9 Pages Essay Samples

Hsc business studies

It is important for McDonald's to develop and train their employees so they can handle the individual needs of customers. From the meat to the cheese and the fresh products, they are committed to serve the customers the very best.

Business plan & product

However in a clothing line business, the specifications and descriptions of the designs and clothes are so general that they can fit more than one costume, which actually are quite different in nature from each other and this is solely dependent on the taste of people. Our company will generate revenue from the retail sale →

Education for sustainable development in sri lanka education essay

In other word, the concept of sustainable development requires a change of mindset to bring about full integration of the needs for economic, social and educational development with that to conserve the global environment. Concerning about the education for Sustainable Development, in 2002 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming that the period →

Philippine economy

According to Balabag, Marilyn." The Japanese Period in the Philippines." n.page.Web.Aug.2012. According to an article of " Why foreigners study English in the Philippines.": n.page.Web.Aug.

Lowering the drinking age in saskatchewan

According to Keller, Frye, Bauerle & Turner, there has been a considerable drop in the drunk driving and underage drinking incidences in the US since the passing of the National Drinking Age Act in 1984. Therefore, the decision to oppose lowering the age is for the good of the children.

Leadership within a residential care home

Leadership, on the other hand, is more participative, one definition of clinical leadership being: ' Leadership is a dynamic process of pursuing a vision for change in which the leader is supported by two main groups: followers within the leader's own organization, and influential players and other organizations in the leader's wider, external environment'. As →

My theory

The classification of constitutions is based on the fact that government may be exercised either for the good of the governed or of the governing, and may be either concentrated in one person or shared by a few or by the many. The difference between the last two is not that democracy is a government →

Myths of the native american cherokee tribe

The Cherokee Indians have a personal and trusting relationship with the earth, animals, and Plants to show that they love the earth and trust in it. The tree's that were able to stay up was the Cedar, the Pine, the Spruce, the Holly and the Laurel, they were giving the ability to always stay green →

The potential unreliability of eyewitness criminology essay

The aim of this essay is to investigate, based on the literature, the reasons that may influence the memory process of eyewitnesses and also what can be done in order to ensure that eyewitnesses testimony worth the value. In this stage the factors that may influence the eyewitnesses' testimony are the length of time or →

Shc 31 answers essay

Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting You must be able to understand what the person requires, act on it from the initial information until the matter is concluded, pass on the information to the relevant person/s to ensure the patient's needs are met, this process takes time to have faith in your →

Strategies to prevent the spread of tuberculosis

If the community can see the care and curative treatment the stigma of the illness will lessen and more people come for screening. The purpose behind this is that the sooner TB is detected the easier it is to treat and the less the risk of transmission to other people.

Characterization of antimicrobial peptide ll37

Expression and Characterization of AntimicrobialPeptide LL37in Dog Peripheral Blood Endothelial Progenitor Cells In Vitro Highlights The lentivirus vector pGC-FU-LL37-GFP was constructed and characterized Dog peripheral blood endothelial progenitor cells were successfully obtained Expression of LL37 in was achieved by lentivirus infection. A combination of the anti-infection effect of LL37 and angiogenesis of EPCs might be →

An analysis of the latin american banana industry

It is because of the implications of Globalization and the concepts of comparative and absolute advantage, there has been an emergence of transnational corporations and multinational corporations in the Global south, for example, in Ecuador. The role of TNC's and MNC's in the processes of the banana industry are related to the concept of Comparative →

Separation of histone protein

According to size of the protein, this SDS-PAGE is separate the protein and purification of protein is to be monitored by this method, and relative molecular mass of protein can also be determined. While boiling the sample the SDS act to denature the protein and where mercaptoethanol decrease the disulphide bridges of the protein that →

The global aviation market economics essay

In spite of some vital amendments made by the government towards the late 2012 by extending the FDI limit up to 49% and allowing foreign carriers to invest in domestic airlines, some key areas for improvement still remains, being the constant hike in the price of ATF that constitutes 30-40% of an airline's operating expenses. →

The issue of animal euthanasia philosophy essay

Is it right to take on the role of God and make the choice to end a suffering animal's life? Another view of this theory is that if the animals are spayed and or neutered, then the greatest amount of good is reach for the greatest number of people and animals.

