8 Pages Essay Samples

Social theories on criminology

In the light of the performed analysis we will be able to conclude, which of the theories possesses the best explanatory ability, and whether any of them is compelling enough to make us understand the motives of crime." In sociology, social disorganization is usually treated as both perspective and theory". The theory of social disorganization β†’

Gender in construction industry sociology essay

Based on qualitative research, the study found that men in the industry regarded as the gatekeepers are now finding ways to respond to and make sense of a changing workplace, and the realities that women are now actively encouraged to participate, legally protected against discrimination and more highly represented in non-traditional areas of the construction β†’

Fruit classification and production

Therefore, it constitutes a major constraint in the analysis of supply and demand trends of tropical fruits in the world market. In fact, the analysis gives much importance on the research study with regard to the development of fruit processing industry in our country to foresee the future of the fruit industry.

Role of taurine against toxic effects of nanosilver

To evaluate the preservative role of taurine against toxic effects of nanosilver, ovine epididymal sperm were exposed to different concentrations of taurine and nanosilver colloid for 120 min in vitro and then, the viability and motion parameters of sperm were assessed. However, simultaneous application of taurine and nanosilver in our study eliminated the harmful effects β†’

Animal intelligence and evolution of the human mind

The insulation around nerves in the human brain is also thicker than that of other species, enabling the nerves to conduct signals more rapidly. What is more, neuronal messages must travel longer distances in the relatively large brains of elephants and whales than they do in the more compact human brain.

Was the age of exploration worth it?

Though the age of exploration was full of killing and selfishness presented by the European explorers, it was worth it because of the self sustained world that's on the people's shoulders today. One of the most beneficial reasons that the age of exploration was worth it was the fact that exploring and colonizing in America β†’

Internal communication narrative

HTML DEFINITION OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Communication is vital to the success of a business. The last issue is that of the systems that the organization creates to get its work done and to enable internal communication.

Good versus evil on the road by cormac mccarthy

When the father feels that there is no hope for them at the end of the road the boy always reminds him that they are the good guys because he, the father, told the boy that they were good." While a popular notion in today's society is that people are generally good or that everyone β†’

The latin influence on english vocabulary history essay

The influence of Latin on the English language began long before the English language ever came to England, and this influence continued throughout the Old English period. The English language would be unrecognizable if we were to not use words of Latin origin.

Managing quality, risk and cost in health and social care

Though lack of experience and supervision of healthcare professionals, may contribute to increment in adversities, it is totally absurd to allege healthcare profession, as there is existence of plethora of lurking complication like medication errors, negligence, shortage of manpower, physical condition of patients, long stay of patients in hospital and cross-infection within healthcare system that β†’

Semiotics in product design

Thus, according to this definition, product semantics is concerned with the relationship between the user and the product on one hand, and the importance that objects assume in an operational and social context on the other hand. The signified is the content, the meaning of the object; what we experience, think and feel when we β†’

Comparison between true experiment and quasi experiment

As such, true experiments conducted in a natural setting or a field experiment out of the laboratory would be done to test the external validity of these controlled laboratory experiments. Whilst a post-test is measured to analyse the differences of the independent variable at the end of the experiment.

Katrinomics hiroshima nuclear bombs, making more further dangerous.

Indeed the Hurricane Katrinawas the costliest natural disaster in the American history and one of the topfive deadliest hurricanes in the United States.1.1. This will result in backing of the cold air outside thestorm and directs it to the surface of the ocean.

Beowulf, joseph campbell and the hero archetype

The fourth stage in the departure level of Campbell's hero archetype is " Meeting the Mentor," where the prospective hero seeks guidance regarding the journey that he is about to begin. The fifth and final criteria in fulfilling a hero's departure is " Crossing the Threshold," where the threshold is the line between the hero's β†’

The downfall of madame bovary

The song the beggar sings is a powerful and important device in the novel, as it reveals Emma's moral consciousness and ridiculousness of her romantic ideals. In Madame Bovary, Flaubert features the character of the blind beggar to reveal the degradation of Emma's and Homais' romanticized ideals in the novel.

