8 Pages Essay Samples

Psychedelic rock and the doors

During this time hallucinogenic drugs were just entering public consciousness, and LSD, mescaline and ' magic mushrooms', were commonly used and their effects compounded with the combination of alcohol and marijuana lead artists and musicians using these psychedelic drug cocktails to have out-of-body experiences, mind-altering state of awareness and a disconnect from reality, the music →

Investigating the causes of criminal behavior criminology essay

Perhaps the answer to this is that some crimes are simply opportunistic and for the simple purpose of greed and stupidity. MAO is associated with many of the neurochemicals that already have a link to antisocial or criminal behavior.

The bayeux tapestry and the “gesta guillelmi” by william of poitiers essay sample

This becomes the climax of the story as the Duke of Normandy, William, becomes the conqueror and the ruler of England. Although the clear reasons for this journey are not depicted in the tapestry, the text in the William of Poitiers states that the journey of Harold was to deliver a message to William, the →

I love you

The passage begins in the past tense and ends in the present, suggesting the loss of his happy past and the dominance of his sad present? Slips into the present tense to emphasise the immediacy and strength of her fears and worry and her timidity?

Small business tax cut in australia

According to the Prime Minister, part of the jobs package will be formed by the tax cut for small business." The small businesses of today are likely to start the new industries of tomorrow. It is completely feasible to lower the tax rate for small businesses.

Punishment should fit the crime not the criminal

Packer described the purpose of the crime control model as " repression of criminal conduct [i]as by far the most important function".[2]The theory is informed by the belief that if crime is not dealt with then a general disregard of laws will develop which will lead to a diminishing of security of freedom and property →

Political violence and its effect on poor females in the eastern region of the democratic republic of congo

Purpose of Study The intent of this study will be to examine the relationship between political violence and its effects on poor females in the eastern region of Congo. For the purpose of this study, the independent variable will be political violence and the dependent variables will be structural violence and sexual violence.

Corruption in the government and regulatory agencies assignment

The main aim of this essay is to highlight these affairs, the influence of U.S. It is essential to point out that even if the police is not directly contacted by powerful companies, in the event of social disorder and riots as a result of political corruption, the police is used as a striking force →

Kashmir issue critical essay

Indian has conceded the Security Council resolutions vindicating the right of self determination for the Kashmiris but has since reneged on its solemn commitment to the international community and the people of Kashmir. So, conceived in this way, it is a reality that Kashmir continues to define parameters of the Pak-India relationship.

Marketing management final project sample assignment

The hottest month is July with the average temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, whereas the coldest moth is January with the average temperature of 4. According to the record, there are 25% increase of number of tourists who come to Exiting every year, and the total tourism income in 2009 was about 4.

Nursing – flashcard test answers

Question Answer authority the legitimate right to direct others given to a person by the employer through an authorized position such as manager or administrator external customers people in need of services from an organization who are not employed gy the organization including patients family members physicians students payers discharge planners and other groups that →

Introduction where the backdrop is usually used

Based on my previous visits to the area as well as the contexts adhered to it in pop culture the Rockefeller center can be considered an icon of American progress due to its location in the center of the richest and most progressive city in the world. Some of the most powerful corporations in the →

Lady gaga’s tour with kanye west

The potential to be able to put on such a grand performance would be a positive for this option. The best option for that was to scale down the tour and be a mid level performer which is where she was at that point.

Summary & critique aboutthe science of desire assignment

Companies should make the thought of using ethnography into everyone of the companies and make it become a culture of companies. The attitude to ethnography in business is also important.

Investigating interview techniques

In 1975, the US Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals decision and stated that the employer violated SS 8 of the National Labor Relations Act because it interfered with, restrained, and coerced the individuals right of an employee, protected by SS 7, when it denied the employee's request for the presence of her union →

Gloria steinem: a rebellious soul assignment

In order to eliminate rigid stereotypes and raise awareness of the women's liberation movement, Steiner educates the population with her charismatic writing and lectures. Being a female that grew up in the early sass's, Steiner relates closely to the struggles of women.

A report of pace leisurewear ltd finance essay

Even in year 2009 Profit before tax and interest was higher as compare to year 2008, but company also increase fixed assets and current assets. Company's total sales minus its cost of goods sold, divided by the total sales, which is represent in percentage.

