6 Pages Essay Samples

Benefits of the great wall of china

The Wall that was built in the Qin Dynasty is the most famous one because it was the first and oldest section that still remains today. One of the biggest advantages of the Great Wall was that it created a sense of identity for the Chinese.

How far do these three sources suggest that wolsey monopolized political power 1510-1529 essay sample

Despite stating that Wolsey wanted more political power, source Q written by Elton, a famous historian; also states that he wanted " to ignore the legal and constitutional traditions of England and substitute them for his own self-confident judgment" which implies that not only Wolsey arrogant but also intended to change the laws of the β†’

A little cloud essay

The opinion that Ireland is a country lowly in comparison to the rest of Europe is enforced at the beginning of the story when Little Chandler says " it was something to have a friend like [Gallaher]" because he " worked for the London press. A prisoner for life" and he feels acutely the injustice β†’

Ebenezer howard

It is said that there were two major inventions in the beginning of the twentieth century; the invention of the airplane, and Ebenezer Howards' creation of the Garden City. In the 19th century, as a response to extremes of the capitalist order and an alternative to the industrial city, communitarian activity started to search new β†’

Role of the microbiome in alzheimer’s disease

A diet high in salt is associated with an increased risk of AD, and a high-salt diet is associated with reduced cognitive function through impaired hippocampal function in mice. While previous work suggests a role of the high-salt diet in modulating the microbiome in the AD animal model, no current evidence has been provided that β†’

Disease mechanisms of myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia Gravis and Other Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction. H, The Epidemiology of Myasthenia Gravis.

The tudor life in england history essay

People abusing the person in the pilloryThe Pillory and the Stocks; the pillory is a t-shaped box where the victim would place their head and arms inside. There was a metal stripped placed so it could fit inside the mouth, and it would either have been sharpened or placed with spikes to a certain extent β†’

Introduction and write as far as our lives

In addition, social media has also been used to collect donations for the needy and the distressed. Wholesomely, social media has had a positive impact on the victims of the earthquake in Japan and Haiti.

Personal marketing plan personal swot analysis assignment

For the next three years I lived with people that shared the same aviation zest and passion that I do, the drive to succeed, to be the best that you can but learned that your attitude is what will get you places and skills can always be learned. Although day surgery provided me an opportunity β†’

Effects of war on the mind and body

In the novel " The Things They Carried," the effects that a war has on a person mentally and physically are greatly demonstrated though the true instances of the characters during and after the Vietnam War. For instance, when the platoon was underneath the canopies of the trees taking a break from humping in the β†’

The fall of man, york mystery cycle (play 5)

Moreover, Harris states that actors would hang cloths around the wagon so that the audience could only view the play from the front, closing off the rest of the world and drawing the audience into the tight space where the play was being acted out. The Intent of Medieval Theatre " Medieval drama took many β†’

Relationship between knowledge and social change

The French revolution, and in England, the Industrial revolution, which dramatically changed the face of the social world, were decisive elements in the emergence of a theory of society that was distinct from other branches of philosophy. Comte was influenced by the way scientists investigated the physical world and he sought to create a science β†’

Effect of gender equality in the economy

The Platform clearly stated that the empowerment of women and gender equality were critical to international development, peace, and human right. Klasen, S, and Lamanna, F.2009." The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education and Employment on Economic Growth: New Evidence for a Panel of Countries".

Subculture of hip hop: a sociological analysis

In the speech he gave he laid out three major points that were mandatory.1.breaking the mother 2.emasculating the man in front of the woman and offspring 3.removing men from family after offspring were born The breaking of the woman was the most important as it lead to perpetuation of the slave mentality through offspring which β†’

Reflective essay on structured interviews

" the way you structured the questioning...it gave me ideas in my head in how I wanted the interview to go" The key point during the interview, I thought, was when J.spoke about how he wanted the interview to go and what questions and information he wanted to find out. The mentor has to balance β†’

Beowulfquestions persuasive essay

The epic poem, which occurs in Scandinavia, shows the hero/warrior Beowulf setting sail for the land of the Danes, at the behest of Hrothgar. In a lasting message to the people, Beowulf says that, though he had made enough and more money through his battles, it would serve him no purpose, as he was about β†’

Could we bring back the dinosaurs?

