9 Pages Essay Samples

Sop for msc in electrical engineering

Department of E&C 2010 Lovely Institute of Technology, Phagwara 2 RF OPTIMIZATION AND PLANNING In the end o the end of October 2001, Cingular was the first to announce their switch to the 3G GSM network. 3 GSM-400 GSM-400 is the least popular of the bunch and is rarely used.

Soft drinks industry consumer behavior marketing essay

The industry has seen steady growth over the past years, and despite the current economic situation in Pakistan and the high levels of inflation, the industry is bound for growth in the coming years. The research is directed to find the attributes of consumer behavior regarding the local soft drinks in the beverages industry.

Family therapy

The concept of family therapy is perceived as a form of psychotherapy involving all the members of the nuclear family. In many situations the team should consist of a man and a woman so as to treat gender related issues used as a role model to the members of the family in question.

Reason for an eoa law employment essay

Does discrimination occur when CPE students are awarded star schools on the basis of their results?[1]A just definition of the term discrimination was given in the case of Matadeen v Pointu,[2]in which redress was accordingly sought on the ground of discrimination regarding CPE exams, it was held that:"' Discriminatory' is defined in section 16 to β†’

Fayols management functions, mintzbergs and katzs skills are important

The management functions, roles and skills that were outlined by the three management theorists above as a necessity within management have been described as being the " three distinctive categories to aid the job description of managers.[1]" However to fully appreciate and form an opinion on whether Fayol's functions, Mintzberg's roles and Katz's skills remain β†’

Hum 130 week 9 final project

The aim of this report is to compare two of the many denominations of Christianity: Roman Catholicism and Conservative Protestants. The Protestants questioned the administration of the Catholic Church, some practices and belief that the Catholic Church, and the Church? s authority to interpret the Bible.

Eating together the culture of friday family dinner

This paper will look at the different roles of family members in the sustainability of Friday night family dinner examining the tradition using the Freudian theory, the family theory, and ecological system theory. The paper also takes special considerations on the reflection of this tradition in regard to the influence on the future and its β†’

Caring for the dementia patient: evidence based practice

The intervention being utilized is the use of therapeutic approaches to calm the dementia patient, compared with the use of psychotropic drugs to calm the dementia patient suffering an out of character response. Step 10: Recommendations for change All of the articles used in this project discussed the adverse effects of psychotropic medication use in β†’

Tinnitus: causes and treatments

By taking this step the patient is going to find out the cause of the tinnitus and the underlying condition and get the proper treatment for it. Even though in most of the cases the tinnitus is not a serious problem, it is important to stay informed and learn about it.

A dystopian future: the world of 1984

The leader of the Party, Big Brother, is revered as the political and intellectual mastermind behind all of the people's prosperity, while Emmanuel Goldstein, the supposed leader of an underground rebellion called the Brotherhood, is hated and blamed for all of the people's suffering social, foreign, and domestic. O'Brien announces that he is a member β†’

Financial statements: accuracy and reliability

Prudence can only be exercised within the context of the other qualitative characteristics in the accounting framework, particularly relevance and the faithful representation of transactions in financial statements. This will lead to inaccurate and unreliable financial information in the financial statements.

Vortex induce vibration essay sample

When the shedding frequency is close or equal to the Eigen frequency of the body, resonance occur and the vibration amplitude of the body is maximized. The viscous forces cause the streamlines to move further apart on the downstream side than on the upstream side of the tube.[1] In the Reynolds number range of 5 β†’

Fear and phobias essay

The last on the list is social phobia, which is the fear of embarrassment or humiliation in social settings. There are two types of social phobias: circumscribed, which relates to a specific situation such as " stage fright," and generalized social phobia, which involves fear of a variety of social situations.

Paradigm of mental health

Currently the overarching paradigm for mental health problems is the Medical Model and thus this paper will focus on the Medical Model and Bio psychosocial model for development and treatment of mental health disorders. A more comprehensive approach for the development and treatment of mental health disorders is the bio psychosocial model, which emphasizes the β†’

A study on asynchronous listening assignment

With the help of the answers offered in class, the difficulty of the listening materials is reduced, and the low proficiency students would not find the extracurricular work frustrating. Nine last Item Is to totaled students' overall impression of ALL and the traditional listening instruction.

