8 Pages Essay Samples

The taj mahal

Agra contains three World Heritage Sites, including the Taj Mahal." According to the petitioner, the foundries, chemical/hazardous industries and the refinery at Mathura are the major sources of damages to the Taj. The court was assisted in its efforts to improve air quality in the TTZ by the reports prepared by the NEERI, Gas Authority β†’

The transfer and trade of souls: research paper example

Trafficking of humans for the purpose of their exploitation for commercial use is a growing concern for nations all over the world and more must be done both at the local and national level to stop this problem. In fact, most of the nations have failed to effectively address the human trafficking that occurs within β†’

Minerals critical thinking

Optical properties of minerals play a significant role in the identification of minerals and hence making the basis of mineralogy. The color of the mineral is due to the constituent minerals that form it.

The theme of oppression in the fire next time

The effect of the second world war was not seems very dominated in Baldwin's idea, it do bring him, actually to most of the people who experienced the war that how serious grieved the extreme violence could cause. To reach to his audience, Baldwin first discussed the " innocent white" was the culprit of pushing β†’

Beloved: modern african american storytelling essay samples

Morrison's Beloved is not " a story to pass on" on because it is a personal and individual psychological reading experience, not the kind of story you tell around the campfire or to children as they go to sleep. Beloved is a ghost of the past, and represents the darkness of the past and slavery β†’

Analysis of still i rise

The purpose of this research is to focus on the poem, " Still I Rise" to analyze the significance of Angelou's twofold strategy: the impact of the question she poses to the public; and her assertion of her heritage as a foundation for her perpetual advancement. The first way that Angelou used it was as β†’

Example of term paper on survival and subversion: african-american resistance to jim crow

In the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, the Federal government enacted the 13th Amendment freeing the slaves and the 14th Amendment, which granted African Americans citizenship. The Federal government adopted a very political, largely hands-off stance on Jim Crow and the movement to integrate the South until the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s β†’

Market analysismarrybrown

Goalsand Objectives; To improve their position in the home-grown market and strengthen their brand; To ensure customer satisfaction with service and build a repeat-customer base; Improve the image of Marry-brown amongst Malaysian; To make the public aware of the high standards food serving by Marry-brown; To make the public aware of what's Marry-brown has to β†’

Financial market in sri lanka

The purpose of this chapter is to put the phase and reexamine the fiscal market in Sri Lanka and to discourse the audit market with particular accent on the Big 4 audit houses. One of the most of import maps of the fiscal system is to guarantee safety and efficiency in payments and security β†’

Keynes’s analysis of the stock market and identifying the related policy essay sample

In Chapter 12 of the General Theory of Employment, John Maynard Keynes focused on examining the stock market and how it functions, in the sense of its structure and how it is affected by the behavior of investors because he believed the behavior of the stock market affects the aggregate demand, hence the rest of β†’

The theory of perfect competition

In this kind of setting, there is only one company doing the supply of a specific good or service, and the company can price the service or good the way they want as customers do not have any other option and it is also very difficult for any other companies that would like to join β†’

A modest approach for load balancing using advance genetic algorithm

Also, able to understand the evolution and performance factors of the algorithm with dissimilar probability for the GA operators and compare the round robin algorithm, equally distribute current execution and throttled. In this research work to perform the evaluation and proposed advance Genetic algorithm essentially used for feature optimization affording to the requirement of load β†’

The role of nutrigenomics and metabolomics in public health-cancer research paper example

Among the fundamental areas in genomics is transcriptomics which concerns the transcription of DNA to RNA and Proteomics, the translation of RNA to proteins. This has led to the development of study of the effect of interaction of genes and bioactive food components, Nutrigenomics.

Thermo mechanical analysis of heat-induced denaturation and gelation of whey proteins thesis

The primary structure of proteins is determined by the sequence of the amino acids in the protein. Proteins perform many functions in the body like regulation of the replication of the genetic code and regulation of the cellular machinery that form the phenotype of organisms.

