7 Pages Essay Samples

Enterprise leasing company research paper example

In the Years 2007, the resulting company was listed 21st in the Forbes' Largest Private Companies in the United States of America. In the year 2007, the company was named the ninth on the Business Weekunder the top 25 companies that are included in the customer list. Mission statement The mission of Enterprise Leasing Company →

Free case study on kroger

The increasing competition is offering threat to the company and therefore, it is important for Kroger to modify its strategy to compete in a better way with the increasing competition. 2-Overview The overview of the company is that the company is very promising in providing the fresh and quality grocery to its customers with →

Good business plan on company background

According to the World Bank, agricultural sector accounted for approximately 29% of the total employment in Egypt in the year 2011. The agricultural production increased by the smallest margin between 2007 and 2012 partly because of the political crisis that began in 2011.

Example of business plan on osterwalder canvas for beqala egypt

Since, Beqala Egypt is an online grocery store and is one of the businesses in which store directly buys the product from suppliers and sells it to customers, the main partners of the company are social networks and suppliers. So, main activities of the company's business revolve around website maintenance and website promotion. Website Maintenance →

Contemporary leader

All of these skills Bill Gates have shown in his work at Microsoft and at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Technology Strategy and Management: The Legacy of Bill Gates.

Problems and causes of problems at euro disney case study

In USA and Tokyo Disney was a success and it was the intention of the management then to replicate the same success to Paris. With the introduction of glocalisation local and global interaction the company has managed to change its fortunes into a company that generates profits and attracts over 12 million visitors per year. →

Good case study on starwood

In particular, the paper seeks to evaluate the extent to which the company has adopted the six sigma concepts of process management and the subsequent results that the company has experienced as a direct outcome of this adoption. This has resulted in the company incorporating within its ranks the black belt and green belt categories →

Impact of environmental factors on marketing decisions of costco essay sample

These factors usually cannot be controlled by the businessmen and therefore, a careful analysis of the environment is essential to discover the problems and find their possible solutions. The economic condition of Costco Wholesale Corporation mainly remains consistent, as the growth rate of the sales of the company is consistent. This is because; on →

Firms and the financial market term paper

This in fact goes a long in raising funds for a firm or corporation, depending what the firm's needs are at that given moment in time. In corporate financing, real and financial functions of the firm are strongly linked and the prices of financial instruments are also closely related to the profits as much as →

How vodafone applied the principle of comparative advantage in its operations

The theory is also known as the Ricardian model after the 19th century classical economist David Ricardo who is credited with creating better awareness of this concept. Others who had earlier tried to explicate the benefit of this concept included Adam Smith and Robert Torrens Suranovic Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of →

Corporate governance report sample

Corporate governance provides a guideline to a company as to how it will be controlled and directed in order to fulfill and meet its goals and objectives in a way that will add more value to the company, and also benefits its entire stakeholder in the long term. While in the common definition of corporate →

Essay on attracting retaining talents and career development in global era

Nonetheless, scholars consider that in business, the concept of globalization is quite new and multinational companies usually refer to it as a business strategy in their annual reports. Among the challenges of the globalization of business is that global companies usually set their home in their domestic location, where they →

Essay on cruise liners in the tourism industry

For instance, the modern cruise ship is capable of accommodation around 6, 000 passengers. The Carnival is the leading cruise ship company in the market as it has the largest company of the retreat cruise ships globally. This implies that the ship is strategically built to sufficiently meet the demand and customers need →

Good american greetings analysis report example

In that respect, the analysis has used the Darden Case on American Greetings and the analysis on the Company as an investment has been done with use of DCF model that uses the present value of the expected future cash-flows. In that view, DCF values that are higher than the costs of capital of the →

Currency risk management report report example

Such expenses include taxes to the South African government, cots of purchasing land where the company will be located and the costs of paying for the resources that are necessary to facilitate the operation of the company. This is due to the fact that the costs of labor in the country are very high.

Free case study on good and evil on the rails

The Metrolink Company was not supposed to entrust so many life to a person like that. 2) The Metrolink Company was created to improve the situation in the world of trains and decrease the number of accidents. The excuse for all of that was that Connex had a subjective faith in him.

