7 Pages Essay Samples

Situation analysis on dr. tim’s dog food essay sample

Tim wishes to sell to Are there any constrains?* Yes, again keep the brand identity intact, and do not spread resources too thin External: What's happening outside the company?* There are lots of dry dog food kibble choices out there already for the consumer * Many pet lovers * Room for expansion and specialty dog β†’

Editorial: challenges in vaccinology

In this issue, the wide breadth of outstanding issues and opportunities are raised relating to urgent vaccine needs, limitations of current approaches, and the potential of cutting edge technologies to facilitate new advances are highlighted. The impact of another comorbidity, inflammatory bowel disease, is considered by Lenti et al.in the context of susceptibility to encapsulated β†’

What advantages there are compared to other products essay

To make a start I will be writing out a questionnaire to the public in the city centre to question the public whether they agree with my product and to see whether they think it's going to be successful enough. To make a start I will be writing out a questionnaire to the public in β†’

Eyre on the side of caution: two literary heroines face life’s challenges

Antoinette describes her convent school as " a place of sunshine and of death where very early in the morning the clap of a wooden signal woke the nine of us who slept in the long dormitory". At the end of Jane Eyre Jane finally returns to her love, Mr.

The war on drugs: illegal opium markets

Legal use can be considered to be prescription drugs, drugs available over the counter and other socially accepted means whereas in contrast what is construed to be illegal has constantly in flux and is determined by those in power who attempt to isolate and control behaviours that are out-with social norms ). War is one β†’

Convicted felons: should they be allowed to vote? essay sample

In Europe, a condition called " civil death" involves the forfeiture of property, the loss of the right to appear in court and a prohibition on entering into contracts, as well as loss of voting rights. For Restoration of Civil Rights: Felons seeking restoration of rights will also be required to demonstrate that they desire β†’

Using early warning scores in acute illness assessment

This activity is an opportunity to examine the strengths and weakness of a research study in relation to the research process steps. In this article Wheatley has presented a review of the literature and it is clear that he has based his study on similar studies conducted in the past.

Do you think that dic penderyn was unjustly hanged? essay

I will look at all the evidence presented to the court and decide whether he was guilty as charged or whether the case should have been acquitted for lack of substantial evidence. I think that there was not enough evidence to convict Dic Penderyn of attempted murder and I think the case should have been β†’

Various utilization and preparation of rice bran

In a study of " processing of rice bran and its utilization in food products" by Shweta Bhosale, it stated there that the rice bran was safe from microbes, pesticide residue, heavy metals, and was stabilized by microwave heating. Rice bran oil is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and free of trans-fats.

Chem 1

Heat taken out of water = specific heat of water x wt.of water x temperature difference = 4. 5 X J Heat absorbed by ice = heat of fusion of ice x wt.of ice = 333.

Star river electronics assignment

To compute for the Return on Assets and Return on Equity of Star River in 2002 and 2003.V. To find the rate of interest of New Era Loan, multiply the borrowings of bond issue and short term borrowings to their rates then deduct the total of the two interest amounts from the total interest expense β†’

Identification of the risk construction essay

In our case there are following riskLand slide = a land slide is something which is commonly find in slope area it may happen because of the poor upper layer of the soil. Site safety is the way in which we make our site safe for future and present.

Adult psychosocial adjustment to exposure to interparental violence in childhood

The first goal was to document the prevalence and spectrum of the violence as well as the nature and extent of the violence between parent's during childhood. The second was to examine the relationship between the extent of reported interparental violence in childhood and prevalence adverse outcomes that occurred later in life.

Sociological impacts of cloning – assignment

Abstract Starting with an explanation of what cloning is and the two main types of the technology: reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning, this paper goes on to explore the ramifications these technologies may have in different areas of our society with respect to government, funding issues for research, religious views, education for our children on β†’

Benefits of learning through play

Play is a very important part of a child's development, and can affect their development in a number of ways, there is a collection of principles that were formed to look at the value of play in nurturing a child's development, this is called the 'play Cycle'. Intellectual development-This type of play does not necessarily β†’

Bureaucracy theory of management essay sample

The aim of the following is to discuss whether Max Weber's and Charles Handy's thoughts are relevant today in the UK, and if one of them is more relevant than the other. A bureaucracy is seen as the boss on top that sets all the rules and divides the tasks of the organisation down to β†’