Environmental economics – the bakun dam project in sarawak assignment

It is essential to the people of Malaysia that the construction of the dam continues, as it will benefit them in the future through industrialization. There are also many negatives to the completion of the dam; which include the displacement of natives, increased foreign debt, and the gradual deterioration of the dam after many years.

Genome in rainbow trout and steelhead

They believed that all of the fish samples that were obtained in the wild were of natural origin, but were not one hundred percent on the status of the hatchery samples. Miller hypothesis that life-history strategies are linked to the genetic of the population, specifically at the Omy5 region is supported by his and these →

The battle of the somme 1916

This source seems to be outlining his failures as both a commander of men and of the battle. I believe that this source supports the statement, the battle was doomed and this source outlines the failures of General Haig.

Lewis and rostow

Outline the theories of Lewis and Rostow and discuss their relevance in analysing the problems of development in LDC's In the 1950's, the two most prominent economists of the Western school were Arthur Lewis and Walt W. The ' two-sector' model of development demonstrates the process of labour transfer and the growth of employment and →

Goal line technology

I believe that goal line technology should not be incorporated into the game of soccer due to the facts that it would slow down the flow of the game, and take away from the history of the sport, as well as imposing more costs for teams to implement and train the use of technology. Three →

Attack methods to compromise availability of computers computer science

The purpose of this analysis report is to examine the various possible attack methods to compromise the availability of the computers, information and associated resources of a small firm. 2 Physical access to the server 3.1.

Theology essays | old testament

This paper will examine the books of the Prophet Amos and of the Prophet Isaiah to assess whether the prophets were foretellers or forthtellers. They are two of the later prophets and they spoke against the backdrop of the changing political scene which resulted in the exile of Israel, the northern kingdom, after the capture →

The three classical theories of marx, durkheim and weber essay

This sense of domination led to one of Marx's first theories the " Theory of Alienation" for Marx this represented " The underlying law of motion of capitalism and the central condition of society." Marx thought alienation was a key tool of social change and although the nature of alienation is negative it does not →

Left wing extremism in india

Recognising that the menace of naxal violence has to be tackled on both security and development fronts, the Government of India continues to focus attention of the State Governments on ensuring integrated development of the affected districts of the States. The pattern of Maoist violence in the last few years suggests that the expansion of →

Thickness and from 20-30µm polarization direction is

Figure 16 Spatial distribution of the apparent pyroelectric coefficient of a 23um thick P bilayer film front 70/30 mol% and 50/50 mol% back side X axis = Thickness Y axis = Pyroelectriccoefficient Sample heated for 10minutes at 55 C and measured pyroeletricity at room temperature Figure 17 Spatial distribution of theapparent pyroelectric coefficient of a →

Politics essays – poverty, family stress & parenting

The harsh authenticity and effect of paucity on parents and kids emanates from stress and alienation associated with having a very low income; the continual hustling and bustling with the monetary uncertainties in some circumstances and very often the sense of being divergent and with a reduction of a meaningful self image. In the event →

What is spiritual intelligence

The fourth and final part of the journey is the hero gaining something that enriches the hero's life, but also the world. The line; " promise me that you will give faith a fighting chance," is also showing to be open-minded with happiness, but also that it is extremely important to not ignore God to →

Security threats and features of ldap

Protocol Operation: LDAP is a message oriented protocol, where the LDAP client sends a request for data to LDAP server and server processes the request and returns the client with multiple messages with unique message_id as the result. So, if the data sent will be signed with SSL certificate from the indicated party, there is →

Bodies of land and flesh: human and environmental geography in the english patient and jazz

Almasy's burned body is also reminiscent of a place, the desert, and of a body's capacity to be explored, in this case by a ladybird: " Avoiding the sea of white sheet, it begins to make the long trek towards the distance of the rest of his body, a bright redness against what seems like →

Business plan of the safe tissue marketing essay

The perspective of the company is to cater the locals. The demand is the will and capacity of purchasers to buy a specific product, while supply is the capacity of the business to accommodate the interest of customers.

Lliad and king priam

Peter Tooled as King Prima, the king of Troy, father of Hector and Paris, uncle of Bribers and father-in-law of Andromeda Eric Ban as Hector, the prince of Troy and the best warrior among the Trojan. He is the elder son of Prima, brother of Paris, cousin of Bribers and husband of Andromeda.