Medical made up by the legal system

When an injury is inflicted on the patient, that relates to the standard of care being violated, and that seals the case. In deciding that the nurse was not negligent to leave such a patient unattended, the court emphasized that the question of liability should be determined in the light of the circumstances, as they β†’

Impeachment trial of andrew jackson assignment

He is a card holding member of the exclusive Young President's Club and thinks Andrew Jackson is a threat to the American way. He is a cattle rancher who invested all of his savings and the rites to his future in cattle.

Friction lab report essay sample

Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to observe the friction force and to determine the coefficient of kinetic friction as well as static friction of materials of different roughness. Set the block and soup can on a board with the largest surface of the block in contact with the surface of the board.

Annotated bib gender roles

This article spoke of the positions of power between men and women, and how policymakers and supervisors distribute that power to men and women. The data and research clearly showed that women have greatly less access to positions of power and authority at work place than men, and that gender is the key factor in β†’

Discharge plans: a case study

In general a discharge plan should involve the following; evaluation of the client by qualified practitioner, discussion with both the client and the caregiver, planning of the transfer process and homecoming of the client, determining whether the caretaker needs more training or any other kind of support, referral to support an organization or care agency β†’

Global warming & impacts on glaciers assignment

The more the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the more heat will be trapped within the earth's atmosphere, causing average earth temperatures to rise. Melting Glaciers The melting of glaciers is a natural process.

Barclays bank ltd v qusitclose investments ltd law equity essay

Barclays stated a right of set off against the Rolls razor overdraft, while Quistclose argued that the money was held on trust for them and also to the fact that Barclays were aware of the arrangement, the bank were accordingly constructive trustees of the funds.[1]The House of Lords held that the funds were held in β†’

Human equalities according to hobbes

In considering the possibility of private interests superseding public interests, Hobbes' arguments against democracy and for monarchy take into account equality of hope for attaining one's ends, but his support of monarchy contradicts equality of prudence and his support of government by acquisition is inconsistent with equality of strength. There is no reason to suppose β†’

Biological criminal behavior – profile of andrea yates

The doctor changed Yates medicines and she was able to go home to her family. Her doctor came to the conclusion that Yates was not in her right state of mind.

Chapter analyses

The date that Nick set up between Gatsby and Daisy was to rekindle the love that they once shared back in Louisville, and that is exactly what he did not knowing that he was only making the relationship between Daisy and her current husband. However, there is a quote that says a lot about what β†’

Social studies iii

However, as both the cloth British export and the internal market were increasing at the same pace as the population, the domestic system began to prove insufficient to cater for the burgeoning demand. Notwithstanding the fact that the early inventions were machines to be used in the cloth industry, it would not take long to β†’

Technological innovation impact of online shopping on walmart marketing essay

The Internet or the online shops enables companies to lower down the price of their products and services because of the fact that there are different activities that were removed including the space and the cost that are needed in order to build the store, at the same time, the number of employees to be β†’

Distinctive characteristics of service operations

Customer Participation is considered a characteristic for the said service because the customer will be the one to do most of the job while the service provider confirms and assures the availability of the service. The customer is the one who would be placing all the detail input and scheduling the service, and will be β†’

Taylorism and scientific management: work design influences

Taylor further suggests that maximum prosperity for a worker can exist only when he has reached his highest state of efficiency and to implement scientific management, the management had to assume much larger share of the responsibility for result rather than the worker and that a manager's job is to tell employees what to do β†’

Brave new world and the handmaid’s tale

Bernard's uncomfortable abbreviation of ' mother' to "-m" in chapter 11 also expresses the World State's abhorred attitude to the concept of family; it is full of " suffocating intimacies". Reducing the complexity of a human being to the connotations of a colour is unfathomably immoral, appealing to a reader who cannot imagine living in β†’

The old age home

Mission & Vision of this project: The main mission of the project is to increasing awareness between the young generation for not to leave their parents along in the time of their need. And we wanted to visit the old age home and also wanted to meet with the old people who live there.

