8 Pages Essay Samples

Theory of person centred counselling psychology essay

The counselling setting is a place to which a person may go to learn or try to express thoughts and feelings of which ever kind they desire to speak about, knowing that they are in a safe environment to do so and it is the counsellor who can facilitate this safe and correct environment to β†’

Effect of stereotypes on well-being

Some possible interventions such as the blurring of intergroup boundaries and the reframing of one's threat into challenges were also included to provide an in-depth analysis of this age stereotype context and on ways that society can help these older people to lead a meaningful and healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, age stereotypes may be detrimental β†’

Mitochondrial gene organisation

Clary and Wolstenholme in their studies on the ribosomal RNA genes of Drosophila yakuba found that the 5 regions of the small rRNA gene and of the large rRNA gene are extremely low in G+C. The mtDNA control region of insects vary largely in size due to variation in the size and duplicate number of β†’

Ethnographic project on the cultural activity cultural studies essay

I have chosen a social event as although people will be required to queue to enter, it's their choice to enter the event in anticipation of enjoying the experience after queuing as opposed to when they have to queue e.g.to pay for food produce or to use a toilet. I can see metal barriers positioned β†’

Effects of strikes businesses

The principal weapons of offense employed by labor organizations in the warfare against employers are the strike and the boycott. This paper will consists of the three parts: the first part is introduction, in the second part there will be presented examples of boycotts and lockouts, their analysis and recommendations as part of HR team, β†’

Structure and functions of microtubules

The key to design of MTDs and the understanding of tumour progression regulators is the identification of proteins regulating the microtubule network. At the onset of cell division, a centrosome divides and the two daughter centrosomes move to opposite poles of the nucleus to form a mitotic spindle The functions of microtubules are important to β†’

Billy liar

Geoffrey does not look up when Billy comes in because he does not want to look as if he is bothered that Billy is back. Billy is scared of Rita and he just wants to forget about what he has done.

The resistance to change essay

It's the opposite of what was expected in a day like that, and a normal lottery. Only when there is a death, does it stir up the morals of some people, and it is then that they might rethink traditions.

Fulfilment of obligations for a contract

The importance of the machine being able to produce vegetables that comply with the terms of the contract with ASDA was brought to the attention of Jim at the time the contract was entered into. In modern terms it is stated to be: " A type or kind of loss is not too remote a β†’

The abuse of a position of dominance economics essay

The inquiry John Vickers asks is 'When, if of all time, should competition jurisprudence require a house with market power to portion its belongings with its challengers? ' Though rights such as right of first publications and patents give the holder an sole right to sell or licence, it is of import that they do β†’

Brand elements for managing fast food restaurant

Literature Review Brand Equity First of all I will define what is brand equity which is the value and weight of the brand to the consumer and how they are loyal to it. Building strong brands is very important inorder to have the ability to survive and succeed in the market and be able to β†’


In his work Tin Leslie Green, Elitist frames our attention on the color field in the center of the work with three colored dots on the eight, red horizontal strokes on the top and bottom, and a tan-colored stroke on the left. The artist emphasizes the central area and subordinates the edges through the use β†’

The effects of uniforms on students behaviors education essay

These students are considered to be the " lames" or the targets for bullies because of the clothing they wear. Sad to say there are students who have all the latest brands of clothing and are always recognized and considered to be amongst the more popular students.

Animal husbandry the importance of correct handling techniques biology essay

The main objective of restraint is to handle an animal in such a way that a procedure can be done without injuring the animal and without causing any injury to the humans involved in the procedure. The restrainer must know where and how to grasp the animal to be protected and to accomplish the restraint β†’

Delving deeper into the rabbit hole: death in a children’s book

This is especially true for Alice, and when looking at the table at the bottom of the rabbit hole, " she found a little bottle on it, and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words " DRINK ME"... The mention of poison is a reinforcement of the theme β†’

The things they carried book analysis essay sample

It's not that there is not a lot of blood and gore in The Things They Carried, but mostly the war is presented as it is in this quote as a lot of downtime and marching in which you could unexpectedly die. Passage: " War is hell, but that's not the half of it, because β†’

Ultrasonic pulse velocity and strength development of fly ash concrete

At the same age, both UPV and the strength of concrete with low per centum fly ash are higher than those with high per centum fly ashmainly because of the denser construction of concrete with lower fly ash, thisindicates that concrete with high fly ash at the age of 1 yearss has a UPV of β†’

