8 Pages Essay Samples

Discordance in the scenes of moolight

At the end of her monologue, Jake and Fred drop out of the scene entirely, and the play cuts again to Andy's bedroom. Pinter captures the limitations of the past through Andy's relationship with Jake and Fred; he can settle his relationship with Maria and Ralph, but his sons remain at a distance to him, β†’

Presentation of sexuality in the fox

If this light is representative of March's sexual epiphany, the construction of her gender is dependent on the influence of others, who produce this overarching ' shadow' that keeps March's true sexuality in the dark. This focus on the aesthetic is a reminder that, despite March's conflicting thoughts, her outward presentation as the perfect woman β†’

The corporate social responsibility of motorola

The public is also able to get information about businesses around the world and in most cases the business that make headlines are the ones that is not seeking the welfare of the natural environment and human resources alike. 4 164 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2.

The importance of csr in alcohol beverage industry

This proposal set the conceptual framework to examine the perception of consumers towards CSR activities in alcohol beverage industry and identify potential antecedents that influence the perception of consumers towards CSR. To carry out a comprehensive literature review on the perception of consumers towards CSR To identify the factors influence attitude of consumers concerning CSR β†’

Dilemma of recovery in new orleans

New Orleans often called " The most unique city in America" is one of the oldest cities in the United States, the largest city in Louisiana and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the US owing to its rich heritage in terms of architecture music, cuisine, festivals, celebrations and its annual Mardi Gras. β†’

Ulta salons and cosmetics swot analysis

Another strength that Ulta Salons and cosmetics have is the services they provide for their customers. In the magazine, Ulta Salons and Cosmetics have an advertisement page and customers know they can flock to Ulta and purchase them.

Mysap product lifecycle management

The core functionality of mySAP PLM comes from PDM or cPDm3 functionality.mySAP PLM was the first formal cPDm solution ever launched.mySAP PLM solution is basically a " production oriented" cPDm solution that also supports quality management, asset lifecycle management, and EHS. Not to forget, the smooth integration of mySAP PLM into mySAP Exchanges-powered private and β†’

Sexual assault law reform

Changes to legislation included the broadening of the definition of sexual assault, resulted in attention being taken away from the complainant'spersonalitytraits and sexual history and shifted attention too the accused behaviors. It was anticipated that the amendments would protect complainants from furtherdiscriminationunder the legal system; raise the number of assault reports and sentences; speed up β†’

The idea of imago dei philosophy essay

The idea of Imago Dei is covered in the Scriptures but it remains perplexing due to the fact that the definition is rather vague in nature. Later though, after the process of the first sin, man gained a more two-sided view on existence and the option that he has in his predisposal.[3]Augustine wrestled the idea, β†’

Maruti udyog ltd and suzuki

Key findings of Functions Product A3 segment car which is powerful and has a lot of features which ' make it value for money' Place- The car is sold thru a channel of dealers the address of which can be found on their website www.marutisx4.com Promotion- The company spends a substantial amount on television and β†’

The role that perception plays psychology essay

It can therefore be argued that the accuracy of one's interpretation of a given situation will determine the effectiveness of their response to it and essentially, the outcome. From the moment that one's mind is drawn in by a stimulus and this information has been processed the next course of action is to expose the β†’

Stylistic analysis free essay sample

Design and FiguresBoth the design and figures of the paintings are used to show the elements of the images that are used to show the differences of the aspects of the used art and how they are able to contribute to the message wanted to be sent by the painters. Yes, arts and painting is β†’

ο»Ώdevelopment of a multinational personnel selection system

He gave Koch an ultimatum to finalize the new recruiting system at the end of the week. At the beginning the Chinese colleagues introduced the topic of the diagnose dimensions and proposed their opinion to this.

Wegmans analysis essay sample

At Wegmans, we believe that our commitment to Sustainability making decisions that promote the long term well-being of our people, the environment and our company is one of the ways we make a difference in the communities we serve. So from that point it is the responsibility of the company to do what they can β†’

Kfc communication in franchise restuarants

Communication is required both within and outside the corporate in order for the employers and the employees to get involved in as efficient and productive interaction and operation. To share the business objectives with all the staffs and the managers of the chain restaurants within New Zealand, KFC uses several kinds of methods to communicate β†’

How does initial capacity impact school growth education essay

The purpose of this research is to reply the undermentioned job statement: To what extent is the secondary educational sector in CuraO" ao being affected by school growing? This chapter introduces the research inquiry that is traveling to be studied and its well-thought-of sub inquiries.

