9 Pages Essay Samples

Puente hills

The employees are very valuable to PHT due they are the ones who have to advise the customer, sell the vehicles and repair them. The most important is to get all the employees in the same direction, to reach the companiesgoals.

Dunking’ donuts and issue of unemployment

Argentina is considered to have a great knowledge in biotechnology and that's actually one of the fields that Argentina is having cooperation with U.S. The main problem in Argentina's legal situation is related to corruption and problems that it's causing.

Development of employment law

The Unfair Dismissal Act The Unfair Dismissal Act 1971 was a vital step in employment law under the Industrial Relations Act. According to The Guardian, the new proposal by Beecroft presents a delicate situation for the survival of the Unfair Dismissal Act.

Provide support for mobility

Provide support for mobility Outcome 1 Understand the importance of mobility 1.define mobility Mobility is defined as, * being able to move or be moved freely and easily * the ability to move physically * The ability to move a part of the body 2.explain how differenthealthconditions may affect and be affected by mobility No →

Essential of motoric development in life skill exercise

We must help them to learn how to walk without assistance, to run, to go up and down the stairs, to pick up fallen objects, to dress and undress, to wash themselves, to express their needs, and to attempt to satisfy their desires through their own efforts. The activities are utilitarian, and so for the →

Londons urban transport from the victorian era

Instead, the most significant technical development which affected the size and functioning of London was the development of mass public transport, which was dictated not only by technological advances, but also the ways in which firms invested in the new forms of conveyance and competed with each other and alternative forms of travel [Ball and →

Emily kinghorn

Introduced by Gregory VII, the Papal election was reformed meaning that after the Pope dies the Cardinals, " will afterwards call in to themselves the cardinal clergy; and then the remaining clergy and the people will approach and consent to the new election, " meaning that the Pope will have the full support and backing →

What is the best way of explaining football hooliganism?

In other words: it is war minus the shooting." The best way to explain football hooliganism is to perceive it in the same context as war. Overall, the best way to explain football hooliganism is in the same context as war through territory, humanitarian law/ moral codes and of course, masculinity.

Cricket world cup

The format of games was the same as in the 1975 World Cup. The top two teams in each group qualified for the semifinals, and the winners of this played the final The final was played between India and the West Indies at the Lords ground in England.

Reflection essay on the great gastby

The connection of the " old money" and " new money" is presented in geographical symbols of the novel: East Egg is the place where the established aristocracy lived, and West Egg " the self-made rich". Fire and Freshness: A Matter of Style in the Great Gatsby.

American dream is still alive

Today there are many problems with the economy; there are many people out there who think there's no such thing as the American Dream anymore." The creation of a government that is out of control, and thus out of touch, robs every citizen, preventing fulfillment of the original American Dream. Jobs are still hard to →

Corporate governance case on apple

Since Steven Jobs is the only executive director, he is not a member of any of the three committees, this would violate the separation of ownership and control. The board is supposed to represent the interest of the shareholders, so there is a breach in the governance mechanism here.

Tyco international- corporate malfeasance

Dennis Kowalski was able to work his way to the top of Tyco and take the CEO position in 1992. Overall, Tyco should still compete in this industry because of the constant demand and the potential to have a product go above and beyond expectations.

“measure directors are defined and mentioned in section

As this office is one where we see that the only major constraint orrestriction is that of the independent director, himself or herself not being vigilantand not exercising the powers vested in them for the reason the company hadgiven them the office in the first place. He or she is tasked with protecting the interests →

Fear all alone

The mexican immigrant is at the top of the news these days for a couple of reasons, first the border wars and second the new laws in the state of Arizona concerning the detection of illegal immigrants. When we think of our country and it's elected officials fear has to come to mind, because i →

Holidays and ideal vacation

We would have the best room in the whole hotel and it was be amazing. There would be a huge kitchen so we could cook and it would be stocked with all the great food we like.

Good research paper on euthanasia: pros and cons

Pro-euthanasia people argue that all individuals have the explicit rights to choose what to do with their lives, even to the point of ending it. Hence, not far from the concept of various forms of self-annihilation, euthanasia is considered as an option by people who want to end their life, or those of their loved →

Euthanasia: morally right or ethically wrong

The first viewpoint will support euthanasia or the " right to ii," the second viewpoint will support anti-euthanasia or the " right to live". The Pro-Life Alliance defines euthanasia as 'Any action or omission intended to end the life of a patient on the grounds that his or her life is not worth living.

