7 Pages Essay Samples

Critique of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease nursing essay

Although not much is mentioned in the article to ascertain the suitability of the authors to carry out the study there is one small paragraph in the article at the bottom of the introduction which states the lead author had hospital experience in pulmonary nursing which then motivated her into getting a better understanding of →

Project life cycle sustainability indicators

The triple bottom line has been made reference to in several research works, this is often referred to as the 3P's or sometimes as 3BL, the triple bottom line is referred to as the foundation of sustainability and it emerged in the mid 90's. To achieve a sustainable development in construction projects, it is necessary →

Replacing the police chief

Case 1 Replacing the Police Chief This case study examines the predicament of a city manager Will Spanning whose selection of a most experienced and qualified replacement for the chief of police faced stern opposition by a majority of an agenda-seeking city council who had the power to confirm or reject the appointment. Although delay →

Emotional intelligence and academic achievement motivation among adolescents education essay

The findings of the study reveal positive relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement motivation. KEYWORDS: Emotional intelligence, Academic achievement motivation.______________________________________________________________________________ The rapid development of the era is challenging the adolescents to face the wave of globalization.

Different causes of the 2008 financial crisis finance essay

In the analysis of consumer protection is microeconomics and quite different from macroeconomic issue such as the speed and nature of our economic recovery.legitimately measured interest rates are down from their height? in the Great Panic of 2008-2009 and the financial markets, roughly defined, continue to steady? We could just note that this? tightening of →

Trinidad carnival

In 1498 Christopher Columbus had step on the soils of Trinidad and claimed the island in the name of the King and Queen of Spain. Carnival, as the end of the social season was also marked at the apex society by elaborate balls to which was added the custom of masking and disguising.

The utility of intravenous acetaminophen in the perioperative period

The use of IVA is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the management of mild to moderate pain, the management of moderate to severe pain with opioid analgesic adjuncts, and fever reduction in adults and children over the age of two. The role of intravenous acetaminophen in acute pain management: a case-illustrated review.

Development of a behavioural matrix

Part 1: Final Integration and Representation of the Behavioral MatrixGrade Level: 4 th Grade

For the fallen, henry v at the siege of harfleur and the soldier

He shows this at the end of the poem, by saying: " To the end, to the end, they remain." The repetition of this last line really drives the point he is trying to make home. The main aim of this poem is to make us see how noble it is to fight for, and →

Global labor standards

From the simple T-shirt to the complicated car, there is a tale to be told for the amount of labor and human resources involved in its mass production. To the standards of the ASSAI, the working conditions children in factories and we frown upon them being exploited in part of a global commodity chain.

Dylan him up and after enough times his

Richard decides to look out the window and starts to daydream, then a bird comes by and he shouts. Instead of leaving his past in the south he wants to take it with him to the north and create a better life for himself and his family.

The risk associated with business: a review of literature essay sample

In the paper titled " Small business failure and external risk factors", Everett and Watson discuss business risk as it relates to small business failure. Rather than look at all the risk factors that could cause small business failure, Everett and Watson highlights external risk factors as a major cause of small business failure.

Awareness of denture maintenance techniques

Age was divided in categories and it was found that 6 % of the patients were between the age of 30-40 years, 16 % of the patients were between the age of 41-50 years, 32 % were between the age of 51-60 years, 32 % were between the age of 61-70 years, and 14 patients →

The government should take steps to control population assignment

It also talks about the disadvantage of population control that a country will advance into an aging society, but according to the research, the problems of an aging society can be loved through raising the employment rate. As we know, China has the largest population in the world, but China is the country of the →

Dear sir or madam essay example

Kant establishes that a priori knowledge is possible by arguing the mind structures experiences and we can come to know things from this structure. By using the knowledge of synthetic a priori in the concept of geometry, Kant explained that space is nothing but a form of the faculty of intuition.

