7 Pages Essay Samples

Par social justice essay

For one, the collage has seams in varying places and the piece that includes the women has not one seam but the one that surrounds them In order to connect them to the rest of the locale. I would spend a couple of days talking to the women who are willing to participate and are →

What’s the buzz on smart grids essay

The largest challenge to the development of smart grids will be the consumer. These technologies should be used to ensure the efficiency and profitability of the business.

Basal ganglia vulnerability to oxidative stress

044 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Jansen, C, and Kliaan, A. 004 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Sultana, R, Perluigi, M, and Butterfield, D.A.

Hippie movement

These people simply rejected the ways of their predecessors and simply " dropped-out" Introduction to the Hippie Movement a) Overview and duration of the Hippie Movement ) The rise of the Hippie Movement c) Main aims of the Hippie Movement II- Important people in the Hippie Movement a) Janis Joplin b) John Lennon c) Dr. →

The straight-edge and the scene

Probably because the straight-edge lifestyle is one of the few countercultures in which the youth that is involved tries to steer clear of drugs and overindulgence. Minor Threat was the first band to use the term straight edge and adopt the letter X as a representation of being straight-edge and living the lifestyle.

The american diet essay sample

On the other hand, experts say that the American diet has too many calories this is according to the article of Chris Woolston of Caremark. Herbes had stated that the Food consumption for vegetables and fruits shows a relative increase compared to the past however, the recommended Dietary allowance of five servings a day, the →

Division of labour and central features of modernity sociology essay

However it is not as easy to define modernity because Marx, Durkheim and Weber all had different interpretations of what modernity meant and whether the division of labour was a central feature of it, however the basic definition of modernity is simply the historical transition from feudal societies to modern ones, as a result of →

The effects of alcoholism

Alcoholism has multiple factors to why it becomes an addiction and the effects of it are life threatening and can not only affect the alcoholic, but their family. College students need to take it down a notch but they will not because their constantly surrounded by the alcohol.

Effect of ph and temperature on enzyme activity in skeletal muscle essay

Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to measure the effects of changes in temperatures and pH on enzyme activity in skeletal muscle, particularly the activity of lactate dehydrogenase. The rate at which an enzyme can catalyze the reaction is affected by factors such as enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, the affinity of the enzyme for →

Defence forces program analysis

The National Policy and Waste Management Planning enforced by the Department of the Environment, & Community and Local Government have primary responsibility for waste policy and legislation in respect of food waste management. The following is a ' PESTEL ANALYSIS' of the Defence Forces under Waste Management.

Narrative: skill and on-the-job training essay sample

Summary and Conclusion As a graduating student who is taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, the course requires us to undergo the On-the-Job Training in order to experience the real world of works. Upon completing the number of hours needed for my On-the-Job Training, this is the summary and report of experiences and →

The manufacturing industry in malaysia management essay

The electronics industry is the largest in the region, and Malaysia is the leading exporter of semiconductor components to the United States. In this study, the researcher concentrates on the obstacles faced by technician in Malaysian manufacturing industry in the field of transfer the training.

The integrated curriculum model education essay

The latter means that students should be interested in the learning process and the three models focus on the engagement of students because a profound, sincere interest of students to the learning process increases the effectiveness of learning consistently. In addition, William and Mary Center for Gifted Education Research Model helps to the personal development →

The life i was born into

At the end of it all I got +'s for the book which was like an A at the time and my book was longer Frank's. I think a big part of my life though was in 6th grade because it was a big transition from the elementary school which I was so accustomed to.

Statutory it is a precept of statutory development

The literalrule, the golden rule and the mischief rule. In deciding the aim of the law-making body inpassing a specific statute, this approach limits a judge to the alleged blackletter of the law.

