8 Pages Essay Samples

Forms, symptoms and factors of breast cancer

Breast malignant neoplastic disease is a disease in which the tissues of the chest signifier malignant malignant neoplastic disease cells. It is common in both work forces and adult females ; male chest malignant neoplastic disease is rare although, it is considered a heterogenous disease differing by single, age group, and even the sorts →

Excessive use of cell phone and its negative effect on teenagers health research papers examples

For instance, earaches, heat, headaches, irritation in the ears, and sensitivity are some of the health issues which have links to the prolonged usage of cell phones. Sleep Many teenagers are forced to sleep with their cell phones at a close range in case someone has to call them or text. Studies have shown →

Main issues with the australian youth justice strategy

Some of the people who had symptoms of APD (antisocial personality disorder) have committed crime from 15 years age and are showcasing high levels of alcohol use, drug use and are experiencing suicidal thoughts, including suicide attempts. Bipolar issues- Maniac depression or bipolar disorder is a medical condition which impacts the normal functioning of the →

Traditional justice assignment

The discussion will further shed light into possible outcomes of neglecting the economic crimes. The scope of economic rights greatly relates to the developmentgoalsof a nation to which every member of the society is entitled. In strictness of the language of the act, the act for example required the commission to establish a complete and →

The concept of justice

In the opinion of Socrates, greed consists of taking more than what is required to survive. He stresses the importance of prudence and temperance in the lives of a just person. Socrates believes that the virtue of justice is first and foremost beneficial to one's soul.

Contextual factors in pride and prejudice influence the characters. do you agree?

I will explore the different contextual factors in the novel and come to the conclusion as to whether I agree with the statement. Money is a highly influential factor in Pride and Prejudice, so much so, that the narrator is very careful to give financial details of every character to ensure that the reader has →

My ans to bullying

Not only does bullying harm both its intended victims and the perpetrators", say Limber and Nation, " it also may affect the climate of schools and, indirectly, the ability of all students to learn to the best of their abilities. Physical bullying declines with age, but indirect bullying increases. The risks of bullying to the →

Bullyng as deviant behavior essay sample

5 A very current deviant social phenomenon is " bullying", which is described as " any severe or repeated use of written, verbal, or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination of these by one or more students directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing →

Conceptual learning

Learners and educators will have the right of respect from others, the right to learn or to teach, and a right to feel safe and secure in their school environment. The study will provide the foundation for the special issue on bullying and peer victimization in School by highlighting some of the major findings that →

Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people essay sample

The United Nations Convention on the rights of a child is a treaty that sets out the rights and freedoms of all children in a set of 54 articles. If found that a child is at risk, social workers will: carry out an initial assessment of child thought to be at risk.meet and →

Social problems in an aging society essay

Ageism is the abuse, discrimination, avoidance and stereotyping of the old people in the society. Structural-functionalist view it in a different perspective in that they view the conflicts between the aged and other members of the society as an essential for the integration and smooth running of the society.

Research paper on benefits of strategic management in healthcare organizations

In dealing with a managed care organization, the following need to be understood and followed: - The physician of the patient must always work for the good of the patient and not intend or do any harm; - Patients interests and rights are prime to the doctor; - Patients need to be treated with respect, care and as →

Research paper on medicare

Considering the severity of her condition, durable medical equipment is required, and in this case being a walker, whose cost is shared between the health program and the patient on a 80 to 20% basis. Medicare part D would offer a cover for drug prescription for all individuals with Medicare legibility. Because of →

Example of christian dior l29 research paper

Due to the amount of fabrics used in a suit or a single dress, there was also some backlash to Christian's designs. The ' New Look' After World War II, Paris was reestablished as the center of the fashion world and the women's dress was revolutionized by ' The New Look.' In 1940s, fashion industries →

Free research paper on faking out: counterfeiting’s effect on the luxury goods market and beyond

What few people predicted, however, was just how good at counterfeiting the Chinese would become, or the far-reaching impacts of the massive growth of the counterfeit luxury goods market. " Luxury goods" is a term from the field of economics that can mean anything from high-end electronics to designer fashion; in this case, the primary focus →

Anti-fashion during the 70’s essay sample

Lesley Hornby mostly known as " Twiggy" became the idol for millions of teenage girls of the sixties revolution and by the age of 17, Twiggy was one of the most famous faces on the planet.(http://www.twiggylawson.co.uk/fashion.html) Her androgynous, lean look marked a radical departure from the full figured women who dominated fashion in the 1950s.(http://www.wisegeek.com/who-is-twiggy.htm) →

