7 Pages Essay Samples

King arthur as a hero

King Arthur as a Hero The life of King Arthur consists various features in myths the world over, from his secret parentage to his final encounter in a paradise across the waters. According to the other version of the legend, Arthur received the sword from the mysterious Lady of the Lake.

Editorial: cancer nanotheranostics: what have we learned so far?

The novel physical properties of inorganic particles at the nanometer size scale, combined with the high specific surface of polymeric nanoparticles and the possibility to engineer stimuli-respond drug release strategies, have provided new tools to physicians for the diagnostic and the therapy of diseases such as cancer. At the present time, there is a growing →

The principles of ideal shopping centres tenant mix marketing essay

From the inception of the idea of doing a research topic, the major aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of shopping centre tenant mix from the perception of customers. In order to achieve the aim, a few dominant objectives of this research study were expressed as to identify the principles of ideal →

Persuasive strategies

The intention of both the writer and the director is unquestionably an agenda of trying to convince the audience to conceive the idea. As such, the free will that Naylor creates entices individuals to make a choice that is in favor of tobacco smoking.

Gender identity

A gender role of identity refers to the various attitudes and behaviors that are considered normal and appropriate for people of a particular sex. Everyone has a good idea on how to act toward their own gender how they are brought up, how they interact with others, and the pressure, and influence the media has →

Impact of brexit on the uk’s constitution

Parliament and Government are sovereign in the UK; the government composes the legislation and assisted by both chambers of parliament both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the Lords scrutinise the bill before it goes back through parliament. Although, throughout the Brexit process, it has shown that the legislative has had to →

Slavery and the underground railroad history essay

The Underground Railroad was a means for the slaves to escape to the free North. The demand for the crops in the north and Europe allowed for the demand of labor.

Observation of stigmas in relation to schizophrenia assignment

A comprehensive view of attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge will be analyzed in order to gain a perspective of the stigma associated with schizophrenia. The paper is concluded by a discussion of the results of the writer's survey, Schizophrenia Survey, and the information gathered through an interview with Joe Chula, the director the Mental Health Centers →

Evaluating foot massage minimizing pain among cancer patients

The magnitude of the problem of cancer in the Indian subcontinent in terms of sheer number is the most alarming. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of foot massage in minimizing pain perception and selected associated symptoms among clients with advanced cancer in selected hospital, Trivandrum.

Why does all this copyright reform stuff matter, anyway? what’s at stake?

To begin to talk and respond to this question, firstly we will look at some examples of people for the use of copyright law and why they are so adamant that the use and enforcement of the copyright law is a good thing. This is a website that allows the author of a media text →

Reflection on food waste

While in the case of the hungry outside the grocery store, the action may have been necessary to prevent pandemonium and inconvenience for the staff. I realize the wisdom in that teaching as there is not only an environmental cost of getting food on the table but it also leaves a detrimental footprint on nature →

The presentation of the woman in black essay

The Woman in Black is presented throughout the novel as a woman seeking revenge on the innocent. I am going to explore the appearances of the woman in black and how she affects both the reader and other characters within the novel.

History coursework – arab israeli conflict

As the source is directed towards the world to try and get international support, it is obviously exaggerated to make everything sound worse for the Arabs to generate sympathy for them: " In cold blood"." Mutilating many of the bodies". The source is defiantly not biased as it has the perspective of a Jew and →

The cyprus institute of marketing

Apart from the United Kingdom, the company has also expanded in Ireland and France and is currently exploring opportunities in Asia and Europe. PESTLE analysis is a useful method for evaluating and understanding the environment within which the organization is operating, the risks that exist in the market and the potential of the organization.

Advertising & consumer sovereignty

This paper will broach the subject by introducing the definition of advertising in the contemporary context, the general issues and criticisms of it, the more focused discussion concerning consumer sovereignty, as well as several mini case studies. Without this understanding of the basic " consumer," outliers in the consumer population will sway arguments to the →

One 2 one

The company has consistently had the right services available at the right time and at the right price, and continues to hold its own by being at the forefront of market innovations. Cybermation has turned out to be a key player for One 2 One." You work with us more as a partner than as →

Media sensationalism in baz luhrmann’s william shakespeare’s romeo & juliet

Specifically, the depiction of television in Romeo, which enjoys a close precedent in the 1976 film Network, not only updates Shakespeare's text, but also uses the cultural touchstone of the original play as a starting point from which it invites the audience to question the very medium in which the film is presented. The final →

“mother sister wife”: an evaluation of the disparagement of women and its antagonistic effects in absalom, absalom!