Discussion on whether marijuana should be legal in the us

Also, the meditative use of marijuana will profit a colossal quantity of patients worldwide, and it should probably become a cure for a few of the worst, incurable sicknesses and diseases familiar to this point. Some individuals argue that marijuana legalization threatens the protection of the state on roads, in health and in enforcement as β†’

Wife of bath as an exegete

Alisoun's expression and actions seem to be fully governed by self-interest, as can be seen through her selective exegesis of the Bible, wherein lies the amusing irony of it all that she uses the same source as her ecclesiastical counterparts to undermine them. She could further be credited by the observation that she is seen β†’

Cost effectiveness in prison management criminology essay

Such factors include the stress and anxiety associated with living in an isolated environment, the degree of mental and physical impairment, and the higher risk of victimization due to the offender's advanced In the US, the courts have ruled that inmates have rights that are essentially dominated by the basic needs of all inmates. The β†’

The causes of the english civil war history essay

The English Civil War permanently and directly shaped the balance of power between the monarch and the parliament of England. The Parliament, in an attempt to restrict the power of the monarch, passed laws through legislation that called for the beheading of one of Charles' advisors, the earl of Strattford.

Conflict resolution in civil engineering construction industry

There are four objectives in the report: define the concepts of conflict and construction industry, expound the significance of conflict resolution, investigate the reasons of causing conflicts and recommend some methods to resolve conflicts. People could understand the concept of conflict, the significance of conflict resolution, reason of causing conflicts and how to resolve conflicts.

Feelings of world war i assignment

The main factor for revulsion to be brought up is the power that leaders want to take hold of today and so they create a diversion, such as an example like the World War I and in this case, the rivalry between Germany and France. The exuberance of youth on their faces, the daydreams of β†’

Intertextuality essay

Hirsch, in order to interpret a body of text, one must ask one's self the only question that can be answered objectively " what, in all probability, did the author mean to convey?" He believed that the author's intended meaning equates the meaning of a text and it is in fact, the reader's duty to β†’

Experiential sensory stimulation and cognitive stimulation marketing essay

So in this year if we refer to the record in India more than 18 percent of the phones sold are Smartphone.[Supposed+mobile+data+market.gif] Trend in sales of Smart phones in India is firstly sales start with the early adopters in the beginning as shown at the right, and then as prices drop everyone switches to Smartphone's β†’

A word from the fat lady gabrielle calvocoressi essay sample

As a child in exile in a city of fogs and strange consonants, I read it first and at first I was an exiled child in the crackling dusk of the underworld, the stars blighted. She put out her hand and pulled down the French sound for apple and the noise of stone and the β†’

High school enrollment system

The manual enrollment system was too slow and too difficult for the school to manage one thousand records of students in that school and at the same time, it is too difficult for the student to wait and stand for a long time just to enroll because of their manual process. For this reason, it β†’

Cheap clothing at a hefty price: sweatshops in bangladesh

This event was the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh, the worst accident in garment industry history. The Guardian, 22 Apr.2015.Web.

Business internet strategies essay sample

In transaction processes they provide the framework formally specifying the kind of transaction to be considered and changes reflected if successful in the main database. Then updates are applied to a copy of the database and a new copy activated to commit a transaction, in function the copy refers to unchanged parts of the old β†’

Evaluation of microfinance and women empowerment

Objectives: * To measure the effects of microfinancial services on rural women.* By the way of analyzing the literature on microfinance and women empowerment.* To find out the beneficiaries and the benefits of microfinance.* To find out the evidence of women empowerment emanating from the provision of micro-finance.* To find out the issues or problems β†’

The architecture of st peters

The Square of St Peters is also significant in a study of the structure as a combined and connected whole, reaching towards t the same objective. The design of the square at St Peters embodies the new approach of representing the Catholic order as it encompasses its environment and is characterised by a very extravagant, β†’

Final paper- americas unhealthy lifestyle

This paper is an analysis of the American lifestyle and issues concerning and directly associated with it, obesity being the major notion. In addition, a comprehension of the strain that this way of living is taking on both the citizens and the government.