Temasek help consumers take proactive approaches toward

Up to the moment wewalked out of the spa, the service provided by the therapists and receptionistwere beyond expectations especially due to how affordable the treatment was. According to Straits Times, the company invested " S$8min European firm Kaqun Europe to sell Elo Water".o Wellness TourismWellness tourism is one of the highest formsof contribution towards →

Democracy in america assignment

It is like we are pawns in the game of chess, and it is those who is making the rules, and just seeing if, and how we follow them. This is something I have mentioned before we all have freedom of being whom and what we want to be, but that is sometimes not the →

Internet censorship

Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Internet Censorship Introduction The Stop Online Piracy Act, mostly referred to as SOPA, has provoked mass actions, the scrutiny of the big organizations and the public, and the concern of many users who profit from the use of the content, which is at a threat of undergoing censorship. Whilst others, such →

Imaging hypoxia in glioblastoma multiforme with pet

However, as already said most of literature on the use of [ 18 F]FAZA in the brain is based in preclinical setting According to the group of Wiebe, one important point in favour of [ 18 F]FAZA for the evaluation of hypoxia in brain tumours is the absence of uptake in normal brain tissue, while →

Nutritarian diet plan

The Nutritarian Plan The goal of the Nutritarian diet plan is to make sure that all the raw nutritions your body needs to maintain excellent health are supplied in the most favorable amounts. Then add a tablespoon or two of water and add the vegetables and cook, covering occasionally.

The shanghai free trade zone: interest rate strategy assignment

The sustainable growth of the Eurodollar market can be attributed to a number of non-US lenders and non-US borrowers of dollars. With respect to the RMB, the offshore market in Hong Kong can be expected to evolve along the paths of the Eurodollar counterpart.

Western films essay sample

Not many modern filmmakers have tried their hand at the Western genre since its death but James Mangold has directed 3: 10 to Yuma, a Western created long after the end of the " classic" Western genre and amidst the height of the action genre. The guns in 3: 10 to Yuma however, are very →

Simul8 in supply chain

The simulation model can answer what-if questions in the existing system as for this case, the business needs to know and evaluate performance if two warehouses and four drivers can be pooled to compare the results and the influence of the supply chain performance, in order to give an optimal supply-production-distribution system decision. Robinson stated →

Persuasion & credulity in institutional conflicts

In the former, it is between a well-meaning college professor and a manipulative political activist group; in the latter, it is between the head of a patriarchal religious system and a female principal with societal limitations. It stands to reason, then, that John is the sympathetic character and the one meant to be the play's →

The burning desire for as education essay

In my educational experience, I chose not to take biology because I always did poorly in science compared to the rest of the class; I felt that I was not capable of it. This study also brought to my attention the type of goal that I had set for myself in high school.

Economic paper trinidad and tobago

Trinidad and Tobago is one of the wealthiest and most developed nations in the Caribbean and is listed in the top 66 High Income countries in the world. They concluded that most of the successful economies in the world thank their success to traditional establishment of political and economic institutions that are similar to the →

Brain-state-dependent non-invasive brain stimulation and functional priming: a hypothesis

00122 The aim of using non-invasive brain stimulation techniques in neurorehabilitation is to improve neurological function by modulating brain plasticity in the specific areas of the brain. Similarly, the effects of the stimulation depend not only on the predefined parameters but also on the state of the brain before and during the stimulation.

Vultures and nothings changed essay sample

Similarly to Afrika, Achebe has used alliteration in the start of the poem as he uses a lot of ' D' sounds in the start of the poem.E.g.with the words ' One Despondent Dawn' there is a stream of images that is made in your mind. I think this because of the way that the →

Continuing professional development in hrm

Now, if we consider the contents of the MSc in HRM, in relation to the CPD cycle and the author's approach to achieving her goals, i.e, completing the MSc in HRM with at-least merit pass for most modules together with appropriate particle experiences. At present the author is only an affiliate member of the CIPD →

Eualuation of national solidarity program

With this background and empirical questions, the entire study was designed to meet the following objectives: To identify the level of involvement of local people in the National Solidarity Program projects in the study area. Bureaucratic policy in the Ministry of Rehabilitation and Rural Development.

American as focusing on the artistic and

The use of ironic elements in stories in the postmodernism era often goes unnoticed, this is due to the new technology and virtual reality being introduced to the readers. Metafiction on the other hand is the element of referring to different writings in a story.

A case study in psychology

Because of the stressors in Jennifer's life she started to question her effectiveness as an employee, wife, daughter and a potential mother. She also feels the pressure to take care of her father in his old age.

The irony of the re-education system of communist china

In the novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie, Luo and the narrator during the process of re-education change the villagers to become more civilized by manipulating them and introducing them to technology and western culture, expressing the irony of the re-education system. Instead of working in the field and becoming accustomed →

Cardinals wholesaler case

The fraud triangle is helpful in explainingmotivationfor employees to fraud the company: Motive, Opportunity, and rationalization are the trigger for employees to perpetrate any company. Feeling loss and with no income Ben decided that all he needed was to create a fictitious vendor to scheme the company.

