7 Pages Essay Samples

Owens v owens [2018] and the issue of a no-fault divorce

Contrary to the assertionthat Owens V Owens [1]provides little support for the introduction of no-fault divorce, the decision provides a stellar illustration of the weaknesses in theMatrimonial Causes Act 1973.[2] Owens is an anomalous case as the majority of divorces are granted, yet this does not mean divorce law operates effectively or that Owens does β†’

Dna testing in the criminal justice system

His findings led to the conviction of the culprit, Colin Pitchfork, and the exoneration of the innocent man who was previously the main suspect in the crimes. The concept behind DNA testing is finding the differences in the DNA sequences of two or more samples of DNA.

Government unit 5

This oath is recited by warIn the United States, the draft would most likely be implemented during a responsibility adult citizensEvery man and every woman in this Nation- regardless of party who have the right to register and to vote, and the opportunity to register and to vote, have also the sacred obligation to register β†’

All she returned to her original faith.

All the schools of Muslim law also agree that a hazina will forfeit her right of hizanat in any of the following cases: By her apostasy, By her marriage to a person not related to the child within the degrees of prohibited relationship, By her misconduct, such as negligence or cruelty towards the child, and β†’

How does austen represent women’s agency in emma essay

The character of Emma is shown as independent, authoritative and multidimensional and who, in juxtaposition with the novel's other characters, is a tool in exposing the social expectations of women in the isolated Highbury society. To an extent, due to the ailments of her father, she is constrained in that she is unable to leave β†’

Editorial: celebrating twenty years of the brazilian symposium on cardiovascular physiology

Editorial on the Research Topic Celebrating Twenty Years of the Brazilian Symposium on Cardiovascular Physiology This research topic is dedicated to the celebration of 20 years of the Brazilian Symposium on Cardiovascular Physiology. One of his disciples, Miguel Covian, was invited to be the chair of the Department of Physiology in the School of Medicine β†’

Controversy over water rights

The history of water rights and water controversy dates all the back to the California Gold Rush during the mid 1800s. In the end, the Supreme Court decided in a 7-2 decision, that water is an article of commerce and Sporhase was allowed to keep pumping water from his Nebraska well to his Colorado field.

Service learning proposal for school

To get parents to involve in the school, it's great to ask parents to volunteer in the classroom, ask if they are interested to come to my classroom listening to the lesson. It's great to have the activity in the classroom and will invite parents to participate with the children in the center.

Machine perception and learning grand challenge: situational intelligence using cross-sensory fusion

The goal of such automation is to accomplish these tasks with the perception and adaptation of humans, and often in collaboration with humans. These and other innovations in machine perception are essential for harnessing the potential of a dynamic data-rich world through multi-sensor, multi-level, data-to-decision approaches.

Prison design

When it is time for the prisoners to return to their cells, there will be a count check of all weights, books and other appliances, and the inmates will be searched to assure that they do not try to steal and sneak things back up to their cells. In order to help the rehabilitation of β†’

Plant tissue culture essay

The growing of the works depends on the alimentary medium every bit good as the sterile conditions. Seal the Petri dish with the parafilm Write the name, day of the month, media type, explants name and group name on the Petri dish.

Effects of breaking attachment bonds

These attachment behaviours all share the same function for example a baby cries and this gets the attention of the caregiver to respond to its needs. He referred to this disruption of the bond with the mother as ' Maternal Deprivation' or a disturbed emotional attachment between mother and child.

Brain in a vat theory by hilary putnam | analysis

In Hilary Putnam's Brain-in-a-vat example, a world exists in which brains, a neuroscientist, a supercomputer running simulations of brains contained in a vat, and the vat itself are the only objects. If I utter " I am a BIV", I am a brain-in-a-vat." I am not a brain-in-a-vat" Thus, " I am not a brain-in-a-vat" β†’

Inflation and unemployment relationship

The purpose of this study was to analyze empirically the relationship between inflation and unemployment in Pakistan. The main objective of this study is to evaluate empirically the relationship between inflation and unemployment in Pakistan during the study period.

