8 Pages Essay Samples

Asthma case study

University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Alabang Zapote Road, Pamplona, Las Pinas City College of Nursing A Case Study of Bronchial Asthma In Acute Exacerbation Submitted by: Angela Marie Ferrer BSN 3B July 17, 2012 Definition A condition of the lungs characterized by widespread narrowing of the airways due to spasm of the smooth muscle, β†’

Reflective journal on interpersonal skills nursing essay

It is the capability of a person to perform in the complexity of the organization as a restrained or subtle, insightful, incisive performer that determines the success as a manager. For a person to work in a group either as a member or a leader in order to achieve a common goal it is essential β†’

English authors+works+summary (boerth)

Talks about the idea of the idea of the Great Chain of Being and how it is being broken in the aristocratic nation. His mother explains to him that his skin is of the darker complexion because of constant constant exposure to the sun and that the sun is a gift from god.

The affects of perception on other people psychology essay

Attribution theory of person perception is discussed with examples and the determinants of attribution is discussed also the errors in attribution theory is analyzed. For example if an employee is responding in the same way over a period of time, his or her behavior is consistent.

Research and technology for learning and memory

The technological advances have been sought to improve the quality of people's mental capacities by enhancing one's ability to learn just like pharmaceutical enhancements have done in the past. Perhaps one of the most important concerns of using BCI'S in healthy people is what will happen to humanity and the human condition?

Organizational misbehavior

The ethical behavior that is expected of a citizen in a society also crosses over into the organizational settings. Therefore in order to address the misbehavior on the individual level, management should bring some of their focus on issues that might be affecting employees outside the organization.

Future directions of criminology

A portion of the ways that technology is the main strength in criminology can be found later when deterring crime and with the continues advance of forensic science. There is no point of reference to keep the utilization of such musings in criminal arguments and as confirmation against somebody blamed for a wrongdoing.

Report on the application of virtual reality in the construction industry

The main challenge in the implementation of virtual reality is to make the world sound real and look real. The main goal of virtual reality is to have the user fit in a loop of real time simulation.

Finishing in leather: strategies and concepts

The purpose of finish is done in order to enhance certain qualities and characteristics for example protecting the leather upgrading the leather look and feel by providing a texture which is waxier and smother. Corrected grain leather is known as chrome tanned side leather which is buffed with emery paper on the grain enabling it β†’

Compare contrast and evaluate two psychotherapeutic approaches

The modern roots of CBT can be traced to the development of behaviour therapy in the early 20th century, the development of cognitive therapy in the 1960's by Aaron Beck, and the merging of the two. During CBT treatment, patients and therapists focus on the present by working together and trying to identify and understand β†’

Dual language programs essay

Education is the foundation of any great nation and students must be given the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to function within our culture that is and will continue to be diverse in race, ethnicity, culture, language, and religion. With the growing global market it is vital for our young students to β†’

Bill and at risk of physical harm, regardless

That is, the defendant must owe the claimant a duty of care, the defendant mustbe in breach of that duty and the claimant must have suffered damage as aconsequence. In conclusion it can be said, that a duty ofcare is owed by Power plus to Bill, due to the fact that he is a primary β†’

In down food from large molecules to small

The foodis digested in our mouth and then to the stomach and then in the smallintestine, our digested food is then absorbed into the bloodstream of our smallintestine and then the excess water afterwards is absorbed back into our largeintestine. The water's job in our body is to regulate the temperature of cells, tissues and β†’

Towards effective environmental

The review process must consist of assessing existing data and reports and in this era of democracy and participation in decision-making by the generality of the people must also entail the articulation of the assessment and views of key stakeholders. The World Bank in a recent survey and evaluation of the environmental problems of Delta β†’

The evolving face of architecture cultural studies essay

New ideas, techniques, and processes are always being developed in the construction field with the motive of improving quality, reducing total construction cost, and decreasing the amount of manpower and time it takes to build it. It is representative of Dubai in the same way The Sidney Opera House or the Guggenheim of Bilbao have β†’

Unconventional autobiographies: arabesques and persepolis

Through the countless stories of the narrator's beloved Uncle Yusef and the history and adventures of the Shammas family, the personality of Shammas is discovered. In contrast to the fictionalization of the autobiography in Arabesques, Persepolis 's use of illustrations draws the readers to the narrator more closely because they have less difficulty in understanding β†’

A reflective clinical assignment nursing essay

The students questioning the practice of controlling infections in the community arise due to the infections seeming to be a less significant part in the policy formation. There is also the aspect of the literature emphasizing the inclusion of new agents in the process of research.