Sexuality education essay

However, sexuality in this sense is not only the biological maturation of the body but of the mind as well. Sexuality is a universal issue that should be addressed and explained clearly towards young people as they are the ones who are at risk of being victims to the dire consequences which comes from being →

Australian concepts: the merry go round in the sea

The concept of Australia from the viewpoint of six year old Rob Coral at the start of 'The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea', is not actually about the country itself, but one that Is solely based upon his Immediate surroundings. The security of hisfamilyand of the land that Is his home, are the things that provide →

Australian english

Australian English is the name given to the group of dialects spoken in Australia that form a major variety of the English language. General Australian English is the stereotypical variety of Australian English.

The imbalance of sustainability in the middle east critical thinking

In fact, the issue of water, climate change as well as population pressure are the most determinants and cause of imbalance sustainability in the region. Leaders in the Middle East and North Africa, and other international organization struggle to attain sovereignty and achieve sustainable development in the region regardless of the many internal and external →

Sustainable development essay example

Wherein the needs and rights of all people are recognized and the environment is not lost to the advantage of only few individuals. In this light people are devoted to campaign for peoples' aims for sincere sustainable development started on the ideologies of human rights, equal opportunity, autonomy, and social, gender and ecological uprightness.

Compatibility between economic sustainability and ecological sustainability essay sample

A report from the United Nations environmental program show that the idea that has been a advanced over the year that there exist a tradeoff between economic sustainability and environmental sustainability can only be fictitious. The report has it that the green economy has the capacity to provide new and better opportunities with regard to →

Emily dickinson

In Emily Dickinson's, " Because I could not stop for Death", the use of imagery with sensory language as well as personification to reveal the persuasion of the readers awareness about death. Richard Chase commented on Dickinson's use of immorality in the poem in which he said, " The only pressing technical objection to →

Essay on the vietnam war

The war changed the way people thought of their own troops and the effects a war had on the well being of the soldiers and their families. This paper aims to analyze the immediate, short term as well as long term effects of the Vietnam War on America. Events Leading to the Vietnam War →

Sustainable agriculture

The soil from the hole is used for the foundations on which the house and the animal sheds are built, and to build up banks around the garden beds.(The buildings and the gardens need to be protected from rising water, as the delta floods each summer). Items | Years | Annual growth | →

The political effects of the vietnam war on 1960’s pop culture

In fact, the Antiwar Movement as well as the protests had a large effect on the ending of the Vietnam war. In conjunction with the Antiwar Movement was the Civil Rights Movement. The clothes they wore and the music they listened to exemplifies the profound influence this had on the nation. The Civil Rights Movement →

The corporate rundown tesla motors

In an attempt to identify gaps and propose recommendations for future implementation an analysis of the principal forces of supply and demand on the industry / company is required. Tests Motors-? objective and Strategy Chant Nell Tests Motors eschews the traditional auto industry " dealership" model and bypasses dealers and reaches customers directly →

Economic factors affecting automobile sector

In addition, the incremental new capacity in the United States by foreign manufacturers in recent years has contributed, and is likely to continue to contribute, to the severe pricing pressure in that market. Due to the recent increase in the number of multinationals in India, the income level of the employees have risen →

European renaissance

Empire and the Pope Renaissance is the name traditionally bestowed upon the remarkable outpouring of intellectual and artistic energy and talent that accompanied the transition of Europe from the middle ages to the modern epoch. More exactly he or she sees in the minds eye Botulism's Birth of Venus, Michelangelo David, Leonardo →

Proposed changes to the personal income tax system

The researcher assumes the position of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and presents an analysis of how one change in the system can help to improve economic growth in the United Kingdom. K The major change that needs to be made to the personal income tax system in the UK is the marginal rate →

Blaine case

Supporting Material: Case Exhibit 1 Income Statement| | | | | | With Repurchase Option| | | | | | | | | | | Operating Results:| | | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2006 | | Revenue| | | | 291, 940 | 307, 964 | 342, 251 | 342, →

New jersey legislature

The " upper house" which is what the Senate is referred to, is made up of forty members and the qualifications for its members is that each must be thirty years of age, must live in the state for at least four years as well as reside in the district that he/she is wanting to →