The impact of bioinformatics on microbiology

With the foundation of large integrated databases such as GenBank in 1982 along with major advances in computer technology and the development of a variety of biochemical wet-lab techniques that allow rapid generation and analysis of genomic and proteomic data, bioinformatics has become an important recognised field of its own in the last twenty-odd years β†’

How people behave and perform in a group psychology essay

This essay focuses on the analyses of how working in a group can be both psychologically awarding as well as demanding for the individual by referring to how social support, group norms, peer pressure, conflicts, unclear individual accountability, the various advantages and disadvantages of working in a group for the individual, theories and research on β†’

What is lacking in our present education system

I could not trace the link of the origninal article " As a Parent" by Wipro Chairman Azim Premji but his words are worth repeating:" The primary purpose of a school is to guide the child's discovery of herself and her world and to identify and mature the child's talents. Imagine a school in which β†’

Triangular trade assignment

European goods, in turn, were used to purchase African slaves, which were then brought on the sea lane est.from Africa to the Americas, the so called middle passage.[2] A classic example would be the trade of sugar from the Caribbean to Europe or New England, where it was distilled into rum. The profits from the β†’

Vacation resorts effects on culture and views tourism essay

This clear and deliberate separation, between the luxurious and pristine resorts and the surrounding areas, which are usually impoverished, creates a distinction between the tourists and the locals, which translates to the developed countries and the Third World. Contributing to the Orientalism created by resorts and the distinction between the superior developed countries and the β†’

Religious elements of a portrait of the artist as a young man and oranges are not the only fruit

His romanticisation of nature and beauty is driven by the intensity of Catholic resurrection and transcendence of the soul.' By merging the Catholic and Romantic versions of the soul, Stephen essentially creates his own soul, operating as both the Catholic god who creates the soul and the Romantic poet who finds his soul in the β†’

Factors affecting menu planning

The business rotates around the structure of the menu, the cost of the ingredients, the employment cost together on which the entire infrastructure is going to be framed. Competition in the Market 10 Greek Street, is focussed on the factor that the quality of food, the price of the menu and the quality is under β†’

The origin of the mi5 and mi6 history essay

Yet, whereas MI5 has established a tone of openness with the British public since the early 1990s, MI6 remains guarded concerning the details of its activities a good example is the Iraq war. MI6 efforts against both Russia and Germany in the 1930s uncovered evidence of Nazi-Soviet cooperation in the development of weapons technology, but β†’

The food security of india

For maintaining a satisfactory level of operational and buffer stock of food grains and to ensure national food security, The Food Corporation of India was set up under the Food Corporation Act 1964. A decrease in production leads to poor availability and thus food security of the country is poor.

Editorial: resilience approaches to promote the determinants of health for indigenous and other ethnic community youth

We use the ecological systems-focused and culturally sensitive definition of resilience:" In the context of exposure to significant adversity, resilience is both the capacity of individuals to navigate their way to the psychological, social, cultural, and physical resources that sustain their well-being, and their capacity individually and collectively to negotiate for these resources to be β†’

The definition of perception marketing essay

This part of the study will discuss on the several factors of perception of risks, the various elements that affect purchase intention, how to reduce perceived risks and methods to improve the purchase of a product. Perceived risks concerned the uncertainty of a proposed purchase and the outcomes that will result from a decision to β†’


The decision to exploit opportunities is based on the nature of the opportunity and individual differences. In the article " Opportunity Recognition as Pattern Recognition: How Entrepreneurs " Connect the Dots" to Identify New Business Opportunities" entrepreneurship is perceived in terms of cognitive framework and pattern recognition.

Science investigatory project (chemistry) flashcard

Limitation of the Study This study is limited to the fermentation of mango, claimants, suburban, coconut, banana, and cashew Juices, and restricted to qualitative observations of their rate of fermentation and color.V. Review of Related Literature The history of fermentation predates the history of man, since the process is natural to fruits and, practically, to β†’

God of evil

John Hick, a well-known modern philosopher actively pursues on the fight that evil is not a creation of God's doing; instead, Hick believes that evil is a result of God's creation of our own free will. Evil and the God of Love.

The prince and its relation to measure for measure

A study of kingship, arguably the entire premise for Measure for Measure, is immediately introduced in the first scene, with the Duke's declaration " Of government the properties to unfold/ Would seem in me t'affect speech and discourse". Implicit in this is the Duke of Romagna's awareness of the implications of his forceful capture of β†’

Women and writing in the garden of eden

In The Garden of Eden, David Bourne retreats into his writing to escape the complications of his life, complications located predominantly in the actions and moods of his young wife, Catherine. His understanding of people and how best to interact with others in the world is altered, if only temporarily, and he is able to β†’

