8 Pages Essay Samples

Study on captain john smith history essay

Smith was accused of lying about his experiences in the New World and while he was there, he encountered some problems with the colonists. Kroph, who was known to be the first to disprove Smith's stories, declared in his book Captain John Smith of Virginia, published in 1890, that he does not believe Smith was →

Gourmet pasta marketing plan assignment

At gourmet's food is not a product, the experience of dining is a service. Market Demographics The profile for Gourmet Pasta's customer consists of the following geographic, demographic, and behaviour factors: Geographic Our immediate geographic target is the city of Cabanatuan with a population of 259, 267 * The total targeted population is estimated at →

Globalization and impact of mcdonalds globalization commerce essay

In the process of globalization, many enterprises embark on a path from Localization to globalization, and McDonald's is just the example that plays an important part in the fast-food business in the world. Nowadays, McDonald's has become the symbol of fashion and adventure.

The life of frederick duglass

He gains the resources and convictions to escape to the North and wage a political fight against the institution of slavery. In his Narrative, he wrote the complete story of his miserable life as a slave and his strife to obtain freedom.

Personal values and beliefs theology religion essay

Here the two leaders have different strategies and my strategies are also different from them. To conclude, that above I compared my values, beliefs and so on with the leaders.

Psychosocial concepts in radiography

The aim of this assignment is to describe and discuss the psychosocial aspects of patient/client care as applied to radiography, and the skills required the deal with a range of issues in work environment and explore medico legal aspects of radiographer's scope of practice while relating to the given scenario. Upon arriving to the department →

Bond pricing and interest rates

We also know that a bond will increase in value, that is, the price of the bond will increase, if the interest on the market decrease and vice versa. Since there are evidence that duration is more accurate, the authors for the article wants to generalize the following: For a given basis point change in →

Dwight d. eisenhower

He was born in a small, rural city and grew to become a five-star general and the 34th president of the United States of America. It meant a lot to Eisenhower, and he was extremely proud of himself.

Editorial: the digestive tract of cephalopods: at the interface between physiology and ecology

Editorial on the Research Topic The Digestive Tract of Cephalopods: At the Interface Between Physiology and Ecology The collection of papers included in this Research Topic represents the outcome of some of the activities of the COST Action FA1301, Cephs In Action. Knowledge of the normal functioning of the digestive system has wide ranging implications →

What influences employee performance?

In their article, " How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost," they claim that raising the minimum wage " would help workers still reeling from the effects of the recession in 2008". Fredrickson et al.in " Sharing The Wealth: Social Comparisons and Pay Dispersion in the →

Effect of gst on inflation rates

A casuality analysis of the effect of implementation of GST in the financial development and inflation rate of a country Introduction 1. In this introduction chapter, the overview of GST and the background of economic development in South Africa are introduced.

Child learning styles and factors that influence them

Children like to listen to staff members reading to them and they like to choose interesting and long books so they can listen and look and think most of the day in the nursery environment. We write down as much as we can to help children improve on the development in a nursery.

Plagiarism and raj persaud essay sample

The following essay aims to research the background to the story of Raj Persaud, a TV psychiatrist who was recently convicted of plagiarism in June of 2008 after initially being accused in 2005. Following a letter of complaint about the article on Scientology's relationship to Psychiatry where the work of Stephen A kent was not →

Gender discrimination

Part of the reason for this is that organizations form the core of power and reward in society, and women felt they were being disadvantaged by being denied access to management and other senior positions. Subsequently, by deeding the pool of available applicants the business makes the best use of the talent available, thus improving →

Advertising fast food product placement media essay

Studios do not pay to the brand owner but the benefits of product placement advertisement are so big to the product name and the film itself that each side promotes the other. The best product placements are the ones that the product is needed for the movie's storyline.

