6 Pages Essay Samples

Singapore’s banking and financial services sector

Singapore not only famous with the banking services and other financial services, but also famous with the foreign exchange and stock exchange the " Singapore Exchange" , is the 3th largest stock market in the Asia area. And to training and education the students that can make the Singapore financial sector Continuity and innovation. Establishment →

From living for approval to living through it

An alumnus of Chi Psi, the 2005 intramural athlete of the year, and a representative in student government, it sounded like he made the most of his four years as a student. It turns out it was a long time in the making." I was always really driven to be a winner.

Identity in “yellow woman” by leslie marmon silko

In the beginning of the story, the narrator assumes that she is the Yellow Woman, having met a man similar to the man mentioned in the stories of her culture; " But I only said that you were him and that I was Yellow Woman". Although the narrator told the man she →

“in defense of masks” by kenneth gergen essay sample

It is then through materials that we tend to hide behind which how we create a mask of appearance before the world. That with the right tools of appearance and characteristics, we are the best.

Woman at point zero: being a woman in egyptian society

Despite the challenges, Firdaus adapts and learns to thrive in the shifting environment she inhabits, by first questioning, then rejecting, and ultimately challenging the supposed place of women in Egyptian society. There were two pivotal moments in Firdaus's life where she questioned the role of a woman in the Egyptian society. Her duty was perfect →

Eminence tennyson

Compared to now, rap and pop music has the same powerful impact on teenagers in the 21st century the same way rock influenced teenagers in the 60's. In addition to these iconic rock bands, Joyce also listened to musical artists such as Elvis Presley, who was and is still remembered today as a classic American →

How television has impacted technology

Child obesity is bred within the home and the television is a major contributor to it. The energy we consume from food needs to be used up by the body on a daily basis through physical exertion. The results of this randomized, controlled trial provide evidence that television viewing is a cause →

Angels in america

In this theme, the identities of the characters in the play symbolize emotions of ambivalence, the static views of the gay community, and the hope for change in the chaotic era of the 1980s American society. As imaginative and abstract as this drama is, Kushner portrays the stagnant identity of Roy Cohn in his play →

Price discovery in illiquid market

On average dealers are " buying wholesale" and " selling retail", the asymmetric movement in prices benefits dealers. Objectives of Study The main purpose of this paper is to study the price discovery in municipal bond. To analyze How and why the price of the →

Reality television: the new form of entertainment essay sample

These shows introduced a new form of entertainment into our homes not knowing what a huge success they would be and the influence that it would have on todays' society. Those shows are considered very tame by todays' standards of reality television and the proof is what they are doing on the shows today. →

Childhood and adult-onset asthma essay

Meanwhile, parents glued to the television are wondering how these fine professional athletes started developing in their early years and become successful in their chosen field, so they can adopt the parenting strategies to help their own children find the same success. Wood's findings suggest that an area with common germs and allergens present →

The history of television

For that to happen it must become interactive, so the viewers may cease to be just absorbers. In the flood of images from the silver screen the less good accompanies the best, just as in cinema or in literature. The factor which distinguishes television from the cinema and books, however, is that the full quality →

Pharmacology essay sample

The stimulation of the beta-2-receptor in the lungs results in the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchus. This is as a result of of the molecules primarily diffusing inside the plasma membrane of the cells in the lungs.

The ideal woman

The Ideal Woman's Body The 21st century's North American society is dominated by the obsessive desire of women to look like society's, media-influenced, portrayal of the " ideal body." This is a result of the way society has objectified women as just " sexual bodies; " largely for the gratification and enjoyment of men. →

The cultivation theory and teen mom research paper examples

Of great concern is how the programs of television affect the behaviors as well as the attitudes of teenagers. This is as a result of many teenagers who are addicted to the television programs Televisions are glamorizing teen pregnancy.