Srm a strategic service vision for air asia bhd essay sample

The major purpose of a strategic service vision is to serve as the vision of a place and purpose of the company as well as to link the entrepreneur's idea and the unmet needs which will eventually allow the company to achieve its goals. For example, Air Asia is a service winner; hence Air Asia →

Kingfisher airlines essay sample

OBJECTIVES PRIMARY OBJECTIVES * To study the customer satisfaction level for the various services provided by the kingfisher.* To find out the effectiveness of the services provided by kingfisher airlines in respect of other airlines like air india, jet airways etc. The survey was conducted in the areas of south Bombay and it was filled →

A brief history of aviation and aviation industry

Airline Industry Service Industry Because of all of the equipment and facilities involved in air transportation, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that this is, fundamentally, a service industry. In reality, the key for most airlines is to strike the right balance as most serve a broad mix of both business and →

Jet blue airways corportation

The low fares the company offered to its customers is a major factor which increases the profit of the company and more loyal customers. It not only retain the demand of the customers but it also allow company to increase its sales and curtail the costs as the customers who are fare conscious and have →

Project management gantt and schedules construction essay

Arguably, the evolution of modern project management is a direct consequence of the need to make effective use of the data generated by the schedulers in an attempt to manage and control the critical path. The project will start on January the 14th and is to be completed by Friday the 29th of March.

Sociocultural issues in project management

Effective communication is essential; the main objective of communication in project management is to perceive that there is a general understanding of the project. Leadership involves identifying and articulating the need to considerably change the direction and function of the project, aligning people to the latest direction, and motivating them to work collectively to conquer →

Different leadership styles and project management

This report focuses on the major factors affecting the success of the project with respect to the leadership and management of the project. The project leader has to look at six directions in particular and the tasks involve managing the stakeholders, project lifecycle and the performance in terms improving their own performance and also of →

Development of the cardiovascular system in vertebrate embryos

The peripheral cells within these blood islands flatten to form endothelial cells, triggered by the binding of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor to the first of its two receptors, the VEGF-R2 protein, which is responsible for the differentiation of mesodermal cells into endothelial cells and the subsequent proliferation of the endothelial cells. As the ventricular →

Introductionin as mentioned by jones et al.,

Addressing Ethical IssuesPerhaps some of the questions that are commonly asked about ethics include where the demand is, and who is included/excluded in the ethical action. One of the theories that can be used to explain the concept of ethics in business settings is the natural law of ethical theory.

Rein and contract law

" The parties to an executory contract are often faced, in the course of carrying it out, with a turn of events which they did not at all anticipate a wholly abnormal rise or fall in prices, a sudden depreciation of currency, an unexpected obstacle to the execution, or the like. The contract was frustrated →

Outer space exploration

Since issues on earth are still in effect, people's fear of what is to come in the future prevent them from becoming aware of how exploring outside this world in space can actually benefit us all, and how important it is to our planet earth. With the paranoia already build up in our minds and →

Good example of essay on books into films worst combination

In terms of storytelling, however, the movie literally transforms the initial plot narrated in the novel and changes the personal and professional development of the characters involved in the action. The moment from which the film starts to drift apart from the plot described in the book is when Roy ends up in hospital and →

Death penalty: effective method of punishment for murder

Opponents of the death penalty would argue that the death penalty is barbaric and inhuman, but what about the murder of innocent people? Allowing convicted murderers to receive the mercy of the courts and get life is the wrong message we want to tell the public.