Race and gender in light in august

There is an order of subservience in the novel that covers both race and gender white men such as Joe Brown are held in higher regard than black men, despite the fact Brown is frequently " drunk down town", a gossip and quick to sell out Joe Christmas, supposedly a friend, as soon as money →

Single-case design

The Single case design method is considered a good example of human studies that has been so called because of the nature of human research and its use of individual samples i.e, only one or few numbers of participants. A Brief Comparison between Single-Case Design and Group Studies In order to gain deeper understanding of →

How hummel brand it self essay

Hummel choose from the phrase " not only due to size and worldwide fame, but according to uniqueness, character and the will to win" instead of the worlds best. By outsourcing the money is saved on raw materials such as they are cheaper in the east, and the workers are more efficient compared to the →

Recurring patterns in popular music

In the key of ' C major', the progression would read as C-F-G, since C is the first chord in the key of C major, ' F' is the fourth, and ' G' is the fifth. The three chords, in combination, contain all the notes of the major scale, in fact they are the means →

Biomedical ethics philosophy assignment

Simpson and the flu shot, the physician should tell the truth, plain and impel. In defense of the physician and the family of Mr.

Russian economy and the effects of wto accession essay sample

The commission in charge of the accession process was formed on June 16, 1993 and it was entitled the Working Party on the Accession of the Russian Federation.[2] The process of WTO adherence implied a close supervision of the changes occurring within the country's economy and their compliance with the WTO regulations. To better comprehend →

Pet industry pest analysis

The internal controllable factors are the strength and weakness whereas the external factors such as the threats and opportunities are uncontrollable events that occur outside the business. Also changes in respect of VAT had some effects on the firms The products profit margin will be less if there is more tax The profit margin will →

Pest & swot analysis of adidas

Adidas identified that in order to achieving the goal to be the global leader in the sporting goods industry depends on the talents, enthusiasm and dedication of the employees. As it is mentioned before, Adidas believes that employees and their talents are critical to the continuing commercial success.

Gender stereotypes of superheroes research paper

The research on the gender differences between male and female superheroes falls under the gender research from sociological, psychological and political points of view. The analysis is based on the number of male versus female characters, the physical characteristic of each individual character, the ability to solve a problem individually as either male or female →

The film ‘schindler’s list’

The effect of this is to allow the viewer to feel and understand the horror, torment and disrespect shown by the Germans towards the Jews. The effect of this is to allow the viewer to see how shockingly and appallingly the German soldiers treated the Jews.

A marketing channel

The intermediaries such as agents, wholesalers and retailers play an important role in the process of getting products and services to the end user, i.e.the consumers. There is a need for change in the marketing and distribution channel, as chaud sound make a commitment to enhance the production facility and have to find alternative channel →

John stuart mill history and influences sociology essay

Though Mill's considerable influence on philosophy has impacted various aspects of human knowledge, his contributions to psychology have been fundamental in the development of psychology as a science. Mill's philosophies remain engrained in the history of psychology, learning, and social thought, which continue to be debated today.

International business in japan

The standard of living in Japan is extremely high compared to Americans standard of living; also Japan has the highest life expectancy over any other country in the world and one of the lowest infant mortality rates. Painting has been in Japan for a very long time and is a way the Japanese express their →

The occurred in previous years) defined the only

Some of the problems observed during the analysis of this topic were the legal hurdles that surround the understanding of the implications of the healthcare reforms. Debates on the constitutionality of the bill could be evidenced from the conflict that existed in the implementation of the healthcare reforms.

Dyson vacuum cleaner case analysis essay

Case overview Dyson is the world's leading company in vacuum cleaner industry with its strength in technology and innovation. The latest hit in the vacuum market is steam cleaner and robot cleaner.

The outcomes of the third crusade history essay

Yet, the historiographical importance of the Third Crusade lies not in the human tragedy of the expedition to the Holy Land, but in the tactical, strategic and political outcomes of the war and the failure to re-establish Latin Christian control over large areas of the Levant and the consequences of their actions for the Crusader →

Adultery under the indian penal law family essay

497 of the Code defines ' Adultery' as follows:" Whoever has sexual intercourse with a person who is and whom he knows or has reason to believe to be the wife of another man, without the consent or connivance of that man, such sexual intercourse not amounting to the offence of rape, is guilty of →

Biosynthesis, metabolism, and utilization

The whole range of biomolecules are protected by combination of the reducing power of glutathione with other antioxidants and ascorbate, which also helps in regulating their function, and to assist the survival and maximum functioning of the cell as a living unit. Glutathione and also glutathione S-transferase plays important role in the regulation of both →

Utilisation of grasscutter for household protein intake

The grasscutter belongs to the mammalian order and family of Rodentia and Tyronomyidae, respectively and is genetically more closely related to the porcupine than to the rat. Adequate control of temperature, humidity and ventilation in the animal house should be maintained.