The key employment rights of public service law employment essay

Sarah HardyContentAim: Terms and conditions of employment and forms of employee exit in the public services Understand terms and conditions of employment in public service organisationsUnderstand voluntary and involuntary forms of employee exit from public service organisationsIdentify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions to the potential issues that could impact upon the different research →

Factors that affect travel and tourism

2) Advantages Our country Malaysia will gain a lot of advantages from the hospitality industry as this industry will create job opportunities for the country and increases the revenue of the country through tourism. Culture change and beliefs will be another factory that Malaysia needs to address due to the arrival of tourist whereby they →

What are the strengths and challenges of teams at work

The way team performs depends on the size of the team, the management of It and of course the workingenvironmentIt Is In. To sum up the challenges, team work has to be well balanced and well organized; it has to be like a machine that does not work if one of the parts is broken.

The realism in world war i politics essay

Each of the key concepts in the war are presented in context of realism theory such as a need for security by building alliances before the start of the war, developing economically for the pursuit of personal interest, & protection from enemies both foreign & domestic. During the Cold War, it was evident that there →

Stability of the big five personalities

Rationale The primary goal of the 2017 study titled " Big Five Personality Stability, Change, And Co-Development Across Adolescence And Early Adulthood" that is published under the Journal Of Personality and Social Psychology were to evaluate general conditions and shapes of the Big Five Personality characteristic growth in the adolescence. The first objective was to →

Mission command and operation anaconda

The exercise of mission command encompasses how Army commanders and staffs apply the foundational mission command philosophy together with the mission command warfighting function, guided by the principles of mission command. The mission command warfighting function enables the commander to execute the principles of mission command philosophy.

Nation convention on the rights of the child education essay

As states are obliged to do regular studies to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the province authoritiess have moral duties to supply for the kids as stated by the UNCRC. Most of the United Nations millenary development ends are focused on the realisation of the rights of kids, such as to →

Can neurostimulation prevent the risk of alzheimer’s disease in elderly individuals with schizophrenia?

These treatment modalities show promise to decrease the risk of Alzheimer's disease in elderly individuals with schizophrenia, but in order to optimize their benefits it is essential to recognize the differences in the cognitive pathology involved. Overall, neurostimulation in schizophrenia may be neuroprotective and prevent the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

How manifest destiny benefited america

Government funding assisted entrepreneurs by " granting 130 million acres of land" to the construction of the railroads in the name of manifest destiny and westward expansion. Manifest destiny shaped all of these actions, native Americans were in the way of progress and needed to be assimilated.

Atrial fibrillation and cardiac arrhythmia

Atrial fibrillation is the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia; it involves the two upper chambers of the heart known as the atria. The primary change in the structure of the atria is fibrosis, which is usually considered to be due to the atrial dilation, although in some cases genetic influences and inflammation can also →

Should human cloning be allowed?

While cloning is still considered to be in the early stages of research, and all the pros and cons contradicting each other, the main question is, should we allow human cloning in the name of science and take a chance at destroying the genetic cycle of humanity? For instance, I believe that everybody has his →

The methods of measuring productivity

Productivity involves four successive Primary productivity Gross primary production Net Primary Production The rate at which radiant energy is stored by photosynthetic activity of green plants and algae in the form of organic substance is termed as primary productivity, because it is the first and most basic form of energy stored in the ecosystem. The →

Riordans manufacturing recruitment and staffing strategies commerce essay

The indispensable map of human resources direction design is to guarantee the productive and efficient usage of human endowment to carry through the mission and ends of a company. The employee enchiridion contains a disclaimer saying that the purpose of the enchiridion is non a contractual understanding and employment is at will.

Impacts and potential operational benefits of the cv

Research found that deployment of connected vehicle stems and the combined use of and applications have the potential to address 81% of unimpaired driver crashes in all vehicle types. CV mobility applications will enable system users and system operators to make smart choices to reduce delay through providing actionable information and tools to affect the →

Literary traditions

In the beginning of the story he is the paragon of a king that abuses his power with no respect or thought for his people. Although it is a shame what happened to Oedipus, the fact that he accepted the fate that was his speaks for the type of person he is.

