8 Pages Essay Samples

Since or physical strength. the teacher or

The teacher or the educationists responsible for the education of individual children form the beginning, are supposed to know as to what is understood by intelligence, what is its real nature; whether it is a unitary quality and a faculty or is composed of certain elements or factors. In both these definitions the reference is β†’

Who is to blame for the underclass?

In this respect, the first part of this essay will discuss both approaches: the one that puts the blame on the behavioral characteristics of the underclass and the other which is oriented towards the structural process that led to the creation of the underclass. Another causal factor of the existence of the underclass in the β†’

Is legal rational authority the most rational type of authority

Therefore, legal-rational authority is belief in the legality of patterns of standard rules and the right of those elevated to authority under such rules to issue commands. Comparisons between legal-rational, traditional and charismatic authority in terms of their rationality and applicability leads to the agreement of the statement, " Legal-rational authority is the most rational β†’

Effect of trade openness on economic growth economics essay

He therefore concluded that the choice of period for analysis, of relationship between trade openness measures and GDP growth, is serious. The main objective of our study is to find the relation between trade growth and GDP growth.

Chimpanzees are more averse to social risk than non-social risk

The chimp could also elect to give the coin to the other chimp, who could put the coin in a box to give both of them two banana slices, or put the coin in a box that would only give her the banana slices. They then ran the same social risk tests that they had β†’

Strange meeting analysis

Adrian Barlow writes of Susan Hill's Strange Meeting: " At the time of its publication, to write a novel about intense relationships between men in the First World War was considered an ambitious risk for a woman writer." Compare and contrast the ways in which your three writers present relationships between men.'One of the paradoxes β†’

The key theories of addiction

A description by Ghodes gives the idea of psychological dependence to be an overpowering experience compelling an individual to take the drug and ignore their knowledge of the harm it will do to them and also ignore the consequences of gaining and taking the drug. Due to the vastness of views on this area of β†’

Accountable professional practitioner

Cyr & All highlighted that newly qualified nurses can lack some critical thinking skills for patient care, a useful tool that I have discovered that can enable me to develop my critical thinking abilities are mind maps, as these can increase my knowledge and understanding of a situation by linking concepts, themes and ideas and β†’

Impacts of bias in the media

It is an insidious and pervasive kind of bias that serves no purpose except to cause subliminal reactions in the minds of the viewers, readers, and listeners of the message. When a crime is committed, and a Black person is involved, the media is quick to show how their past behavior was indicative of the β†’

Facility operations

In this assignment the requirement is to assess the responsibilities of facilities manger in an organisation like hospital, hotel, educational institution or super market etc, what are the legal, health and safety obligations in performing the duties as facilities manger, identification of the strengths in current facilities operations and what are the weak areas to β†’

Trial and crucifixion of christ history essay

The events that that led to the death and subsequent crucifixion of Christ closely relates to the accounts of Mark, one of the four gospels in the Bible, whose version was presented the earliest and hence the possibility of being most relevant. Individuals who saw the events that led to and the actual crucifixion of β†’

Why did the tamburlaine plays have such extraordinary appeal for sixteenth-century audiences?

This has often been taken to refer to Tamburlaine's execution of the governor of Babylon in the final act of Part II, but the assumption cannot be verified.' Also 'in 1588 Robert Greene.could allude to Marlowe wouldaring God out of heaven with the Atheist Tamburlan', a far less ambiguous reference to the scene in which β†’

Working with special populations

Spirduso et al.gives the definition of ageing as ' A process or group of processes occurring in living organisms that begins with birth and, with the passage of time, leads to a loss of adaptability, functional impairment and eventually death'. These results can reverse the effects of many years of physical decline and lead to β†’

Human resources for patient care

2 Capstone Information and Literature Review CASE SOLUTION Information and Literature Review Through an extensive study of the patient harm categories, human resource management, and payor mix at Union Health Systems, Inc, the research and analysis have identified the top elements of patient harm, discusses the human resource management function, and discusses some of the β†’

History of the medical use of marijuana essay

The drug and its uses reached the Middle and Near East during the next several centuries, and then moved across North Africa, appeared in Latin America and the Caribbean, and finally entered the United States in the early decades of this century. To the agriculturist, cannabis is a fiber crop; to the physician, it is β†’

Supply and demand of the health care industry economics essay

And the care that is provided is only prolonging the symptoms and not resolving the problems, costing billions of dollars each year to tax payers, and leaving tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to the families with little to no confidence that the actual problem has been diagnosed before the treatment is β†’

The theory of positivism sociology essay

This is quite true as the law is legislated by male and thus it does not take into account of the point of view of women. The rape law is to protect the property of men which is women.