Ethics in law enforcement essay

The very concept of the term is closely linked with the police bureaus operating within the boundaries of a state that are in turn authorized by the law to put into effect the inherent police power of that state within the confines of a legally defined or determined territory or area of responsibility. Especially among →

Considering schiller and arnold through claudia rankine’s citizen   

Arnold's arguments in " On Poetry" and " The Study of Poetry" suggests that poetry, itself, is of the utmost significance in the way it harmonizes human ideals above all other facets of study and consideration. Citizen is then engaged deliberately with a component of societal division, and is also a work both Schiller and →

Digital marketing assignment

1] In the sass and the sass, digital marketing became more sophisticated as an effective way to create a relationship with the consumer that has depth and relevance.[2] In 2012 and 2013 tactics showed digital marketing remained a growing Digital marketing Is often referred to as ' online marketing', ' Internet marketing' or web marketing. →

Class differences in victorian london

Despite their distance from the harrowing struggles that the working class were forced to face, the wealthy in London society notoriously feared the poor and attempted to stay away from them either because of their distance from, or perhaps knowledge of, the reality of the poor people's lives. The misfortune of the poor as opposed →

Where does personal identity reside? essay sample

Also if Samantha's brain was in Tommy, it would not matter because the body is the identity. According to body theory the survivor would be Tommy because it is his body.

Currie road construction limited recommendation essay sample

While Currie can make the most of the $880 million stimulus that the BC government is considering, by expanding into the Texan market, it will be able to earn additional cash flows over and above the ones earned from BC operations. Also, since the number of bidders in the Texan market is less compared to →

Sigmund freud: father of the conscious and the unconscious

He explained that delving into a human being's inner life was essential in comprehending the nature of humanity.[3] His discoveries with the id, ego, and superego, the causes of repression, the development of psychoanalysis, and the interpretation of dreams have truly entitled him to a grand title of the Father of the Conscious and the →

Ethics study

The question to a nurse concerning Baby K was the following: should we deprive the child of the chance to continue survival by carrying the do no resuscitate order, withholding the ventilator, though the child has an emergency respiratory failure? Facts Relevant to the case and the uncertainties A list of all relevant facts pertinent →

Mathematical learning in the early years

The environment of home is very important in the development of a child in the early childhood. This paper will outline the most important elements in the education, training and development of a child the early years of his life.

Effect of technology on de-skilling

The following arguments will look at the effects of new technology with regard to de-skilling from the social deterministic point of view, particularly within the craft and service industries. The social-deterministic managerialist perspective holds the view that the expertise of the workforce has an influence over the design and choice of the technology at the →

Commentary: the flavonoid baicalein rescues synaptic plasticity and memory deficits in a mouse model of alzheimer’s disease

052 A recent article by Gu et al.reported that the long-term oral administration of baicalein in mouse, inhibited the activity of lipooxygenase 12/15 LXO and glycogen synthase kinase 3 in hippocampal slices, also reducing the activity of -secretase enzyme and the concentration of total beta-amyloid proteins, leading to the in vivo restoration of spine number, →

Example of homelessness in the usa research paper

Sociological analysis of homelessness issue in the USA requires a detailed analysis of the scope of the issue under study, the sources of information that are used to acquire basic understanding of homelessness as a social problem, as well as claim-makers and claim-making process. The acknowledgment of the imminent homelessness requires fulfillment of such conditions →

Woodrow wilson’s scandal

The main individual involved in Woodrow Wilson's engagement/affair was Woodrow Wilson who was the 28th president and was born in 1856. It was said by Gene Weingarten that Wilson and Hulbert loved each other and that the relationship they had was a mystery to Wilson's presidency.

Dissecting altered functional engagement in tbi and other patient groups through connectivity analysis: one goal, many paths (a response to hillary)

We are pleased that Hillary underscores the main interpretation of our data, which is that augmented neural activity is compensatory and does not reflect brain reorganization, and that the behaviorally relevant regions recruited in TBI are also functionally relevant in healthy adults at a higher level of task difficulty. Turning to reaction time, this was →

Examine potential business opportunities in bolivia commerce essay

The caput of the province of the state Plurinational State of Bolivia is the president, who is elected by the vote system for a five-year-term. The president is both the head of the province and caput of the authorities.