Conflict theory and social theory essay sample

Coser of the Conflict Theory and Also Max Weber and Victor Turner of The Social Action Theory. The conflict also explains the conflict that is there between social classes, it is the theory that states that there is a continuous existence of struggles within all aspects of the society, the struggles that occur in the →

Israel-palestine: two-state vs one-state solution

The answer seems to be negative mainly due to the fact that the Jewish-Israeli populace desires to remain a majority within their own state and similarly because the Jewish-Israeli state depends on a Jewish majority in order to vote-in and implement laws and policies, which are aimed to provide a safe home for the Jewish →

Alcohol and illicit drug abuse in pregnancy

Eating a well-balanced diet, high in nutrients, is one of the most important things a woman can do to ensure the future health of both her and her baby. Before making the decision to take any drug, whether it is prescription, over-the-counter, or a medicinal herb, a woman should always discuss both the hazards and →

What are the positive and negative effects of alcohol? essay sample

The effect that a certain amount of drinks will have on a person depends on a lot of variables, and there are many things that someone can do before drinking to reduce the effect of alcohol and to reduce the effect of a hangover. If more than that is consumed than the body stores the →


Childhood Obesity and Heart Disease, and the Importance of Physical Education in Schools Kristal Brandenburg ENG 122: English Composition II Instructor Deborah Zeringue April 8th 2012 Childhood Obesity and Heart Disease, and the Importance of Physical Education in Schools INTRODUCTION Childhood obesity across the world is increasing rapidly. Heart disease is one of the health →

Research paper on caffeine as an ergogenic aid for exercise

It is these properties of caffeine i.e.its water and lipid solubility and quick metabolism by the body that confer upon it the ability to influence performance during exercise and sports. The effects of caffeine, nicotine, ethanol and tetrahydrocannabinol on exercise performance.Nutr.

Effects of trade standards on ethiopia’s coffee export volume

In the fourth place we get the parameter defect point and the majority of the respondents 88% do not understand the parameter well and only 12% of the respondents know about the parameter to a good extent. In the sixth place we get taste/flavour and the majority of the respondents 61% do have the knowledge →

Ecotourism trend environmental management tourism essay

Conservation of resources and sustainable developments are the key components to protecting and managing the environment, as well as addressing the effects of the tourism industry and other various sectors. Preserving natural areas such as fields, meadows and forests leads to the sustainable maintenance of ecosystems and is the principle of managing the environment." Once →

Social, economic and environmental impacts in tourism

With the use of academic literature, the three impacts highlighted will be discussed, along with the concept of sustainability, to highlight the importance of these crucial issues to sustainable development of tourism. The economic impact generated by the National Park also contributes to the economic sustainability of the park, as the revenue generated by the →

The trends of labor market in bangladesh

Though it is one of the major responsibilities of the Government to provide job to those young generation but the Government is failed to meet the job demand among the large population. It will also cover the impact of Unemployment to our society and Economy.

Case study of bangladesh and boscastle floods

Boscastle lies in a valley and the highland encouraged precipitation in the form of orographic rainfall.1. People were trapped in buildings by the floodwater & forced to seek refuge on the roofs of the buildings and await rescue.

Regency grand hotel essay sample

Some of the employees enjoyed having control within the workplace, but for the most part, employees were uncertain of what was expected of them, and these led to increased stress. Given the new regime at the hotel, the implementation of empowerment and drastic differences between cross-cultural values, stress has been on the rise for both →

Same-sex marriage in the philippines

David's party lists in its political platform a " spiritual dimension" to " seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness." The issue on same-sex marriage recently came back to public attention with the election of a new head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis. Teodoro Casino, who did not have a categorical →

The importance of communication in teaching education essay

The values offer a verbal communication that can be used by teachers to communicate with the centre of population about their occupation and in so doing proceed the position and standing of the occupation. These teachers are promoters for the line of work and their school.

The positive effects of dancehall music on jamaican culture

Some of the positives of dancehall music which have been seen in Jamaican society are: it acts as a relief of stress for the people suffering because of poverty and helps them in a way feel free, it is a medium for economic advancement, it helps people to see what is actually happening in inner →

A view from the bridge – notes

In the beginning of the play, Eddie tells the story of a young boy who calledimmigrationon his relatives. However, because of Beatrice's increased presence in the revised version and downscaling of the relationship between Eddie and Catherine Eddie must return to Beatrice.