Teaching tolerance in schools essay

For that of tolerance, it is seen that the school also provides for a social environment through which the learners have the chance to directly apply the theoretical understanding they acquired or be given the chance to learn through experience as they are given guidance by their teachers. It is also important to note that β†’

Market star human resource management analysis flashcard

Although this allows employees to have a direct affect on the organization, the consensus of the surveyed employees was that they were not involved in the goal setting or KPI setting process. This could help employees feel more important about the job they are performing and that it is making a difference to MarketStar as β†’

Pros and cons of bitcoin

If the currency of a country fluctuated at the rate of bitcoin, it would never be acceptable as a medium of exchange in the global market. To top it off, there is not a substantial amount of bitcoin traders in the market at all.

Adolescent development and learning in the classroom

The University of Kansas' Circle of Inclusion Project defines developmentally appropriate practices as; " the concept of developmentally appropriate practices refers to providing an environment and offering content, materials, activities, and methodologies that are coordinated with a child's level of development and for which the individual child is ready. Glenda Crawford explains that a teacher's β†’

Instructional planning & design

N/A Area Criteria N/A, +, , or Comments Clarity Graphics make lessons easier to learn.+ Layout is clear and intuitive; learners can find what they need._ Content is easy to navigate through to find necessary features._ Paragraphs and sections have clear and accurate information headings.+ Clear and clean fonts are used consistently.+ Efficiency No unnecessary β†’

Attention and change detection psychology essay

The paper demonstrates the practical application of attention and change detection from the lens of psychology. The masking movement of the blank side was aimed at recreating the stimuls of the saccadic movement of the human eye and as such made it difficult for the person to detect the change in the image.

Criminology essays – ecological crime criminal

Crime pattern theory is particularly important in developing and understanding of crime and place, because it combines rational choice and routine activity theory to explain the distribution of crime across places or locations. The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society.

Essay on case analysis

The Star Model is an analytical tool for the purpose of evaluating the performance of an organization; it depicts the key features of an organization: strategy, structure, rewards, processes, and people. Structure The second point on the Star Model is the organization's structure, which refers to how people are grouped together, who reports to whom, β†’

Presentation of stevens in the remains of the day

The fact that Stevens is trying to impress the reader regarding the quality of his suits shows us that he places too much value on his outward appearance and that through association with his well-dressed appearance, the reader would believe that was professional in nature. Therefore, this shows us that Stevens is unwilling to accept β†’

Impact of pay satisfaction in the workplace

Although it's not easy to find a direct relationship between pay and outcomes, it's possible to show pay satisfaction as a main mediator variable in the relationship of pay and outcomes. Pay satisfaction's effective role leads to determine the essence and range of pay satisfaction, its history, and its consequences.

The intelligence failure at pearl harbor history essay

Whilst Kahn advocates the view that the American failure was due to a lack of available intelligence to be collected, Wohlstetter in 1962 stated her belief that there was enough relevant intelligence to point to the fact that the Japanese Fleet was on its way to attack Pearl Harbour and that the error was in β†’

Care planning: an aspect of the end of life strategy

The code on the standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives provide the following roles of nurses in end of life care: Gain trust of patient for their health and wellbeing Care the patient as first concern, treat them as individuals and respect their dignity Work with others, their families and carers, β†’

Term papers essay

It is important to recognize the crucial role of education in contributing to building a culture of peace and condemning instances in which education is undermined in order to attack democracy and tolerance. In a time when the value of homes are decreasing and the price of food is rising, saving money is the only β†’

Marketing is the life blood of any organisation marketing essay

The marketing of goods is the most obvious one, however you can consider places to be marketed, think of the government ministers mass exodus every saint patricks day under the guise of marketing Ireland to the rest of the world! And the last element of the mix, promotion refers to how the consumer is made β†’

Leadership performance of marks and spencer and tesco

This is the middle period from the announcement of the change complete to the successful installation of the change. This is the period that comes after the initial phases of instability and insecurity, which has now subsided and due to effective role of leadership the employees have become more focused towards the new direction of β†’

Chapter 10 essay

This would be categorized as a ________ service.geoinformationgeosocialgeomappinggeolocatinggeoadvertisinggeoinformation Which of the following is a milestone for the Web site development phase of building an e-commerce presence? TrueFalseTrue E-commerce refers simply to the use of the Internet and the Web to transact business.

