8 Pages Essay Samples

Reseach paper about drug addiction

Efforts to address drug abuse have intensified over the last one decade due to an increase in the levels of awareness on the effects of drug abuse on the individual, community and the entire society. Drug abuse originates with the individuals rrespective of the influence and nature of the family it is the individual who →

The english compound of stress assignment english language essay

She puts frontward the construct that there is a negative correlativity between the household size of a compound component and the proportion of emphasis on this component. Prediction 2: The larger the right component household of a given compound, the lower the possibility of rightward emphasis in that household.

The original research concerning the relationship between lower

The objective of the present article is to investigate the role that social class plays in shaping and modifying neural responses to anger. In efforts to define the causal relationship between lower social classes and violence, research has suggested that the frustrations and anger associated with unemployment and being on welfare are aggravated by the →

Whats best form of political arrangement for aristotle philosophy essay

Therefore, since the aim of the city is to live well or to live according to virtue, the best form of political arrangement is the one where the role of the human being and the role of the citizen coincide. Finally, in Aristotle's definition of the best form of political arrangement he says that there →

Importance of value management

It describes the process of the study step by step, the benefits of conducting the study at an early stage and relating the study to specific project issues. The consultant project manager and the contractor's representative represent the client and the contractor, informs each of their value systems to the remaining members of the study →

How does shakespeare manipulate the audience’s view of macbeth essay

In Act 1 Sc 2, the Captain makes many references to nature, such as " Yes, as sparrows eagles; or the hare the lion." He is comparing the relationships between different animals to the present situation on the battlefield, to hammer the true meaning of the scene across to the audience. This again distracts the →

Kfc leadership style | analysis

In addition, Drucker in his " The Leader of the Future" sums up leadership as " The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers". The definition of autocratic style is: It is where the focus of power is with the manager, and all interactions within the group move towards the manager.

Hindu mythology assignment

The Bhagavad-Gita incorporates many doctrines, such as the immortality of the individual soul and its identity with the supreme godhead, the process of reincarnation, and the need to renounce the fruits of one's actions. See in me the whole world, the continents and their mountains, the oceans and the seven seas, and you too, the →

Leadership assignment

I will apply my knowledge and my experience to solve my business's production problems and products' quality, to make my business more effective, and to make it more productive. I have to consider and manage strategies to keep my business's advantages to survive in the ever changing business world.

Cadbury world group assignment tourism essay

For example they have to produce new material to keep customers happy and for them to know that they are trying new things, also they have to regularly update their factory in which they do tours as people will not want to keep on seeing the same things and thus not wanting to return to →

Solutions to the problem of immigration politics essay

First of all and in continuation of the information about the illegal immigration stated above it is necessary to pay attention to the actuality of this topic. The division of the world on the countries " where people go to" and " where they come from" is the basis of the modern economic division of →

Analysing consumer preferences in small car segment marketing essay

6 million units produced in the 2009, is the seventh largest in the world and the fourth largest exporter in the world. Some of the factors contributing to this exceptional growth were: Introduction of stimulus package by the government Lower interest rates Sixth Pay commission Introduction of new and attractive models by the company The →

The relationship between history and geography education essay

Moreover, she points out that there are links between history and geography through the knowledge and understanding, skills, concepts and values and attitudes and therefore it is possible to incorporate cross-curricular links when teaching the subjects. In the Importance of Geography statement the Department for Education and Employment emphasise that geography allows children to question →

To what extent is decline in cognitive functioning

The first is the slowing in response time, this is the time it takes for new information to be processed and the second is research that deals with the various changes in memory, namely, learning, storage and retrieval of information. Some believe that the problem originates from the central processing functions of the brain, therefore →

The journal of jesse smoke by joseph bruchac essay sample

Jesse elaborate the heartrending story of what it was like to experienced the Cherokee removal an arrangement from the United States government to compulsorily relocate Native Americans from their homes in the eastern United States triggered by the greediness of the whites, particularly those from the state of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and Carolina who aspire →

Non-orthogonal multiple access and massive mimo

Non-orthogonal Multiple Access and Massive MIMO for Improved Spectrum Efficiency To cope with the expected 1000x increase in mobile traffic over the next 10 years, key requirements are making more efficient use of the available frequency spectrum, increasing network speeds and opening-up more of the frequency spectrum for wireless applications. In addition to the conventional →

Role of light in photosynthesis

The colour of the light is determined by the wavelength of the light radiation. This proved that the rate of photosynthesis in light of the two wavelengths together was greater than the added rates of photosynthesis in either alone.