Health promotion in adult nursing: adult asthma case study

As already mentioned asthma is a long-term chronic condition and although chronic illness is not a newly-recognised phenomenon, the incidence and prevalence has significantly increased over the second half of the 20th century and continues to rise in the 21st century. It is important that the stage of change is re-evaluated regularly, and that the β†’

Literature form 5

IN THE MIDST OF HARDSHIP SYNOPSIS In this poem, the poet tells of the situation of a farmer and his family. She has made a mistake of trusting the man because she has refused to listen to the advice not ' to compromise', that is, lower her standards or expectations in order to please a β†’

Website evaluation report

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of two websites: www.blacktomato.co.uk which is from the travel sector and www.jdwetherspoon.co.uk from the hospitality sector. The job of the architect is to set up the framework for the site to make it comfortable and inviting for people to visit, relax in, and β†’

Education: aspect is the ratio in our society

One is who are inthe favour of co education and want to introduce in all school and colleges. The supporters of co-education also say that in a progressivesociety, men and women should come closer.

Akiko and amanda ngoho reavey: survival through identity formation

Her birth mother names her Marilyn, which is a name that she carries with her through her first foster home, and a name that ties her both to that family and to the one she left behind. Indeed, when she imagines a meeting with her mother, she describes telling her that " you named me β†’

The role of the state in the philippines

There is a cycle of necessities of the development of companies, the consumer, active participation and the involvement of the State in order to form a cycle of all society to participate in the promotion of development and good governance. There is also the necessity of promoting the growth of the mining sector, industrial and β†’

Record management system for solid waste management essay sample

Calculations of the estimated volume of the biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste are the main concern with their current process, because the large volume and its computation may mess up the mind of the reporter and may arrive with erroneous result. This automated system is a record management system will compute according to the material's classification β†’

The parlor and the cub scout pack case studies

He changed the wholesale meat supplier and lowered both his cost and produce quality in the process and he reduced the size and portion of everything on the menu, including those fabulous sundaes and sodas? ? In fact, some of the employees were asked to immediately leave or warned to lose the jobs in case β†’

What is an american?

At the start of the novel, they move to trendy East Egg, once on the move between " wherever individuals contend polo and were wealthy along," and are ready to terribly quickly obtain and leave at the end of the book after the murders, because of the protection their cash provides. It is in high β†’

Disorders of the respiratory and circulatory system

In the second stage of this disease the germs start to multiply and destroy the epithelial cells of the lungs. The second stage of this disease is presented through the consumption of the tissue of lungs which leads to the destruction of the alveoli.

The impacts of invasive alien plants environmental sciences essay

Through this thesis, an probe into the spread and impacts of IAPs in the rural parts of the Agulhas Plain every bit good as the perceptual experiences, utilizations, costs and benefits associated with IAPs and the importance of these workss to the supports of the local communities was carried out. The intent of this research β†’

The benefits of ethnographic research

The study of ethnography has had three important changes in the formation of ethnography which will also be a focus in this discussion in this paper so that we can better understand and use the study of ethnography as anthropologists. The purpose of this paper is to review the importance of learning the study of β†’

What is strategy and does it matter for a large organisation

Johnson and Scoles define strategy as " the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term which achieves advantage of the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment to meet the needs of the market and shareholders' expectations. Grant describes how strategy has developed over the last 50 years from β†’

A way to tackle poverty in indonesia economics essay

The terms social entrepreneur and social entrepreneurship were used first in the literature on social change in the 1960s and 1970s. Finally, the support from the government and private sectors are essential to develop the social entrepreneur paradigm as a sustainable complement of government poverty policies in Indonesia.

The pros and cons of theory in family nursing nursing essay

Rather it dictates that nursing is a responsible searching, transactional relationship whose meaningfulness demands conceptualization founded on a nurse's existential awareness of self and of the other" dduncan2011-02-24T17: 28: 00 Great quote, you need to include a page numberIn Paterson's and Zderad's " Humanistic Nursing," they believe that nursing is more than having a technical β†’

12 little things every filipino can do to help our country essay

In his opinion, and indeed, it is something evident as well, he longed to reason our that if every Filipino were to absorb those basic concepts in their daily lives, then, the Philippines might eventually begin to realize that it needs to act because people are now clamouring on a positive note and that they β†’

Econ-545 week 6 quiz

Question: The size of the labor force in a community is 1, 000, and 850 of these folks are gainfully employed. Instructor Explanation: Real GDP is calculated for a given year by using the quantities produced in that year and substituting the base year prices.