In order to answer the question, it is necessary to look at how it could be done, what the possible limitations of bringing back dinosaurs could be and whether the process of bringing back dinosaurs could have any positive effects on the world or humanity as a whole. It is also very important to discuss β†’

Why dunkin donuts closed in faisalabad marketing essay

In January 2004, Dunkin' Donuts opened its branch in Faisalabad and it closed down in April 2005." Why Dunkin' Donuts closed down in Faisalabad" The Closure of Dunkin' Donuts Faisalabad Branch could have been due to one or more following reasons: Inadequate awareness among people of Faisalabad? Naveed Malik, who was the branch manager of β†’

Brief and case study assignment

The template of the group Journal can be found at the end of this assignment brief and in ' Assessment' section of Accessed.3. The suggested structure of the presentation can be be found at the end of this assignment brief.

The agricultural marketing company limited assignment

The dividend irrelevance theory is a concept that is based on the premise that the dividend policy of a given company should not be considered particularly important by investors. Further, the terms of that dividend policy should not have any bearing on the price of the shares of stock issued by that company.

Visual perception and visual cognition in healthy and pathological ageing

Van der Stigchel et al.tested four macular degeneration patients in a visual search paradigm and contrasted their performance with that of healthy controls with and without a simulated scotoma. Hamel et al.use a driving simulator paradigm with eye- and head-movement recordings in young and old subjects to assess age-related changes in visual exploratory behavior.

Editorial: proceedings of aspl2019 – 8th asian-oceanian symposium on plant lipids

Kong et al.summarized the recent understanding of the regulatory mechanism of WRI1 in plant oil biosynthesis and other regulators controlling the expression of WRI1. The mutant has a single G664A substitution in the gene TaCHLI-7A encoding the subunit I of the Mg-chelatase, and the resultant D221N substitution in the mutant protein abolishes an interaction with β†’

Relationship between political socialization and political culture sociology essay

A political culture is the way in which the individuals within the social setting view their political system, the way in which they perceive it to function and the level of acceptance that pervades as a result. Whereas Political culture deals with the collective, political socialization deals with the individual, it focusses on the upbringing β†’

Task: managing human resources in healthcare

And because HR management provides support to the company when it comes to hiring employees, this position is very well checked and maintained to make sure that the entire business will have dedicated and hard working staff to contribute on the success of its nature. Decline and change Transformation of business environment is expected to β†’

Aviation security and the tsa’s behavior detection: why effective academic and practitioner dialogue is vital

Therefore, if research scientists and practitioners genuinely want to engage in dialogue " to develop solutions to problems in the world of practice, and thereby generate insights for the world of theory", they each must fully appreciate the others knowledge. Research scientists should therefore engage in a dialogue with the TSA as well as other β†’

Outline and evaluation of aristotle’s epistemological ideas

That idea, that knowledge is identical with its object, is dimly reflected in the modern formula for expressing one of the necessary conditions of knowledge: A knows that p only if it is true that p.' As said in the article ' Aristotle and the Highest Good' he believes that ' claims every action is β†’

Future of saarc

In the given situation, how is it possible for the smaller states of the region to play their role in contributing to the progress of SAARC? The two small members of SAARC, Nepal and the Maldives are also not in a comfortable position.

Choose a client who is at risk of malnutrition

Reasons why the client became at risk will be explained, as well as how the risk was dealt with, managed, and the actions taken to control the risk. On admission the clients weight showed she was already undernourished and at risk of malnutrition but over the next four weeks she had lost another 3kgs putting β†’

Narayana hrudayalaya

This charge is the lowest in the country where the average cost of OHS in a private hospital is Rs. In order to further achieve their goal to reach the bottom of the pyramid, they have also effectively used telemedicine techniques with the help of a large number of general practitioners providing teleconsultation to the β†’

Apology paper

Socrates violates none of the four charges, and by his eloquence, he embarrassed his accuser in front of the public, especially the wealthy young group of people and leading the defense on the jury and trap the accuser. And yet Socrates is believes in the god of Athens.

Conclusion in summary of findings health essay

In summary, the EPA and WHO have stated the bad effects of chemicals such as dioxin and acrylamide which are found in burgers and its implications on human health. Now thanks to the EPA and WHO for their efforts and research, better understanding of these chemicals are delivered and obtained, consumers now are more aware β†’

Specialty grand challenges in biosensors

In the medical field, biosensors have been used for many years, and it is certainly the area that benefits from the largest number of commercial devices, such as the glucometer, a biosensor that revolutionized the monitoring of blood glucose levels, improving the quality of life of millions of diabetic people worldwide. The development and production β†’

History of the berlin blockade

The blockade by the Russians of the city of Berlin came as a resulted from events beginning in the early part of 1947. The Berlin blockade was the first crisis to follow the ending of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War.

