7 Pages Essay Samples

Chromium and selenium concentration in cancer

In view of this fact, it may be elucidated that the demarcation among various stages of cancer is arbitrary division and this periphery does not present any association of stages with the distribution-ratio of chromium and selenium in the blood of cancer patients. These variations in concentration may be the result of the disease of →

Exploring the concept of cubism art essay

Cubism was one of the most significant changes in ideas in the history of art. There was a noticeable change in the works of the Cubist artists in the second phase of the movement.

Words as weapons

Through these stories that Maxine's mother tells her, her mother intends to teach her that as a woman, especially a Chinese woman, she must be quiet and submissive. It is possible that the man was another ghost of the story that haunted her, symbolizing her silence, and he served as a physical burden to her →

Impact of bail and house arrest

This paper will look at some of the problems associated with the bail and house arrest options, namely the dangers to the public posed by both and the additional strain to recipients of house arrest. Bail is a promise a defendant makes in the form of cash or equal value in property to return to →

Agenda setting theory: the world outside the pictures in our heads essay sample

In that chapter, " The World Outside The Pictures In Our Heads," Lippmann pointed out that the media dominates over the creation of pictures in our head and memory; he believed that the public reacts not to the actual event produced but the picture of the actual event in our memory. Lippmann argues that the →

Communism and the need for political action

The mode of production is characterized by the extent of the division of labor." The existing stage in the division of labour determines also the relations of individuals to one another with reference to the material, instrument, and product of labor," says Marx. This organization and centralization is one of the steps that Marx defines →


The issue of the globalization, and the ethics and diversity in regards to the Starbucks franchise are all of great significance and importance, and in order to grasp the full concept of Starbucks and its notoriety, we must first understand clearly these three matters. Starbucks demonstrates a definite control in the coffee market, from the →

When loyalties collide: familial and religious alliances in “dr. ogata, a memorandum” and “o-gin”

Although the stories are different, by examining the similarities and differences between them such as the situation the protagonist is faced with and the bias of the narrator, one can discern Akutagawa's beliefs on whether loyalty to people or loyalty to religion is more important".Dr. In both stories, the protagonist is forced to choose between →

The crisis manchuria and abyssinia

One could almost argue that both crises led to the destruction of the League, as they could be seen as the first links in a chain of events that led to the Second World War, which was to be entirely prevented by the birth of the League of Nations. For instance, it was powerless against →

Cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis patient case study

Acute pancreatitis can potentially progress to the chronic form, where episodes of the disease are recurrent, and the tissue damage of the pancreas is permanent. Due to the swelling and slowing of the digestive system with pancreatitis, nausea is a common occurrence and will resolve as the pancreas heals.

Management leadership styles: tesco

The initial size of the company indicates that the types of management and leadership styles and the way these are handled are crucial for the success of this firm. House states that leadership is ' the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the →

Research and development (r&d)

Then by combining innovation, R&D and competitive advantage, I will show the role of R&D and innovation in creating competitive advantage. I select Dell as the model to explain the role of innovation and R&D in creating competitive advantage.

Creativity in management

Creativity is typically used to refer to the act of producing new ideas, approaches or actions, while innovation is the process of both generating and applying such creative ideas in some specific context. In the context of an organization, therefore, the term innovation is often used to refer to the entire process by which an →

On the all-or-none rule of conscious perception

We even do not know whether this owes to the alternating activity of different circuits, the change in the activity of the same circuits, or both. For example, we do not know whether conscious experience of a stimulus is a gradually emerging attribute of the activity of the corresponding neural circuits or is it an →

Editorial: mitogen activated protein kinases

Saba-El-Leil et al.also point out evidence supporting the ERK1 and ERK2 redundant roles in embryonic development and in physiology, and in addition discuss the redundancy of JNK and p38 isoforms. The anti-inflammatory role of MSKs, by regulating the production of IL-10, and their implication in neuronal proliferation and synaptic plasticity in the central nervous system →

Parenting styles and effects on children

Abstract The purpose of this study is to help understand and bring awareness to educate more people on the parenting styles and the effects on children. The method the researcher used to help better understand the dynamics of parenting styles and the effects on children is a meta-analysis.