Chapter 14 the congress, the president, and the budget

Chapter 14 The Congress, the President, and the Budget * Introduction The battle of the budget is at the center of American politics. Americans want the government to balance the budget, maintain or increase the level of government spending on most policies, and keep taxes low.* Sources of Federal Revenue * Income Tax * →

Philippine local government taxation

A tax on the sale, donation, barter, or on any other mode of transferring ownership or title of real property at the rate of not more thanfifty percent of one percent of the total consideration involved in the acquisition of the property or of the fair market value in case the →

Aspects of microeconomics and macroeconomics

In this case the demand of organic food and drink has fallen sharply, and the main influence for fallen on demand for those products are: price; income; the price of substitute goods; the price of complements; taste; demographic factors; advertising and expectations. The opportunity cost of something is what you give up to get it. →

Strategic management essay sample

Demonstrate how you would assess personal and professional skills required to achieve strategic goals: -Demonstrate how you would use appropriate methods to evaluate personal skills required to achieve strategic goals -Explain how you would apply techniques to assess the professional skills required to support the strategic direction of the organization In →

The role of strategic planning in organizations

The management of the company work, regulation of its actions, deciding the proper strategy for future, and successful implementation and evaluation of all the strategy comes under the process of Strategic Management. The customer satisfaction and role of organization towards the society greatly ensure the company well running. Strategic Planning is the process of assessing →

Kodak: digital camera industry

I feel this is the best fit because the market is mature, has been deeply penetrated, and has a number of strong competitors to battle with, has low barriers of entry for new competition, and substitute products are easily obtained and the differentiation gap has closed as the market has matured. In doing a five →

Strategic planning process assignment

Components of a Strategic Planning Process The first step in the strategic planning process is to address the questions " Where are we? " and " What do we have to work with? " Examination of recent history and changing contexts of the state, organization, program, or sub-program allows participants to assess →

Strategic planning

In the flourishing stage of economy rising level of people's standard of living may result to grow the business of Tesco, and Marks & Spencer. Social factor: Inspiration, outlook and activity are considered as the foundation of the progress of the society in relation to the human affairs. There are some factors →

Method short description –. 11 long description

Verification Plan Theinstallation of the successful Active Directory Role on the Windows Server 2012can be verified by the following methods The yellow trianglesuggesting promoting the server to the domain controller. Click on the " Promote this server to a domain controller".

Conversations with god; hindu mythology and the absolute term paper examples

Only this way can the soul escape the law of karma or consequence, which causes it to be reincarnated again and again in physical bodies and achieve the state of moksha freedom from death and rebirth through the practice of the disciplines of yoga, meditation and contemplation. All of the Hindu Vedas were based on →

Buddhist website

Future research on the matters stated above is expected to clarify what kind of information people from the particular cultural region expect and how it should be designed. Literature Review Mayhew once compared a website to a book which anyone can display on The World Wide Web which is " →

Zen mind, beginner’s mind

The significance of acquiring and owning the Zen mind can help people to determine and therefore practice the right way of living, the right manners, postures and the beliefs which would hone the totalpersonalityof an individual. ZenPhilosophyteaches that there is just a thin line marking the difference between the Zen mind and the Beginner's mind. →

Pluralism of china

Published in the 1590s under the Ming Dynasty, " Journey to the West" was considered to be one of the four classic novels of China and set somewhat of a foundation to the concept of Chinese religion, integrating Tao, Buddhist, and Confucian thought into one story." Journey to the West" documents the travels of different →

Good example of essay on the importance of logistics during the civil war

As a matter of fact, the American Civil War was the first war on the American soil to have military supply carried over the extensive territory. 20 Nov.2013. Grose, Jason D." Technology and Logistics: Linchpins of the Civil War".

Civil war battle at vicksburg essay sample

The North needed to control the Mississippi river, they already had control of the river from the north and the south. A decision was made to construct a line of defense around the city, which would guard the road and railroad access to Vicksburg. Grant's long campaign to capture Vicksburg on the Mississippi was →

Good example of research paper on the history of the israeli defence forces

Israel has a very turbulent history, with the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Arabs seizing the lands and subjugating Jews who proved unable to withstand the onset of foes for want of a strong army. Hence, the role the IDF played in the Arab-Israeli War was immense, to say the →