Effective job performance tools

Effective Performance Tool The job performance tool selected for mental health care counselor evaluated performance on core competencies needed to conduct the job effectively and on organizational goals. The performance tool guides the employee in understanding where the organization is heading because it gives the mental health counselor specific goals that are tied with those β†’

Global challenges facing the company commerce essay

In add-on, the company implemented the entire quality direction scheme which led to the high degree of the client satisfaction because of the high quality of services and high dependability of the company. At the same clip, the execution of the concerted scheme and the international market enlargement conducted by Lufthansa raised a figure of β†’

Natural protection against african civilization in the dark ages by europeans: specific diseases

In the case of other tribes were forced to sign a admittedly unfair treaty from companies like the Royal Niger Company, Document 1 that stated " We the undersigned Chiefs of_____________, with the view of our country and our people, do this day cede to the Royal Niger Company, forever, the whole of our territory β†’

Brave new world: aldous huxley

Bernard, John, Helmholtz, Lenina Where? Bernard, John, Helmholtz, Lenina, others Where?

Livy’s account of cincinnatus

Although based on the accounts of written ancient text, in the words of Roman and Greek historians, philosophers, and writers; many great men would become victims to the idea and quest of absolute power and supreme prestige and lose sight of duty and nobility. It was after the battle that Cincinnatus would rebuke the consul β†’

Theories of political violence and terrorism politics essay

Terrorism in the form of murder, kidnapping, bombing and hijacking has been on the rise for the past several years amidst the different policies and measures that have been implementing by the international cooperation between the governments, the law enforcement agencies and military forces. This was due to the effort of the government to manage β†’

Use of cranberry supplements for uti prevention

Although prevention may not be credible, the question remains: " In high-risk populations, does the use of cranberry supplements cure or prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infections?" The purpose of this scholarly paper is to analyze current research on the effectiveness of this intervention as well as discuss evidence-based practices for nurses now and β†’

Aspects that contribute to the various changes in a common language between countries

This due to the fact that the British newspaper possessing a more developed pool of vocabulary compared to the Filipino newspaper. This helps the analysis due to the purpose being the underlying source of the language used by the author.

Mental illnesses: when demons live inside your head…

This proves that the false accusation is that mental illness is someone's fault and that a person chooses to have it, when in reality they do not. That is not only devastating for the person that suffers from a mental illness, but it is for their parents as well because they feel like they did β†’

Princess of diana: a biography

She was born on July 1, 1961, and did not have a name until Diana was three days old she was given the name Diana Frances, her parents gave her then name Diana because they liked that name, and they gave her the name Frances after her mom. Life after divorce Diana was upset that β†’

Human growth

Johndor told the nurse that was working with him that he had had a good life, and was not afraid of dying, and wanted to enjoy food for it was one of the few pleasures he still had, so he was willing to take the risk and his young daughter who was looking after him β†’

“the jungle: fiction, history, or both?”

White's essay " On Narrative" gives a definition of what constitutes as a legitimate historical narrative, information that is applicable to The Jungle as it helps classify the novel's aspects of literary and historical writing. So immediately, the imaginary events of these paragraphs the story of Jurgis's life prevent The Jungle from being a historical β†’

A critical analysis of the movie white nights

The use of the performance to narrate a somewhat abstract story is another indication of the contemporary and modern nature of the dance. A dance which reveals the skills of Baryshnikov and Hines as professional dancers.

English as lingu franca in arab countries : a conversationl aanlysis

Maha: I love to teach and Ive been to one of your classes and I fell in love with the method you use thats why I decided to er, get more er, how to say er, get more um, [claps] ideas from your method of teaching and apply them maybe in my future lessons [2: β†’

Critical elements of twelve angry men

Perhaps the most important element is the relationship between Juror 3 and Juror 8, as the constant conflict between these two drives the narrative of the drama, allowing other significant elements to develop and be explored. This proves that although the relationship between Juror 3 and Juror 8 is a significant element in the play, β†’

Introduction to marketing business plan assignment

3 The market we will serve Our food products are not so differentiated and it is almost available in other cafeteria and restaurants. Our business has a specific goal and we are confident to achieve to our goal by providing quality foods along with a green touch.

The structure of the kidney: causes of kidney disease

The structure of the kidney The kidney is surrounded by the renal capsule and split into 3 sections, the medulla, the cortex and then the renal pelvis. 3 could be the cause of GN and could be a useful finding to potentiate a cure for GN in humans, which is still being investigated.