Michael j. fox: battle with parkinson’s. essay

In the case of Back to the Future, the actor that instantly comes to find and represents the film is Michael J.Fox. Fox looked at alcohol as a way to lessen the realization of PD and what that meant for his life.

Health promotion model

7 ) When positive emotions or affect are associated with a behaviour.the chance of committedness and action is increased.) Persons are more likely to perpetrate to and prosecute in health-promoting behaviours when important others model the behaviour.anticipate the behaviour to happen.and supply aid and support to enable the behaviour. The Health Promotion Model is applicable β†’

Analysis of reasons for banning nuclear power

The main reason for nuclear power plants to be banned in Japan is that nuclear power creates the possibility of radioactive accidents. They also notice that they cannot control nuclear power plants if radioactive accidents were to happened." The nuclear disaster in the Japan nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi has reminded the importance of proofed β†’

Elements in the firms business environment

In this case, the ski-shop legal-politic element environment is associated to the dispute over the size and prominence of an outside sign displaying the shop's name with the authority. In the Task Environment, the first element to be identified to affecting the business is the Customer element.

Belicia as a parent in the brief wonderous life of oscar wao

We are introduced to the De Leon family that consists of Oscar, the overweight nerd yearning to fit in, Lola, his rebellious sister and Belicia, their immigrant mother who grew up in the Dominican Republic. The trauma she faced in her country essentially molded her personality, and due to this, it has made it impossible β†’

Micro living in urban cities research papers examples

This paper analyses micro living in the city of New York presenting several factors pertinent to the discussion particularly in regard to the future of housing in the city of New York. The need for the development of micro apartments in the City of New York is largely driven by the growing numbers of young β†’

Health essays – alzheimer dementia disease essay

The clinical features or the underlying pathology can only be discovered on autopsy and thus the signs and indications of AD are instigated only after years of accretion of the credible causes. It is one of a group of prescriptions that appear to improve the cognitive ability in people with Alzheimer's disease.

Vessel traffic management system (vtms)

Literature Review The aim of this chapter is to capture the main idea of the research in depth and provide a review on literature related to the study and go through the ideas of various authors towards the relevancy of the study and establish the need for the research.2. That is in the occasions where β†’

To what extent do you think dell company is marketing oriented? assignment

Market Mix of Dell: the four P, pro Dell Computer Company Dell Computer is one of the world's leading electronics makers. Fortune 500 ranks Dell number seven in return on stockholders' equity, ahead of world leading brands like Coca-Cola, Intel and Microsoft While other computer companies struggled due to economic problems in Asia in 1998, β†’

The consequences of a corporate personality law company business partnership essay

However the after effects of the Salomon case showed that there is the possibility of even limited liability for a small owned by one person, also for a one man company as can be seen in the lee v lee's farming Ltd case.[3]The ability to sue as well as the liability to be sued is β†’

The contemporary world issues history essay

But in order to understand the why, the key is to know the how. Because of the Civil Rights Act, and the push of affirmative action by President Johnson, the number of blacks in professional careers increased dramatically in the few years after the Act was passed.

Effect of brexit on the food manufacturing industry

Providing evidence to the fact that Brexit will not have a significant affect of the Food and Drinks industry in the UK. Therefore, we can recognise the fact that the result of the Brexit referendum in the UK may affect thecompetitive structureof the food and drinks industry in the UK and the EU.

Compare and contrast the mollen commission and the knapp commission essay sample

The aim of this paper is to bring out the striking comparison and contrast between the Mollen commission and the Knapp commission. The Mollen Commission The Mollen commission is formally known as The City Of New York Commission To Investigate Allegations Of Police Commission And The Anti- Corruption Procedures Of Police Department.