Advantages and disadvantages of internet and newspaper advertising

Given the fact that one basic rule in the times of world wide web is to encourage to provide users with free information, it seems to be strange for those media conglomerates to disobey such rule and to put their online information behind the paywall. For instance, the Times of London, a UK newspaper owned β†’

Abortion – college essay

The choice of being a mother is not a choice that is in full power of the woman, this choice is shared with men. Usually when abortion is chosen it is due to the fact that the supposed mother has concluded that the life of the fetus if bourn will not be adequate and it β†’

Motivation in the learning of english english language essay

Motivation is one of the keys to successful linguistic communication acquisition.keeping a high degree of motive during a period of linguistic communication acquisition is one of the best ways to do the whole procedure more successful. The other ground why some bookmans are interested in look intoing motive might be the complexness of the issue, β†’

Dewars- analysis of the integrated marketing plan assignment

Current Situation United Distillers is the owner of the Dear's brand, and the leading international producer of both Scotch whisky and gin. Dear's can expand its market into the younger generation if it can change the image of scotch and, more importantly, the image of the brand.

A tale of two psychos

Hitchcock's Psycho maintains a more serious tone, and Van Sant employs a series of changes, some more subtle than others, in order to drastically change the the film to become significantly more flashy, harsh, and sexually explicit, eliminating a lot of the " horror" seen in the original film. In the moment when Marion decides β†’

Special interest tourism and niche tourism

And the diversionary gastronomy tourists are the kind of tourist that want to escape from the mudanity of everyday life that includes day to day shopping and preparing food for the family, according to Poon -Dining is consistently one of the top three favourite tourist activities -Gastronomy art and wine tasting is the only art β†’

Weimar republic and the reparations imposed on it

The country was to be effectively demilitarised, with the navy reduced to 15, 000 men and the army to just 100, 000.[4]Merchant ships, one quarter of the fishing fleet, rail locomotives and rolling stock were taken from Germany by France to compensate for France's losses during the war.[5]The monetary reparations are the easiest to quantify: β†’

The effect of advertising on recruitment business essay

The main purpose of Advertisements in the recruitment procedure is to locate and attract large number of applicants and to build an improved the image of the company. They found out the restrictions and limitations of the prevailing recruitment and selection practices and recognized the need to move from the subjective to effective methods of β†’

Article summary of conquest of the west

Naives retaliating against the whitesMost of the Natives sought to stop white expansion, and the Lakota tribe under " Sitting Bull" did this. Robert M Utley's BookUtley's book, " The Lance and Shield", tells of the treaties in the Lokota country, with the Red Cloud of Oglala Sioux accepting reservation and non reservation Indians did β†’

Housekeeping notes

Next, the children should gather some items from places where they spend time.- Put the items under the microscope and look at the germs living on them.- Get the children to draw in their exercise books what they see through the microscope.- In the light of the experiment, collectively draw conclusions, with emphasis on washing β†’

Human rights in the middle east

The prospects for the improvement of human rights in Pakistan are unwelcoming, although the country is ranked, according to the comparative survey of freedom worldwide, as being partly free. The Government has declared the Islamic holy book the Koran and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad to be the country's Constitution.

Age of acquisition

The participants rated their preference based on the age of the acquired face and familiarity of the face. The categories of pictures were run in each of the phases and blocks were assigned to each participant in the experiment.

The idea and the expression philosophy essay

However an oft quoted policy concern of this doctrine is that when the idea and its expression are thus inseparable, protecting an expression in such circumstances would confer a monopoly of the idea upon the copyright owner. The answer to the question of what an idea is is central to the attempt to draw the β†’

Mcdonald marketing plan assignment

Attached the design and outlook of the product: it show the size of the product is fit one person dinner and easy pack it as take away. Attached the design and outlook of the product: it show the size of the product is fit one person dinner and easy pack it as take away.