Editorial: single-domain antibodies—biology, engineering and emerging applications

Beghein and Gettemans review and thoroughly assess the current status of sdAbs as research tools in three main areas: the preparation and use of labeled sdAbs in fluorescent microscopy, the application of sdAbs to the study of protein protein interactions, and the use of sAbs as an alternative to RNAi in exploring protein function. Traenkle →

Types of sub-contractors

According to Standard Form of Building Contract, a nominated contractor is being nominated when the Architect/the Contract Administrator uses a prime cost sum or by naming a sub-contractor, reserved to himself selection and approval of the sub-contractor to the Contractor who will supply and fix any materials or goods or execute work, the sub-contractor so →

Religion and values in modern society

Throughout most of human history, religion has played a crucial role in the construction of social reality and the man was the most effective and widely used means of the social control in society. In the social structure of society traditionally religion is one of the most important social institutions, including the system of social →

Internal and external environment analysis of sears

The company started to realise the importance of female customers and changed the image of " a man's store" to attract more women by offering new ranges of apparel and cosmetics. The industry with a variety of old names like Wal Mart and Kmart as well as new arrivals caused great pressure for Sears to →

Peter the great—russian reformer essay

This prompted a war between the Boyars of the Duma, who preferred Peter to be the king), and the Streltsy, members of an elite military corps who backed the Miloslavsky family. While, the embassy was a failure in this sense, it mpressed Peter of the advancement of the West.

Photographer: thomas hoepker

The rule of thirds applies to this photo with the mother in the bottom of the image with the baby in the centre and the doctor who has delivered the baby at the top of the image. The doctor is in the centre of the image with the focus being mainly on him but the →

Impacts of globalization on the us jobs market economics essay

The Globalization can be defined as the tendency of increasing the connectivity and the interdependence of the world's markets and businesses. In the financial arena, the U.S.decision to allow the value of the dollar to be determined in the free market played a role in the globalization of currency markets and ultimately other financial markets.

Tracheobronchial transplantation with a stem-cell-seeded bioartificial nanocomposite

They demonstrated ischemia as a result of poor vascularisation is a primary risk factor of airway transplantation, a graft that encourages quick and efficient angiogenesis is critical in the restoration of the normal function of the trachea. T, Macchiarini, P.and Mantero, S.' A double-chamber rotating bioreactor for the development of tissue-engineered hollow organs: from concept →

Editorial: using neurophysiological signals that reflect cognitive or affective state

Stikic et al.and Touryan et al.focus on the validity of their algorithms for different tasks: marksmanship and golf, and driving and perceptual discrimination. Stikic et al.combine ECG and EEG derived measures to correlate physiological changes with training progress, and Hogervorst et al.determine the workload classification accuracy of EEG, ECG, skin conductance and eye-based measures, alone →

The assassination of patrice lumumba history essay

His frustration shines through, and towards the end his patience had clearly run thin, this charismatic leader was up against the pride and prestige of the best in the business; the global gamesmanship of the western powers was a step to far even for a man of such high intellect and integrity. Lumumba spoke forcefully →

Assessment in special education: philippines essay sample

Assessment of Children with Disabilities in the Philippines Policies and Guidelines of Special Education Process of Educational Assessment Trends and Issues in Assessment The Status of Assessment of Children with Special Needs in the Philippines Assessment is an indispensable process in the educational system, especially in educating children with disabilities. A PowerPoint Presentation: Policies and →

In iago, shakespeare has created an engaging and complex assignment

Ago also uses a trillion, or list of three, to build up his point and work up the sense Of intensity and vigor in What he is saying. The complexity of his language is clear to see and he uses it to control Other characters.

Examining the incentive effect of state aid

The article also argues that the timing of the assessment of the need for state aid has a decisive impact on the determination of whether aid has an incentive effect or not. The timing of the assessment of the need for state aid is critical.

Comparing body modification vs self mutilation

One of the main reasons people self injure is because they are in control and can do the act themselves, and in turn have the control to hide it. In conclusion, self injury and body modification are closely related to or considered the same thing to some people.

Italian market entry by superior chocolate marketing essay

Whilst the company is far smaller in size than the global and regional market leaders, the firm has established market presence in the UK, the USA and Australia and production facilities in the UK and Australia. The study entails the conduct of a focused situation analysis of the Italian market and an examination of the →

Case study about bounce fitness

The process of recording client information is hectic since trainers sometimes have to leave their classes to attend to the needs of new clients. Another improvement that should be done to the present system will be the appointment of someone to handle the recording of client data other than the trainers.

