9 Pages Essay Samples

Fluid and electrolytes essay sample

The remaining 2 or 3 liters of volume consists of red blood cells and erythrocytes.* Transcellular Fluid This is fluid contained within specialized cavities of the body and is also considered to be part of the ECF. The Transport Process: In addition to the use of membranes; the movement of water and solutes are determined →

Effect of rapid urbanization on housing

Current studies however indicate that the impact of rapid urbanization in terms of housing is revealed both in its quantity and quantity such that the little number of available houses is being overloaded infrastructurally and spatially leading to a reduction in the level of comfort and a rapid development in the number of slums being →

Ethical issues disclosed by the trolley problem philosophy essay

The only possible options are to ensure the trolley remains on the same track resulting in the trolley inevitably killing five people tied to the track or flipping the switch and therefore be accountable for the death of the person tied to the alternative track. A participant following the ideas of this theory would choose →

Theoretical in gender and creativity, no clear

To address the same, our study serves as an opportunity torevisit and explore the differences that exist in the creative outcomes of menand women and address the contextual features that influences the creative attributesof these individuals. On thebasis of the interactionist approach to creativity, individual's sex and team psychological safety willjointly affect creative self-efficacy, which →

A modified 2-d logarithmic search technique for video coding

The frame to be sent is divided into a number of blocks and the best match for the block is looked for in the search window of the reference frame. 2-D logarithmic search is one such search technique that reduces the search points to a subset of the search window and finds the near-optimal best →

Drug-receptor interaction types

At low concentrations, the MCDP mimics the IgE binding sites to the FC RI mast cell receptor and in the absence of IgE, the MCDP binds to the FC RI mast cell receptor to release histamine. Cholera toxin infects the host cell and binds to the GM1 ganglioside receptor on the intestinal cells of the →

Tourist beach resort for extreme sports tourism essay

This type of design project and building typology is most suitable to explore the impacts of architecture on human emotions and moods and then apply it on spaces and over all architecture. A person reacts to it and hence " EXPERIENCES THE TRUE SPIRIT OF THE SPACE".

David beckham as an iconic brand

In time, the connectivity was performed and achieved with the changes in technology as well as political economic and social cultural conditions, and due to this, a new understanding of concept emerged in form of Brand. Although the phrase " bend it like Beckham" shows his most unique ability to curve a free kick around →

The concept of radical responsibility for non-human animals

Responsibility for one's actions is one of the most important concepts in ethics, and it is strictly connected to the issue of blameworthiness and praiseworthiness. Google Scholar Feinberg, J." Collective responsibility," in Doing and Deserving: Essays in the Theory of Responsibility, ed J.

Antonio gramsci and theodor adorno concepts of the social world

Also, it is suggested that, Gramsci derived " the concept of cultural hegemony" from Karl Marx's theory, which addressed the " dominant ideology of society" reflects the beliefs and interests of the ruling class. In the same way, Gramsci strongly believed that, power also lies in the ability to " influence and shape the perceptions" →

Response: commentary: managing recovery resilience in coral reefs against climate-induced bleaching and hurricanes: a 15 year case study from bonaire, dutch caribbean

We find that the reefs of Bonaire represent a highly unusual example of a resilient Caribbean reef ecosystem, and argue in our original article that this resilience is due to sustained and effective local management. In 1999, applied the AGRRA protocol at six of Bonaire's reef sites at 10 m water depth and found the →

Organisational development and organisatins effectiveness and viabi…

Some definitions of Organisational development are described as under Organisational development is a " Planned process of change in an organisation's culture through the utilization of behavioural science technology, research and theory". Intent of organisational development to improve organisational effectiveness and it serves the purpose of both the creation as well as the subsequent reinforcement →

Seasonal employment in tourism sector: the example of turkey

This dissertation seeks to:* Define seasonal tourism * Identify the human resources management practices adopted by the sampled institutions: Defining the source of recruitment, average contract period, stating positions seasonally filled.* Investigate the profile of the tourism workforce: age distribution, educational status, skills acquired through experience, job seeking methods * Investigate the response to seasonality →

Fashion magazines define females beauty standard media essay

The importance of being self conscious of body image and appearance has been introduced through media, especially with the reinforcement of advertising in the late 1920's.' In the middle of her mechanically engineered kitchen, the modern housewife was expected to be overcome with issue of whether her ' self', her ' body', her personality were →

Advise on the issue of westalia essay sample

The concessions grant unrestricted rights to prospect for and exploit natural resources for fixed periods of years subject to an obligation to pay a proportion of profits to the government at the end of the concessionary period. In order to advise on this issue, it is of the greatest importance to understand if the herdsmen →

Psychoanalytic theory

One of his main interests was neurology, the study of the brain and treatment of disorders of the nervous system, a branch of medicine then in its infancy. According to Freud, in the psychosexual stages of development, there is a psychosexual energy or what he calls as the libido.