Plato’s theory of forms essay

Just as in our world of senses sun is the source of growth and light, which gives visibility to our eyes and the objects around us in a similar way, the ideas or the forms are the source of truth and reality which provides intelligibility to the objects of thought and the power of knowing β†’

Their eyes were watching god

By saying this he is trying to make her internalize it and believe that without him she is nothing and she is worthless without him by her side. It shows her that she needs to do what she is told and she is not worth anything without him.

The character atticus finch – to killl a mockingbird essay sample

The character of Atticus Finch is a strong believer in equality for all, he is not racist or sexist and even though few people at the time had similar views, he is not one to be afraid of voicing his opinions. Atticus is a nave character, but it's just the way he has been made β†’

Global economy export processing zones and peripheral nations

In a 2009 text from authors Williams, Meth and Willis, they discuss some of the causes and effects of globalization on both core and peripheral countries, and how in the neoliberal quest for free trade in a global economy, many peripheral countries find themselves in a ' race to the bottom.' Continually reducing regulations surrounding β†’

Structure and function of cells and their organelles pbl

They will also be able to write down cellular functions of the body and functions of the organelles. PRODUCTS Gifted: Students will be able to explain cellular differentiation and state the functions of the differentiated cells.

Homicide law problems – intent to kill

This has led to problem areas in the law such as euthanasia and abortion, the laws for which are based on the law of murder. This affirmed law is aligned with arguments for the law to act as a deterrent of social harms.

Pre marital sex and school dropouts sociology essay

This is the base line study conducted among adolescent students to correlate between the knowledge and the thoughts of students about pre-marital sex and school dropouts. The study shows that around 79% of the students think that premarital sex is nothing but a sexual intercourse before marriage, and not an adolescent or youthful sex.

Drug use and social control criminology essay

This paper will examine the reaction of society to drug abuse and the attempts that have been made to control such behavior. In many cases, the stigma might be used as a form of punishment to the user that is hoped to curtail or prevent drug abuse.

Applications of seed therapy and su jok therapy

Seed Therapy is considered harmonious to Su Jok Therapy and utilizes the energy of specific seeds. The objective of this paper is to discuss and review the effects of Seed Therapy in relieving pain and alleviating illnesses.


Alternatively in the last four lines of the octet he talks about how humans are robbed of their sensitivity to the beauty of what is left in nature, people have become unaware of the wonders of the world around them. Between the two poems Hopkins emotions change of emotions from the Joyfulness of 'Gods Grandeur" β†’

Fighting words: david shields’ dead languages

On the surface it is the story about growing up Jewish with speech impairment but in depth it is the story of determination and struggle in the face of incredible adversity. Like Theodore Roosevelt's " Man in the Stadium" the protagonist, Jeremy Zorn is not a spectator, he is in the arena, literally beaten up β†’

Lucid dreams and ptsd

Lucid dreams could be an important tool for the recovery of PTSD victims and it is unfortunate that this stigma could be the preventing factor surrounding this type of therapy. One of the largest advantages of lucid dream therapy could be the element of control that lucid dreaming offers.

The shark and the goldfish essay

The story is a lesson for how you never know what life is going to throw at you and when a new challenge or change comes your way, it is up to you to embrace the change and learn to grow instead of viewing the change as a negative. The lingering question in the beginning β†’

The background of marks and spencers business essay

The focus of this essay is to critically evaluate change strategies adopted by M&S in mid to late 1990's and also the key drivers that were responsible for the decline of company's performance in terms of services and sales. To analyze M&S's internal environment, the author audits the resources of the company which are needed β†’

Advantages of open tendering construction essay

When companies are new to industry, the risk is more to the client. Because when companies are new to the industry most of the companies are not continue their services.

Reducing levels of diacetyl in saccharomyces pastorianus

A critique of approaches to understand and reduce levels of diacetyl in saccharomyces pastorianus Michelle Aherne Section 1: Background and Context Diacetyl is a vicinal diketone, produced as a by-product of intermediates in the valine biosynthetic pathway of yeast lager stains. The third fermentation investigated the effect of doubling the wort content of amino acids β†’

Community teaching work plan proposal essay sample

After completing this presentation the children and adults will be able to choose 10 healthy foods from a list of healthy and unhealthy foods.1. 2) Discussion on what foods belonged to what group will be discussed in depth and the children will be able to choose their plate.


Inferential statistics involve the study of a sample and generalizing the results to the whole population. We will evaluate whether the reports below have been complicated by the writers of the results or the results are just hard to understand.