Barriers to communication within a health and social care environment

In this essay I will explain the barriers that can affect the communication between the doctor and patient, physio and client, social worker and service user, youth worker and teenager, care worker and resident and nursery nurse and the children and their parents. The parents may even think that they are not suitable to be β†’

How is tension created in jaws the film essay sample

It is then the first attack takes place, it shows the point of view of the shark and the shark theme starts. At the beginning of the scene the panning view is used to show a wide whole view of the beach and to show how busy it is on the 4th of July.

Report into barclays financial performance analysis

The cause of this behaviour was the increase in the operation costs, 25%, plus a drop of 25% in the interest income. The net effect was a drop of drop of 77% in the net income in 2009.

What have you found interesting from your study of crime stories essay sample

Because Verbal is a cripple the watcher does not believe that he is the criminal and so the watcher does not know what will happen and so a better ending is created. There are two lots of suspense and so you may say that the film is more interesting to watch.

Unemployment in jamaica – cause and effect

In this project you will find information on this problem and why it is consider being an economic one, the theories and model pertaining to unemployment, recommend economic concepts and inventions that can be employed to correct unemployment and the benefits of applying these concepts and inventions. According to Streetdirectory, ' Unemployment refers to the β†’

The history of bradford

The main focus of this paper will be on the different features of the site and how they support and contradict the Victorian values and attitudes, along with my research I will also be extracting evidence from the burial ground and analysing bothprimary and secondarysources in order to find out how the site has interpreted β†’

Risks and benefits of children using the internet

The curiosity of the Internet makes children and young people to try to know or learn as much as possible about new things to be more advanced than adults in using the Internet. For these such of reasons, the aim of this study is to examine the kind of monitor the children that participate in β†’

Increasing enrollment and persistence through student success programming

In 2009, Crisp studied mentoring in higher education and developed a new definition as Support provided to college students that entails emotional and psychological guidance and support, help succeeding in academic coursework, assistance examining and selecting degree and career options, and the presence of a role model by which the student can learn from and β†’

Evaluation of tort of negligence in queensland

Section 23 states the factors that the court must consider when coming to the conclusion of whether the person meets the descriptors which include whether the standard of care required of the injured person was that of a reasonable person in those conditions or the decision by the courts should consider what the injured party β†’

Novel coronavirus disease 2019 infection in children: the dark side of a worldwide outbreak

However, in spite of the growing amount of data available on the SARS-CoV-2, a clear understanding of how SARS-CoV-2 affects children is still missing. Cai et al.described the SARS-CoV-2 infection in 10 children and confirmed a mild presentation and, importantly, documented prolonged virus shedding from both the respiratory tract and the feces during the convalescent β†’

Abnormal psychology assignment

Three of these are the psychodrama perspective, the humanistic perspective and the cognitive behavior perspective. The phallic stage is one of the most important stages in which the focus of the libido is on the genitals.

The role of federal government throughout history essay sample

But the most predominant and reoccurring theme throughout the centuries, and possibly back to the beginning of human civilization and governing, is the role of federal government in the people's lives. For the role of federal government will always impact our lives directly and decide the amount of freedom allowed to both the people and β†’

Efficiency of expenditure on indian education system economics essay

The model is estimated for two measures of education attainment: gross enrolment in primary and secondary education and gross enrolment in secondary education. The effectiveness of governmentspending on education and health care in developing and economies.

Cortical no interneurons: from embryogenesis to functions

NO cortical interneurons have been historically classified as type I and type II on the basis of the size of their soma and by the intensity of their nNOS staining. 2010 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Tricoire, L, and Vitalis, T.

The gestalt laws of perceptual organisation psychology essay

The Gestalt principle of figure/ground organisation states that this is determined by the size, shape and surroundedness of the object. The principle of figure/ground organisation describes figure/ground segregation, the identification of the figure the smaller, symmetrical, distinct shape, including the contour dividing the figure and ground and the less important, indistinct, asymmetrical, larger background.