Functions and an importance of charge of quarters

The visitor will sign in and CQ will be in charge of making sure there are no issues and that the visitor leaves before the hours that they are no longer allowed to be in the barracks. Acts such as sleeping on duty or leaving the CQ desk unattended are seen as negligence and can →

Good example of essay on do you agree that video games damage family life and other ‘real life’ relationships

However, most of the people believe that the negatives outweigh the benefits gained by playing video games. The biggest allegation with regards to harmful effects of playing video games is with respect to adult material and violence which they contain. Violent video games and hostile expectations: A test of the →

The other in action military video games essay sample

The military video game is a very popular type of interactive entertainment, a specific genre of the medium of relatively recent realm of video games primarily centered around plots and characters dealing with the armed forces of a nation, usually the United States military. Through substantial research and examination, it can be said that →

Methodology case studies example

The FMRI scans and the results of the tests were recorded and compared with the baselines and levels of a normal boy of his age. This change in brain activity can result in behavioural changes in children and result in aggression. Keywords: violent video games, aggression, Venous Thrombosis, Mental stress →

Boston city hall analysis essay

The design of this structure depicts the attempt to create a lively city plaza and a building form that would represent: both in visual design and the individual structural component and organization of the building interiors, the government and in a humanistic and appealing fashion, become an architecture for the →

Research paper on violent video games: can they influence behavior

Media literacy and the ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality still permits people to act on their own recognizance, meaning that violent video games do not cause violence in and of themselves; it is instead caused by other intrinsic motivators like existing family violence and psychological disorders. Children and other youth spend a larger →

four stages of marriage relationships essay sample

This increase in equality of women in marriages reflected increased status for women in the society at large and led to women's gaining the right to vote in the early 20th century. Since the late 1960s a growing number of women had already experienced a strong dissatisfaction with any marriage arrangement wherein the husband and →

Cuckolding: a phenomenon of sexual evolution essay sample

Swinging and various types of polyamory are some of the more popular alternatives, and usually mean the same thing for both or all in the relationship. Cuckolding is unique in its self, usually initiated by the male partner , who is the cuckold, and wants to witness his partner having consensual sex with →

Free teenage pregnancy research paper sample

Study finds a positive correlation between family history of teenage pregnancy and chances of teenage pregnancy among adolescent girls. Mahavarkar et al.in their study conducted a comparative analysis of teenage pregnancy. The author concluded that in developing countries teenage pregnancy often resulted into poor obstetric outcomes. Paranjothi et al.in their study analyzed factors contributes towards →

Good essay about bibliographies

This procedure would also increase the chances of tearing of the uterine wall during vaginal delivery and so, c-section is highly advocated. Pregnancies that involve delivery of twins are usually very risky deliveries and more so when they involve the pregnancies that are high order in terms of number of babies. This instance is usually →

Example of physical activity among pregnant women literature review

Such programs must consider the unique characteristics, circumstances, and health status of gravid women to be appropriate and effective. Using guidelines and best practices further ensures that interventions are supported by scientific evidence and are likely to be successful. Physiological Characteristics A notable change in the physiology of the pregnant →

Cognitive development and psychosocial development

The view of the situation that Piaget would most likely adopt is that Noah struggles to come to terms with the objects and relationships that exist within hisenvironment. The schema that he uses to understand the multiple rolls of his teacher is the fact that his own father is known to occupy the position of →

Example of the effect of the world war i on social divisions within german and italian societies essay

The end of the First World War led to the collapse of four empires, shaped the political map of the world, created a new system of international relations, and claimed about 10 million lives. The Nazi paramilitary organization grew with the former soldiers of Reichswehr. The outcome of the First World War was the →

Good example of reform darwinism essay

The Gilded Age and the first few years of the 20th century were a time of great social change and economic growth in the United States. The years between Reconstruction and the beginning of the new century saw rapid industrialization, urbanization, construction of transcontinental railroads, innovations in science and technology →

World war one germany essay

This essay will discus the Treaty of Versailles.disfavor of the authorities and economic jobs and besides fright of communism and the techniques Hitler used to derive power. The Germans were so angry about the pact of Versailles.because they thought that as the war was lost they would be punished and be in peace.

