7 Pages Essay Samples

Da vinci robotic surgery

Meanwhile, the Ames Research Center in the National Air and Space Administration or NASA of the United States became interested in the development of the telepresence surgery. Meanwhile, the movement of the hands of the surgeon in the robotic arm control is transmitted by the computer software into digital code that directs the movement of →

Caribbean post-colonial drama

Notably, these authors point out that Walcott explains that this kind of folktale may be used as " a form of ' guerilla resistance' against cultural hegemony" as it is " firmly grounded in the mythos of the local community," and " deliberately eschews the values of the imperial centre". Identifying Papa Bois, who according →

Spartan military training and organization history essay

Most importantly, the other Greek poleis were aware of Spartan military prowess from firsthand experience in fighting alongside the Spartans in the Persian Wars, and later fighting against them in conflicts like the Peloponnesian War. In The Spartan Army, Nicholas Sekunda describes that competition between the boys was always present, and was a large part →

The amduat essay

The Amduat, also called the ' The Book of the Secret Chamber' was a knowledge oriented book and an important book in the history of ancient Egyptian funery text, that was found written on the inside of the tomb of Pharaoh mainly for references purposes. The Amduat The Amduat dates back to the time of →

Is conformity ‘liberating’ or ‘enslaving’? assignment

The study implies that personal sacrifice is an integral part of how a group functions as a whole; when a group functions well, there appears to be more conformity. It's obvious the fact still remains that in order for groups to operate at their highest potential, to produce the best outcome for the group as →

Criminal justice

Balance in the Administration of Justice and SecurityBalancing freedom and security in the scales of justice is no small task. This will help ensure justice in the country while trying to maintain the safety and security.

Most of the car owners engineering essay

IntroductionMost of the car owners have seen themselves in the dilemma of selecting which motor oil to buy for the best performance of their car. A secondary objective is to describe the different types of oils and how are they classify, and additionally analyze the implications of the climate on the motor oil selected for →

The merchant of venice is a racist play

The two main points of racism to be pointed out are firstly, the use of racial stereotyping mainly by what the characters say, and the other is one of the main characters, Shylock, who is a Jew. This is a surprise since the play is a comedy, and the character that the audience would laugh →

Clinical depression: drug treatment research article analysis

While Citalopram is a racemic mixture of the S and R enantiomers, escitalopram is made from only the S-enantiomers. Escitalopram treats symptoms of clinical depression exclusively through its ability to inhibit the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the CNS.

Diversity thatll effect on the organization s performance business essay

Chapter 1 is supplying an overview of the survey context and explaining the research job of the work force diverseness that will consequence on the organisation 's public presentation. The intent of this research undertaking is to look into the relationship between the effects of work force diverseness towards organisational public presentation.

Relationships, marriage, and complexity in the namesake

Gogol and Maxine's relationship is purposefully depicted as intensely and explicitly sexual to signify Gogol's character's rebellion against the sexual puritanism of his parents while Gogol and Moushumi's relationship is depicted as doomed to fail through the continual insecurity present within both partners as they struggle to find their identities. Lahiri deftly deploys punctuation to →

Science and faith annotated bibliography

The Frontiers of Science and Faith: Examining Questions from the Big Bang to the End of the Universe. Science and the Study of God: A Mutuality Model for Theology and Science, Wm.B.

Diabetes mellitus in the emergency services

This type of hyperglycemia is most often found in patients with type one diabetes because DKA occurs when there is little or no insulin in the body causing the blood glucose level to soar. The key with these types of patients is to keep a high index of suspicion.

For what reason is this prescription recommended?

Your specialist may need to change the measurements of your medicines or screen you all the more precisely for reactions.on the off chance that you are taking headache medicine all the time to avert heart assault or stroke, do not take ibuprofen to treat torment or fever without conversing with your specialist. On the off →

Perfume by patrick suskind essay

Throughout the novel Perfume by Patrick Suskind, there is an obvious use of literary devices used to describe the scents which Grenouille, the protagonist, smells, the way in which Grenouille smells aromas, as this is different to the ' average' persons scent capacity, and the relevance of the aroma, as he emphasizes those smells which →

How does priestly present the character of mr goole in an inspector calls

This is produced by the juxtaposed opinions and ideologies of the Birlings and the inspector.* Inspector Goole enters the play about ten pages in. Given that the inspector is an incarnation of all the principles priestly believes are right he is the prevailing power in all situations and always portrayed to be fair and just".