Costco: join the club essay

A strong culture that encourages employees from the top to the bottom in adaptation and change can increase organizational performance by energizing and motivating employees, shape behaviors, unify personnel in the goals / objectives and align employee's actions with the priorities of the company. Consideration for if there is greater value for the customer, employees β†’

History and present position of shouldice hospital tourism essay

The surgeons working in the hospital has made a lifetime commitment to work in the hospital and their long experience is highly benefiting the hospital in delivering quality to its patients. It makes its patients totally aware with the treatment given to them and they are awake at the time of surgery that is not β†’

Arguments that prove the existence of god

The teleological argument, or the argument from design, puts forward the claim that God's existence is proven by the evidence that the universe is so well ordered, and its contents complex, to the point that they must have been designed. As a first criticism against the cosmological argument, the argument relies on the existence of β†’

Business continuity and crisis management of mattel inc marketing essay

Most of the products in the Fisher Price line were recalled due to the presence of lead-based paint in their products. Mattel concluded that it was not the Chinese who had the flaw in their manufacturing process but it was a Mattel design flaw and it took ownership of the magnetic design flaw.

Market strategy and analysis of akzo nobel

Since the creation of human being, The God has gifted him a brain to think and to act according to the best of his knowledge and capacity to overcome his daily as well as lifelong issue, since the man came out from caves, he has been start thinking about his needs and wants and initially β†’

Research paper topics: 10 ideas to get started

It is common knowledge that you should be aware of its structure as it is a basic feature of each paper work. It is not a mystery that you will rewrite or take the main idea of somebody's investigation; so, you steal thoughts and results.


The most obvious use of power as a means of domination is in political and economic conflicts, as powerful elites attempt to maintain their advantages over others. Influencing the stories people read, the ideas they consider, and the perspectives to which they are regularly exposed is one way of exercising power in a society.

Sexual dysfunction

The complicated nature of the human sexual response and complex physiology of penile erection and relaxation may be among the consequences of the difficulties in determining precisely the cause of male ED. In the past, psychological and psychiatric causes were said to be the origins of the rising number of ED among men, it was β†’

Consumer behaviour analysis

It then further discusses several definitions and theoretical concepts in order to assist and support the main evidence of: how the needs and motivations of consumers are being linked to the luxury brand product as well as how it influences the purchase decision making process; the analysis between generic goals and product-specific goals; whether consumers β†’

Consumer behaviour in hotel industry marketing essay

Consumer behaviour refers to " the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society". The advantages of secondary data are the variety of sources and β†’

Cause and consequences of the great recession

Verick and Islam criticized that the monetary policy in US was failed to tackle the overvalued asset bubble, and at the same time contributed to the rapid growth in subprime mortgages. Whalen commented that the shortage of liquidity in the finance sector had caused borrowing to be more difficult and more expensive which had leaded β†’

2-aminopropane c3h9n structure

3 cm 3 Polarizability 7.7 0. 0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 82.1 3.

A discussion on the thoughts and philosophies of pericles

However, when the different generations along with the historical events covered the human generation's development, the art of literature became one of the major process by which humans intended to express their thoughts and their predicaments about the things that are going on in the world. On the other hand, Pericles has been mostly focused β†’

A survey of biometric fusion

It can be used to turn to a figure of issues faced by the interior decorators, implementers, and operators of biometric systems as First Accuracy in this Fusion can be used really efficaciously to better the overall truth. The truth of biometric system is normally expressed in footings of maximising the True Accept Rate1 and β†’

Accounting standards setting approach: principles-based vs rules based

But there is a generally held outlook that the FASB's standards are rules-based and the IASB's standards are principles-based. In ICAS it states that convergence, comparability, consistency and culture are the four issues that infuse the debate of rules based and principle based standards.

Experiences of families of child/children

The researcher wants to know the struggles, trials, loopholes and problems that families experience and encounter with regards to their child with the case of Emotional Disorder. The researcher believes that different psychological treatment will prevent the disorder to be broad to the children and it will lessen the different problems and factors that will β†’

Evaluate the concept of normal and abnormal behaviour

A significant feature of the DSM classification is the 5-axis diagnostic system, which gives a systematic evaluation of the patient and then gives a full account on the general medical condition of the patient or personality disorders, psychosocial and environment problems, as well as the level of functioning of the individual. The approach of classifications β†’

The history of infant development education essay

In the day care center, the infants and toddlers were in a separate room and then children under 24 months were separated according to age and mobility. During all sessions with the children, we were encouraged to assess the children to make sure they are developing appropriately for their age and stage of development.