Driftnet fishing essay sample

The process of getting the nets in and out of the water takes several hours because of their large size. The size and material of the driftnet affects the success of the catch; the bigger and more durable the net, the higher the amount of fish will be caught.

Orem self care deficit theory

This adds that, in the Roy Adaptation Model, health is defined as reflection of human interaction within changing environment, and the aim of nursing is to promote adaptation in each of the four adaptive modes. Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing is a grand theory and it comprises of three related theories i.e.theory of self-care, →

Theories of cultural criminology

Cultural criminology has appeared from a much more mixed co-process of criminology, sociology and of course cultural analysis and this is because of the wide contribution of criminology and culture combined. According to Hayward and Young's opening essay of the particular topic, cultural criminology is: ' the placing of crime and its control in the →

Literature creative writing

I would be shame to my parents, and the community would never accept me. I told them my story, what had come to me the whole time and how I managed to help myself out of the situation.

My mental illness differ from normal thinking and

My primary objective in this essay is to explore the methods that Vincent Van Gogh and Jackson Pollock share and differ by examining artistic elements such as technique and texture as well as the social backgrounds that each artist experienced which could then be used to explain the conflict that is represented in their artwork. →

Crocs’ supply chains

Crocs supply chain went through 3 phases to get its flexibility: * The immediate purchase of the Canadian manufacturer in June 2oo4.* The acquisition of the proprietary resin croslite.* In early 2005, Crocs started production in China, using a large product manufacturer.* It began to enter Asian & European markets in spring 2005 in order →

“a thousand splendid suns” and “tess of the d’ubervilles” comparison

Similarly, within Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Hardy also illustrates Tess as a victim but within Victorian society, as both Alec and Angel take advantage of her due to gender bias, in which Tess is considered to be a " fallen women". It could be interpreted that Tess of the d'Urbervilles is a Victorian tragedy due →

The dumingag experience

The two organizations - the Dumingag Organic Farmers Association and the Dumingag Organic Farmers Credit and Savings Cooperative turned out to be just two of the several farmer organizations in Dumingag who are organic farming practitioners. Situated in the heartland of the Zamboanga peninsula and on the northwest portion of the fertile Salug Valley, Dumingag →

Overview and impact of rapid sequence intubation

In this assignment the following will be discussed: Overview of Rapid Sequence Intubation, causes of RSI failure, benefits of RSI to the ill and injured patient's airway, ways of improving RSI outcomes, the Randomised controlled trial of prehospital RSI in patient with traumatic brain injury and recommendations by the compiler of this assignment. Emergency airway →

Ethical issues in advertising communication assignment

The Unfinished Technique The unfinished technique is one in which the ad sustains the product is better, or has more of something, but does not finish the comparison. This is similar to the " water is wet" technique except that it claims an advantage which is not shared by most of the other brands in →

Methods of producing nuclear fusion on earth

This is partly due to the fact that if a fusion reactor is damaged or loses control, the fusion reaction would just stop within a short time span, as the precise conditions required to produce the reaction would no longer exist, and fusion in itself is not wholly self-sustaining.[2] Additionally, fusion reactors contain a comparatively →

The importance of data collection

In other word, this chapter will review method applies in data collection that determine the level of knowledge of the all site workers awareness to hazardous work and safety and health training. To make the research more credibility, one aim and three objectives will apply in design of the interview and conduct the questionnaire.