Discrimination in south africa sociology essay

Affirmative action policies in South Africa are meant to correct wrongs of the past by promoting equal opportunities for those that were oppressed by the Apartheid system; the Blacks; Africans Indians and Coloureds. Black Economic Empowerment was implemented in 2003 and the purpose of the act is to economically empower all black people, including people →

Beckett’s novel achievement: absurdist comedy in waiting for godot

In Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, the playwright bestows upon his work the veneer of comedy, but invests the heart of it with the " absurd", the tragic. He employs the gags and the routines, the circus comedy and the songs of the " lowbrow" arts, to underline and to sometimes undercut the many themes →

Positive psychology and judaism

Since Judaism has certain traditions that constantly remind us of the suffering of the Jewish people and can lead to unhealthy behaviors, integrating Positive Psychology into Judaism can prevent possible cognitive dysfunctions stemming from Yom Kippur traditions while still retaining the essence of the holiest day in Judaism. While the blessings over wine, bread, fruit, →

Conflict in the stone angel and macbeth developing theme

Within both selections, the tragic Shakespearian play Macbeth, as well as, the dystopian novel The Stone Angel, by Margaret Laurence, the audience is revealed to two themes that relate not only to the play and novel, but to life in general; the destruction of vaulting ambition, as well as, hubris can lead to a downfall. →

Reintroduction of the wolf

The information found in this research will be helpful in support of the argument that the reintroduction of the wolf as a large carnivore into the greater Yellowstone basin has been advantageous to the reestablishment of a salubrious ecosystem that is beneficial to all as evidenced by increasing food sources for scavengers, an indirect positive →

Explain multi store model of memory

He found out that words that were presented earlier on in the list or at the end were the ones that often recalled than the words in the middle, so in support of the MSM, he suggested that the words put into LTM were those that came earlier in the list and the ones at →

Disillusionment as common thread during period of 1920-1950 essay sample

In addition to the impact felt by the war, it is imperative to note the power of the sweeping hand of industrialization and mechanization on the people of America. Unrevealed by most works of the decade is the extent of the stress and uncertainty that prevailed as a result of a variety of factors that →

He indian’s way of life essay sample

The skin was used for clothes such as moccasins and buffalo hide was used for the shelter of the teepee and the dung was used to fuel the fires. This was the most suitable accommodation as they were always on the move and never in one place for a period of time due to the →

Nosocomial infections

It is ironic that nurses and doctors should also be the main vectors of nosocomial infections. If we do not clean our hands, then it is dirty with the needless suffering and death of patients from nosocomial infections.

Modelling surface area to volume ratio in cells with agar cubes essay sample

The actual rate of the hydrochloric acid diffusing through the agar should be the same for all the blocks but when the surface area / volume ratio goes up, it will take less time for the hydrochloric acid to reach the centre of the cube. The smallest cube has a surface area to volume ratio →

The poor relation’s story by charles dickens and the life of ma parker by katherine mansfield essay sample

The contrast is striking and it is clear that the literature of social reform is aimed at motivating the middle classes, who would be the likely readers of the stories, to stand up and say, " We are not like that. The literary gentleman will make the readers think, " Is this what I am →

Ch 18 – college essay

1a-e; 18.18. 18; 18.

Chapter 6 writing process phase 2: research, organize, compose

Frontloading means a.presenting the recommendations at the end of the message where they will receive more emphasis.b.giving the details at the beginning of the message.c.supporting ideas with details.d.presenting the main idea at the beginning of the message. The direct organizational plan a.saves the reader's time.b.ensures a fair hearing.c.minimizes a negative reaction.d.respects the feelings of the →

The reign of charlemagne

Ultimately, Charlemagne was the founding father of the French and German monarchies, a key player in the spread of Christianity throughout Western Europe, and ruled over an empire, the likes of which had not been seen since the Roman era. This movement was a key component of the development of early medieval monarchy, as both →

Family communication | ‘the glass castle’

Her mother lucks a home to live in and this lives her with no choice but to look for any place that she can lay her head and also find something that can fill her stomach. Her father takes the risk of grabbing and sneaking his little daughter out of the hospital escaping all the →

Race in my community essay sample

After first moving to Louisiana we suffered a bit of culture shock because of the lack of ethnicities. Other than those of us who moved to the area in the last decade and those with a more distinct cultural history there is mostly the culture of the great pretenders.

Global scepticism essay sample

The most knowledge invalidating argument Descartes presents is that of a mind so powerful that it could decieve us, casting doubt on all we can know of the world and the properties it contains. To doubt all of your beliefs is to claim a global scepticism.