The they had a specific dress code

One individual commemorated that if anyone needed to join the group, then the opportunity was open to help in the fight against the white cops and the government. It also talks about the murder of Fred Hampton, the film follows the young man's life until the time of his death in the hands of the β†’

The wesleyan way of salvation theology religion

As members of the Methodist Church, we believe the instructions of John Wesley and the Doctrinal Standards set Forth by the Articles of Religion, which is in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church. The fact that is without the natural image of God we are non free, we have lost our ability β†’

Ethical hunting essay

The anti-hunters condemn both the activity and the people that partake in it. They believe that hunters are only killing animals for the trophy and allow the meat to go to waste.

Testing of thermal interface materials engineering essay

RTIM is the conduction resistance across the thickness of the TIM and Rcontact2 is the contact resistance between the TIM and the heat sink surface. L data exhibits the following linear relationship:It is found that the slope is the inverse of the product of the conductivity of the TIM, kTIM, and the area A.

Essay hypnotherapy essay sample

The purpose of this essay is to explore and illustrate how and why the building of rapport between a client and a therapist is paramount to a successful hypnosis result. Without a good rapport it is unlikely the client will have the trust in the therapist's capabilities to do this or they may resist as β†’

Victorian villains in great expectations, oliver twist, and dr jekyll and mr hyde

Firstly, in the extract he is brooding which indicates he is in intense thought in a menacing way, which is rather emotional. Hyde in this extract are when he is talking to the lawyer he shrinks back with a hissing of breath.

Descartes and john searle mind and body debate assignment

If the leader is trained in cultural standards of a country and respects these standards they can be effective and will be respected by the country they are trying to provide leadership to. If the leader is trained in cultural standards of a country and respects these standards they can be effective and will be β†’

Hedging with derivatives

The price of the purchase is agreed in the contract at the time of entering this contract. K is the strike price for both options, and t is the period to expiration of both the call and the put.

The impact of work role fit psychology essay

The 21st century workplace is not what it used to be in the past and organisations need to adapt to the changing nature of the workplace in order to survive in this new competitive, global economy. The basis for this study will look at how the constructs of work-role fit, psychological meaningfulness and work engagement β†’

It210 syllabus essay

Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Given a salary amount, the tax is calculated by adding the base tax for that salary range and the product of percentage of excess and the amount of salary over the minimum salary for that range.

Immunisation infection disease

As Mims et al outlines, the rationale of immunisation is simple: to provoke a primed status so that on initial contact with the applicable infection a quick and successful secondary immune response will be induced, leading to the avoidance of disease. A vital part of immunisation programs is the production of ' herd immunity'-that is β†’

Various economic factors applied to sunsilk

Price differs when there is competition in the market according to the market structure is:- Price competition can be said as differentiating the product or service from compete ting products on the basis of their prices. Price competition is caused due to various differences in the product s and services present in the market, that β†’

National philosophy of education – assignment

The challenges are the lack of exposure on Emotional Intelligence in classroom, poverty among Malaysian students and negative impacts due to the advancement of technology. A project paper entitled Problem-Oriented Project Based Learning in Environmental Management and Technology states that it is an at present challenge for the universities in Malaysia to produce employable graduates β†’

The loss of innocence and maturity in to kill a mockingbird

In her novel, Lee demonstrates how these children learn about the essentiality of good and evil and the existence of injustice and racism in the Deep South during the 1930s. Jem Finch, one of the children in the story, realizes the unfairness that exists around him and loses his faith in humanity as he makes β†’

Physiological adaptations to exercise

This report will initially consider the nature and necessity of the body's energy pathways as a means of providing energy for training, followed by an overview of physiological training, focusing particularly on muscular and cardiovascular adaptations. In order to get the most out of the human body and to succeed in sport, it is necessary β†’

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) causes and symptoms

It is estimated that 70% of women with PCOS remain undiagnosed in the community due to lack of awareness. However, this medicine is only tested on rats and showed a significant decrease in the symptoms of PCOS.