Examining end of the world theories philosophy essay

Substantiated with seemingly logical explanations from experts, never once was the notion of the looming ' end' denied, and prophecies of the world's destruction are now more rampant, especially when the majority of these theories advocate that the year 2012 will be the de facto doom of our planet and it's inhabitants. The ancient Maya →

Business ethics as risk management

Responses to recent corporate collapses have overlooked the importance of business ethics in managing risk * Four indicators of business ethics and their risk management aspects are discussed * Investors are wanting companies to disclose how they are managing the risks from poor business ethics practices Over the past decade, poor risk management of various →

Are all a priori truths are analytic essay

I will argue that Kant is mistaken when he states that some a priori truths exist which are not analytic and I will conclude that by the very nature of how ' a priori' is defined, all analytic truths are a priori and all a priori truths are analytic. However, if that was truly the →

The role of customs and excise agency

Similarly, Wakamatsu and Iwakami pointed out that ' in Indonesia, customs and clearance as one of the major issues to be improved in the business and investment environment'. As the world is becoming borderless, the role of Customs agency in Indonesia has become more complex from revenue collector to trade facilitator and community protector.

How google demonstrates paradoxical thinking business essay

The basic foundation of the paradoxical thinking is that the employees have to be provided an open and innovative culture that will allow them to think a huge range of imaginative and compelling ideas that have never been offered in the market. The proponents of paradoxical thinking state that the people have to think out →

Extraterrestrial life argumentative essay

This is based on the premise that the principles of nature are the same everywhere in the universe. For life to occur, a planet would have to orbit very close to the star, to ensure that the climate is warm enough for life to be sustainable.

Types of spoofing

Here the aggressor scans internet and identifies the hosts with known exposures and compromise them to put in onslaught plan and so exploits the exposures to derive the root entree.[ 6 ] This type of onslaught takes topographic point when the hacker is on the same subnet as the mark that can see sequence and →

The effect of different wax pattern construction techniques on the customized lithium disilicate implant abutments

The introduction of the tooth colored restorations and the extreme benefit of the titanium to titanium connection for implants helped in the development and need for custom abutments with ideal emergence profile. It has the benefit of the titanium to titanium connection and the esthetics of the all ceramic custom abutments.

Editorial: simulating normal and arrhythmic dynamics: from sub-cellular to tissue and organ level

In the present problem, the issue is to elucidate the complex, collective behavior of an assembly of cells, in order to understand how organs function. In this spirit, the contribution of Heikhmakhtiar et al.presents a comprehensive modeling study of the influence of this mutation on the pumping capabilities of the heart.

Company profile of venture integrity health pty ltd business

Venture Integrity Health is presently concentrating on enlargement their subdivisions; nevertheless, the company seem to be call as a rapid growing company due to the company was established in 2000 and presently is runing in 8 shops by the terminal of 2010. Go Vita has been continuously remained with the major ends of the company →

What can you learn about roosevelt from this source?

Source C differs from source B completely, as source C shows the taxpayer's money is being completely wasted and that all of the money that is getting put into the New Deal is not giving a just return. The sources differ, and another way of explaining this is the way in which source B states →

Strategy and change for sony corporation

The research and development team of Sony Corporation also plays a crucial role in the achievement of this feat. The position of Sony is in between.

Gender differences in academic achievement

Numerous studies have examined the relationship between boys' and girls' academic achievement on standardize tests, reading skills, verbal and spatial skills, and mathematic tests. Results from the Mallinauskiene, et al.study indicated significant differences between boys' and girls' academic achievement, girls scoring higher than boys on academic achievement in all grades.

176 linux test 1

1) /opt 2) /var 3) /boot 4) /usr4) /usrIn Linux, a ____ is used to accept input from the user and pass the input to the kernel for processing. 1) system 2) directory 3) text 4) program3) textTo view a list of files and their type, use the ____ switch to the ls command.