Transportation national group (columbia business school) essay sample

It is important that the company consider the ability to accept the potential contracts in the future. The purpose of using ROI is to know the company can collect more than the cost of investment or not and for planning of future investment.

Permissive and authoritarian approaches in hypnotherapy

The essay will explore this personalized induction and see if it will always be most effective to use a script that is modified of tailor made for the particular client. If the hypnosis is part of a longer therapeutic process, they there a good chance the therapist will have an idea about the clients, likes →

Editorial: caring for those who are neglected and forgotten: psychiatry in prison environments

In a retrospective case control study Seidel et al.examined a group of 210 individuals who had acted violently during a stay on a psychiatric ward of a prison hospital and compared them to a group who had never showed violent behavior. Dezso et al.described and examined the implementation of a suicide risk screening instruments in →

The role of public relations in rebuilding the reputation of the hollywood stars research paper samples

On the other hand, rebuilding the reputation and image of a Hollywood star require the PR personnel to consider when they need to exhaust their expertise on the issues. When it becomes apparent that the audience is no longer buying the publicity to increase the market value of a Hollywood star, the PR personnel would →

Emergent literacy learning and teaching education essay

Print awareness is a vital aspect that a young child needs to understand, because it is a basis that a young child needs to build upon to be able to understand the concepts of reading and writing. Young children are able to make the set and write labels to be able to play.

The presentation of the american south in carson mccullers’ the ballad of the sad café

However, this description changed over time, and in the middle of the twentieth century scholars added " a tragic sense, a sense of place, and a sense of the past in the present" to this definition. She invites him to her home, and this is the beginning of the cafe, which is the center place →

Importance of vaccinations

According to Paul Offit, a doctor at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the tissue resulted from two terminated pregnancies that occurred in 1960, and " No further sources of fetal cells are needed to make these vaccines". That is to say that communicable disease, such as polio and measles, are found regularly in these parts →

Challenges facing facilities management departments construction essay

So the need for the FMD to incorporate new technology, that utilizes 'Renewable Energy Sources' to produce energy, and reduce the impact that aged buildings in particular are having on the environment is a high priority. By providing a full range of services which incorporates all of the latest technology currently available, these services are →

My friend rabbit essay

None of the participants look too pleased, though, and when Mouse tops the pile and stretches his paws out, the tower winds up collapsing with a thunderous crash. Great is the inevitable fall thereof, but Mouse and airplane are reunited, and Mouse, being a true friend, swoops down to rescue Rabbit from the now-annoyed menagerie.

Exploring the life of ray charles music essay

Although Ray was born in Georgia and lived most of his youth in Florida, he knew that all the big names in music were in big cities, and so at the young age of 17 he already saved up some money from playing in small local gigs to move to Seattle, Washington. He was set →

Trend of industrialisation

What are the lessons we can learn from the experience of western and southern India? " Industrialization is a process that starts with the establishing and developing the industry for production of means of production and completes when the whole economy is transferred to the industrial methods of production. All these factors were, in turn →

Five aspects of culture essay

It is the cultural trait that focuses on to what extent the group invests for the future, is persevering, and is patient in waiting for results. While on the other hand in the United States, which is an individualistic culture, the answers will most likely be answered and perceived through the eyes of that individual.

The reflection of continued professional development

I will discourse the subjects that I found interesting during the bringing of Research in IT faculty and which i logged during my surveies. In 4th Lecture I learnt about literature reappraisal and seeking the literature Literature Reappraisal: This is relevant of description of the literature to a peculiar field in a subject.

The graphite production in the world economics essay

The reason that all suppliers in the market are strongly chained and tied to each other is also a risk factor for end-users in Asia, Europe and the United States Increasing consumption by the end-use industries improves the prospects of carbon and graphite market. Nevertheless, carbon and graphite market is improving in ensuing years, with →

The fundamentals of marketing marketing essay

He went down to the paper where he received a bundle of papers and a list of names to call or visit. Organizations need to manage the media so that the media help promote the positive things about the organization and reduce the impact of a negative event on their reputation.