Should sex education be taught in high school essay sample

For illustration.surveies have shown that sex instruction is more effectual than abstinence-only instruction; sex instruction tends to detain sexual intercourse and sex instruction increases the usage of rubbers and other preventives. The appraisal of 25 surveies of sex instruction and HIV plans that discuss the usage of rubbers found that some delay the induction of β†’

Informative essay on international business and mergers and acquisitions

The only occasion that a merger can be considered appropriate and necessary is when it is recommended after a detailed assessment of the market conditions and the strategic options of the company. The idea that global mega-mergers are the right approach to globalization is beneficial if it is done for the right reasons and after β†’

Cultural impact of batman and harry potter

Also integral to the continuation of Batman's popularity is the development of new stories in a wide range of media formats and the role of transmedia. Much like the Batman franchise, the Harry Potter series incorporated numerous paraphernalia in aid of the film's hype as a key event in the history of cinema and for β†’

Twentieth century british author

During these years of higher education, Forster was a member of an intellectual clique at Cambridge called the 'Apostles', and through them came into contact with the members of the Bloomsbury Group, with which he would associate more closely in the subsequent years. In the novel, Forster attempted to find a way for Wilcoxmoneyto become β†’

Walt disney financial analysis

A cartoon name that became such a worldwide phenomenon called Mickey Mouse began in Disney as it was a well known cartoon creation of the company and it became a real pillar in company's rise and thus later becoming the company's mascot and the main symbol. There was an increase in Disney's Earnings per Share β†’

Emerging finance options for social enterprises commerce essay

Changes to funding models are emerging as both the private and social sector are realizing the impact that the latest social enterprises are having on the global community. The Acumen Fund is a more creative take on the traditional investment fund and was developed out of the need to combine the efficiency and scale of β†’

Impact of fatigue on the workplace

It also discusses the federal and state agencies and standards used to regulate the hazard; traditional means of monitoring fatigue and measuring the effects it has the working place; Analysis of the possible causes of the fatigue. In addition to the lack of sleep, fatigue can be induced by the type of work done and β†’

Research into businesses involving food, clothes or hairdressing

And since they are their own boss they have to work all of the hours, even if they are sick they do not get paid and have to raise the finance on their own. The disadvantages about being a sole trader are that they could lose all of their money and become bankrupt.

How charlotte bronte develops the gothic features of jane eyre

The word Gothic relates to the Middle Ages when stories commonly depicted courtly love, and villainous characters.' Gothic' is also seen as a derogatory term for the Middle Ages used by the Victorians to describe an immoral and spiritual way of life.' Jane Eyre' has been described as a Gothic novel, and portrays many characteristics β†’

Spa and wellness tourism tourism essay

However, this report is aimed to develop a tourism marketing plan for Austria to attract spa and wellness tourist from United Kingdom and North America particularly Canada and the United States of America. Austria government can capitalise on the high quality of tourist faculties and amenities in addition to fantastic and extensive cultural history as β†’

Hindering organizational change

Essentially, the case studies will be analyzed in the secondary sources to identify some of the innovative challenges that have hindered organizational change within the identified cases. The findings revealed that the managerial influence, particularly the commitment of the management, as well as their attitudes had a lot of significance in innovation and therefore, lack β†’

Howards end and a passage to india: fictional barriers to communication, and the creation of real empathy

In the novels Howards End and A Passage to India, EM Forster evokes the social backgrounds and priorities of his characters through the difference in their language, and the difficulties they have in communicating with each other. The lack of verbal ingenuity is one barrier of characteristics between the married couple, but another, as Forster β†’

Early theories of motivation: maslow

Many writers on performance argued that employee motivation is widely believed to be a key factor for performance of individuals and organisations and is also a significant predictor of intention to quit the workplace. Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory is often is referred to as the two-factor theory because of the dual nature of its approach to β†’

Philosophy of education essay

In order to understand more about the issue, we sought to dig the root causes of the issue and in doing so we discovered that the teaching methods applied by teachers because of the factors are contributing to the issue as well. In the English classroom, many teachers have no time to concern with the β†’