Life cycle costing

Life cycle cost can be calculated using the following basic formula: Life cycle cost equals the sum of the capital cost and the present maintenance together with the energy cost, minus the recovery value, where the capital cost includes all the initial design and installation expenses and it is considered as sole payment which does →

Leadership comparison of sonia gandhi assignment

According to Gary Yuk leadership as " the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives". And transformational leadership as that process through which leaders engage with followers and develop a →

Comparing and contrasting qualitative and quantitative social research methodology

The approaches taken and the decisions that are made by qualitative and quantitative researchers differ with respect to their epistemological position and ontological assumptions and these assumptions orientate the research strategies in a direction that will be most appropriate in developing their research methodologies. Qualitative and quantitative approaches to research Before a research study can →

Rain attenuation and depolarizations prediction techniques engineering essay

The ITU and crane model differ in the values for rain fall rate and in the equations but the regression coefficients for both are the same. In this we make use of geo physical data to determine the rain rate given the percentage of the year the attenuation value is exceeded.

Ethics in health care nursing essay

Moreover, the notion of ethical application in serious condition is the balance between respect for autonomy of the patient and wish to do in a beneficent attitude may results in dissimilarity and tension. It is also a fact that doctors do not have a duty to disclose the whole facts about a patient's medical condition →

Child abuse and neglect (can) research proposal

This prompted the researcher to investigate the demographic predictors of CAN by parents and prevention measures in Bauchi State. The study will be of great benefit to Lawmakers, parents, public health educators, in-school and out- of-school children and the public in general.

Stakeholder analysis

The seventh is the culture power, the ability to influence values, norms and habit of people and organizations and the last one is the power over individuals and groups. For the classes, the low class is the supportive and the marginal while the high class is mixed blessing and non-supportive.

Red bull marketingassignment assignment

It is marketed separately to represent a different subset of the values which Red Bull represents. This implies that Red Bull is the ' magic' to ' do more'.

Critical essay on “the idea of order at key west”

Like many of his works, the poem takes place largely in the head of the narrator and is a meditation on the idea of thinking, on the process of perception, on the faculty of the imagination. Two of that book's poems in particular, " Anecdote of the Jar" and " Tea at the Palaz of →

Critique of sexual difference | analysis

As Craig Owens states in his paper ' The Discourse of Others: Feminists and Postmodernism', the 1970s and 80s saw a coming together of the feminist and queer theory critiques of sexual difference and the erosion of perspectivalist and univocal theories of vision and representation. In ' The Laugh of the Medusa' for instance, Cixous →

Technology and multitasking

The use of technological devices is even more prevalent in the younger generations, We all go through it, there is too much to do and not enough time to do it. What people mistake for multitasking is in fact the switching of tasks back and forth on a constant basis; serial tasking is seemingly found →

Informative essay on sociology: deviance

With the case of Amanda, who was heavily criticised by the public for killing her sister by stabbing her with a bread knife, the reactive constructionist theory is most applicable because according to her mother, she was just an innocent girl, who made a terrible mistake and herfamilydid not battle forgiving her, but because the →

Hiding behind the screen essay

Human relations, and the self-image of the human being, have been profoundly affected by the Internet and by the ease with which images of other people can be summoned to the computer screen to become the objects of emotional attention. This is hard to do on the screen the screen, after all, is primarily a →

Rational people make decisions at the margin – ten principles of economics flashcard

But this reduces incentive to work and produce, shrinks the size of the economic " pie." TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 5 1 6/7/2010 HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS Principle #2: The Cost of Something Is What You Give Up to Get It Making decisions requires comparing the costs and benefits of alternative choices. HOW PEOPLE MAKE →

Hybrid energy systems for off grid remote engineering essay

PRESENT ARCHITECTURE OF SITEThe basic component of the SPV-wind-diesel system that is installed in the telecom site is shown in the Fig.1.Fig. The cost summary of this system is presented in Table-4.