Overview of the bataan death march

Thesis: It is unfortunate that the majority of Americans have no idea of the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army on the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines and the heroic stand that was made by these soldiers, sailors and Marines during World War II in the Pacific. It is unfortunate that the majority of →

Konigsberg bridge problem

History of Euler paths and cycles An ' Eulerian path' is a path in a graph which visits each edge exactly once in the theory graph.so, in the same way, an ' Eulerian circuit' is an Eulerian path which starts and ends on the same vertex. Term of degree of vertex in graph theory is →

Should california assembly allow bilingual education?

Examination of the phenomenon.who is affected by it.the possible implicit in causes of the quandary.along with the history prior to and environing Proposition 227 are to be considered when trying to reply the inquiry of California's Assembly leting bilingual instruction to go on. English merely California Children and the Aftermath of Proposition 227.

Water pollution and its prevention assignment

Water Pollution: Sources, Types, Criteria; For purposes of regulation, it is customary to distinguish between point sources and nonprofit sources of pollutants; Point sources involve the discharge of substances from factories, sewage systems, power plants, coal mines, and oil wells; Two basic strategies are employed in attempting to ring water pollution under control: 1) reduce →

The important middle east oil politics essay

The shortage of oil in the world market can lead to disastrous effects and consistent changes in the world politics and economy, to the extent that the shortage of oil is likely to put a considerable part of the world's population to the edge next to starving. As a result, the Middle East has become →

Women oppression in hedda gabler

It is fitting that the title of the play is Hedda's maiden name, Hedda Gabler, for the play largely draws upon the idea that Hedda views herself as her father's daughter rather then her husband's wife. Hedda is a strong, bold, and independent woman for her time, yet she is determined to live her life →

Olipology and price fixing in the music industry

The mutual dependency is determined by the ability of one seller to influence the decision of the others in the market. In the long run, Minimum Efficient Scale is the point of efficiency where a firm produces the required level of output to meet the demand, at an average cost.

Passion and preference on film: a thematic analysis of chris columbus’ rent essay

In the midst of relationship and friendship tangles including rekindling old flames and starting new ones financial issues and political objectives, drug habits and lost ambitions, and sexual preferences and fatal illnesses, the spirit of individualism among many, and the promise of being allowed to live the way one wants, are all colorfully and movingly →

Effects of caffeine and nicotine on the mind

Caffeine is probably one of the most misconstrued drug of the two and most do not consider it much of a danger or consider that it has effects on the body other than simply producing a bit of energy. Any drug that is considered as addictive, can and will have adverse effects on one's body →

The liberal international economic order economics essay

Right after the end of the Second World War, the World Bank creation, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the International Monetary Fund established the foundations for the organization of a liberal trading order. The expansion of the liberal trading order, the strength of the free market and the freeing of capital from →

The shimmering substance by jackson pollock essay sample

There is an evident movement in the artwork as you look at it, there is a pattern of yellow spiral originating from the upper part of the picture to the middle portion. There is also a separation of the light and dark colors, the darker ones are mostly packed in the left side while the →

Differences is privacy privatism and privatisation sociology

In contrast, the private kingdom of the place is typically understood as a infinite that offers freedom and control, security and range for creativeness and regeneration. And that for Bachelard, place is " a cardinal component in the development of people ' s sense of themselves as belonging to a topographic point ".

One nation under corn?

A position paper done in fall of 2012 on the cause and affect of the industrialized corn crop. Most of what we see in the news is the emphasis placed in the trials and tribulations of the farmer, for the benefit of the consumer.

Reconciliation with the past in tolkien’s ring trilogy

Reconciliation with the past is a major theme throughout Tolkien's trilogy, and the gap between the powerful, undying beings of the past and the mortal men of the present and future is starkly evident when the characteristics of the ancient domains are held up against the kingdoms of men. Bombadil is at the extremity of →

Controversy of coca cola company in india commerce essay

This case study states the controversy of Coca Cola Company in India because of the allegations of CSE which stated the presence of high levels of pesticide in 12 cold drinks in and around Delhi. Later Coca Cola hiked the prices by 15 percent in India giving the reasons that the hike in prices will →

The study about dengue in the philippines essay sample

The Dengue fever can be risk and turn into dengue Hemorrhagic fever that consist of three stages after it will turn into the last reaction of Dengue, the dengue shock Syndrome in this stage the disease cannot be cure. Background of the Study Dengue The first recorded case of probable, dengue fever is in a →

Cultural interview essay sample

She is thankful for the love of family and her faith in God to help her in her current role as a patient.M.S.speaks of a future job of owning a small local Caribbean restaurant. She can recall since living in Cincinnati the difficulty of finding a restaurant with Caribbean food.M.S.is present oriented to time.