Form and function: utopian idealism

The myth of a Utopia and the practical application of one not only are very different, but rather they directly stand opposed to one another because Utopian ideals are unattainable, and in order to overcome this inherent intangibility they push their governments to act in immoral ways, and the immoral acts of the government breed →

V for vendetta and 1984 comparison essay sample

In both satires, 1984 and V for Vendetta the concept of humanity is exaggerated in the Party's struggles for power and ridiculed in the influence of the proles, whilst the concept of the oppressive rule of the government is criticized in the relationships between the main characters. The concept of humanity is greatly exaggerated in →

Assessing the political situation in lithuania politics essay

Algirdas Brazauskas, the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Lithuanian Communist Party supported of Sa...j " dis and this ultimately led to a breach with the Soviet Union. In the aftermath of the elections in March 11 1990, the law of the restoration of independence was declared.

Common core is failing our education system

These experiences allowed me to see that Common Core is detrimental to the education of students for a plethora of reasons, but primarily because of the students who are behind are in a rut, which is hard to dig out of. The article, " The Common Core Brake Job And The Need For A National →

Charismatic leadership essay sample

If there are no rules and no control, the world will become a chaotic place to live in and will be the survivor of the fittest. He wrote 2 books that awaken the minds and hearts of all the Filipino people to fight against the Spaniards and a lot more names to mention.

School health plan

Students need to be aware at younger ages of the concerns that face our society, and the ways that they can combat these concerns through good health knowledge. Students should also be offered the opportunity to see the school nurse if they are ill or have other health concerns.

The guardianship of infants act law family essay

The welfare principle as set out in section 1 of the CA requires that the interests of the child are treated as paramount and so the interests of parents, or other parties, must be subordinated to those of the child. Herring referred to the tension ' between the wish to promote the welfare of the →

Editorial: systematic observation: engaging researchers in the study of daily life as it is lived

This complexity is manifested in numerous aspects to be considered, from the initial filtering that must be done to conveniently delimit the part of reality to be studied, to the structuring of the ideal observational design, the construction of a customized instrument that allows to properly channel all the behaviors/elements to be observed around the →

Lipton tea: an analysis

This project is a project under operations management and deals with the production and operations of the one of the biggest tea manufacturer in the world, Lipton Tea. It targets the mass market and the positioning of the tea product of Lipton is done at the middle price in the market which can be afforded →

Introduction to pio pico history essay

When I was a child, I would pass by the Pio Pico mansion without so much as a clue as to who Pio Pico was and why he had a mansion on the border of Whittier and Pico Rivera. Lastly, while in office Pico moved the capital of California from Monterey to Los Angeles.

Commentary: retinal waves modulate an intraretinal circuit of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells

With a combination of calcium imaging, tracer coupling and electrophysiological recordings, a recent article in The Journal of Neuroscience by Arroyo et al.demonstrated that stage II cholinergic waves modulate dopaminergic signaling, which regulates the extent of ipRGC gap junction coupling, thereby contributing to early light responses in the developing retina. Disruption and recovery of patterned →

The berlin airlift: the responsibility of saving millions

However, after World War II ended, and the victors emerged, the country of Germany and its capital city Berlin was split among the Allied powers, the United States, the Soviet Union, France, and Great Britain. This is why this event was such a momentous right and responsibility that managed to go down in the annals →

Supportive communication assignment

Topic: Supportive Communication In this essay we are going to discuss and evaluate a kind of interpersonal communication that helps managers to communicate accurately and honestly without jeopardizing interpersonal relationships namely, supportive communication. We have discuss in pervious part of the essay that 50% of the Americans families suffer in uneven distribution communication between family →

“the critique of mikhail bulgakov. in the

The main theme of the history of Bulgakov's " Heart of a Dog" is the author's desire to warn the society about the terrible consequences of the invasion of the human mind into the natural world. Representation of the new regime of the Bolsheviks in the pages of the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov is carried →

Application of the analytical techniques

One of the core principles of this written inquiry will be to find the evidence of the application of the analytical techniques used for given research questions; design and data and critically investigate the statistical analysis of qualitative data used in psychological research. The costs and the burdens of mental illness for the individuals and →

