8 Pages Essay Samples

To kill or not to kill

It has been proven throughout the history of modern of law, particularly throughout the history of English common law, which is the basis of the Canadian legal system in every province in Canada except for Quebec, a province where they practice Civil law, that 50% of eyewitness testimony is false. Another disadvantage to Capital punishment β†’

The hippie counterculture assignment

The Hippie Counterculture The Hippie Movement changed the politics and the culture in America in the asses. The Rock-n- Roll movement in the nineteen fifties planted the seeds of the Hippie Movement, but Kennedy's assassination, and the Vietnam War really is what sparked this social change in America.

Internet pornography essay sample

Today, over 9, 400, 000 host computers worldwide...are estimated to be linked to the internet." With so many computers connected to the internet now, and the fact they can be accessed from all over the world, it is very difficult to regulate the content of it. One of the main arguments for censorship of these β†’

Radiosensitivity of 60co gamma irradiation

The significance of the experiment was evaluated by ANOVA and the CD values at 5% in case of hatching of eggs is 1. Different doses used to study the hatching of the eggs, pupation from the larvae, adult emergence and survivality of the adults were 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.

Sustainability of australia’s retirement income system

The paper reveals that Australia's retirement income system still retains positive position in the long run although the age and service pension costs are going to increase mainly due to demographic trends and pension policy settings in the future, and indeed, age pension outlay and superannuation tax expenditures influence on the government's fiscal balance. As β†’

Lean operation and supply chain management textile industry

Zara's success is partly depend on such lean operation and effective communication from customer to store manager, from retail sector to design section and from production to distribution.it takes advantage of lean operation in order to take control of almost every aspect of design, marketing, production, retailing and distribution. It shows that operation management is β†’

Bilingualism and biculturalism

Types of bilingualism Various types of bilingualism have been found to exist as linguists continue to study the reasons and methods governing the existence of bilingualism. Bilingualism, the preservation of one's native language accompanied by command over a country's primary language, is necessary to achieve biculturalism in a society as well retaining one's true cultural β†’

Commentary: proteomics analysis revealed that crosstalk between helicobacter pylori and streptococcus mitis may enhance bacterial survival and reduces carcinogenesis

The presence of non- H.pylori microbes suggests the possibility that gastric microflora may interact with H.pylori and modulate physiology and morphology of this bacterium. An example of one such relevant research was the analysis of Streptococcus mitis, a physiological inhabitant of the human gastrointestinal tract, and H.pylori co-culture effect on the proteomes of both bacteria.

Sonny’s blues by james baldwin | analysis

However, as the title of the story goes, music forms the center of the short story." Sonny's Blues" was created in an African American setting, where music was growing and was apart of the culture. From the story, it is through music that the narrator realizes Sonny's ability and value in life.

Tacit collusion examples

As of 1984, there were effectively just two producers of salt in the UK because of the large barriers to entry in the salt industry, namely because it would be uneconomical to produce salt outside of the Cheshire area. Following a reference from the Director General of Fair Trading in 1983, the Monopolies and Mergers β†’

Guiding procedures for response to emergency situations on construction projects

Although there may be little time between the award of the contract and the start of the project, a good emergency response plan can be generic and, with some minor changes, can be easily adapted to specific sites and readily implemented. The emergency response plan posted in a conspicuous place on the project must identify β†’

Is the overall mood of “billy elliot” one of optimism essay sample

I am going to this by looking at the relationships that he has with his family and friends, how the political background is portrayed, the comical moments and the main scenes that are optimistic and contrast these with the pessimistic scenes. He does this without letting his family and friends, his background and the fact β†’

Literature: things fall apart and the epic of gilgamesh essay

The two are internally affected by the struggle between the forces longing for change and those advocating for the restoration of the status quo. The scenario is vividly illustrated in The Epic of Gilgamesh and Things Fall Apart, where forces beyond the confines of the community affect its capacity to evolve and prosper.

Problem on digital marketing in india assignment

The time they spend online is rising too and the regency of use is rising and people who have access use it a lot and continue to use it more and more. The professionals are graduating college with internet access part of their personal landscape so a clear effect is in play as this group β†’

Performance management

Alignment of Strategic Plan with Performance Tasks and Asks are congruent with organization and unit strategic plans Activities described support mission and vision of organization and unit How could the Job description for Trailer Truck Driver be improved to link with organization and unit strategic plans? However, it fails to identify the unique benefits, features, β†’

Psychoanalysis of a family’s entertainment patterns

Jamie is interested in the late shows on VH1 for that is the time when the channel airs a multitude of Rock/Grunge music the music he and his friends listen to. The ' Superego' and the ' Id' are in a constant state of conflict, with the ' Superego' trying to counterbalance the ' Id'.