Statement of proposal the problem statement engineering essay

The objective of the research study can be stated as follows: To study the Global Industrial Gas market scenarioTo analyze the pricing, demand and supply patterns of industrial gasesTo understand the uses of Industrial gases and the industries or areas it is used in. To study the value chain of industrial gases involving production, transportation →

Innocent until proven guilty: an evaluation

If by detaining the group of people, inclusive of the fifty guilty people as well as one innocent person, and as a result, terrorist attacks could be avoided, then in the eyes of the utilitarian, it is the act that is the most moral. This has also helped me to understand that the threat of →

The nature of grief : sue monk kidd’s the secret life of bee’s

Lily bums a ride to Tiburon, South Carolina; the area composed on the back of a picture of the Black Madonna one of the main effects she has of her mother's. So, when she finds that her mom had gone to the Boatwright's home and lived there soon after Lily was conceived, it is about →

Manchester school of anthropology – structural-functionalism

The Manchester school developed a distinctive approach which focused on the role of conflict in society, acknowledged the importance of the wider context, shed light on the issue of multiple identities through their studies of urban and rural communities, and advanced a new analytical model; namely social network analysis. The global ecumene as a network →

Manufacturing to service sector shift impact on employment economics essay

By IBM adapting this change from being a manufacturing sector to a service sector it has had some series effects on the employment rates for Greenock but also the output which the Greenock plant now produces compared to previous years.states that the change in the " UK economy has become a ' post-Industrial' economy and →

Analysis of mcdonald’s sales decline | 2015

The primary focus is to provide a detailed analysis of the organisation and its position in the UK market, developing a link between declining sales and the overall shift in consumer behaviour. This is followed by a detailed evaluation of the firm's current position in the market which links back to why sales are declining →

Sales plan

Industry Analysis * Growee is in the Food Supplement vitamin industry, it is formulated to help meet the nutritional needs of children during periods of increased physical activity, rapid physical and mental growth and development.III. I like to get a few minutes of your time to introduce the one of the largest and leading multivitamin →

The case of susan smith

The case caught the attention of the media, and Susan Smith was seen on television left and right, making pleas for people to help her and for the suspect to return her babies unharmed. According to Smith's mother, who wrote a book about Susan, that she was never a violent person, she was always kind →

Spanish and chinese civil wars

The deep Nationalism displayed by the Chinese at the turn of the 20th Century that lead to the extensive xenophobia and formation of two conflicting revolutionary movements can be seen as a major cause in the Chinese Civil War. Hence the result of Spain's extensive poverty was a loss of faith in the Republic and →

String, procedure and macros in microprocessor

More precisely, the paper discusses the problems of firing the arc with an impulse or a fuse wire and the importance of the symmetry conditions of the supply and the return circuit in order to obtain reproducible and representative tests. Operation of the macro-rom is initiated when a program in main memory calls for a →

Differences of freud and erikson’s stages

Example: When I was so stressed because of exams, I had a bad news from home, after that I went to corner and started to cry like a child and eat so much chocolate. When the parents present consistent, adequate, and nurturing care, the child develops basic trust and realizes that people are dependable and →

Trends for tourism in europe tourism essay

Increasing saturation of the market and more self-assertive consumers, with more free disposable income and leisure time, determine the profitability of suppliers in the tourism sector. Active or activity holidays will increase in popularity, and the demand for facilities that correspond to this type of holiday will be increasingly preferred.

Three types of counselling approaches and intervention techniques psychology essay

The role of the counsellor changed into that of a facilitator rather than a doctor, and the function of the therapy was to help the client tap into their own resources. This final quality of the relationship speaks to the dynamic nature of the person-oriented approach the therapist creates the necessary conditions for the client →

A criticism of incompatibilism

Determinism is the view that there is a predetermined future that is created by events in the past while being governed by the laws of nature. A reason for this is that that the idea of a causally determined future is distressing when applied in the context of free actions.

Determine an author’s purpose essay sample

The sky was the color of slate, and as the wind began to pick up we knew that a storm was corning.a.inform b.persuade c.entertain 6. The bodies of fireflies contain phosphorus, a chemical that causes them to glow in the dark.a.inform b.persuade c.entertain Section D-Determine an Author's Purpose43 D: Purpose Exercise D.

