6 Pages Essay Samples

Battle of yorktown essay sample

The key elements in the final results of the war were the events that shaped the final revolutionary battle, the mistakes that British General Cornwallis made, and how George Washington seized that opportunity to gain victory. During the American Revolution, the Americans and French fought the British at the Battle of Yorktown.

Free the history of rome: rulership essay example

The self-centeredness of the Julio-Claudians was evident, a phenomenon that was apparent in the persisting conflicts of interest and conflicts of duty. The Burning of Rome The " Great Fire of Rome" is an important marker in the history of Rome.

Video game console and nintendo

Nintendo's strategy is based on the customer premise, when other business-to-video game market has yet to be waited and see attitude, and Nintendo in the market demand for in-depth study, the firm entered the field. After have a " Nintendo Power" books and " counselors systems" scheme, which are a combination of the two major β†’

Sample argumentative essay on video games cause less violence than other forms of media

There is not enough scientifically proven data concerning causation of real-life violence by exposure to virtual violence in video games;- Video games do not provide more violence to customers in comparison to other forms of media;- Perception of violence in video games depends on factors of personal and social nature for users. It is not β†’

The impact of violence in video games on the youth research paper examples

The subject has been researched extensively and it has been found that video games can have both, a positive as well as negative impact on the mind and behavior of players. In fact, a study in the year 2000 revealed that those who played violent video games immediately displayed signs of aggressive behavior and cognition.

Native american gambling research paper

The natives opposed the law, the IGRA allowed the tribes to discuss with states on the gambling rules and the type of games to be played. The tribes were required to ensure that the tribal administrations are the primary beneficiary and the sole owner of the gambling facilities.

The effect of music in a developing fetus

Exposure to soft smoothing music for the fetus can stimulate and calm the baby. In conclusion, the effect of music in a developing fetus is yet to be studied.

Counseling the infertile couple

As a pastor having to counsel others with the problem of infertility, there are a lot of choices to be made regarding infertility. The more used, the couple faces the issue of more embryos taking hold in the uterus and having to decide terminating one or more of the fetuses to give the remaining ones β†’

“lockie leonard, human torpedo” and “lex and rory” essay sample

Lockie gained friends but they seemed to be false friends because when they were on the bus going to the camp not even one ' friend' would sit next to him and also in the surf club that Lockie had started it was the same situation and in the end Lockie was thrown out by β†’

Pornography and its effects and causes

To find the causes and effects of watching porn among men and women. To analyze the effects of porn and its psychology with intimacy.

Sex education is necessary in high-school

Sex education and HIV/STI prevention programs do not increase rates of sexual engagement, and do not lower the age at which youth engages them in sex, and they do not increase the number of sex partners and the frequency of sex among young adults. As of 93% who are actually in favor of the subject β†’

Good example of how does divorce affect a childs life essay

The main determinants regarding the extent how the child will be affected include the circumstances under which the parents seek to dissolve their marriage, the age and gender of the child, the extent of their understanding, and how much both parents support the child. Whatever the case, both parents have a very important role to β†’

Research paper on child custody issues in the criminal justice system

In the overall literature context on divorce effects on children, a diversity of reactions seems to be among the most reasonable conclusion, with the majority of the children adjusting properly after the initial trauma period and transition pass. The psychological issues that surround the separation of parents and their children are interdependent and complex.

Research paper on parenting styles changes after divorce and the effects on children

It is estimated that more than one million children in Western families have to cope with parental divorce, which in turns affects families to " the levels of behaviour and adjustment problems of children, the parenting styles they perceive and the attachment styles they develop". When a marriage ends up with a divorce, " The β†’

Mere discipleship essays examples

In Christianity, discipleship is defined as the process of accepting the ethic and life of Jesus Christ, who brought hope and eternal life to humanity through the gospel. Apostle Paul talked about discipleship in his letters and to him a disciple had to undergo a process " not to be conformed to this world, but β†’

Causes and effects of divorce

One of the huge differences between the younger generation and the older generation affects the rates of divorce is that women completely change in roles. Divorce is considered as a common phenomenon in the society, and people use it to untie their relationship.

