8 Pages Essay Samples

Marketing analysis of netflix

Upon its entry into the market in 1997, Netflix realized that the market that was dominated by the brick and motor marketing methods. A critical analysis and evaluation of the cases study reveals that Netflix had to various extents incorporated these strategies in its business pursuits with each generic strategy contributing to the success or β†’

The hays code in film noir

The goal of the writers of the code was to use the power of social influence to provide a common morality for society as a whole, in turn reaching a mass amount of individuals. The Maltese Falcon was one of the first noir movies that had to be changed in order to comply with the β†’

Gender differences

Gender Differences Analysis and Critique Guide Problem What is the problem/purpose being investigated in this study The problem is discussed in this study is gender differences in attitudes towards computers. What evidence is provided in the literature review about the educational significance of the study?

Marriott case notes essay

How did you estimate the required rate of return on the debt of the company and on the divisions? Marriott cost of capital Objective: 1) Calculate the divisional and the company cost of capital and explain the calculation.

Early childhood education and classroom management education essay

It is significant to get a comprehension of the preschool surroundings about the way the children study and that the social and intellectual qualities of teachers and parents have a persuasive power on the children. After establishing classroom rules, teacher and children need to discuss the meaning of the rules and why it is important β†’

The audit of smackey dog food, inc. essay sample

The essential activities involved in the initial planning of an audit that are specifically related to the Smackey Dog Food client are the following: 1. They also have to create the scope of the audit and set the objectives.2.

Strategic recruitment and selection process management essay

The process of figuring out in advance what kinds of people and skills will be needed in the future is one of the major strategic steps an organization can take to successfully recruit candidates, and it should actually take place prior to the need for recruitment for any particular position Pynes. Applicant are expected to β†’

Life in south africa: nadine gordimer essay

As she grew older into a more knowledgeable adult she studied at the Witwatersrand, where she received her education as a day scholar and then continued her studies as a student at the University of the Witwatersrand, but most of her life was spent realizing and writing the events that happened in her life each β†’

The complex market structure of an oligopoly economics essay

One constructive approach of categorizing a market is by dividing it in terms of the number of firms on the supply side of the market and the buyers' concentration on the demand side. As the buyers cannot affect the market conditions, they are going to adopt it as such and the supplier will be busy β†’

The key concepts of six sigma business essay

The process steps: The DMAIC Methodology In the Define stage, the project team identifies the purpose and scope of the project and confirms that a DMAIC project is in fact appropriate. The purpose of the Analyze step is to determine the root causes of the process problems and inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement.

Critically explore whether or not the process of commercialisation has ruined sport

The paper will also examine the history of commercialisation of sport and to do so will look at and trace the history of sports all the way from the pre 1860s to modern day. When looking at the history of sport it is important to remember that the emergence and growth of commercialisation is linked β†’

Scientific methods to the study of social life sociology essay

The dependant is the thing that is caused, and the independent are the factor or factors that cause the dependant to happen. According to this methodology, the scientific approach is unsuitable by itself for collecting, analysing and subsequently explaining data, or that it is inappropriate in terms of dealing with a human behavioural subject.

Principles and views on euthanasia philosophy essay

Courage is a means between the extremes of cowardice and foolhardiness with respect to the emotion of fear Temperance is a means between the extremes of self-indulgence and insensibility with respect to the desire for pleasures of the body. Autonomy, Euthanasia and the Right to Die with Dignity: A Comparison of Kantian Ethics and Shicite β†’

Advertising message assignment

These concern the balance, the structure, the perceived source and the presentation o f the message to the target audience The Balance of the Message With high-involvement decisions, where persuasion occurs through a central processing route, the emphasis o f the message should be on the information content, in particular, the key attributes and the β†’

Confucianism and contemporary issues

Confucianism and Contemporary Issues This essay will illustrate the history of Confucianism and the background of Master Kong in the early beginnings of the religion. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the common characteristic of Confucianism with other eastern religions, the contemporary issues it faces, and the interaction between the modern world and β†’

Stages of child development and strategies involving them

Charlene Lyons Introduction: In this assignment I will give a definition of social and emotional development while also explaining each individually. I will give a brief account of physical, cognitive, language and creative development and how they holistically combine for good overall development. I give an account of the social...