Tech in action notes

File compression You can use the Windows ___ to check on a nonresponsive programTask manager Mac OS X includes a backup utility calledTime machine FolderStorage location for a collection of files TracksConcentric circle on the hard drive SectorPie-shaped wedge on the hard drive PlattersRound, thin plate of mental that makes up a hard drive TaskbarDisplays β†’

The progressive era – liberal or conservative essay sample

But many historians argue what the main idea was behind the Progressive Movement; whether it was to help democratize the nation, or was just a cover up for a group of well-to-do-middle-class people who wanted to climb back up the social ladder and reassert its declining position of leadership. In his quote, " All groups β†’

Human sexuality assignment

Masturbation is seen as a private activity in which you do to expose to the public, and for teens this should be a very important teaching. The author is all about teaching children and adolescents the importance of masturbation, but knowing when and where to do it.

Social learning theory (psycology) assignment

Theories of Learning There is much to discuss about the theories that contend learning is the source of behaviors; however, because they are not the main focus of my paper, I will discuss them briefly. Although it is not natural for the sound of a ringing bell to make a dog salivate, through this experiment β†’

Chapter 10 data defense

Restore the full backup and the last differential backup Which of the following are backed up during a differential backup? SSH Which of the following is a secure alternative to FTP that uses SSL for encryption?

Growth promotant use in beef cattle

Growth promotants have proven to be a valuable resource to increase the efficiency of production of beef cattle. It is also important to give producers and consumers the choice of implanted vs.not implanted beef.

Issues of sexual behavior on the internet

The Internet has become an immense part of people's everyday lives, in the Criminal Justice world the Internet has also enhanced the acts of crimes, the way crimes are committed and how criminals seem to escape and or be captured by law enforcement. The term tolerance means that the individual must build up the intensity β†’

Problems faced by the vodafone sales team business essay

The management concept used in order to solve the issues identified is Fayol's Management theory concept: By means of this concept it has helped me to get the possible solutions for the business problems identified by the Vodafone sales team managers and also to find the reasons behind the core problems. Methods outlined: Research Questionnaires β†’

Social media effects assignment

Sometimes they want to work for it because they are not Just going to get involved because they feel like it and it's easy, but maybe because of the values they have acquired from their family or because the cause they choose to follow is one close to their hearts. Palfrey and Gasser also inform β†’

Choose 3 of your direct observations carried out in your plo. using these as the context, produce a critical reflection on what you have learned about your own practice. assignment

Rather than focusing exclusively or dominantly on problems, your eye turns towards possibility.' I have discovered that it is important when preparing for direct work to gain knowledge of a young person through recordings of their past, however it could be argued that profiles can ' demonize' young people and I have reflected on this β†’

The history of malignant melanoma health and social care essay

In work forces melanomas are found between shoulders and the hips caput and cervix, and in adult females melanomas are found on weaponries and legs Over the past three decades the incidence of malignant melanoma has increased and is one of the fastest turning malignant neoplastic diseases than any other. With Asiatic and Africans with β†’

Intriguing character of enobarbus in william shakespeare’s play

To begin with a comparison between Enobarbus and Antony, a character who undoubtedly holds a major place in the story, Enobarbus as he is in the play is not a real historical figure like Mark Antony and he is only loosely based off Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, a general and politician of ancient Rome in the β†’

The role of existentialism in simone de beauvoir’s the second sex

Simons' book, Beauvoir and The Second Sex: Feminism, Race, and the Origins of Existentialism, the ties between Beauvoir and existentialism are laid out and offer a good understanding and interpretation of The Second Sex and its role as a feminist and existentialist text. When reading The Second Sex, one can discern that the text is β†’

Study on dance movement therapy

The body is used as an instrument to stop the feelings of depression, to renovate the powers of the body and to update the work of the mind. Dance Movement Therapy is considered very effective, especially in the modern world, and makes a contribution to the successful realization of dreams and wishes of a person β†’

This no defeat. for most players today,

This philosophy of sports is based on the assumption that a " game will be played in the spirit of the game". Violence, however, in the modern context is the result of the solid perversion of the desire to win.