Slavery vs indentureship in the caribbean

In theory, as described by some historical references and using the previously stated definitions it can be stated that Indian Indentureship in the British Colonized Caribbean between 1845 -1917 was not a form of chattel slavery but the conditions however were reminiscent of the past system of slavery which it succeeded as a means of β†’

Marketing opportunities assignment

The greater disposable household income from the two income families, the greater availability of affordable and interesting quality imports with the high value of the Australian dollar and the marketing by popular TV shows like Homes Beautiful and Better Outdoor-lifestyles.1.competitors performance National Competition: The Yard: has limited selection but significant depth. Issues in the ethics β†’

Principles of effective health and safety management system management essay

The principles of an effective safety management system should provide a sound foundation for the improvement of health and safety performance, yet ensure the rights and respect of all; workers, supervisors, HSE personnel's and most important management. It should incorporate all of the business activities, including the selection of people, types of equipment and materials, β†’

Ethics and corporate strategy in a global marketplace

In my initial studying of the topic of business ethics I have grasped and embraced the understanding of the importance of a Stakeholder Framework and the understanding, that how it is perceived will define the goodness or badness of a company. This view sought to take from the company what it could, to benefit itself β†’

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery essay sample

Introduction According to American Heart Association, a " Coronary artery bypass graft surgery" is a form of heart surgery that redirects blood around clogged arteries to increase blood flow and oxygen to the heart. The heart is then stopped, and the heart-lung machine continues to pump freshly oxygenated blood to the rest of the body, β†’

What is neonatal abstinence syndrome health essay

The use of marijuana reduces birth weight and size of the newborn, likewise with use of amphetamines, which in turn even increases the chance of premature birth and may be the cause of intracranial bleeding in the neonate. The drug of choice is usually a drug similar to the one the mother used during pregnancy, β†’

Functionalist theories for the orthodox sociologist sociology essay

Function is an unclear term, often used by orthodox sociologists to define the logical and social place of roles, institutions and structures in terms of the production and reproductionof a society as a social Functionalists believe everything serves a specific function in our society and these functions need to be understood. For this theory to β†’

The clouds and the history of peloponnesian war

While the breakdown of traditional values in the " History of the Peloponnesian war" is presented in a more metaphorical and symbolical manner, the downfall of conventional values in the " Clouds" is on a more direct basis. Although based on different circumstances, the breakdown of traditional values in " The History of the Peloponnesian β†’

Margrethe’s role in copenhagen

Frayn uses Margrethe's character to catalyze events in the play, analyze the meeting between Bohr and Heisenberg as an ideological conflict, and voice the subtle emotions of the play to the audience. Margrethe's role as a wife allows the audience to see that Bohr is not a solitary individual and also further credits Margrethe with β†’

An analysis of taoism and its theories philosophy essay

The Tao is unseen and unheeded, yet it is the Tao that is truly and constantly useful, like the space in a vessel or a window. There is a black dot in the white part, while a white dot is in the black part representing the Yin and Yang of each other and can transform β†’

The presentation of the spiritual in tim wintons novel cloudstreet essay sample

Winton employs the symbols of the house, the Aboriginal Blackfella and the water to present the landscape from which his characters, particularly the Lambs, are " totally affected" and consequently are brought to " apprehend God" and find their personal understanding and peace. The symbolism of the house in Winton's Cloudstreet is employed to play β†’

Reflection on the concept of therapeutic presence

It is widely accepted that Carl Rogers is considered to be one of the most influential cofounders of the humanistic psychotherapy movement with the development of his person centred approach to counselling clients, and I feel that this was a very bold and courageous statement to have made at this point in his career. Rogers β†’

Consumer perception towards local branded jewellery

Confidence in the local jeweller was the hallmark of the gold jewellery trade in India. However, the share of branded jewellery in the total jewellery market was still small, though growing at a pace of 20 to 30 percent annually.

Negative business outlook flashcard

What was not expected were the terms of the nationalization nor the way they were announced, with military troops sent to guard key gas installations." Bolivia's recent action sends a chilling signal to international investors," says Eric Farnsworth, vice president of the Council of the Americas, a New York-based organization that includes the leading U.S.multinationals β†’

Physical education within early years and primary education

It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children are ready for school and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.'. Boys and Spink believe the foundation subjects and R.E.' have the potential to be the most powerful, most meaningful and β†’

Yahoo and amazon: building a competitive advantage research paper sample

Surviving the destruction led to a growth in revenue and made Amazon a profit of about $5 million in a quarter with more than $1 billion revenues and a recorded increase of 270% in the following years. However, the slow speed of trade venue in foreign markets and adoption in the Internet as a promotion β†’

Example of case study on midterm exam

The firms has to select the type of product and service that it intends to offer in the foreign market. The second step for the company is to analyze the suitability of the jeans and every other service of the company within the foreign market.