The new poor law of 1834 essay sample

Source D supports Source P in that it gives factual information that the inmates of a workhouse would be punished by a restriction of diet and solitary confinement. The two Sources do support Source P, this is because they show that there is a ' reduction of able-bodied pauperism', which is reflected in Source P β†’

Quality and prospects of democracy in nigeria assignment

Many scholars have come to question the status of the Insignia's democracy, many stating that it is not only a failed democracy but also defies the basic slogan of democracy " the government of the people, by the people or the people". In the quest to understand democracy in Nigeria, the reviewed scholars focus their β†’

Dbs makes you feel good! – why some of the ethical objections to the use of dbs for neuropsychiatric disorders and enhancement are not convincing

The effectiveness of DBS for reducing the symptoms as assessed by clinical rating scales is admittedly important, but as Synofzik and Schlaepfer correctly point out, those improvements have to translate into the patient's improved ability to pursue and achieve their personal goals goals that are connected to the patient's conception of a good life. In β†’

Factors of successful small business management

The widespread uptake of technology by small business has witnessed high usage of computers and a range of communications devices that are all designed to improve aspects of a business performance. The problem with such a strategy is that you are limited to small population of people who will be able to learn about your β†’

Advertisement do more harm than good – essay

My opponent claims that the larger Business achieves 30% more customers from advertisements than smaller businesses, but he fails to mention, the customers who decided to go to the new businesses, use to be the customers of the older business. My opponent has made the claim that " the company's job to promote and sell β†’

Japanese society yakuza

First of all i will start with the history of the Yakuza, why and how they developed and try to find here possible parallels of a influences on the modern society. After the end of the occupation period and the appreciativeness of Japan as sovereign state in 1952, a rebuild of the Japanese economy and β†’

The joy luck club

Years later, she tells of the story of her mother having to leave her home and her twin babies behind because of WW2. Her mother committed suicide the next day and left her daughter to live a better life than she.

Health promotion essay sample

In promoting the health of the patient maintaining individuality within a diverse community will also be discussed by the application of the model to the patient. When Mary was transferred to ward L4 she was introduced to her primary nurse and the members of the team to which she was allocated as the ward operates β†’

Competitive priority and forecasting essay sample

The key drivers of competitive capabilities are cost, quality, time and flexibility dimensions, which could develop and maintain the position of a firm in marketplace and achieve high profitability. In terms of cost, as the table 1 shows, the average price of garden spade in Dobbies is the highest 31.

World war two and the b-24 bomber

The Consolidated B-24 Liberator was the workhorse of the Allied fleet. The Design Stage The B-24 bomber was designed as part of the strategic bombing plans drawn up by the Allies in the 1930s.

Comparison of the leadership successes of desmond tutu and the failures of nicolΓ‘s maduro

Desmond Tutu was born in 1931 in Klerksdorp, British Imperial South Africa, the same year the Union of South Africa became a separate and autonomous territory of the British Empire through the Statute of Westminster. He taught classes at a seminary and university in southern Africa in the late 1960s, and then moved back to β†’

The is the scene with stradlater in the

Salinger had Holden look about of the window I think it was a big simile, of whichI think about more in theme number 3, of the theme of the book. The one I had in mind is the one the date he had with Sally.

Synthesis of a new potential herbicide

However, the used of pesticide can alter the gene of weed and it will resist toward the herbicide and a new herbicide is needed. The synthesis of the potential herbicide is to allow a new herbicide to be accomplished in the market with new mode of action.

Impact of communication technology on politics and economics

As a result, the inexpensiveness of and accessibility to ICTs have caused a great reduction in " the costs associated both with doing business and with organizing social and political movements". In particular, the Internet and social media has contributed greatly in the development of political context and understanding.

Prevent strategy and fundamental british value

The direct governmental policy response to terrorist attack, because, most of the terrorist attacks, are believed to have been perpetrated by[G1]Islamist terrorist, does give the impression that government has a significant Muslim problem in relation to attractions to violent extremism.[G2][G3][G4] The Labour government, in 2003, came up with a strategy to counter terrorism,[G5][G6]with the principal β†’

What caused the 2008 global financial crisis?