Licensing proprietary technology

Keywords: Licensing proprietary technology, competitive advantage, foreign competitors In today's competitive marketing, it is significant for a firm to have competitive advantage, because several previous studies have shown that sometimes competitive advantage could lead to the domination in the whole market, it can bring a firm more profit. The purpose of this essay is to β†’

Maslows hierarchy of needs philosophy essay

Because the lower level needs are more immediate and urgent, then they come into play as the source and direction of a person's goal if they are not satisfied. Herzberg's needs are specifically job related and reflect some of the distinct things that people want from their work as opposed to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs β†’

One (ngos) defined as β€˜any non – profit,

Acting in a sustainable way for business appears to be a kind of oxymoron, as in a consumerism context, the dominant goal for the majority of multinational corporations is to increase their profit. Highly trusted institutions in the society due to their non-profit behavior, they can act on behalf of this civil society to effect β†’

Taxation – judgement day

Here it is crucial to turn our attention to Section 73 of the VAT Act 1994 as this the point which was used by Commissioners to backup their assessment decision for WHS. Overall this case clearly backs the customs decision in case of WHS assessment that it was made to their best judgment and that β†’

Care plan for a patient suffering from gout

The subsequent paper will sketch the focal point of care of the patient in the specified case study. In the focus of care first step in the management of gout is the mitigation of symptoms.

According a libel must be to some

It is of the essence that in order to constitute the offence of defamation, it must be communicated to a third person because what is intended by the imputation is to arouse the hostility of others. If may amount to defamation to imputes anything to a deceased person, if the imputation would harm the reputation β†’

Developing professional practice analysis

The Oxford English Dictionary states the following meanings of the word ' professional': 1.' a person engaged or qualified in a profession' 2.' a person competent or skilled in a particular activity' In other words, an HR professional needs to have the necessary ability, knowledge and skills in the field of people management. In addition, β†’

The challenges of migration to australia social work essay

As the family have no other relative living in Australia, this will be a difficult time for them as according to Walker, Crawford & Taylor, support would be an invaluable asset as they would be able to provide care to the younger children and provide financial support to the family to overcome the issues at β†’

Marketing analysis of nike inc marketing essay

It will continue its programs and projects to suit the demands and needs of the customers all over the world.4. But in the future there is a need for the company to grow by its own hard work and effort and take steps to make the company and the brand- the most established one in β†’

Basic and applied research | compare and contrast

The purpose of the research is to educate professionals around the globe to be better equipped in dealing with their respective fields and performing better on the whole. Applied research is adopted to make use of the basic research and develop applications of the established research to answer specific problems by giving proven solutions in β†’

Discover your inner economist

He begins by subtly stating that economics is not aboutmoney, but other motivations." The critical economic problem is scarcity," he says." Money is scarce, but in most things the scarcity of time, attention, and caring is more important." In a highly aimless, rambling style, Cowen leads the reader down many divergent paths from topic to β†’

The law on obligations and contracts marketing essay

Ronald Lane is a professor of advertising at the University of Georgia and has served as advertising manager of the Journal of Advertising. This updated source is helpful in understanding the importance of advertising to the product.

Macroeconomic policy of the united arab emirates economics essay

After entering the WTO, the next mighty things coming out of the UAE economy are the vast projects of economic cities, which are going to have a permanent impact on the macro-economic policies and on the fundamental structure of the UAE economy. On the monetary side, exchange rates have generally been fixed to the United β†’

Pre commissioning of power transformer engineering essay

Commissioning test for power transformer should to be done to verify the technical suitability for the application and check the healthiness or condition of power transformer before energizing by connecting to the power supply system and loading the load[1]. In an ideal transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary winding is proportional to the primary β†’

Examples of non-tariff barriers to trade

The lowering of tariffs and other trade barriers has also been on the agenda of the different trade rounds that have taken place since the advent of the GATT dating back to 1947. By contributing to limit the amount of foreign currency that would be spent on buying imports, quotas could also reduce a deficit β†’

Equus by peter shaffer essay sample

Alan is telling Dysart what happened that night and Alan's words are being performed to the audience. Using the same stage area as Dysart's office, reminds the audience that Alan is telling the story to Dysart and the audience are shown what Alan is saying.