Dilutional hyponatremia during intrauterine adhesion

Excessive absorption of large scale of distension media under high inflow pressure by openings of venous channels in endometrium, the large volume of transfusion fluid that is beyond the modulation ability of body may produce the most dangerous situation of severe hyponatremia, hypervolemia and hypoosmolality. The consequence of hysteroscopy is mainly determined by the type β†’

Discrimination: race and united states

Its not my fault that I put in the work to be the best that I can be and those who did not got the reward just because they were white. I just wish that everyone would be treated equally and we did not have to worry about being treated different because of the color β†’

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf(stonecraft)?

By looking at the institution of marriage in the aforementioned works, it is possible to interpret subordination on the basis of gender to be analogous to slavery insofar as the contemporary views are that a woman is to be bound to her husband, such that she cannot hold property and that she herself is technically β†’

The green river killer

Gary Leon Ridgway, known as the Green River Killer, dumping the first five bodies of his victims along the Green River in King County, Washington, pleaded guilty on the 5th November 2003, to the murders of 48 women from 1982 to 1998. At first, due to the large amount of data recieved at the police β†’

Childhood core

It is very important when having visitors in the setting ensuring then to follow the guide to health and safety to protect all the children and young children in the setting as it is also important for the practitioner to keep the children safe and themselves. It is important when a child is sick also β†’

Strategies for empowering the workforce

One of the most important things that we need to try to ensure is that our clients have, or develop, the skills to access ' information that simplifies the complex world of work and helps them navigate work over a lifetime.'. In order to cater for the diverse needs of each client, we should source β†’

Key worker living scheme analysis

These arguments will be put forward and evaluated in this paper and there will be a wider discussion of whether there is any real need to continue to have a ' key worker requirement' to trigger the assistance which is available to those in need of housing support within London. It is inevitable that there β†’

The case study of jones

In spite of that, the company seemed to take a blow in terms of meeting with the demand that exists in the market. However with the inception of the new product line the company chose to enhance the prices of their products.

The need for the corporate intrapreneurship

Current change in economy throughout the world pressurise to businesses and industries to change the strategies rapidly to satisfy the multiple stakeholders. The innovation action plan: after examining and facilitating the barriers in the innovation of an organization, managers ask the teams to start the process and take appropriate actions.

Are we entering the post antibiotic era?

The reason as to this would be due to the rapidly expanding understanding of the molecular biology of infectious diseases, the mechanisms involved in it and studies done on understanding the pathophysiology of an infectious disease. The cascade of antibiotic discovery continued, causing an increase in the manufacturing of antibiotics, research into the area of β†’

The struggle between social classes

In Jack Clayton's film, Room at the Top, the director shows how the struggle between the two classes operates in the British society after the World War II. Depicting a poor man's struggle as he tries to alter his place in society, the film attempts to mirror the reality that the poor will likely give β†’

Abc co. marketing strategy case assignment

Due to the length of the seasoning period, BBC usually has on the premises a supply of lumber adequate for four months of operations. The office and computer room are air conditioned, but the remainder of the building is not.

Enabling act in hitlers rise to dictatorial power

The summarised evidence includes of background information on the Reichstag Fire and the March 1933 Elections, a summary of the Enabling Act itself and its passage on 24 March 1933, the process of Gleichschaltung, and Hitler's eventual absolute dictatorial power in August 1934. Hitler successfully managed to do so, and the Enabling Act was passed β†’

Food contamination essay sample

The purpose of this experiment to provide an overview of some of the foreign materials present in fresh broccoli.presence of light filth in fresh broccoli has been observed by taking weighed samples of fresh broccoli in boiling water.similar experiment has been performed by taking fresh broccoli in boiling water containing lead acetate and acetic acid β†’

How can a natural monopoly be regulated?

It should be noted that the size of the market matters as it needs to be large enough for the natural monopoly to achieve economies of scale. Due to the characteristic of the industry a natural monopoly is in, it could charge a high price to gain substantial profit if left unregulated.

Ironclad ships 15721

The French produced the Gloire in 1858 and the British followed with the HMS Warrior. The engines of the USS Merrimack remained in the Virginia and were the main propulsion system for the Confederate ironclad.