Criminal justice reform / speech paper with outline assignment

And that is a strict and logical reform to the present Criminal Justice System in California.B.' The California Legislature is to be commended for its stance on crime. One of the most important assets of a revision of this kind is that of allowing for a major change in the criminal Justice system with a →

Affirmative action assignment

The question is " Is affirmative action still necessary in the United States today? " Simply, the answer to the question is yes. The purpose of this research is to show you why affirmative action is still a necessary here in the US, in the present time.

Individuality in music performance: introduction to the research topic

00157 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Blake, R, and Shiffrar, M. 00825 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Koren, R, and Gingras, B.

Editorial: the cxcr4 ligand/receptor family and the dpp4 protease in high-risk cardiovascular patients

In this Research Topic, we introduce the reader to the comorbidities T2DM and CKD and their connection with CVD, and provide up-to-date information on the involvement of CXCL12/MIF/CXCR4 and DPP4 in each of these pathologies. Here, Schuett et al.present an overview of the inflammatory processes underlying atherosclerosis and highlight the role of inflammation in T2DM →

A study of the role of women in bram stoker’s dracula

In the first fifteen chapters of Bram Stoker's Dracula the author examines and subtly comments on the role of women in Victorian England through the actions and words of Mina and Lucy. In particular, evidence from the passage that appears on pages 164 through 167 of the Norton Critical Edition of Dracula suggests that through →

Joint illnesses and diseases: causes and treatments

Radicular pain is defined as pain radiating in the distribution of spinal nerve caused by the irritation of the dorsal root ganglion while discogenic pain is an axial pain originating in a degenerative disc.[39] [40] [41] [45] Considered to be a critical part of the load-bearing structures of the spinal column, the structural component of →

A basic history of russia

Seeing the prosperity of the Rus, raiders from Kiev in current day Ukraine, called the Kievin Rus came, and took over the land belonging to the residents. The Tundra biome is one of the most treacherous places in the world, mostly due to the fact that most to all of this biome in Russia is →

An analysis of the feminization of war

Stories about women serving in combat roles during the American Revolution and the Civil War have spread to groups who support the idea of including women in such roles. So the question remains, " Should women be allowed to fulfill full combat roles within the United States military?" The answer should be unequivocally " NO!" →

The hilton hotel and resorts | marketing mix

That actions used to satisfy the wants of an organisation's target market and at the same time achieve its marketing objectives.1994.http://www.marketingteacher.com/image/content/mmix.gif Product- this feature of marketing mix is including planning, developing and producing the right category of products and services in the market by an organisation. Marketing communication activities and strategies-marketing communication is a way →

College can be tough – dropping out can be tougher

In order to prevent students' from dropping out of college, we need to derive the cause of the problem. Students' entering college from a family deprived of economic status and wealth are more likely to decide on a future void of a college degree.

The great pyramids as art

The Pyramids of Giza are the largest The Great Pyramid is the most significant of the three large pyramids located on the Giza Plateau. This is why the Pyramids are built on the West side of the Nile so that the bodies of the deceased can travel with the sun god through the night and →

Brand loyalty a two dimensional approach marketing essay

As shown in Appendix 3, brand resonance represents the top of the CBBE pyramid and refers to " the nature of the relationship and the extent to which customers feel they are in " in sync" with the brand". As stated previously, community commitment plays a key mediating role in the creation of brand loyalty.

The advantages and disadvantages of steroids philosophy essay

Fear of steroids does not result because of the word itself that can haunt one's mind or that the knowledge of the use of steroids can have negative impacts on your body. But in actuality, steroids are not this devastating drug that people have labeled it as; they are a supplement that helps push every →

Look social layer, journalists, the movie director

A snapshot of the life path of the great, the miserable plebs and the cunning in-between specific social layer, journalists, the movie director has managed to show the amazing fusion of tragedy and mockery of the Italian TV. One of the most dramatic film episodes, the one in which the lead character watches the life →

Reflective learning journal

It is time to write the Reflective learning Journal at the end of this semester to conclude what we have learned from the Economics and Finance Engagement Project. In the tender documents I have mentioned that there are three units relevant to the project which is Investment, Project Management, and Statistics.