The crisis began to present itself within the United Stated as the housing bubble burst and the development of mortgage defaults predominantly those relating to subprime mortgages that had been consistently extended in increasing numbers as the bubble was to hit its climax with those of the less credit worthy of borrowers. In the early β†’

The ministry of education language

Jamaican English is the linguistic communication of formal communicating into which educational instructions falls and as a effect of the position accorded to English, it is considered the prestige linguistic communication while Jamaican Creole is relegated to the subsidiary. The challenge that many instructors of English face is helping pupils to develop an consciousness and β†’

Designer babies

Motivations to establish a process to consider the full ethical, legal, and social implications of this emerging technology, to ban it outright, or restrict its application, centered around a common recognition of the eugenic nature of PEG. Others, such as the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Greece, chose to limit the use β†’

Effect of communication on collaborative working

Negatively, poor communication within a team of health professionals might lead to conflict, lack of trust and may impact on patient care and safety. For this reason, the DoH emphasise the need for all health care professionals to work together collaboratively, communication effectively among each other and have an increased knowledge of the role of β†’

Ebola virus: structure, pathogenesis and treatment

The degree of interferon antagonist production is said to determine the pathogenicity of the virus and may account for the varying degrees of virulence among different strains of the Ebola virus [12]. Ebola virus glycoproteins, specifically the envelope-glycoprotein and the secretory-glycoprotein, play critical roles in the pathogenesis of the virus.

Is depression the main cause of suicide?

To investigate if depression is the main cause of suicide.2 2. According to a study from University of Missouri researchers, children who perform badly in the exam has negative self-perceptions and depression symptoms.

Mental health in older people sociology essay

It has been reported that Chinese people with mental health issues are underrepresented in the health services of the UK, lower than other ethnic minority groups. The causes of mental health issues among Chinese older people in the UK vary.

Oligopolistic market structures and management of them economics essay

One constructive approach of categorizing a market is by dividing it in terms of the number of firms on the supply side of the market and the buyers' concentration on the demand side. If the managers take the right course of action, properly assessing the behavior of their rivals in the industry, they are likely β†’

Impact of sexual abuse: case study of jaycee dugard

Some of the big milestones discussed in the book are Jaycee's first couple of weeks in captivity, giving birth to her two daughters at the ages of fourteen and seventeen, and the process of being free from the Garrido's at the age of twenty-nine. The kidnapping of Jaycee seriously impacted her and will continue to β†’

Editorial: neurodegeneration: from genetics to molecules

They describe the analysis of mutations in the genes involved in the production of the amyloid related to EOFAD. Landgrave-Gomez et al.reviewed the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the function and homeostasis of the central nervous system and their participation in a variety of neurological disorders.

Women and the labour market sociology essay

Today, there are various theories that link the segregation of men and women in paid employment to the partition of domestic duties between husband and wife, some of which date back to the 1970s. The Inevitability of Patriarchy by Steven Goldberg focuses on the genetic make-up of a male, in particular the effect of male β†’

The concept of family shouldn’t care about sexual preferences: the gay community’s right to adopt

Those who disagree with homosexual adoption also think that in response to being a child of such a lifestyle, it would encourage the children to be homosexual themselves. I thought that this was the best web-site of all because you know the information in reliable and they have a lot of information to offer.

Sammy we also watched two movies in class:

The first scene of the film was very real due to the fact that these " visits" would happen often during the war. The beginning of the film where us viewers see the scalping happen, shows a bit of mockery by the Basterds to the Nazi soldiers.

Athletic training and writing studies

Regardless of the choice of communication, the goal is the same throughout discourse communities and that is to have effective communication. The article " Redefining Professional Knowledge in Athletic Training: Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?" the study shows that by clearly relating the Professional body of knowledge and the evidence that is utilized in the β†’

Literacy analysis of the theme of “chee’s daughter”

While describing the time setting in " Chee's Daughter", the authors use purely and solely figurative language because instead of writing directly, " Chee's Daughter takes place in the present", they use the technology and clothing in the story to convey when the story takes place. By setting the story in contemporary times, the authors β†’

Theories and principles for planning and enabling learning

The aim of this essay is to identify and discuss the significance of relevant theories and principles of learning and communication. This statement places my students at the centre of learning experience and I have to agree with it?.