Image and operations of the shopping centre tourism essay

The purpose of this report is to outline the research of the image and operations of the shopping centre and make recommendations to make it more attractive and better meeting the needs of the customers. Based on the key findings, the recommendations are addressed to premises, car parking provision, products and services to further improve β†’

The use of tabu subjects like sex, violence and gore as literary devices in dracula

They do not care about where the sperm goes once it is inside the vagina; they care about how many different ways one can make the sperm get into the vagina, why it feels so good, and why people are embarrassed to talk about it. These are the types of sexual descriptions and ideas that β†’

Teaching and learning vocabulary

In contrast, connotative meaning relates to the attitudes and emotions of a language user in selecting a vocabulary and the influence of these on the listener of reader's interpretation of the word. 3 Usage Teacher has to teach the usage of vocabulary about the situation when the word is used or is not used.

I mainly confined on specialized papers and always

The analysis of the material was set to the purpose of showing an excursus of the ideas in the most efficient combinations, trying to show a panoramic which represents the study of the chosen subject, not forgetting the original idea, based on the desire to know the rich world of visual art in a psychological β†’

Competitive analysis about reliance industries limited business essay

In the mid of 1999 and 2000 company became the 5th largest commercial producer of refinery in the world. All the products of reliance have a very high demand in international market, For example their petroleum products and polyester.

Post-civil war industrial expansion

The newfound emphasis on the concept of Manifest Destiny, the belief that Americans had a divine right to expand westward, spurred the development of many drastic transformations, including the rise of boomtowns, growth of the steel industry, and invention of the telephone and light bulb. Due to the lack of progress in the South and β†’

Hamlet, shakespeare analysis essay

To prove to members of the audience who could believe the ghost to be part of Hamlet's imagination due to his current state of melancholy, Shakespeare structured his play so that three characters see the ghost even before Hamlet knows of it. Hamlet: The mousetrap" So the spectators completely feel that Hamlet is trying to β†’

Annotated bibliography on assisted suicide philosophy essay

Active voluntary euthanasia is not immoralProhibition of euthanasia except with the consent of the patient is important in safeguarding the holiness of lifeEvaluation of the bookThe authors of this book do not arrange ideas in a sequential manner easy to summarizeThe ideas are sourced from varied debates and the authors jump into personal conclusion before β†’

An overview of service dominant logic marketing essay

The new evolving dominant logic for marketing which is called ' Service Dominant Logic' implies to the all the businesses and pays attention to what businesses need. The operant resources are the one part of the exchange and the other part is the service from beneficiaries.

Hawkins: branding strategy

The growth in the demand for Hawkins products is mainly the result of the combination of three factors: 1. Hawkins tag line of " a best way to cook" in its ads has shown that it's the best brand in the segment.

Case study of pavilion plc essay

PDRs, within the Pavilion concern are conducted by line directors who usually make a point of holding them frequently outside the concern premises and over a 3-4 hr clip slot so as to set the employee at easiness and assist make a relaxing and friendly treatment whilst concentrating on of import issues of employees' professional β†’

Understanding the enemy system theory

The general idea of the Enemy System Theory according to Volkan et al, is the hypothesis that humans have a tendency to discriminate which leads to the establishment of enemies and allies. Understanding the nature and parameters of a conflict is useful, but the objective is to use this analysis to resolve the conflict.

Alaysha green

There should only be a double space between the information and the title My Christmas Day Of 2010 As I woke up with the sun's rays in my eyes, I hit my phone alarm clock, which since it was ringing at 10 a.m. So I sat in a kitchen chair to watch and listen to β†’

John locke – philosophy

He explained the principle of checks and balances in order to limit the power of government. Cooper's condition worsened and Locke was in a position of opportunity to heal the Earl successfully.

Design of single mode te mode optical polarizers

A SiON guided movie is used as multilayered wave guide and utilizing transportation matrix method we propose the application of wave guide as a TE-Pass polarizer and TM-Pass polarizer holding a passband in the 3rd optical communicating window of 1550 nanometer. 3 Geometry of multilayer wave guide construction = refractile index of the screen= refractile β†’

Ship of theseus essay sample

The classical story is told by Plutarch, ' The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned from Crete had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their β†’

Is henry v an ideal christian king

The purpose of this speech is very obvious from the start; to warn the Dauphin of the forthcoming invasion of France and the defeat of the French which Henry believes will come about as a result. In the second part of the speech [lines 268-298] the language changes from that of a game of tennis β†’

Editorial: highlights of pog 2019 – plant oxygen group conference

Due to their short half-life, high diffusion capability and ability to react with different components in the cell, ROS, and RNS are key signaling molecules participating in various signaling pathways involved in the regulation of transpiration, gas exchange, biotic/abiotic stress response, cell death, germination, and plant growth and development. In their review, Iacopino and Licausi β†’

Aging and women’s sexuality

The factors that influence the sexuality of women in their middle and old age are socio-cultural, feminine, medical, political, economic factors and international factors. A Study of Sexuality and Health among Older Adults in the United States.

