9 Pages Essay Samples

Organizational summary tangoed

Tangoed is a successful company, that is growing rather quickly, however, the management styles and human resource practices are different depending on the the location and period of establishment. The agency's services in this case were pretty high too, as many people were hired and many of them decided to work in the company for →

The increase in demand of complementary therapies health essay

The purposed purpose of this study is to explore nursing students perception on the use of non-pharmacological treatment for pain in the hospital setting. The study will also explore the types of complementary therapies used to alleviate pain at the main local government run, general hospital, assessing nursing students' knowledge and perception on complementary and →

Alfred adler essay sample

INTRODUCTION Alfred Adler is one of the greatest pioneer of psychology and a phliospher of his generation, although he is not an everyday famous name in psychology but he is the founding father of the Adlerian theory. It is our need to move towards superiority thus the entire life of the human being can be →

The aims in motivation of employees

The more and more credit in addition to positive the compensation the more prospective the employee will be exceedingly motivated. The result of an employee's effort must have significance to himself or herself and to others in the business.

The body as image – an analysis of the postmodern characteristics of tattoos in contemporary society

The consumer of the modern society is distinguished by being self-reflexive and rational while the characteristics of the irrational postmodern consumer are hyperreality, fragmentation, reversals of production and consumption, decentring of the subject, paradoxical juxtapositions, and loss of commitment. In the following I will through an analysis of the phenomena, tattoos, try to identify some →

Is celebrity obsession destroying our society

They are often with us at dinner, talking to us in the background of our home lives, and sometimes they tuck us in as we drift off to sleep. In reality, their lives are as messy as everyone else's, and people like to have the flaws of others paraded.

Golden rule for saving in solow growth model

Solving equation for the golden rule level of k yields To get the saving rate that will yield the golden rule level of k, substitute equation into, which simplifies to With a Cobb-Douglas production function, the saving rate required to reach the golden rule is equal to the elasticity of output with respect to capital →

Non-us healthcare system analysis essay

Please use heading and subheadings to present the content Non-US Health Care System AnalysisIn a 1250-1750-word paper, describe the history and the current status of the health care system used in the country selected. One of the major landmarks which has revolutionized the Indian healthcare delivery system has been the Alma Ata Declaration of the →

Culture convergence

Conversely, there are many that argue also of cultural divergence; which is the belief that each nation's culture are deeply rooted in the countries' history, so that even if outside culture try to influence the belief and attitude of the people, the difference between cultures can still be maintained, and can even increase over time. →

How gender is vital factor when explaining criminal behaviours

This shows that gender and criminal behaviour is stratified into specific types of offences, and the psychology of men can cause them to commit more serious crimes compared to women. There is a higher involvement of males in the criminal system compared to females.

The mayor of castro street

" The Mayor of Castro Street" The Legacy of Harvey Milk The Mayor of Castro Street, The Life and Times of Harvey Milk was the perfect biography to choose for this project. He never came out to his parents, he kept it a secret from the mother he loved and the father he was trying →

The factors affecting dealership marketing essay

According to OGrady; product recall in the UK have increased by 12 percent, from a total of 205 in 2009 to 229 in 2010 of which automobile manufacturers rank highest on the list. Industry experts have estimated that the middling price of a litre of gasoline in the UK has increased to GBP0.

Designing an lcm program for drilling depleted zones

Abstract Prior to the drilling of the depleted Simile sand in the Barr well, we were asked to investigate: Prevention of whole-mud loss by fracturing of the formation; No reduction of production capacity from the formation as the result of addition of the LLC: The use of mechanized cellulose fibers to prevent mud loss to →

Root causes of accidents on construction

According to Baxendale and Jones as cited in, the majority of the accidents are not caused by the carelessness of the worker but by the negligence or by the failure to control by the management. Lack of proper training and guidelines provided to the workers by the management.