Statistical significance: sample size essay

When a small sample size is used in a given experiment, the numbers that the researcher has to work with are so small that even small portions of that sample will represent larger significances than would be the case with a larger population. It is usually left up to the researcher to interpret the value β†’

The roles media plays in contemporary society

I will start by presenting the advantages of the informative and interpretative functions, while also mentioning their negative effects, by referring to the manipulation of public opinion and the using of media as a medium of propaganda. I will not miss the opportunity of speaking about the social binder function, and also about the tendency β†’

Steroids in sports today

More and more college and high school athletes are beginning to use steroids for many of the same reasons that the pros do; to enhance performance, get an edge on the competition, and improve personal appearance. Only the best of the best in professional sports get the biggest contract, the top agent, the covers of β†’

Women characters in uncle tom’s cabin

Abstract An aim of this study is to analyze the white women characters in Uncle Tom's Cabin, and reveal the evil and immorality of slavery at that time. The creation of Uncle Tom's Cabin was in the background of feminist movement and the enacted of the Fugitive Slave Law.1.

The grand inquisitor: the role of religion

Ivan is the storyteller and dominates the majority of The Grand Inquisitor. Perhaps, The Grand Inquisitor is a reflection of both Dostoyevsky's faith and the desire for something to deliver him from his woes.

Indian art essay

The vast scope of the art of India intertwines with the cultural history, religions and philosophies which place art production and patronage in social and cultural contexts. The folk spirit has a tremendous role to play in the development of art and in the overall consciousness of indigenous cultures.

The effect of global warming on thermohaline circulation assignment

The term " thermopile" originates from thermo for heat and haling for salt, which together determine the density of the water mass.[4] Thermopile circulation originates in pacific areas of the North Atlantic and in the Widely Sea of the Southern Ocean. The change in ICC concentration caused the gradual disappearance of the thermopile circulation while β†’

А “beautiful life” by michael futcher and helen howard

Through the use of many interesting theatrical techniques, such as symbolism, breaking the fourth wall, flashbacks, etc, the play sheds light on the issues of the Australian Government and legal system, prejudices towards refugees in Australia and the migrant experience in Australia. One of the major thematic concerns in A Beautiful Life is the issue β†’

Reality programming as ideology: focus on teen mom tv show

However, the majority of these shows are not truly " real" and contain the element of " semi-scripting," in order to create a sense of authenticity, they make use of familiarity and the reproduction of the dominant ideology. The show represents social conflict through the combination of teenage motherhood and the conformity of the typical β†’

Csr policy at bhp billiton

However the activities that feature in this report are questionable CSR practices and there is a growing gap between BHP's rhetoric and the reality of its operations. BHP argue that its decision to report on Corporate Social Responsibility is based on: consideration of the key health, safety, environment, community and socio-economic risks of our business β†’

The disadvantages of top down technique construction essay

1 The cut and cover tunnelling method is one of the more simple forms of tunnel construction available where the area to be tunnelled is excavated and a tunnel built within the excavation with a strengthened roof system which can support the loading of any soil or structures to be constructed above itself. 3 The β†’

Lady brett ashley essay sample

I say can a chap sit down?" She not only refers to herself as a " chap," which is decisively a man's pronoun, but she also adopts the role of the man in their relationship by going to his home, causing a scene to see him, and then inviting him to go out with her. β†’

The limited range of teaching techniques

If the instructor successfully draws students ' attending and battle from the really start of the session he/she will be able to carry through the aims of larning to a great extent. Careful planning of starting motors and what makes them effectual is that the students are told of the intent of the undertaking.

Christian vs. pagan approaches in beowulf

The purpose of this paper is to show the significance of Beowulf to understands both the Christian and pagan humanity. Christianity is the belief of the bible and the aspects of Christianity are exposing in Beowulf.

Strategic justifications in the us wine industry

The merger between Starshine and International Beverage would be a defensive action with respect to the emerging market changes and also to avoid not having a say in the future business of the company. This shows that Starshine had a greater market presence than that of Bel Vino and that Bel Vino was finding it β†’

Romantic relationships: what types of relationships

The survey investigated the types of relationships university students sought or were involved in, the levels of commitment and communication, relationship satisfaction or relationships length. In the study examining the types of relationships university students seek, questions such as the level of commitment, the level of communication, the types of relationships and the length of β†’

How to maximise shareholder wealth

What is the reason of the serious difference in the dividend rate between the large companies and the small companies? The reason is that most of the small companies are on the increased period of their business cycles; so the companies need more capital which to develop their production and business activities.