The island of dr. moreau (1996 film)

As the two thrust into the compound, Montgomery explains the islands history to Edward, and when they make a halt to drop off some coneies, Edward is surprised when Montgomery all of a sudden snaps on of the rabbit's cervixs. Edward is disquieted to state the least, and manages to pick the lock and acquire β†’

Democracy in islam

Islam is " to give oneself unconditionally to God" According to Abed Shukri, Islam is " the monotheistic religious system of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Quran. Another definition gives necessary insight into the historical aspect of Islam and the β†’

Good example of has religious rhetoric been instrumental in the shaping of the modern world argumentative essay

For instance, Liguori writes, Calvin in his work The Institutes of Christian Religion discusses the importance of discipline in the church that is, for both the clergy and the congregation. Haeckel in the writing The Confession of Faith of a Man of Science argues," the whole cognizable world is constituted, and has been developed, in β†’

Spiritual beliefs essay sample

I am a 23-year old Iranian, a race that is the object of suspicion of the people of the United States as the president of Iran proclaimed once that he is dreaming of leading radical Muslims to an anti-American jihad a few years ago. Islam is one of the oldest and biggest religions in the β†’

Free history of the arab state in jerusalem case study sample

In looking at the history of Jerusalem, it is very clear that in the beginning the Jewish community was the one who were dominating Jerusalem. The aftermath of the war brought about the division of the land into the East of Jerusalem and the West.

Roger’s reign & its impact on the society

Adding to this, the combination of Byzantine and Latin influences to create one Christian iconography also demonstrates the decline of Arab influence as Roger tried to counter pre-Norman Sicily Arab-dominant influences in order to establish a new Norman Sicily. Nicholas of Bari in the basilica of Bari and the mosaic of Roger crowned by Christ β†’

Philippine literature

The May 2010 election was considered to be the cleanest and fastest elections in the Philippines since the restoration of elite democracy after the dark Martial Law years of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos. This is despite the controversies looming on the automated elections, the system glitches during the elections, the failure of elections in β†’

Cooperative foccus management and history

The said Award was given by the representative of the The Secretary of Department of Trade and Industry, Hon. PMPC is a financial service, member-owned Cooperative dedicated to provide the financial needs of its members since 1965.

The canterbury tales research paper

Chaucer used the tales and the descriptions of his characters to paint a very critical and ironic paint of the English Community at the time in particular the church of that time. The Canterbury Tales were actually written in the English of the Middle in a dialect which was associated with London and the spellings β†’

Free critical thinking on critical analysis of the apology of socrates by plato

The name of the work itself is a bit of a misnomer; here, Socrates is not apologizing, but merely speaking in defense of his beliefs and actions the word apology is used in the context of its original meaning. Socrates was always fascinated with the solving of questions, both big and small; his approach was β†’

Sociology of death

The variations in how societies view and treat death can be linked to the influences of technology, religion and the media as agents of socialization. From the interactionist perspective, death becomes a symbol of all that is fearsome and to be avoided.

Good example of essay on family impact on intimate relationships

The influence of the family's life to the members of the family has diminished immensely in the past century especially in developed countries. This study aims to find the current extent of the impact of families on intimate relationships, and the impact of freedom to the choices that young people make in indulging in β†’

Developing and evolving graphic design industry

For an ancient practice that has turned into a massive industry, it is troubling to see that according to a poll question that was conducted in 2012, about 93% of graphic designers agreed to the statement that the graphic design industry is in bad shape and do not know where the discipline is headed. The β†’

Scheduling system

Scheduling is the process by which you look at the time available to you, and plan how you will use it to achieve the goals you have identified. The scheduling tool that is best for you depends on your situation, the current structure of your job, your taste and your budget: The key things are β†’

Good example of creative writing on behaviour change

The second benefit it will be confidence, after I will see that I can finish what I intended to do, I rich to my goal, I will have more confidence in myself that I can do everything I intend to do. I arrived home and ate a healthy lunch and then I started to do β†’

Example of essay on stress and post traumatic stress disorder

Abstract This essay explains the meanings of stress and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and how the various types of stress including PTSD affect us and our daily lives, including the effects on those close to us. The essay concludes by reiterating that stress can seriously affect the lives of the sufferers and those close to β†’

Health psych research paper example

Therefore, given the multidimensional nature of the pandemic, it is vital to understand the psychosocial dynamics of the disease and to endeavor to improve the HRQOL of PLWH as part of the multidimensional management of the disease. A vital point that has been made in the study is that disclosure is the key to getting β†’

Nurse burnout and stress in neonatal intensive care unit literature reviews examples

Burnout refers to the condition of exhaustion of physical or emotional strength, or loss of motivation to work. Burnout may result in the kind of cynicism that is the belief that human nature is not good such as feeling of selflessness of others.