St. luke drawing the virgin and other early essay

Luke Drawing the Virgin in particular which is among the most important northern European paintings in the United States.St. In the painting, the skull of the " first Adam" symbolizes Jesus's role as the " new Adam" in redeeming humankind from original sin a similar meaning to Adam, Eve and the snake carved on the β†’

Curriculum landscape in singapore education essay

To turn to this issues and challenges, the school leaders and instructors should seek to update the course of study and method of determination devising and acquisition processs. The documents discussed all about course of study development and educational issues and challenges in larning but they besides need to find the factors and elements necessary β†’

Symbolism and character development in everyday use

The fact that the author included the remembering of the history tells the audience that the author puts values heritage. In Everyday Use, the quilts are the most significant part making up the story, and the author uses the quilts to show the traditions of African-American heritage.

Research paper: aztec culture

Whoever is made the leader of the Calpulli group is in charge and responsible for all the needs of everyone in the group. Fighting with the Spaniards caused the Aztec people no time to grow crops and this was the start of the downturn for their economy.

Organizational mechanistic and culture control perspectives

Definition of Mechanistic and Cultural Controls The mechanistic perspective is characterised by centralisation of authority and the subsequent formalisation of procedures as well as practices and the specialisation of functions. Among the reasons as to why the mechanistic approach has been so embraced by a majority of the organisation is the fact that the same β†’

Leadership assignment on steve jobs

His return to Apple marked one of the greatest periods of profitability for Apple, with the introduction of the Imax, pod, phone and the pad, products that even customers did not realize they needed. The Man behind the Myth: Leadership Traits of Focus: When Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, it had grown into a β†’

Impact of implementation of stem/steam pbl in a student-centered classroom

Problem/Issue A documented scarcity of STEM employees in the United States, in lieu of plans for upsurging STEM project and proficiency in K-12 institutes, is the issue in focus. A main model was then created to observe the outcome of STEM PBL on at-risk scholars, unlike Herro and Ibrahim who used instructors in their studies.

Planning for demolition of building

The planning has to take account of the specificities of the building's structure, its previous use, the site, the neighbouring properties and other parameters. The Boiler House is set to the north of the building but is detached from the main building.

Bevacizumab pharmacology and applications

VEGF A is the major angiogenic factor and regulator of tumor neovascularisation in humans. This model showed that most of rhuMAb was retained in the plasma, with more spreading to the heart, testes, bladder and kidney in comparison with other organs; suggesting that Endogenous antibodies and Avastin is similarly cleared and regulated by Brambell receptors.

The tree of language: biblical concepts in hecht’s “naming the animals” and shapiro’s “the recognition of eve”

Although Adam is depicted as a natural poet through being given the authority and ability to begin naming in the Biblical account of the creation, Hecht poses an alternative in which Adam's uncertainty about language is a result of his absence of knowledge before transgression, while Shapiro's poem explores the idea of Eve as dominant β†’

Strengths and weaknesses of competitors marketing essay

It's an excellent strategy to boost the brand image in the minds of customers in pricing terms and also gain profit in doing so. In this view of low pricing strategy for ufone gets the attention of many customers.

Annotated bibliography: mental health issues in prison

Some of these gaps include not knowing how mental health services are used with the juveniles and families and lack of knowledge of the course of the mental health disorders. Mental disorder and victimization in prison: Examining the role of mental health treatment.

Psychology essays – short term memory recall

This study therefore aims to assess the effects of the chunking of items and the presence of a distracter technique prior to recall on short term memory. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chunking and distraction on short term memory recall in a within subjects design.