San miguel brewery inc. essay sample

SMB is now at a greater advantage to champion the iconic San Miguel brand across the Asia-Pacific region. From a single product produced in a single brewery in 1890, SMB has developed an array of popular beer products over the past century, catering to the distinct tastes and preferences of beer drinkers across all →

General motors and its impact on economy

As a result, the government has also stepped into the situation to aid the company because of its impending effect on the U.S.economy. The bankruptcy of General Motors has become a big issue in the world of business because it reflects the significance of the impact of recession on the financial status →

Ethics at the workplace essays examples

Ensuring high discipline standards for his employees is a core task the administrator has to undertake because it helps in making sure that employees respect the authority and in deed, the policies formulated. Identifying with Fayol's management concept styles Henri Fayol's principles of management and the functions of management stand the test of time →

Divisional hurdle rates – randolph corporation

Corporate Beta & Cost of Capital Taking a weighted average of the four divisional betas gives the overall corporate beta. The corporate beta is therefore affected by changes of the divisional weights and by changes of the individual beta of the particular divisions. When the growth rate of the coatings division surpasses →

Example of essay on herzberg motivation theory

Fredrick Herzberg generated the two-factor theory, which divides the motivation and the job satisfaction aspects in two sections: the hygiene and motivation factors. Frederick Herzberg formulated the two-factor theory in 1959. Managers can measure the job satisfaction aspect by assessing the level to which job expectations match with the employees' real awards. Managers can use →

Macys: report to ceo research paper sample

This report will attempt to analyze and evaluate the corporate governance structured and financial documents provided by the organization, in order to assess Macy's compliance to SOX as well as to identify any potential practices that may carry a risk in terms of a legal reprimand. Corporate Governance An essential function of any corporate →

Delish beach cafe business plan examples

The menu was expanded further to include international dishes. The restaurant therefore remains focused on improving the quality of its products, level of service, and the price of its products in order to beat its competitors and enjoy the competitive advantage. The strength of the restaurant's management team, the staff, the brand, and all the →

Strategy implementation and execution report apple computer 1992 essay sample

This strategy was to be implemented through the interconnection of existing structures, systems, and people management practices. Structure Analysis: Bringing a new organizational culture into Apple or any young creative company is very difficult and the evolving structure within Apple in 1992 failed to support the firm's strategy. This weakened the corporate culture and →

Globalization and oreal

This global company is the number one premium cosmetic product in the world today and has taken the core and beauty of people's everyday lives since 1907, the beginning of L'Oreal. In 1934 Eugene invented the first mass market of soap less shampoo and this led the success of L'Oreal in the country of Europe →

Real juice analysis

History The introduction of Real fruit juices and nectars was triggered by a personal unmet need of Amit Burman, the CEO of DFL who, on returning to India after working in the US, found the absence of packaged fruit juices frustrating. Traditionally, drinking fruit juices in urban India has been a social indulgence or consumed →

What makes samsung such an innovative company

This is achieved through more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are readily available to markets, governments and society. The term " innovation" can be defined as something original and more effective and new that " breaks into" the market or society It is related to.as innovation is more to involve the practical →

Example of case study on law questions

The CSV concept is integral and the company has to realign the budget to increase quality and maximize the profit. The shared value has the focus of profits that create societal benefits to enable innovation and productivity. - Article: Theories of Moral Every culture is subject to moral beliefs that guide the moral reasoning of →

Example of case study on gm eds

In the case of GM and EDS, the EDS manager had to quit job due to the conflicts in leadership to facilitate proper running of the organization. Teamwork is enhanced in the organization and it becomes easy to identify mistakes in the organization and therefore the necessary actions can be taken to ensure that the →

Reading response – multiple topic research paper

In a democratic society, it is not only desirable to have a free and independent media, but it is also significant that the media should maintain high standards of integrity in their reporting. More fundamentally, the paper will demonstrate the ramifications of the acquisition of this new knowledge and how relevant it is to the →

Business law essay

Dee sues Georgio's and each of the owners of Georgio's personally for payment of the debt. A partnership; Dee sues Georgio's and each of the owners of Georgio's personally for payment of the debt. 2. Georgio's is owned by three persons, two of whom are not allowed to participate in the firm's management. Limited partnership; →

Teamwork and motivation essay example

Moreover, allowing them increased autonomy and responsibility for their actions means investing trust in the employees, which also, increases their motivation. This strategy, of encouraging the employees to be more autonomous and responsible for their decisions, plus involving the employees in the decision making processes regarding the company's welfare, are meant to generate →