Early reading development

The sequence of teaching phonic knowledge and skills should be such that children should have every opportunity to acquire rapidly the necessary phonic knowledge and skills to read independently" Rose, Independent review of the teaching of early reading, paragraph 86, page 28. Quality teaching of phonics would enable the student to develop the ability to →

Literature review on deterrence theory: mexico and us border

Usually, the function of such a theory is both to describe and to explain; an explanatory theory is one which not only describes but also explains the phenomena of a substantive interest"." Deterrence is the use of a threat by one party in an attempt to convince another party not to upset the status quo". →

sample interview paper: intercultural communication essay sample

Although the men are given distinct individual privileges and do not always consider the opinions of others, the whole culture of Ecuador embraces more of a collective approach. As seen in the classroom and also in the definition of restraint, " people are expected to learn to control their emotions, which is a sign of →

Newspaper comparison essay sample

The paper contains one of the main news stories on the front page, a section on all news, a section on the arts, a separate paper fpr the sports, financial matters, and stocks. The writing is more colourful on The Echo than The Times.

Marx view on capitalism

Summarize Marx's views on the market, alienation, the labor theory of value, the surplus value, and the accumulation of capital. According the Marx, the labor and only the labor of the worker increased the value of the natural materials to $100.

Cognitive behavior perspective in nursing practices

On the whole cognition is a significant feature in nursing practices which helps nurse and client to think critically and rationally and also contribute in enhancement of communication or therapeutic relationship and understating the client's behavior in terms of cognitive behavior perspective. One of the approach in cognitive behavior therapy is cognitive approach which refer →

The difference between school and life

He became the primary influence in convincing Maine Governor Angus King to boldly establish the state of Maine as the first state in the world to embrace the one-to-one computing with the placement of laptops in all seventh and eight grade classrooms in 2002-2003.[2] With the support of President Clinton, the " Lunch Box to →

Masculinity in modern dance essay sample

History of Modern Dance Modern dance, born from the rebellion of the rigidities of classical ballet, brought about refutation of the male gaze on women. Hence, the power that was supposed to be at the hands of women who created this new form of dance was still under the mercy of the males who choreographed →

Five ways technology has negatively affected families essay

And the conflicts have only Increased as the Internet and social media have Joined distractions such as TV, the cell phone and the computer. Mage Credit: Supersaturates/Brand X Pictures/Thinking's TAKE THE QUIZ A benefit of a family is that children learn the give and take of society how to interact with other people, the importance →

Being a part of a team more important than leading it

There is no I in team but there is in win", team must have a harmony between each other's and with the team leader they must have the same spirit and the same challenges with different skills /experiences to complete each other's and reach to the ideal team, " I am a member of a →

Neorealist and neo marxist approaches to globalisation politics essay

Neo Realism and Neo Marxism are the different approaches that have different theories, rules and regulation which can be used by different geological countries to accept the different cultures and the technologies to achieve the globalisation. Neo Realism uses the concept of self-interest and that is the reason it is considered as realistic theory to →

Marks and spencers as the leading retailer

Company is also termed as number one provider of women's wear and lingerie in the UK, and are rapidly growing their market share in menswear, kids wear and home, due in part to our growing online business. Planning is made on how to cope with such changes and being ahead of the competitors Mark and →

The performance in any chemical process

On the other hand, after studying the relationship of the natural logarithm for the reaction rate constants and the inverse temperature of the reactants to get the value of the activation energy. Moreover, this report studies the concentration of the reactants, the concentration of the products and the impacts of reactants and products on the →

Definition of structural health monitoring engineering essay

Structural Health Monitoring purposes to give, at every minute during the life of a construction, a diagnosing of the province of the component stuffs, of the different parts, and of the full assembly of these parts representing the construction as a whole. The province of the construction must stay in the sphere specified in the →

Modern political theory

The purpose of this paper is to consider the relationships between the conceptions of freedom developed by Mill and Nietzsche. While the free spirit remains the new philosopher's herald and precursor, there is a chasm on the opposite side between the freedom of the free spirit and the freedom of the " falsely so-called 'free →

Analysis of healthcare in california

The objective of this Issues Summary is to address the current status of health care spending in California and demonstrate how an emphasis on the underlying social, economic, and environmental determinants of health may reduce financial hardship for the state while managing its most problematic chronic diseases more effectively in the long term. Recent surveys →

Sociology and new belief systems

Compare and contrast the responsibilities and rewards of believers, the extent and method of expansion of new belief systems. Compare and contrast the distinctive literature and drama, architecture, and sculpture of Greece, Rome, India and Mesoamerica.2.