Corporate social responsibility (csr)

0Introduction This project starts with the importance of the CSR commitment to the company then followed by the background of the company, Petrodec Sdn Bhd. It was conclude to be one of the most successful event to MEOG and Petrodec Sdn Bhd this year.

How the internet has helped me professionally

The technological advancement in the field of information and technology has led to the widespread growth and application of the internet related services to aid various procedures and tasks in various parts of the commercial industry in which insurance is part of. The internet services have greatly increased the efficiency and the costs incurred by β†’

Life span development essay

The embryo must then bury itself in the uterus before the next menstruation to release a hormone if not the embryo will be flushed out of the body with other waste products during the bleeding period of the cycle. At the age of 2 children understand that they are gender and also learn how to β†’

Weston ltd v bloggs & co essay

So for example, the standard modern account of the distinction between contract and tort has it that, whereas in tort the duties are fixed by law and are owed to persons generally, in contract the obligations are fixed by the parties themselves and are owed to specific persons". The issue of working to a deadline β†’

Establishment health centres remote villages health and social care essay

Preventable and catching diseases are the major causes of high mortality rates and lend to a great extent to the load of unwellness in developing states like Pakistan. In peculiar, the National Programmed for FP and PHC represents the largest graduated table intercession for the bringing of FP and RH services in the signifier of β†’

Annotated bibliography: nursing care of patient with stroke

Demonstrating an understanding of the chosen articles with the use of additional literatures to analyse identify and explore learning and how it will influence the nursing care of patient with stroke. Nursing Standard, 26, 42-46 The aim of the article was to encourage nurses to identify the frequency and causes of malnutrition and dehydration, consider β†’

Media influence on stereotypes

In Harold and Kumar go to White Castle one of the main themes the movie is poking fun at is how stereotypes affect the lives of the two main characters one being of Korean decent and the other Indian. The scene gives the impression that the two white co-workers are the main characters of the β†’

Why are students pressured to get good grades?

Students are pushed to extremes during their school years, often times resulting in breakdowns, cheating, use of study-enhancing drugs, however, the main causes for these extremes revolve around the parents of the students, their school, and the society they are exposed. So much of the society is heavily based on electronics, the promise of either β†’

Social network

After viewing the video featuring TOMS Shoes, answer the following questions about the marketing environment: What trends in the marketing environment have contributed to the success of TOMS Shoes? Indeed, the number of passengers choosing AirAsia grew by over 21 percent in the first quarter of 2009, and by 2010 the company was able to β†’

Developing positive relationships for child wellbeing

Key worker relationship-Children should have a close relationship with their practitioners so they feel at ease knowing that they have someone they can trust and turn to, if a child feels comfortable with their key worker they will be able to go to them with any hardship they may feel, for example if a child β†’

Sarbanes oxley act

In assessing the governing bodies of the organization, the auditor must keep in mind that management's actions set the tone of the organization's structure, which, in a well-governed organization, is propagated throughout all levels of the organization and determines the effectiveness of the organization's internal controls.1. In comparing the audit's assessment of the company's controls β†’

Groups and teams

As much as this has a harmonious outlook, it also seemed that due to a lack of competition and debate, each of our contributions lacked the necessary scrutiny needed for the improvement of the presentation and the growth of the group. As we knew that the presentation counted a significant amount towards our mark 40% β†’

An ethical study on the legalization of physician assisted suicide

In my point of view, Mill's utilitarianism best captures the depth of controversy in the moral issue of physician-assisted suicide because it has a stronger reality, objectivity and practicality and only by fully safeguarding the absolute expression of patients ' own will can the legalization of PAS have a more reasonable ethical basis. The key β†’

Determinants of the long run growth economics essay

The growth of an infrastructure is devoted to encourage, enable and co-ordinate behavior of economy subjects that causes steady accumulation of human capital, physical capital and technical knowledge, which generate sustain long-run economy growth. According to Jorgenson and Stiroh the effect on the long-term of the U.S.economy growth is attributed to 50% of total growth β†’

Principles of disease and epidemiology assignment

Principles of Disease and Epidemiology Pathology Infection and Disease 1. Pathology is the scientific study of disease? concerned with cause and manner in which disease develops Also concerned with structural and functional changes brought about by disease and final effects on the body 2.