Broadway theatre – a history

Each class had its own part of the theatre, but all attended - mechanics in the pit, upper classes and women in the boxes, and prostitutes, lower classmen, and blacks in the balcony. Burned down five times: 1828, 1836, 1838, 1845, and 1923 - until a June 5, 1929 fire closed the theatre for good." →


Their issues relate to the way the child acquires the uses of their native language.the emphasis is on pragmatic, in learning how to do things with words.in particular, how to achieve mutual care and management of shares in common with another person through language." There are different theories about how language develops in humans, certainly, →

Language development within infants and young children

More recently, due to a sudden occurrence of activity in the aforementioned disciplines, there has been a huge leap as far as what is known about language and as a result of the interdisciplinary sharing of information between these groups the quantity of language development theories has increased tenfold. When thinking in a teaching context →

Drug use in the american army in the vietnam war

One of the leading fronts of the regulation of drugs was the president of the Bureau of Narcotics, Harry Anslinger. In 1971, President Nixon announced the formation of the Special Action for Drug Abuse Prevention that was in charge of coordinating and reporting on the growing drug problems of the Vietnam War.

Online social network

Social Network Sites: A Definition We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. →

Cultural analysis of an organization

In the end it is the leader that sets the tone for the culture of the organization and it is the leader that can change it. The staff is viewed as the heart of the organization and the leader needs to be responsive to the needs and the goals in order to gain commitment and →

My trip to spain

I needed to know about the place where I was getting my self into so I did some research and this is what I found... I might be spoiled since I live in Sweden and the service here is; welcoming smile, greetings in the start and a goodbye in the end.

Movie review on the scientific merit of the day after tomorrow

Despite the admirable efforts of the filmmakers to show the effects of climate change in an immediate and pressing way, the quality of the scientific accuracy in the film is incredibly lax, leading to a film that does not represent geology and ecological science in a valid way. However, the only feature of the hurricane →

How did nelson mandela aid the downfall of apartheid

Apartheid was an official policy of forced segregation of the races and was implemented in 1948 by the National Party when it came to power in South Africa. It is important to add that his pursuit of a degree in Law did not go unhindered; as this was the time when he became involved with →

Women and gender studies paper essay examples

Tolkien, the Return of the King Media has played an important role in conditioning and shaping the mind of the people in the society. The interplay of media and social influence lead to a plethora of controversy surrounding gender inequality, stereotyping and gender discrimination.

Fedex vs. ups

In order to understand the real impact of asset turnover ratio we need to combine with margin ratio and then determine if it's pricing strategy by UPS that is generating this high ratio or in fact UPS is much more efficient in using its assets than FedEx. Next we analyze Liquidity Ratios of both companies →

Mcbride financial services

The other advantage to a merger is the strategic planning and restructuring of the organization. If McBride chooses to go public through an IPO, then it has to worry about the new owners of the company and their ideas about what the company is and should be doing.

Miley cyrus: a teenage inspiration

People screaming at the top of their lungs for the rock band that they idolize; an individual buying all the books and imitating the writing style of his favorite author; a young girl imitating the clothes of her fashion idol; the aforementioned instances are familiar examples of people who are practicing the idea of →

Food quality

This includes, Negative attributes Two Important Terms * HAZARDS * CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS HAZARDS * Any biological, chemical, or physical property that may cause an unacceptable consumer health risk.* 3 major hazards * Biological * Chemical * Physical -Biological Hazards * These organisms are commonly associated with humans and with raw products entering the food →

Jose rizal essay sample

A part in the film is about the complaints of the " Katipuneros" who are also sick of the administration of greedy friars and officials. I am proud of Rizal when he said that he is ready to oppose anyone who is not telling the truth; it shows that he stands for his principles in →

The nursing profession – a study of cultural diversity and spirituality issues

The nurse may not understand the traditions and behaviors practiced by a certain individual due to its unfamiliarity to the nurse and this can interfere with the care plan for the patient. In addition, the language barrier between a nurse and a second language patient inhibits the nurse to do her job and provide the →

Investigating insomnia as a form of sleep disorder psychology essay

Sleep apnea- the obstruction of a person's airway during sleep- is related to increased risk for stroke and heart attacks. Moving on, there is a more extreme case of insomnia that can lead to death, the fatal familial insomnia.