On of the network, not only technology-obsessed

In the book named ' A Brief Historyof the Internet', Michael Hart's indicates " for the first time we actuallyhave the opportunity for a whole world's population to share not only air orwater, but also to share the world of ideas, of art or of music and othersounds...anything that can be digitized". Prior to the β†’

Evaluating organizational resource management in tk maxx

Devise and apply a resourcing strategy to recruit talent to support the growth of the business, working closely with the Store and District Managers to recruit, keep and develop the group. So, it is believed to be important that the organization of the human resources should be in perfect fit with the management of the β†’


If buildings of Khoruji ensemble are the most ancient carpentry building in the world, the Golden temple of Todaiji is the biggest wooden building in the world. The size was determined by the height of the main " inhabitant": the temple should become the earth house of legendary the Great Buddha the unique monument of β†’

The security for telemedicine law medical essay

The use of information and telecommunications technology in the sharing of medical data and provision of health care for patients by medical experts is called telemedicine. Another application of telemedicine is the use of wearable physiological monitoring system that posses an array of sensors rooted into the fabric of the patient to constantly keep β†’

Horace walpole and samuel johnson, champions of women’s rights

Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto and Samuel Johnson's The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia both make excellent examples of the roles of women in the eighteenth century, including what those roles were supposed to be and what they actually were. Women were supposed to be weak, timid and helpless, and they were not β†’

Solution focused brief therapy: school counselor approach

In a school setting, you will have a caseload of hundreds of students, so it may not always be easy to see every student that needs to see you in a given day or for the length of time that they may need to see you for since they have to get to classes or β†’

Global warming: two sides to every story assignment

The third reason why global warming is a natural occurrence is because manmade CO2 is not the main source of CO2 in the atmosphere. The first reason humans are the cause of global warming is because of pollution.

Efficient method for re-encryption in unreliable clouds using r3 algorithm essay sample

Abstract Aim of the project is to re-encrypt the data and revoke the access rights from the users. A key approach to secure cloud computing is for the data owner to store encrypted data in the cloud, and issue decryption keys to authorized users.

Recombinant green fluorescent protein purification

The same procedure was done to the " G3-15 ml" with the exception of pelleting 15 ml of the culture. The final step in setting up the column is the pre-equilibration step which is the addition of breaking buffer to the column while the leur-lock is open until the ethanol is out of the system.

Strategic corporate development history of american apparel

Strategic Direction for the future New Innovation for American Apparel An innovation is widely regarded as doing something new, however it does not have to be a completely new invention, it just has to be something that the company has not done before, and this can be a new way of thinking, a new line, β†’

Why apple inc is such a successful company

Apple Inc is one of the business which is a giant It corporation over the world used two methods of " learning organization" and " best practices" to be able to overcome difficulties in the market today. We should study how organizations learn and practice such as Apple to see the strategic vision and ways β†’

Product life cycle theory in international business

Therefore the paper helps in extending the knowledge on the effects of a perceived product thus contributing to study literature through empirical investigation of the influence of cultural values on relationships between creativity dimensions of meaningfulness, novelty and intentions of buying process. Finally the paper has extensive literature on validation of the existing product life β†’

Christianity and buddhism

He also shows God in his three forms, of the Christian trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Suzuki compares Eckhart sermon on the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy to the ego in Buddhism.

The impact of the mobile phone on work/life balance

Cost is by far the major reason given for choice of handset, while there is no single factor which explains the choice of service provider.' Convenience' of the mobile phone is the reason most frequently given for choosing to talk on a mobile rather than a landline. Contrary to fears about the intrusive character of β†’

Hung be

The GAAP also provide the list of the priority sequence of sources that the reporting entities should look to for accounting and reporting guidance. Key differences between GAAP and IFRS in relation to overall application of standardIn the special edition report of Deloitte, the IASB and the FASB have participated the discussion and agreement to β†’

Achievement oriented participative directive and supportive leadership management essay

The situational theory of leadership and the LEAD instruments for determining leadership style are explained, and the application of the situational leadership theory to the process of planning for and implementing organizational change is described. The situational leadership theory holds that the difference between the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the four leadership styles is the β†’

Why did americas commitment to vietnam deepen throughout the 1960s? how come america lost essay sample

The importance of Vietnam derived from the global strategy of containment, which after the Communist Victory in China 1949; Vietnam was the key for the future of Southeast Asia. The loss of Southeast Asia would have deprived the United States, European allies as well as Japan of access to the major sources of raw materials β†’

What is learners as individual education essay

They merely acquire the unsmooth counsel from the instructor in the category and so they and convey it to be increased and link or incorporate with other Fieldss. There are activities might steer the scholars to be independent and single.

Disability as a form of diversity

It compared the different disabilities with the different ethnicities and how they are different in the form of diversity. This paper talked about the different aspects of race and how to not mix this all in with disability.