Study on adolf hitler history essay

When historians of the Third Reich and Fascist Italy debate the significance of charisma in the establishment and consolidation of power, the theory of charisma that is most often cited is the notion of 'charismatic authority' advanced by the sociologist Max Weber. Whilst there appears to be consensus in the historiography concerning the role that β†’

The importance of knowledge a foreign language

Students who decide to research the problem of barriers of communication should Investigate the problem in detail and understand what the kinds and the reasons of this phenomenon, what factors cause the existence of these barriers. The skills of Active Listening, Clarification and Reflection may help but the skilled communicator also needs to be aware β†’

”tell tale heart” by allan poe essay sample

The actions of the narrator, combined with his insistence that he is not mad, lead readers to determine that he must suffer from some psychological disorder; however, it has been suggested that it is not the idea but the form of his madness that is of importance to the story. One of the illusions or β†’

Secret trusts in blackwell v blackwell

" For the prevention of fraud equity fastens on the conscience of the legatee a trust which would otherwise be inoperative: in other words, it makes him do what the will has nothing to do with, it lets him take what the will gives him, and then makes him apply it as the Court of β†’

Psychoanalysis of gordon gekko psychology essay

He notices that it is Gordon's birthday and as a final effort to get to the man he admires he pays a visit to Gordon's offices in Manhattan. Bud is there to pitch stocks to Gordon in hopes of landing him as a client, but quickly realizes he is not prepared as Gordon constantly calls β†’

The childcare act 2006 in early years education

Personal, social and emotional developmentinvolves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have confidence in their own abilities. Parents and carers play an β†’

Reaction paper on undercover boss assignment

Leaders of old went to the face of the battle themselves: Julius Caesar inspired his legions against the vast armies of Overcorrection by leading the charge himself, risking his human flesh to the blades and arrows of his enemies; Alexander the Great rode straight into the enemy, into the heart of the Persian army, in β†’

Literacy and autism: a critical review of two shared reading interventions

The use of visuals to prompt interaction was based on the previous work of Mucchetti, who is the author of the other article in my critique. The D'Agostina, Duenas, and Plavnick study is exciting because activity engagement was taught during shared book reading in a relatively short amount of time.

Markets competition and regulation economics essay

If the committee found that the merge threatens the place of other rival or increase the degree of concentration of the market, they have two options, barricade the merge wholly or let the merge to continue but with conditions However, the Commission decided non to oppose the notified amalgamation of Daimler and Chrysler and to β†’

Scientific management 18315

The underlying belief that scientific management, or rationalisation=, is able to provide the basis for separating management from the execution of work.' The rationalisation of work has the effect of transferring functions of planning, allocation and co-ordination to managers, whilst reinforcing the managerial monopoly of decision-making, motivation and control'. He believed this could be achieved β†’

Management theories adopted by exxon mobil

ExxonMobil are the industry-leading inventory of global oil and gas company resources and they are the world's largest refiner and marketer of petroleum products. They operate facilities or marketing products in nearly all of the world's countries and explore for oil and gas on six continents in almost every aspect of the energy and petrochemical β†’

Effect of cocaine on the cardiovascular system

Chest pain, the most common complaint of cocaine users presenting to the Accident and Emergency Department, could be caused by many cocaine-induced cardiovascular complications Cocaine-induced myocardial infarction is the most common cardiovascular complication of cocaine use and can occur even in first-time users Cocaine has contrasting effects: an indirect stimulating effect on the autonomic nervous β†’

The research paradigm wars business essay

In the context of the two thesiss, " Researching the Roles of Performance Measurement Systems in Strategy Implementation " and " Human Resource Management Systems and Firm Performance " the cardinal rules and research paradigms of research are explained along with the elaborate account of its application and usage. First of the premises is that β†’

Introduction as a republic, it has been

The second civil war was ignited by conflict between the Liberians for Reconciliation and Democracy group and the local community; however, the government could do little to quell the situation as a result of sanctions, a situation that accelerated the spread to the strife in the country killing dozens of citizens. Among the root causes β†’

Theories and characteristics for international systems

Therefore, state is still the main actor in the world today as the realism theory explanation on the status of the state. The same as in the past and today, states are trying to balance the power with one another to ensure their national security interest.

Pythagorean theorem proofs and applications engineering essay

According to the Pythagorean Theorem, " In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the square of the other two sides of the triangle". The theorem can be written as an equation relating the lengths of the sides a, b and c, often called the Pythagorean equation In β†’

The islamic idea of death

In Islam it refers to the separation of the soul from the body by the Angel of Death. The soul of the believer is handed to the Angels of Mercy who inform him of glad tidings and blessings of his Lord.