Role stress amongst nurses at the workplace essay sample

At the end of the paper, the expectation is that the reader will have a clear understanding of job stress, a phenomenon that the United Nations and World Health Organization has deemed a " worldwide epidemic" and the process of concept analysis. The article explains that the purpose of the study is to " define β†’

Free essay about decubitus ulcer

According to Campbell and Charles, one of the major causes of decubitus ulcer to appear on a person skin is excessive pressure. The specialists may evaluate the ulcers on various critical aspects like:- The size and depth of the pressure sore - The type of tissue that is directly affected by the ulcer i.e.skin, bone β†’

Contract dispute course work

He used humor and poignant analogies to catch the audience's attention and draw them into a story, only to swing it around and reveal it to be a point he was making. Emotion based coping is when a problem occurs, and the person attempts to deal with the way it makes them feel instead of β†’

Dhl worldwide express essay

The strategic choices faced by the DHL Division of the company concern; i) its relative concentration on its international express business as compared to its domestic business; ii) how to handle its domestic operations; iii) relative emphasis on documents vs.non-document segments and iv) how to leverage the strengths of the operations of the other divisions β†’

Introductionimagine and enduring physical and mental suffering

The defense of physician-assisted death is dying patient is to withdrawal from life support and a dying patient receiving a physician help in dying is not when both of these things led to death. Integrity of the physician These laws are the guidelines to Physician-assisted death, more so it upholds the integrity and rights of β†’

Introduction is thus very engaging. business context and

Nevertheless, 57% of Unilever's business is in emerging markets such as Brazil and Mexico suggesting Unilever has risen to the challenge. Unilever's goals of management development are to develop employees' ability to achieve their full potential and foster future leaders of the firm.

Business analysis and decision making in hospitality industry

The author argues that hotel branding, as a sub theme of marketing and management will ultimately determine the success of any operating hotel in the UK. The decisive role of management and marketing has clearly made a difference in the success of hotels in the UK hospitality industry.

Capital budgeting decision process

The management is responsible to participate in the process of planning, analyzing, evaluating, selecting and making decisions to allocate the limited resource to those investments. A sound capital budgeting decision process is beneficial to achieve the aims of financial management.

Franklin roosevelt and jimmy carter: the tale of two presidents essay

His is the longest term in the history of the American presidency; he was the only president who exceeded two terms in office. One of the outcomes of the legislative efforts of the Roosevelt administration is the Banking Act of 1935.

Technology is consuming the world

It was not the nicest of phones, but I could expand the boundaries I was used to and call, text, and search the web. I would not say I was spoiled, but once I got old enough to work tablets, the internet, and understand the technology world I began to ask " mom can I β†’

Participatory sensing services for smart phones

It makes use of Internet to allow citizens to use their mobile phones to interact with PEIR, and explore and share the impact between environment and the citizens. Methods Data collection and interpretation are the heart of participatory sensing which places the emphasis on the involvement of citizens and community groups.

Cell phones thesis

From 1983 to the end of the 1980's cell phones grew in popularity due to the innovations in cellular networks that were able to handle phone calls in either one area or hand them off to other areas. The biggest lament of teachers in regards to cell phones is that they lead to student distraction β†’

Prioritizing cell phone choice by college students

Introduction History of cell phones: The history of cell phones dates back to 1920's. The way the college students arrange their choices of cell phones makes a difference when studying the demand of cell phones of students.

Book review the rise of christianity by rodney stark

From the University of California, Berkeley, where he held appointments as a research sociologist at the Survey Research Center and at the Center for the Study of Law and Society". He wants the reader to know that he is first and foremost a sociologist, and that his interest in including historical context is non- professional.

Compare and contrast christians vs muslims

With a place like America, considering the freedom of the people, the views and morals and values of the people, who inhabit this beautiful country it is not hard to figure out why they call it the " melting pot." Depending on who is describing its beauty, to most it would be known as theAmerican β†’

Pran group swot analysis

Then we will launch our product in to the market. In this way we will continue our production and give a particular image to the mind of every customer.

