6 Pages Essay Samples

Shawn feminine side which acts on behalf of

Because Gerry is one of the men in the reservation areas, he is an excellent icon of the Native American culture. It is known in history that Native American went through the thrill of tears and that the Native's relocation to the new area or reservation nowadays still occurs like what is explained in the →

English standard version assignment

The example in this text come from the word " abased" found in the KAVA and the NJ. In ESP, " abased" is changed to " be brought IoW' which is the meaning of abased, but it allows for a more smooth reading because one does not have to stop and look up the word →

The history of huntingtons disease health and social care essay

The neuropathology of Huntington's, which is the study of disease of the nervous tissue, is mainly the decay of neurons of striatum and motor cortex. A common observation is that the earlier the symptoms happen, the quicker the disease advances.

Certain omissions regarded as criminal conduct in scotland law essay

The mens rea accompanied by the actus reus would result in criminal liability.[4]To illustrate both in terms of omission I have highlighted specific cases that explain the significance of both The first circumstances that a failure to act can give rise to criminal liability is " where a dangerous situation has been created by the →

Dogs and chinese not admitted

In most cases the views from most Chinese press people views the symbol as a prime evidence of the humiliation of the past that the Chinese people were exposed to by the Europeans. The article presents in general some of the challenges which the park was exposed to.

Executive shirt company essay sample

Planning the Custom Shirt Line Collier knew that the introduction of a custom-sized shirt line would require some changes to the manufacturing process. He proposed that all of the custom shirt operations, from cutting to packaging, be done on a separate assembly line.

Friends. good friends – and such good friends.

It ne'er does deep into the topic but simply touches upon it." The most indispensable characteristic of the essay is personality of attack to the topic of survey and comparative freedom and naturalness of look.which is decidedly contrary to the scientific manner of presentation. Tautologies are besides presented: "...a friend is a friend all the →

Cultural differences in robinson crusoe

The clashes between the cultures in the novel and that of Defoe's contemporaries is also apparent, particularly the themes of imperialism and religion, aspects of eighteenth century life that were seen as imperative to the survival of man. The father refers to the middle class as having the fewest surprises or " vicissitudes", however where →

Tomorrow will be anxious for itself: a close reading of devotion and allusion in “pamela”

A reading of the scene contextualized by Matthew 6 allows the reader to grasp the ways in which Richardson might have used Scripture to ground exposition of the residual anxiety that haunts Pamela in matrimony; at the very least, we see that her inability to accept the bliss afforded to her is allegorical, rather than →

A comparison of materialism, communication, and connection in death of a traveling salesman and neighbor rosicky

Joint critiques of modern materialism and the resulting void in the life of the everyday man, Willa Cather's Neighbor Rosicky and Eudora Welty's Death of a Traveling Salesman illuminate the modernist dilemma of isolation through the characters of Rosicky and and R.J. Bowman, who for fourteen years had traveled for a shoe company though Mississippi, →

Persuasive speech on death penalty

Persuasive Speech against the Death Penalty Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: The purposeof this speech is to give reasons as to why the death penalty should be abolished Specific Purpose: The speech specifically aims at getting the audience to agree to the abolishment of the death penalty. Thesis Statement The death penalty should be abolished →

Trade and consumer protection law-unfair trade practices

If the service is not provided as per the advertisement it amounts to breach of contract and as such there arises a legal issue of breach of contract. If the service is not provided as per the advertisement it amounts to a breach of contract and as such, there arises a legal issue of breach →

King richard iii analysis

This cinematic technique not only highlights the lack of skills of leadership Richard possesses as a king but like Shakespeare, it highlights the significant of the value of kingship in such a way that today's audience is able to comprehend. It is also in Looking for Richard that the value of trust is heavily explored →

Grand challenges in population dynamics

Even for this broadly accepted pattern of population growth, the empirical evidences of this pattern are few, because of the difficulty of studying a population since its foundation and over a sufficient amount of time, and also because not all the assumptions of the model can be properly tested in nature. Spatial Ecology: The Role →

Training employers on organizational approaches

Ensuring that employees have an understanding on the conceptslearned is important and not to have a training just as a process within the organization. There is need to understand the underlying basis of a given training program and ensure that the trainees are assessed to have an understanding on their level of understanding.