Bacteriological safety of water analysis

Comparison of bacteriological safety of water at collection points and drinking water at household level in Kizungu slum Mbarara municipality Kewaza Johnmartin1*, Nkalubo Edgar, Kayiwa Samuel, Kafuma Paul, Kyarisiima Catherine, Labii Ogom Edward, Iramiot Jacob Stanley and Ntaro Moses Background: Efforts have been made to provide safe water to the public through construction of safe β†’

Influence of indian culture on blackberry advertising assignment

Results of the study indicate that several aspects of Culture may have impact on the Cell phone Advertising and make the decisions of the customers' behavior. Hindi is also the mother tongue of about 20% of the Indian population in the area known as the ' Hindi-belt' or the ' cow-belt' of northern India.

History of the somalia history essay

It 's positioned in the centre of the Horn of Africa with an country of 637, 540 square kilometres and is ideally located at the intersection non merely to merchandise paths, but to the gateway of antediluvian and modernizing Africa. Its location with Djibouti to the North West, Kenya to the South, Gulf of Aden β†’

Tule lake internment camp

The first evacuees came from the Portland and Puyallup Assembly Centers to assist with the initial set up of the cantonment, and as the cantonment grew, more people arrived from Southwestern Oregon, Western Washington and the Sacramento country in California. The cantonment began being built in April and began to be occupied by May with β†’

Comparison of nuclear power in different countries engineering essay

These plants are very clean and able to operate easily, and the fuel used is less but it gives more energy and fewer emissions and produces low waste than fossil fuels and the power is reliable, and the gas which is produced from the plant is radioactive gases. Nuclear power is the fourth largest source β†’

Introduction many factors that caused societal unrest

In this essay, we are going to look at the history of Western Europe in the 17th -18th century with emphasis on the causes of societal unrest prior to the French revolution, the enlightenment era, and the rise of the state system. This started to change in the later half of the 17th century.

Korean and vietnam war comparison assignment

In the Korean War, the North Koreans had the help of the Chinese, and Russian. In the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese also had the help of the Chinese, and Russians.

Why does the us allow foreign real estate investment?

Regardless of the size of the business that pursues the internationalmarket, the impediments of such a trade are influential in determining thedirection. The crux of FDI is enhanced flow of investments into the country.regardless of the size of the economy, FDI is a crucial aspect in economic growth.

Couple counselling, however, has its own unique challenges

Counselling often begins as the couple analyses the good and bad aspects of the relationship." With the couple, the counsellor has the task of creating a context where multiple versions of the story can emerge".. It is important for this kind of counselling to identify the clearly visible and also underlining conflicts within a relationship.

Differences in accounting standards confuse investors and decrease capital supply accounting essay

There are terrible issues raised by those differences in accounting criterions as an addition in planetary trading and it is widely debated that whether a set of planetary accounting criterions is the key to those issues. By critical analysis impacts of planetary accounting criterions, this essay tried to reply the inquiry that to work out β†’

Satire of the nouveaux-riches in our mutual friend

Dickens uses the Veneerings as a satirical device for the nouveaux-riches, using wit and hyperbole in chapters that include the couple to create an emotionally empty and materialistic image of the upper class. The title of Chapter X, ' A Marriage Contract', is the first satirical element within the extract itself that is separate from β†’

The characteristics and conventions of children stories

We mimed this where Red Riding Hood is skipping along in the mime and the wolf jumps out and speak to Red, then to portray the sinister character, I stroked my chin which suggested the meticulous planning and deep thought of the wolf. We mimed this quite quickly where in the scene before, the wolf β†’

Charles darwin: pioneer of evolution theory

Charles Darwin: Pioneer of Evolution Theory Charles Darwin is the source of one of the biggest controversial subjects in the modern world. Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life.S.l: BBC Earth, 2009.

Relationship between religion and violence

Science, Religion, and the Tyranny of Authenticity.[ONLINE] Available at: https://www.religiousstudiesproject.com/2017/02/02/science-religion-and-the-tyranny-of-authenticity/.[Accessed 4 October 2018]. Does religion cause violence.[ONLINE] Available at: https://www.goodsams.org.au/article/does-religion-cause-violence/[Accessed 4 October 2018].[2]Violence and Religion: A Complex Relationship.2017.