Counseling theory: case study

It has been hard as a beginner to read some chapters of the Corey text and Richen text, and to be able to raw enough information to use to make a comparison of these two counseling theories, both of which are complicated and have a number of different aspects. The psychosocial factors in my life →

Arrival of mahatma gandhi in india

During his tour in the Indian state, Gandhiji had seen the poor and miserable condition of the people especially the farmers and the workers. Looking on the oppressive policy of the British and the rebellion of 1857 Gandhiji decided to launch his policy of truth and non-violence.

Application of game theory in strategic formulation marketing essay

Various types of games can be used and analysed based on the strategic situation, the number of players, the amount of information available and the timing constraints. There are basically three types of games Fully co- operative game: to explain this game we can take the example of two cyclists coming towards each other.it is →

Case study: teenage stress and depression

Stress is defined as a major burden in teenage life and is illustrated on how this can stimulate the development of depression, a more severe case of stress, in which teenagers become overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. The cause and effects of stress are stated and how this can pressure adolescents, and eventually lead →

Fur trade and indigenous societies of hudson bay

But the fur was not the only subject of trade, and the far reaching consequences of these relationships were hard to predict. When both parties signed the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, the English received the permanent control of the Bay.[2]As York Factory and Fort Albany became the two leading centers of fur trade in →

Atoms for peace analysis

He was called upon to give a speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations about the world's problems. The use of speech and rhetoric allow Eisenhower to reach his audience better because his voice and diction employ pathos, which is better able to come across in a speech as opposed to a written →

Exportation service in the customs economics essay

The city is situated on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Taihu Lake and is a part of the Yangtze River Delta region. The Suzhou Industrial Park in the east, and the Suzhou New District in the west, are home to factories from numerous North American, European, East Asian, →

Two critiques of democracy and their relationship to governance and policy

Two Critiques of Democracy There are various political party views and perspectives on critiques of democracy." Now that democracy is the typical form of government, consideration of the " varieties of democracy" and how they can be improved is a progressive endeavor". One school of thought believes that the exceptional elements that are linked to →

Strengths of tanzanias economy and human resources economics essay

In terms of economic categorization the Tanzanian economy is that of a developing country as distinct from a developed economy like that of the United Kingdom which is basically industrial. The growth of labour force in Tanzania has grown compared to the early 1990's." The formally educated workforce is small in number and is concentrated →


Antigone is the daughter of the infamous Oedipus, the brother and preceding King of Thebes to Creon, and she is a child of incest. The physicality of Antigone and Creon is very important in adding to the scene's atmosphere.

The use of observation techniques and note taking at the crime scene

For instance, the researchers will tell the participants regarding the ethnic population of the people in the area of the crime scene and the socioeconomic background. They should record all the information they receive concerning the crime, the crime scene, the people involved, and other information of the investigation.

Occupational hazards among sanitary staff in hospital

Occupational Hazards among Sanitary Staff Working at Tertiary Care Hospitals of Karachi Abstract Improper waste management increases the risk of occupational hazard among staff working in hospital. However, only 21 of the participants reported that they carry hazardous and non-hazardous waste separately.

The deccan trap volcanism

They have collected evidence from fossils and earth's geography, to propose some theories Scientists believe that the dinosaur extinction was due to either the illusion of a massive asteroid, the eruptions of the Decca Trap volcanoes, or the epidemic of diseases. Scientists have gathered a lot of evidence to support the theory that the eruptions →

Behavioral implications of biological developmental changes in the human past

It is this process which have manifested in humans the most, after they justified their candidature before natural selection through its various stages of evolution, ranging from bipedalism to the development of language, save the development of brain-size in between. Some might call humans lucky to find the environment conducive to reach this stage, some →

The fashion photograph essay

Photography is one of the most important forms of the media; it appears on our every day life, such as news papers, magazines, posters on the streets, and advertising is now an essential part of the fashion business, because of its existence we are able to see the images of garments in a more realistic →

Custom reconciliation in fantomina

Only partial descent to a lower social class is actually achieved, as the masquerade changes the top ' performing' layer of identity but not the core of the being. Lack of reconciliation and a refusal to align oneself with these gender expectations is possibly the only way to solicit change.