Naturalism in jack london’s to build a fire and the call of the wild research paper

The validity of such an idea can be well explored in regards to the literary legacy of one of America's greatest writers Jack London, as the extreme naturalism of many of his short stories and novels conveys a clearly defined philosophical message only the objectively existing laws of nature, to which people are being subjected →

Does the eu suffer from a democratic deficit? | essay

The claim that the standard European citizen has virtually no possibility of directly affecting the work of the EU, along with the negative impact of integration on popular support for the EU, has given rise to the term the democratic deficit. The answer, most claimed, was to 'increase the power of the European Parliament relative →

Traffic congestion

Traffic congestion is one of the major problems that many cities are facing." There are three main components of the growth of traffic on urban roads which has taken place in recent years; an increased demand for personal travel into and through city centre areas; a growth in the number of goods vehicles on the →

Powerlifting essay

I was bummed out because after a good 7 or 8 year stint at one of the most hard core gyms in the country, could no longer afford the time behind the wheel, commuting 30 minutes each way would not allow me to complete the endless hours of studying and work needed to apply to →

Anselm’s monologion

The same line of argument is followed, where the oneness and the perfection of the Supreme Being are emphasized, but after a point we notice that the effort is diverted into explaining the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, so that God is said to be three persons in one substance, and yet indivisibly one. The →

Press self-regulation in britain

History of self-regulation Following the cessation of World War Two and the end of wartime press controls, the regulation of the press emerged as a key point of debate and contention. The upshot of this was another commission on the subject of regulation in the early 1960s and a change of name from the General →

Television advertisings influence on gender roles sociology essay

Within media, the history of advertising has evolved from black and white televisions of the past to the color televisions that exist now. My unobtrusive research will focus on the influence and evolution of television ads from the 1960s through the 1980s, and how it contributes to gender roles.

Introduction willamette rivers, forest clearance, natural and

Fire science involves the study of the origins of fire, cycles of fire and the stages of fire in the future. Fire regime is a technique that integrates the various characteristics of fire which include fire intensity, the severity of the fire and the frequency".

Urban planning essay sample

One of the most distinct marks of civilization in the whole world is the formation of informal communities that aim to make the lives of its members relatively more manageable when compared to the times that the group is still not formed. Jane Jacob and the Basic Ideas in " The Life and Death of →

Digital life – how technology has changed us

All of this stems from the fact that some people who become to accustomed to the online world and online media turn out to have severe communication issues in the real world that causes them to turn to the people they interact with online. If you are always reaching for the device, the cell, the →

Editorial: learned brain self-regulation for emotional processing and attentional modulation: from theory to clinical applications

Current developments of brain imaging-based NF include the study of the behavioral modifications and neural reorganization produced by learned regulation of the activity of circumscribed brain regions and neuronal networks. In this rapidly developing field, many open questions and controversies have arisen, i.e, choosing the proper experimental design, the adequate use of control conditions and →

Compare and contrast at least three alternative theories

It is based on the assumption that the personality and reactions of a person are the product of interplay between the conscious and unconscious mind, genetic structure and the person's environment. The three levels of Jung's model of the psyche are consciousness, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.

Work place conflict resolution paper assignment

The pressure of this situation caused there to be conflicts amongst the associates and the new store manager because of her lack of communication skills and the way she employed a power-based approach with dealing with the associates along with her having a dominator style of dealing with conflicts, this lead to a poor work →

Carbonic anhydrase the fastest enzyme biology essay

Although the interconversion of hydrogen carbonate to carbon dioxide can go on without the enzyme, CA can great increase the rate of the transitions up to a 1000000s of crease. The basic map of CA is fundamentally to modulate the O and C dioxide content of the blood that is needed in a human organic →

Effect of the financial crisis on the british economy

Most people are placed on the same side of credit ranking relaxing area; however, the question may be raised that why the housing bubble would bring the financial system instead of having an effect on just on the housing sector of the economy. The first part aims to give an overview of the British economy →

Impact of western culture on pakistani culture

Pakistani culture consists of different cultures starting from the Punjabis and sindhis to the tribal cultures of the easternmost Pakistani provinces. Provision of Human Rights: The first and the most prominent is the Freedom of Press, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Action.