Western chemical corporation: divisional performance measurement

The main area in this case is that the President and Vice President have not figured out the best measures to show the financial analysis in the most truthful way. Each of these three countries uses a different ownership arrangement with the use of local financial analysis combined with the company's predictable →

Company director’s duties

In view of this, the UK government passed the Companies Act of 2006 to set out duties of the company director.Company director's duties at Common law The Company director's duties were laid in previous legislations. However, in the year 2006, the UK parliament decided to codify these duties and also at the same time establish →

Essay on developing a marketing plan

The need of the marketing plan A marketing plan entails the marketing strategy that the company or business unit for that matter intends to use for a particular period. It is of significant import consequently for the company to appreciate the needs of the target market and brand itself in relation to these →

Free case study about delta airlines

The change in culture of the way that people used to do a thing has resulted in Delta airline changing to suit the customers' needs. Most of the people in developed countries take holiday trips to diverse parts of the world once per year. Being one of the pioneer airlines in the world it is →

Business ethics in mcdonald’s company

The corporation has launched a global marketing campaign calling on Americans to diet and play sports. The history of McDonald's is full of such controversial points: the quality of the original products is subjected to detailed examination, the very idea of " fast food" is subjected to severe criticism, in many countries there are opponents →

Good example of the spread of the fig research paper

In the succeeding sections, the spread of the fig is discussed focusing on its origin, cultivation, and current market. Description of the Fig The fig tree, scientifically referred to as Ficus carica L, is a small tree with spreading branches. It was already growing in China in 1550, it →

American well: the doctors will e-see you now

Predicament faced by the founders of American Well, an US based online HealthCare about the future growth of the company. The Founders of the company are facing challenges in expanding and diversifying their business and aim to bring about a major transition in the traditional healthcare services by leveraging Information Technology. Detailed analysis of →

General motors report examples

The discussion is devoted to the opportunity of mergers and its influence on the solvency of the Company. Market share of the three companies competing in the global market is shown in the Appendix 1. The Company grew exploring the strategy of growth through sales and acquisition since it was founded in 1908.

Marketing plan business plan examples

Implementation of the marketing plan will enable the company's engineers and designers acquire useful information on how to improve the product to suit customer needs Product Description Vacuum cleaner model R166 is one of the small appliances produced by the company. This will enable to create customer awareness and interest for the high →

Final integration paper human behaviour in organizations integrated term paper

The paper views the case studies of the various companies with a critical approach intended to proffer the points on organizational behavior as per the lectures. Theoretical models and overview of Organizational behavior The definition of power and relations in a company or organization has received much acclaim from various scholars and writers of →

John mclane research paper

Of all possible accounting majors, this one attracts me the most due to a number of reasons, including the history of this major, the variety of potential employment places, the nature of the job itself, and the knowledge and skills commonly associated with forensic accountant job activities. First of all, →

Essay on long-term relationship

They include the advance money by the government to the main company that was awarded the contract for the purpose of attaining the performance required. That happens since the payments made by the Federal banks enable the companies that have the contract to have access finances from private sources that would be used for the →

Example of essay on malcolm gladwell the tipping point

Airwalking was able to make those small movements and that's one of the things that made time rise to the top. This is just one of his many examples how people a behavior of a particular group or population could be so unpredictable. It was believed that individuals in general would rather go for a →

Global branding

Pro's and con's Advantages of global branding It is difficult to deny that global branding is connected with numerous advantages: - economy of scale in production and distribution." The globalization strategy still seems the most desirable strategy to follow, since it entails the highly desired financial advantages that corporations seek as →

Investigation of increasing the strength of the iphone 11

The focus of this investigation will be on increasing the strength of the glass used in the iPhone 11 to increase the strength of the entire outer shell of the phone. Background The glass currently used for phone screens is actually a synthetic glass-ceramic. Hence, the glass-ceramics combine both the strength of the glass →

Good example of weaknesses of the organizations product life cycle essay

One of the main weakness that would be deduced from the organization's product life cycle is the fact that their products are not given an opportunity to shift from one life cycle to the next. Positively, there would be an impact on the quality of the products that the company is producing.