Thoreau’s idea of progress in technology

Readers of Walden would be more inclined to suggest that he would not, simply because his whole book preaches simplicity and the significance of solitude and detachment from society which is the exact opposite of what the internet, especially in the age of smartphones, encourages. With the development of the postal network, the invention of →

Marxism literary and the new criticism theory

Unreasonable assumptions of Marxism and new criticism One of the assumptions of the New Critics is that biographical and historical information is not important in the study of a literary text. It is so restrictive to the reader and does not use biographical and historical information in analysis of a literary work.

Vacation of a lifetime history essay

The plane was soon speeding down the runway, and I was being pushed back into my seat, and then we were in the air, I felt my stomach lift as we left the ground and I knew that the next time I step on earth, I would be in France. First in the morning we →

Cloud computing and apple

The one feature that the iCloud has that makes it stand out from all the other cloud technologies, is its ability to stream media directly from the iCloud to your apple device, and it also gives you the option to download that content if it is not already on your device. One of the most →

The home front of ww2: briton and germany

Germany Home front Germany had not fully come together as a home front until the year of 1943 when they finally decided, under the steering of Albert Speer, to redirect most to all of their economic and people power towards the war effort. Summary of Differences The Home guard in Germany was far more industrialised →

The history of ancient egypt history essay

Coupled with the threat of drought because of the failure of the Nile River to flood the downfall of the empire was inevitable. Some of the names include ' Lord of the two lands' and ' Priest of every temple' Below the Pharaoh were the layers of educated bureaucracy which consisted of nobles, priests and →

Norovirus: causes and solutions

Contents Origin and spread of the Norovirus: Symptoms: Transmission in health care facility: Prevention of Norovirus: Preventive measures for spread of virus in health care facility: Early control actions: Control of transmission at the ward level: Specific Nursing care for patients: Personal care: Proper hand hygiene: Extra care: Bibliography Essay Norovirus, occasionally acknowledged as the →

Regeneration essay sample

Many of the poets which will be examined speak of the severe living conditions of the trenches, the injuries sustained by soldiers, but also the noble and courageousness of fighting in the war. Sassoon fought in the war and is able to produce literature in the form of poetry which expresses and gives an in →

The art of torture analysis

By looking at sociopolitical platforms and moral messages behind the ' torture porn' subgenre, it is apparent that this style of film is in fact art and has a prominent spot in the history of film, because it is expressive and forces people to come to terms with difficult truths about our culture and humanity →

Endgame: the tragedy of its time. putting a beckett play to the aristotelian test

But after observing the structure of the play, Martin Esslin's essay The Theatre of the Absurd, and, most importantly, Endgame in context with the time period that it was written in, Endgame appears to have several points of contact with the model provided in Poetics and can be called a tragedy for the post World →

Image segmentation: theories and technology

The next category of image segmentation method is based on the properties of the images to be segmented. The segmentation technique which is based on the information of the structure of required portion of the image is known as structural segmentation.

Monetary model of exchange rate

For the purpose of this essay I will be looking at the effects of the exchange rate by the domestic nominal money supply. It is said to be that the model is defined as This means that the model can forecast the change in exchange rates and price levels in relation to current and expected →

Editorial: anatomy and plasticity in large-scale brain models

NeuroBox provides a link between the description of the morphology of neurons and networks on the one hand and the simulation of such networks in the simulation framework UG4 on the other hand. This shows that neuromorphic hardware is already up to the task of simulating detailed anatomy and plasticity in large-scale brain models.

The good solder: an analysis of ignorance and growth

However, this proves to be a difficult task due to Dowell's seemingly inherent incapability of understanding the reality of another's temperament, as well as how the actions of his acquaintances affect his own life. Florence's death acts as a catalyst that forces Dowell to perceive past the shallow appearance of his life and open his →

Issues of tobacco advertising for youth assignment

A lot of magazines and movie directors would be willing to eliminate the use of tobacco and tobacco ads. The problem with this solution is to get the companies to eliminate the use of tobacco ads and use.

Cultural phenomenon of the celebrity: hermeneutic analysis

The hermeneutical way of thinking, in this case, will not apply to a given text but rather to the social phenomenon of " celebritydom". The most outstanding example of recent changes in the nature of celebrity is the professional celebrity a celebrity with little reason to be revered or famous.