Critique the “top-down and bottom-up” models of reading essay

The international demand for reading success has over the years resulted in periodic shifts in reading instruction with fervent emphasis at one point on the Top Down model of reading with an equally fervent shift to the Bottom Up model of reading instruction. An accurate hypothesis according to the top-down view, would be that the →

Market the set of actual and potential buyers

Economist use the term to refer to a collection of buyer and sellers who transact in a particular product class, as in the housing market or the grain market. The four market segmentation is based upon, behavioural, demographic, Psychographic and geographical differences This particularly means that business use market segmentation as a method of focusing →

Reconciling mortality and immortality in john keats’ “ode to a nightingale”

The major theme in this poem focuses on the reconciling of many opposites as Richard Fogle summarizes in his article, " Keats's ' Ode to a Nightingale": The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual: inclusive terms which, however, contain more particular antitheses of pleasure and pain, of imagination and →

Tackling the gang problem in the uk criminology essay

This has led many to blame the youth of today for being the downfall of society by belonging to a gang. The media's exaggeration and distortion of the events resulted in the negative perception of those who defined themselves as a Mod or Rocker.

Daimler-chrysler’s strategy

The acquisition and merger between two parties in worldwide market share will help them to expand the technology transfer between the countries, and this will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of productions, directly will reduce the cost of production amongst the car makers. This help the companies to enabling the effectiveness and efficiency amongst the →

Group cohesiveness essay sample

In this project the individual need for belonging and the individual need for power will be correlated to the level of perceived cohesion in a study group. Our hypothesis is based on the following factors:* Gender It does not affect cohesiveness.* Ethnicity Similar ethnic backgrounds lead to more group cohesiveness.* Need for Belonging The higher →

Causes of the sub-prime crisis essay

In the yesteryear.traditional mortgage loans that could be acquired from the Bankss could merely be loaned under the evidences of the borrower's fiscal position and recognition evaluation. To understand what caused the sub premier crisis.we have to look back to the twelvemonth 2001 after the point com bubble flop where Alan Greenspan who was Chairman →

mycobacterium tuberculosis response to stress from reactive oxygen and nitrogen species

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Nathan, C, and Ehrt, S." Nitric oxide in tuberculosis," in Tuberculosis, eds W.N. The response of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.

A busness overiview of whirlpool corporation

This cut down in the US could have a knock on effect to Western Europe in two main ways, the first being that as Whirlpool cut down production in their country of origin they may be looking to diversify to other markets that have proved to be successful to them. So due to this I →

Push and pull factors travel motivation management essay

The tourism industry has employed the concept of pull and push factors to drive the Japanese to particular destinations. The push and pull factors would have affected the decision of the Japanese to travel to these countries.

Chuang tzu and the butterfly: an analysis essay

In a sense, poems are also written pieces that require much analysis due to the fact that the messages presented through these works of art are embedded within the used phrases that might or might not refer directly to the meaning that the poets ought to convey to the readers. Nonetheless, the analysis of this →

Programme for prevention and management health and social care essay

In post intervention assessment it was observed that intervention made a significant impact in knowledge of students for prevention and management of NSI. The questionnaire contained multiple choice questions that covered their knowledge of hazards of NSI, history of NSI during the preceding 15 days, type of instrument and procedures causing NSI, protocol of management →

Boracay famous white beach tourism essay

According to travelnet.com, Boracay is famous for the following: Boracay boasts of a sugary white sand beach and azure blue waters. The best part of the island is the four-kilometer White Beach known to be the " finest beach in the world".

Case scenarios read

I would try to talk to John to see what happened all through his life and why he is homeless and why he refuses to stay in the shelter. I would try to talk to Juan to ask him why his parents are fighting about and why does he think he is the blame.

“super toys last all summer long” by brian aldiss essay sample

To fully grasp the nature of the changes between the story and the film requires a good knowledge of the concept of dystopia, a careful examination of its applications in this particular story, and a general overview of the human/machine relationships. In the movie, the Swintons as well as the spectator know from the beginning →

Caloocan city lgu organization essay sample

Public Information Office The Office of the Public Information is headed by an Officer in Charge and it is in-charge of keeping the constituents of Caloocan well informed about the programs and plans of the City Government. Community Relations Office The Office of the Community Relation is headed by an Officer in Charge and it →

Isolation and purification of proteins essay

However, as the concentration increases, the solubility of the salt in the solution is increased and the protein is salted out or precipitated. Phosphate buffered saline is a widely-used solution that prevents protein denaturation by stabilizing the pH of the solution and by allowing the water molecules within the buffer to interact with the protein.

Employee recognition

On the other hand, the recognition programs that should be implemented at the initiation of this department should be peer recognition programs. The company has kept a budget of $200, 000 to be spent for employee recognition programs this year.