Children’s rights are best provided for within the context of the nuclear family

These are the ' primary socialisation of children' this is referring to the socialisation during the early years of childhood which takes place in the family, and the ' stabilisation of the adult personalities of the population of the society' this is where the child's personality is moulded. Both Murdock and Parsons assume that the β†’

Relational contracts: advantages and disadvantages

As per Kumar N, relationships must have a degree of elasticity to flourish which cannot be established by enforcing legal force of contracts rather by mutual obligatory force of trust.and as the term ' relational' refers to the expectancy situation that benefits both parties from its continuance therefore, establishing the element of trust between the β†’

The budget deficit

The first reason is that the more the government spends, the more money gets pushed into the economy which helps improve it and keep it going. The deficit is compiled on a yearly basis, whereas the debt is the compounding of the deficits throughout the years.

Cause and effect analysis 1

The use of cause and effect in this essay will give the reader a more in depth perspective of the effects steroids have on the human body. Some of the main, and most common side effects steroids have, are an increase in the user's weight, power gains, Cause and Effect Analysis 5 and problems with β†’

Concepts of health promotion

It is vital for the nurse to work out where the patient is with regards to changing the behaviour and therefore work at the patients pace. A relevant model to this part of Beattie is the work of Prochaska and DiClemente in developing the stage of change model.

What is science communication?

About the role of scientists in public debate 2001, most of the scientists think that communicate their work and its social and ethical implication to the public is their responsibility. The scientist was encouraged by the government, research funders and the public to explain and discuss their scientific work, to consider also the sense of β†’

How do the authors of the red room and the signalman create suspension and tension with characterization and setting essay sample

Here, it is described as if the shadow is different to the old man, an independent creature which chooses to ridicule the man, to cause mischief and evil, giving us fear as we are given the impression the shadows have a mind of their own and a force of evil. Fitting with the earlier description β†’

The types of murder

And by pills From birth to teenage years, the mother is seen as the more vital adult in a child's life and to where there is a period the child learns what love is. Relating to the topic of the victims of a murder, when determining the relationship between suspect and victim it is said β†’

Bacteria and their roles in ecology

Staphylococcus aureus is known to be the predominant bacteria that inhabit the surface of the skin.S.aureus can be isolated from the most superficial layers of the epidermis and the upper parts of the hair follicles.S.aureus is part of the normal flora even though it is a potential pathogen. Once we have assigned the genus to β†’

The function of metatheatricality in epicoene and the spanish tragedy essay

Social dynamics are a focus of metatheatre, particularly in these plays, as the pretence of the characters is misleading, yet is a formative aspect upon the play as a whole. This is evident from the outset, as, at the very opening of the drama, the ghost of Andrea introduces Bel-Imperia to the audience as " β†’

How does brighouse portray the character of willie mossop

The quote also shows the audience how Willie does not wish to spend time alone with Maggie since he is eager to go down the trap. The quote also conveys to the audience how Willie has gained in power and class and the audience can see this when he hears of the offer for eighteen β†’

Progression of economic value for coffee

Prior to that time, coffee consumption in the US was gradually declining, while the three major coffee manufacturers, Proctor & Gamble, Nestle, and Kraft, fought for market share in a saturated market, all the while decreasing the quality of the beans in their blends in order to maintain profits. Therefore, the success of Starbucks has β†’

Mobile phone and lg electronics assignment

In particular, LG Electronics will be focusing on achieving profitable and sustainable growth in the mobile communications and digital display sectors to strengthen its leadership in the IT industry, while at the same time increasing its market share in the home appliance and digital media sectors. The Product Portfolio LG electronics latest and stat-of-art product β†’

Managing across borders and cultures

Cross cultural management places great importance of four aspects; the need for open and constantcommunication, the need for sensitivity to be respectful of another culture, the importance of flexibility in being patient with understanding another cultures and the reduction of conflicts througheducationand abandonment of generalisations and stereotypes. Even though Fontaine speaks specifically of the importance β†’

The concept of teamwork

For example: in my house if my book shelf is unorganised I cant and wont be able to find what I want and the place would be messy at the same time you get irritated and would even get the idea of what you intend to do. To be able to speak you need to β†’

Marketing plan for a new sim card

The sim card will then save all the data onto the card and will allow taking the card out and placing inside computer/laptop. The Company ensure that we ourselves are in complete control of the decision making, in the production of the sim card.