Powerade and all sport: muscling in on the sports drink market essay sample

Coca-Cola began television and radio advertising, and it paid to make PowerAde the official drink of the 1992 Summer Olympic Games in Spain and, on its home turf, the official drink of the 1996 Summer Olympic games in Atlanta. In mid-1997, Coca-Cola announced that it had signed agreements to make PowerAde the official sports drink β†’

Extraction and chromatic separation of plant pigments from tomato paste

One of the simplest of these involves the collection of relatively small fractions of the eluent in labeled tubes and the analysis of the component of these fractions thin layer chromatography. Column Chromatography is an effective way to separate the Lycopene and B-carotene in the sample.

Field trip

Enlists the values of field trip Field trip Introduction The field trip was introduced early in as audio visual media In education because it brings the student into direct contact with a life situation in which the elements can be studied as they actually exists and because it is the most concrete and most real β†’

Criminal justice careers assignment

The responsibility for a parole agent is to assist ex- offenders so that they can adjust to life in a save and free community. Careers in criminal, 2006) The qualifications to becoming a court clerk are 1.

Women and the thesmophoria in athens essay

In addition to bringing the complexities of the female relationship with the state in Ancient Athens to light, it also show the more tangible aspects of a woman's position in society including the importance of being a legitimate wife and the mother of legitimate heirs and her virtual exclusion from the sacrificial altar. Despite the β†’

Nuclear power: a burden or a blessing?

Rhodes arguments, nuclear power continues to be on of the most protested industries in the world. The radioactive waste produced by a nuclear plant, however, is very dangerous and difficult to store safely.

Analysis of dubai development model with relevance to india

References To: The Leaders of the Business Association of India From: Hull Consultancy Group Date: Reason: Analysis of Dubbed Development Model and relevance to India Dubbed Is one of the most flourishing clues In the world attracting people from all over the world with a strong economy. Policies which India could copy from I-JAKE is β†’

Commentary: alexithymia, not autism, is associated with impaired interoception

In light of this, the role of alexithymia in emotional and interoceptive difficulties in ASD and arising clinical implications are discussed. Commentary on " Autism, oxytocin and interoception".: alexithymia, not autism spectrum disorders, is the consequence of interoceptive failure.

Measuring the rate of photosynthesis using a spectrophotometer

2) A blank cuvette was placed in the sample compartment and the guide mark was aligned on the cuvette at the front of the sample compartment. 650-700 nm is the range in which photosystem 1 and 2 absorb light to being the light dependant reactions.

Safe activity

They need to know the knowledge of the rules and keep on top of the scoring in the tournament. The role of the official manger is to create the rules for the tournament.

The death of the butterfly: murder, or suicide?

In contrast to Pinkerton's disregard for Butterfly as a person, she is shown to have a blind admiration for America and its culture, as evidenced through the stereotyping of Japanese women in the opera to be mindless admirers of the West. The discrepancy in her descriptions hint that Butterfly does not really think of herself β†’

The fundamental arguments of nature versus nurture philosophy essay

Of course, both the idea of nature and the idea of nurture contribute to the human psyche but they do so at varying degrees in each individual: that is to say, one may feel the effects of nature more persistently than the effects of nurture and vice versa. In other words, because mental health is β†’

Sleep journal

The dream was that my grandmother passed away and that I had nobody to confide in. My dream was that I was in a theatre play and I was the main lead.

Comparing the polygamous marriges in so long a letter essay

Then came the marriage of Aissatou with Mawdo B , their marriage was one which was frowned upon by the people as well as the family of Mawdo, it was seen as an insult towards the mother of Mawdo as Aissatou did not share the nobility of her in laws. Aissatou's reaction to this betrayal β†’

Team management activity and reflection of working at amazon

To begin my new position, I will need to analyze the five functions of management planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controls, to achieve Amazon's goals Planning To begin, the planning function is the most important of the managerial duties. Organizing The next step is to review the organizational structure of Amazon by examining the leadership β†’

The events that occurred in derry on 30th january 1972 became known as β€˜bloody sunday’ essay sample

But the events that resulted in the death of fourteen people meant that the outcome of the protest was different than of that which was expected. Therefore they believed that the army were responsible for the deaths of fourteen people and they had no reason to justify this act.