An impressive painting of an impressive historical figure: joan of arc by bastien-lepage

To the right of the painting is the wall sign that states the artist's life span, which was 1848 to 1884, along with the following brief history:" After the Province of Lorraine was lost to Germany following the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, the French saw in Joan of Arc a new and powerful symbol. The β†’

Conflict and other themes in the chosen

Secular literature and psychology interest Danny but his father, very disapproving of such things, wants Danny to succeed him as a rabbi and the leader of the Hasidic sect. Because of Danny's father's authoritarian behavior and strong disapproval of any secular literature, Danny goes to the library in secret.

Terry gau assignment

In this method of leadership Change would need to assume the role as a member of the group taking a less directive approach and allow the group to find consensus among the group. Being as she lacked the expertise and experience of her new team it would be critical for her to begin focusing her β†’

ο»Ώspeech analysis essay sample

In the second part of the speech, Gehrig describes those individuals that he had grown to know professionally throughout his career and then gives them a name at the end of the sentence. In the last part of the speech, he does the reverse and names the people that he has grown with personally at β†’

Problems with solutions for practice in factoring

A company is considering engaging a factor, the following information is available: i) The current average collection period for the Company's debtors is 80 days and % of debtors default. The experience indicates that 60 percent of the customer's avail of the cash discount, the remaining customers pay on an average 60 days after the β†’

Comparison of mass boom and box beam wing structure engineering essay

Bending moment = /8 The maximum bending moment magnitude occurs at the wing root Wing weight is linearly proportional to the wing root bending moment. Also the wing span is proportional to bending moment, the bending moment can be reduced by reducing the wing span of the aircraft.

What twenty – four weeks it takes

The moment the sperm and egg meet, or the twenty four weeks it takes for a fetus to be developed inside the woman's womb? As for the sake of the essay, it is for the legalization of abortions.

Explanation:- penetration is sufficient to constitute the

Section 377 of the IPC is intended to punish carnal intercourse committed against the order of nature by a man with another man, or in the same unnatural manner with a woman, or by a man or a woman in any manner with a beast. Section 377 requires proof of the following conditions to hold β†’

The pathological relevance of serum lipid concentrations health essay

150 women were included in the study of two groups consisted of 115 pregnant women in different trimesters and 35 ) healthy non-pregnant women taken as control. In contrast, Okojie and Blessing study showed an increase in the level of HDL-c in normal pregnant women with increasing gestational age when compared with controls.

Photosynthesis pathway

C4Β Photosynthesis Pathway Species Photosynthesis pathway Mla citations Abutilon fruticosum Guill. & Perr 4C (Hatch 82) Abutilon muticum (Del.) Webb 4C (Hatch 82) Abutilon pannosum (G. Forst.) Schltdl 4C (Hatch 82) Acacia abyssinica Hochst. 4C (Hatch 82) Acacia ehrenbergiana (Forssk.) Hayne 3C (Laetsch 156) Acacia elatior Brenan 3C (Laetsch 156) Acacia...

The mysterious phantom limbs essay sample

In the case of a phantom limb, the responding area in the somatosensory cortex is forced to stop getting signals once the limb is amputated; however, the nearby areas in the somatosensory cortex are found to take over the part that no longer function. Even though now there is a well developed theory of the β†’

A model of consumer buying behavior

At first consumer finds the goods which he wants to consume and then he select the goods which fulfilled his need and after selecting the goods consumer check the availability of money which he wants to spend and at last consumer check out the price of goods and take the decision. Consumer behavior is also β†’

3 a huge number of end-clients. openuc

3 Ways to Secure Communications for Virtual Unified Communications Systems UC security systems and recognize and quickly portray a few that Boeing ought to have set up to guarantee the protection and honesty vUCS offers a correspondence arrangement enhanced to address the prerequisites of dynamic organizations utilizing the most recent IP innovation. The product is β†’

Editorial: protective resources for psychological well-being of adolescents

Therefore, the main aim of this Research Topic is to examine the role of protective factors in family, school, social relationships and personal contexts in preventing psychological maladjustment and enhancing adolescents' psychological well-being. One of these contexts, considered to be one of the most important and immediate in which adolescents satisfy their basic needs, grow, β†’

Global health

This is the impact of the disease where the frequency of disease is very high. Initially the fight was initiatedby the World Health organization to remove the disease from various parts of Asia and Africa, especially in the low income zone where most of the people used to live below poverty line.