Editorial: multiple identities management: effects on (of) identification, attitudes, behavior and well-being

Although inherited and achieved social identities tend to correspond in their value and content over time, identities can differ in status and value, and create distressing experiences which call for a coping strategy in order to increase identity fit. They further investigated the particularities of psychological constructs such as social identification, ingroup and inter-group attitudes →

Hemingway’s metaphorical hills

He states that not only does Hemingway use it in the title of the story, but also " within this very short three page story, two references to the whiteness of the hills and four to them as white elephants". Weeks believes that in terms of the story, the white elephant is the unborn baby →

Promoting education within the latino family

The school and the home should be seen as a partnership each working together to ensure the success of the individual. It's about communication with parents and tailoring programs to the individual instead of creating a mold that not everyone can fit into.

The german beer industry

Eventually global players, who enter the German market by acquiring German breweries and are close to the market, will be in a position to adapt their own products in the future with support of modern technologies in research methods etc. Particularly demographic changes in Germany and Europe lead to a cease of the core target →

Fundamentals of business system development

Also, the proposal will give a detail analysis that will be included in the design methods that will be involve in the configuration of the new system. The production of a project schedule will be the produced to document the design of the project; the guidelines that they will follow; and the timeline that will →

Manager of tauranga shopping centre tourism essay

They were also asked to expand the research area to include the premises and its presentation, car park safety, parking facility and the range of goods and services provided The main purpose of this report is to determine the current rating of the Tauranga Shopping Centre in terms of meeting its current customers' expectations and →

The humanity behind the homophobic cowboy: production troubles and ‘dallas buyers club’

Within 20 years of the making, the film found solace in a cast and crew who understood Ron's story, and could relate to the films setting, while also seeing the humanity behind him that most did not." Be here tomorrow", Ron Woodroof said to Craig Borten regarding their interview that was to take place in →

Bruchid pest management in pulses

The consumption of pulses is increasing globally in view of their high nutritional value, and also because they are low in calories and glycemic index. Rufimanus and Bruchidius atrolineatus are the primary pest in the field and during the early period of storage.

Was ‘thatcherism’ anything more than traditional conservatism

Once this information is gathered and analysed I can then look into comparing the ideology with that of traditional conservatism and place it in the setting of the political conditions of the 1980s and begin to conclude on whether Mrs Thatcher's arguably most successful form of conservatism was merely an opportunistic mould for the times →

All you need to know about coronavirus

In January 2020, the National IHR Focal point for the Republic of Korea reported the first case of a novel coronavirus in the Korea republic. Coronavirus has been evolving throughout the years, and the Public Health sector needs to improve the methods used to prevent and control the spread of the virus.

Praise and criticism

The intensity of the made praise or criticism is directly related to the giver. The nature of the society that an individual is raised in contributes a lot on the response of a person to praise.

Case summary and examination of obstetrics posting

Madam NTR was also given the explanation to keep her in ward until delivery and the condition of her pregnancy. After delivery of the fetus, manual removal of the placenta was done and placenta accreta was found to be at the anterior bed of lower segment of the uterus.

Prevalence of rape culture in the military

Rape in the Military One of the contributing factors to sexual assault in the military is the massive difference in gender populations and age groups." Men are 49. The population of the United States " grew at a faster rate in the older ages than in the younger ages" from 2000 to 2010, but the →

Advertising agencies and the role they play marketing essay

Advertising agencies not only create the advertisement but also pay for the cost of placing the ad in the newspaper or magazine or on television or radio. The client brings an advertising assignment to the advertising agency then the agency work with the client and comes up with a solution that would meet the objectives →

Teamwork effectiveness assignment

Another concern is that " people potentially have higher motivation to complete complex tasks in a team because the effort-to-performance expectancy would be much lower if performing the entire task alone".{draw: frame} Improving team effectiveness IPO perspectives A majority of research examining the variables that impact team performance has been considerably affected by the IPO →

Jd salinger – analysis of nine stories

So for those of who do not know how to absorb the collection, here's a little solace: All of these short stories are about the loss of innocence and the attempt to gain it back. The significance of the bananafish is, of course, Seymour's alignment with it.