Analysis of tinned tuna market in the uk

If also taking into consideration that the tinned tuna market is depending on the supply of fresh tuna, which is determined by the suppliers of a prior link in the supply chain, we can draw the conclusion that even though the supply is limited, it is currently a competitive market for fresh tuna. It is →

It function with strategy

A discussion of the differing perspectives of corporate strategy and the nature of the roles of IT and IS, preclude a critical discussion on the nature and success of aligning IT and IS strategies with corporate and, with emphasis on business strategy. 6 The incidence of success of an emergent strategy is affected by the →

To what extent did lennox castle fit goffman’s account

I will look at the extent of the similarities and differences between Lennox Castle and Goffman's idea of total institution further on. A life-long resident of Lennox Castle, James Lappin, talks of living his life under the scrutiny of others and I can again associate this to Goffman's idea of Binary Management.

The english civil war

Initially, the parlimentary's army called the Roundheads was formed to prevent an invasion from Scotland and to seek " radical changes in religion and economic policy, and major reforms in the distribution of power at the national level". The wars might have ended at the end of the second war had the parliament not had →

Napster & mp3: redefining the music industry

During the dot.com boom, when Napster was created, it seemed as though the developers only wanted to create the program to attract a client base to increase the value of the company mainly to sell it off to a larger, more valuable company. From the perspective of the stakeholders in Napster, it seems that they →

How tourism affects the environment of polar regions tourism essay

The Northern Polar Region is called the Arctic, while the Southern Polar Region is called the Antarctic. With an increase in visitors and the volume of ships comes an increase in the risk of oil spills in the Polar Region.

Welfare reflective paper

The Act consolidated the Department of Public Health and the Department of Family and Children Services and other Georgia state programs. Goal: Children are nurtured, safe and engaged The well being of children are very Important to the Department of Human Resources within the state of Georgia.

Explain the economic system of capitalism economics essay

So, one has to be very clear about the reality that when the assumptions or the structure of a building is weak then how can it hold the burden and functioning of the entire economy. Organizations are the players of the game and institutional framework are the rules of the game.

Acknowledge churchill as a leader history essay

As a young adult Churchill came to his senses and began to realize that in order to follow in the footsteps of his parents and hold an established place in society, a superior education was needed. In the aftermath of Churchill's worst mistake to date he decided to step down from his position and instead →

Editorial: modulating prokaryotic lifestyle by dna-binding proteins: learning from (apparently) simple systems

Contributing to the interest of the present topic is the fact that modulation of gene activity involves the sensing of intra- and inter-cellular conditions, DNA binding and DNA dynamics, and interaction with the replication/transcription machinery of the cell. There is an absolute need of finding novel alternatives to the " classical" approach to treat infections →

Editorial: brain-computer interfaces and augmented/virtual reality

Editorial on the Research Topic Brain-Computer Interfaces and Augmented/Virtual Reality In recent years, Augmented and Virtual Reality has matured technically, delivering higher levels of immersion and presence to users, while it has also become a widely available tool to create a new range of applications and experiences. The papers in this Research Topic show both →

Turning points in the civil war assignment

He sees the civil war in the lens of not a war against the North and the South, but a war against slavery and against their emancipation; a war between progressive forces against conservative ideologies in the south. The Mississippi region was now wholly under the control of Union forces and the abilities of the →

Relationship between parental rejection and loneliness

Rohner gave his famous Parental acceptance-rejection theory, widely known as a theory of socialization which attempts to explain and predict the antecedents, correlations and consequences of parental acceptance and rejection throughout the globe. Objectivity of the study The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation of parental acceptance-rejection with loneliness & depression.

Insecurity of food in india impacts

Due to the Current data of Food Insecurity India has the largest number of people in the world who are unable to get a healthy food lifestyle and Food insecurity is caused due to orthodox concept of belief like food inaccessibility and inadequate buying capability, sociological and demographic characteristics such as unemployment, Illiteracy rate, urbanization, →

Young goodman brown

A young Goodman Brown the symbol of a Christian who could easily lose his path in the harshness of the real world? The traveler then comments on the slow start to the young mans journey and says, " Come, Goodman Brown," cried his fellow traveler, " this is a dull pace for the beginning of →

Sternbergs triarchic theory of human intelligence

Finally, Cattell, a British and American psychologist, suggested the existence of fluid and crystallized intelligences to understand, identify and explain human cognitive ability, and created the Culture Fair Intelligence Test to reduce the bias of written language and cultural background in intelligence testing. In conclusion, Sternberg's triarchic theory of human intelligence aims at providing people →

Should it be legal to buy a kidney?