Chronicle of a death foretold: cultural analysis essay sample

However, this is not true in the location of Chronicle of a Death Foretold, as the Vicario twins were found innocent due to " legitimate case of honor, which was by the court upheld in good faith". This magical realism that is found throughout the book also relates to the culture of the people.

Sex in advertising assignment

The viewer is not bombarded with explicit sexual material therefore the designer has successfully negotiated the ethics of sex in advertising in accordance of what consumers feel is ethical. Firebombed and Fitch is another brand that heavily utilizes sex in advertising and do not always consider the ethical implications of their work.

Language paper assignment

The first focuses on thought and the second on arbitrary: in a specialized but genuine way"." Language is both a working system of communication in the time and in the community, it is a product of its history and the source of its future development. Key Features of Language There is a critical period of β†’

Themes in spring summer fall winter and spring philosophy essay

According to the Buddha, the real nature of the life and universe is nothing other than suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the way leading to the cessation of suffering. The film portrays the suffering of the world and the cause of our suffering is the " self".

The importance of strategic fit management essay

Strategy as a plan establishes a view of the organisations in the leaders view and pre-determines the course of action it can also serve as a ploy in the same scenario, Strategy as position refers to external environment to create economic rents, As perspective, strategy looks inwards to the corporate personality or culture of a β†’

Socially interactive environment

Conception of norms, and furthermore social identities, should also be referred to while discussing George Orwell's narration of the identity struggles of a British police officer in Burma, and Ralph Wedgwood's depiction of the gay and lesbian society which gave a fight for gaining the right to participate in the institution of marriage in 1997. β†’

Human resource management classes overview

I recalled that in the recruitment process, it is important to have a time frame of the recruitment activities as sometimes the need for an applicant to the position is immediate, since the time frame for the application process was in a week, I figured the company must really be in a hurry to fill β†’

Fighting obesity in the uk health essay

The House of Commons Select Committee Report on Obesity, 2004 presented it as a social problem: ' The causes of obesity are diverse, complex, and in the main, underpinned by what are now entrenched societal norms'. Normative regulations helped to decrease the number of smokers and the same can be done with obesity rates.

Starbucks case analysis analysis

Economic Conditions: In a time of inflation when the purchase of nonessential items is down, Starbucks is feeling the effects.a. Starbucks has a Corporate Social Responsibility policy in place to fulfill its commitment to positively contribute to local communities and the environment.d.

The changing trends in education

Particularly, digital education platforms support collaborative learning and co-design situations in which students develop a mutual understanding of the given design problem and a shared goal, and achieve this goal through working and learning together on the design artifact. Google Scholar Landa, L." The algo-heuristic theory of instruction," in Instructional Design Theories and Models, ed.C.M.

Dynamics of negotiations: failed ge-honeywell merger deal

The ultimate aim is to highlight the dynamics of the negotiations from standpoint of the parties' interests and positions in the overall outcome. The report also attempts to identify framing/anchoring techniques in the negotiations, and equally consider the role of trust, reputation and expertise in the overall decision/outcome of the negotiations.' The bid by General β†’

Introduction greece in the 6th century bce,

However, according to the article, it is imperative to note that neither reason nor the quest for evidence started with the ancient Greeks, but the pre-Socratic philosophers endeavored to identify a single underlying standard that could be used to explain the whole cosmos, allowing in the process great progress in key areas of geometry, logic, β†’

Linguistic analysis of a passage from both the “miller’s tale” essay

Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales were written in Middle English during the 14th Century, the period after the loss of Old English inflexions and before the standardisation of spelling due to the introduction of the Caxton printing press. Chaucer wrote during the years in which foreign loan words were fully integrated into the English vernacular β†’

Corporate level strategy of bp management essay

The company got the market access to California and some more states on the West Coast, with a leading US retail network of am/pm convenience stores as well as got access to the best refineries in the US, which meant it could offer its customers cleaner fuels.[1]Moreover, as said by John Browne this merger brought: β†’