Comprehensive business proposal for will bury

This business proposal will identify the current state of Will Bury digital books and recommend a strategy to increase revenue and identify an optimum quantity to produce that will maximize the company? s profit. In addition to this, Will Bury can increase the price if required at the cost of a small loss.

Issue of fetal alcohol syndrome in north america

The evaluation of the relationship between poor nutrition and an increase in fetal alcohol syndrome will offer insight to counter the problem of FAS in the states of North America. The low food intake for the pregnant mother contributes to the weak growth of the child and increases the effects of the FAS.

Goods and services tax

With the advent of the GST, the statute on services and for goods will be framed such that there will be mutual exclusivity and hence the problem of double taxation will be obviated. In GST, the taxation of inter-state supplies of goods and services will also be a key challenge.

The rise and fall of carleton fiorina commerce essay

The article highlights the organisational culture in place " the HP Way" at the time of Carly's employment as CEO, and discusses the need to change the culture which had crept in over recent years. While gender bias and the glass ceiling may exist in the business world, there is not evidence in this case β†’

Extraction of caffeine from tea leaves

Water was used to extract the caffeine from the tea leaves for the reason that caffeine is soluble in water. After which, the water with caffeine was transferred in a separators funnel to where the next extraction process was performed, the liquid-liquid extraction.

Human factors, non-technical skills, and errors essay

Professor Michael Barnett in his article " Non- technical Skills: The vital ingredients in Maritime technology', 2006 stated that; the majority of accidents and incidents are not caused by technical problems but by the failure of the crew to respond appropriately to the situation. According to Oxford aviation academy it is: " The use and β†’

Ego defense mechanisms | analysis

The superego is a person's moral compass; it is comprised of the morals and values that are instilled in a person. Most defense mechanisms have the capacity to be adaptive or maladaptive depending on the context in which it is used and the duration of its use.

Thales key ideas and way of thinking philosophy essay

I think that the story of science is that of progress because of the fact that many scientific ideas are improved from one scientist to another; an example is the idea of Thales that the origin of matter is water; this was later improved to show that the water had an atom of oxygen. Protagoras β†’

Upholstered enjoy its space and versatility. requirements profile.

The main requirements for the furniture offered by the family are the following: proper comfort to enjoy the time spent on it, obligatory safety to be sure that children cannot suffer playing around, style and taste to invite friends and relatives and demonstrate cool furniture, and compactness to have enough space for different activities. However, β†’

Homeless women: demographics and interventions

Homeless Women: Demographics and Interventions Introduction Typically I only see men on the streets begging; however the number of homeless women is increasing, especially homeless women with children. Women can go in and out of periods of homelessness through out the year, so it is hard to maintain a good estimate of who is actually β†’

Literary traditions in yeats’ work

Eliot, in his landmark essay " Tradition and the Individual Talent", makes the point that " the past should be altered by the present as much as the present is directed by the past". In " Leda and the Swan", Yeats tells the tale of the fall of Troy.

A study on the neuroscience of learning

The research to be carried out purposes at set uping the importance of neuroscience of larning in instruction and single development; this means that effectual educational policies and patterns are prepared to give room for all the people to larn despite their acquisition challenges.it besides brings out how the encephalon develop during thechildhoodphase up to β†’

New market entrants case study

Describe the effects that the pad is likely to have on the business models of Apple, content creators and distributors. Q: Describe the effect that the pad is likely to have on the business model of Apple, content creators, and distributors.

Unit 9 the welfare system human services and social policy assignment

The purpose of the welfare system is to address social problems retrieved 11/27/11)." Some argue that the " importance" of a social problem depends on two things the power and social status of those who are defining the problem and urging the expenditure of resources toward a solution and the sheer number of people affected. β†’

The invasion of normandy history essay

The research question for this study is: To what extent did America's new and improvised technologies, such as the MULBERRY Harbor, Operation PLUTO, and the LCVP contribute to the American's success in the Invasion of Normandy? Most importantly, the role that technology played to the rest of the battle and the remainder of WWII will β†’

Beck’s cognitive theory of depression essay sample

Instead, a medical pursuit for the source of depression turned to studies of the human body and mind. The Diagnosis and Management of Depression.