Social implications of chinas one child policy economics essay

The policy although expensive to maintain, uses both financial and non financial incentives in order to accommodate the positive impacts of the policy such as greater admittance to housing, healthcare and education. In the long run the highest involvement in saving accounts would be that of the working population and with China's ageing population this →

Chapter instance, sociolinguists interested in the variation

The address terms are more diverse and the methodadopted for the sociolinguistic study of address terms in this study is mixedmethod blending the quantitative and the qualitative methods. Thesampling technique adopted for the study was the stratified random sampling inwhich the samples were selected from the strata of the population on the basisof age, gender, →

Creating items and response scales

If the group with the construct functions better than the group without the construct, then the outcome is said to offer proof of the construct validity regarding the test. The intervention study is a group that is fragile in the construct that is measured utilizing the test, then studied the construct and measured again.

Income distribution and poverty in malaysia economics essay

This becomes the most important needs to Malaysian people because health and education have a strong relationship between the income distribution and the level of poverty in Malaysia. Besides that, the health status and educational level are use in measured the level of income and the level of poverty in a country.

Behind the mind essay

The novel, set in the early 1960s, depicts the attitude of the main caregiver, Nurse Ratched, as a sadistic tyrant more interested in the efficiency of her ward than the state of those in her care. Weitzman argues that the patients have not been out of the asylum in years, and it is important that →

English argument essay

O believe for girls its not wanting to look dumb or ridiculous in front of the boys because girls are really sensitive and hate to be made fun of and boys do not care to say what moms to their mind or want to look " cool" in front of their friends to impress the →

Thermochemistry flashcard

2 Relating Heat and Work to Changes of Internal Energy Continued Solve Heat is transferred from the system to the surroundings, and work is done on the system by the surroundings, so q is negative and w is positive: q = -1150 J and w = 480 k]. Brown; H Eugene Lemma, Jar; Exchange of →

Application of nanotechnology in the sports industry assignment

Funnyman described how the entire Encyclopedia Britannica could be written on the head of a pin, and how all the world's books could fit in a pamphlet by a simple reproduction of the original pictures, engravings, and everything else on a small scale without loss of resolution. Sports by the far is tuning to the →

Firm strategy structure rivalry economics essay

The economy of Pakistan is the 107th largest economy in the world, in context to purchasing power, and the 85th largest in dollar terms. The confidence of rice importers in quality of Pakistani rice is gradually building up and exports are steadily increasing.'Rice milling is the oldest and the largest agro processing industry in Sindh →

The role of quint and jessel in henry james’ “the turn of the screw”

Peter Quint and Miss Jessel symbolize the indistinguishable nature of both the governess and Miles's sexuality in Henry James's The Turn of the Screw. In terms of the two men, the governess suggests here that Quint resembles the uncle and thus, she is drawn to him.

A study according to dictionary business essay

The procedure of operations direction plays one of the most of import functions in many successful organisations and any type of industry in the planetary market. The end products can make the benefit for the organisations when the value of the end products is higher than the inputs which are goods and service.

Jaws – analysis essay

The music that is connected to the shark is initially played in the title sequence, when the names of the director, producer and main actors appear. Used when the shark is approaching its prey in most of the attacks, the music is played and grows faster the closer the shark moves to the victim.

Pullmans strike and its effect on society history essay

According to Fossum, the Pullman strike of 1894 is a classic labor struggle that played a crucial role in splitting the movement, in addition to raising doubts, about the ability of unskilled employees to win their demands. In fact, the Pullman strike is one of the greatest known in history and hence contributes an outstanding →

Friedrich froebel’s theory and ideas on play

Finally the principles recognise the integrity of childhood and of the child as part of a family and of the community. The child's development is not just the responsibility of the teachers and it is important that the parents/guardians of the child and their educators work harmoniously together to maintain a consistent approach.

Types of bridges essay sample

The cables transfer the weight to the towers, which transfer the weight to the ground. Because of their strength, truss bridges are often used for railway bridges as they must be able to support the great mass and the vibrations of the trains.