The education system in palestine

Since the beginning of the Aqsa Intifada in 2000 and until now, the suffering of the Palestinian education increased like other vital sectors in Palestine as a result of the ongoing and repeated Israeli aggression. According to the West Bank report of the " Educational Sector Analysis" published in 2006, in September 2000, it was β†’

Euthanasia essay

This argument about the quality of life is often related to euthanasia in that human rights dictate that every person has the right to a life of descent quality. Because of the life we have lived and the experiences that have moulded our thoughts and perceptions of matters will be influenced and this is certainly β†’

Football positions

The most important position on the offensive side, the quarterback is usually responsible for receiving the play from the coaches on the sideline and communicating the play to the other offensive players in the huddle. The only players eligible to handle the ball during a normal play are the backs and the two players on β†’

Assessing corporate culture

This paper will assess the corporate culture of Walt Disney, addressing the background of the organization, training and teaching, stories, legends and myths associated with the company, philosophy, values, mission statement and the organizational goals of the company. As the brothers increased their reach in the entertainment market, this small studio evolved into the corporate β†’

Defending insanity: an in-depth look at the insanity defense

Changes in the insanity defense laws and the abolishment of the defense is some states have made proving not guilty by reason of insanity nearly impossible. I founded a standard that took different mental disorders into account, this standard stated, ' A defendant will not be held criminally responsible if at the time of the β†’

Shakton andrews

And with that, Shakton headed to the kitchen." Corn has lots of carbs; my friend Corn on the Cob would be perfect for the Jones kids! As Shakton and Corn on the Cob climbed out of the drawer, Shakton asked his friend who else they should bring along to the dining room.

The impact of commercialization on the evaluation of dna evidence

In addition to the use of an LR approach, a second notion, that of the hierarchy of issues, is a vital element of evaluation. If a DNA-profile from a questioned sample can be attributed with a high degree of confidence to a particular body-fluid stain or material, then the results of DNA-profiling help address the β†’

Women in oedipus

She begs him to believe her, calling on the Gods; " For the love of God, believe it, Oedipus!" At first we see her as a strong woman; one who seems to have control of the situation and of her life, for her first appearance is putting an end to a fight between Oedipus and β†’

Jamie turner essay

In the beginning Cardullo planned to give Turner autonomy and full control of the marketing and sales of MLI. Along with the different personal styles, I question the managerial style of Cardullo and think he lacks competency to be in the position he is in.

The influence of humanity on education and women

In Wollstonecraft's " Vindication of the rights of women," the author utilized reason as a tool to argue her point about the history of women's suppression when it comes to achieving quality education and fair regard with men in the society. Given these descriptions of the works of Wollstonecraft and Rousseau, this paper posits that β†’

Effect of perception and empathy on self concept

To begin, one must first understand some of the core concepts and definitions of terms that will be utilized in this paper, such that the reader can understand the relatedness and intertwined nature of one's perception and the self-fulfilling prophecy. Next, we must consider the ever so interesting concept of perception, for which Adler and β†’

Basis: criminal responsibility. the basis therefore is

The nature and the extent of the unsoundness of mind required must reach that stage as would make the offender incapable of knowing the nature of his act or that he is doing what is either wrong or contrary to law. In a case of legal insanity it is to be proved that the insanity β†’

Hurricane katrina and new orleans

I think that what happened to Zeitoun is due to the chaos after the hurricane and the lack of one authority that has an overview and bears responsibility for all the helping and security organization that went to New Orleans. Answer to question four: I would say that the emotional loss is the most significant β†’

About the trainee

Those are the reasons why I do not want to take any responsibilities.* After the Training After the On-the-Job Training, I can now handle difficult tasks and finish it on time. Another problem that I have encounter is during on the first day of our On-the-Job Training, we felt nervousness because we do not have β†’