Sainsbury’s competitive advantage

This problem is affecting the impact that Sainsbury's has on the market but they have tried to improve the situation with the introduction of the 'Nectar Card', which is a card that customers can use to collect points when they purchase goods and in turn the points can be used to buy goods. We also β†’

In good company analysis

According to the movie The Good Company Dan took the responsibility to inform the workers when there were fired from their job because he was really concerned about their feeling and he knew he would be able to comfort them since he was the old staff and the staff was hired by him. He did β†’

“whoever, to prove the precise mode of

Where direct evidence to establish misappropriation of the cloth over which the accused had dominion is lacking, for establishing the charge of criminal breach of trust the prosecution is not obliged to prove the precise mode of conversion, misappropriation or misapplication by the accused of the property entrusted to him or over which he had β†’

Modernity into post modernity essay

A popular approach in understanding modernity and post-modernity is explained by the ideas of Karl Marx. The Division of Labor in Society.

Jess marketing hnd assignment

This is clearly reflected on her work as a manager of the customer engagement team as she needs the above elements into making her team to work and do their jobs more efficiently and to build them for the future as a team that can do their job right and complete targets in time, which β†’

Human development critical analysis

Hannah is correct when the people in the ethnic group all share the same socioeconomic status; George is correct when the people in the ethnic group do not share the same socioeconomic status.5. A chemical that is contained at the end of the axon, whose purpose is to pass information on to another neuron, is β†’

Raging bull study essay sample

Catching in their most supreme shape intermittent subjects that show up all through Scorsese's collection of New York stories, De Niro's La Motta measures his vulgar senses against his Christian blame and finds the best way to discharge the unavoidable clash is through unwavering savagery, in or outside the ring. Inside the ring, Scorsese puts β†’

Shakespeare’s “hamlet”: looking at integrity assignment

Hence, it is no wonder that in the end, he is rightfully condemned to a disgraceful death, where he is slain in the midst of his own treachery. Thus, it is no wonder that under his rule, the court is seen as an ulcerous place, and Denmark is a prison Moreover, although Claudia knows that β†’

Contemporary perspectives of family in society sociology essay

The family also socializes the child, guiding the child to be members of the society beyond the family. The media raised the above specified issue in article 1, because they actually want to show a comparison of the importance of work, religion and family in the past and in the present.

The lenovo company report marketing essay

In this respect, Lenovo has a leading position in shipment of personal computers and in Chinese market share as indicated by its 30% share in Chinese PC market and the 2012 third quarter total shipments share of 15. In that respect Lenovo is protected by its economies of scale and the high capital requirement for β†’

Prostitution and fashion

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to learn and understand the type of clothing accepted and adopted by prostitutes across the world and their perception about it. It was required in the days of old, and is somewhat of a requirement to attract the eyes of men today.

What is critical reflection education essay

In the report first of all to study what is critical reflection, define what is reflection, through to compulsion or voluntarism, employer or individual responsibility, personal and values research the reflection of the role and value. An individual acquires knowledge that will help improve their professional lives and the application of this knowledge in the β†’

Comparing bill gates and steve jobs commerce essay

In his junior he left Harvard and in 1975, he started his new company along with his childhood friend Paul Allen, his chief belief was that the computing machine the would be the valuable tool on every desktop and in every place, they started to began new package and he started to better those package β†’

Self developement

Self-managed learning gives people a chance to come up with their own strategy in learning, though sometimes people take a short term in learning something that could be maybe to enable them to pass the exam, or completing a project, it is important for people to acquire such knowledge for long term as the environment β†’

False papers

She takes nostalgia in a different direction where it sets up a kind of barriers where the poem takes different tracks in writing about relation of the past and the origins of the feelings which draws one back to the past. In nostalgia she mentions the " early mercenaries" where the poem first imagines the β†’

How de bernires explores the cruelty of war essay sample

He has been brought up in a single parent family and his mother, like most of the islanders, is uneducated and as such is unable to teach her son even the basics of reading and writing, we are made aware of this fact when he does not reply to Pelagia's letters " Mandras looked up β†’

The emergence of xenophobia and racism history essay

In these parts of the world, the cohabitation and the friendly relationship between the different cultures are more and more complicated and tense what endangers the population and the society's progress and development. In the following pages, the fact that xenophobia is a blind generalization of group of people will be analysed, then turn to β†’