Children of alcoholics, the forgotten victims

Children of alcoholics tend to experience intimacy and social problems that extend into their early adulthood; help and support are available to those individuals who want and need them. It is important for children of alcoholics to attend one of these groups in order to interact with others who can understand the pain.

George orwellexample narrative essay

When Old Major, the political visionary who represents Marx, describes the plight of the animalstheir lack of freedom, their misery, their powerlessnessin his declaration of the principles of Animalism, it is clear that he is describing allegorically the relationship between the working class and the rich, landowning upper class of any society. It is in →

Will we still love ikea marketing essay

Thereby, these suppliers have a low bargaining power also due to the huge number of suppliers available particularly in China and some other countries. Furthermore, the threat of substitute may differ in different countries as well as the quality and materials to produce them.

Moths as ecological indicators

The selection of moth species was done on the basis of ease of sampling and the ease of identification. A comparative study was done in terms of accessing the moth communities of the prevailing forest edge and that of the interior habitat.

There serious harm. the pressure equipment regulations and

The temperature and pressure of theequipment should also be known as well as instructions for the operatingequipment and knowledge of how to use the equipment if an emergency occurs. Fire is another hazard that can occur if theliquid is flammable or if it has been compressed and to reduce this risk therest of the equipment →

Understanding violent the breakup of yugoslavia politics essay

Tito's death in 1980 combined with the end of Cold War rivalry and the decline of communist ideology in the rest of Europe in the 1980s lead to the severe weakening of Yugoslavia's crucial unifying factors. Serbian hardliners used the cloak of nationalism to revoke the autonomy of Kosovo and Vojvodina thus altering the Serbian →

Impact of technology on higher education

This proposal thus seeks to examine the impact of technology on higher education, in particular the use of technology as a learning enabler in higher institutions in UK. The primary goal of this analysis is to answer the following question: what are the impacts of technology on learning in higher educationAs a result the following →

Movements to develop equality

To make everybody the " same" the government would need to either pull most of the folks up to a far better level, or push a number of folks all the way down to the common. Marxism is defined as a theory and practice of socialism as well as the labor theory of value, dialectical →

A critical analysis of ethical and social issues in ihrm practices

The headquarter manager co-ordinate with the IHRM in their policies and procedures to manage the international employees, the headquarter manager developed the system, that is follow by the completely international organization. IHRM practice are helped by the headquarter manager in their policies that is implicated by the international and local staff in the organization.

Bilateral and unilateral contracts law contract essay

Lastly, there must be a consideration which is the assigning of the monetary value to the contract. Hence the negotiation power is the key to attain balance of risk in a contract.

Importance of communication in nursing

A communication channel is made up of three components made up of the sender of the message, the channel of sending the message and the receiver of the message. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PATIENTS AND THE HEALTH CARE TEAM One stratergy that can be used to improve communication between patients and the health care team is the →

The virgin group an insight into the organizational structure and culture

Much of the culture of the Virgin Group is influenced by the personal beliefs and philosophies of its founder, Richard Branson, and is one of the reasons for the organization's success. The organizational structure and culture of the Virgin Group will help the reader understand the organization's processes and business practices and how the values →

Case study of film: love actually

In conclusion, to the research, Schachter and Singer argued that their findings support their two-factor theory of emotion because all arousal is the same and we label our arousal according to the cognitions we have available. The two-factor theory of emotion states that the arousals that are present in different emotions are the same in →


Topical Coverage: Understanding Accounting Why accounting matters What is accounting The building blocks The recording process The basics of adjusting entries The accounting cycle The financial statements The accounting rules Internal control and corporate governance Interpretation of Accounts -The need for comparative analysis -Tools of financial statement analysis -Understanding the uses and limitations of the →

General electric essay

Those initiatives were globalization of GE in the late 1980s, " products plus service" in 1995 which placed emphasis upon customer service, and Six Sigma in 1996, a quality program that mandated GE units to use feedback from customers as the center of the program. Summarize the business and technology conditions causing GE to launch →

Impact of deficit thinking on minority students

That the mindset of these educators, blinded by their own beliefs and the deficit mentality that the students cultural heritage and not the education system, were the true faults for failing students. This view of democracy for the classroom, instead of a deficit thinking, allows indigenous students and families to truly feel welcomed into the →