Effectiveness of physical punishment as a behaviour modification

Corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but not injury, for the purpose of correction or control of the child's behavior. The term " spanking", refers to the striking of a child on the buttocks or extremities with an open hand, without β†’

An overview of shopping centre in malaysia marketing essay

This chapter will also review the competitors to Cheras Leisure Mall, rental rates, contribution of the anchor tenant and mini anchor tenants, the segmentation of tenant mix by trade sector and brand category, occupancy rate of the case study shopping centre as well as the, asset enhancements of Cheras Leisure Mall for the past ten β†’

As economic and social circumstances in the past

In an attempt to critically assess the country's pastsocioeconomic progress and the functionality of its chosen trade and investmentstrategies with its record of gender and income inequalities, identifying thedistinct changes Brazil has withstood prior to the 1980s is essential to guaranteethat we connect its present successes to the ones of its history. Despite theBrazilian military β†’

Human traffickingexample argumentative

Objective of the studying This study seeks to examine whether existing efforts made by the govern- ment and NGOs are sufficient in helping the victims, by examining the following questions: what are the particular needs of the victims? In addition to poverty, the lack of education and unemployment there also significant social and cultural variables β†’

Critically evaluate the contribution of heritage to the uk tourism

In the growth of an economy there are those activities that contribute a lot to the growth; they act as the backbone of the economy. It tackles the historical context of heritage, the value and role of heritage to tourism, the supply and demand of heritage and gives facts and figures on the issues.

Data speculation, gathering information, performing pre-preparing, assessing the

As per Fayyad et al, the Knowledge Discovery indatabase is systematized in different stages while the principal organize isdetermination of information in which information is assembled from varioussources, the second stage is pre-preparing the chosen information, the thirdstage is changing the information into appropriate configuration with the goalthat it can be handled further, the fourth β†’

On referencing assignment

This essay will, therefore, examine why referencing is an essential part of academic writing and in the process address the question: ' what is the point of referencing? ' The student introduces the main reasons for referencing. The student uses a quote to give interest to the writing and as a lead-in to the second β†’

Karl marx & max weber on social stratification

Those in the upper class are deemed to be the very wealthy and powerful, while those from the lower class are the poor and the weak. In a capitalist system, the ruling class, with their economic resources, lives from the productivity of the working class, and this is when social divisions and conflicts arise.

The forever changing events of the 1950’s -1990’s

The Civil Rights Movements of the 1960's In the 1960's racial challenges was discouraging and overtaking the society. As the time passed and the break in was investigated it was traced back to the officials of the CREEP, which was the committee to re-elect the president.

Task assignment

Then the total time to make the boot, the provided diagram shows 46 minutes which is the sum of the task times of the eight stations. This means every time that the reduction doubles, there is a cut in the time to perform each task which impacts the time and cost of the production.

The barriers of entry and exit economics essay

In the case of the pharmaceutical industry, the relevant substitutes to a brand name are in the form of generic products/drugs. Lehman is a document used to introduce the idea of a patent and to emphasise the importance of issuing patents in order to encourage innovation within the pharmaceutical industry.

Health care needs assessment plan

Terms and Definitions Health and Needs Assessment: It is a key device to advise dispatching and administration arranging, and can be characterized as a methodical technique for distinguishing the unmet wellbeing and medicinal services needs of a populace, and rolling out improvements to help. Proposal to the client Health needs assessment is the precise methodology β†’

The verdict on winterbourne in daisy miller

He continues to speak to her, and when he observes that she appears unembarrassed and seems to take little interest in him, he assumes, because of her spirit, that she might be a " coquette". Through the further words and actions of Winterbourne, Daisy is led to believe he cares for her.

The paradigm of family

One parent's belief system may not be the same as the others and the balance of influence within the family would depend on a number of factors, such as power ratios, time spent with the children and the strength of influence of extended family on one or both sides. She lives in the environment of β†’

The introduction to the positive behavioural support education essay

With the use of the principles of instrumental methods, the use of stimulus control and positive reinforcement. Through their own research publications and the early years at the Journal of Behavioural Analysis, Risley and Wolf led the way in the development of the model of action oriented field research.

Use of social media to improve knowledge sharing in multinational organization

These proofed that the power of social media and networking are hefty and it will be likely to benefit everyone as well as the multinational organization in terms of improving knowledge sharing, building social capital, support innovation and aid problem solving if it is put into good use and managed correctly.1. It is known that β†’

Imants tillers essay

Although von Guerard attempted to very accurately portray the features of the new country, he used the techniques and conventions of the time. The viewer is directed in a horizontal line, following the movement from the stormy and stony left to the calmer right of the picture.

The most effective antibiotic on bacteria biology essay

The mouth of the conical flask containing the agar is warmed in the flame to prevent any different bacteria from surrounding grow inside it. It is dip into the antibiotic solution and is placed firmly in the centre of the agar.

