" of the skill of the government in managing β†’

Mcdonald’s marketing mix assignment

Although standardization Is fundamental to McDonald's, nonetheless, the company has managed to adapt to various tastes In different countries In order to serve specific customers. McDonald's products prices are determined by the cost and expense particular to a locality.

Introduction to sociology cours analysis

An example of this is could be the cow worship in Indian society as the preservation of the cow allows it to plow the fields and produce milk, both of which are essential to long term survival of the inhabitants. All in all, the conflict perspective represents the realistic way in which I view the β†’

Exploring the resources and capabilities of dell

During the essay theoretical concepts will be used and applied to Dell in order to analyse the organisation. This model is very effective as it allows Dell to offer the latest technologies at competitive prices in a timely manner.

The inferno and the perfection of gods justice religion essay

For God is love" and, in accordance with the Bible, it is also stated that God's Justice is described as fair, when people receive justice, they receive the penalty they deserve, or they are repaid for the damages done to them, in the bible, justice is related to the Law of Moses, which the Lord β†’

The effects of nationalist movements essay

The effects of Nationalist movements against Colonisation in the Pacific was immense and was at its peak from the beginning of the 1900's towards the end of the century. Therefore, this paper will identify and discuss the causes and the effects of protest in the Pacific, using the Mau movement in Samoa and the Maasina β†’

Skilled labour: types and shortage in malaysia construction

The duties will include the following: Identify materials for concrete mixture Pour concrete into formwork Mix concrete Place and compact concrete Perform curing of concrete The duties of a plasterer at level 1 are to apply one coat of various kinds of plaster to walls as a finishes. The others duties include the following: Prefabricated β†’

Perception of risk variation factors health and social care essay

Before reexamining the different paradigms of hazard perceptual experience it is critical to understand the really nature of the construct of hazard itself. The aim of this paper is to understand the part of such societal, cultural and psychological factors which form perceptual experiences of hazard.

Dollar general case memo marketing essay

On the other hand, external factors in the environment are beyond organization's control and it is therefore necessary for the company to align itself in response to external environment in order to remain relevant in business. To this end, the paper analyzes the company strategic objectives in line with business environment and looks for the β†’

Comparing the end of reconstruction in south carolina and louisiana

The end of Reconstruction with the Compromise of 1877 assured dominant white's political autonomy and non-intervention regarding race policy and it promised a share in the blessings of the new economic order.[1]In return, the South became a satellite of the dominant region.[2]The role of the Ku Klux Klan in both South Carolina and Louisiana in β†’

New economic model (nem) : an analytical perspective towards vision 2020 essay

The NEM is one of the four important pillars needed to achieve Vision 2020 in the next 10 years, with the three other pillars of the national transformation program being which are 1Malaysia, the Government Transformation Program and the 10th Malaysia Plan. The goal of the NEM is for Malaysia to be a developed and β†’

A study on sleepwalking psychology essay

To some extent, sleepwalking is frequently considered not dangerous unless the occurrence of sleepwalking continues into the adulthood and posts a threat of potential harm to the sleepwalker or the people around. Thus, meditation is proven to be very useful towards the treatment of sleepwalking.

Company analysis of huawei commerce essay

Secondly, the strength of Huawei is, they are able to get higher quality and up-to-date software and hardware to meet the consumer expectation. Examples of work culture is having salary on time and having classes for employees to upgrade their skills.: Huawei weaknesses have to fail to organise the structure of the company.

Health communities: theory and practice

According to Stanhope and Lancaster the term community health is " the meeting of collective needs by identifying problems and managing behaviors within the community itself and between the community and the larger society. The goal is to improve the health of the entire community.

Investigation of the effect of disfluency upon memory

In both original and replicated study, the independent variable was the relative fluency or disfluency of the typeface, and the dependent variable was the encoding performance and retrieval of the information stored in semantic memory. The results gathered seem to refute the results that were found in the original study, and by a large margin.