Case study and swot analysis: ronald mcdonald’s goes to china

This case study includes: a company profile of McDonald's; a situational analysis; a SWOT analysis that performs an investigation on internal and external circumstances of the fast food chain in China and Hong Kong; an identification of some of the problems that the chain is facing in China; possible solutions to the identified problems. McDonald's →

Poaching elephants for ivory

However it increased considerably in the 1970's and consequently the elephant population of the world registered a sharp decline with statistics showing that the number of elephants in Africa declined from 1. After the imposition of the ban the number of poached elephants in Kenya was reduced to 500 in 1993 from a huge 3500 →

Large scale tunnel and bridge construction project construction essay

This report is to discuss the role of temporary works and equipment in large scale Tunnel and bridge construction project with an example of a large scale tunnel and bridge project, explain the impact of temporary works and equipment on the total cost of the project. The aim for this project is to Improve the →

Workers compensation problems

This is the point where the injured worker needs to contact an attorney who knows how the workers' compensation system works and is willing to fight for the workers' rights. This is just a portion of the struggles that the injured worker or their spouse has to deal with, there are more, including, the primary →

To what extent can the handmaid’s essay

Not only does this reveal the corruption of the society but it also reveals the hypocrisy of the people in power; the rules that the people are forced to abide by do not reflect the values of a Christian society at all. Fear of the outside world is the main cause of worry in " →

Feminism issues in the yellow wallpaper and purple hibiscus novels

Interestingly enough the author herself identifies herself as a feminist, making the weakness of Beatrice, in the beginning of the story, a contradictory character to the author herself. As for the narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper, she demonstrates her ability to rise above the patriarchy of her husband in the 1800's and prove herself a →

Poetry analysis ; comparison

The alliteration on the ' w's in lines 3 and 4 slows the pace down and this is succeeded by the sensuous alliteration and assonance in the phrase'Our long love's day'In the third section of the poem, Marvell uses the word ' now' to insist on the immediacy of the need for action. There is →

The tourism system model

These models have also been useful for the study of the importance of climate to tourism as well as the research on climate change and tourism, providing an understanding and agreement of the varieties and kinds of activities and stakeholders involved. Climate has been argued to be one important component which shapes a destination's image →

Pharmaceutical industry in india economics essay

The rivalry in the industry can be judged from the fact that the top players in the industry has roughly around 6% market share and the top players in the market has roughly around 18% market share this shows that the market is highly competitive. The end user of the product is different from the →

British politics in the years between 1900 and 1914

The author of the document is David Lloyd George who at the time of the speech's writing was Chancellor of the Exchequer and MP for Swansea, where the speech was given. At the beginning of the extract Lloyd George claims that the old Liberals in Britain have in the past used social issues purely to →

B. r. richardson integrative case (od)

For the following people in the case, list the comments and observations of the employees and consultants using a table. Lawler also opts to develop an independent investigation of the plant in order to disclose the issues facing it as opposed to relying on the management to provide information on the same.

Chemical bank case essay sample

It is important that key individuals in an organisation are committed to the strategic objectives and performance indicators identified in the Balanced Scorecard. In other words, the balanced scorecard is one of a set of tools used for strategy formulation and communication.

Applying learning theories

According to Spector Et al this would promote corporation with the procedure and the trainers relation with the trainee, the aim is to connect the trainee with the trainer and so that the procedure maybe well encompassed by the trainees. This is basically from the involvement of the trainee in the reflection of the military →

Structure of english law

Statute law referrers to written law and gives a rigid and formal interpretation of the law. Firstly, the Literal rule: when the meaning of the words written in the statute are applied such as in the case of Fisher V Bell [1961].