Pestle analysis of qatar

Government efforts to diversify the economy have led to the establishment of petrochemical, oil-refining, and fertiliser industries, as well as the establishment of Qatar Airways, the Qatar Science and Technology Park and the growth of Doha as a regional conference centre. The Government of Qatar has ownership interests in several economic sectors, including oil and β†’

Lecture 1 analytical chemistry assignment

The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is known as the mass number. Orbitals and electronic configurations It is important to understand the location of electrons, as it is the arrangement of the electrons that creates the bonds between the atoms, and chemical reactions are just that to form β†’

Compare and contrast karl marx’s and walt rostow’s theories

The function of a theory is to allow us to understand and predict the behaviour of some aspect of the world. According to Marx, the growing independence of the individual within the community meant that it was not possible for the traditional stage to survive.

The operational issues affected by organisations

Therefore, the following essay will analyse the production process used by Terror Tubes, and the advantages and disadvantages of new contract for super car and Terror Tube, after will discuss the daily operational decisions required to current operating conditions for the company. Compare both side advantage and disadvantage effects the new contract between Super Car β†’


The more discriminating the place, the more dangerous it is to speak up, but how much more dangerous is it to let a teen live in constant depression and fear? Not only do homosexual youth hear discrimination and fear from home, church, and the community, they also are exposed to a subtler form of it β†’

Job redesign and workplace rewards assessment essay sample

The following are the major task and responsibilities of research assistants: Designing of the research process in collaboration with principle researchers Identification and mapping out of the areas from where the data is to be collected Arranging interviewee schedules, laboratory work and preparation of questionnaire as per the guidelines provided by principle researchers Carrying out β†’

Taran swan at nickelodeon latin america case study

Though Swan planned to leave after the Town Hall, she was hospitalized the day of the meeting. In order for the company to continue on its path to success, the sales team was going to need to land more advertising accounts, and take advantage of the upcoming World Cup to drive much-needed revenues.

Encouraging the use of economic fluorescent bulbs environmental sciences essay

In the region wind power technology has been introduced in Rodrigues since a long time and it is being seriously envisaged to introduce it in Mauritius as well Solar power implies the conversion of sunlight into electricity. In Mauritius this type of energy is used more and more in the form of solar water heaters β†’

Reflective essay on learning skills and employment education essay

In order to fulfil my desire of success, I need to make changes in my life, and that's what distinguishes an adult form a teenager, the ability to make changes in your behaviours to adapt to the requirement of the society. The most important one is the ability to meet deadlines, and i know what β†’

Software requirements specification for a checkers application computer science

Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the behavior of the Checkers game, including non-functional requirements of the checkers game, constraints and other factors which provide a complete and comprehensive description about the game. User Characteristics Special features will be provided to the user to fulfill the requirements of the user.

Developing a professional presence essay

The clothing you wear, your hairstyle, the fragrances you use, and the jewelry you display all combine to make a statement about you to others. If you want the promotion, you have to look promotable A good rule to follow is to dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

Law assignment essay sample

46 PA in instances where the court is moved to infer that the carrying on of business will be affected by the actions of the guilty partner. In a partnership, each partner is the agent of the rest of the partners as well as each partner is also the principal of the rest of the β†’

A reflective account of a fundamental caring skill nursing essay

Before I started to assist my client I asked for his consent and made sure that I washed my hands thoroughly, to reduce the risk of infection and was wearing protective clothing and that the environment was suitable. Once my client had eaten his entire main course I asked if he wanted a drink and β†’

Prostitution in 18th century

Prostitution in Europe in the 18th century was a widely accepted in the European society despite religious leaders and the government efforts to contain it. Why prostitution flourished in England in the 18th century Several factors led to flourishing of prostitution in England and more so in London in the 18th century.

Courage and success essay sample

By our own ideas, will and ability, we can create a number of chances, circumstances, and the desired atmosphere to reach the desired goal. The toil of years, the sweat of our brow, struggle you make everything counts in achieving the goal.

Discussing neumans system model and its application

One of the most important contributions in the field of nursing is the publication of the Neuman's System Model. The following description of the model is a brief summary of the description found in the original publication with examples added by the authors.