How abortion, freedom and corruption are depicted in the constitution’s fifth and fourteenth amendments

In the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, the deprivation of " life, liberty, or property without due process of law" serves as an assurance that federal and state governments will protect the individual interests of their citizens by way of a proper notice and hearing before certain rights may be infringed β†’

Central paradox of all christian theology theology religion essay

The approval of God as liberator of Israel defined the position of God as the God of Israel. If God is the designer of all factors and of all people, again God is the God of all.

Experiment on attachment theory and delinquency

The reason behind this experiment was to show that if a child is deprived of affection and attachment to its mother or caregiver during early stages of childhood when they grow up they are likely to become delinquent and lack affection. Attachment is considered to be also of long term benefit as it helps to β†’

Erikson’s psychosocial theory

Mistrust increases resistance to risk-exposure and exploration, and leads to the malignant tendency of withdrawal. Lack of success to develop capabilities in school and work fosters a sense of inferiority and leads to the malignant tendency of inertia, characterized by indifference or aimlessness.

Goffmans theory for interaction in society sociology essay

The " front" is comprised from two parts: the " setting" which is the scene in which individuals acting and the " personal front" which concerns the natural characteristics and specific means of expression of each individual. Furthermore, habitus is the social structures in which persons shape their beliefs and ways of thinking.

The evolutionary aspects of fear psychology essay

In presenting this discussion, the paper will explore the main concepts relating to the biology behind fear in humans with the main ideas being the definition of fear, the evolutionary aspects of fear, as well as the emotional response of the brain in the event of fear or anxiety. In the discussion on the biological β†’

Abstract wrong decision would be dangerous for

This paperwill discuss US role in Palestine-Israel conflict and how these policiesaffected the entire region and a number of violations of International law. Only this time happenedthat trump administration has taken measures to shift their embassy toJerusalem and none of the countries of the world has their embassy in Jerusalembecause the world community understands the β†’

Edmund burke and john stuart mill history essay

Daniel and Kohn argue that Burke embrace the notion of anti-empire, He see the British rule in India as an evil, nevertheless, for Burke, imperialism could be justifiable when both states have common views and culture, Burke also views France revolution as the danger to Britain, and support Britain's intervention in France, on the other β†’

Sexuality in bram stoker’s dracula

The essential element in the plot, Count Dracula's attempt to leave Transylvania and settle in the midst of the bustle of civilization in England, translates the fear of a civilization of being undermined and destroyed by this wave of exoticism, coming from a distant primitive and superstitious country. The novel is therefore the fantasy of β†’

With more than often end in divorce. the

Article 3 of The Hague Convention Treaty, considers wrongful where It is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person, " under the law of the State in which the child was habitually resident" directly before the removal or retention of the child If at the time of removal or retention a parent β†’

The political divide essay sample

The divided nature of the political system, which casually enough is defined as a " division of powers may have worked in harmony with the American public for the greater part of its existence but with the changes in political parties, interest group activity and the media in the past forty years we are seeing β†’

The recycling of thermoset materials into thermoplastic composites analysis

The addition of the regrind would reduce the requirement for expensive virgin material, decreasing the composite material's price. A regrind level of 20% and 30% was selected to ensure the financial benefits would outweigh the costs associated with silane and the compounding of the composite material.


Each August my mother and I plan a curriculum together, which is a combination of what I want to study and what she feels I ought to know. I do not receive grades in any of the subjects I study at home, because I do not move on until I thoroughly understand the material.

The concept of teaching practicum

According to the Teacher Training Division Guidelines on practicum for pre-service teacher training, teaching practicum provide opportunities for student teacher to practice theories in teaching and learning practices and to develop individual teaching and learning theories. The school-based practicum is designed to enable student teachers to observe a teacher's real work of work, and to β†’

A in most professions students learn more

During the conversations the counselor should look at the client in the eyes because this will build a sense of trust in the client. Burnard explains that it is important to have a summary of every visit which should be read to the client after the counselor has finished obtaining information from the client.