School certificate 2010

To give an example of a letter To provide a summary of the ideas To demonstrate the effectiveness of the postal system To persuade the readers to improve their handwriting 13 What does ' a dying art' mean as used in line 4? 29 What is the purpose of the graphic?

Role of culture in international makreting

It the scope of marketing concept is considered-the satisfaction of consumer needs and wants at a profit-the successful marketer must be a student of culture. Whatever the degree of acceptance in whatever level of culture, the use of something new is the beginning of cultural change, and the marketer become the change agent.

Evaluation of the flood detection device

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Flood Is one of the natural disasters and often due to the unawareness of the residents within the area. Objectives General Objective Specific Objectives This study specifically aims for the following: a.) To determine the availability of materials of the flood detector.B.) To determine the durability of the →

Internal migration and brain drain economics essay

The key and vital resource of growth is human capital, which is taking advantage of the revolution, in the wake of the efficient and fast technology of communication, accelerating the process of production manifold and raising the quantity of global trade beyond expectations. Due to the reason is that 50% of the GDP in the →

Support individuals to live at home essay

I provide support to single service users to enable there day-to-day support and there current recording of day-to-day papers are up to day of the month like: ? support should ever derive verbal or written permition to entre personal suites or to see personal paperss from single personal files? support programs of persons frock and →

The glass menageri

The lighting, music and screen device are all used to create nostalgia and sadness, to speak to the heart, not the mind, "...for memory is seated predominantly in the heart." However, even though Tennessee Williams states that the Menagerie "...is not realistic", there are significant realistic elements on which the play is based. Williams even →

Social impact of cybercrime

Reflecting on his propositions in a 2008 item, Stephens documented that he and other ones foresaw much of the cyber misdeed to come: I rightly outlook an blast of mobile telephone time robbery and telephone fraud; expanded cyber attacks and deception contrary to government and business; huge borrowing business card robbery and fraud; interior robbery →

Influence of cultural values on peoples behaviour

However, public sectors have to behave in a same way to all employees and it is not expected to behave like a father. In the means of behaving like a father, it is noteworthy to say that leaders are aware of their authority on employees in order to enhance their quality of lives; therefore, leaders →

Developmental psychology and children

The advantages of such a system, however, is that parents can have assurance that carers are providing a sound experience suited to the age and stage of development of their children, and this is quality assured by Ofsted to ensure poor practice is identified and action is taken to rectify this. The main features of →

Editorial: memory t cells: effectors, regulators, and implications for transplant tolerance

Therefore, memory T-cells, especially CD8 + CD122 + T-cells, may respond as either aggressive memory or regulatory T-cells. We have found that memory CD8 + CD122 + T-cells and bystander central memory CD8 + T-cells inhibit murine allograft rejection.

Juxtaposition of two worlds perspectives in the known world, a novel by edward jones

The Known World covers geographic regions, the worlds of the North and the South, the world of the Southern paradise, the world of storms and the world of a Child's Dream. The North and the South in the context of the Known World allude to slavery and the polar disparities of opinion with regard to →

The speed of human evolution

Background In general, the rate of evolution varies depending on the organism, the environment that it is in, and the timeframe that we are observing. For proponents of a paleo diet or evolutionary psychology to argue that the rate of evolutionary change in humans is slow, they would have to provide staggering evidence that our →

Critical discussion of health outcomes in ageing females

The formation of these guidelines in response to the surveyed women may act as a possible improvement in the delivery of the healthcare treatments and advice given by practitioners because a greater focus is hoped to be put on menopause than demonstrated in previous years; this could then improve the quality of health education given →

Brain drain issue essay

It is clear that the aim for Talent Corp is to attract, engage the oversea Malaysian and professional people to come to Malaysia to work. Also, Talent Corp aim to retain and nurture local professional and talented Malaysian to boost up Malaysia economic while the mission is to do what it takes to meet the →

A company overview of panasonic corporation

Even thought the market is adverse due to the decline of the products and the product prices in 2010 make this segment profit seriously drop down but the demand of low cost, new applied technology and environmental-friendly products still strong in Japan, Asia and emerging markets where the company focuses on. Fumio Ohtsubo, Panasonic Corporation →

Evaluation monitoring methods of crm plan marketing essay

The weakness of Maybank is customer satisfaction rating of Maybank is still low and they are rated at number 7 out of 8 banks in Malaysia for customer service in year 2012. Besides, much of the banking operations of Maybank are focused in and around Malaysian and Singapore.