The kidney's job is to clear waste from the bodies blood and use the extra water and waste to turn to urine, releasing it from the ureters through urination. High blood pressure disease is able to damage the small blood vessels in kidneys, making it unable for the vessels to filter waste from the blood, →

William shakespeare

According to scholar, Lucas Erne the sonnet seems to define love as a negative; " the first and the third quadrants, it is true, define love negatively: ' love is not'...' Love's not...' The two quatrains are further tired together by the reappearance of the verbs ' to bend' and ' to alter'. The love →

“the assassination of julius caesar” by michael parenti essay sample

In 44 BC, the assassination of Julius Caesar was lead by conspiring members of the Roman senate who wanted to remove the dictator, who was increasingly acquiring power, and to revive the Republic government. His book also gives us insight about the Late Republic and takes us through the events that were presented in the →

Describe the conditions (external and internal) under which essay

Process of strategizing and the resulting strategiesYahoo Company has had very firm and effective processes in strategizing way forward to realization of the objectives of the company. It enables the company to reduce the costs of operations.

Pope joan essay

The Church declares Itself more powerful than the Emperor, and uses Its power to preserveloyaltyto the Church and Its power over the people. The power struggle between the Pope and the Emperor leads them to try to sabotage each other and increases the misery and suffering of their people.

Lack of demonstration of the technology environmental sciences essay

The future economic development of Bangladesh is likely to result in a rapid growth in the demand for energy with accompanying shortages and problems. Bangladesh has a vast potential for renewable energy and the natural availability of alternative energy creates opportunities of growth in power sector.

Israel palestine conflict assignment

This Is because the films show what children learn from the conflict, and how It will continue on both ides because of what is seen and taught by and to children in Israel and the OPT. There is a lack of knowledge about the conflict around the world, and Dam's footage of tear gas, arrests, →

Propaganda ww1 assignment

Also, powers were maintained and were updated often merely like the enemies were." Musician and artist in the war found ways to play a big part in the influence of the people. The Encyclopedia of Propaganda.

The voice of the city anita desai

Beloved's main character, Sethe, kills her daughter and tries to kill her other three children when a posse arrives in Ohio to return them to Sweet Home, the plantation in Kentucky from which Sethe recently fled. During 2006 a New York Times survey of writers and literary critics ranked it as the best work of →

Malcolm x

However, he shared the same identification of the black men plight that formed the basis for the existence of the Black Power Movement and the Nation of Islam. The Black Power Movement and the Nation of Islam were proclaiming the superiority of the black men.

Discuss seven key characteristics of leader nursing essay

In addition, a leader should have the power to make decisions and empower the team members to share their ideas with management. In nursing field power of a leader and nurse creates changes in others to get success for the implementation of plans and improve knowledge by training.

Advocacy in human services – a case study

Human service workers all act as advocates in the course of their work and the Australian Association of Social Workers ' Code of Ethics' supports this view citing, ' The social worker will advocate for changes in policy, service delivery and social conditions which enhance the opportunities for those most vulnerable in the community' however →

A country doctor a story by franz kafka history essay

He had to give out his servant miss to the groom for the good workss he had done, traveling his journey without his servant miss was more of a incubus to the physician. Although he had helped the physician out of his quandaries but treachery was not a good thing from him.

Payment and delay issues | construction industry

The objective of the study is to compare the factors that contribute to delay in progress payments for construction projects between the private and public sector. Contractors, whose are carry out the works on site and receiver of payment to make sure the construction works in the progress.

Marketing and the impact of environmental issues

Green marketing is defined as " Green or Environmental Marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, such that the satisfaction of these needs and wants occurs, with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment". This definition incorporates much of the traditional components of →

Pollination in fruit

The process of pollination is simply described as the transfer of pollen from stamen to the stigma and further to the ovule. Thus the following is a review of the work done in understanding pollination and the pollinators of these two fruit crops.