However, Faulkner encounters a problem in characterizing an antagonist to oppose Sutpen as no believable male character of the time would expend the energy to intentionally thwart the efforts of a monied man to build a reputation and a legacy. The roles of antagonist and inverse exist as the only places left for Rosa to →

He, she and our feelings

She will demise under the cruel regulations of slavery or she will be murdered by the masters; " if I had not killed her, she would have died and that is something I could not bear happen to her" Sethe's experience of slavery was the reason that made her to murder her daughter. However, the →

Ethics of culling doubled-crested cormorants

The preserving of rare plant life places a utilitarian halo on the culling of DCCO, but in actuality it negates the ethic of equal consideration, and places a question mark on the moral rightness of the action. The moral impetus behind the action of human beings in carrying out the culling of DCCO on the →

Handmaid’s tale essay

The relationship between Offred and the three men in her life: the Commander, his chauffeur Nick and her husband Luke, are important to this theme of importance of relationships as these relationships are all very different from one another and we see the different ways in which they are important to Offred and what role →

Holland sweetener company

On the other hand, the expansion of a substitute high intensity sweetener is growing in the market by using different kind of blends, this sector of the market represent an important threat to NutraSweet's market share. NutraSweet's management will react aggressively to danger created by Holland Sweetener company entry to market of aspartame to protect →

Tatum and regulation of developing cells is controlled

By inducing the proliferation ofmesenchyme cells and regulating the anteroposterior length of the apicalectodermal ridge, the Sonic hedgehog signalling pathway is able to control thewidth of the limb bud. In total, the development of a stem cellinto its fully functioning cell type is regulated through intercellular signalling, a crucial process that determines the strength, functionality, →

Plato’s ideal society in oryx and crake

Plato realized the importance of these myths and made sure the population in his ideal society is given a mythology to protect them, which is exemplified in the novel Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. The Crakers do not understand the connections between what's real, and what represents real, which leads to misinterpretation of just →

How patriarchal ideology impacts on us

Though separated by time and culture, patriarchal ideology is represented through the strong and dominant male characters, Torvald Helmer and Stanley Kowalski, their submissive and objectified wives, Nora and Stella, and the dramatic conclusions to both stories with regard to societal expectations for men and women. Nora's actions reflect her courage and strength, in that →

Comparative artwork visual analysis

The leading lines used from the outside walls and the rectangular floor in the middle of the picture all draw your eyes to the center of the picture where these statues reside. These slides are also in the shape of a double helix which is a large part of the artists inspiration to create this →

Operations strategy with focus on growth

Slack et al.[2] addressed that operations strategy is the pattern of decisions and actions that shapes the long term vision, objective and capabilities of the operation and its contribution to overall strategy. According to above, it can be concluded that operations strategy which is the way in which operations resources are developed over the long →

Apoptosis effect on cells

The suitable research question that will assure the achievement of results for this study will be: from the definition of apoptosis, what are the functions identified and what are the pros and cons of research in this field? Carrying out a research in apoptosis is important because it leads to the identification of various cell →

Heineken company case study

To a B2B firm, for example, the number of people in the country is not a good indicator of how large the market is. In the case of a beer company as Heineken, this would mean to license a brewery in a country they wish to enter.

Critically discuss the different perspectives on the causes of homosexuality

Change of sexual preference in adults is seen as evidence for the claim that homosexuality can be learnt and unlearnt. Walsh in Kasayira and Chipandamira contends that there is infect no agreement as to the causes of either male or female homosexuality.

Book review: clĂ©s des songes et sciences des rĂŞves. de l’antiquitĂ© Ă  freud

The aim of this paper is to analyze the western tradition of studying oneirocriticism: the book of interpretation of dreams, cles des songes. In the introduction, the authors highlight the work of Aristotle as the two different representative points of view of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: dreams as a natural phenomena and dreams as →

Extract from the poisonwood bible by barbara kingsolver

Kingsolver uses varying sentence structure and literary devices to better describe the forest and to emphasise its importance, as well as that of the characters described further on in the passage, in the storyline, and addresses the reader using first person narrative to get them involved in the plot of the story. In the opening →

Global business practice module

The changing contours of the global economic map reflect new trends in production, trade and FDI and increasing complexity in the global economy. The state's role as competitor, collaborator, regulator and container is examined, together with the dynamics of the bargaining processes between the Nation State and the TNC.