Editorial: unravelling social norm effects: how and when social norms affect eating behavior

Editorial on the Research Topic Unravelling Social Norm Effects: How and When Social Norms Affect Eating Behavior A consistent body of research has shown that human eating behavior is affected by the social environment. A key aspect of the social environment are the social norms that exist in a group of people.

The ultimate happiness secrets philosophy essay

When you are in a state of disharmony, it is often very hard to reach into the depths of your soul to know what it is that will make you truly happy. You have the right to express your honest emotions, which when repressed, are going to cause resentment and negative state of mind.

In vito fertilization (ivf): history and technologies

Since the inception of the idea of artificially inseminating an egg outside of the female body in the 1890s, when " Walter Heape reported the first known case of embryo transplantation in rabbits", and then the first successful instance of this process in 1973, In Vitro Fertilization has continued to be improved upon technologically, to →

Effects of obesity on pregnancy

As mentioned above, a woman is at increased risk of postpartum weight retention with excess weight gain in pregnancy and have an increased likelihood of entering the next pregnancy above healthy weight standards. Conclusion Obesity is a modifiable disease with far reaching arms into every aspect of American lives to include pregnancy and the military.

Welcome home essay

Forcing her tongue into my mouth like she was trying to give me a dental exam, she crushed her two tits into my chest and I could clearly feel her hardened nipples drilling into my skin. As my cock when soft, I rolled off of her, and she appeared fixed to the floor, as a →

Critical thinking, homeland security, and domestic terrorism

However, Homeland Security has failed in their use of critical thinking because they were unable to foresee the rise of white nationalism and the effects it would have on the United States of America. In recent years a major issue concerning domestic terrorism contains a large blind spot in regards to recognition in the eyes →

Compare and contrast of orem’s self care

The purpose of this paper is to give brief introduction and assumptions of Dorothea Orem's self-care model and Callista Roy's adaptation theory, along with compare and contrast of both the theories in relationship of the four concepts of the nursing meta-paradigms which consist of person, health, environment, and nursing. The difference between the Orem and →

Designing an automated lawn mower

Budding realized that a similar concept would enable the cutting of grass if the mechanism could be mounted in a wheeled frame to make the blades rotate close to the lawn's surface. That includes a sensor assembly mounted on the front of the mower to detect the edge of the swath by sensing the different →

Failing public education in america

Some of the most successful school systems in the world, such as those in South Korea or Finland, have vastly different practices from schools in the United States, in things such as length of school year and qualifications required for educators, and the success from these practices is much greater comparatively. House Education and Labor →

The role of infantry and cavalry in european war: 1300-1500 essay

In spite of the development of the offensive capability of the infantry up to this date, and of measures to blunt the effectiveness of cavalry charges, attacks by armoured horsemen remained the ultimate form of attack, capable of breaking up most formations of foot soldiers. By obliging each knight to enlist the services of more →

Chinese neo-confucian vs aquinas ethics

Saint Thomas Aquinas was one of the greatest philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages whose ethics concerning the idea of a virtuous person were comparable in many respects to Chinese neo-Confucian ethics about the superior man. Likewise, the ruler was to be aware of the desires of the masses and do all that he →

Systems for occupational health and safety management

Social occupational health and safety practice Develop systems for occupational health and safety management practice Unit standard 5615 Assessment task 1 Audit of health and safety system and records Your audit must include the following steps: determine any organizational requirements for the access to and documentation of workplace health and safety systems and records. Blank →

The imports and exports between france and australia

The first chapter tries to obtain more information about the exports and the imports between France and Australia. France is the thirteenth supplier and the twenty third customer of Australia.

Movie-the third man essay

The use of black and white in the film is a classic example on the perfect use of the film industry to evoke and showcase mood and emotion with shadow casting. Calloway's character and in a person of authority aims to portray that the law is protective of innocent beings like Holly.

Ted bundy essay

In 1977 he was transported to Colorado to stand trial for one of the murders when Ted escaped out of the courthouse. In the end Ted was found guilty and sentenced to die.