Volkswagen of america: managing it

The head of each business unit was a member of ExecutiveLeadershipTeam that helped develop and rank the proposals for the projects. Senior business and IT members in the IT steering committee guided and approved project selection and prioritization process. The process of how to fund IT projects has to include the means →

Starbucks’ mission: aligned with its strategies

Mission Statement From the Starbucks website we find that the Starbucks' mission statement is, " Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow". With this mission statement they have determined who they are and what they intend to do. Breaking it →

Example of report on hr practices within a company

Being a multinational giant, the company has a diverse workforce and the implementation of the total reward strategy as a human resource practice helps it to motivate and enhance performance of its workforce. The strategy of total reward as a human resource practice has been linked with several motivational theories including Maslow's hierarchy of needs. →

Whirlpool corporation – case study essay sample

The appliance makers hoped that the days of hyperinflation and economic mismanagement were over, and they were pleased to see that governments were reducing tariffs. Asian Industry: Asia, the world's second-largest home appliance market, was also the fastest growing market of the 1980s. The good idea would be to expand to Europe and →

Descriptive general marketing plan outline for eegee company

This marketing plan provides an insight on the key pillars of a workable, achievable and realistic marketing strategy through the careful analysis and consideration of the company structure, capability and current market position as well as the position of the competitors and the direction where most of the target customers are looking. This marketing plan →

Ethical theories of sme business advertisement (burger king)

In this particular Burger King advertisement, Burger King do not mention the size of the actual serving portion and the ingredients contents in their food products. 1 Duty of Disclose Burger King should include the pricing of their food products in the advertisement to avoid doubts among consumer without any imitation. 3.1.1.

Job description cyber security specialist term paper examples

Position Title: Cyber Security Officer Position Code Number: IT/CSO/001 Position summary Under the department of IT, the CSO will head the cyber security division and will responsible for policy formulation and implementation, securing the company's network and management of all cyber security issues including the division's budget and staff training. 2. →

Free marketing mix report example

In a nutshell, the study will give more insights on the product of the company, the place of operation and its distribution networks, the promotional policies and the pricing strategy used by the firm to its customers. Overview of Company Safestore Holdings Plc was established in 1998 in the United Kingdom. The personal customers →

Example of term paper on employment branding creates retention of employees

Both of these articles are found to be closely related to employment branding and are compared and contrasted to form a concise view point for this paper. An employer needs to thoroughly understand the business already set goals and clearly communicate them to HR personnel so as to ensure their involvement in the formulation of →

Employees and employers expectations essay examples

Employers have expectations in reference to their vision of the future of their business and creating a competitive edge in the marketplace for their business through their employees. For the Xers and Yers, they were raised in a society of rapidly changing technology and a lot of information availability unlike the Boomers therefore explaining their →

Free essay on managerial finance questions

However, despite high expectations from the company, the shareholders and the government , there are infinite challenges in that the stocks market. Such interests gained from buy backs are channeled back to shareholders in the form of dividends in this typical phenomenon. Question 5: Explain the practical uses of Just-in-time inventory management, including the →

Strategic management accounting essay example

All of the Strategic Management Accounting tools are essential for the sake of an organization. Activity Based Costing and it's Effectiveness of A Company Activity based costing is referred as the methodology used in costing accounting whose function is to make out all the activities performed within the organization and →

Sample case study on the body shop

The Company Overview The Body Shop is a successful chain of cosmetics shops, based in the United Kingdom, and founded in 1976. By shopping at the Body Shop, the consumer is saving the environment. - Second, the Body Shop used natural ingredients, such as coconuts.

Example of hrm essay

Inevitably, every department of an organization deems important for the overall productivity and efficiency of an organization and no organization can increase their economical and financial belongings by leaning over the productivity rules and regulations. It is also important for the organizations to keep a hawk eye over the performance of different prevailing departments of →

Social media and loser generated content term paper examples

While this may provide a way for companies to benefit from the chance for creative unknowns to get their content seen, it also potentially dilutes the quality of the media being put out by marketing and advertising firms. The central question at play is whether or not it is justified for the subjective or artistic →

Example of case study on will amazon still be a great company 10 years from now

With a history of consistent growth and management of business, Amazon has changed strategy from one time to another in order to curb its customers and maintain business at its climax in season and out of season. It is one of the companies that have continued to strike people's attentions and other businesses as it →