Summary of the universe in a nutshell

Red Dwarf Link: In episode 102: Future Echoes the crew see images of the near and distant future as the ship accelerates past the speed of light. The Anthropic Principal is a main focus of the chapter and explains why we perceive the universe the way we do.

Karl rahner and the anonymous christian theology religion essay

Norman Wong Cheong Sau in an article titled Karl Rahner's Concepts of the " Anonymous Christian" an Inclusivist View of Religions; in this article, Rahner provided his personal definition of an anonymous Christian:" We prefer the terminology according to which a man is called ' anonymous Christian' who on the one hand has de facto →

Theme for english b by langston hughes

The poem entitled Theme for English B was written thirty years or so after the birth of the Harlem Renaissance, but still embodies why the Renaissance had originated in the first place. The few lines that make up the first stanza introduce the plot of the poem to the reader.

Commentary: a neural mechanism of social categorization

As the unfolding of the trials, the spontaneous tendency to respond to the familiar category may weaken and the neural coupling may strengthen as the arising cost may be increasingly contributed by the co-activation of the opponent category. However, the relation between the trajectory deviation and neural pattern in the OFC should be further examined →

Implications for the future

One of the answers comes in the form of one type of psychology and that is in the field of environmental psychology. Recycling lowers the waste disposal costs and the amount of waste that are in our cities.

Essential of investments

However, based on what the investors expect after the lenders and the firm agreed to lower the payments the YTM became 1.80%. The price of the lower convexity bond will be low with a high YTM, which means that the higher yield is to compensate the investor for investing in a lower convextiy bond.

International marketing heinken assignment

A firm may give a license to a foreign manufacturer to manufacture the company's brands, market them and pay fees and royalties accruing from the sales volumes of the product. A third entry strategy is for a firm to franchise by partnering with local business owners to pay fees and royalties to the parent company →

Factors increasing extinction rates in giant panda populations

Once this die-off occurs in the bamboo, the time it takes to grow to a level which can feed a full population of giant panda can be up to twenty years, thus many pandas are starved and may die due to this. Examples of this would be two of the main species of bamboo which →

Factors impacting on nursing care quality

The Nursing Stress Scale, a standard measure of work stress experienced by nurses incorporates workload as one of several separate and distinct sources of stress, highlighting the importance of this factor in nursing care. The role of nurses in sexual and reproductive health.

Aston business space jam poster analysis assignment

The purpose of the movie poster plays a publicity function and makes the target audiences know the movie Space Jam shown and attracts more people come to cinema. The title of the movie ' Space Jam' is written in blue and green capital teeters and it uses a big cartoon font different with other elements →

Impact of affordable care act on medicare

Medicare was beginning to pay for additional preventive care services that were in accordance with the typical United States health care insurances as a measure to decrease the necessity of costly health care treatments in the future." The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 provided that in the first six months which →

Collaborative learning

Students would take up the responsibility for their learning; though the teacher monitors the progress and acts as a facilitator, it is the group which decides upon the end product to be presented and the presentation mode. Unequal contribution of the different members of a group can represent a major backlash of collaborative work; some →

Editorial: designing technologies for youth mental health

In this special issue Designing Technologies for Youth Mental Health in Frontiers in Public Health, we bring together a collection of five interesting research studies from diverse regions, including New Zealand, the United States, Japan, and India that are focused on the role of emerging digital technologies for advancing mental health promotion and treatment efforts →

Proust phenomenon

Odor Perception Questionnaire This questionnaire, given at the delayed recall session, probed for odor recognition, description on the odor, distractibility of the odor, and a prediction as to how the odor affected their ability to recall the animal names. In the immediate recall session, participants recalled the animal names on a sheet of paper with →

The grandmother

The National Revival that occurred in the 19th century in which Nemcova played a major part was in response to the decline and The Grandmother is one of the major literary works that serves to awaken nationalistic fervor. The universality of the story persisted in the longing of the grandchildren to know their grandmother and →