On gold mountain

Of focus will be the effects of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the significance of Chinese ethnic enclaves, the treatment and role of Chinese women within American culture, the difficulties that the Chinese immigrants had with assimilating to American culture, and the negative attitudes towards the Chinese on all levels in America. This was β†’

Trace the development of sheila throughout the play

However, when the inspector exposed Mr Birling's part in the death, Sheila had a very different reaction to that of her parents, revealing a whole different Sheila to the audience, and to her family. However, she wishes to find out about it, questioning the inspector about: ' what happened to her then? ' This is β†’

Economic analysis of israel some statistics economics essay

12% in the third quarter of 2012 over the same quarter of the previous year. Israel holds enjoys the world's highest ratio of qualified engineers in the workforce.

Ethics have to look at the mitigating factors

The first mitigating factor involved in the National Semiconductor case is the uncertainty, on the part of the employees, on the duties that they were assigned. The writers of the reports were well aware of the situation yet they acted in this manner on the instruction of a supervisor.

Indian marketing environment assignment

They feel they need to have a life of their own, and t should not be denied to them just because they are not earning. People between 35 to 45: People in this age group are settled in their professions and have toddlers and growing children in their home.

β€˜chronicles of female triumph’: romance readership and the pursuit for empowerment.

Mary Wollstonecraft, criticised the romance novels of her time for constructing women preoccupied with romantic a fantasy that can never truly be realised- for making them " creatures of sensation"[2] Romance reading has been examined by scholars through a similar lens, though, as demonstrated by Mary Wollstonecraft, the critics who appear to level the most β†’

Reflecting personal development study of mental health nursing nursing essay

This is the part where I reflect my practice in order to enhance and maintain my practice within competent to expert level for my future practice as a registered nurse. I will engage myself into lifelong learning that will be of benefit to the service users and my profession.

Indirect collection of solar energy engineering essay

On the side of Earth facing the Sun, a square kilometer at the outer edge of our atmosphere receives 1, 400 megawatts of solar power every minute, which is about the capacity of the largest electric-generating plant in Nevada. The amount of light that reaches any particular point on the ground depends on the time β†’

What caused the disappearance of the mayan civilization

This essay will eventually conclude by establishing the aptness and viability of the chosen theories in order to offer conclusions which are as plausible as possible under the circumstances of insufficient tangible evidence and the paper will attempt further to explain why these could have been the main causes behind the collapse of the Mayan β†’

Pre-accident investigations: an introduction to organizational safety

Also, the crew replaced the belt with the machine on instead of it being off like it was supposed to be, and the power was supposed to be locked and tagged out. Instead of them sending the maintenance crew in to work on it, they could have hired an outside party that had experience and β†’

The study of female deviance criminology essay

Frances Heidensohn; a professor in the Department of Sociology at London School of Economics, by her investigation on the study of gender in the context of crime, could be said to have set the foundations for next generations studies on feminist perspectives in criminology. Such groups of people, as Morris suggests could be for young β†’

Saturday climbing by valgardson

This issymbolic of the fact that Barry is afraid to go on because of the uncertaintythat surrounds the future. Barry has troubledealing with the fact that his daughter is all grown up and looking to leave the" nest".

Pilgrimage to shrines and holy places

Irrespective of the fact that different people have varied and interesting reasons they embark on pilgrimages and that most of the reasons are private and deeply rooted in their heart conscious, the motivation for pilgrimage is the internal needs, based on some spiritual expectations. During pilgrimage, participants engage in soul-searching in attempt to connect with β†’

Edith women. feminists believe that men wish

Her works reflect the lives of American upper class through the use of humor and empathy in describing their lives, and changes in New York towards the beginning of the 20th century. On the other hand, in The Other Two, Wharton looks at the role and status of women, challenges of married women, children and β†’

Importance of india’s agricultural economy to its development

As seen in India's past history with the success of the green revolution in India, and given India's land size, population and poverty the road to development in India lies in agriculture. There was also another reorganization of the ICAR in 1973 " which led to further changes in the organizational structure to provide greater β†’

The introduction to the reservation problem politics essay

The main objective of the Indian reservation system is to increase the opportunities for enhanced social and educational status of the underprivileged communities and, thus, enable them to take their rightful place in the mainstream, of the Indian society. However clause 4 of the same article provides for an exception by conferring a certain β†’

United kingdom – group of countries

In the United Kingdom, more than 70% of the working-age population aged 15 to 64 have a paid Job. However there is a positive to this, there will be less competition in the country.