Moral development in children

The moral thinking of young children was described by both Piaget and Kohlberg as concrete and oriented toward punishment, respect for authority, and the maintenance of existing social rules and laws. In The Moral Judgment of the Child, Piaget distinguished two types of moral reasoning, each of which has a different understanding of respect, fairness, →

A feminist perspective on morality development and transition markers of young women

The first article discussed takes a look at the work of Carol Gilligan, who pioneered a study of morality development that takes into account the different moral experiences and values of boys and girls in today's society. In exploring each of these topics related to development through a feminist lens, a more complete and progressive →

Automated grading system

A good automated grading system should be capable of executing the test cases written by students as well as the faculty on the project, determining the coverage of the test cases, and compiling and executing the submitted programs. The creators realized the need for a software to automatically grade student assignments to enable faster feedback →

What is the good life philosophy essay

The below essay seeks to address the philosophical aspect of the good life and how individuals in the society can achieve the good life. He argues that the life of ethical virtue tends to stand in the way of the good life and that of happiness.

Government used mainstream media to promote 1malaysia concept marketing essay

The Government of Malaysia wishes to spread the 1Malaysia Concept to its citizens in the most time-saving and effective way. For example, The Star coverage the news about the launching of 1Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival 2012 on 14 June 2012 to attract people to participate in the carnival in conjunction to promote the 1Malaysia concept.

Writing sample

Should a court's application of the single-purpose container exception to the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement be based on the knowledge of a layperson because it satisfies the fundamental principles established by the U.S. ARGUMENT I.he single-purpose container exception to the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement should be based on the knowledge of a layperson because it →

Sigmund freud ideology

His other works, including The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, and Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, do not compel Freud to look into himself like in The Interpretation of Dreams, for " The Interpretation of Dreams is the primary documentation of Freud's self-analysis". As for the science within Freud's groundbreaking discoveries, " There was →

Gilgamesh vs. modern day hero. similar characters comparison

Many comics' fans understand that the idea of a true hero is not new and has a long history; still, not all of them know much about the roots of heroic characters, for example, about Gilgamesh and Enkidu from The Epic of Gilgamesh. The characters from The Epic of Gilgamesh help to realize a true →

Mobile database

Mobile database is the database that are connected to mobile devices like smart phones, PDA over their mobile network and the database, which is carried by the mobile device. An agent is link of communication between the database of the mobile and database of the server and also the link between the application and mobile →

Historical context versus human behavior in “the scarlet letter”

" The Scarlet Letter" was set in Boston, Massachusetts in the mid 1600's and follows the backlash of the sinful act between Hester Prynne and Boston's own Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. This parallel can be defined even further as " throughout the story Hawthorne continually defines Hester in terms of motherhood...and in the very beginning of →

Leading and managing organisational resources

In the last data that was collected from the business organization, the annual turnover, the net profit of the financial year and the previous year the turnover profit was released. In accordance to the statement of Bryant, The roles of transformational leaders is to set mission, vision and goals for the organization and also inspire →

Korea’s view on women and gender essay sample

For example, " one of the tenets of Confucianism requires three obediences of women: to the father when young; to the husband when married, and to the son in old age". This statement clearly explains the inequality between the two genders and also emphasizes women's disadvantageous role in society." The influence of Confucian tradition helps →

Continuous development of outcomes anticipated commerce essay

The HR practitioner has a role and a contribution to offer to the HRM function in order to be an effective and efficient professional. In the performance and reward professional area band one and two deal with the team aspects; the first band explains the way to work effectively and how to deliver within a →

King of shaves unit marketing report assignment

This is to help you to look at and consider the external factors, opportunities, threats and to help identify where the key issues with the marketing of the product may come from.1. Benefits and costs of marketing The next thing to consider is the cost of advertising the marketing plan, and what the company think →

An analysis of huntingtons theories of democratisation politics essay

In other words, if elections were taken as the only, or the main sign of democracy and democratization, then a country like Lebanon would be one of the most democratic countries in the world. Dahl, for example, dates the process to the success known by the question of representation which brought about the Revolution and →

Technological progress in science, arts and literature

For instance, special effects have affected the manner in which videos are exhibited through the creation of new motives for the audience due to the special effects that are provided by the CGI technology. The advancement in technology and science has also led to the development of modern literature.