Evaluation of the 16 personality factor questionnaire

With the evolution of technology, the 16 PF can now be taken on the internet and scoring can be done on computer, meaning a significant increase in the efficiency and practicability of the test. Bacanac revealed that the 16 PF was chosen depending on the age of the athletes, the available time, the aims of β†’

History of multifocal bone infarctions health and social care essay

Osteonecrosis is a reasonably common complication in patients with the history of corticoid usage for the intervention of assortment of systemic and arthritic upsets. To find the most appropriate intervention, the physician considers the followers: the age of the patient, the phase of the disease, the location and whether bone is affected over a little β†’

Aes cost of capital

Firms will undertake projects if the return is expected to exceed the cost of capital Return = Cost of Capital: value unchanged Return > Cost of Capital: firm's value increases Return When a firm has both debt and equity financing, the weighted average cost of capital: K = K+? i K = KL +? i β†’

Study historic and contemporary sales methods and attitudes marketing essay

By looking at the business to business sales, ' the recommenders and influencers were the main audience for a salesperson, rather than the real decision maker' which would of made it harder to sell because the sales were indirect. By looking at the present and the way companies tend to manage their salespeople and sales β†’

Daniell cell: construction and working

During the functioning of the battery the following transformations are observed: the zinc rod goes under corrosion and its mass reduces; consequently, concentration of ions Zn2+ increases in the half cell; the copper rod receives a deposit of molecules of metal and its mass increase. The functioning of the battery can be demonstrated by a β†’


Silver content was reduced in many coins in the 19th century, and the first coins made entirely of base metal, representing values higher than the value of their metal, were minted in the mid 19th century. The coins of Phanes are known to be amongst the earliest of Greek coins, a hemihekte of the issue β†’

An in depth look into the unconscious mind

You, as the keeper of your being, needs to ensure this is done so you can be aware and focused of your surroundings and what's going on in life and in a way find peace within yourself. It's the process of growing up and doing whatever you feel it is that comes naturally to you.

Shadows on the sun: the imperfections of platonic political theory

Plato means either that some holistic happiness exists even if no city part is happy, or that the decreased happiness of the guardians increases the happiness of the other classes and thus elevates the happiness of the entire city. Aristotle has a valid criticism of Plato insofar as the latter means that happiness of a β†’

Should euthanasia be legalised in the uk?

Therefore if euthanasia is to be legalised the findings from this study strongly suggests that it would be voluntary euthanasia that would be the more suitable option to be agreed on, as the decision and actions required are took upon by the person involved only and not other third party would need to be involved β†’

The impacts of non tariff barriers economics essay

Name: The main research question of the proposed thesis paper is going to be: Which are the non-tariff barriers of the Greek economy and which will be their impact on Greek ports' trade flows? The research addresses the effects of the existence of non-tariff barriers into the global and the Greek welfare, as well as β†’

Tourism at sabah in east malaysia tourism essay

The main ethnic groups are: the Dusun and Kadazan the largest group who make up nearly one third of the population, the Murut, the Paitan and the Bajau. Beside that the TAR Marine Park is also is one of the perfect tropical islands in the whole of Borneo for the sun and sea lovers, this β†’

Health policy and politics – tobacco legislation in the u.s essay sample

Since the 1930s, research has proved that tobacco is the leading cause of lung cancer and several other illnesses and although smoking is not a direct result of the tobacco industry as the habit has existed for centuries; the enormous advertising and promotion carried out by the producing companies contributes to the glamour and popularity β†’

Background of corporate governance in business

It aims to ensure that the company is managed in the best interests of the shareholders and stakeholders. The principal role of the board of directors as representatives of the shareholders, is to oversee the function of the organization and ensure that it continues to operate in the best interests of all stakeholders.

Computer crime research proposal

There are so many that the public cannot be warned about them all therefore schooling yourself on the security measures to take will save you the hassle In end." Internet Crime Trends: The Latest Report" I chose this article because It Is good to be aware of the trends that the computer criminals implement. The β†’

Relationship between medication and fatigue

Methodology:-> In this section, the researcher will classify and confer the research delineate will be assigned to conduct the study loading to result capability of being measured will be utilized to conduct the study. As a result the draf is suitable for the study to examine and describe as trusty as possible, the live experience β†’