Personal ethical framework essay

Also, I will create my personal code of ethics that will guide me in my professional and personal decision making and doing the right thing when faced with ethical challenges." Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" shows us how basic human nature does not change, whether it is firing as a means to resolve β†’

Commentary: blockade of activin type ii receptors with a dual anti-actriia/iib antibody is critical to promote maximal skeletal muscle hypertrophy

Inhibition of both receptors with a combination of these antibodies, bimagrumab, and CDD866, completely blocked Smad2/3 signaling induced by myostatin and activin A in comparison with the 30 50% inhibition with the either of the two antibodies. Morvan et al.reported the role of ActRIIA and ActRIIB in muscle growth, representing valuable targets for blockade in β†’

Bureaucracy is not diminished through the modern world business essay

So, there is a milestone way to achieve flexibility and therefore the idea of bureaucracy is still applicable to certain extent. As conclusion, most organisations are nowhere near to flexibility and therefore the idea of bureaucracy is still applicable to certain extent.

How do any of the films shown differ from bordwells understanding of classical narrative cinema essay sample

The idea of the " classical Hollywood narrative model" was to encourage the audience to suspend disbelief and almost join the protagonist in his/her journey. It could be argued that the passer-by was simply present to enforce the manipulative personality of the character of the man, a trait shown later in the film.

Saints, scholars and schizophrenics: mental illness in rural ireland

The family life in Ballybran is supposed to be parents and children it is not the rule but the expectation that the community has for each other. In the house the women's place is in the kitchen, and the men's place is in the barn and the fields.

How does shakespeare use his secondary characters in macbeth

However a feeling of catharsis is given from this scene, the death of a young child, of a woman some members of the audience maybe even most would have taken pleasure from it. The act of putting witches in the play would not only have impressed the king and kept Shakespeare as one of the β†’

Introduction to the company e on commerce essay

In the consumer market, this was complemented by a replacing of the largely bluish Powergen individuality to the ruddy individuality of E. In 1996, PowerGen underwent another reorganization to suit the development and variegation of the New Venture.

The renaissance era

Also the Baroque period saw the rise in popularity of Orchestras, which meant that the Violin and other stringed instruments became a more dominant figure in music and was a more thought of instrument during the composing of pieces. Mozart: Wolfgang Amadeud Mozart was born in 1756, in Salzburg and was the son of a β†’

Depiction of nature in sleeping in the forest and the fish by mary oliver

Imagery is a very prevalent feature in both of the works, but in slightly different ways." The Fish" focuses more on the subject of the fish and the actions it takes, so that the predominant aspect of the poem's imagery is how the fish appears in your mind. Light is a predominant feature in both β†’

The conflict of the english and the

The War of succession in the Karnatak and Hyderabad, the conflict of the English and the French in the South and the defeat of the Marathas in the third battle of Panipat helped him in consolidating his position. Thus the potential rise of Haidar Ali provoked the jealousy of the Maratha and the Nizam of β†’

Design and fabrication of cruise control system engineering essay

The throttle lever is soldered to the end of the throttle valve and the other end of the throttle valve is coupled to a return spring. The cruise control servo motor rotation angle is directly proportional to the speed of the vehicle.

Dracula: metaphor for human evil

Character elements are essential in Dracula for establishing the personalities and motives of characters and are furthermore essential in exhibiting the role that characters play in the battle of good against evil throughout the novel. The symbol of blood in Dracula contrastingly represents the physical and psychological transition from good to evil.

Criminal technology past to future criminology essay

INTRODUCTION Over the years and through several eras policing has changed, along with the change of policing styles came the formation and implementation of technology that helped them along the way. To better understand the role of police in society, one has to know the history of how policing became what it is today.

Is adorno & horkheimer’s concept of the “culture industry” culturally elitist?

He was a German sociologist and a philosopher, known to have been the director of the Institute of Social Research, a member of the ' Frankfurt School' and one of the founders of critical theory. According to the two philosophers, the media is an overly pessimistic account of the role of the mass media for β†’


The forebrain is the cerebrum and the diencephalons, the midbrain remain undifferentiated while the hind brains are the cerebellum, the pons and the medulla. In male it is divisible into prostatic part, membranous part and the penile part.