Germany: 1918-1923 essay sample

Historian Lee , affirms this by stating that, " The Spartacists wanted close association between Germany and Soviet Russia, together with a transfer of all political powers to the workers' and soldiers' councils..". Although Luxemburg had plans to ' undermine Ebert's government' with a great revolution, Lee states, the Spartacists did →

Boost juice in germany

In particular, the issues faced by the organization within the five arenas of recruitment and selection, training and development, cross-culture, performance management, and compensation. Expatriate Recruitment & Selection Involvement of the expatriate's spouse in any pre-assignment, on-assignment and post-assignment training and support, particularly in language and cultural training (Salas et al. Training and Development →

The differences in mindsets and why growth mindset will go further in life

While there are positives and negatives to both fixed and growth mindset, there are more benefits to having a growth mindset not just for educational purposes but for life as well. Fixed Mindset Having a fixed mindset is defined as the belief that intelligence, abilities, and talents are fixed traits and that one has →

Having dreams and achieving goals

In the chapter " I Never Made It to the NFL", Pausch discusses the importance of having great self-esteem and that it is something that comes from within, and is a motivating factor in achieving dreams. Dreams are not always the easiest tasks to accomplish, especially if they may be outreaching, but if one is →

The development of modern technologies

The gap across of each cavity behaves as a capacitance. Cavities and Magnetron A very strong magnetic field is induced axially through the anode assembly, and has the effect of bending the path of the electrons as they travel from the cathode to the anode. In the microwave range of frequencies, the time in →

The concept of mindfulness

Mindfulness as an act allows the individual to act as an observer to the events that are occurring outside as well as inside and the impact that it is creating within the person, without having a judgmental perspective. In Indian act of mediation and Samadhi the individual enter a state where they become →

Challenges to the development of non-violence

Thus violence has become an inevitable part of the world and therefore the development of non-violence in this society can be regarded as a big challenge and probably how to achieve it, is a million-dollar question and its achievement is the need of the hour. While referring to non-violence, we are certain to prefer Gandhian →

Children`s social development

In this stage children will develop awareness and understanding of the durability of their own gender and of others, this is generally focused on the physical appearance and a child may think that a person who dresses in typically opposite gender clothing has also changed sex (Emmerich et al 1977 in Harris and Butterworth 2002).

Effect of colonialism on gender equality relating to the brief wondrous life of oscar wao

Throughout history, a patriarchal pattern and way of thinking has been passed down from generation to generation; what we fail to see is the reason for this pattern and the ways in which we can remedy the situation. A great example of this issue is displayed in the novel, The Brief Wondrous →

Socialism vs capitalism

The question which system is the moral one is of high importance for the future of our world. And the answer is that it is not moral to live your life only in service to yourself but also to the people with whom you share this world.

Quantitative easing program report sample

This lowers the level of aggregate demand in the economy and helps to keep the inflation under sustainable levels. In the United States, Quantitative Easing Program has been used in three rounds, popularly known as QE1, QE2, QE3 which are discussed here under: QE1: It was the first step by the Federal Bank where it →

Free literature review on causes of corruption in china:

China Center for Comparative Politics and Economics in a publication entitled Corruption and anti-corruption in reform China explores the root of the corruption rot in China. It raised a hot topic of discussion among the Chinese and the rest of the world, marking a beginning to a determined fight against corruption.

The problem of match-fixing and corruption in sport

Then, in organized sport the act of deciding in a way that is not honest what the result of the game will be decided before the match. Exploration identified with this sort of game association has a tendency to examine more about the difficulties looked by the need to professionalize the two elements and their →

Legal studies

This case is a result of information, misinformation, direction, and misdirection as to the physical presence of an adult to accompany children to a particular movie in that theatre. In this case the district court used the Saucier test to determine if Solomon's constitutional rights violation was established and was the officer's action reasonable by →

Gm case study assignment essay sample

The number of committee reports and committee meeting time led to an excessive internal focus. Getting Back on a Common Track GM veteran Jack Smith the new CEO and President eliminated the Policy Groups, abolished the two vehicle groups, and replaced the Management Committee with a five- member President's Council, made up →

Case study on type 2 diabetes mellitus essay sample

Classic combinations of symptoms are seen as the 3 Ps, polydipsia, polyuria and polyphagia all of which are associated to the high levels of glucose in the blood. Education has been identified as a significant factor in the effective control of blood glucose levels.Managing diabetes can be challenging and support is needed if the individual →

Using ecersise to combat diabetes on children

Diabetes is separated into two types, Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune chronic disease in which the body's pancreas produces little to no insulin and fails to adequately regulate blood glucose levels, on the other hand, Type 2 diabetes is when the body gains a resistance to insulin and glucose levels become elevated within the →