The lovely bones and beloved essay

A comparison of the ways that the dead affect the living in the novels Beloved by Toni Morrison and The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. The difference between the two scenarios is that, in Beloved at first it is the ' ghost' of the dead which affects them, followed on to be it is the →

Exercise alleviates depression

A number of studies in Japan, Germany, and the United States have revealed a direct association concerning the amount of exercise in a person's life and the incidence of depression. However, although this awareness of exercise as a depression alleviator seems logical, the empirical evidence remains inconclusive, as many research investigations which have been considered →

Commentary: the need for bayesian hypothesis testing in psychological science

It ought to be noted that the p -value is a statistic descriptive of the probability of the data under H 0 [p]. Wagenmakers et al.'s criticism of the p -value is faulty in that they allow for a probability transposition not warranted either by modus tollens or by the technical apparatus of Fisher's and →

Analysis of the somalian telecommunication industry

Competitors force the introduction of a new product, for example if Hortel did not introduce new product the other competitors like Telecom Somalia or Nationlik would produce Macro changes push Innovation because there's a lot of new entrants in the telecommunication market in Somali so Hortel faces competition on scale and scope. Hormuud Models of →

Why is the sky blue

Such as the different Electromagnetic Waves, Colors of the Rainbow, Rayleigh Scattering, and the Different Light Spectrums. Color is simply defined as the sensation produced by the effect of light waves striking the retina of the eye.

Case study language acquisition

She had to adapt to her new life and learn the language.Mrs. I believe she would speak freely and would not worry but like the book says language learners adapt to different situations.

Location factors appropriate to the development tourism essay

The city's efforts should be focused on growing accommodation stock to create opportunities and meet these new market requirements" Glasgow City Marketing Bureau Given that the development is hoping to take advantage of Glasgow status as a first class conference, shopping and cultural destination and also the 2014 Commonwealth games; then the following location factors →

A story of king leopolds ghost history essay

The reign of King Leopold and the extravagant story of his acquisition of the Congo is explored in Adam Hochschild's book entitled, King Leopold's Ghost. Henry Morton Stanley, one of the only men present to have actually stepped foot in Africa, represented Leopold at the conference and by its conclusion, Leopold's status as the de →

Drugs, athletes, and sports – anabolic steroid use

The dosage depends on the sport, as well as the perceived needs of the athlete. The use of anabolic steroids was not introduced to the sporting arena until the 1940's and 1950's.

Power in kindred: the development of dana’s agency over the course of the novel

In the beginning of the chapter, " The Fight," Rufus promises to mail Dana's letter to Kevin if she will burn her map of Maryland. Repeatedly using the phrase " I wanted to" instead of " I did" emphasizes Dana's conformity because instead of having agency and disagreeing with Rufus, Dana corners her thoughts and →


The ground infantry was also really important in the raids because they were the ones to help turn the tides of the war. They had double agents that were trusted by the Germans telling them that the Americans and the British were going to attack in the narrowest part of the English Channel, or through →

Eco assignment

The basic purpose of the government's intervention to the market is the use of private and public goods, imperfect information, and whereby individuals are not the best judges of their own interest and are not able to figure out what will benefit the. The government's role in this case is to oversee the mergers and →

Intersectional feminism’s definition of privilege

By limiting privilege to only a set of individuals, the hierarchy of power is established between those who belong to the privileged group and those who belong outside of it. Men were in the positions of power both in the academic institution and in the media, and the privilege of silencing a person from making →

Diagnosis and treatment modalities of triple fusion

Glossary of Prosthdontic terms 2 defines combination syndrome as the characteristic features that occur when an edentulous maxilla is opposed by natural mandibular anterior teeth including loss of bone from the anterior portion of the maxillary ridge, overgrowth of the tuberosities, papillary hyperplasia of the hard palatal mucosa, extrusion of mandibular anterior teeth, and loss →

Simulation reflection

In experiencing the Grand Strategy with Oz, the strategy used is in response to the internal and external conditions of the business systematic processes. The Grand strategy cluster is important to select the strategies based on the firm's competitive position and the market's growth capability.

Purpose of a job analysis

The purpose of a job analysis in human resources is to collect information about a job by analyzing the duties, responsibilities, tasks and activities of the job. A job analysis should identify the types of technologies and equipment that are to be used on the job and point out the types of education and experience →

Papsi marketing assignment

0 Extension Strategy Pepsi brand extension versions of the same parent Pepsi product that serve a segment of the target market and increase the variety of an offering. In conclusion, today's Pepsi is the world's second cola manufacturers and one of the largest beverage products manufacturers.