Analyse the relationship between dorothy’s diary

This, in conjunction with the use of imagery, similes and personification, not only makes William's poems more accessible to a wide range of readers but it also adds character and personality, whereas Dorothy's journal tends to be more reserved and closed to interpretation. This is partly the reason why William's use of the first person →

The principal differences between old and new labour

Labour party foundation started in the beginning of the 20th century, more specifically in 1900, when the trade unions, cooperative and socialist societies established the Labour Representation Committee in order to represent the interests of everybody and enable the right of working men to enter on the Parliament. By the end of the 20thcentury, in →

Tools and techniques used in environmental analysis tourism essay

It is the art and science of the creation of strategies and plans, the implementation and evaluation of these strategies and plans which helps an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. Environmental analysis is made up of the processes which scan, monitor, analyze, and forecasts the situations which the organization can face and variables of →

Throughout from lifelong partnerships to a promise of

Ratherlike a pride of lions, in many early societies, there were a few men whowere in charge of the village or community, and they had access to all thewomen and fathered all the children. Thisemphasis on the importance of children in a marriage is one of the reasonswhy women committed adultery in the seventeenth century.

Two angry social classes

In Reginald Rose's Twelve Angry Men, the equilibrium between the social classes in the courtroom and the social class of the accused determines the final verdict given by the jury. Juror 8, who implies that he endured the slum life as a younger man, has sympathy for the accused because he recognizes how negatively the →

Us imperialism in the post-9/11 international order

Hence, the development of the capitalist mode of production and its dominance as the world's economic system gave way for the advancement of nation-states into imperialist powers of the modern world. The word is used in a much more precise sense to describe the general changes which occurred in the political, economic and social activity →

Health informatics: a review of clinical applications essay sample

In the same way the system is a computer program so how the whole process is working and what possible queries might have been used and what are the entities used to maintain the database and the primary keys for searching it. The option of narrowing the list is not as simple as that of →

L’oreal biotherm – case study

The concepts of the product, its extent of personalization and description attempts were accepted and appreciated across the globe, and at the same time, the concept of " Coach" apparently failed to merge into satisfying the need for autonomy for men. Coming to Biotherm and Biotherm Homme, which cater to the luxury segments, it is →

Bushido: the way of the warrior

Bushido expanded code of the samurai, and stressed frugality, loyalty, mastery of martial arts, and honor to the death. On the other hand when some one disgraced a samurai or spoke against a samurai, the code of Honor gave the samurai the right to kill them in a fight.

Pearl between the u.s. and japan regarding the

The attack would then be a prelude to the defeat of the AxisPowers. There was for example, a good deal of evidence to support that Japan would attack the Soviet Union from the east while the Russian army was heavily engaged in the west.

The legend dhirubhai ambani essay sample

As with all great pioneers, there is more than one unique way of describing the true genius of Dhirubhai: The corporate visionary, the unmatched strategist, the proud patriot, the leader of men, the architect of India's capital markets and the champion of shareholder interest. Throughout this amazing journey, Dhirubhai always kept the interests of the →

How the centre meets its customers needs tourism essay

On the 1st of July 2012, the general manager asked for a report on the research of image and operations of the Tauranga Shopping Centre and to make recommendations on how it could be made more attractive and better able to meet the needs of the customers. A five point Likert scale was used for →

Correlation of mathematics with other subjects

In modern scenario, due to the number of innovation of 21 st century involves lots of development in the education. Here, the student and the teacher have to think about the application of the fact, laws, principles, and correlation of two subjects.

Bicentennial man

However, over the course of his interactions with the members of the Martin family, especially with the youngest daughter Amanda, Andrew became more self-aware of his state and his comprehension of the beings he was obligated to.Mr. The concept of free will clearly operates in this section of the film as it portrays Andrew's ability →

Cold war and us diplomacy assignment

Fearing the unknown outcome of what was taking place, the USSR decided to erect the Berlin Wall and leave the various partitions of the city the way they were. What was happening is that the in the 1950's, the Soviet Union was challenging the United States in many different regions of the world.

Government power assignment

The government has too much power, illustrated by the NSA scandal, the unconstitutional law-making, and the aggressive militarism. The NSA is invading the privacy of the nation, the legislative branch is creating laws that violate the rights of Americans, and the violent military force that the government is always so eager to use Is coming →

Love in sonnet 29

However, because the speaker has love, all else is semantic and irrelevant to the speaker's state of happiness. It is likely, at this point, that the loved one is simply a manifestation of the speaker's manic depressive state and is oblivious to the speaker.