The absurd and the concept of hope in camus’s novels

Though reduces an inhuman world to the world of the human; for instance, a tree is known to humans as a tree, but that is simply the meaning mankind has projected onto the object. The hope of the citizens that the government would save them is misplaced; in fact, the inaction of the government is →

Delicate balance of intellectual property and access economics essay

The Intellectual Property Rights enables developing countries to import a generic drug if they can provide evidence of the public health concern, demonstrate the inability of the domestic pharmaceutical industry to produce the drug itself, and prove that it will only use the drug for public, non-commercial purposes. The expansion of the intellectual property rights →

Introduction should be worn or not becomes very

Some prefer to implement the use of school uniform citing various benefits such as improvement of discipline in schools while others see the whole issue of school uniform as a cover up of failed social issues in a school community. Duvall et al claimed that school uniform " positively benefit the school climate, promotes a →

Philosophy of mind

Substance Dualism in its most radical form is called Cartesian Dualism in honor of its most famous proponent Rene Descartes.[iv] He claims that the soul which is our mind, the thing that causes us to think and thus exist as human beings, is not made out of physical matter, but is intimately related to the →

Similarities and difference between hinduism and buddhism.

Both of them gives an emphasis on the practice of meditation and other forms of yoga, which not only helps one to concentrate on the truth of life, but also facilitates the path of enlightenment and liberation. In addition to creating the first forms of writing, the Sumerians invented the plow, the wheel, and used →

Challenges faced by the shipping industry economics essay

What kinds of current challenges to the maritime industry related to economic and development of maritime regulations, and how the maritime industry cope with those challenges will be described base on the reference studies. It is expected to experience a few years of decline due to the overcapacity of ships, and a substantial reduction of →

All the light we cannot see and human nature

Frederick speaking up resulted in his beating, and the fear of this and the other consequences motivates Werner to comply with orders he disagrees with. Claude is afraid of the Nazis, and he gives them information to secure his position and their trust.

Profitability of large japanese retail booksellers marketing essay

The bargaining power of suppliers are high due to the relatively small number of suppliers and their control over the market due to the Saihan system. The Saihan system acts as a barrier to entry and restricts competition with the industry.

How manipulatives affects math achievement education essay

The purpose of my research is to examine the effects of computer-based manipulatives on problem solving and the students' attitudes toward computer-based learning of mathematics concepts. In my career as a teacher, mathematics is the subject that I find that students seem to have the most apprehension and lack the most prerequisite skills.

A critical appraisal of the impact on social injustice of the welfare

The whole business of the poor is to administer to the idleness, folly and luxury of the rich; and that of the rich, in return, is to find the best methods of confirming the slavery and increasing the burdens of the poor.' This essay will attempt to explore the social injustices that are perpetrated by →

Dracula: an epitome of the gothic novel

There is also a gloomy and menacing tone given to the setting of the novel, as in most pieces of gothic literature. The death of the Count is finalized, as the novel states, " It was like a miracle, but before our very eyes, and almost in the drawing of a breathe, the whole body →

The alienation of the proletariat: an explanation and critique of marx’s theory of estranged labor

In his critique of Capitalism specifically in regard to the alienation the estrangement of the worker, Marx defines this concept of " estranged labor" as the process which occurs during the economic moment in which:" The worker becomes all the poorer the more wealth he produces, the more his production increases in power and size. →

Reflective report on organisational management

In order to assess our group, I suggest focusing on two sets of outcomes from the PESTEL analysis which are the organizational effectiveness in one hand and the quality of working life in the other hand. Members 1, 3, 4 and I have a mutual " explanation communication" which means I suggest them some ways →

Research of restaraunt for business research

This method would reveal the perception of the customer to see what category the Remington restaurant is in, what performance the customer expects, and how satisfied the customers are when they leave the Remington restaurant. By researching the customer's perception of the restaurant one will see how the customer chooses the restaurant desired, how important →

Effect of light intensity on photosynthesis

Our first hypothesis was the different shades of light would affect the amount of oxygen produced by the plants submerged in the water. The next set of predicted results would be if the amount of fertilizer added to the plants would affect the amount of oxygen given off.

Adam smith’s contribution to classical political economy

This essay will discuss two of his major theories outlined in the Wealth of Nations; the division of labour and then the invisible hand, whilst briefly touching upon Smith's view on the role of the state and the free-market. Smith was a moral philosopher from the late 18 th Century and wrote; " An Inquiry →

China’s three gorges dam essay

But probably one of the most important events of the country is the construction and completion of the Three Gorges Dam. The dam is expected to reduce the dependence of China on coal and bring power to many parts of the country.