Michael fulcher

A steroid is a basic four-ring carbon structure, but different types differ in the number of carbon atoms attached to the number 17 carbon atom in the molecule, and in the way which hydrogen, oxygen, and the hydroxyl groups connect to the carbon atoms. Anabolic steroids will raise the amount of testosterone in the body β†’

The economic way of thinking about politics

The part that no one would defend is the time wasted waiting for the meeting to start, held up by someone who is late. There are ways of solving this problem, but they involve beheading late people in the hallway with a broadsword.

Challenges in translating academic research into therapeutic advancement

In this context, it is required the transparency of methods section, which will benefit the evaluation of the Reviewers and the reproduction of the study as well. In view of these facts, it is hard for the pharmaceutical industry to apply the knowledge emerging from the majority of academic studies.

Examining the importance of liberal feminism

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, feminism is " the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes; organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests". The two primary sources of gender inequality lie in the division of labor and gender socialization of children, according to liberal feminists.

Concern of toyota vehicle recall in malaysia marketing essay

The omnipresence of foreign news in media and probably their lack of knowledge of a divide entity managing the Toyota brand in Malaysia have mislead and confused the public to actually believe that all Toyota models in worldwide are plagued with these impaired safety features. So customers and public will be able to see and β†’

Student time management research

The summary of major finding of the study on how part 8 TESL students of UiTM Shah Alam is concluded in this chapter in order to know better how the students manage their time and provide recommendation and suggestions for further research. However, the difference of the respondents age do not reflect the effect on β†’

Data each type of ball. we can

It is most logical for the branch G to follow the branch A and be on the horizontal frontier. Calculation of the target to be obtained: Find the equation of the best frontier line.

Example by saying assignment

Steps for preparing a lesson plan Outlining learning objectives The first step is to determine what I needed the students to learn and be able to do at the end of class. Presenting the lesson plan, to let my students know what they will be learning and doing in class engaged with them and on β†’

Shock doctrines as the capitalism disaster politics essay

There are two clear elements to this stage in Klein's argument: firstly, the idea that modern western government-backed economic policy is in some ways directly influenced by the activities of US organisations such as the CIA; and secondly, the idea that experiments in using the shock doctrine in South America in the 1980's were so β†’

The hiroshima and nagasaki genocide history essay

With the completion, by the United States, of the most destructive weapon that has ever been created in the world, the decision now was of selecting the targets for the atomic bombs. There were several reasons which lead to the selection of Hiroshima and Nagasaki being the victim of the two bombings: Firstly, because the β†’

Association between excess iron and type 2 diabetes

However, excess amount of iron is found to be harmful to the body by altering glucose metabolism and the production of reactive oxygen species that play a role in the generation of additional reactive oxidants, such as hydroxyl radicals in which iron salt plays a catalytic role in a reaction. Our aim of the study β†’

Shall not be infringed essay

This quote is from one of the greatest men in the history of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson, the father of the Declaration of Independence, and the third President of the United States. Division regarding individual gun ownership has been a conflict since 1789, when discussions and subsequent inclusion of the Second Amendment β†’

History of cooperative society essay sample

The Government had accepted many of the recommendations and in 1904 " co operative societies Act" were passed. The First Plan also recommended for training of personnel's and setting up of Co-operative Marketing Societies.

The history of satan essay sample

The book of Genesis for instance bequeaths the serpent as a representation of the anti-God and the corruption of humanity, however, the book makes no mention of the serpent's true identity. The focal point is similar to Deuteronomy in such a way that as the independent agent in I Chronicles 21: 1, Zoroastrianism's perception of β†’

Why is foreign investment in china concentrated in the coastal areas essay sample

Then the obvious question becomes: " Why is it that such foreign investment is not evenly spread across the areas nationwide, and is instead concentrated in the coastal regions? " The concentration of foreign investment in the coastal areas is often attributed to the central government's regional policies that will first benefit some regions, particularly β†’

Cross cultural application of maslows hierarchy of needs commerce essay

This essay is structured into three parts, the first portion of this essay would dwell of an overview of the assorted theories of motive, the 2nd portion would look at Hofstede ' s cultural dimensions of individuality and Bolshevism while the concluding portion would analyze the pertinence and deductions of utilizing Maslow ' s Theory β†’

Factors influencing successful brand extension

Specifically the paper analyze the impact of similarity, brand reputation, perceived risk and consumer innovativeness on the success of brand extension into related or unrelated categories of FMCG products. The same insight on the part of Patro that brand extension is one of the new product development strategies which can decrease pecuniary risk by using β†’