Between holy places in russia, to pay

Tolstoy wrote in Repent ye, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand, a chapter of The Kingdom of God is Within You that Christians must aspire to the Kingdom of God, not the kingdoms of the world, meaning that the idols and relics of the church are worthless, people should instead visit God through →

Using critical reasoning to reduce the gap

It can provide us with a tool to analyze the problems in 360 degrees and predict possible consequences: from the beginning of recognizing the issues till the end of generalizing the decisions and values, critically reasoning act performs the function of a bridge that connects the activities which " are" in progress and which " →

Genetic engineering: ethics essay

It was Bentham who quoted that Utilitarianism is about " the greatest good for the greatest number" and should be the measure of what is right and wrong. The ethical theory Utilitarianism can be applied to this type of genetic engineering as it is the basis on which the decision is made by the parents; →

A case study in staff motivation kent reliance building society business essay

To the knowledge of the author this is the first attempt to analyze the what motivates employees in small organisations in financial service sector KRBS, UK. 1 The Concepts and Types of Motivation 3.

One world government assignment

It is even mention in the bible that " Jesus was speaking of the coming world government of God to be established on the earth after His return." Having one government is the only way to achieve anything resembling world peace because it would make the feeling of " patriotism" irrelevant because there's only one →

Oil & gas price evolution assignment

Oil and gas price will maintain the current level or rise in the next years because of the world economy, an increased demand on oil and its production costs, the gas demand, and the investment in developing alternative energy sources. It is currently estimated that the oil reserves in the United States will last for →

The most famous online shopping website in china marketing essay

However, with the development of the website, this strategy limits Taobao to the Chinese market and lack of presence in global market. This increasingly growing demand for online shopping contributed to the growth of Taobao.

Construction procurement in sweden construction essay

According to the Swedish Construction Institute report and the Swedish Construction Federation data the construction sector is one of Sweden's largest industries and contributes significantly to national prosperity. The selection of particular form of contract depends on various considerations such as: type of work to be conducted, size of the project, public or private sector, →

How are the victims of the free rider problem, namely nonprofit agencies

The predicament that stems from the availability of free goods in the marketplace is known as the free rider problem: an avid listener of NPR's " All Things Considered" does not see why she should be obligated to pay for public broadcasting when she has the ability to advantage of other people's efforts of funding →

Mining the resource of cross-presentation

A commentary on On the role of dendritic cells versus other cells in inducing protective CD8+ T cell responses by Zinkernagel RM Front Immunol 5: 30.doi: 10. 00030 In the face of MHC-class I-restricted direct presentation from a live, replicating viral infection after the groundbreaking discovery of the MHC restriction of T cell responses by →

Natural disaster

Tsunami A tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, generally an ocean or a large lake. It is caused by evaporated water that comes off of the ocean and becomes a storm.


Serial driver It transforms the signal from the BMCC to control the IGV and the solenoid valves in order to cool the motor and the external extension of the valves Failure resulting from the aging of the serial driver. Inlet regulation The inlet of the compressor can be regulated by throttling the inlet of the →

Significance of the title all the pretty horses

On his journey, he learns that the world of men is very different from that of horses and is forced to rethink the relationship between humans and horses. When the wind was in the north you could hear them, the horses and the breath of the horses and the horses' hooves that were shod in →

Psychological stress emotional

However, there are the ways that people can minimize stress and manage the stress that is inevitable. According to EhealthMD, stress is the emotional and physical strain cause by people's response to pressure from the outside world.

Leadership case study: steve jobs

Steve was the go to speaker at the key note speeches of unveiling products, and he always had a sense of spirit about him that really made the customer believe in how much he loves the product they Just unveiled, and how much Steve believed that the customer would love the product. He was able →

Transportation of coal by barge: history and safety

The tow barge houses the engine and operators, which allows the barges to move through the waterways. The Master should be aware of methane emission levels and should provide appropriate signage to warn employees.

Accountability mechanisms in volkswagen and nike

" An ever evolving set of responsibilities for the functioning and welfare of individuals, society and the environment is entrusted to public sector organisations and private business enterprises". The VW scandal is a perfect example of the impact that both legal and market accountabilities can have on a company when they are ignored.