Learning to fly

That's how I like to think of myself; that I have grown my own pair of wings to overcome the troubles that have plagued my life. So, she talked to my father and set up the divorce agreement that I was to live with him until I graduate.

Government relations and issue assignment

The notion of same-sex marriage evidently contradicts Christianity concept of marriage, which is defined in the ' Marriage Act 1961'; " Marriage as understood in Christendom is the luminary union for life of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all Christian Lobby 2012 p.3). A myriad of campaigns undertaken by the ' β†’

A matter of land: explaining the differences between o pioneers and a river runs through it

A Rivers Runs Through It emphasizes the beauty and recreational opportunities of the land, whereas O Pioneers! emphasizes the struggles of farming and the difficulty of survival of the land. The harshness and isolation of the land in O Pioneers' creates themes of loneliness and the beauty and unity of the land in A River β†’


The overwhelming agreement is that evolution is not a hypothesis: it is the developing descriptions of the dynamic and organic processes of life on Earth. Evolution is opposed because it is not in the Bible, and the Genesis account is perceived to be the alternative and genuine creation account.

Animation now we have seen pakistan has its

The main focus of paper is about Usman Riaz contribution towards 2danimation industry of Pakistan and to learn about his style and his inspirationfor Disney and Ghibli studio, and to know about future of animation inPakistan. The film is in urdu and the Mariam Riaz is voice of a Alliz and search for Vincent's voice β†’

Editorial: extreme benthic communities in the age of global change

This heterogeneous realm consists of many different features shaped by millions of years of geological and chemical events, and biological and environmental evolution." Extreme" benthic environments, defined as having abiotic conditions that demand organisms and resident communities be adapted in order to survive and thrive, are widespread and offer many opportunities for investigating the biological β†’

How our duties and responsibility affect our free will, determinism, and compatibilism

Therefore, compatibilism is the most accurate explanation because it is a balance between determinism and free will, since it states that both are possible simultaneously and that we have varying amounts of control over specific actions. Moreover, compatibilism states that determinism and free will are possible simultaneously, meaning that an action can be attributed to β†’

Diversification strategy of amazon com marketing essay

This motivates the online consumers of the amazon dot com and they will tend to purchase more goods & services. The company will be able to identify the exact needs of a customer and they will be able to fulfil the needs of a customer.

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy health and social care essay

In 2010, the European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society joint task force setdiagnosticstandards to increase the sensitiveness of CIDP diagnosing, saying that each of the followers should be included in the determining procedure. This can take to clinical manifestations of failing and weariness, as seen in the patient in the instance survey.

Arguments for and against national minimum wage

After discussing arguments in favour and against the national minimum wage, from the social point of view increase in NMW is necessary; for living fairly standard life. With this conclusion I am in favour of increase in the national minimum wage.

Find out whether or not congestion zones are a good idea

Source one says that since the congestion zone was put into place, traffic had been cut by 18%, and delays were down by 30% since the congestion zone has been bought in, the advantage of congestion zone was clear as the traffic was rapidly decreasing after the introduction of congestion zones. That factor that it β†’

T-cells are mhc restricted essay sample

Activation of CD4+ T cells occurs through the interaction of both the T-cell receptor and CD28 on the T-cell by the MHC complex peptide and B7 family members on the antigen presenting cell APC respectively. CD4 T-cells bind the antigen on Class II MHC of professional APC, macrophages and B-cells.

Commentary: patanjali and neuroscientific research on meditation

We endorse the idea of referring to ancient traditional sources on meditation as a practice and thus are in agreement with the many of the points discussed in B rentsen. A deeper insight into various types and stages associated with each of these techniques reveal that each different type of meditation involves a process to β†’

Editorial: invertebrate models of natural and drug-sensitive reward

Viewed as a chronic, relapsing brain disorder, addiction is characterized as a dysregulation of reward, motivation, judgment and memory, with associated changes in neuronal structure and function, and where medical technologies offer the clearest path to treatment. A major challenge to the discovery of effective addiction therapies is our limited understanding of underlying mechanisms and β†’

Ama, learning

Move to the second one, the worker will more confidence and faster to stitch it, in repetition the task, the worker can be more efficiency. Since the learning curve can be determine the cost, manpower for the task and predict time of the whole project.

The key issues in international terrorism

In May1971 Ternera fled to Brazil and joined the military front of the group. The group's strategy consists of some of the following elements the first being to target the Spanish Government and business.