Critical evaluation of continuing professional development in hrm

At present the writer is merely an affiliate member of the CIPD and by the terminal of the class she aims to derive graduate rank of the CIPD and in the long clip her aspirations is to go a chap of CIPD. However, her desire to believe in front and carry through her aspirations allows β†’

Crude oil degradation in contaminated soil

The purpose of this research is to compare Land-Farming, Surface Heating, and Enhanced Biodegradation of oil contaminated soil to find out which of these methods is the cheapest and most efficient. As for Surface Heating, the remaining oil was extracted from the soil after passing hot vapor and filtration of the vapor.

Series 7 study guide

Each day, usually at the end of trading on the NYSE, a management company will determine the value of its Management Company portfolio or the net asset value per share? According to the Investment Company Act of 1940, at least 40% of the board of directors must be unaffiliated with the mutual fund.

Analysing early marriage in egypt religion essay

Review of literature Neglecting the woman's rights UNICEF and Lefevre, Murphy and Quiroga have stated that marriage is a lovely event all over the world, it means that each of the partners is ready to share his life with the other one and is ready to bear responsibility, however, early marriage cuts the childhood of β†’

Good example of report on government regulation of competitive leagues

At this level where the athletes perform professionally, the fans and followers of the sport expect commitment, and the athletes are under obligation to perform to the satisfaction of the fans. Due to the high level of competition in the leagues, some team owners find themselves opting to take part in malpractices and activities that β†’

Analysing the challenges facing multilateral organisations today politics essay

Since the end of the Second World War, liberal international theory advanced the establishment of international organizations such as the United Nations and its sub bodies, in the belief that such international forums were where state members have a chance to discuss and air their common issues and grievances and could prevent war and, widen β†’

Should students receive ipads assignment

He told me that ever since the students have received the Pads, students are not focusing and a lot of them are Just playing article in 2012 regarding this whole IPad issue and how it is going to affect the kids. Some said that they loved the iPad and think it's a great idea to β†’

Billy elliot

During the movie, Jackie is very angry with the strike, Billy's love for ballet and his mother. She is encouraging of Billy's talent and supports his goal to study at the Royal Ballet School in London.

How and why is federalism enshrined in the us constitution? assignment

Moreover, the 10th amendment in the Bill Of Rights reserves powers to the states and to the people that are not in the federal governments' domain. As the constitution is a living document designed to evolve with the times, it is the responsibility of the current generation of citizens to interpret it and act accordingly.

Animals being held in captivity sociology essay

Another common argument that zoos often use to justify keeping wild animals in captivity is the claim that they are trying to protect species from extinction." This may sound like a noble goal, but zoo officials usually favor exotic or popular animals-who draw crowds and publicity-rather than threatened or endangered local wildlife"." The Chinese government, β†’

Alexander the great administration

At the League of Corinth, Alexander obtained the approval of the Greeks to liberate the Greek In Salsa from Persia. This was a reward for giving up the treasury of Cadis and for his loyalty to Alexander.

The skin and sensation physiology

The general receptors of the body react to touch, pressure, temperature, pain and change of the environment. Ask the subject to immerse each of his hand on the cold and warm water for two minutes.

Relationship between skeletal and muscular system

The thick and the thin filaments are arranged in a parallel pattern in a sarcomere as given in figure 2 this gives to the rise of dark bands called the A-bands which lie in the central region of the sarcomere[1&2]. The darkness in this band is because of the presence of the thick filaments and β†’

Reflective essay on clinical decision making

According to Standing, M, accountability in decision making is being answerable to patients, the public, employers, NMC and the law for the consequences of our actions and having to explain, justify, and defend our decisions. Learning about developing and applying effective clinical decision making skills is vital for the wellbeing of patients and nurses' capacity β†’

Case study: mood-congruent memory

If mood and the affective content of material interact in their effects on recall, then it is predicted that those individuals who rated themselves as in a positive mood will recall more positive words meanwhile those rated as in a negative mood will recall more negative words. Participants were assigned to groups according to their β†’

Analysis of islamic architecture

At the same time, continuing the richness of Islamic architecture elements and forms with influences from Euro and how it brought to Singapore, which is known to be one of the elite modern countries. In order to create modern Islamic architecture identity should be more evident, and the relevance to eternal principle of Islam is β†’