Big money, big problems

The first is money, and I cannot remember what the second one", and I do not know if there is a better quote that describes the state of the political system in the United States. The problem of money in politics is universally recognized.

Gender bias in nursing

Even female nurses are not accepting and recognizing the role of male in nursing. The behaviors and attitudes of male nurses in nursing have produced a bad image of male nurses.

Commentary: merging of long-term memories in an insect

But is this preference for the conjunction stimuli in the second half of the experiment evidence for a memory conjunction error? Feature and conjunction errors in recognition memory: evidence for a dual-process theory.J.Mem.Lang.


The hardening and thickening of heart's arteries meant that more work was expected out of the heart. Knowing the dangers of cholesterol and the importance of a good diet and a lot of exercise has not only prevented heart problems for the United States, but has set a higher standard of health for the rest →

Strategic dissonance beginning of an end management essay

According to Andrew Grove, when a company has a change in one of the competitive force in an industry of 10X, a company can ultimately lose its control of destiny. For a higher management the focus is larger and it of company wide.

A justification of the caste system bhagavad gita religion essay

This describes the absoluteness of the caste system and that caste duties are the highest priority in one's actions. However, this spiritual equality does not reflects in the societal structure and it even reinforces the caste system by reducing the oppressiveness of the caste system because it makes the people in the lower caste feel →

Trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy psychology essay

How TF-CBT is used in treating sexually abused children The TF-CBT treatment technique starts by assessing the symptoms or the severity of the sexually abused child. The final development of PTSD largely depends on the events of trauma such as the entire characteristics of the event, the proximity of the child to the main event →

A study on employee engagement strategy management essay

Almost all examples quoted in the consultant findings demonstrate an out-and-out lack of employee engagement; moreover, the opposite appears to be the case. At this point, it is important to note that a global survey by BlessingWhite Intelligence on the state of employee engagement found that that " Indian workers are among the most focused →

Editorial: sudden cardiac death and channelopathies

In young patients, in whom the incidence of sudden death is 100 times lower than in the general population, arrhythmic etiology, mainly from channelopathies, in the absence of structural heart disease is much more common and is the predominant cause of sudden death in patients aged between 14 and 25 years. The evidence of the →

Hamlet, the machiavellian prince: an exploration of shakespeare’s use of machiavellian politics

We will observe the following Machiavellian principles in Hamlet: 1)the political scheming that fuels the tension in the play2)the new prince's enemy, created by the prince's own actions3)the realization of hidden conspiracies and the deceptions used both to create and to unveil them4)the role of the characters in the play as actors within their own →

Karl poppers idea of democracy philosophy essay

The paper will try to underline Poppers conception of human nature and show hot this provides a framework for his theory of history, his critique of historicism and his conception of the ' open society' and democracy. The central core of Popper's social and political theory resides in The Poverty of Historicism and The Open →

Modern business assignment

Then, it takes the analysis one step further by elucidating the historical origins of differences in national institutions and corporate capabilities, and by considering the long-term relationship between trends in the international economy, the economic development of nations, and the nature of business systems. Considering the relationship between trends in the international economy, the economic →

How rita and eliza are learning a new language in an attempt to change

With Rita and Eliza's desires to change, it becomes apparent that both of the characters transformations are going to be difficult."" Such language conjures up the image that the door is symbolic to Rita's entrance as it shows her journey is going to be difficult. This quote is significant in the way Russell relates the →

Electronic funds transfer

With the being of the on-line trading processs.the development of fund transportation processes besides demanded several advancements in footings of making the possibilities of managing the money the fastest manner possible. It could be noted that through the increased concern of investors and economic partisans in heightening the procedures of fund transportation around the Earth →