Nursing interventions and preventative management in skeletal traction

The main difference is that, for the total hip replacement patient, the nurse prevents the patient from having deep vein thrombosis, and dislocation of prosthesis, meaning the nursing needs of the patient are more on preventing infection and dislocation of the hips. In total knee replacement, the nursing care needed are to prevent patient from →

Recycling art; the reuse of artistic thought and theme in auden, joyce, and eliot

When art is referenced in literature, a process of recycling thought is assured, and an awareness that there is no such thing as original artistic thought is reconfirmed.' Musee des Beaux Arts' is a poem about paintings, referencing specific works of art, a common theme running through both the poem and the paintings: the constancy →

An inquiry concerning human freedom

However, the only experience of the future being like the past is that in the past, the future has been like the past. To assume that the future will be like the past on the basis that that has happened in the past is to assume what was to be proven, which is circular reasoning →

Development of the therapeutic relationship

One could argue that the most important aspect of psychology is its potential healing properties, and therefore it is Psychotherapy and the importance of the therapeutic alliance in the healing process of all forms of Psychotherapy that is the most important. Similar to the ideas proposed by one of the fathers of humanistic psychology Carl →

A study on the khmer rouge history essay

The Khmer Rouge relocated people, put all of the people in Cambodia to work as farmers in labor camp and changed the lifestyle of the country. The Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia in 1975 and put all the people to work in hard labor and changed the way of life.

Make notes on the characters of viola and sebastian

Viola's selflessness also come across at the start of the play where she falls in love with Orsino but to make him happy she still tries to woo Olivia for him even though she wants to be with him and not her. But I perceive in you so excellent a touch of modesty that you →

How does shakespeare present the relationship

Again, Capulet is making decisions for Juliet in her absence with the excuse that there was " no time" to convince her and therefore making the choices to suit him. The Capulet's, Paris and the nurse all believe that Juliet is upstairs " mewed up to her heaviness" when, in fact, Juliet is in her →

Editorial: physiology and pathophysiology of the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor

The aim of this research topic is to group research articles and reviews that highlight the latest discoveries on the multifaceted roles of the CaSR both in health and disease. In the present research topic Zhang et al.review the newest insights into the molecular basis of the structure and functional cooperativity of the CaSR, describing →

Whiteness differences and relations of power sociology essay

The invisibility of whiteness Whiteness is taken for granted by white people as it becomes normalized in the society everything associated with whiteness becomes invisible to the white people, whereas when someone the things associated to colored people are raised, the issue becomes explicit and apparent. Therefore, white people fail to be realistic and fail →

The problems faced by malay reservations

Although the Act proposed certain areas to be reserved for Malay ownership only and prohibited to transfer to non-Malay, the Act indirectly aggravated the problem of credit apply for Malay peasants because it depressed the value of the Malay land since it was not acceptable as collateral by non-Malays.[1] The legal restriction imposed on property →

Banana sap and annatto seeds as ink essay sample

Statement of the Problem The study seeks to test the effectiveness of banana sap and annatto seeds as ink. It is the palest and stickiest part of the stalk.

What belongs together goes together: the speaker-hearer perspective. a commentary on macdonald’s pdc account

However, in Zipf's view the outcome of the least effort principle was a compromise between least effort for the speaker and least effort for the listener, whereas MacDonald puts most of the burden on the production process. Or in terms of the PDC account, Plan Reuse is shared between production and comprehension; The assumption that →

No need to match: a comment on bach, nicholson and hudson’s “affordance-matching hypothesis”

We believe, however, that the proposed separation of hypothesis generation and hypothesis matching is not in line with the empirical evidence currently available, and that the division between " interpretation" and " prediction" relies on a cognitivist assumption that is hard to defend. The second and more likely option is that affordance extraction and mirror →

Truth is that which the community settles to

The reason the sun looks yellow to earth's community is that the light emitted by the sun scatters in our atmosphere and creates an illusion of the color changing. According to Pierce, if the whole community settles down to the belief that the sun is yellow, the truth is that the sun is yellow, but →

The politics of shelley’s “ode to the west wind”

In his impassioned paean " Ode to the West Wind", Percy Bysshe Shelley focuses on nature's power and cyclical processes and, through the conceit of the wind and the social and political revolution prompted by the Peterloo massacre of August 1819, examines the poet's role therein. Stanza II compares the " loose clouds" to the →