Writing elbow-ism

Shaugnessy was the first to theorized about writing in her book, Errors and Expectations, and although she wrote about the general common faults of the students in writing, such as poor handwriting and syntax, which she backed up with examples of thousands of student papers, and reflected the need of the teachers to adopt to →

The contribution of computers english language essay

Johns besides referred to the scholar as a " linguistic communication detective " and invented the look " Every pupil a Sherlock Holmes! " to underline the active function of scholar and described the computing machine and the concordancer as " a research tool for both scholar and instructor ". The premise that underlines this →

Editorial: multiple roles of alien plants in aquatic ecosystems: from processes to modelling

Similarly, Toth et al.discussed the roles of physiological and ecological traits in explaining the differentiated performances of invasive macrophytes, obtaining evidence on the existence of key adaptive responses of IAAPs. The study by Michelan et al.outlined how the influence of IAAPs on the colonization performance of native species is density dependent, studying the alien Urochloa →

Myringotomy and bilateral ear grommets insertion general anaesthesia nursing essay

It will highlight how researching further led to a better understanding of surgery and anaesthetics and to know how to respond if the same situation happens again.Mr.B.had been admitted in the ward at noontime of the surgery. The operating department practitioner and I did the necessary checks in the anaesthetic room and safely prepared the →

Is globalisation a threat or an opportunity?

The internet can also be seen as a gateway to participate in the game of globalization. It may be good for a business organisation to have access to anyone anywhere in the world, but it also exposes the business to competition.

The red room – literary analysis

He is now considered one of the most defining authors of his time, and the leading role in the creation of the science horror / fiction genre. The characters may not even be able to sense it at first, but they come to realise that " There is fear in that room of hers black →

Subliminal messages essay

This method may be useful to advertisers, but it is harmful to the viewers of the ad. At a convention of the National Association of Broadcasters in 1958, the broadcasters had made some changes to the NAB Broadcasting Code.

Adhd and working memory on intelligence, reading ability, and peer relationships

The Relationship Between ADHD and Working Memory on Intelligence, Reading Ability, and Peer Relationships Introduction The connection between working memory ability and children with ADHD has been a topic of interest in research for years. Marusiak, C, & Janzen, H.

Research paper on polio

Besides the major spread of this disease is caused because of the contaminated stool. But there were rumours about the president that he was besides affected by this disease called the infantile paralysis in which he was addicted to the drugs and sexually impotent and needed heterosexual jacket all the clip.

Developing mathematical abilities for children

Counting and ordering children will need to be come familiar with the number system, they will need to do this through counting and ordering numbers and group of numbers with the same criteria. In maths the boy is at a higher level, he knows how to count and to join 4 blocks together I was →

Lockerheed tristar case study essay sample

In analyzing the cash flows @ 210 aircraft for those 10 years keeping in mind the 10% assumed cost of capital to Lockheed, the NPV of the project was -$530, 950, 000; the IRR of the project was -9%, and the project lost $480, 000, 000 when netting the costs of the project with the →

A world class e-government: singapore

E-government refers to the transformation of the business of the government such as processes, operations and transactions that is driven by the informationtechnology. The portal offered for the citizens is known as the eCitizen Portal which is the single entry point for the community to access the services provided by the government and private corporations.

Negro in stadiums, where the attendants could

Spirituals were long thought to be the only original folk music of the United States, and research into its origin centered mainly on the nature and extent of its African ancestry. The characteristic beauty of the folk song is harmonic, in distinction to the more purely rhythmic stress in the secular music of the Negro, →

Culture and disease paper “rotavirus” essay

Mothers and fathers can be shocked to discover that rotavirus is one of the main causes of severe diarrhea cases in babies and youth in the United States. Description of Rotavirus According to Carson-DeWitt, Davidson, and Jacqueline, " The name rotavirus comes from the Latin word " rota" for wheel and is given because the →

How to learn english

Tip #1- Make Sure You WANT to Learn One of the first tips that can help you out if you want to know how to learn English effectively is to make sure that you really want to learn this language. No matter the reason you are motivated to learn this language, you need to understand →

The most popular cartoon company the walt disney marketing essay

The organization's mission often reflects the values and beliefs of top managers within the company." The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment and information". The company's mission is to reach the stated purpose as there is always room for improvement in regard →

Hurricane hits england by grace nichols and the times by john young essay sample

In an article, a title is one of the focal points to draw in the reader, as its duty is to provide information on what the editorial is concerning. In conclusion, it is obvious to note the stark differences between the newspaper article and the poem.