The fear of crime in rural and urban areas and how it impacts society

In its social and behavioural impact, fear of crime may be as potent as victimisation itself Fear of crime has been embedded into the mental landscape of areas both rural and urban areas for some time, with the increasing complexity and sophistication of crime comes greater challenges for governments and local authorities to combat both β†’

Midnight not completed my goal of writing during

Every night, around midnight, once I was certain that my family was asleep, I would rise from my bed and walk to the door, and I closed it -oh so gently! And then, once I had pulled out my precious document, I would write, being the only noise in the house and I wrote until β†’

Accounts receivable

There are five classes of transactions in the sales and collection cycle; Sales Cash Receipts Sales returns and allowances Write-off of unconvertible accounts Estimate of bad debt expense The Key control activities are proper segregation of duties, authorization, documentation and recording, preparation of monthly statements and internal reification procedures. Compare write-off of unconvertible accounts as β†’

African architecture

For instance, from the perspective of regional city developments, there was case examples of the Eko Atlantic based on the Victoria Island of Lagos city to the most cherished Tatu city on the outskirt of Nairobi City in Kenya to the eastern region of Africa. In the development of these projects, there was involvement of β†’

Anthony impacts to the social fabric of

The topicof street-level prostitution can be considered to be deviant in that it goesagainst societal and religious norms as the concept of engaging in sexualbehavior to be paid is illegal in nearly all groups. The concept of structural functionalismviews the arrangement of the society as a complex system made up of differentparts which work together β†’

The origin of the state

The question I believe the origin of the state can answer is how much involvement the government of a just state should have in the affairs of its people. I wish to refute to claim that the " minimal state" introduced by Robert Nozick is the best and most just form of government, in favor β†’

Cholera an epidemiological review health essay

Furthermore, the causes can be related to the epidemics in a way that socio-economic status of a region plays a significant role in the acquisition and transmission of cholera for the reason that recent evidences suggest that cholera spread is greater in areas where the living conditions are crowded and where there is no proper β†’

Selection decision based on first impression in recruitment

A formal definition of Selection is:- " It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. But many companies that rely heavily on the interview for their selection decisions may not realize that some types of structured behavioral and competency interviews can β†’

Compare harlow and mary anisworth essay

Compare and Contrast the work of Harry Harlow and Mary Ainsworth on understanding attachment ' Attachment' is a permanent secure and positive feeling that bonds one individual to another.one of the strongest signifiers of fond regard is thought to develop between a female parent and kid. Just like in one of Harlow's fluctuations experiment Ainsworth β†’

The black veil by charles dickens and talking in whispers

Different in storyline but similar in themes and ideas ' Talking in whispers' is about a man of 16 years old, Andres, up recently losing his father to the secret police, struggles to deliver evidence of the Juntas brutality, with the help of twins Isa and Berto, and is tortured in the process. Going back β†’

Meaning and validation through alternative epistemology (sidewalk and real women have curves)

In Black Feminist Thought, Patricia Hill Collins responds to the idea that institutionalized oppression is the result of distorted identity, in which marginalized groups either identify with their oppressors and thus lack the means to validate their experience or are somehow inferior to their oppressors and do not have the agency to recognize their maltreatment. β†’

Classification positive displacement non positive displacement engineering essay

The reciprocating pumps are operating by using a reciprocating piston or diaphragm and the liquid enters a pumping chamber through an inlet valve and is pushed out through an outlet valve by the action of the piston or diaphragm. There is another option that can be done by this reciprocating pump which is it can β†’

The struggle of african americans to derive meaning and identity in african american literature

Using a sociological and biological criticism as a way to analysis, it can be noted that each of the three literary works encompass the struggle of African Americans to derive meaning and identity into their lives as African Americans given their disadvantaged position in society. However, in spite of these disadvantages that the African Americans β†’

Management and financial accounting

Finance overheads are distributed to Building, planning and CS departments in the ratio of 6: 3: 1. CS overheads of = 8230 are distributed to building and planning on the basis of CS tasks in the respective departments.

Human resources technological resources and reputation

The tangible resources are the hard rock for a company's establishment, because the financial resources provide a place for the company and the equipment as well as the workforce allows the company to process and produce products. The tangible resources of Apple Company include financial resources, because Apple is one of the big companies of β†’

The reforms by deng xiaoping

In the next phase the goal was the centrally planned economy into an open market, where supply and demand the price of a product is determined. The government interferes it is also not in the business, production and trade of the companies.