Psychopaths in media

Specific purpose: To inform the audience of the inaccuracy of the portrayals of certain mental illnesses. One states that the impulsiveness and isolated nature of the psychopath as well as lack of empathy or emotion may be the result of a prolonged break in the relationship with the mother in the first year of life β†’

They say i say

The students who bunk for the school for a short or large part of the day calledtardinessor the entire of the day called truancy not only harmacademicfailure, but give to the rising number of students who negatively impact the standing of the educational system as well as nation. The problem statement of the study is β†’

Psychology – experiment on stress

Since it's a short-term based experiment and the same sample of participants is used for both conditions, the experimental group would perform a series of memory-challenging activities, and later on, the control group would perform the same tasks but under the influence of some source of stress, in this case, loudmusic. Participants Since the target β†’

Clinical psychology: a brief overview

The History and Evolution of Clinical Psychology There are not many issues in the field of psychology that all can agree upon, but the origins of clinical psychology as its own discipline, seems to be one of the rare few. The history and evolution of clinical psychology can be traced back through the decades to β†’

Theology of missions paper

One of the greatest examples of a mission emphasis in the Old Testament is the story of Abraham, as he was the first man to whom God gave the call of the great commission. The most commonly known verses of scripture that pertain to missions in the New Testament is that of the Great Commission β†’

God made adam and eve, not adam and steve

I believe, as the Bible teaches, that God instituted marriage on the sixth day of creation and that God is the one who joins every man and woman in marriage. This book is in fact not a fiction story, but a living example for the life that God intends for his creation of people to β†’

Book review on

Overall Purpose of the Book: The purpose of the book as explained by the writer himself is " to clarify issues in intercultural and interracial conflict, to provide insights on the different ways people of various cultures handled conflict, to evaluate these according to the Scripture and to provide practical guidelines for helping us live β†’

Kings and philosophers:

Jonathan Seidel, a professor at Oregon State University, defines Abrahamic religions as " The world's three primary monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which share a common origin and values." The three main inspirational figures in these religions - Maimonides, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Saudi Arabian King Abdullah Bin Abdul - are β†’

Rime of the ancient mariner

In a wider sense, the story of his liberation from guilt presents powerful metaphors for the death of Jesus Christ and the fate of the Mariner is linked, symbolically, with the fate of all mankind. Part IV of the " Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is, in a literal sense, chiefly concerned with the liberation β†’

The new testament summaries

Book of John-The Book of John is of gospel genre. The book of Corinthians- The Book of Corinthians - the epistle genre.

Female character analysis essay

The mother carries a nine Liesel Meminger and her younger brother to the foster parents under the Munich because their father is no more - it blew the breath of another and the odd word " communist" in the eyes of the mother and the girl sees the fear of a similar fate. The book β†’

Modern history germany 1918-1945

To what extent did the weaknesses in the Weimar Republic account for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party to 1933? The new government was the body that signed the Treaty of Versailles, and to many, this was a betrayal.

The new weimar republic and political opposition essay sample

Thus, this exemplifies that although a threat existed within the republic from the political left, it was quickly diminished by the power and might of Ebert who perservered to aid the success of the new Weimar Republic. Therefore, they elude a serious threat to the system as they had acquired power previous to the establishment β†’

Modern germany research paper examples

Otto Von Bismarck was a renowned German nationalist who rose through the ranks to become the Prime Minister of Prussia and later went to become the first Chancellor of the unified German Empire in 1871. Continuing sinking of vessels caused the United States to take a stand and declare war on Germany.

ο»Ώalbert speer: apolitical technocrat or skilled manipulator? essay sample

Speer was promoted Architect of the Reich after the death of Paul Troost, a position he welcomed in view of increasing his own influence and power. The Good Nazi- The Life and Lies of Albert Speer.

Contribution of the eyfs to young children’s development and learning

When the children are brought together through EYFS, the practitioners are able to acknowledge individual child's ability and be fully aware of what they can learn, thus allow them to plan and provide for every stage in the learning process. The practitioner is able to judge the extent of their engagement with the children during β†’

How positive reinforcement and punishment affects children: an experiment

For example, Kazdin encourages the parents to praise their child immediately after they listen and behave, so that when they are seeking approval and praise from their parents they will repeat the behavior that their parents responded positively to the first time. The issue is more with the parent, and them learning to deal with β†’

The statistical and anova analysis of the growth mindset concept

As such we hope and hypothesize that there will be a significant increase in growth mindset among the 400 students that participated in the intervention once the intervention is fully completed and that this gain would not significantly decrease one year after the intervention is completed. The assumption of normality is that the dependent variable β†’

Method to reduce the manufacturing costs

Over-designing is one of the leading factors to the increase in the cost of a product. Automation is being widely used in production to decrease the amount of time and capital needed to produce products.