The classical plays of tony harrison

The continual allusions to the opposition his poetry has faced, and his subsequent under confidence, can have said to have led to a need for the reassurance of the canon: using the models of other poets to validate the worth of his own poetry. Alternatively, Harrison may feel that the only way to express the →

Effects of technology on music

Easiness of transportation that came along with the technological developments in the sector, has allowed the record labels to distribute music all around the world. The evolution of the computer and the Internet was also a great distribution advantage for the music industry and should not be underestimated.

Improvement of cement concrete strength properties by short/long steel fibre additives

Project Title: Improvement of cement concrete strength properties by short/long steel fibre additives Section 1: Introduction/Rationale: The development of industrial and architectural structure refers to the new technology which balance between building plan and auxiliary material with effective performance. Concrete is a fundamental component to use in modern-building due to...

Effective self care planning nursing essay

With all the care and nurturing that Abigail requires, as well as additional demands such as college work I feel shortness of time, I feel that there is just not enough hours in the day, stress for me is not having time to get everything done or not having time to do the things I →

Growth rates of poor and rich countries economics essay

What's more, William also mentioned that Romer used the growth data between 1960 and 1981 to show that the growth rate of poor countries was not any bigger that rich countries and he demonstrated that the Solow prediction applied to tropical countries had failed. So it is not a feasible way to assist poor countries →

Stand by me (movie review for small group com)

Over the course of the movie the group has problems with individual group members, they have to work as a team, and leadership roles emerge. He thwarts the progress of the group, opposes much of what the group attempts to accomplish.

Under entitled to act as the natural guardian

A Hindu widow, entitled to act as the natural guardian of her minor legitimate children, and a Hindu mother entitled to act as the natural guardian of her minor illegitimate children by reasons of the fact that the father has become disentitled to act as such, may by will appoint a guardian for any of →

Ramed medical assistance regimen essay sample

Regardless of the effort made by the government to facilitate health access for all Moroccans population is still a group having no social safety yet, because of the lack of financial resources to finance the RAMED according to the World Bank data, 2016 showed that Moroccan public health spending accounted for 6. The government will →

The formation of the self concept

Self schemas allows us to build a self- concept of one self, this is often a cognitive aspect of the self. There are six self concept theories, control theory of social role theory, self-regulation, self-discrepancy theory, social comparison theory, self-evaluation maintenance model and social identity theory.this essay will comparing and contrasting two of these theories, →

Accumulation of wealth assignment

The accumulation of capital is the gathering or amassing of objects of value as judged by one's perceived reproductive interest group, the increase in wealth through, concentration, or the creation of wealth. Reduction of dependence economy, dependence is a condition in which the economics of one group of countries are conditioned by the development and →

Relative reactivity of alkyl halides

The purpose of the experiment was to identify the effects that the alkyl group and the halide-leaving group have on the rates of SN1 reactions, and the effect that the solvent has on the rates of SN1 and SN2 reactions. The reactants favored in the SN2 mechanism are the opposite of the SN1 reaction.the primary →

Combination of flow with 3d cell culture improves

AD scaffolds provide cells with a structure which replicates the function and architecture of the in vivo extracurricular matrix and encourages them to behave and interact as they would in vivo. Validation of the optical chamber.a, b) The optical chamber prototype with observation windows in the top and bottom of the chamber, to enable viewing →

Explaining the philosophical base of the social sciences essay sample

The laws would determine that the person would end up in a dangerous part of the river and that the person could loose their life. This is the idea that human beings have a basic need to make real, or actualise, the different aspects of themselves.