The general crisis in the 17th century history essay

The origin of this war goes back to the Peace of Augsburg, which basically stated that the religion of the ruler of the land will be the religion of the people. After all, this war was ended with the Treaty of Westphalia; which ironically ended up being like the treaty of the peace Augsburg that →

Design for fire doors and fire exits

In the building and construction industry the compliance to the specific requirements provided for by the building control bodies is paramount for the general safety of the occupants of the particular building and the general public. Fire Exits and Means of Escape The Approved Document highlights that buildings will be constructed in a manner that →

Max, durkheims and marx

In many ways it was in response to that process, as journalists remarked on the exploitation, poverty, oppression and misery of the working class.some of the most influential sociologists of this period were: Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim's. Marx's economic analysis of capitalism is based on his version of the labour theory of →

Land law

The development of land law from this point relates to the doctrine of tenures and a 'slice of time'2 in the land. Linda Chamberlain believes the 'fundamental objective of the Act is'6 as the Law Commission stated, 7'the register should be a complete and accurate reflection of the state of the title of the land →

Sociology assignment

They are responsible for the well being of the team and for bringing out the best in the players. Despite the fact that the Dieppe Commandoes lost 4-2 to the Capitals, they shook hands at the end of the game very respectfully.

D.u. singer hospital products corp.

At this point he realized that although Docent would have general knowledge, he needed to talk directly to the Director of Manufactering." This first step, which follows the completion of the development of processing and packaging systems," said the Director of Manufacturing, " is to do a complete study of the facilities requirements. What you →

Villain study regina mills aka the evil queen

When Regina was younger, she had a great love for horses and that's where she met Daniel, the stable boy, the man she loved and dreamt of marrying. The curse required her to sacrifice the heart of the one she loved, her father, and so she did without hesitation.

The problems and issues jamaica faces tourism essay

In the case of tourism and how tourism affects the economy within the process of accomplishing the putting together of accommodation transportation goods and services the theories or methods used to solve these problems would be using the multiplier effect to measure the cost of travel for a tourist to a destination or location how →

Approaches to palliative care

The approach provides primary care services to improve the quality of life of the dying patients through addressing pain and other distressing symptoms and integrating physical, psychosocial and spiritual care to ensure a good death for the patients. It also offers support for families of the terminally ill patients to cope with grief and bereavement →

The effect of plasticizers biology essay

Despite of holding good ionic conduction and high mechanical strength, one of the most of import issues related to the applications of polymers is the deficiency of biodegradability for the polymers. The usage of XRD is to mensurate the mean spacing between beds or rows of atoms, to find the orientation of a individual crystal →

Science in safe ways so that it

Some of the issues brought forth will be the availability of food, water, and a breathable atmosphere throughout the course of the expedition. In this research paper, I will be researching and discussing the issue with food, water, and oxygen in a long journey in space and on the surface of another planet I will →

American foreign policy: realpolitiks vs. human rights

I think the U.S.should do what is in the best interest of the United States for example, Just one day after the French surrender at Dien Bien Phu, an international conference to settle the Indochina conflict began in Geneva, Switzerland. The agreement was between Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, France, Laos, and the People's →

Making toothpaste essay sample

Scope and limitations This research is focused in the feasibility of eggshells powder which is used as main component in the production of toothpaste this study also focus on effectiveness of the toothpaste with eggshell and cinnamon powder. This study can proved that eggshell and cinnamon are very effective as a main component of calcium →

Cardiff bay – a brief history

In 1794 the construction of the Glamorgan ship canal which resulted from the development of the iron industry meant that the export of iron through Cardiff became huge. After being passed to and from the public and private sectors and with the continuing decline of the Wales coal fields Cardiff left large areas of Cardiff →

Perception, sensation

" Perception is more than just a sensation" Introduction Sensation is the passive process of bringing information from the outside world into the body and brain. Perception is the active process of selecting, organising and interpreting the information brought to the brain by the senses.

Ensuring use of technology has purpose in education

Blended larning requires the scholar to be at the Centre of the procedure and guaranting that it is the right environment for the right scholar. Becta suggests that PLE 's 'offers a portal to the universe, through which scholars can research and make harmonizing to their ain involvements and waies, interacting at all times with →

Abstract a faster and safer evacuation plan

Toxicity of smoke: Toxicity of smoke is the main reason of casualties in a fire. The light weaken property of smoke determines the drop of visibility in a room filled with smoke, which is a great trouble of evacuation in a fire.