Analysis of herbert marcuse’s philosophies represented in his book eros and civilisation

Freud labelled this as the pleasure principle, the idea that we are crazed beings driven by the basic desire for contentment, and he contrasted it to the reality principle, which refers to the social expectation for everyone to act in accordance to society's standards. My impression of Marcuse is that he had his best intentions β†’

Internal error

For example, British Imperialism in India is said to have made both a positive and negative impact on the Indian population, as well as this, imperialism had an impact on the Rwandan uprising; the British used a strategy called; divide and conquer which created major division between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Firstly, In the β†’

Impact of british colonization on kenya

2003 in History Resource Center, database on-line, Gale Group." Kenya: Peoples and Cultures." Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara. Kenya: Peoples and Cultures." Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara, 1997 in History Resource Center, database on-line, Gale Group".

Attempted aboriginal genocide in rabbit proof fence

In addition, a realization of the presence of racism in so much of human interaction adds to the appreciation of the book. The policy of " assimilation for Australia's aboriginal children and children of mixed descent was expressly seen to involve the destruction and elimination of the cultural heritage, languages, traditions, and family history of β†’

The iroquois confederacy to six nations

Northern Kentucky University The Iroquois Confederacy to Six Nations Thesis: Examine how the Seneca, Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, and Cayuga, and the 1722 addition of the Tuscarora, resulted in the Iroquois Confederacy or Six Nations and their influence on the creation of the Constitution. Historically and by native traditions, Dekanawidah, a Huron tribe member and shaman, β†’

Commonality between nationalism and colonialism essay examples

So far it can be observed that nationalism is more or less the same as colonialism, the only difference is the fact that it is modern, and the colonial masters are not present on the grounds like the colonialism of the past. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

“things fall apart” by chinua achebe essay sample

" Things Fall Apart", written by the late Nigerian Author, Chinua Achebe, is a book written in the view of an African native that sheds light to the effects of colonialism and the common misconceptions of the colonized due to a lack of cultural appreciation. It is not until the reader has a chance to β†’

Free book review on the mexican war, 1846-48: a case of u.s. imperialism

Under the provisions of the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Rio Grande did become the new border and the northern half of Mexico was annexed to the United States. O'Sullivan and the supporters of Manifest Destiny sincerely believed that the U.S." represented the wave of the future and the hope of mankind" and their β†’

Corruption in pakistan: causes and methods to dispose

The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country." When we come to think about Corruption level in Pakistan, at that point we are compelled to state that Pakistan is in an unpleasant circumstance nowadays in light of the fact that there is excessively defilement β†’

Constitution and economic growth of the country

The State recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous cultural communities within the framework of national unity and development. Thus, the State is bound to consider the customs, traditions, beliefs and interests of indigenous cultural minorities in the formulation and implementation of State policies and programs.

Effects of corruption in the military

It is surprising to hear from the news nowadays that the Armed Forces of the Philippines tops the list of the country's most corrupt organizations. Even the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of Customs, whose names used to be synonymous to graft and corruption, seemed to have faded in the background to give β†’

The positive effect of capital punishment in modern america

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics in the American society and is also one of the topics most people feel very emotional about. Although some people believe the risk of executing the innocent is too great, the use of capital punishment has greatly impacted our society in a positive way because of β†’

Good example of term paper on capital punishment

The death penalty is one of the oldest recognizable forms of punishment for capital crimes such as murder, homicide and robbery with violence resulting to the death of the victim. Lethal injection: This is the latest method in the development of capital punishment.

The analysis of the reasons to enforce capital punishment

The change in death penalty started in 1776 when Thomas Jefferson and four others fought the Virginia law on death penalty to be only executed for crimes for treason and murder. While the death penalty does cost a bit for upkeep there are other forms of killing that could be enforced to make this cheaper.