Recrutiment of a star essay sample

The headhunter, Craig Robertson, has been a valuable resource for Connor in the past and is aware of RSH's culture and the type of individuals that the company needs to hire. The second problem is that with a limited number of candidates he has to find the one applicant that has the correct balance of β†’

Legal requirements for working with children

Early Learning goals are: to be confident and enjoying playing in group; to form a good relationship with teachers and children; to work as a part of a class: take turns, sharing, nice behaviuor.to be interested and motivate to learn.2. Literacy- this goal aims to provide children with a large range of poems books and β†’

Assignment 1 procter and gamble company case

Growth opportunities included the following: a) Brand introductions Performance product improvements to all LDL's Increased marketing expenditures on a current brand New Brand Introduction issues: A new brand is an appealing idea considering the success of the performance of brand Dawn. For a new performance brand, the first year market share is expected to be β†’

Aetiology of rotator cuff tear health and social care essay

The rotator turnup is made up of four sinews that emerge from the shoulder blade and connect to the caput of the humerus. Coevals of metabolites in the fibers can step in with the release of ca2+ to excite contraction and inhibit reactions in the fibers.

Customer preferences shape the innovation process business essay

Harmonizing to the writer the bing technique of mensurating the ability of any administration to introduce is impaired and needs to be repaired. Hence the survey in the study explains the function of a consumer in the procedure of invention.

Career study: dental assistant

5 Conclusion6 References7 List of Figures Figure 1 Gender of Dental Assistants3 Figure 2 Current Wages Earned for Dental Assistants3 Figure 3 Estimated Yearly Growth of Dental Assistant Jobs in Alberta4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Thecareerarea of dental assistant does, in many ways, relate directly to the skills and knowledge learnt in the Administrative Office Professional program. β†’

Strategic finance issues

It will also benchmark the latest result with that of Woodside Petroleum for the same period using the same ratio analysis of the 2013 financial statements of each company. The ROE is higher for Woodside due to their higher profit margins however, the higher financial leverage ratio in Table 4 will benefit Santos' shareholders when β†’

Karl marx assignment

In this book, Marx developed very philosophical ideas related to the crises of the working class and the implicit struggles between laborers and owners of industries. The probable source of conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie are the desire of the proletariat to have ownership Of means Of production, such as factories, power, land β†’

Types of sterilisation procedures law medical essay

The various types can be classified in many ways: On the basis of person receiving it: Male and Female; On the basis of expertise involved: Surgical and non-surgical. At the later time, Vasectomy was performed in the US at the end of the 19th century, mainly to prevent hereditary disorders.

Management strategies in healthcare

1 List factors under the control of healthcare managers that contribute to the decrease in the number of people applying to health professions schools. The strategic approach to human resource management that can be used to improve this situation are as follows: assessment on both the organization's environment and mission, formulating a business strategy, identifying β†’

Introduction their job applications rejected by potential

The 1960s are regarded as ' turbulent times' in as far as the issue of discrimination at the workplace is concerned. In addition, the law was also instrumental in the establishment of the EEOC, a body charged with the responsibility of implementing this particular law, along with other laws that seeks to protect employees against β†’

In defense of negligence

In the cases surrounding the puppeteer Kevin Clash, I would say it is somewhat difficult to determine whether the defendant in these cases are liable for any negligence without reviewing the facts that the defendant had a big influence on a huge scale of fans which in this case are the children that admired and β†’

Internal and external analysis of cardinal health, inc.

When looking at the manufacturing industry within the medical device sector, the biggest threats to the company participants within the industry include the threat of rivalry and the bargaining power of the buyers within the medical device industry. This is due to the idea that medical needs are on the rise and this leads to β†’

Wild swans three daughters of china history essay

He asked students to follow the way of Lei Feng who was a devoted soldier that " had boundless love and devotion to Chairman Mao". Mao's was truly a totalitarian leader, his leadership covered the eight features of totalitarianism studied especially his need to be an all powerful leader and to accomplish this he would β†’