Alex delarge in a clockwork orange essay

A diagnosing of ASPD is non given to persons under the age of 18 and Alex is merely 15 in the beginning of the narrative. Although Alex's place in the terminal of the film is left equivocal.it is implied that he has returned to his former province.

The power of words in influencing attitudes

It is the amount of power given to the words spoken that are perceived in the mental state of an individual that gives the power to the words spoken that have been heard acting out a plan that determines success or failure, even in communications. If a person believes it is alright to steal to β†’

Importance of strategy in process of international retailing

In this paper the detailed information regarding the strategies opted by the companies and the way those strategies helped them to expand globally can be know Retailing is a process of selling the goods or services to the consumers either by the department store, shopping malls, online retailing. Its marketing and competitive strategy of high β†’

A case study for vertical integration commerce essay

Starting with textiles in the late seventies, Reliance pursued a strategy of backward vertical integration from polyester to fiber intermediates, plastics, petrochemicals to petroleum refining and oil and gas exploration and production to be fully integrated along the materials and energy value chain. Reliance enjoys its Global Leadership in Businesses, being the largest polyester yarn β†’

Accounting questions and answers flashcard

A) True B) False This is the correct answer. A) Financial accounting This is the correct answer.

In search of wise management of medical resources and personnel in the long combat with coronavirus

Despite the small sigh of relief in China, the situation seems to be growing more intense in the rest of the world, as the number of cases of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection continues to increase. In response to the shortage of PPEs, the government called for a strengthening of the coordination of the production, supply, and β†’

Psycho-spiritual: nature of imagination and dreams

Consider the nature of the imagination and dreams, and illustrate with examples from clinical literature.' The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the psyche, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far β†’

Black men in the prison system

Rap lyrics may not be the formal type of quote to open a paper; however, in order to properly represent the voice of young black males, it is completely appropriate. As a result of a certain behavior, a spanking is added to the situation in order to decrease that behavior.

Salary of professional athletes

In order for the NBA to moderate team owners in spending exuberant amounts of money on player contracts, the league has proposed the system of salary cap that will limit these owners from handing out huge contracts. This suggests that there in no correlation between a team winning and the salary of its players.

Splitting from a throw away culture

The dilemma of recycling and littering regulations has been managed in numerous forms, yet the American society has not achieved the full capacity of the laws that are in place. Water is essential to the survival for all living organisms in this big blue planet, and with the rapid rate of water pollution we are β†’

Editorial: typical and atypical processing of gaze

The study by Awad et al.tested the importance of the context and the emotional expressions of the face being judged on gaze processing, reporting that the perception of gaze direction depended on both the face eccentricity and its emotion. The positive and negative of gaze perception in autism.Soc.

Elements for av informed consent process for clinical trials

An audio video consent of the informed consent process will protect both the subjects and the investigators. 2013 has issued the directions that in all clinical trials in addition to the requirement of obtaining written informed consent, audio-video recording of the informed consent process of each participant trial subjects, including the procedure of providing information β†’

Reliability and validity in research

Joppe defines reliability as the extent to which results are consistent over time and an accurate representation of the total population under study is referred to as reliability and if the results of a study can be reproduced under a similar methodology, then the research instrument is considered to be reliable. Parallel forms reliability: This β†’

Legitimate authority in the international system

One of the methods in which social scientists use to explain the relations and power in the international system is through the use of liberalism theory. Because of this anarchic nature in the international system, it is very difficult for a legitimate authority to exist.

Presence of extra regional forces history essay

Indian Ocean, surrounded by 3 continents, is the third largest ocean and has been the focus of attention, since long, as it contains the vital sea lanes that provide for some of the largest economies of the world.[1]To the north of Indian Ocean is the Arabian Sea which serves as the main conduit for the β†’

Antony and cleopatra, gladiator & the statue of liberty

However, the battle of Actium which occurs after the separation of the Triumvirate is where imagery truly serves to illustrate the military urgency that is associated with Rome as images of ships, sails, swords and battle give the audience a greater understanding of the emphasis they place on war and the preservation of power. The β†’

Importance of rice crops

Rice is life for majority of people in the world and it is deeply rooted in cultural heritage of the societies. The growth and consumption of rice in Asia is about 90% of the total rice production where 2.

How does alfred hitchcock create anxiety in the shower scene from psycho? essay sample

In the shower scene I feel the most effective moment is when Marian is being attacked, this is because the Mise en scene is exceptional! When Marian is getting attacked the screen is always filled with sound and picture, water is coming from the left, the attacker from the right and she is in the β†’

B.sc chemistry, zoology, botany, english, pak.study, islamiate.