Malaria: causes, prevention and treatments

The malaria parasite is a member of the apicomplexa they are characterized by a set of organelles. In the parasites nucleus there is a gene called virulence which encodes a protein on the surface of the parasite to allow it to enter the blood cells where it can turn off and on to hide.

Key points of adam smith david ricardo economics essay

The earliest classical economist adopted the description of the economic side of affairs in terms of wealth, but developments narrowed down the concept of wealth to the idea of material wealth of mankind. He explains the labor theory of value that the relative price of two goods is determined by the ratio of the quantities →

The introduction and history of istanbul tourism essay

The Sea of Marmara is connected to the Black Sea by the Bosphorus strait, which divides Istanbul into European that is the Thracian side, which is the economic and historic side, and Antolian side that is the Asian side. The northern part of the city has a lot of humidity due to the water bodies →

The history of acid throwing criminology essay

It is defined as the act of throwing acid onto the body of a person with the objective of injuring or disfiguring out of jealousy or revenge. The numbers of acid attacks have been rising in India and there have been 68 reported acid attacks in the state of Karnataka since 1999.

Celsius 233: clarisse the catalyst essay

But in the end, it's her simplicity and expression of individual thought that ultimately leads Montag to question the purpose of his profession and, in turn, his life. As a result of Clarisse's positive influence, Montag acted differently in every situation that presented itself and he learned to accept and adapt to the harsh realities →

Dealing with unpleasant situations philosophy essay

For sure the New Year was not one of the best but with the help of my family and my girlfriend I was trying to get over this awful experience and start a new chapter. As the end of summer was approaching and I was accepted for this course I started to admit the fact →

Weakness in corporate governance and lack of transparency accounting essay

Most of the studies using US and UK data indicated that the quality of corporate governance practices has improved when firms comply with the provisions of the code. However, Davies and Schlitzer in their paper raised the question about the practicality of an international' one size fits all" corporate governance code of best practice and →

Social psychology concept of groupthink flashcard

In addition, it is vital for each member of the group to share and discuss the proposed group ideas with other trusted people that are not part of the organization. There are also several methods that could be helpful in the minimization of group cohesion.

Counselling session

This was partly because of the interruptions by the two year old and partly because I was trying not to allow past knowledge of the difficulties Janet has had with her ex-husband to interfere with where she was at in the session. A sure sign that in this instance I failed to be empathetic in →

What view would a feminist critic take on enduring love written by ian mcewan essay sample

This is opposed by feminists such as Kate Millet who recognised the imbalance of the distribution of power between men and women and ' saw very clearly that the widespread negative stereotyping of women...constituted a formidable obstacle on the road to true equality.' McEwan formed the novel on the basis of his ' interest in →

Bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives

The mission of The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is to conduct criminal investigations, regulate the firearms and explosives industries, and assist other law enforcement agencies. History of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been the sole agency responsible for regulation and →

A study on prehistoric anthropological history essay

Religious anthropology is the philosophical doctrine of a human nature, developed in line with the theology and examines the nature and essence of the person in the context of religious teachings. Self-determination is the subject of anthropology to theology the disclosure of the teachings of the church about the person.

Contrappasso dante assignment

To determine the punishment of the damned Dante draws on medieval legal tradition and the practice of the law of his time. The guardian of the second circle, Minis, the legendary King of Crete, confesses the damned, applies the divine inactions and distributes them in the various circles of hell, grabbing them with his tail →

Musical analysis on pirates of the caribbean: dead man’s chest

The music really adds to the comedy that Jack Sparrow brings to the movie. It is an exciting time in the movie because Jack Sparrow has found the chest, and the music plays off of the excitement.

Illegal aliens and the us economy

In retrospect, the conclusion of Davila is that it is important to continue to encourage those who want to come to the U.S.to do so legally and continue to contribute to our economy. S, it is questionable that the use of fencing and other approaches will achieve an end to this because the economic pressures →

Pestel analysis of indian business environment economics essay

The country is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal; making India a peninsular. The north of India is the home to Himalayas Mountain; the world's highest.

Discuss wall-mart’s strategic social challenges

Was damage done to Wall-Mart by the leaking to the public of the Board Benefits Strategy Document? He feels they need to be more committed to the issues, and as the leader of retail becoming the most competitive and innovated company in the world, they need be better at attacking the issues mentioned earlier.