Contents muscle cell, 2018) 6 figure 5

The oscilloscope provides information about the ability of the muscle respond when the nerve is stimulated which are created by the size and shape of the wave. As in the ratio of the energy in the EMG signals to the energy in the noise signal.

Teaching maths

On the other hand, if the thinking is installed, the teacher can discuss and clarify the ideas with the children. Some children may have difficulty in learning mathematics and it is the teachers' role to help them cope with the problem.

To what extent have recent post essay

Promises of retaliation flooded the Internet as a result of the death of such al Qaeda leaders, but despite the aggressive chest thumping, there was no mass rush to martyrdom, and not a single attack in the West. To conclude, there is little doubt that developments like the death of Bin Laden and other leaders →

Art traditions of eastern rajasthan

The close proximity of the region with Gupta Empire is further established by the chance discovery of the largest hoard of Gupta coins near Bayana. Further the Gwalior inscription of Pratihars established it beyond doubt that the Matsya and the adjoining area was the part of the Pratihar kingdom.

Adolescent depression: causes, effects and treatments

The most common types of depression that runs in the family are bipolar depression and severe major depression. There are many environmental causes that may contribute to depression, such as the loss of a loved one, a traumatic event in one's life, and big changes in one's life.

Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in menstrual cycle

Serum malondialdehyde, an oxidative stress biomarker and serum ascorbic acid, an antioxidant vitamin were assessed in the follicular phase and in the luteal phase of normal menstrual cycle. The significance level was considered at p The mean serum MDA and serum ascorbic acid levels during the follicular and luteal phases of menstrual cycle are presented →

Should the engineers apply ‘rhetoric strategy’ to popularized technology?

Definition of Rhetoric The best known definition of ' rhetoric' comes from Aristotle, who considers it a counterpart of both logic and politics, and calls it " the faculty of observing in any given cases the available means of persuasion" [5]. Firstly, to come clear the technology, definition of the umbrella term is introduced by →

Supply chain management and logistics network

Discuss the competing objectives of the farmers who make the raw materials, the manufacturing division of the company that makes the cereal, the logistics division of the company that makes the cereal, the marketing division of the company that make the cereal, the distribution arm of the grocery chain that sells the cereal, and the →

Elements of a good nursing report

This was reflected in a greater appreciation and satisfaction on the part of the receiving nurses and a demonstrable improvement in team empathy We note that the authors stated that in organising the mid-section training sessions they utilised the research work of Orlando, who crystallised the essential elements of the nursing report into the basic →

Advantages and disadvantages of mixed-presidential systems

This essay will discuss the merits and drawbacks of a semi presidential system, focusing on the French semi presidential system and comparing it to the Russian model of semi presidentialism and the America presidential system. This means that as the head of state the president needs the cooperation of the prime minister, and the prime →

Genotoxicity of endodontic irrigants and medicaments

Its efficacy is due to the interaction of the positive charge of the molecule and the negatively charged phosphate groups on microbial cell walls, thereby altering the cells' osmotic equilibrium. It was believed that the leakage of formaldehyde and bisphenol- A diglycidyl ether from the epoxy-sealers contributed to the mutagenic effects.

Educational psychology theory research assignment

To assist students in achieving identity, in my classroom I will allow students to provide their own views and opinions on topics and allow the discussion student's feelings on the importance of those topics in their lives in a comfortable environment. As part of my teaching philosophy, I will work to consider the student first →

Jamaican creole essay

The topic seeks to explore how the speaking of Jamaican Creole on a daily basis, can affect the speaking and writing of English in the school setting. However avid speakers of Jamaican Creole would argue that it is a language, it should be taught in schools and it should become the official language of the →

Historical responses to disability in new zealand social work essay

The norms and new findings in the past had led to a social movement leading to policies and laws which promoted discrimination and negative attitudes of society towards the people with disability. Hence in 19th century, disabled people were not welcome in New Zealand and Immigration Acts, such as The Imbecile Passengers' Act 1882 and →

Julius caesar. plot, theme, major characters, structure, and personal opinion on shakespeare’s tragedy

Throughout the course of the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the assassination of General Julius Caesar and the ensuing power struggle over Rome occurs. After the ceremony commences, Brutus explains the necessity of Caesar's death, so that the crowd comes to believe that he deserves to have Caesar's power.