Amount Graduation Attestation with stamp: ____________________ Name & NIC ___________________________________Signature of the Candidate _________________ Permanent Address Present Address Name: Name: Father's Name: Father's Name Postal Address: ___________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Postal Address: ___________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Application Form for Registration of Private Candidate for __________ Examination ______________ Subject ______________.Sr.No.___________ Registration Number ___________________________ USE β†’

Heathcliff – hero or villain

The fact that the occupants of the Height's are of a lower social standing and the connotations related to them are of that of dirt, hard work and chaos suggests that the Lower classes compared to the higher classes were less comfortable and found it much harder to succeed within a completely class ridden society. β†’

Significance of blood in dracula

The transferal of blood in Stoker's, Dracula, symbolizes this fear of border crossing between unequal social classes and is represented through how the main characters negatively react the vampirism of victims like Reinfield, Lucy, and Mina. As she explains what happened with the Count, Mina herself admits that she feels tainted by the Count's blood β†’

Theoretical perspectives in the sociology of sport

The theories in society often provide a framework for asking research questions, interpreting information and being able to uncover the deeper meanings and stories that are associated with sports, they also enable citizens in the society to become more informed so that we can apply what we have learned from the research and being able β†’

Physical development

The onset of puberty that occurred in late childhood begins the production of sex hormones by the ovaries for females, triggering the growth of the ovaries and uterus and the testes in males, triggering the growth of the testes and penis. The secondary sex characteristics in males are the broadening of the shoulders, lowering of β†’

Effectiveness of cbt with hispanics suffering from depression or anxiety

Appraisal of The Methodological Strength/Rigor of The Body of Evidence Examined In the Benuto and O'Donohue, twelve peer-reviewed articles were reviewed to determine if culturally sensitive interventions would benefit the Hispanic population. A total of 69 participants were randomized to the treatment group and 68 to the control group.

Personal finance essay sample

We can deduce from the calculation of the individual after tax yields of each of the available investments that the first option that the Britten's should invest in is the Condominium. If the interest is compounded daily the interest is calculated on the daily balance and added to the opening balance the following day.

Black hawk down

By graphically showing the wounds and casualties of the American soldiers, the movie evokes sympathy and removes the blame for the catastrophe from the soldiers. So from the beginning of the movie we are made to see that the US military is the saviour and we as the audience are therefore indebted to them.

Concept analysis on self-sacrifice

Antecedents and Consequences of the Concept Historically, the concept of self-sacrifice is central to Christianity, often found in Catholic and Orthodox Christianity as the idea of joining one's own sufferings to the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Critical Attributes of the Concept The noblest sacrifice is self-sacrifice: to dedicate one's body, mind, and spirit β†’

Japan economic growth

Introduction Deflation in Japan or The Lost Decade Japan's economic development of the sass ended at the start of the sass. In the short run, changes in expenditure or taxing can change both the level influences the allocation of resources and the productive capability of an economy wrought its influence on the returns to elements β†’

The deontology notion and human equality

The ethical idea of " deontology" states that it is not always correct to help more people, if it is necessary to hurt even one person in the process of helping the larger number of people. I feel that the best thing to do in that situation would be to get a knife and scare β†’

Sexual discrimination is wrong: a main message of same love music video

The holistic nature of the plot adds credibility to it's message that the social roles of homosexuals and heterosexuals are the same. The significance of this conflict in popular culture makes the conflict supports the believability and credibility of this text.

Collaboration in publication a study of collaboration rates and citation rates

Napoli & Aslama claims that there is a positive correlation between collaboration and production in research and between research collaboration and financial support. Ekins, Hupcey, & Williams assert that the number of documents and citations has a positive correlation to the extent of international collaboration by a researcher.

The subtle hand of god and the female archetype in the book of esther

Introduction: The Multi-Faceted Appeal of the Book of EstherThe book of Esther is one of the greatest pieces of literature in the Hebrew Bible. But Esther is also one of the most contested books in the Hebrew Bible because of the two norms from which it deviates: the absence of God as a defined, active β†’

Attribution theorists and biased judgements

Results showed that the actors were more likely to explain their behaviour in terms of the situation and the observers in terms of personality dispositions. Every day people try to justify themselves and their behaviour with the help of biases such as fundamental attribution error, actor-observer effect and self-serving bias.