A critical analysis of stuart hall’s text, encoding/decoding

In discussing the theory of popular culture and related media influence, Geraghty states: " What it suggests is a process whereby a pre-existing given, whether it be a physical object or philosophical abstraction, is translated, so that it can be comprehended and experienced by a recipient, an observer, an audience." This argument is heavily intertwined →

Analysis of nursing ideologies: leg ulcers and copd case

EBP contrasts with this in that it intends to promote treatment and care that is based on systematic evaluation of the evidence of the effectiveness of interventions. Therefore, it is proposed that nurses need to be able to critically analyse all of the proposed evidence that is to be used before employing evidence-based care to →

Negotiation across cultural and national boundaries essay

Roger, Maria, Leme indicated Power distance to the degree of accepting the difference in wealth, power and social class between people in the society. However, preparation and understanding the cultural behavior of opponent will lead to very successful cross cultural business negotiation.

Philosophy study notes greek philosophers

Philosophy Study Notes Greek Philosophers - The earliest Greek philosophers are sometimes called NATURAL PHILOSOPHERS because they were mainly concerned with the natural world and it's processes - Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Zeno, Parmenides, Democritus = Pre-Socratic - All the earliest philosophers shared the belief that there had to be a certain basic substance at the →

Developing smoking cessation education

The problem that I have identified is the lack of smoking cessation education given to our patient population. Explanation of Problem or Issue Explain the problem or issue, including why it is applicable to the area of practice you chose and the healthcare environment.

Overview of different wireless networking technologies

The method adopted for it is trilateration which identifies the position of a mobile phone. By experiments it is concluded that with the presence of users the signal strength is changed.

How is humanity presented in war of the worlds

This is a time when the use of electricity has not gained prominence yet and the British Empire is the most powerful in the world. This is shown many times during the course of the novel for example when the first cylinder lands on Earth in the village of Woking and the people first come →

What does it mean to be an effective teacher?

An effective teacher will have the means to successfully manage a classroom, an ongoing commitment to professional development and of course, an ability to relate to children. Evaluation will require the teacher to reflect upon a number of factors including the students understanding of the lesson, the suitability of the lesson content and the teaching →

The science of artificial neural networks psychology essay

Between the external and internal surface of the cell of the neuron there is a dynamic difference. Although the mass of the human brain is only the 2% of human body mass, consumes more than the 20% of the oxygen that goes in the organism.

German credit analisys assignment

The task for this first assignment is to develop a credit scoring rule such that, we will be able to classify the new applicants as good credit risk or bad credit risk with the best accuracy and considering the cost/gain of applying that rule. We assume the credit response is not related to 4 the →

Effectiveness of feedback in relation construction essay

The bills have tended to show the amount of energy units consumed but there has been a move towards more graphical images to illustrate the description of energy use conducted qualitative focus groups to explore what was the consumers preferences for energy feedback found that the participants of the focus group considered bar charts the →

The marketing audits lo1 marketing essay

The audit is the means by which a company can understand how it is related and integrated to the environment in which it operates. Starbucks needs to be innovative as the market is so harsh and it has lots of competitors.

The company structure commerce essay

It has been defined as " the specific aggregation of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organisation and that control the manner they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organisation Today executives choosing the most appropriate signifier of civilization, see four basic civilizations: A civilization that →

Oral presentations assignment

Although a well-crafted introduction should be " succinct, " it should provide the audience with several pieces of information: Who you are and an accurate pronunciation of your name; Your qualifications to speak about the subject; The type of presentation; Background information as needed; Your thesis; A preview of the the main ideas to be →

What role does the narrative voice play in the creation of a text’s meaning?

Also, in some cases the importance of a narrator in a text is more relevant than the content of the story, that's why the way in which the narrator's voice is telling the story can give us her point of view. In the case of, ' The Rape of the Lock', by Alexander Pope, it →

Computers 13825

His inventions were failures for the most part because of the lack of precision machining techniques used at the time and the lack of demand for such a device. Since the population of the US was increasing so fast, the computer was an essential tool in tabulating the totals.