Corporate finance merger analysis sirius xm radio assignment

I chose this company because of the interesting nature of these two companies with an immediate duopoly of the newly created industry, and the controversial nature of the decision that allowed them to merge. History of the industry The digital radio industry began with the creation of digital audio radio service which was established by →

Arts, man on wire, and bomb the suburbs

In 1903, German sociologist, Georg Simmel speaks of the blase attitude the sights and sounds of the city brought to its inhabitants in his essay The Metropolis and Mental Life. Like Stephen Fry said, " Art is the love and wine of life.

Remarks on the prolactin hypothesis of peripartum cardiomyopathy

A seminal study in 2007 introduced the hypothesis that an antiangiogenic prolactin fragment with a molecular mass of 16 kDa is a key pathological mediator of peripartum cardiomyopathy. The concept underlying this putative therapy is the inhibition of the generation of the prolactin fragment by substrate depletion, i.e, the inhibition of pituitary prolactin secretion by →

Proper design of a repariation program

Repatriation is " the return to one's home country after a host country assignment", In order for companies to effectively apply their core competencies globally and expand, expatriates are needed who can transfer their technical expertise and cultural understanding on behalf of the companies. FinCorp incorporated a policy that allows expatriate to return to the →

Executive be handled by a computer.’’ in

Since then, the organization has expanded in most of the cities of Scotland and as a result the methods used in the storage, retrieval and security of information have proved to be inefficient. This is a business report, personally addressed to the manager of the Easy Drive School of Motoring explaining why and how a →

Globalization and peru assignment

The Human Development Index is a measurement of a country's social, political, and economical growth in comparison to other countries in the world. Globalization has contributed to the reduction of poverty, increased literacy rate, and the liberation of women in Peru.

Importance of music to my soul essay sample

I have confidence in the stunning energy of music, and want to share my thoughts and feeling with you in this what is music essay. Music is utilized as a part of numerous approaches to enhance and upgrade the lives of individuals.

Tertullian’s the prescription against heretics

The Prescription Against Heretics was written in response to the latter to defend the tenets of Christianity against the false teachings of heretics and religious-based philosophers. In his writing, Tertullian uses Luke 18: 42 to assert that it is the faith of individuals that would save them and not their ability to debate Scripture.

Effects on support networks health and social care essay

Definition of gender is an ability of people to hold feeling and give love to each other to develop and hold a positive mentality about sexual activity. In an earlier common stereotype and myths which, people assumed that when a natural physical and emotional of older people have changed they lost sexual desires and they →

Ups types and overview engineering essay

Off Line UPS the load is connected directly to the mains when main supply is available and it is not too high or not to low. In ups some feedback signals are nodded.sensing circuit is used to sense input mains supply and battery voltage o turn the inverter.

Assessing the hopes and fears for pakistan politics essay

Pakistan is a federation of different cultures and sects and the only way by which they can participate in country's affairs is democracy. Example of this situation is FATA and Baluchistan in particular and allover Pakistan in general.

History of the roman gladiator history essay

The Etruscans were the first great power in Italy and many things that seem unique to Rome were actually borrowed from the Etruscans, including the tradition of gladiatorial games. These games ended in the symbolic deaths of defeated athletes, and not in the actual death of the participants, like the later Roman games.

Life development chapter 8

A) Child abuse is modern problem and is especially common in non-industrialized nations B) Parents commit more than 80 percent of abusive incidents C) Neglect includes ridicule, humiliation and intimidation D) Nonparent relatives commit about 30 percent of abusive incidents B) Parents commit more than 80 percent of abusive incidentsWhich of the following children is →

Impact of the sdp on british politics

Following the Wembley conference of 1981 which passed rule changes strengthening the power of left-wing activists over candidate selection and the party leadership, the Gang of Three was joined by President of the European Commission, Roy Jenkins to form a new centrist party, the Social Democratic Party which threatened to change the nature of British →

Building up the inhibitory synapse

On the basis of the literature and recent findings the authors suggest that, in physiological conditions, vesicle filling is dominated by the GABA synthesizing enzyme GAD and by the GABA transporter GAT-1. In the following review, Mortensen et al, compare the potency measured under the same experimental conditions, of a series of GABA A receptor →