Evaluation of dells model of supply chain management

One of the most advantageous activity that it performs is that it directly obtain the customer requirement in both software and hardware segment that is the main essence of its supply chain management. Documentation is considered to be an important step in supply chain management of the company as it is this factor that makes β†’

The portrayal of sin in the wife of bath by geoffrey chaucer and tis pity she’s a whore by john ford

Even in death, Annabella's repute is tarnished and she is further reprimanded, as evident in the Cardinal's rhetorical interrogative " Who could not say, ' Tis pity she's a whore?" This end-focus on her sexual activity places the blame of all the tragic events of the play in on Annabella, and therefore punishes her indefinitely. β†’

Understand health and safety in social care settings essay sample

The first person on the scene should make the environment safe and assess the nature of the problem.2. Aiv: If you do not follow the care plan and risk assessments within it and an injury is caused to the individual in your care, you will be held responsible for that injury and anything that happens β†’

To what extent was mary i successful in her attempt essay

Mary took the throne in July 1553 an in October of the same year, Parliament passes a Statute of Repeal, which repealed the Act of Uniformity of the previous year and stated that all administration of sacrament and divine services should be as they had been in the last years of Henry VIII's reign. In β†’

The battle of vicksburg

The Battle of Vicksburg was a one that had an immense effect not only on the Union and the Confederate armies, but also the Civil War and the United States altogether. The Battle of Vicksburg, which is also known as the Siege of Vicksburg, was a significant battle that was considered the " key" to β†’

Socio-economic influences on health

In addition, those with high disposable incomes are more likely to live in hospital trust areas which are well resourced and well-funded, and if not they are more likely to ' make a fuss' to try and force a change or have the ' know how' to demand a second opinion or go to the β†’

Editorial: contemporary perspective on 5-ht 2c receptor function and its pharmacological targeting

Most recently, the 5-HT 2C R has been shown to exist in oligomeric formations and the 5-HT 2C R is thought to signal as homodimer and could function as a heterodimer in complex with other GPCRs with the consequence of changing the molecular and cellular impact of the receptor signaling. The allure of uncovering the β†’

Managing recruitment and selection business essay

This paper will assist to explicate the consequence of both the regulation and managerial process on the development of enlisting and choice categorize staffs demands and current a apprehensible instance for vicissitudes in irregularity capitals systemize and conduct a choice process, formalize a consequence and maintain vital records and besides link the choice determinations and β†’


Recycling is the process of converting waste and materials into useful products to avoid the wastage of potentially useful resources, conserve the fresh raw resources for the future, reducing the pollution caused during the disposal of waste like the combustion of useless products and the activities like landfills which causes the contamination of soil and β†’

Harvard review case study: eastman kodak company: funtime film essay sample

This paper seeks to illustrate the different situations in the market that a product may face and strategies taken in order to keep the company making sales as well as maintaining its market share. We examine the various strategies in which Kodak has ventured in over the years in its quest to remain the leader β†’

An appraisal of uk’s opposition to the proposed eu ftt

It is, however, raising controversy among EU member states, with particular opposition from the UK government citing negative impacts of the tax.[2] The scope for this proposed tax is transactions on financial instruments undertaken with at least one financial institution party to the transaction established within the territory of a member state of the EU, β†’

Editorial: impacts of tropical landscape change on human diet and local food systems

Clear links between forest cover and diet and nutritional outcomes have been shown, while more recent work has started to disentangle the differential impacts of land use type, composition and configuration on diets and the consumption of specific food groups. This special issue brings together a collection of papers that examine the effects of land β†’

Constructivist theory of development

However, this essay will explore the theories of how children learn and develop from birth, with emphasis placed on the constructivist learning theory in relation to the development of children from infancy and towards adulthood. This example demonstrates that both the constructivist learning theory and the development of scientific enquiry apply to even the youngest β†’

The withered arm by thomas hardy and the schoolteachers guest by isabelle allende

At the end of the chapter the reader is left wondering what will happen between Rhoda and Gertrude a point that will keep the interest of the reader. This is a point that fascinates the reader as it helps to explain a lot of occurrences especially the murder.

Neem plant essay sample

Other uses * Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetics such as soap, neem shampoo, balms and creams as well as toothpaste.* Besides its use in traditional Indian medicine, the neem tree is of great importance for its anti-desertification properties and possibly as a good carbon dioxide sinks.* Practitioners of traditional Indian medicine recommend that β†’