Lonely heart

Cope focuses on loneliness and the search for love in several of her poems " Lonely Hearts" and " Bloody Men" focus on the search for and the difficulty of finding love and " Rondeau Redouble" which tells of what happens when one the narrator meets the wrong man. To have loved so deeply and →

Comment on lara rzesnitzek (2013) “early psychosis” as a mirror of biologist controversies in post-war german, anglo-saxon, and soviet psychiatry

The diagnosis of the mental illness " psychosis" or even " schizophrenia" may stigmatize the concerned person, e.g, it may put a strain on the atmosphere in the family and even may lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy in the sense of a disturbed mental development of the person involved.with the neutral term " integration disorder," →

Description of the us citizenship process

To discuss the naturalization process, we first have to draw the lines as to who is a born-in citizen. They need to have a legal union, and the spouse had to be a citizen for the full three years, minimum.

Experimental setup and methodology engineering essay

E = Q - W E is the stored energy of the system which is equal to the sum of KE, PE, U in the system, In a steady flow process of an open system, the energy flow is steady and remains constant. According to the equation the energy is entering the system at a →

Social structure theory paper

The people of Queens, New York, felt that it was wrong for Doyle and his two friends to have killed Mr. River's life was taken and his death left a toll in the city of Queens, New York.

Editorial: oesophageal atresia-tracheoesophageal fistula

For the first time, the ESPGHAN NASPGHAN consensus guidelines on the management of gastrointestinal complication in children with EA were presented and very well received not only by the clinicians involved in the care of these patients but also the parent support groups. Innovative topics, which were presented for the first time and which stimulated →

Advances in biomedical science and technology science essay

However, there is a chance that cloning will not happen in the future and this would probably be best. This is the way of life and to me, cloning humans in this way does not seem right.

Reviewing the concept analysis of hope nursing essay

In the old axiom, where there's a hope, there's a life, illustrates that hope is the inspiring power that assists the people to live in present as well as in future. The Pioneer of nursing, Florence Nightingale who walked with the lamp in dark corridors and spread hope and light to the patient explains obviously →

Cold warassignment assignment

In 1914, the nephew of Francis Joseph and heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke of Francis Joseph and heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, announced a visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia a nation ruled by Austria- Hungary but home to many Seers and other Slavs and Austria-Hungary, the news of this visit angered Serbian →

The sign of four and stevensons history essay

In this assignment we will be looking at the representation of different colonial territories and their influences in Conan Doyle s The Sign of Four and Stevenson s The Beach of Fales. Small describes the rebels as dancing and howling and a swarm of bees., and compares his life in India before the Mutiny to →

Truman and the atomic bomb – sources questions essay

One of the main reasons that was proposed was that of peace; In source A the Americans are explicitly stating that they are dropping the bomb purely for peace and it was there just to make sure that the Japanese would go to there emperor but one thing that conflicts with this idea is that →

Hills are like white elephants and shooting an elephant essay

Even though the short stories Hills are Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway and Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell are not related, in the formal sense of this word, both of the mentioned works of literature nevertheless explore essentially the same theme. The allegory of the ' white elephants,' contained in Hemingway's story, substantiates →

International migration posing challenges to state sovereignty politics essay

Moreover, it focuses on the impact and implications of globalization referring to the supervision and closure of American-Mexican borders, highlighting the territorial threat and measures taken to counter illegal migration. Finally, this essay will use the French ban of the veil to argue the possible existence of a cultural and social danger of migration, as →

Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations essay sample

If they need the bathroom, are they able to walk the distance unaided or with a frame and yourself for support? * The Environment You must assess the environment around the individual and identify any potential hazards. Describe the aids and equipment that may be used for moving and positioning There are many different ranges →

Analysing of the postponed barangay election politics essay

Under the law, the local government units may be compelled by the Commission on Election to contribute to fund the Barangay Election expenditures. Another reason for the Barangay Election to be postponed is because of the huge expenses for the conduct of election.

Business innovation

If a viewer is searching for a specific topic, we want the video to be easy to find. A major problem the needs to be addressed is how to market our site and create awareness.

Determination of isoelectric point of protein (casein) essay sample

The level of the potential difference in the solution can be controlled by alterations of the level of hydrogen ions in relation to the concentration of hydroxide corresponding to the pH scale, which is equal to the expression, where the aqueous hydrogen ion concentration is in mol dm. The level of pH in the solution →

College life vs

Morality is viewed in the perspective of the actions undertaken by individual in the way that distinguishes the decisions, the motives and the conduct between those perceived to be good or right and wrong or bad. The moral code can be viewed in the context of the philosophical, cultural or religious way and the moral →

Econ1102 macroeconomics 1 | session 2, 2010 assignment

Use a model to show equilibrium in the money market and explain the effect of a financial innovation that leads to a fall in the demand for money. In the long run, the equilibrium is restored to the potential level of output but at a lower inflation rate.