The concept of charity in islam religion essay

The Noble Qur'an referring to the purification of wealth states: " Of their wealth take alms to purify and sanctify them" Zaka t or " alms giving", one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is the giving of a small percentage of one's possessions to charity, generally to the poor and needy. It opposes an →

Consumer perception about the male innerwear marketing essay

These days consumers have started shopping for their innerwear online stated the reason of reluctance of male in buying their innerwear and majority of buying in the last decade of male innerwear was done by the other members of family. There are numerous reasons for the success of the innerwear market in India and it →

Five ways technology has negatively affected families assignment

And the conflicts have only Increased as the Internet and social media have Joined distractions such as TV, the cell phone and the computer. Mage Credit: Supersaturates/Brand X Pictures/Thinking's TAKE THE QUIZ A benefit of a family is that children learn the give and take of society how to interact with other people, the importance →

Interprofessional practice in a hospital

The number of professionals involved, and the importance of their ability to work collaboratively increases with the complexity of the patient's health needs. As a medical student, I was previously unaware of the duties of the discharge coordinator, but I now felt that she was a crucial part of the team because the health care →

A ‘less drugs (or) no alcohol’ method

Auditory hallucination is a psychiatric and mental disorder which sets in around the age of 21 1. And when the current survey is compared with the study Mohammed El Haj's," Hallucinations, loneliness, and social isolation in Alzheimer's disease," it is noted that about majority of the people experiences paracusia more because of social isolation and →

My personal theory

I connect much more deeply to the philosophies of existentialism: the emphasis it places on an authentic and genuine encounter with clients, its recognition and respect for the client's subjective world, trust in the capacity of the client to make positive decisions and the concepts it focuses on in counseling such as meaning, purpose, freedom, →

Psychosynthesis approach: object relations theory overview

The third stage is referred to as ' self-realisation' and this is the growing consciousness of the essential self. With splitting, in Klein's theory, comes the early production of the superego in which both the good and bad aspects of the breast and the mother are incorporated.

Communicating to children: pester power

It is a popular assumption that the increased influence and exposure of television advertising to children ultimately undermines the authority of parents who eventually succumb to their children's demands. Skilful marketing managers who understand their consumers and the power of ' pester power' are able to utilise these tactics to communicate to children, and in →

Mr. butt

But I guess that the most interesting and appropriate connotation in our case is the definition of the phrasal verb " to butt in": " to interfere or meddle in other people's affairs". But I am just going out." And unfortunately, to hear him speak, you would think he is boastful about the things he →

Are classical theorists old fashioned and out of date

To have originated at the end of the nineteenth century and in the beginning of the twentieth century, the Classical Management Theory dominated management thinking in the 1920s and 1930s by emphasising on the efficiency of the work process. The aim of this essay is to discuss the three schools of thought of Classical Management →

Sia customer focus strategy management essay

SIA was also the first airline to concentrate on customer service concept and also enhancing its reputation of providing quality service and it is ingrained in the minds of customers. This has allowed SIA the opportunity to have a strategic European hub in its international network and vice versa.

Tyre recycling

Tyre Recycling: The New Business on the Block Wednesday, 31 March 2010 00: 00 Nimesh Sharma Opportunities - Manufacturing - Top of Form User Rating: / 174 PoorBest Bottom of Form The number of vehicles hitting the roads is increasing everyday and so is the number of tyres. However, none of the recyclers in India →

Nestle case study essay sample

Therefore according to all of these studies and based on the scores we have given to each country over all, Thailand is going to be the best option for Nestle to invest in for their new facility. Recommendations: Our suggestion for Nestle is to take advantage of the young generation in Thailand in order to →

Social identity and the inevitability of conflict groups

The topic of this essay is that the Social Identity Theory suggests that prejudice and discrimination against out-group members and, as a result, conflict groups may be inevitable; that all that is needed to trigger in-group favouritism and out-group bias is an awareness that one belongs to a particular social group and that another group, →

Social networking and uncertainty reduction theory psychology essay

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between social networking and uncertainty reduction theory having the focus on how this theory is related to social attraction and uncertainty reduction in a social media situation. With the development of social networking being on the rise and the relationship to the amount of information →

A borderline case and a contrary case. lastly,

The concept itself represents an icon of the advanced thought knownas the theory, the concept of the theory is what the researcher will beconcentrating on in order to attest or justify their assumptions. Lastly, I will speak on the theoretical application of the concept byexplaining the purpose of the concept analysis to the theory and →

Discuss the function of cross-dressing in renaissance drama.

She quotes Stephen Gosson, a former playwright and poet, who fiercely remarked that to dress as the opposite sex was to " forge and adulterate, contrary to the express rule of the word of God". Paradoxically, many Elizabethan critics and players would not tolerate the introduction of actresses onto the stage as a solution to →