Franchising strategy of mcdonald’s

These may consist of the ability to take care of the business financing, possessing good management skills in order to motivate & train the employees, be willing to peruse a comprehensive training course and finally dedicate all their time to operating the restaurant and take care of the day-to-day activities of the business. The more β†’

Do our genes define who we are

The history of human hereditary stretches from the era of the Greek materialists to our contemporary time; presented as theories of generation with in-depth analysis " on the relative contributions of nature and nurture to the formation of the physical, mental, and moral characteristics of people. It is mostly in the forms of illnesses that β†’

Existing safety measures at construction sites construction essay

The review of literature touches on the importance of safety in the construction industry, the types of construction hazards, British Labour Law on the protection against occupational risks and industrial accidents, construction site security, etc. The intention is to formulate a true picture of the health and safety measures used in Great Britain These interviews β†’

Louis isadore kahn | architect biography

BACKGROUND Born in 1901 in Estonia, Russia, Louis Isadore Kahn is considered to be one of the most influential architects of the second half of the twentieth century throughout the world. It is widely believed that Louis Kahn, who was then a Resident Architect at the American Academy in Rome, was extremely impressed by the β†’

Leadership style of micheal dell assignment

He was also sometimes not ready to absorb the stress on his mind As a leader Alit Mood has the following important traits: He is intelligent, really used his brain for reaching at certain level He had certain self confidence, which is one of major trait an reason for his succession in the pitch Sociability, β†’

Factors affecting on womens skin care products marketing essay

Stanton, " Marketing mix is the term used to describe the combination of the four inputs which constitute the core of a company's marketing system: the product, the price structure, the promotional activities, and the distribution system". With this kind of distribution, " penetration pricing strategy" which price is set as low price for that β†’

Interaction of bci with the underlying neurological conditions in patients: pros and cons

Ono et al.combined motor imagery based BCI with two different types of feedback for rehabilitation of hand function in chronic stroke patients; a visual and somatosensory. Effectiveness of the P3-speller in brain-computer interfaces for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Effectiveness of sex offender treatment

Some of the advantages are that the public can easily access information about sex offenders on the internet and citizens have the right to know if there is a sex offender in their area. The purpose of this programme is to support and reintegrate sex offenders who are about to be put back into the β†’

Payroll department

According to the definition of Roos a payroll system involves everything that has to do with the payment of employees and the filing of employment taxes. The primary mission of the payroll department is to ensure that all employees are paid accurately and timely with the correct withholdings and deductions, and to ensure the withholdings β†’

Elisen as an aristotilian tragic hero

Death and the King's Horseman is a tragedy that aims to manifest the tragic consequences of disobeying the gods and not maintaining a state of order among the three worlds of the unborn, the living, and the ancestors. It is in his suffering in prison and his son's death that Elesin rises to the heights β†’

Computer integrated manufacturing

The controller then takes the error between the reference and the output to change the inputs u to the system under control. The data will then be able to intermingle with the sensor and modification components of the system.

The impact of levels of processing independent variable psychology essay

The aim of this experiment was to investigate the impact of levels of processing on our memory. The experiment uses the Independent Measures design and the participants are a convenience sample of teenagers.

Leadership strategies in remember the titans

He had a very clear vision as how to succeed with the team and how to have a strong team to work hard with full determination and courage. Through his power he was able to have a transactional lead and whenever the players were wrong he punishes them and he had the control over them β†’

Sociology project in apa final assignment

Barajas is referring to a school in New Jersey that was able to acquire technology; however, they did not know how to properly use it in the classrooms. Overcoming the challenge of technology will only happen if students have access to it on a daily basis in the classroom.

Editorial: inhibitory function in auditory processing

The MNTB is central to this circuitry and is highly specialized; being driven by the Calyx of Held and providing a powerful glycinergic inhibition to its targets. Development of glycinergic innervation to the murine LSO and SPN in the presence and absence of the MNTB.

The parkinsonian personality: more than just a “trait”

In particular, we have carried out a study with the aim of investigating the presence of personality disorders in PD patients and controls, reporting a significantly higher frequency of OCPeD among PD patients. The prevalence of personality disorders in a community sample.

How can political geography make sense of energy policy?

Announced by the German government in 2011, the Energiewende, or energy transformation aims to cut the amount of fossil fuels used in Germany from 80% to 20% by 2050 and is one of the most well-documented examples of an energy transition. Given that much of the discourse around the Energiewende labels it as the ' β†’