Analysis swot tows and financial herman miller

The debt ratio is found by taking the company's total debt and dividing it by the total assets of the company. The ROA is found by taking the net income and dividing it by the total assets of the company.

Review questions: essay sample

Sticky price model: The model suggests that firms do not immediately change the prices in response to the change in market demand. Even with the price rise of goods, producers attach the rise to increase in relative prices but which is merely the rise in general price level in the market.

Apple’s financial analysis part 2

It is because in April 2007 they made a bad decision when announced that Apple will be using what is commonly referred to as the " subscription method of accounting" for sales of the iPhone where the sales revenue from the iPhone is deferred and recognized over a 24-month period instead of at the point β†’

Research paper on proteins

The participation of the proteins in the cell processes are great as most of the proteins are enzymes that are involved in several reactions as they catalyze the reactions. The gene sequence defines the sequence of the amino acids in the protein.

Example of king creon is more of a tragic hero than antigone research paper

Moreover, a comparative analysis of the tragedies of Antigone and King Creon are followed by the story, and Creon is proved the real tragic hero of the story. Antigone decides to give burial to the dead body of her brother Polynices against the will of the new King Creon of Thebes.

Premature baby

Kangaroo care is also known as kangaroo mother care, kangaroo baby care, and skin to skin care. Although the name varies, the concept is that holding an infant, naked except for a diaper and hat, against the bare chest of an adult for the purpose of providing the infant with a natural thermal environmental, nurturing β†’

Big ass english paper

This is because the children learn quicker and easier if they have fun while doing something, and while Ender enjoyed himself at first, right about when he was made a commander he started to hate the position because of the amount of work he had to do without frequent breaks, or breaks at all. When β†’

Duty of care in own work role essay sample

For example, in a focused activity where scissors is to be used, I would firstly check that the table and chairs being used are height appropriate for the children and young people as well as check that there is enough space and room for all to move their arms freely in, without bumping into the β†’

Child marriage in india

Child marriage is a common practice in many countries around the world, however it is especially prevalent in India, where more than one third of all child brides live.[1] According to UNICEF, 47% of girls are married by 18 years of age, and 18% are married by 15 years of age.[2] These marriages are often β†’

Preschool classroom essay sample

As the new school year approaches I will be redesigning the classroom environment and curriculum by incorporating theories from Reggio Emilia, Creative Curriculum, and High Scope Curriculum along with including state standard activities to cover the main concepts for the core subjects to prepare for Kindergarten. I think it is important to include the different β†’

Example of essay on taxation

In case of the hire purchase agreement, the cash price of the equipment will be considered in the computation of the capital allowances for the product. When one wants to get the altered value of the accrual basis, it lies between the correct value of the accrual accounting and the correct value of the cash β†’

Dow chemical by kai draaisma laurens de blij diedrik

Cracking ethane in the region will result in lower operating risk for Dow meaning the supply/input risk for the production of Polyethylene. However, changes in the policy of the government will cause a risk for Dow and their foreign investments.

Power trip assignment nicole boren

Since the end of WWII the definition of FDI has expanded and evolved into what we see today and thus has allowed for the globalization of industries into unforeseen markets and the establishment of relationships that have added in foreign trades etc. For AES it would seem to be a disadvantage due to the failure β†’

Analytical study of ecops: e-governance project by government of andhra pradesh essay sample

With the launch of eCOPS in June 2002 and later its state-wide deployment on the web-enabled platform in 2008, Andhra Pradesh became the first state in India to introduce a state-wide online police network to improve the performance of state police units in controlling crime, maintaining law and order, and in administration. The connectivity across β†’

Reflection essay on police discretion

If discrimination due to an officer's use of discretion results in a violation of due process it is a violation of the law. The topic of police discretion in relation to ethical dilemmas is also a heated debate.