History coursework – stalin and trotsky essay

Source B was written partly as a reply to Stalin's rudeness towards his wife, and partly as this as the final straw and he did not want Stalin to rise to power.3. Perhaps he has not brought the party together partly, as if he did it would also be harder for him to take control →

Synesthesia: an introduction

00106 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Chiou, R, and Rich, A.N. 00755 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Perry, A, and Henik, A.

Introduction to managing human capital management essay

Human Capital Management can be defined and interpreted in many ways but in simplest form it can be defined as the strategic approach to people management in creating sustainable and competitive value to the organizations and people itself. The vision of the KBSL is to become the leading business system integrator in Sri Lanka by →

Formal authority

Authority in management is the formal or legitimate authority specified in a charter that gives a project manager the authority to act in the name of the sponsoring executive or on behalf of the organization. One of the major factors that affect the type of authority given to managers is size of the organization usually →

Marketing and advertising- the dairy industry assignment

Emotional advertising appeals which uses the manipulation of the audience's emotions, rather than valid logic, to win a customer emotional response to both the products advertised and the content of the ad. Humor is used in order to get out of the ' milk is boring idea.

Analyse the different methods that shakespeare essay

This of course creates tension in the play and excites the audience as well as also playing a key part in providing comedy for the audience through the dramatic irony and at the same time, also maintaining interest. In a way, I believe that Shakespeare creates this rather tense and strange relationship between these two →

Black african race through picasso’s primitivism modern painting: les demoiselles d’avignon

The Use of Primitive Style in Modern Arts The idea of Oriental arts as primitive and Western arts as modern and exceptional suggests the imbalance of superiority and importance between the two different styles of arts. Thus, the term " primitivist ideal", the rising of the rebellious New World natives whom claims their own superiority →

Child psychology narrative essay

It is the egos Job to make one aware of its surroundings, and divide the selfishness from the id to the morality of the person. The third stage of development in children is the phallic stage.

Teenage is something that could escalate to

The causes of a domestic violence relationship comes from someone who is controlling and could possibly be jealous and the other decides the effects can lead to very bad situations also the other will obey and do whatever is told to do because he or she is so scared. In order for teenagers to get →

The performance of michael dell at dell

The task of crafting a strategy entails answering of how to grow the business, how to please customers, how to outcompete rivals, how to achieve strategic and financial objectives, and more others. The different pieces of Dell's strategy can fit together by using the company considerable resources and capabilities in making low cost and standard-technology →

Comparative analysis of lcds marketing essay

The LED TVs have better picture quality but their prices are a real barrier which means the LCD TVs are the best options for now. Samsung is currently the top seller of the LCD TVs and LG is at the 3rd position.

Inequalities within healthcare interactions in new zealand

One objective of the ministry of health in New Zealand is to promote people's rights. And it is important that holistic care should be an important value in the promotion of wellness to every people.

Alexander pope and jonathan swift as satirists similarities and dissimilarities

Jonathan Swift in his A Satirical Elegy on the Death of a Late Famous General laments the senselessness and cruelty of the soldiers who are venerated in their lifetime but he mentions that the veneration is not a true praise rather it is due to the fear and power army carry. Pope's this tendency gives →

Robbery: flight attendant and officer

The female and the male were able to get off of the plane. The officer asked her what her name was and she refused to answer.

Wealth and poverty final in latin america history essay

The colonial economy went through a series of cycles, the country was in the work of becoming the richest part of the third world, but the people itself were poor. The exports was a big source of wealth in Latin America; gold, silver, copper, and agriculture good.

The advertising standards authority economics essay

The success of CAP's regulation of non-broadcast advertisements encouraged the Office of Communications to contract out the regulation of broadcast advertising to the ASA resulting in a system that self-regulates across all media. Boddewyn outlines the sanctions as the media denying access to the offender in terms of advertising in addition to the withdrawal of →

Abetment and joint liability under ipc law general essay

What necessarily follows from this observation of the court, is the fact that only in instances where, abetment by an offender does not amounts to the actual commission of the offence, can he be held guilty of the offence in question, as well as abetment. 107 and it has been argued that it is unnecessary →

A grand challenge for nutrigenomics

There must be thousands of SNPs that alter metabolism, yet today, in the published literature there may be as many as 200 SNPs for which there are proven metabolic effects, and only a subset of these alter nutrient requirements in a significant portion of the population [e.g, the rs1801133 MTHFR SNP and folate requirement in →