Molecular structure and reactivity

Copy the shorthand notation for each of the isomers into the space below, and label the functional groups within the molecule. The two bonds to substituents A in the structure on the left are of this kind.

How far do you agree with sean o’casey’s verdict on brighton rock essay

An example of this is when Pinkie tells her he is taking her to the Cosmopolitan hotel and she thinks she is not good enough for it but thinks Pinkie is: " You are,' she said, ' but I am not'. When Pinkie realises that he feels some kind of affection for Rose it is →

Pathophysiology of dvt formation health and social care essay

DVT is the consequence of a figure of factors that include stasis of blood, endothelial hurt, and hypercoagulability of blood. The frequency of symptomless PE in patients with DVT to be 40 %.

Resilience in children

Whether or not people develop depression or resilience depends mostly on their feelings of powerlessness or capability and the belief that one is can plan and carry out plans to achieve their goals. To the degree it is learned, resilience seems to develop out of the challenge to maintain self-esteem.

Was the end of the middle ages a sharp break with the past, or was it a gradual change? assignment

This a period in history between the 14th and 17th centuries marked by a re-awakening of sorts by Western Civilization, a movement from the feudalistic organization of Europe into the humanistic culture that balanced a revival of ancient scholarly pursuit with a more secular view of life and new focus on surpassing mankind's intellectual and →

Theory of knowledge critical analysis

What are the methods of the historians and how do they compare with other methodologies: First of all, we have to know what is the definition of history: It is a branch of knowledge dealing with past events, political, social, economic, of a country, continent, or the world. History is not the facts of the →

Legalizing prostitution and its various viewpoints sociology essay

Therefore, this essay will demonstrate that the government should not allow prostitution to be legalized because 1)the industry is difficult to regulate, 2)legalization will promote prostitution, and 3)lastly it does not respect the individual rights of women. Since the government allowed prostitution to be legalized, they found that a number of legal prostitution has risen →

Systems in the human body

The heart is virtually in the middle of the chest with all of the arteries and veins attached at the base. The pulmonary circuit transports blood to and from the gas exchange linings of the lungs, while the systemic circuit carries blood to and from the rest of the body.

An introduction to criminology english language essay

Your name, pupil figure, rubric of the class, and the day of the month should look someplace on this screen page. A paraphrasis must be followed by a mention to the beginning and page of the thought.

Compare the settings of a terribly strange bed and the landlady essay

The atmosphere in the den gives off a great feeling of sadness and misery ' the depression of the spirits', and makes the narrator feel slightly uncomfortable as it was not something he was expecting neither was he used to, ' I had entered a the place to laugh, but the spectacle before me was →

George orwell 1984

In 1984, The Party took its need to spread propaganda to the extremes; The Party operates the people of Oceania to say and think in a way the party deems fit. In the 2017 presidential elections in the United States of America, propaganda was at the center of the campaigns for the top contenders.

The use of fossil fuels engineering essay

During World War 1, the production of petroleum increases tremendously due to the high demands of the war. The efficiency of the combustion of the petroleum to power a car is 25% -30%.

Americans are consumed by social media history essay

The government consciously and quickly shaped American perception and cultural attitudes of the Chinese from the late 1940s to the Cold War through media and propaganda. Works such as How the Far East was Lost: American Policy and the Communist Creation of China 1941-1949, America's Failure in China 1941-1950, and The China Tangle: The American →

Murder by death

It is a bit weird to hold him responsible for his own death, but an in-depth analysis of the whole scheme of the challenge of resolving the mystery of the mid-night murder that the detectives confront clearly indicates that it is Twain, who arranges the plot carefully to baffle these world-class sleuth hunters. Though the →

Chinese schools essay

Chinese Education: A Historical Perspective The beginnings of Chinese instruction in Malaysia can be traced to the early 19th century. Chinese schools seek to keep accent on the " Five Aspects of Formal Education in Confucianism " viz.moral.rational.physical.societal and aesthetic instruction.