The problem of evil in doctor faustus

Marlowe's point, therefore, is to place emphasis on the fact that the decision to be evil is indeed a decision; evil is a behavior that is lured out of us, and not planted within, by a devil. The tragedy of Doctor Faustus is the fact that the modern world is more concerned with who and →

Travel motivation for young adults: the role of food tourism

1Project title Travel Motivation for Young Adults: The role of Food Tourism 2Project summary This research project will examine the role that food tourism plays when young adults aged 18-34 decide to travel to destinations around the world. 3Aims/Objectives of the project To define food tourism and explore different ways in which it is interpreted →

The effects of gender on a child’s ability to conserve

Six-year-old participants were engaged in a conservation tasks experiment to investigate the role of gender in the ability to conserve. The purpose of this study was to investigate gender and the number of questions affect a child's ability to conserve.

John brown: abolitionist essay

In the years before the Civil War, Brown and his followers took the first step against slavery and fought the Missouri Border Ruffians. In order to free the slaves of the South, Brown came up with a plan.

Examining the physical environment of a maternity ward

There is always an orientation from sister to the new nurses by power point presentation and tour to every department of the hospital. The Maslow model presents a means for understanding the needs of the individual and the worker; ever present and growing technology allows for new ways to meet these needs; and training makes →

Past present and future assignment

This paper will be broken Into three parts; of which the subject will be the reflections that I have had on where I was, where I am now, and where I see myself in the near future in regard to learning, growth, development, and many other topics. In my heart, I knew that working within →

Tesco the customer relationship champion marketing essay

Realising that the self-service mode of running supermarkets prevalent in the USA worked out much cheaper than the traditional mode of and enabled companies to offer their merchandise at lower prices, Cohen decided to adopt the same for Tesco stores. This program will help Tesco employees to ingrain customer service as a company philosophy in →

Ict used by an employed adult essay sample

This software has a lot of functions as it is able to check in people as well as to send messages around the praxis if any work needs to be done. As I mentioned above that this is a specialist software DR Sadiq uses all these functions of the software as without the software it →

Arizona vs grant case

Searches of a Vehicle Following Arrest of an Occupant or Recent Occupant: Two Potential Justifications Arrestee could access the vehicle Gant held that police might search a vehicle incident to arrest when the arrestee an occupant or recent occupant of the vehicle is unsecured and within reaching distance of the passenger compartment at the time →

Commentary: the embodied brain: towards a radical embodied cognitive neuroscience

Drawing upon the work on functional connectivism, they suggest a paradigm shift in brain research from neuroscience focusing on how the brain implements narrowly defined cognitive functions, to one in which the locus of explanation is determined by the dynamic interactions between the brain and the non-neural body embedded in the organism's ecological niche. Our →

Brick’s isolation

The cool detachment and indifference in his tone is part of the persona he developed for himself to alienate himself from the rest. The interesting aspect of his character is that, unlike most characters in the play and people in real life, he chooses to be isolated.

Peter paul rubens the man behind the artist history essay

This has much to do with the fact that religion figures prominently in much of his work and Rubens later became one of the leading voices of the Catholic Counter Reformation style of painting. As in the rest of his later work, Rubens's fluent handling lends a simplicity and directness to these intimate family portraits.

Jefferson vs polk: expansionism compared

It is in the great expansion of the United States that we see two examples of leadership; the masterful, bold practices of Thomas Jefferson, compared to the risky, and hasty actions of James K.Polk. An early test of Jefferson's character as President was the declaration of war between the U.S.and the Bashaw of Tripoli on →

Editorial: the individual microbe: single-cell analysis and agent-based modelling

Editorial on the Research Topic The Individual Microbe: Single-Cell Analysis and Agent-Based Modelling The field of microbial individual-based ecology, or IBE, is grounded in the notion that to truly understand the interactions of microorganisms with their biotic and abiotic environment, one cannot ignore the scales at which such interactions occur. Such context can help with →

Introducing figure is an american standing near japanese,

In the cartoon, the artist tries to depict the reaction of other people to this tragedy and show how trifle other problems are comparing to the sufferings experienced by the Japanese people. In the cartoon, the author renders the idea of people's indifference to the tragedy happened as well as passiveness and reluctance of people →

Medea’s identity

Medea is defined by her different nationality, as well as her more obvious characteristics, and these certainly do not change in the course of ' Medea.'When she married Jason and came to Corinth, Medea assumed the nationality of a Corinthian. To Jason at the end of the play she declares that ' It is a →

Branding strategies are the long term marketing support marketing essay

Moreover, it is the airlines way of branding strategy and to build a global brand that everyone will be aware of. That did not seem to matter to Fernandez, who had a plane in the AirAsia fleet redesigned to carry the Raiders name and team logo.