Death penalty

The presumed importance of celerity of punishment is illustrated by Beccaria: An immediate punishment is more useful; because the smaller the interval of time between the punishment and the crime, the stronger and more lasting will be the association of the two ideas of " crime" and punishment; so that they may be considered, one β†’

Essay on self concept in psychology

According to the theory, a person relies on their personal experiences and the behavior that they observe in others, to form a view or perception of reality. Self-improvement involves the learning of means and ways of improving a skill or attribute that an individual deems to be lacking in comparison to others.

Good potential liability for the advanced practice nurse essay example

For example, a nurse failed to communicate to the physician all the important data of the patient, the important discharge information to the patient, and the assessment findings to the nurse for the oncoming shift. It is the duty of the nurses to the patient to provide care, and they are required to report any β†’

Bus 340 quiz 1

The protections in the Bill of Rights limit the power of the federal government, but most of these protections also apply to the states through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Question 10 0 / 1 point A right to privacy is not specifically guaranteed in the U.S.

The responsibility as a factor to consider in the allocation of health care resources

Political philosophy has a long history of concern for the ' worse off' and for John Rawls A Theory of Justice is his attempt to solve the problem of distributive justice. As rational beings there is a moral obligation upon individuals to take some personal responsibility for the maintenance and preservation of one's health.

Lowe’s stance on social responsibiliy essay sample

To be discussed is what is a Corporate Social Responsibility program, why should a company implement a CSR program, Lowe's stance on Corporate Social Responsibility, connection between Lowe's CSR and the Home Centers Industry, and who is Lowe's responsible too. My Strategic Plan.com defines CSR by way of the Stanford University's Graduate School of business β†’

Individual responsibility essay sample

To be accountable is to be answerable for one's conduct in respect Responsibility is the obligation to perform assigned tasks, accountability is the reporting of performance. Accountability in the workplace is defined as doing the right thing consistently, day in and day out, in tasks, relationship interactions to fulfill or further the mission of the β†’

The role of human resources with corporate social responsibility (csr)

As a final point, the report will clarify how the HR department of the Humphrey Group can add to implementing and promoting the company's CSR morals andgoals. Human Resource Department is aware of the worries voiced out by the Board of Directors concerning the compensation ethics in the company and the neediness of slotting in β†’

Top 5 companies in terms of social responsibility

November 13, 2012 Top 5 Companies in Terms of SocialResponsibilityWe live in a society that holds companies accountable for their actions in relation to theenvironment, the welfare of the less fortunate, and the investors that fund them. Societal responsibility refers to the duty a company has to preserve the environment and to the public in β†’

Free book review on genocide and individual/ collective responsibility

This paper is a comparative piece drawing evidences and incidents between the works of Slavenka Drakulic in the book " They Would Never Hurt A Fly: War Criminals on Trial in the Hague" and Heda Margolius Kovaly works in the book " Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Study". The purpose is β†’

Free research paper about diabetes in children

According to the preparation of the paper, the main aim of the researcher was to educate and inform the readers so as to understand the emotional effects of Juvenile diabetes in young ones with an estimated age of zero to 16 years. The purpose of screening is to accumulate all the data and information for β†’

Peptide hormones report examples

Peptide hormones consist of a linear chain of amino acids, with the sequence of the amino acids determining the primary structure of the protein. Enkephalin, a neurotransmitters and a peptide hormone that is known to act like morphine and vie with same for the binding site in brain.

Diabetes report essay sample

1674 brought Thomas Willis who had made a claim that rather than being a disease of the kidneys, Diabetes was a disease of the blood and that the sweetness of the urine was originally found in the blood then transferred to the urine. Bouchardat also had noticed that exercise was somewhat beneficial in the treatment β†’

Regenerative medicine – a potential cure for type 1 diabetes?