Good case study about analyzing annual report: vodafone inc

Outline the three most important points in your opinion in the Chairman's statement [pages 2] Referring to the Chairman's Statement included in the beginning of the annual report, we found the following significant points that may be of interest to all the stakeholders: i)Consistent steps towards expansion: The company, in response to increasing demand for β†’

Example of essay on pricing and integration

Description of the Action Plan This can be done by developing brochures that contain the picture and various specifications about Samsung IPad 4 tab and other new products. All these kind of information should be given to customers so that they can have adequate knowledge of the IPad 4 product and other new products offered β†’


The problem with GameStop is that they need to re-focus on their long-term goal needs, since the research on the gaming industry has proven that a shift in gaming preference is changing the industry towards a digital market. Strive to identify and execute new challenges and opportunities that evolve internally and externally in the gaming β†’

Disruptive innovation critical thinking sample

The inability of the customers to keep up with the changing nature of the products creates a disadvantage on the side of the organization in the sense that customers are on a different page with the business organization in terms of developmental issues. The incumbent would only target the attractive areas of the market, and β†’

Chapter 1 – introduction

Statement of the Problem Our focusing question is " Apple Apple Company is truly admired by the 2000 era of costumers, if you asked a certain group of people of what brand they would like to intend without the concern of prices, surely 80% of it will ask for Apple products, but why Apple products? β†’

Good example of research paper on lincoln electric strategy and itw strategy

Even though the United States is a developed economy, they have a continued need for welding equipment and the growth rate of the industry is moderate. Lack of experience in this area of manufacturing is likely to discourage potential entrants even when the potential and outlook of the industry is as promising as it is β†’

Taxation law report

This is a case that was affirmed by the Chief Justice within the influence of section 18 of the Judiciary Act following five awaiting appeals resulting from resolutions of a Board of Review within the the stipulations of the Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Assessment Act 1936 as revised. For this reason it is β†’

Good cappuccino wars: case analysis case study example

Indeed, rollout expansion rates of coffee shops in U.K.in recent years is showing how coffee shops are not a passing fad which Britons are embracing only to drop soon but is here is stay for a while. In recent years, Britons are increasingly shopping online and hence more extra hours to socialize in open, social, β†’

Green invitations: a leadership plan business plan

[Author] When Joan Salmon takes over as the new Chief Executive Officer in two months, and the first month of the new fiscal year, Garret Salmon will be working as the Vice-President for Operations, and will be handling all management functions in the Invitations, Inc, under the new Green " Invitations" Vision. With the β†’

The dark elements of consumer behavior essay examples

Advertisement agencies are aware of this, and that is why they base the dark elements of consumer behavior on the irrational behavior of the customer. It is for this reason that they tap onto the dark elements of consumer behavior.

How well-defined strategy of unilever benefited the shareholder value creation

For the purpose of this case study, there is the need to first understand what strategy is, what a well-defined strategy is and also, what shareholder value is. Alessandro de Fiore, CEO of the European Centre for Strategic Innovation is of the view that brevity, clarity, and simplicity of strategy is key, sets a company β†’

Good research paper on the future of electric car

The effects of such a shift in demand on the car producing companies will be for them to reduce their production of the oil consuming cars and increase the production of electric cars. On the other hand, due to the high costs of producing one car, the price of these cars in the market will β†’

Good example of goal setting in an organization-fedex research paper

Although, the management and employees have a goal that features in the other industry dynamics as reflected by the needs of the shipping industry, through which probability of sustaining in the present ever changing environment is possible. This is the best example of FedEx management that how hard the employees have strived to do their β†’

Good essay on rule of law

Offer is an act of expression of willingness to be legally bound by the terms of the contract, provided that the party to whom the offer is addressed accepts the latter. In Smith v Hughes, the court established a rule according to which in order to determine whether the contract is valid, the intent of β†’