Cannabinoid cb1 and dopamine d1 receptors partnership in the modulation of emotional neural processing

A commentary on The dopamine and cannabinoid interaction in the modulation of emotions and cognition: assessing the role of cannabinoid CB1 receptor in neurons expressing dopamine D1 receptors by Terzian, A, Drago, F, Wotjak, C. In an intriguing article of the Special Issue " The endocannabinoid system: a key modulator of emotions and cognition" published β†’

A grand challenge for genetics of aging: adding healthy years to our lives

The goal of Frontiers in Genetics of Aging is to be a forum for publication of findings that will extend our understanding of the genetic and molecular basis of the aging process, and of the interaction between genes and the environment. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Khanna, A, Muthusamy, S, Liang, R, β†’

Historical development f public administration

Drawing from specific authors and schools of thought, outline the major dimensions of the legitimacy problem in public administration and describe the ways in which scholars and reformers have diagnosed and attempted to " resolve" this problem. In considering this aspect of the question, you should think about how the issues presented via the legitimacy β†’

Strategic management and leadership skills indus towers limited

This style can be followed only if the employees have all the sources in the hand, because its something the leader orders to the employees and they follow them, so if every information is available to the employees they can finish the work with in the time frame of the limit. But its not something β†’

Second economy growth of the soviet union economics essay

The 2nd economic system or as it is besides sometimes referred to, a " shadow economic system ", is a side-effect of any economic system and a province planned economic system is non an exclusion. Other grounds behind the outgrowth of the 2nd economic system in the Soviet Union included legion defects of the economic β†’

Sex in the media assignment

Television, is a highly influential source for children, has been both part of the solution and part of the problem in the area of sex and body image for woman and children. A big part of the problem with parents is that they are uncomfortable with the discussion of sex with their children and find β†’

Industry practicum and research project

However, it is believed that teamwork in an organization has not properly implanted in most of the working place, my practicum working place, for example. It is believed that practicum it the start of the journey and it is a useful and meaningful learning experience for the future.

Improving the vacation industry in egypt

The Egyptian history are in our hands now, it is our responsibility and it also will be the of the whole world as well, therefore there must be continuous maintenance and protection of those monuments, and as the illegal threats such as looting and robbery may increase, the legal strength has to increase. Some organizations β†’

Effect of age on friendships and family patterns | proposal

1) The Title of the Project Family and Friendship: an investigation of the relationship between age and patterns of friendship within and outside the family: a discourse analysis. The first refers to the weakening of traditional social forms used in the analysis of societies; these include class, gender and the family.

Trade barriers and restrictions in malaysia

The purpose of having trade barriers and restriction instead of free trade system basically is because government need to control the cost of goods and services trading in and out the country. The 15 foreign firm that are active in Malaysia have hold about 40% of the equity and 50% of the assets in the β†’

How pro social courteous acts affect door holding

The hypothesis of this study expected to find that females, regardless of whether the door was held for them, are more likely to hold the door for the following person. In a study done by Yoder, men were found to hold the door two out of three times.

Causal theories of autism spectrum disorder: an evaluation

In terms of WCC theory, tests which are the fundaments of WCC theory will be discussed along with a positive aspect of autism. If the person answered in relation to just one word it means that the person has weak central coherence and when it was in relation to the context of the sentence that β†’

Chapter 2 study habits essay

These ways of behaving form an organized and integrated functional unit that determines and limits the interaction between the personand his or her environment and establishes the relationship of the person to the objects, events, and situations within his or her environment. Study habits are said to be improving because of the advent and wide β†’

Case study analysis: erp implementation for nibco

Also, with the investment in consultancy and purchasing the leading solutions from top ERP vendors, the NIBCO aim to get the new system run for all the business unit, and the real time running can also test the performance of the new system, also save cost and time for implementation. The CIO, and also the β†’

The work of labor and delivery nurses nursing essay

On the other hand, they should pay a lot of attention to training and education of L&D nurses because their qualification plays crucial role in the provision of proper and effective health care services to women and newborn in the course of the labor and delivery. On analyzing specificities of the job of L&D nurses β†’