The chemotherapy regime of bortezomib valcade

This process maintains the balance of proteins in the cell cycle, therefore inhibition of the 26S proteosome results in a loss of control of this process, leading to a build-up of cell cycle and regulatory proteins, thus causing apoptosis. Richardson et al explain that although the treatment advantages of Bortezomib & Dexamethasone are well researched β†’

Hormones and dreaming

Researchers of the studies that were reviewed provided background and assumptions for topics concerning sleeping and dreaming such as the sleep stages, the distribution of dreams, and the relationship between dreams, sleep, and memory consolidation. Many of the same studies continued to point out that the changes in cortisol levels interrupt the hippocampal formation function, β†’

Cohabitation law reform essay sample

Although the fact that the numbers of cohabitants is increasing, as the Law Commission acknowledges, this is not a sufficient reason in itself to justify a change in the law. Currently, childless cohabitants must have recourse to the general law of property and trusts, whilst cohabitants with children can utilise Schedule 1 of the Children β†’

Why should you choose the royal caribbean cruise

Our room also had a balcony, and the balcony had a guard of glass so you could have a complete view of the vast, beautiful, and endless ocean. The Kids Klub banners, the teen zone papers, the smell of delicious food and the look of the furniture all told us we sure knew that we β†’

The history and background of rickets health essay

It is primary cause of lack of vitamin D.the rickets mostly happen in the young children. The opinions were from some physicians in the British Empire and the Orient showed that rickets was rare in children living in poor cities in China, Japan, and India where people received poor nutrition and lived in squalor, whereas β†’

Global warming: a critique assignment

It showcases the opinions of leading scientists the world over, each reinforcing the statement that it is indeed humans who major cause global warming, and something urgently needs to be done to stop it. Since retention is primarily caused by greenhouse gases, and CA is the big daddy of them all, it is pretty much β†’

English analysis essay

He did not listen to ezeudu and went along with what the umofia had asked him to do and kill him so he let his pride of being known as a fearless person and decided to not look weak and kill his son. For example there was this one time in my life that I β†’

Media war coverage assignment

Since the mainstream media were not in support of the war, media portraying the violence and how the US progress in Vietnam in a negative light that eventually was said to be the motivation leading to the pull out of Vietnam. The Media and the Vietnam War.

Juvinile delinquency essay sample

To many people, if the crime is bad enough, juveniles should be put to death row, and no free rides should be given to kids under the age of 18. For some, they think that we should not be giving sympathy for the young or the old if they have the ability to take the β†’

Reflection essay on developmental psychology

The second period stated by Collins is the middle period this period saw the introduction of theory into the area of development, for example from behaviourist and psychoanalysis as well as a large increase in the amount of research being done. It was not until the 1920's and 30's that the nativist viewpoint began to β†’

The effects and implications of using ergogenic aids for exercise and sports performance

Blood doping therefore allows extra Oxygen to be transported to the working muscles, resulting in a higher level of performance, without the use of the anaerobic energy systems. They used to have the weigh in on the day of the fight.

Editorial: untangling the role of tau in physiology and pathology

Editorial on the Research Topic Untangling the Role of Tau in Physiology and Pathology We are pleased to present a Topic Research and e-book specifically devoted to the role played by tau protein both in physiology and pathology. In this Research Topic, Barbier et al.reviews the many advances have been made in the understanding of β†’

Different construction materials of furniture

Solid wood furniture is considered the best quality furniture on the market, and if you are purchasing furniture that will be in your home for a long time, it is a very smart investment. Wood Veneer Wood veneers are constructed of thin slices of real wood which are adhered to the surface of a piece β†’

The interconnectivity between evolution and disease biology essay

The rule of natural choice has been greatly debated; nevertheless, the consensus is that the imperfectnesss present within the human organic structure function a intent and are non a consequence of natural choice being excessively weak. For illustration, the lone clear tissue in the organic structure is in forepart of the cornea; the lens is β†’

Prominent leader essay

In the society, the role of a leader is defined to be the most prominent in which a person in such position entails a large amount of responsibility for the people and the society as an essential aspect towards the building of a healthy community that is bound with respect and understanding among the common β†’

Jane eyre, the red room incident

Jane compares her self to a " rebel slave" this shows her real feelings towards the Reeds, she fells as is she is treated as a slave this makes the reader fell a sense of unfairness for Jane. While in the room Jane observed the structures and design of the room it was then she β†’