Business fraud causes, detection and solutions

The consequences of this crisis were considerable: from the wrongful foreclosures of American housings, the devaluation of investments to a complete loss of shareholders' trust[1]. In a second part, it analyses the complex nature of the financial system and provides insights on the difficulty to identify a unique, single culprit in the financial sector.

The lexus and the olive tree

The main topics Friedman uses in his book are: The Golden Straight Jacket, globalization, the Lexus and the Olive tree, and the Golden Arch Theory. At the same time it is like a straight jacket because once it is put on, if the country wants to maintain it, the country must follow a series of →

The development of concept through the national curriculum

Piaget also discussed the theory of moral education and believed children make moral judgements by observing those around them, ' the child is someone who constructs his own moral world view, who forms ideas about right and wrong, and fair and unfair, that are not the direct product of adult teaching and that are often →

Statistically, other barriers that prevent people from

Additionally, the proposal for the " FLOURISH" campaignwill be assessed, approved, and tested by a consulting team of people livingwith mental health conditions and illnesses, and professional mental healthworkers before it will be released to the general public. Furthermore, we will also contact public figures andfamous people to request their endorsement and promotion of " →

What was hitler’s role in the holocaust

If one were to frame the Holocaust as beginning with the systematised, state-sanctioned persecution, alienation and subsequent dehumanisation of the Jewish population as initiated by Adolf Hitler's accession to the post of Reichskanzler on the 30 January 1933 and culminating in the liberation of the last of the death camps, Belsen on the 12 April →

Risk attitude, investments, and the taste for luxuries versus necessities

The other two measures were simply the mean responses to the difference items and the gamble items, where one indicates that the subject accepted the gamble or thought that the difference between the intermediate and high amounts was larger than the difference between the low and intermediate amounts. It is unlikely that this result is →

Human development index and the gross domestic product

The complexity of measuring and defining development for example is seen in the challenging of assumptions that view development as a strictly linear economic progression of a country. Comparison of the HDI and the GDP: The HDI: The Human Development Index that was introduced by the United Nations Development Program in 1990 has become the →

Experiences of pediatric cancer survivors

Hence, in order to delineate the characteristics and conduct an in-depth exploration of the phenomenon of survivorship, the descriptive exploratory design was employed for the study. Despite the fact that a non-probability sample is less likely to be a representative of each individual of the population, in order to develop a rich and holistic understanding →

Romanticism in les miserables

He famously writes, as a preface to his novel: " So long as there will exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation which, in the midst of civilization, artificially creates a hell on earth, and complicates with human fatality a destiny that is divine; so long as the three problems of the →

Business intelligence in the company’s management practices

The success of the company has flourished from the hard work of team members and strong leadership throughout the company. Each region in their company has a regional trainer who is responsible for overseeing the orientation and training of all new and existing Whole Foods Market team members.

Anonymous sperm and egg donor privacy vs. the child’s right to know essay sample

These donors will remain in the shadows unless something or somebody changes the way our government views donor privacy."...behind the many successful outcomes there is a tissue of unresolved questions about the legal rights and obligations of the parties involved, from the clinics to donors to parents to the children themselves..". It should not have →

Summary of the seven habits of highly effective people

In the case of Prophet Muhammad, his final destination and the ultimate goal was to effectively spread the religion, Islam and to gain Allah's acceptance and blessings in the process. He had developed a sense of feeling for the suffering of his people and left the confines of his palace to sought out a solution →

Children’s care routines essay

This means that the child will not be socialising or interacting with others in the activities during the day, and that the child is likely to ignore the practitioner or other children that approach them. Social effects of this routine The practitioner would be able to have one-to-one interaction time between them and child that →

Editorial: innovative approaches in computational structural engineering

The Research Topic " Innovative Approaches in Computational Structural Engineering" aims to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of state-of-the-art innovative developments, concepts, methodologies, and approaches in scientific computation applied to structural engineering. The contributions come from 58 leading researchers and professionals from 10 countries around the world who are actively involved in →

Did about one out of ten who set

The Oregon Trail was not just one set path, there were several pathways and choosing the right one was the challenge for the pioneers. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the main pathway was the Oregon Trail.