Obesity is a very big problem in america

A person will know if he or she is obese by measuring the body mass index , by calculating a person's weight in kilograms if divided by the square of his or her height in meters then one can already know and measure their body mass index. A person who gets →

Lets move!!! end elementary obesity

In a comparison of schools in the West versus schools in the South where the obesity rate is the highest it was revealed that the schools in the West were the least likely to sell chips, cookies or similar snacks in relation to schools in the South where those snacks were sold in abundance. With →

Should obese children be taken from their parents argumentative essay

It is my belief that obese children must not be taken away from their families as it is depriving them of their rights to have a home and to educate both the parent and the child in the risks and consequences in childhood obesity. For this paper, I intend to discuss both sides of the →

Research paper on slavery in colonial america

However, because of slavery they found it hard to practice their culture which resulted in development of a different culture in comparison to that in Africa. Impact of African culture on American society The culture of Africans in America is drawn from countries in Africa, Central, and Latin America and due to oppression and →

Good research paper on career

People in the company accorded me a lot of respect, and this was due to my father, but I wanted to earn that respect for myself and make my father proud. As the third generation of a business family, one whose business has grown over the last few decades, it is but natural that I →

Occupational carbon monoxide fatalities in the us from unintentional non-fire related article reviews examples

In any case, CO-related mortality information is not accessible through standard reporting plans, and accordingly, the extent of CO- related mortality has dependably been liable to estimation. INTRODUCTION/THEORY OR BACKGROUND/LITERATURE REVIEW Is/are the problem /thesis clearly stated? : Comment: Yes The investigation of CO mortality information →

Comparison between invasive & noninvasive ventilation in managing flail chest research paper examples

The measurements for the studies included; stabilization, associated injuries as well as earlier versus late treatment of the frail chest. Results In the studies conducted, both invasive ventilation and the non-invasive ventilation posted positive results. Twenty-two patients examined were to show surprising little impairment of the complete pulmonary functioning. In this study chest flail →

Cultural encounters

The text also interprets the Benin natives as one of savages and uncivilised, the text saying "...the massacre took place...as they lay in the bush with guns and machetes". Loftus and Wood The Art of Benin

Free essay about german expansionism vis–vis the first world war

Given the variety of circumstances that allowed for the rise of a unified German state, it is noteworthy to pay further analysis to the role of Germany under the Wilhelmine Period the period when Emperor William II ruled , in the buildup to the First World War. Print. Kaiser, →

Love for goodness’ sake: plato’s symposium

This is the heart of Phaedrus' argument, that " there is a certain guidance each person needs for his whole life...and nothing imparts this guidance...as well as Love". He continues to argue that the best possible society would be full of lovers and their beloveds because all of its members would be constantly aware of →

Good example of essay on exploring the aspects of morality in human nature

The poet looks deep into what the connection between good and evil is and he says ' The nature of good and evil / Is more than black and white./ They are the darkness in our souls, / Likewise they are the light./ They dwell at human nature's core, And breed virtue and sin./ They →

Powerful devices in the othello

The portrayal of love, jealousy, and betrayal in Othello serves to show Othello's transformation as a character; each of these emotional stages is a representation of how Othello changes and how it affects who he is. The theme of love shown in the play serves to show who Othello is superficially. The role of love →

Jesus christ and the atonement theories

In each of the four Atonement theories Jesus is the bridge that connects humanity and God and helps us connect to each other. We have multiple Atonement theories because there is no single, simple answer to solve the many questions of Jesus' death. They emphasize and focus on Jesus' sacrifice for us →

Mrs dalloway and the hours: themes and symbols

When someone reads The Hours they recognise the universality of the themes explored in the novel, which persuades them to return to the original work in order to discover how the same themes have been examined in a different context. The reader perceives the pertinence of death and is provoked to respond to the attitude →

The science of attraction essay sample

Susan Cloninger, believe that similarity leads to liking due to the following reasons: Confirmation of worldview Knowledge of other's traits Inference that the other will like us Physical Attractiveness. They often strongly desire to be intimate with others but are anxious that others will not →

Good fairy tales vs. film in teaching lessons and communicating messages to children research paper example

It is because of these that fairy tale films teach children more effectively than written fairy tales do. Because of the visual impact that dazzling colors and caricatures leave on their young minds, computers can be considered to be effective tool in teaching and communicating messages to children. What makes these fairy tale films and →

Analysis of sexuality in literature essay sample

Most specifically, this yearning is present indicated in Walt Whitman's foliage related metaphor in the " Calamus" poems, Audre Lorde's experience with lesbians as written in her autobiography " Zami: A New Spelling of My Name", Essex Hemphill's loneliness in his poem " Under Certain Circumstances", Housman's unrequited love in Tom Stoppard's play " The →

Deceptive appearance essay sample

Being as smart as he is, Iago is quick to recognize the advantages of trust and uses it as a tool to prevail with his plan to destroy Othello. In spite of the trust the characters in the play put in Iago, he uses this to his advantage.