Reasons for holding inventories

As a result, Mattel announced that it would require its retailers to place full orders prior to the Thanksgiving holiday in future so that it could match production and demand more closely in order to avoid such shortfalls in the future. However, if a company is to maintain an inventory of its goods, it must →

Agencies and information classification criminology essay

For instance, the reports provide the names of the most wanted criminals, and the patterns of crime within a certain locality. This is because law enforcement officers follow a particular guideline and format in the compilation and reporting of the crime statistics.

Health to get away from britian’s control due

Health Care Beliefs and Practices in the Chinese-American Culture The first Chinese immigrants started coming to the UnitedStates in the mid-1800s and was considered the first of two waves that cameover. Many of the Chinese immigrants came to theUnited States for one of two reasons; to get rich and send money back tofamilies in China, →

White tigers: the not so colourful truth

This is a fault in Balram's character as he is certain that in order for him to escape the corruption, he must become part of the system, adding to the quantity of exploitation. While the rich bask in the skyscrapers enjoying comforts from the light, the poor slave away in the darkness, cast by the →

Wm morrisons supermarket breakdown and analysis

William Morrison the establisher and founder of the Morrisons super market was just a merchant of Egg and Butter. In 1997 Morrisons expanding beyond Bradford, Gadbrook park in Cheshire, and in October 1998, In Eirith Morrisons opens its first store in south of England.

Ethics assignment

In school it is important to have personal ethics, this helps us to be honest, uphold the academic integrity, and be able to follow the rules that are set for us. The distinction between " l choose to do this" and " l have to do this" is the essence of autonomy.

Amnesty for illegal immigrants is not in the best interest of the tax payer

Government has had various bills they have been attempting to pass that would grant amnesty to the illegal immigrants in the country, and their families still on the other side of the fence. Although amnesty for illegal immigrants whom are already in the U.S.is proposed, amnesty should not be granted because it rewards those breaking →

The crusades: significance for christianity today assignment

On the other side of the world, the city of Jerusalem was host to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. And by 1071, the military action by Selves Turks on the frontiers of Eastern Christendom threatened the religious and political stability of the region, making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem impossible.

Future of transport essay sample

In June 2011, the state of Nevada was the first jurisdiction in the United States to pass a law concerning the operation of autonomous cars. Google's self-driving cars use cameras, radar, and range finders to detect the positioning of other vehicles.

Nizar qabbani essay sample

Nizar Qabbani was born in the Syrian capital of Damascus to a middle class merchant family.[1] Qabbani was raised in Mi'thnah Al-Shahm, one of the neighborhoods of Old Damascus. He was moving between Geneva and Paris, eventually settling in London, where he spent the last 15 years of his life.[3] Qabbani continued to write poems →

Enough – creative writing

After greeting William and paying for a return ticket, Sam turned and beamed at the chubby baby, and then climbed the clammy steps to the top deck. William ventured a glimpse up, and was relieved to see Rose's parents were looking at the judge.

Red cross lifeguarding test

You are performing CPR on a victim when you notice the chest begins to rise and fall. Call EMS and place the victim in a position that helps breathing.

Impact of vietnam war assignment

In turn caused by the impact of the war on civilians and the weakness of the southern government and institutions such as RAVE. As such, despite continual aid, such as the American supplying SF with the 4th largest air force in the world from 1 973 to 1975, the RAVE was unable to stop the →

The edocrine system

Hormones are chemicals in the body produced and secreted in the body that regulate the function of a particular tissue or organ. The pituitary gland is moderately small and is located at the base of the brain beneath the produced hormones that control other endocrine glands within the body.

Critical incidence planning and response: 2005 london train bombing

An analysis of the critical incident planning of the event reveals that the emergency services of the capital and the transport workers displayed the biggest response in the history of the capital in response to a terrorist attack unlike the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing. A lot of tribute is paid to the professionalism of the →