Case study on labor negotiations

There are many potential stakeholders depending on the industry, but in the case of the community of Pleasant Ridge, it is the students and that ultimately have the most to lose. In making a settlement recommendation, the Fact-finder should find the initial position of the Board to be quite consistent with that of the PRATT, →

Internet a blessing or curse media essay

Internet is the source of communication which connects you with the people who are sitting in the other corner of the world. The business has the important role in the development of countries and to improve the business the internet is very much helpful.

Case study: fast-food war in singapore

For my opinion, the reason for French fries topping the list is that as a main side dish, it easily caters to the majority consumers' taste over the world, and also as a margin profit item, company is willing to sell French fries at a low price by upgrading to a meal or extra large. →

Marketing audit approach assignment

Introduction of the Organization About Johnson and Johnson Johnson & Johnson is the world's most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics markets. Key to Success The key to Success of Visitation are; Footprint of Johnson →

The national literacy mission education essay

The targeted group for the same was people belonging to the age group of 15 to 35 years. Also, the Govt.gained the faith of women as the mission was showcased as the provider of empowerment to women.

Is addition to raw function, some packages make

The Hot Buttons: Resources Based on the application you choose, look at your companys resources to determine whether you are likely to have both the people and the skills available in-house when you will need them. For new technology and software applications to be embraced by your users and accepted throughout the organization, you need →

Racism and sociology

Being a global citizen in this day and age, one has a responsibility to be tolerant, as social circles overlap in a multicultural environment, and the luxury of being informed, grace of the globalizing advances in technology and social media. The term " Prejudice" refers to attitudes of aversion and hostility toward the members of →

The audit expectation gap

The audit expectation gap is critical to the auditing profession because the greater the unfulfilled expectations from the public, the lower is the credibility, earning potential and prestige associated with the work of auditors. If users of financial statements and the general public were educated to think that the auditor's role embraces the detection and →

Media role in elections

The media has a role to inform the citizens about the competing political parties and their programmes and candidates, and to contribute to the formation of opinion of the electorate. The danger of misuse of government power for campaigning purposes can be limited if laws and regulations are in place to regulate the role of →

The new affirmative action: colorblind

As a nation, it has created the mindset that all men are created equal and that there are no limits; it's the nation that has a dream attached to it, the American Dream. One of the most powerful tools to combat inequality is believed to be affirmative action; the policy of admitting students into a →

Global procurement assignment

Subsequently, American Machine Company and Technical advised to Networks the cause of the break was due to wrong handling of the products and Networks has accepted the reason. Hence, Technical able to argue back to Networks that Technical may not compensate the damages claim due to Technical was not known of the defect products.

Job roles from the morrison bakery section essay sample

Another way that this particular structure affects the communication of Morrison's is that a whole lot quicker the staff would know exactly where to go to in order to deliver information Example: If the general manager of the Morrison store in Erith wanted to know exactly who left the floor wet which caused an accident →

History of immigration

The collected taxes impact our economy now while baby boomers are starting to collect their Social Security benefits they boost the system by the unconvertible funds of undocumented workers." Before we can understand how we arrived at the present immigration policies here in America, we must look back at the evolution of immigration and immigration →

Early life of nelson mandela history essay

Nelson's childhood was peaceful and he spent his time in the field herding cattle, plowing, and tending sheep." Transkei is eight hundred miles east of Cape Town, five hundred fifty miles south of Johannesburg, and lies between the Kei River and the Natal border, between the rugged Drakensberg Mountains to the north and the blue →

Facility design

The aim of Ulna Park Aquatic is for visitors to experience the magic of the Byron Bay region in Archway National Park and Tallow's Beach. The positioning and image of Ulna Park Aquatic will be based on the imagery components; functional and psychological characteristics and the attribute and holistic impressions, the six destination characteristics and →

Snow falling on cedars and miss smilla’s feeling for snow

The language effectively captures the play of light off the snow, the freshness in the air, the coldness of death is observed ironically with the funeral for the boy, " who will never again feel the cold." 1 This description then leads into Smilla's reading of Euclid's Elements which further establishes Smilla's affinity with the →