Which theorist is most applicable to understanding work today, marx, weber or durkheim? essay sample

The change in the occupational structure in society today is based on the phenomenon of the division of labour. Although it maximises productivity, Marx argues that it leads to the separation of individuals and the generation of power struggles." Thus the existence of the division of labour means the dislocation of the human essence, the →

Plato’s republic

His conduct is always immaculate in the presence of them, and he is never short of advice to the others, who hold him is various degrees of suspicion, regarding the pious and just life. The counter argument to this is that villains like Tartuffe are usually found out in the end, and therefore suffer in →

An annotated bibliography niccolo machiavelli politics essay

It is a special sort of restriction: their unique appointment to subordinate will of a The Prince to well-being and power of the state and to make so that he aspired not to own, and to general welfare and cared not of the successors.2. Gilbert, Felix, " The Humanist Conception of the Prince and The →

What are the main goals of the company marketing essay

After decide the organization and direction of topic that we are going to do, we have divided our group members to do the fact finding in order to find out the problem and produce a new system for the 99 SPEED MART mini markets. Following are the result of our observation: Based on our observation, →

Florida bridge collapse from a utilitarian perspective

Thirdly, the change of standard infrastructure without proper testing is likely due to short and unethical timelines that are given to the design team and engineers; even though the mistake had been reported and documented before the bridge collapse there was a tight window in which the engineering team had to finish the project. We →

Callaway golf canada

On the contrary, club members may be comforted by having a member of their club's professional staff present, it may lead the club member to trust Callaway Golf and the MPC more. The inconvenience in this scenario is that Callaway would have to pay the club staff member as well as the MPC.

Theater of the grotesque: the spanish tragedy and foucault

Though the dead can speak, they can not affect change in the world of the living, as demonstrated by Andrea's outrage at being made to watch his good friend's suffering at the conclusion of the first half of the play. These two characters have, in a sense, made fools of the state of Spain and →

John locke: the better account of the origins of ideas

The infant cannot be born with the knowledge to know the basis of mathematics, the child will have to obtain in school through and throughout the experiences of learning. By supporting these two principles in regard to Locke's better account of the origins of ideas, this entirely gives someone the intuition that our experiences are →

Impact of the 1991 industrial reforms in india

The major aim of the 1991 Industrial policy was to improvise the gains which the country was already making, correct the distortions that might have been generated and maintain a sustained growth in productivity. In order to protect the environment and curb the emission of pollutants in the atmosphere, the government encouraged cleaner and efficient →

Editorial: properties and applications of ionic liquids in energy and environmental science

Editorial on the Research Topic Properties and Applications of Ionic Liquids in Energy and Environmental Science Ionic liquids are salts comprising cations and anions, and usually liquids at or below 100 C. 1039/C9CP05905A PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bhattacharyya, S, Filippov, A, and Shah, F.U.

Prison policy initiative evaluation

The Prison Policy Initiative documents and publicizes how excessive and unequal use of punishment and institutional control in the United States' harms individuals and undermines communities. The report shines a light on prison racial disparities by using the 2010 Census to compare the race and ethnicity of incarcerated people to that of the people in →

The challenge of foreign competition essay

Whether foreign competition is beneficial or not really depends in the state of a country's economy, or how well a company is prepared to face foreign and domestic competition. Conclusion Whether protectionism or free trade favors a country and its businesses or not depends primarily on the state of the economy and how well an →

The to the tension that would finally why consequently, the union’s nationalism took secession

The Civil War was a brutal war between the North and South of America over the issue of slavery, which was spurred on by the secession of the southern states from the Union of a America. Slavery was almost totally abolished in the northern states after 1787 when the Constitution was drafted at the Philadelphia →

How buddhism affects chinese culture history essay

The Buddhist of china strongly believed that pursuant to Amita's eighteenth vow, assertion or supplication in the name of Buddha was one of the commonest and simple practice of attaining freedom and relieve from the sufferings caused by the world. Hence upon adoption of Buddhism as part of the great religions in China it brought →

Exploring ridderstrales aim with the account management system

A third goal was to also measure the costs of the individual customer orders placed on the production, sales, and administrative resources of the company. The features offered under the new system included the separation of costs associated with stocked and non-stocked items.