With the growing number of diabetes cases this essay aims to explore the possible options to reverse the destruction of -cells with the use of stem cells. Even with treatment these complications can arise due to the chronic exposure of hyperglycaemia.with this in mind he best way to counteract T1DM is not to treat the β†’

Frequency of diabetes mellitus health and social care essay

The Asia and the Pacific have really high rates of diabetes and this is peculiarly due to the effects of modernisation, life style and the ripening of populations [ 1 ]. In fact, despite increasing consciousness of the turning job of diabetes and the recent publication of a figure of anticipations of current and future β†’

The effect of social media on human behavior essay sample

In this modern age in which you can be completely disconnected from the world by not having access to the endless information provided by the Internet, it is imperative to have Internet access to be able to be as efficient as possible and be able to create your own network. Therefore, it is important to β†’

Media analysis: political and social bias in the usa

The media can be perceived as biased from both sides, but the question is whether or not it is, or if the media is biased as a result of how the public perceives them. With multiple issues arising from various political parties within the news, the media ultimately becomes biased because people grow to sway β†’

Influence of social media on impulsive online purchasing and decision-making of tourists

As indicated by the Turkish Language Society, the idea of choosing intends to take and pick the liked one, to incline toward the preferred as considered suitable, to gaze upward and settle on decision through an aspect accordingly and the idea of liking is shown as choosing something over the other. One of the key β†’

9 social media tips for your small business

If you are not clear on the , then the chances are you are not going to use it properly, and it could be damaging to your business. Take the time to understand social media and what it can do for you, and invest the time and budget needed to do it well.

Social media vs critical thinking essay sample

Dandenong High School, 2 Students reach scores between 40 50 and the school is ranked 281st in the state of Victoria. Dandenong High School, 2 Students reach scores between 40 50 and the school is ranked 235th in the state of Victoria.

Social media

The impact of newsroom changes and the rise of social media on the practice of media relations * Timothy E. In the meantime, social media have found a welcome home with PR and media relations.

The effect of social media in the business world

It is also important for the owners of a company to discuss the legalities and hidden costs associated with the social media sites, in relation to businesses. A huge risk factor of using social media in the business world is the safety.

Good example of term paper on global warming, is it hoax or real

Supporters of the non-existence of Global Warming, basically offer the arguments as that the climate has changed in the past also, hurricanes are not linked to the Global Warming phenomenon, the rise in sea levels has been exaggerated. According to the studies conducted by the United States of America the population of the polar bear β†’

Example of essay on argument research synthesis paper – chapter 1

The section of Chapter 1 of Physics for Future Presidents called 'Sunlight and Solar Power" pertains directly to this subject; providing essential information for the basic facets of solar power, it permits a baseline knowledge for a greater understanding of the topic. The building of direct-current power lines is suggested as an alternative to alternating β†’

Research paper on solar power use in the united states

The paper further highlights on the impact of solar power generation and use, the efficiency and ability to store solar energy, cost of production of solar panels, and advances in manufacturing that make solar energy more cost effective. The only cost in the production of solar energy is making the solar panels.

Research paper on police role and functions

In the United States, the police force varies for both local, state and federal level to function in various instances to ensure that the citizens are protected and at the same time, crimes are prevented and solved to maintain peace. Both Worrall and Schmalleger and Dempsey and Forst emphasized that the police functions as the β†’

The night of truth essay sample

Picturing the impact of the war between the two communities, the reconciliation meeting might either spike the revenge or the understanding. Although at the beginning the event was anticipated to be successful, the cloud of tension gathers in the region.

Good politics in africa essay example

Although some of the African countries have shown remarkable persistence in adopting democracy, the demands of the people exceeds the resistance of the leaders. The military rulers justify their seizure of power and holding on to it on the basis that the leaders lack unity, and there is a need to restore such unity.

Tolerance and world peace

When the citizen is devoting himself to the nation, it is most likely for the person to be more ignorant of the values and rights to be followed around the world. 3 To bring changes to the tolerance level of nationalities is the students to be taught that they are the citizens of the world, β†’

Challenges of microfinance banking in nigeria

COMMUNICATIONGAPS AND INADEQUATE AWARENESS As a background to the undeniable problem of communication for effective microfinance, listen to this quote by Stan Paris on his article on Microfinance As A Means of Reaching The People " Problems of communication are endemic in the industry, dating back to what could be considered the first micro-loan. Generally, β†’

Survey paper on banking system using location-based system

A major challenge in cloud and mobile cloud computing is to ensure security and privacy of users personal information from malicious attacks. A major challenge in cloud and mobile cloud computing is to ensure security and privacy of users personal information from malicious attacks.