Homosexuality in the military during world war ii

In 1990, Allan Berube in his study - Coming out under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two discussed experiences of gays and lesbians in the military of the United States during the World War II. Jackson's book - One of the Boys - is a deeply researched study of β†’

Training pipeline for a us army special forces operator essay sample

According to the Office of the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia it is said that this elite force comprises less than one percent of the entire active combat force of the United States Army meaning that in order to survive the cut and make it through some of the most intense mental and physical training the β†’

Example of time delay strategy research paper

The importance of time delay is that it gives the students a chance to read words that they find to be challenging for them. The importance of time delay is that it gives the students a chance to read words that they find to be challenging for them.

The financial feasibility of the 2008 beijing olympics research proposals example

The entire analysis of this paper is to analyze the financial feasibility of Chinese region after the Olympics, or the effectiveness of Olympics over the financial and economic position of the company. It was one of the largest sports events that happened or initiated in the history of the Chinese region The country had spent β†’

Free research paper on the effectiveness of mentoring programs for women and minorities

The majority of the minority mentorship programs are headed by a " coach" who coordinates activities of the program and a cohort of mentees. Effective Change: Evaluation of the women and mentoring program.

Relationship of entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity

This essay will primarily conduct a brief definition of entrepreneurship and innovation while introduce the role of problem solving and creativity, and thereby observe the synergy between entrepreneurship and innovation. In addition, innovation and entrepreneurship are respectively vital contributors to economy development, whereas the insufficient nature of innovation calls for mediating effect of entrepreneurship.

Corporate entrepreneurship as a tool for organizational growth

Firstly, the absence of consensus among scholars about the definition of the corporate entrepreneurship concept which is related to the various and contradictory definitions of entrepreneurship. 2 The purpose of this Literature Review The purpose of this paper is to give an overview about the different definitions and perceptions of the corporate entrepreneurship concept in β†’

The existence and common occurrence of xenophilia in migration

The issues faces by the receiving states tend to be generalised to migrants attraction to the receiving state being out of greed, that the migrants want what they do not have in the home space, but hope to be able to have in the receiving space, which natives of the receiving space see as being β†’

Effects of globalization on migration essay sample

Secondly, the transformalists have three groups of defining globalisation; the first group refer it with the alteration in the political positions what Held & et al have called the hyperglobalists, this also emphasis on the transformation of economics with the disappearance of the national state as the natural consequence of the process through networks of β†’

An examination of two ethnic groups in early america creative writing examples

The Native Americans obviously were treated very differently than the Irish, for example, and the Chinese were particularly singled out for treatment which included banning them from attaining citizenship at all in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The difference in treatment of Chinese and German immigrants is an interesting one.

The roots of immigration legislation argumentative essays examples

The immigration legislation in the U.S.today is the product of decades worth of political wrangling and public anger on both sides of the debate. The Clinton Administration had to address the brewing anti-immigration sentiment and decided to emphasize interdiction of illegal border crossers and enforcement of immigration law by increasing the number of Border Patrol β†’

Good research paper about other

Today, the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which share the same island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean are vastly different. The living conditions of the countries are distinctly different with the Dominican republic being relatively well off and the island nation of Haiti in new poverty conditions.

Example of religious background of germany and how it has impacted immigration, migration or research paper

A developed country is combination of diverse cultures, races and ethnic backgrounds because in its past a lot of people belonging to different areas of the world had migrated to this country and so had influenced it in one way or another. Earlier there used to be a lot of racism and conflicts among the β†’

The chicanos and the spanglish essay

The Mexican immigrants and the Mexican Americans form a fairly big proportion of the total immigrants occupying the United States. As of 2008, the population of the Mexican immigrants and the Mexican Americans was estimated at 11.

Good example of young immigrants and cultural traditions essay

The Ganguli family in The Namesake originate from India and they reside in Massachusetts, in the East Coast while the Mexican family in The Moths live in Los Angeles in the West Coast. The elderly women in these families occupy a very important role in the lives of the characters, for instance the privilege of β†’

Impact of trade on empires

In the 20 th century the British Empire begun to rise because they took over some parts of Africa and acquired the resources needed for their industrial revolution, technology also helped the Empire defeat the Chinese and Indians. The Mongolian Empire The Mongolian Empire was the largest Empire that ever formed in the history of β†’

Science fiction and empire on environmentalism

Through the use of empires as the powerhouses of society, SF books like War of the Worlds and Foundation dig deep into the question of what would happen if societies continued to allow the progression of destructive and commercial technologies. By providing a glimpse of the future as a product of current technological change, science β†’