The nature and role of assessments of competence

It is important to understand when to take action and help Learners develop their competence as the whole point of assessing the Learners is to help them prove their knowledge and build any areas that they need more experience with. M) How to make valid and reliable assessments of Learners Performance While making assessments of →

The fiftieth gate and the tank man essay

Baker is undoubtedly of the conviction that ' History is how we understand the world' at the beginning of the memoirs, as in his preface the use of the gate metaphor reveals his belief that history is the path to a perfect understanding of the world: " Whoever enters the fiftieth gate sees through God's →

Christianity, where art thou: examining religion, mythology, and mysticism in film

In the Greek epic, Odysseus's men are beached on an island and find the native people, the lotus-eaters, who offer them the flowery lotus fruit that entices them to the point of forgetting about their journey and wishing to stay on the island forever with the lotus-eaters. There is not a single character in the →

Fences research

As we already know, in his prime, Troy was a great baseball player and he strongly believed that he was not given the opportunity to play in the major leagues because of the color of his skin. According to Gerald Weales, the author of Review of Fences in the Commonweal, " Troy not signing the →

Energy crisis in pakistan essay sample

Despite the abundance of natural resources, the government has failed to mitigate the enormity of energy crisis in Pakistan. Therefore, the increase in circular debt is the increase of the load-shedding of electricity in the country.

Chikamatsu monezamon’s play, sonezaki shinjuu essay

This means that unlike the rich costumes characteristically of the historical plays, the protagonists of love-suicide stories would dress in the style of the day with simpler costumes; expressed through fewer layers in the kimono. This necessitates that all costumes for Ohatsu must already be worn by the actor at the start of the performance; →

Costco case study essay

They are the people that are in constant contact with their customers and good treatment accorded to them will boost the performance of the company. This is due to a wide range of products that they deal in and the fact that they have a good number of loyal customers.

Urban life rockefeller park promotes political ideology research paper examples

One of the most striking features of the park is a carousel, which is reminiscent of the previous century. The sculptures exist in a sculpture park within a park that is a park within a series of parks.

Portuguese emigration in the 1940s-1960s as a consequence of the dictatorship

The dictatorship that was led by both Antonio de Oliveira Salazar and Marcelo Caetano was one of the main factors that lead to the emigration of thousands of Portuguese's' between the 1940s and the 1960s, of course this was not the only reason. One of the reasons for why the Portuguese population in Canada grew →

Life changingsurviving life’s unexpected events

When I tried to open the door of my car, I realized I could not move my left arm. I knew I would have to wait for the fire department and the ambulance to arrive before I could be removed from the car.

Neuroimaging research paper analysis

An fMRI study of " theory of mind" in at-risk states of psychosis: comparison with manifest schizophrenia and healthy controls. Dysfunction of the social brain in schizophrenia is modulated by intention type: an fMRI study.

Which ethical theory is most commonly used in modern business?

On the one hand, the standard of right and wrong, on the other the chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne. An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation.

Conformity assignment

The one instance in which we did not get a response was when two upperclassmen guys followed behind us and said they did not care if they got in trouble or not- they were not going to take off their shoes to go in the library! When I was the only one, however, the mother →

Potential impact of communication technology on relationships

The Many Faces of Communication Technology: The Worrying Potential Impact On Our Relationships Introduction One of the most fundamental and important aspects of our lives as humans are our relationships to other people. In terms of determining which studies to include in our literature review, we chose to focus on articles that examined the impact →

Is it reasonable to believe in god in the 21st century?