Fedex vs ups case

This is one strength and reason FedEx's growth increased so rapidly, due to its large foreign presence in China. Although UPS did not have the competitive advantage in the overnight delivery service, they were still the most dominant delivery service in America and they were the first to offer nonstop delivery service →

Free essay on kodak and fujifilm

Kodak is short for Eastman Kodak Company, a Multinational Enterprise that once led the market in the production of equipment for photography, film, digital imaging and other products related to photography and photographic processing. This was a huge success for the Japanese firm as it was able to overtake Kodak for the coveted →

Example of essay on marketing

Why or Why not? Brand resonance refers to the nature of the ultimate relationship and the level of identification that the customer has with the brand. The models execute and measure the progress of the company or firm in relation to brand marketing efforts. Brand identity ensures appropriate identification of the brand and →

Good essay about government versus private security employees

Some of the major differences that can be seen in the two sectors depend by the people who are operating or are in control such as owners, managers, employees or the government. The public sector The government is the one who is in charge or owns the public sector. →

Edmund burke a short biography biography example

Sir Prior in his biography of Edmund Burke begins with an exclamation of pride in the very first sentence of the first chapter." Edmund Burke, the most distinguished statesman perhaps of an age fertile in extraordinary men, and in genius and acquirements the greatest whom Ireland has produced, was descended from a respectable family long →

Good research paper on factors for failure

Although that day the rise was a sudden increase and break cycle, the Internet boom is usually referred to as the stable and continual expansion and development of the World Wide Web. Companies simply added the title " e" which increased the value of their stocks. One of the major reasons for the bursting of →

Controlling employee turnover essay examples

In order to understand and find the most appropriate ways to control employee turnover, it is necessary to see into the factors that influence it and research the problem in the most detailed way. PROBLEM STATEMENT The main problem my thesis is going to address is defining the most effective ways to control employee →

Chapter 1 reviewing the basics 7/25/12 tara campbell

What is the path and folder name to the desktop folder for the user Jane when Windows Vista is installed on drive C? v. Remember the reason you are there is to help and fix the problem.10.

Good example of tableo of content essay

The role of the business model into a financial report is an important matter of fact for investors more than for the company it self, and this is because investors need to be sure about the ways the company makes money, and how much money it makes. So we can conclude that for accountants, the →

Wal-mart is dangerous for economics and small business

I suppose it would open maybe around 60 jobs tops in town, but a majority of the jobs would beminimum wagejobs. Raising the employment rate of your town has nothing to do with the actual quality of the town, and that's saying that all the people hired come from our town. Every →

Organizational behavior: ursula burns and xerox case study examples

This writing demonstrates the importance of individual differences, values and diversity in the workplace relying on Xerox's experience; analyzes company's attitude to workplace diversity that has been modified over the years; reveals reasons why Xerox should stimulate diversification of their workforce; illustrates how Xerox shows it appreciates workforce diversity; examines the reasons why Xerox defies →

Corporate responsibility and marketing strategies essays examples

Foxconn is one of the suppliers of Apple that has 150 Chinese workers, which had to face protesters after they demanded for human working conditions and threatened to kill themselves by jumping from the roof of the factory. It is a recognized fact that Apple gadgets have earned loyal customers due to the state-of-the-art features →

Medicine case study sample

It presents the origin of the problem, the personnel that were involved and the events that led to the problems presented. The problem comes to the attention of the board and Buchanan, the chair of the department advices Gargon to device ways to terminate the contract between the hospital and Good View LLB.

Example of development of hospitality in australia research paper

There are a lot of improvements and developments initiated by different companies that have seen the hospitality industry grow and receive referrals in the recent past as will be discussed in the research paper. Introduction Hospitality refers to the relationship between the host and the guest. There are some tourist motels like the Hospitality →

Good example of leadership at general electric corporation term paper

He is in charge of all aspects of the company including operations in the company and decision-making. Significance of the Leader Jeffrey Immelt plays a significant role in General Electric Corporation. Under the leadership of Immelt, G.E.has risen to be competitive and a market leader in various sections.