Infrastructure of railroad transportation term paper

An important aspect of the railroad is that its infrastructure is a bottleneck in itself, in the sense that the movements of the rail trucks are limited to the direction of the rails tracks and routes, implying that there is lack of flexibility compared to other means of transport such as water, air and road β†’

Free ayala land, inc term paper sample

The main drawback of a divisional structure is the cost of operating in this manner.- Matrix structure a matrix structure is a combination of a functional structure and a divisional structure. This is a result of ALI management realizing that because of the pressure of working in a prestigious and successful company, that employee work-life β†’

Essay on electric knives marketing plan

This company is interested in identifying how successful this process will turn out to be, given the level of expertise the company holds as well as the in the consideration of the market share that the company holds in the electronics market. The resultant marketing objectives for the company in the new line of producing β†’

Organizational behavior critical thinking sample

In this paper I discuss some of these vital components and highlight how the part they have played in my professional experiences in the organizations that I have worked for in the past and the present. Another element that the course and the book discuss is the impact of power and politics on the organization.

Free nike corporation: international accounting issues research paper example

Beginning with the labor practices issue in Nike's Third world countries sweatshops to an inappropriately responding forecasting and ordering software, Nike has had its share of international problems all resulting in financial issues for the company. This again points to cost reduction measures and is a result of the increase in the minimum wages in β†’

Wal-mart: not turning japanese anytime soon

In other words, the Japanese Wal-Mart is all about Wal-Mart, not the customers. Three suggestions for the flailing sector are: a change of management, relocating operations management to Japan, and requiring all Wal-Mart employees who engage in business with the Japanese branch to learn Japanese and to spend time in Japan in order to learn β†’

Scope of business term papers examples

In 2013 it was the 21st largest company in the world in terms of market value, according to Forbes. The report provides detailed information on company's business and its operations, presents analysis of financial statements and risk factors throughout the year, and depicts the structure of corporate governance within the company.

Ethics and corporate responsibility in the workplace and the world critical thinkings examples

The management and officers of the company are also stakeholders, as they are primarily affected by the company's success, as are the employees. First of all, the " healers" are being paid very little compared to the value they are providing the PharmaCARE executives by offering information about indigenous cures, and the workers who are β†’

Case study on eharmony

Due to the growing rates of divorce in the western world and specifically the United States, the older generation constitutes of the most users of these services. They were the founders and the forefathers of the matchmaking sites.

Essay on wal-mart executives purchase mobile cord software

Organizations require a solution that is comprehensive so as to be in a position to manage the communication channels that are available to mobile users. The other benefit is that Mobile Cord facilitates management of unified communication channels to the users.

Nike company analysis

The main reason why Nike products are manufactured in these countries is because of the low wages. Because the focus at Nike is heavily at marketing and R, Nike always tries to create the right image for the consumer.

Free essay on multinational firms

Most of the firms that aim at maximizing shareholder value appreciate the role of the shareholder as being central to their capital structures and hence a key stakeholder for realization of targets. Those that aim at maximizing stakeholder value appreciate the collective role that all stakeholders such as shareholders, employees, suppliers and the community play β†’

Case study on googles strategy

Moreover, the cost of developing a search engine is mostly related to the IT infrastructure and the break-even can be easily achieved in case the company manages to gain the necessary scale. The threat of substitutes in the search industry is relatively low, but the degree of substitutability differs according to the customer group considered.

Free research paper about social and environmental reporting

The working relationship between the company and the society is based on the social corporate responsibility as well as the role of the company in ensuring a sustainable environment for both the company and the society. Social and environmental responsibility assessment This section should depict a clear assessment of the company in relation to social β†’

Free research paper on talent management strategy

Talent management is important to any organization because it helps the manager understand the skills, capabilities and experience of the organization in order to integrate them in realizing the firm's goals and objectives. Talent management strategies can effectively be aligned to business goals, systems, goals and create a talent mindset in the minds of the β†’

Is google making us stupid? essay sample

For me, as for others, the Net is becoming the universal medium, the source for most of the information that flows through my eyes and into my mind. What makes it so poignant, and so weird, is the computer's emotional response to the disassembly of its mind: " I can feel it.

Example of automotive historical people book review

He was recognized, albeit posthumously as the engineer of the century in 1999 in the International Motorsport Hall of Fame. This work was the first to show the talent that the young engineer had.