Apoptosis inducing anticancer drugs essay

Cell decease by programmed cell death is a neat, orderly procedure which is characterized by the overall shrinkagein the volume of the cell, the formation of blister at the surface of the cell, the loss of adhesion to neighbouring cells, chromatins condensation and, typically atomization into membrane enclosed cysts, apoptotic organic structure which is engulf →

Mosquito: diseases and control

The mosquito that was the subject of the extermination was the Anopheles labranchiae, the known carrier of malaria on the island. He then identified the most common breeding areas of the mosquitoes of the area, the Ochlerotatus sollicitans and the Anopheles quardrimaculatus.

Jane in the wallpaper

The woman in the wallpaper now has a relationship with the woman, and the woman is letting the woman in the wallpaper communicate with her. Suess's article she states that the woman narrator in " The Yellow Wallpaper" is in fact Jane, who is revealed to have escaped from the wallpaper at the end of →

Solipsizing lolita: the unreliable narrator in nabokov’s lolita

The image of a confinement so complete that it dominates and shapes artistic expression is a moving and powerful one, and it does, indeed, reflect in the text of Lolita. Humbert Humbert, the novel's eloquent poet-narrator, observes the world through the bars of his obsession, his " nympholepsy", and this confinement deeply affects the quality →

Is artificial intelligence a threat or an aid to the future of humanity?

Mostly manual tasks with repeated order are most prone to be shifted to machines in near future while the human role will be shifted to supervisory and checking the operative and performance outputs of machines AI is not a danger to the future of humanity rather it will praise human physical abilities and performance in →

The kinetics of dental liquid in odontogenesis

The kinetics of dental liquid in odontogenesis in the concept of the functional acid resistance of the enamel Abstract The phenotypical characteristics of teeth and namely the caries resistance essentially depends on the particularities of odontogenesis. Conclusions: All permanent teeth in mammals, including humans, develop in crypts Crypt's channels open close to the corresponding temporary →

Spirituality and sexuality in palliative care

Anjum zahoor Significance of spirituality and sexuality in palliative care According to WHO " Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of →

The actual roles of “him” and “her”: contrasts in she stoops to conquer and m. butterfly

It is only towards the ending where the tables have turned and the gender and cultural stereotypes have been reversed for the West to be masculine and for the Asian/East to be feminine. Gallimard tries to portray himself as the masculine one, the man of the West, and the wants to be the one who's →

Prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with nose defect

The patient had adenocystic carcinoma of the medial maxillary wall extending to the nose. Prosthesis of the mouth and face.

The british invasion: musical movement of 1960s

The focal point of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the British Invasion or the musical movement of the mid-1960s composed of British rock-and-roll groups whose popularity spread rapidly throughout England and the United States. As far as the future was concerned, the initial tremors of what would lead to a massive cross across →

The four organisms that cause infection essay sample

For example, malaria is caused by the infectious mosquito's bite that brings protozoa into the bloodstream, also cutaneous leishmaniasis is caused by the vectors as well and makes the skin sore. Identify the three categories of reusable equipment including how/where this equipment comes in to contact with the patient, how it is reprocessed after use →

Pablo picasso influences in the modern art

He was a French artist and Post-Impressionist painter his work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic endeavor to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century. In the year 1950, Picasso's style changed once again, as he took to making and creating reinterpretations of →

Integrate blended learning into their teaching education essay

In the article he discussed the benefits and limitations of blended learning in institutions of higher education from the perspective of those associated with this method of learning The second article was written by the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development at Oxford Brookes University for the Higher Education Academy. Blended learning could also →

The unemployment in europe

From this chart, it shows that the unemployment rates from 1980 to 2010 for the five world's leading countries, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In another aspect, the unemployment rates of Germany and France were quite stable and had the tendency of decline.

The biological and psychological basis of learning and memory essay

The brain is the center of every function of the body that controls functional learning and memory and how the two are interdependent. In short, the brain controls the functional aspects of learning and memory.

Social media assignment

This is a site where she can follow all her favorite singers and actors and upload pictures of herself and the things she likes such as her dog and cats and at the same time change the appearance of how the picture looks. It's sad but true and I for one fall into this category, →

Ovidian transformations change readers’ perceptions

The transformations of Leucothoe and Clytie, for example, emphasize a deep connection to the natural world. Through the stories of transformations, Ovid can draw the boundaries of acceptable religious behaviors and attitudes toward the divine.