Preventing teenagers from smoking

Further, it was reported that the majority of adult smokers adopted the habit as teenagers, with the average age of initiation in 2010 being 16 and these smokers took up the habit seriously after progressing from the experimental stage. The main reason why teenagers take up smoking is because they feel that it is a →

Vienna as a financial centre economics essay

This essay will explicate the advantages and disadvantages if Vienna becomes a GFC while explicating and giving illustrations of their recent success and the capablenesss it has in order to accomplish their aim in going a major fiscal Centre. Vienna, the economic capital of Austria is one of the richest metropoliss within Europe and played →

Human development test questions

The menstrual cycle, or the hormonal balance in the female was strongly connected to the moon and its cycles, thus the concept of time is born since women could recognize the time of the month when they were likely to conceive. This is the part of the book that explains the vital role in the →

Atomic model

In the late 1700s, multiple scientists studied reactions and conducted controlled experiments, leading to new ideas that set the foundation for the development of more accurate atomic theories and models In the early 1800s, John Dalton, an observer of weather and discoverer verify of the Law of Conservation of Mass among other things, was one →

According to foucault, archaeology is a method, whereas genealogy is a tactic. what is the difference? assignment

The ultimate objective of such an analysis of discourse is not to reveal a hidden meaning or deep truth, neither is to trace the origin of discourse to a particular mind or subject, but to document its conditions of existence and the field in which it is deployed. Hence, if the object of archaeological analysis →

My own personal and theoretical understanding education essay

In order for a pupil to develop cognitively and linguistically, they need to hold the chance to talk and compose within the English linguistic communication from an early phase of a lesson, assisting them to go more witting of their new linguistic communication, this is besides a good manner to measure the pupil 's demands, →

A strategy proposal for obstetric emergencies

On repetition of the drills subsequent staff performance will reflect and can be used as a measure of the success or otherwise of the implementation of the drills. The process of drills and further training and repeat drills will help to create a learning culture.

Biology cells organelles assignment

The following is a glossary of animal cell terms From cross-section of an animal cell diagram Cell membrane the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell. Cell membrane the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell, but is inside the cell wall.

The dow jones industrial average essay sample

The value of the Dow is not the actual average of the prices of its component stocks, but rather the sum of the component prices divided by a divisor, which changes whenever one of the component stocks has a stock split or stock dividend, so as to generate a consistent value for the index. In →

A musculoskeletal disorder health and social care essay

Bursitis - Shoulder Swelling of one of the Bursa, located in the shoulder between the sinews and the caput of the humerus bone. Tendinitis Inflammation and thickener of the sinews in the carpus.

Polly klaas kidnapping essay

The case of Polly Hannah Klass opened the eyes of the public that child abduction is very rampant and it counts off the age of the child. Even television show has run a segment to flash pictures of Polly and the sketch of her abductor.

Pros and cons of solar power engineering essay

Energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy; " the amount of energy falling on the earth is given by the solar constant, but very little use has been made of solar energy" Commercial CSP plants were first developed in the 1980s, and the 354 MW SEGS CSP installations is the →

Becoming a administrative manger commerce essay

How to secure the administrative manager's job for a new entrant and how to cope with the competition? This is a very comprehensive and informative website that provided me information on various options about administrative positions in a variety of business fields like education administrators, financial managers, real state manager etc.but I kept myself limited →

A proposed computerized payroll system

Objectives of the Study The objective of the study is to access the present payroll system of Dona Aurora National High School, Sta. 1) To identify the profile of the respondents in terms of their: a.)Age b.)Gender c.)Civil Status 2.) To find out the underlying problems in the present system.3.) To find out the procedure →

A doll’s house, henrik johan ibsen

For a man of Ibsen's generation, the great opponent of man was seen to be societyiii The society Ibsen creates also offers us a picture of the patriarchal nature of the world he himself inhabited. Although not keen to try and be free of his surroundings he is a rather eloquent testimony to what the →

Creativity & innovation ??” important in business today

Creativity and innovation are not only important in business today; having a competitive advantage relies almost entirely on the ability of companies to innovate. From all accounts, it appears that the problem only exists when we try to make creativity a routine and group task.