Enterprise resource planning (erp) and supply chain management

A customer as a supplier in the supply chain and vice versa: The supply chain below shows the different process of a supply chain in an apparel industry. The yarn manufacturer is a customer of the fibre manufacturer and also a supplier to the fabric manufacturer, also the garment manufacturer is a supplier of finished →

The concept of gross domestic product

Because of summing up the output of every product enterprise to come to the total the product approach has been the most direct of the three approaches. P takes no account of the distribution of income and includes no moral judgments about the worth of the activity performed Money is the most common medium of →

Mechanised forces in asymmetrical forms of warfare history essay

Any imbalance between two belligerents would force the one who is weaker to resort to alternate tactics and concepts in order to negate the conventional, organisational or technological superiority of the stronger of the two. The physical presence and arrival of armoured forces in the area of operations is a symbol of power and destructive →

Construction issues and reflective assignment

On the date that Modern Contractors were due to start the project the main entrance to the site is blocked by materials left by the Client. It is inevitable for British Gas to be present and complete the repositioning of gas' main.

Theories of foreign direct investment (fdi)

This assignment tries to discuss various theories concerning foreign direct investment and give the statement as to whether the theories provide a successful explanation of the main determinants of such activity In real sense the main theories of FDI does not provide successful explanation of the main determinants for such activity, as explained by →

The banking system of ancient greece

The creation of a banking system, the set up and functions of the banking system, and the method of profit making by banks are three ways in which the business of lending in ancient Greece influenced the banking system of ancient Rome. The development of coin money was the leading cause for the need of →

Is artificial intelligence a threat or an aid to the future of humanity?

Table of Contents Introduction Without humans' control, Artificial Intelligence might be a Threat to the Future of Humanity The continuous development of AI could negatively Interfere with Military Programs Artificial Intelligence might take our Jobs by the next Century Artificial Intelligence, created by humans, is a tool that we can operate when we provide the →

Descriptive research vs analytical research economics essay

Variability is shown to be a key factor in the behaviour of construction labour productivity. In order to further improve construction productivity, continuous efforts have to be put in from times to times to identify the factors affect labour productivity, the effects of poor labour productivity and the ways to improve labour productivity.

Behaviourism and behaviour management

Information, in the form of the appropriate behaviour for a certain stimulus, is transmitted from the teacher to the learner and learning is described as " the acquisition of a new behaviour or the modification of behaviour as a result of teaching, training or tutoring". In this case, according to behaviourism, it is important to →

Peruvian economy and its place in the world economics essay

PERUVIAN ECONOMY AND THE WORLD This first section describes Peru's economic structure and its performance, in which heterogeneity has been one of its characteristic features of nearly all its markets and productive sectors.[4] Moreover, base on some studies the economic status of Peru in the international economic and trade system, and some recommendations about it, →

Concepts of workplace ethics

Keywords: ethics, sexual harassment, time thief, personal time, dilemma Workplace Ethics The information found within this paper has been previously written by me and even though my position has not changed towards sexual harassment, the power struggle between men and women, and using personal time on company time, the view I have chosen to take →

Caribbean advanced proficiency examinations

Obtain data related to the analysis of the hypothesis: " Students attending Jamaican Co-educational schools are more socially competent than students attending Same-sex schools." OBJECTIVES: To * ascertain the level of competence of students at single-sex schools in Jamaica * ascertain the level of competence of students at co-educational schools in Jamaica * compare these →

The silent language

First they need to speak and read the language of the foreigners and then to informed of that foreign culture. The voices of time In the first chapter of the book Hall explains how time is important subject in intercultural communicating.

Role of student in present society

We read in the Quran; " It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in ' Allah and the last day and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for →

The effects of the iraq war assignment

The Effects of the Iraq War Shelly Johnson Research Writing/COM 220 August 20, 2010 Instructor Sharon Cronk-Raby The Effects of the Iraq War The media and the military are focused on the positive effects of the Iraq War and how the soldiers have a job to defend the country, which is true. Although the military →

The fire imagery in virgil’s aeneid essay sample

Foremost, the destructive usage of fire is shown through Troy's sad fate as narrated by Aeneas to Dido in many lines in Book II: " Troy sunk in flames I saw, " Thus, when a flood of fire by wind is borne/ Crackling it rolls, and mows the standing corn", when Pantheus says of Troy, →

Unit 3: the renaissance

The first major writer to embody a number of the characteristics of the Renaissance was Select one: a. In art, chiaroscuro refers to Select one: a.the use of perspective in painting.b.the use of oil paints.c.the technique of stressing contrasts of light and shade.d.pigments applied to wet plaster on a wall.e.the commissioning of artists by wealthy →