Example reflection of a report on china

As The Prime Minister, David Cameron, said: " The UK is the most popular destination in Europe for Chinese investment with more Chinese investment into the United Kingdom in the last eighteen months than the whole of the last thirty years combined." Before the first time group meeting, we made a decision that everyone go β†’

The key indicators of the macroeconomic environment

The direction of this essay will be firstly clarifying each indicator of macroeconomic performance and its importance to the economy along with the various policy tools available to governments, examine the relationship between the objectives, finally analyse the impact of globalisation in different types of economies along with the positive and negative outcomes formed as β†’

A report on international marketing strategy marketing essay

This paper focuses on the international marketing strategy of two companies: one operating in the developing world and one operating in both the developed and developing worlds. They have always tried to increase the number of their operating destinations to overcome the financial crunch and increase their market base.

The life of a name

For the rest of Gogol's life, the dead author and Ashoke's pressure to be a scholar haunt him. I feel as if it is important for my name to be associated with one of the people who save the planet.

Identifying potential risk, response, recovery

The simple solution for this is just to isolate the host that is connected to the internet from the internal networks and then create a demilitarized zone. The first risk mitigation in a file server is to estimate the size of programs, files, and transaction.

Negative impacts after the nisga’a treaty essay sample

Following the decision of the signing of the Nisga'a Treaty with the Nisga'a Nation on April 13, 2000, a great number of Final Agreement provisions were fulfilled, including the transfer of nearly 2, 000 square kilometers of Crown land to the Nisga'a Nation, the establishment of a 300, 000 cubic decameter water reservation, the establishment β†’

Risk factors for solitary seizures

DISCUSSION The aim of this study is to find out the underlying risk factors involved in recurrence of solitary seizure in patient with normal neuroimaging, in patients in whom treatment is not initiated. Family history was present in 3 cases out of total 60 cases which were followed up in our study, out of 3 β†’

The technology impacts on music industry

Digital convergence and record labels " The traditional business model in the music industry includes the mass production and distribution of physical goods". The money in the music industry flowed mainly to the record labels.

Setting sun by dazai osamu: a family battle that affects a whole nation

Through the analyzation of Mother, Kazuko, and Naoji, the notion of a nation struggling to grasp a new modern identity while coping with the decline of a social order that has stood strong for so many years is unfolded from beginning to end creating mixed feelings of hope and depression for the people of the β†’

Material loss

Antionette's mother, Annette fears harm at the hands of the locals, and those fears become a reality when she loses her son, her home, and her faith in the destructive fire at Coulibri, proving that her insanity was fueled by loss of identity. Coulibri was lost in the fire, and not only was it a β†’

Comparative criminal justice: making sense of the difference assignment

We tend to argue that the rise in crime rates is exaggerated by the media and the politicians, that we should avoid creating even more deviance by over-reacting to offending, that the availability of work and decent housing are more effective ways of reducing crime than whatever can be delivered by criminal Justice. In Italy, β†’

Book review: the blueprint of a green economy

The Blueprint of a Green Economy David Pearce, Anil Markandya, Edward Barbier Book Review Background The book " A Blueprint for a Green Economy" was written as a study for the Department ofEnvironmentin the U.K.under the name " Sustainable Development, Resource Accounting and Project assessment: State of the Art Review" popularly known as the Pearce β†’

Work-related stress amongst employees

The causes of the athletes' job stress are intricate and complex. And some unfair selection also causes the stress of athletes as they can not obtain the chance of equal competition.

Groups and teams concept

Groups and teams roles are very important in organisation to develop the organisation by having different kinds of job distribution in the organisation.it will going to distribute task in the organisation it will provide more benefit to the organisation it will provide management in different kinds of activity by having distribution. It will going to β†’

Tidal energy solutions swot analysis

While the cost of energy production remains so low there is also the fact that the main source the product is renewable, non-polluting, and widely available. As for environmental concerns, while there is no emissions or pollution to speak of there are various oils and hydraulic fluids housed in the power plants.


The Gospel of Matthew is a relatively easy passage to read, and according to Hauer and Young, " The Gospel of Matthew is nearly as overt as the Gospel of Mark is hidden."[l] Matthew is organized into a fivefold pattern and two parts of the fivefold passage, " The higher Righteousness" and " The true β†’

The formation and change of identity

Family can have both a positive or negative effect on others, yet it is clear, as seen in the novel and the article, that family has the capability to mold identity. Furthermore, the novel is similar to this, as Mia is forced to make a decision that shapes her identity as a person.