Medibank privatisation

This Research Brief examines the historical development of Medibank Private, and the questions of who owns or enjoys other rights in the fund, and whether there are public policy reasons for the government to maintain the current Medibank Private ownership structure. Therefore it is advisable to maintain the public ownership of Medibank.

Jean paul sartre vs albert camus

Camus and Sartre shared a common ground on the belief that life is full of choices, every individual had to choose for himself, " Even avoiding choosing is a choice in itself ". They also believed in freedom to choose, Sartre's philosophy was mostly about freedom of choice, he thought that for an individual the β†’

Aristotle, dante and the human experience

Through the trials and tribulations of the two protagonists in this novel, they come to a conclusion that even if there is a hardship in one's lives, through love, creative expression, and being able to find comfort with vulnerability rather than hiding from it, the human experience is one worth living. The secrets of the β†’

The philosophy theory as described by bertrand rusell

In this case, we ask about what Russell thinks the value of philosophy is, and, much more importantly, why he finds it necessary to explain it to us, in the first place. What does that mean, to enlarge the self, since it seems to be the main value of philosophy that Russell is referring to?

The charges the men of athens have formed against socrates

The purpose of this paper is to summarize and critically evaluate Socrates' reply to the charges that he is a wrongdoer who corrupts the youth. The Apology is Plato's version of the speech given by Socrates as he defended himself against the charges of corrupting the young, and by not believing in the gods in β†’

Good drunk driving punishments in wisconsin research paper example

Drunk driving charges and penalties was clearly set forth by the lawmakers and courts in New York with the aim of enhancing safer roads in the state and reducing accidents arising from reckless driving and driving under the influence of intoxicants. O'Grady, W, & Archibald, J.

Free similarities of texting and driving and drunk driving essay sample

Drunk driving and texting while driving have equal harm since they both impair the vision of the driver, reaction of the driver, as well as the concentration of the driver and vigilance. It is impossible for drunk and texting drivers to be aware of the signs on the road.

Teenage mothers a vulnerable population

Teenage Mothers a Vulnerable Population Joy Carr Nur/440 April 24, 2011 Maria Mendez Teenage Mothers a Vulnerable Population Teenage Mothers, a Vulnerable Population While there are a number of vulnerable populations in the world, very few receive the publicity, funding, and assistance that they need to survive in today's society. In fact, most teen mothers β†’

Social studies school based assessment (s.b.a)

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM What are the challenges and consequences of teenage pregnancy in the community of August Town? Purpose of Research The purpose of this research is to identify the consequences and challenges of Teenage Pregnancy in the community of August Town.

Biography of rachel carson

Her financial condition took a turn for the worse during the Depression and especially after the death of her father in 1935. During World War II, she worked in the capacity of the Assistant to the Chief of the Office of Information in the Fish and Wildlife Service.

Biography of composer felix mendelssohn

The way Mendelssohn uses the piano can be heard almost in a similar way that Beethoven used it in his pieces, in that the movements can are changed in the moods of the music. The play itself was a comedy; I believethat Mendelssohn captured the elements of a light and not very moody piece of β†’

Brief biography and their styles

The name Christian Dior became one of the top-of-the-line brands in the fashion world. She was the daughter of a tailor, and she longed to be a professional in the fashion world.

Cloud research

It was easy for businesses to adapt the Accountancy product as their needs changed or expanded, thanks to the modular design of the software and a comprehensive suite of add-on options. As the pressure from management to drive new business increased, I spearheaded a volunteer mentoring program between Junior and senior sales professionals.

The pros and cons to physical education

By insisting that they attend and participate in at least 60 minutes of physical education a day, the school system is ensuring that each child is given a chance to exercise and a chance at a healthier lifestyle. While the placement of funding is still up for debate the fact that physical education classes provide β†’

Federal policy

What is the pathway of energy in the cells? What are the classes of levers? orce Second Class- weight is between the fulcrum and the force Third Class - the forc is bwtween the fulcrum and the weight pg198 Describe the domains/skills of physical education Cognitive- Development of intellectual skills -acquisition and application of knowledge β†’