Puerto rican health research paper examples

In the United States of America and from all over the world, people call the Puerto Ricans living on the mainland " mainland Puerto Ricans" and those living in the islands " island Puerto Ricans" although the two live in the US. The main purpose of the survey is to monitor the prevalence of common →

Free research paper on effects of social media on youth perceptions of political participation in australian

Young people are particularly prone to alienation from the process of civic engagement, and one of the struggles for many multi-party governmental systems, both within and outside of Australia, struggle with the best way to encourage civic engagement in young people. Research also suggests that the face of political and →

Research paper on the significance of benjamin franklin inventions

He was also an inventor whose theories form the foundations of the inventions that are used today in the world. In the US today, the fireplaces in most homes are in the shape of the Franklin stove. Odometer: He was the general postmaster in Philadelphia.

Research proposal on renewable energy solar panels

It consists of elaborate calculations of the present energy needs and consumptions that are based on the conventional sources of electricity. Despite the fact that sun is an inexhaustible and incredible source of energy it is a challenge to harness the energy obtained and is a subject of continuous research.

Example of case study on mac contract services limited

Based on the current status of the organisation, there are various issues pertaining to the maintenance and access of the systems, including the upgradation of the company systems and adequate maintenance of the applications and software developed within the organisation. In this report, there will be a detailed assessment of →

Life of benjamin franklin essay

He made a plan for the establishment of the Academy, later to become the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1743, he founded the Philosophical Society, the oldest scientific institution in the United States. He passionately fought for the abolition of slavery. The life of Benjamin Franklin is the story of a man who achieved everything →

Sample case study on the solution to syrian conflict

The simple form game to be used in arriving the solutions to the Syrian conflict is the Nash Equilibrium. The government is firmly place despite the protests and bloodshed experienced due to the conflict in Syria. - A2 wins and A1 backs out: This quadrant represents the rebel's win in the conflict and the backing down →

Free the liberal states & the democratic peace theory a critical review essay sample

This is to create a set of liberal states that do not go to war with one another, but work to in an atmosphere of peace and democracy to promote the best interest of the citizens. The purpose of this paper is to examine the idea of liberal states and →

Commercial banking and finance

This shifts the demand function for oranges to the left and the demand for more goods to the right to restore the people's holdings of money in real terms to its former level. Concept Map There is no truth to the notion that debtfinanceand equity finance are similar to one another. Securities then →

Mobile banking critique essay

To provide banking and financial services through mobiletechnologydevice by mobile phone is called Mobile banking. Mobile banking (also known as M-Banking, mbanking, SMS Banking) is a term used for performing balance checks, account transactions, payments, credit applications and other banking transactions through a mobile device such as a mobile phone or Personal →

Theory of substance against theory of forms

In order to understand the relation of primary ousia and secondary ousia to the other categories, we must first understand the difference between something being ' said of' and something being ' said in' For something to be ' said of' it means that that thing can be said of a subject. The inseparability of →

Exploring rita dove’s “the darker face of the earth”

For a better comprehension about where her life revolves around and to what principle does it lie, her play entitled " The Darker Face of the Earth" explains how Dove exploits the story Oedipus Rex for her own purpose. As a writer who delves into the stone of knowledge, she brings more →

A comparison between heidegger and camus

Camus believed that the only real question in philosophy is suicide, whereas Heidegger believes in life and death, the question of being in such. Do you go from being to not being in this occurrence? Also, Camus, is concerned with the purpose of life?

Descartes notion of the mind/body problem in relation to free will

The problem is that the strong attributes of the mind/body combine tend to determine the attributes of the soul." The soul moves and feels in the body directly. After the Scholastics, Descartes takes the conception of will and affirmed that the main ability of the mind is the ability of free will.

The role of enterpreneur in nigeria

Apart from hydrocarbon of which Nigeria is the sixth largest exporter of crude oil and has the second largest known deposit of natural gas in the world, Nigeria also has comparative advantage in the Agricultural sector, where varieties of crops and animals are produced and reared respectively due to favorable climatic condition, good soil structure →

The global influence of genetic engineering on the entire world

Like any technology, GE has risks and benefits, but in this case, some believe the risks far outweigh the benefits and that forward progress must be stopped. Scientists define GE as " the artificial recombination of [DNA] in the test tube, their insertion into a...vector system, and the subsequent incorporation of the chimeric molecules into →