Free employment and labor law essay example

Hackenberg files the grievance and it is not resolved, it may take the form of a collective dispute (Managementstudyguide.com, 2014). Effective management takes steps concerning an employee grievance to eliminate the cause of the grievance. The verdict of the court was the Bryson was terminated because she was not able to fulfill the responsibilities of →

Example of business leadership and business integration essay

This team is also charged with the mandate of preparing the business for the new entry, perform valuation in order to determine and reflect the potential and position of the business for the initial public offering, and sell the story of the company to the potential investors. The internal management of the company is working →

Free essay on order no. 210530009

To name a few countries to this day, Rolls-Royce reports that " Canada's expertise is in both engineering and repair and overhaul in the Aerospace and Energy businesses. That's just the nature of a global economy.

Apple inc.: keeping the “i” in “innovation” essay sample

CASE SYNOPSIS As one of the most well-known and respected companies in the world, Apple Inc.was one of the few companies to emerge from the recession stronger than ever. This offer by Apple, is considered as the method of Apple to share and manage the knowledge especially for the users. D.

Identity theft protection service business plan

For now, there is no known competitor of this product so it is a novel application for mobile payments and monitoring financial transactions. The inventors of SpendSafe are in the process of raising funds from potential investors to develop the product and market it. Also, the success of the product may lead to it being →

Line cyber security company

Modifications in the principles and directions will always affect the business. Economic The cost to run a business in America is low hence favorable for Line Software. Line Software Company's mission is to create the most stylish, affordable, and innovative cyber security to be used in company protection.

Informative essay on dunkin donuts

Promotion includes the budget, any advertising of the franchise and/or product, and possible media coverage. The last piece of the marketing mix, place, would include the location, target market, and the channels used to get the product to the customer. Ramone needs to be aware of the benefits and the drawbacks of becoming a franchisee →

Case study on bobs meltdown

Jay's concrete action is to bring in Annette and has given her the reins on shaking up the corporation, hopefully resulting in the discovery of a new business model for the company. - Bob Dunn is the senior vice president of Concord Machines. This is not a new concept but it is certainly new to people →

Good example of essay on apple inc.

It boosts a social standard of an individual henceforth resulting in good numbers for the company through confident consumer loyalty.. Apple has gained momentum in making it as a top most brand and engaging people in digital gadgets through understanding the need of consumer in this fast paced changing the world. Here in apple's case →

Motivation & work behavior case study sample

Roberts Company - Discuss the case in terms of the attitudes and beliefs of the managers and workers. This is also exemplified by the management's reaction to the protests by the workers. - Using theories of needs, discuss the differing needs of the male and female workers, the foremen, Mr.

Business plan on project inception

The company has to sieve through the data from the internet to remain with the information that will give important information. They help in the day-to-day running of the information processing within the company. Systems administrator This is the personnel who are concerned with the running and integration of different information systems in the →

Essay on diversity in the workplace

In the discussion of this issue, the concept of diversity is taken in various social and legal contexts and from the perspectives of various disciplines including sociology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, marketing, and even organizational theory. This diversity in workplace pertains to the employment issues, and there are a number of laws that address these issues. →

Wal-mart strategic audit

Another cost-effective method in Wal-Mart's supply chain management is their ability to track the movement of products through the entire value chain. Whether the product is in shipment, in distribution center inventory, in-store inventory or on the shelf, or at the cash register, Wal-Mart can track it in real time. By utilizing this process Wal-Mart →

Chapter 14 solutions

F: 2 J: 2 x 2 = 4 D: 2 x 4 = 8 G: 1 L: 1 x 2 = 2 J: 1 x 2 = 2 H: 1 A: 1 x 4 = 4 D: 1 x 2 = 2 Totals: F = 2; G = 1; H = 1; J = 6; →

Commercial airline industry term paper

Apart from this, other key players in the airline industry play an important role in the growth of this industry. Most legacy airlines such as delta airlines recorded reduced bookings due cuts in airfares. This is because the act leveled the playing field in the aviation industry, previously under the civil aeronautics board.

Free research paper on functions of management

The company definitely designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics and in addition computer software and personal computers on a global scale. In relation to this, the non-profit, Apple inc has shown tremendous improvement in the various areas of management and the application of the four functions of management effectively and in a manner that depicts →

What is strategy article review examples

Strategy is the creation of exclusive and valued position, involving a diverse set of activities, which means if there existed only a single ideal position, strategy would be nonexistent. According to Porter , operational effectiveness should not be considered a business strategy, but it is a necessity in business. →