Psychological disorders, symptoms, and possible causes

Sometimes referred to as the Bible of Psychiatry, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a manual that contains all the mental health disorders, the cause, prognosis, and treatment methods for each disorder. To be diagnosed with a disorder in this category, a psychologist will look for the following criteria: Symptoms have been β†’

Evaluation of the merits and demerits of utilitarianism philosophy essay

Utilitarianism is generally held to be the view that the morally right action is the action that produces the most good. It is important however to bear in mind that the theory exists as a form of consequentialism whereby for an action to be right, the consequences produced must be good or desirable.

The importance, benefits and issues of budgeting

This report is aimed to evaluate the importance of budgeting, analysis the benefits and problems that brought by budgeting and also discusses the behavioral aspects of budgeting. While sticking to the budgets provides a roadmap for the running of operation, it can hinder creativity and flexibility of the company's development.

Physical, eye movements are very slow and

He also believed that the thinking of infants is different from the thinking of children and the thinking of children is different from that of an adolescent. There are many factors that also contribute to the development of a child.

Analysis of current culture in r&d department in astrazeneca. lund, sweden assignment

According to Schein's theory, organisational theory, organisational culture is defined as " A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved it problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as a correct way to β†’

Cloning inhabit the world. today, the only

In the world of scientific technology, cloning is the artificial production of organisms with the same genetic material. This leads us to the most talked about aspects of cloning, the use of the techniques with human cells and eggs.

Employment law in hungary problem question

Directives are only binding as to the result to be achieved, with it being necessary for the Member State to adopt the national law in such a way as to implement the Directive's terms.[3]This means that whilst Andreas and Luka would have been able to rely directly on a Treaty Article or Regulations to enforce β†’

Flat screen television with freeview channels construction essay

The first and one of the most important stages of the development is the development concept. For the process to be initiated there needs to be demand for it, the developer needs to be able to detect and understand the market demand, where suitable sites are located, the size and style for each development, to β†’

Developing a framework for critiquing health research nursing essay

As a matter of fact, the title of the study, according to Jeanfreau, should generally consist of a heading that provides insight into the reported research study by including reference to the research problem or concept studied the population, and the research design. Given such a view, the title of the present study correctly fits β†’

Siemens case study

To change processes to emphasize the customer and to ensure the primary of the customer service. On the learning side, the organization committed to a Change Agent Program and Management Development Program and supported the learning objectives of the change agent program.

Levels of empathy

Despite the fact that it is widely recognized that empathy links the isolated persons, the knowledge about the scope of the phenomena and its relation to other different phenomena is rare. Piaget with his study on the development of the cognitive functions of a child contributed of the ideas of what is necessary for a β†’

Carlile vs carbolic smoke company

However, as notification of acceptance is required for the benefit of the person who makes the offer, the person who makes the offer may dispense with notice if he wishes or to stipulate a preferred method of acceptance. In most advertising cases, including this one, the inference in the advertisement is that a person is β†’

British concepts of the ‘rule of law’

The concept being influenced by the common law, Magna Carta, and the Bill of Rights of 1688 establishing the notion that the state should uphold the rule of law to protect its citizens, instead of ignoring the law and subjecting the people to their autocratic will.[5] Magna Carta was supposed to firmly establish the concept β†’

Social learning theory

For one to be considered as a member of the new community, he or she will have to sacrifice in order to achieve that dream. He came up with this theory that argued that all people are motivated in a bid to always seek the necessary reinforcement and also positive stimulation.

Paragraph structure: the three parts of a paragraph

A topic sentence is the most general sentence in the paragraph because it gives only the main idea. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

The personality traits in ethical leadership management essay

Recent research shows the qualities of a person contributes to the establishment of ethical leadership but it is not substantial to establish an effective ethical leadership. Therefore, in this essay I will touch on the ethical concepts and theories, and the occurrence of leadership and the dimensions that is related to ethical leadership and it β†’

Automotive anaylsis – bmw essay

BMW's Revenue Sources Marketing Overview The majority of BMW's success is attributed to the development of a consistent marketing policy, the ' market niche' strategy. Throughout this campaign, BMW has remained consistent to its beliefs of focusing on the substance of the cars themselves.