Comparing abrahamic faith to judaism and islam

The basic belief of these religions is that God is the one who is the originator and creator of the universe, is worthy of worship and has total command over the world and humanity. The passages in the Quran are presented in details as interpreted by the Muslim scholars, showing their links to the Abraham, →

Fitbit: swot and pestel analysis

This has forced Fitbit to drive innovation in their products in order to keep consumers engaged and for Fitbit to maintain their status as the leading brand in the industry. Fitbit also has the ability to switch between any number of suppliers in China, and the entire design of the product is intellectual property of →

The milgram experiment

The Milgram Experiment Outline Topic: The Milgram experiment I) The experiment A) Who was involved with the experiment? It consisted of two people who were aware of what was happening, one called the " experimenter, the person in charge of managing the experiment, and another called, " the victim.

The history of hinduism rituals religion essay

The removal of these hairs signifies the removal of any deficiencies in the child, and is considered to stimulate growth of the nervous system. It is generally performed by the minister of the church, when he pours the holy water and says, " I baptise you is baptized') in the name of the Father, and →

Traumatic brain injury issues among the maori

Currently, the statistics of TBI cases here in New Zealand are still inaccurate due to the fact that some of the healthcare providers do not have the proper coding of the injury. Barriers in improving services for Traumatic Brain Injury Though New Zealand Government and Ministry of Health know the importance of making sure that →

Implementing guidelines for pediatric tonsillectomies

Search terms included " organizational change", " management of change", and " change management". This approach speaks to the concepts of " change readiness" and " facilitation of change" which are viewed as superior to the planned approach with specific pre-planned steps for change initiatives.

What impact did the thatcherite governments have on active citizenship in britain

I will also look at the changes in legislation and how this affected the role of the citizen and what sections of society benefited from the Thatcherite ideal of " Rolling back the state" in other words reducing government intervention in business and every day life. The government was desperate to reduce the cost of →

Organized society had some sort of government

Raising Revenue The primary objective of taxation is to raise revenue to diverts control of economic resources from the tax payer to the government for its direct utilization for the provision of public services or for transfer to others. The state therefore had the right to control the ownership of property and its inheritance in →

The roles of women in ancient mesopotamia, china and egypt

Let her cleanse and purify and arrange in order the wine and the food for the offerings to the ancestors. Let a woman not act contrary to the wishes and the opinions of parents-in-law about right and wrong; let her not dispute with the them what is straight and what is crooked.

Lesson plan: defining aims

A lesson program is a instructor ' s elaborate description of the class of direction for an single lesson or a instructor ' s papers used to be after a lesson." " A authorship observing the method of bringing, and the specific ends and timeline associated to the bringing of the lesson content." " An →

Part in the united states raising situations that

Of interest, too, is evaluations of issues that need to be addressed in terms of legal assistance and the consequences immigrants as well as the states are likely to encounter. Some of the crimes in the Washington state are considered to be committed by illegal immigrants.

Electronic control in corrections essay sample

The inventor of the stun gun, Jack Cover, designed it in 1969[1] and named it for the science fiction character Tom Swift. It is only appropriate that buyers and users of stun technology are registered at this stage, even while the number of tasers in use is less.

Antibody screening, identification and cross match

In this study, we present a case by case report of antibody screening, identification and cross matching for five patients, in addition to the management and use of blood units from a limited supply, highlighting the importance of clinically significant antibodies and their detection in transfusion medicine. Antibody testing for this patient revealed the patient →

Fdh now the consumer has access to several

With e-business you are not restricted to the prices and products of you local stores. When you examine the online banking portion of e-business, you have a few more things to consider.

Marketing analysis of the telecommunications provider etisalat

That was first two paragraph shared by CEO of Emirates Telecommunication Corporation ' ETISALAT' with his employees in the day of changing of the organization Brand and strategy as apart of changing occur to face the privatization of the Telecommunications sector in the UAE. Since 1976 ETISALAT has been the telecommunications service provider in the →

Advanced joined wing designs engineering essay

The concept of joined wing aircraft was to have the forward wings sweep back and unite with an extra pair of wings that make contact down and forward from the plane's tail, enwrapping the plane's fuselage in a diamond shape. The main objective is to negate the influence of the wingtip vortices, which commonly appears →