Inca empire significance essay

A noteworthy fact about the Incan roads was that the roads never experience the roll of a wheel or the stomp of a horses' foot because the Incas did not know the existence of the wheel and there were no horse natural to the area. In brief, the roads of the Incan Empire were not β†’

Reasons for the decline of the ottoman empire

What were the reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire was one of the biggest and strongest empires in history, however, the identity of them being a military superpower was slowly fading away. This essay explores the reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire and justifies why the decline in β†’

The causes of the economic recession of later roman empire

The legions of Empire used to be the reason for the prosperity of the Empire but in the later period they could not protect the Empire any more. The influence of military decay on economy In the first part of my paper, I want to discuss what kind of role the military power of the β†’

Significance of the distinction between an employee and independent contractor

Instead, it is up to the employer to bear the liability as the employee is regarded as having the consent to do discharge services on behalf of the employer. The Tests for the Determination of Employees and Independent Contractors In the past, it has been a rather difficult task for courts to draw the line β†’

Example of essay on corporate employee citizenship and ethics

Employees in the business are expected to maintain the highest level of ethics in the business. Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization.

Essay on whistle blowing in organizations

To encourage whistle blowing in organizations, there has to be a way of removing the disincentives and introducing good incentives to whistle blowers. Whistle blowing is a practice that should be done with the sole motive of discouraging unethical and immoral activities in the organization and promoting integrity.

Analytical report samples

Promotions related to prevention of sickness and lifestyle management are offered under the program referred as workplace wellness, from single interventions to multi-component programs, benefits directly offered by the employers, by a vendor, plans of health group or a combination of both. From the above statistics, it has been observed that more staff is prone β†’

The relationship of work productivity of nurses and their work schedules research paper sample

Of the updated information available, the premier resource can be found in a study conducted by Rogers, et al on the relationship between the working hours of staff nurses and the safety of the patients they are taking care of. The study was entitled Effects of Critical Care Nurses' Work Hours on Vigilance and Patients' β†’

Free research paper on effectiveness of team based rewards

In the current work setting in America, team based rewards take the form of bonuses, recognition schemes such as team of the year, and commissions. The incentive plans, which are team based, are required to be incorporated in team organizations with the aim of improving team spirit, satisfaction, and performance However, effectiveness of team based β†’

Ethical issues in managing employee behavior

Ethical issues for dealing with individual employees is difficult because managers on the front line are responsible for various accounts such as hiring and firing disciplining and performance evaluation also during all these procedures managers are responsible for employee supervision because managers are role models for their employees in their department it is critical the β†’

Instructors name term paper sample

It is worth observing that the brain and the mind are two different things since the brain is the physical, tangible matter concerned with the task of coordinating the functions and activities of the human body. Similarly, the spirit and the body are two different things in the sense that the spirit is the life β†’

The imagery of bird in poetry in 16th to 17th century research paper sample

Ordinarily, the common thread in the use of birds is the position it assumes in the poetry. Free birds and their lives have been applied across the centuries' poetry to represent freedom of the people, of the beauty of love and freedom.

A long walk to freedom- nelson mandela

Though his life was full of bannings and jailings, he never gave up his fight, but he knew that the south African government was becoming agitated with him and the ANC. Xuma was friend of Nelson and the president of the ANC, but the struggle forces many hardships on one" s life.

Example of essay on sartre, the milgram experiment, and obedience to authority

Afterwards, though, he was once again very cool, calm and controlled, explaining very rationally that he understand the experiment to be a test of a " sadistic" teacher and a student reacting to " a learning situation that was authoritative, rigid, and punitive". She spoke in a very authoritative manner to the ' learner' as β†’

Free research paper on religion and the government

In America, particularly in the building up of its government, the impact of religion is evident. In fact, religious wars that devastated France in the 16th century and Germany in the 17th century was somehow [directly] ignited by the persecution of the Protestants and the Catholics.

Digital currencies when creating them. for instance,

Related WorksTechnologyand the Growth of Digital Currency Technology played aninfluential role in the emergence and growth of digital currency 3. For that reason, there is a likelihood of the commercial sector favoring digital currency overconventional currencies due to the efficiency entailed in its transaction.