Causes of stress and their impacts

When thinking about the word " Stress" and all of the many different definitions that people apply it to, it becomes clear that it is difficult to measure due to the lack of consensus on what the true definition of the word should be. The impact of stress and fatigue on law enforcement officers and →

Customer loyalty programmes in the retail sector

How does customer loyalty programme influence the retail sector What are the advantages of customer loyalty programme to the customers and retailers What are the measures that should be taken when implementing these programmes? Thus by the end of this research it would enable me to understand the benefits of the customer loyalty programme offered →

Investigating if multiculturalism is bad for women

In contrast to article 2, the writer expands her statements and engages in more inside informations to place the nucleus of the job that is hidden behind the mask of multiculturalism. The writers are non seeking a Yes or No reply here, but to exemplify statement if the society acknowledge and believe in the rights →

The strategy of corporate social responsibility

It is find that there has no important alterations in the companies ' CSR policy since companies with major interest in amalgamation holds the authorization to set about the direction related determination and in most of the companies Indian company hold the bulk interest and stay the under the power to set about the determinations →

International business – wto

As markets globalize and an increasing proportion of concern activity goes national boundary lines, establishments are needed to assist modulate, manage and patrol the planetary market topographic point so as to advance the constitution of transnational pacts that can regulate the planetary concern system and the administration that does these in the current concern →

Microbiology lab report assignment

Fifth organism is unable to utilize the carbohydrate but does use the potent, the by-product is ammonia, which raises the pH of the media and turns it fuchsia. When the Kava's reagent was added to the SIMI tube, the top of the medium turned a ruby red color which indicates a positive test result.

The history about positive focused strategic leadership business essay

authoritarian style involves retention of full authority by the leader decides, decision is passed on to subordinates instructions about the implementation of decision are given and the subordinates are expected to do what the leader has told them to do. With the declaration of a storm management agitate; we got an even better image of →

Role of quantity surveying profession construction essay

According to Willis's Practice and Procedure for the Quantity Surveyor, the role of the quantity surveying has been defined by Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as " ensuring that the resources of the construction industry are utilised to the best advantage of society by providing, inter alia, the financial management for projects and a cost →

Berkshire controls analysis for management accounting

The system was built to achieve three objectives; to ensure the congruence between management and shareholders' interest, to provide additional motivation for managers to work harder and to provide a simple and objective performance evaluation. It is crucial that the incentive plan can provide for both the needs of the Board and managers in order →

Psychodynamic theories

The functions of the Ego is to find a compromise between the ID and the Superego. One is that Jung's iceberg is right side up and at the top of the iceberg is the ego, and the level underneath that is the personal unconscious, and the final level of the iceberg is finally the collective →

The handmaid’s tale vs. the country between us compare and contrast essay

This essay will discuss two works that eloquently illustrate the dangers of totalitarianism, namely, the novel The Handmaid's Tale written by Margaret Atwood and the book of poetry The Country Between Us by Carolyn Forche. For example, Margaret Atwood shows that the government of Gilead claims to respect the role of women in the society →

Emile durkheim and max weber sociology essay

Sociology is an interpretative understanding of social action related to the description of the relevant scientific and causality of the process and results of the social action. Weber agreed to Dilthey's view that the humanities and natural sciences; On the other hand, the difference lies in Weber's understanding of " understanding": understanding and description are →

Characterization in chaucer`s canterbury tales

Then only the readers will enthusiastically turn the pages of the book even before they know the story and the full import of the character.' What will happen to this character? ' - should be the normal question in the mind of the reader and that question should remain till the end. Is the title →

Community cohesion: meet your neighbours

It is linked to the concept of social capital and the idea that if we know our neighbours and contribute to community activity then we are more likely to look out for each other, increase cohesion and minimise the cost of dependency and institutional care'. Our vision of an integrated and cohesive community is based →

Human development environment

Whare Tapawha is truly a holistic model with both the physical and the spiritual and ecological sides to development covered. In Samoa the unit of society is the family not the individual.