First of all, I think I need to look at some of the Christian beliefs; Christians believe there is only one God who is all powerful and all knowing, their God is a loving God who cares how people behave and treat each other and they believe in the principle of the trinity, which shows →

Psychology and movies

What is interesting, A Beautiful Mind tells not just the story of a schizophrenic, but it also depicts the effect the disorder has for the family, how it causes the breakdown of one's reputation and the ability to combine schizophrenia and genius. To understand the main idea of the film and the peculiarities of the →

Merger of mittal stell and arcelor steel analysis

LAKSHMI MITTAL who is the CEO of the company, He and his family hold 88% of the company and its headquarter was in ROTTERDAM NETRHERLAND. THE MERGER The change was necessary in the Steel Industry and the aim was globalization and consolidation in the Steel Industry.

Concepts and approaches to bilingual education

The purpose is to enable students to become competent in literacy and academic skills in English through their native language. Regardless of the argument of bilingual education programs in the United States, immigrant children in American school systems should be able to maintain their own culture and native language in addition to becoming fully proficient →

Promote creativity and creative learning in young children essay sample

1 Creative activities are fun for children, they are suggested to help children have positive experiences and develop important characteristics and abilities which lead to a sense of purpose and achievement. Social Models Focus on the environment children are in and the role of the adults within it, implying it is the environment and experiences →

The concept of globalisation

There are the various worldwide treaties and agreements, such as the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the United Nations. The criticisms of globalisation are that it undermines sovereignty, exploits third word countries and is undemocratic.

An inspector calls essay

I will be required to write about the characteristics of the inspector making clear observations of his cross-examination techniques, the way in which he approaches the Birling family and his general function in the play as a whole. He is a very serious man this becomes aware to the audience in Act I as it →

My paper on std’s essay

Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is the name of a condition in women where the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth of certain bacteria. In women genital warts can develop around the vulva or inside the vagina and on the cervix.

“hospital corporation of america” by kester, w. carl essay sample

Each year HCA evaluated many potential acquisitions and areas for construction, with the criteria for selection including the target community's need for health care services, the quality of the target hospital's medical staff and personnel, the population growth pattern in the area served, the facilities' suitability for future expansion, and the hospital's overall financial position. →


In my opinion, a client- server would be the best system to use for an organization; verses the Web-based and the stand-alone PC based systems, because the client-server based provides set-ups and can be altered without disturbing the clients, while the other two systems require accessing every peer in the network. Morale and job satisfaction →

Female athlete triad essay sample

Trakya University in Turkey conducted a study in June of 2004 to have a further understanding in the prevalence of the female athlete triad among athletes. Cutting weight for these sports has seemed to be a highly recognized in the diagnosis of the female athlete triad.


If one could get in touch with this Tao and understand it, this would lead to a immense transformation of society and government Another similarity between the two philosophies is that they both believed that society and government was perfect in the past and that those lost values must be brought back in order to →

Pakistan elektron limited pel overview marketing essay

There are two types of PEL Air Conditioners: PEL window Type air conditioners were launch in 1981 in technical partnership with General Corporation of Japan. PEL company started manufacturing of refrigerators in the mid of 1986 and 1987 in the technical collaboration with Ms SILTAL of Italy.

What was the anzac legend was about history essay

In the course of the war, the qualities that made up the true Australian spirit were revealed. The loss and failure in the war had no effect on the ANZACs die to qualities such as; bravery, humour even in the most life-threatening situations, mateship, a belief in equality and the ability to utilise whatever resources →


It could be a common radiograph, such as a chest x ray; a tomograph, which is a radiograph obtained by timing the x ray exposure to correspond with the movement of the x ray tube and film in opposite directions around the plane of the body; or, finally, a computerized axial tomography scan. The use →

How would a multicultural workforce affect teamwork? essay sample

Integration of minorities into the workplace, or the practice of suppressing cultural differences to conform to the majority culture, meant that many of these minority workers had to lose a part of their heritage in order to obtain employment. If one group selects to value the individual over the family and the other the family →

Ramayana and eldest son rama

When Bharata learned of his mother's scheme to banish Rama and place him on the throne, he put Rama's sandals on the throne and ruled Ayodhya in his name. Hanuman's devotion to Rama, and his supernatural feats in the battle to recapture Sita, has made him one of the most popular characters in the Ramayana.

Gattaca defying all the premises philosophy essay

Gattaca by Andrew Niccol tells the story of Vincent, a young man naturally and traditionally engendered in a world where genetic engineering is the followed pattern to have a child. As a result, the easiest way to analyze the job market is to compare the occupations of the valids and to the occupations of the →