To shares which deliver the correct portioning

To understand Rawls meaning behind justice, the following ideas will be the primary focus of this essay; the originalposition, the veil of ignorance, the principles of justice and the priorityrules although several other principles are discussed in his book. The principles of justice are selectedbehind a veil of ignorance; the purpose of this practice is →

Role of human resource management in organizational productivity in context of pakistan

With a rapidly growing population of about 150 million, Pakistan is a major country, recognised by the international community, and is one of the most important actors in the Islamic world. Human Resource management The design of formal systems in an organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish the →

Test of dc shunt motor configuration psychology essay

The mechanical parameters of the motor was also determined in which the no load test was used to determine the back emf constant of the motor as shown in figure 6.5. The torque-current characteristic of the motor at load condition was used to determine the torque constant of the motor.

Case study on effectiveness of group therapy

To have a better understanding of these elements acase study will be created, group recommendations for the individual within this case study will be made, individual assessment of the participant will be completed, the problems which can be common among groups and/or within the group dynamic will be explained, and the strengths and challenges in →

The true genesis of slavery: the known world by edward p. jones

This ties to the title of the novel itself, " The Known World" where the characters believed that the world of slavery was the right way to build a society since it emphasized power, ownership, castes, etc. To be a " proper" slaveowner, he had to relinquish his previous life as a slave and redefine →

Kant philosophy of self

It all comes down to the idea that you have perception, and you can think of your perception as a passive thing that is affected by something outside of it, and it cannot provide any material for inner sense since the self in itself is a pure formal unity without matter and the manner in →

Environmental capability evaluation for tourism development

In recent decades, the importance of tourism has internationally been increased from the viewpoint of the number of tourists who arrive in the target areas and the way it affects on the local economy. This is due to the high mountains and density of vegetation and forest in area.

How decolonisation in british and french colonies differ history essay

France and Britain saw decolonisation as a process that developed in stages such as " a franchise leading to eventual majority rule; guarantees that the constitution would not be abrogated; immediate increase of African political rights; an end to discriminatory legislation; and assurances that the constitution was acceptable to the majority".[3] One of the significant →

Influence of far-right parties on mainstream politics: uk and germany

With the emergence of a far-right party, the individual voter has a party closer to their own political belief and thus supports the far-right party instead, sapping the original mainstream party of votes. Moreover, the success of far-right parties can also impact the position of a party in government as it impacts the mainstream party's →

Arguments for and against the vaccine

Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, the anti-vaccination movement continues to grow in The United States and England. This paper looks to outline the history of the movement, both historical vaccination scares and the modern incarnation of anti-vax, and shed light on the dangers of not having children vaccinated, as well as present evidence →

King arthur and his knights by thomas malory and the tempest by william shakespeare

His anger and hatred of Sir Lancelot causes him to be a murderer by wanting to slaughter Lancelot's family anyone that he is close to. He tells King Arthur that he will make a promise to God to slay Sir Lancelot for the death of his brother.

Crimestoppers assignment

Collectively, strong management throughout the chain of command must continually reinforce the supreme goal of the Investigation: To arrest and prosecute the offender, The roles of both investigators and supervisors are clearly delineated. Additional personnel may be brought in for specific tasks as accessory There should be a bifurcation of responsibility between the administration of →

Muhammed ali analysis

He used his sly feet to escape the reach of Liston, whileslipping in some of his destructive jabs in the process. Though Spinks was a talentedboxer, he was not the caliber in which Ali used to be.

‘america skips school essay

He establishes his credibility and then emotionally connects with his audience and explains who and what is to blame for the lack of quality education in America. This allows the audience to " take it all in" and get a true understanding of the education system.

Good a mentoring program for educators critical thinking example

The frustration experienced by new teachers, led to the establishment of a mentoring system to help them adjust to the stress of the daily classroom, cope with frustration and limitations in terms of their own autonomy, and handle behavior problems and other student problems that can interfere with teaching. Mentoring in the context of educational →

Experiences of breast cancer patients with radiotherapy

In addition, more than 90% of the all breast cancer patients receive adjuvant radiotherapy to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Purpose The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of the female breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy.

Just war theory and the iraq war

After the bombing Iraq refused to allow inspectors to reenter the country, and during the next several years neighboring countries sought to reopen trade with Iraq thus relieving Iraq of the economic sanctions put on them by the United Nations. Bush administration used news outlets and the fears of the recent terrorist attack from 9/11 →