Political cartoon american businesses trapped like chilean miners by obamacare

Two days later, a second collapse hindered rescue efforts by preventing the rescue workers from getting to the lower part of the mine where the miners were. Many of the miners fought to be the last one out of the mine.

Reflecting on the issue of hate crimes

I chose to look at hate crimes as my topic for this reflective essay in the wake of the Christchurch shootings were 50 people lost their lives as a result of the actions of a self-described ecofascist and ethno-nationalist terrorist. Following the widespread media coverage of these terror attacks the number of instances of racial β†’

Technology: blessing or curse and the social divide caused

The elite of 19th Century wanted to keep the telephone to them selves because God forbid the common person get a hold of it, which would surely upset the hierarchy in class and status. The world of the upper class was so entirely different from that of the lower class that among the wealthy, there β†’

Louis vuitton case analysis essay

Economic: The major companies in this industry are based in Europe.so the euro exchange rate will be an of import factor to the industry. Recently.the universe economic status has been bit by bit recovered.and the high demand in Asia-Pacific part contributes more grosss to the industry.and the part will hold high growing rate in old β†’

Listening barriers essay sample

You cannot eliminate the difference in the ability of the mind to process and the speaker's lack of speed when talking but what you can do is use that time wisely. Checking and or verifying if the person is able to listen at the start of the conversation are a good way to avoid this β†’

Kudler foods – expanding their business towards catering

The product is represented by the actual food presented to the customer and the services are the making of the food and its delivery to the address requested by the customer. Considering that the products are prone to rapidly deteriorate if kept in inappropriate conditions, the supplier has the moral and legal obligation to inform β†’

Analysis of niccolo machiavelli’s book the prince: a still relevant cheat sheet for managers

This book is a must-read for the CEOs and Managers who are in a need of coming up with strategies and tactics to have a leading or competitive edge over their employees, as there are nuggets of wisdom hidden inside this book for several situations. Obama, being one of the successful presidents in the history β†’

The history of the noose and its significance to african

It is therefore to the best interest of everyone to be able to identify the origins of the hangman's knot or the noose in the current period. Pitts also reported for the Chicago Tribune how a noose was left on the door of a black professor at Columbia University that stands to investigate the recent β†’

Georgian victorian and edwardian times history essay

Much of the jewellery was designed in the very early throes of the industrial revolution, therefore it was entirely hand made by jewellers of incredible skill and patience who were given the time to perfect their craft. Use of industrial processes, cheaper alloys, and stone substitutes lead to the development of paste or costume jewellery; β†’

Luigi pirandello war essay

The short story " War" takes place during 1919; the year the official Armistice was called over WWI." War" brings to light the internal struggles provoked by the loss of a child to one's country. Pirandello, fortunately, did not have to experience the death of his son at war.

Case study assignment essay

In order to fully comprehend the ethical situation that unfolded in 2009 with respect to the housing market collapse and the banking collapse, one must first understand the actions taken by each party prior to 2009. Cramer, as he states in the interview with Stewart is just a " guy trying to do an entertainment β†’

Bong hits 4 jesus and the first amendment

The decision reached by the Supreme Court in the Frederick v. These are very similar infractions, but the Supreme Court decided in favor of the students in Tinker, and against the student in Frederick.

Organized crime essay sample

Ultimately, lack of ethical values and virtues are the doorways to the crimes happening around the world. Self-centered nature of people make them indulge in activities to destroy the society just to exhibit their power and stand a chance against the world to rule it.

Professor leon theremin

The theremin produces a very eerie sound; because of this it was associated with the realms of the bizarre and the creepy. The instrument features a tone and portamento similar to that of the Theremin but it has a different control mechanism.

Spreadsheet report

If I change the names of the limos on the " Limo Details" sheet than in the " Hirer Details" sheets the names of the limos changes, if I change the prices, registration number e.t.c then automatically on the other sheets all the details would change. Here is a screen shot of me changing the β†’

Depression al., 2010). depression is a significant

The Effects of Music Therapy on Depression Music has been with us since forever, as a worldwide instrument that people are using for different uses: dancing, jogging, relaxing etc.music has the ability to connect to our emotions, positive and negative as one, and by that to affect our mood, behavior, thoughts and points of view. β†’