Genetic engineering of animals: benefits

More recent definitions of genetic engineering define it as the manipulation or modification of the genetic code of selected animals to alter characteristics and to introduce certain desired traits by changing the cell's genome. Lastly the benefits of the study must justify and outweigh the harm done to the animal.

To what extent should somerset be blamed for the outbreak and the mishandling of the rebellion of 1549 essay sample

The Dissolution of Monasteries was greatly hated as it proved lots of charity for the commons, also the commons wanted to say prayers for the dead, this was not possible now due to the sale of chantries, these lands were then sold to the Gentry, the commons detested this as they believed it should have →

Interpersonal communication reflective paper

The interpersonal communications course is planned to help us in being familiar with the system of effective, and to assess our own interpersonal ability to sharpen our critical understanding of the communication, also to improve the interpersonal skills. With the help of this class I am willing to improve me and the way I communicate →

Procedural rights

Because certain seventeenth century English courts forced confessions of heresy from religious dissenters, the framers of the Bill of Rights, were careful to include in the Fifth Amendment the provision that a person has the right to remain silent, and will not be compelled to testify against himself in a criminal prosecution, it has also →

The secret to increased productivity: taking time off

His anthem is that productivity and performance start with free time, which he argues is the fuel for the energy, creativity and focus that lead to success". It took three years, the advice of a mentor and the realization that he was getting in the way of his company's forward progress for Platt to relinquish →

Organizational behavior assignment

Norms help the team move from the forming to storming stages of team development. Norms apply to the attitudes and beliefs, not the behaviors, of team members.7.

Study on the industrial abandoned lands

Linked to the processes of decay, the terms also refer to the " cultural entropy and social" of our city spaces, their " loss and ruin". It is not even past.[4] The decay resides at the conceptual intersection of the individual parts of the analogy that zone created by the superimposition and superposition of essentially →

Introduction to do everything to protect the democracy

He however states that, even with the rules, it is still possible that one can make some mistakes but the mistakes would not be very bad compared to those that were made by some people in the texts that he uses as the sample of incorrect use of English language. The use of conjunctions is →

Deep brain stimulation and parkinson’s

Men and women are equally affected by this disease and the occurrence of the disease is considerably higher in people over the age of 60, even though there is an alarming increase of cases of Parkinson's in people of a younger age. The purpose of this paper in to look into the details of Parkinson's, →

Teaching of islam on wealth and poverty religion essay

One way of sharing it is to give it out in the path of Allah to build mosques or giving it to the poor. This is because Allah has given us the wealth and is the sustainer and so we should spend it in the way that Allah wants.

The motion detector sensor engineering essay

In here, the detection of movement means the movement that cause by human being and a motion detector sensor being use to detect the motion. The concept of infrared motion sensor is using the infrared light spectrum to measure the heat of objects that pass in front of it.

Abstract- foundry facing serious shortage of foundry sand.

Abstract- In this study, generate compact alternatives for foundry sandreclamation process using suitable fluidised bed and heating unit.a fluidisedbed combustor for foundry sand reclamation using specially arranged anddesigned system for better thermal reclamation process then mechanical reclamationprocess; the influence of selection of dimension of fluidised bed structure, specially design and selected heating unit as like →

Theories of authority and obedience

Milgram's teachers and learners experiment is one characteristic situation of blind obedience that occurs due to the change in people's behavior when moving from the individual function to the organization function." The main question is how far the participant will comply with the experimenter's instructions before refusing to carry out the actions required of him". →

School administrators and teacher stress

While this literature review cannot address all of questions above due to time restraints, it will investigate and integrate existing research regarding administrator leadership styles, the roles and responsibilities of the school principal in the 21st Century, and teacher job satisfaction in order to present the relationship between teacher perceptions of administrators and teacher stress. →

The history of practical cryptography from early century bc to modern day essay sample

In 500-600 BC, Hebrew scribes used a reversed alphabet that is replacing the first letter of the alphabet with the last, the second with the second to the last,..., and vice versa known as the atbash cypher, to hide the names of people and places. A stronger version of a monoalphabetic cypher is a general →

Evaluate the contention that the court of appeals determination

' This Court is a court of law, not of morals, and our task has been to find, and our duty is then to apply the relevant principles of law to the situation before us- a situation which is quite unique'.[1]Lord Justice Ward delivered the leading judgement in Re A clearly stating this early in →