How useful is joseph fletchers situation ethics as a guide

It takes the circumstances of a situation into account whereas others ignore them i.e.an absolutist approach wouldo not kill whatever the circumstances' can lead to all sorts of strange circumstances as the circumstances have not been taken into account i.e.an absolutist would not have killed Hitler regardless of the circumstances 'one must not kill', but →

Les miserables essay

The novel focuses on the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption. It examines the nature of law and grace, and expounds upon the history of France, architecture of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. Cosette The illegitimate daughter of Fantine →

Global the earth’s atmosphere. about 160000 years ago,

The continuous burning of fossilfuels by human result in the rising of the concentration of carbon dioxide, which is known as the greenhouse gases as can allow the entry of sunlight into theatmosphere but not exit the atmosphere, leading to a gradual warming of theEarth's atmosphere. Examples of the algal blooms in spring and the →

Romanesque and gothic architecture

By the terminal of the pre-Romanesque period Roman elements had fused with Byzantium elements from the Middle East, these influences became known as the Romanesque, intending " in the mode of Rome ". The visual aspect of the Romanesque manner was multi storey entryway frontages of geometric visual aspect edifices. The Gothic period brought the →

E6h6101 std_logic; signal cout : std_logic; begin

Output waveform of 1-bit adder is produced. Simulation waveform of 1-bit adder 4-bitadderVHDL entity for a 4-bit adder using 1-bit adder library IEEE; use IEEE. Output waveform of 8-bit adder is produced.

Urban proposes three concepts, optics, place and content

Urban design looks at designing for towns and cities, the streets and its spaces. The creation of these places in urban context are designed to provide amenities for the community as well as granting growth and experience to the people in the place. It considers the view at the level of a person walking →

The influence of roman engineering and architecture

If we can stillrespectand admire the grandeur of Rome as it was in it's day, one can only imagine how much of an influence people of the time felt, due to the incredible innovations that the Romans brought to the new regions of their empire. In fact, it is because of the →

Jesus and mohammed paper

In essence, both individuals are equally responsible for the growth of the two largest faiths in the world. Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem of Judea, which was the city of David. This forms part of what is known as the Holy Communion, which is aimed at reunification of man with God through →

A rose for emily essay

The narrator is the voice of the people who live in Jefferson, and tells the story in a series of memories in no chronological order. Having a large house with the great architecture on the most prestige street at the time, gives the reader the notion that the older generation in Jefferson saw Emily as →

Then and now: a glimpse of the ancient and modern coliseum essay

Started at the dawn of 70AD and fulfilled in 80 AD, the Roman Coliseum, or Flavian Amphitheater in its original name, was enthused by Vespasian's vision of a venue for the Romans' joyful entertainment as well as a place to serve the people's miscellaneous needs. Vespasian's brilliant idea, realized through the founding of the Coliseum →

Example of a historical background research paper

Being a Roman Catholic Church, it is a prominent landmark, as it is the sitting place of the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York. It is towards the greater understanding of the latter, that I aim at showcasing the historical design influences present, as well as the precedents, which have and continue influencing the →

Analysis of self and architecture

The infinites between the bannisters are besides sufficient plenty to let kids to sit on the roof and swing their legs over the eaves of the roof during assemblies or occasions. In maintaining with the school's educational ethos of non-directed drama and find, there is no fixed drama equipment on the roof or in the →

Client server architecture

The term originally referred to the large cabinets that housed the central processing unit and main memory of early computers but as of today those cabinets are no longer cabinets but then powerful I high-end commercial machines which also are used in client server networking as servers and this has overshadowed most →

Neurocomputing: picking the human brain essay

The diagram depicts the three key parts of a neuron: Figure 1. Anatomical structure of a typical neuronThe cell body is consisting of the nucleus and all other biochemical machinery needed to sustain the life of cell. In various types of neurons, the length of the dendrites can vary from tens of microns to a →

Young love and relationships

And to top it all, we do not know for sure if this person we are having a relationship with, is the one we would last with. Therefore, losing someone we love should not stop us from living because there is someone better, destined by the will of God, to be with us.

Roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training essay sample

Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships in Education and Training Award in Education and Training Introduction Assignment 1 Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships in Education and Training are designed so that learners are able to provide evidence to support Unit H/505/0053: Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training. This assignment is being →

Government funding to promote outsourcing essay

Briefly, I will discuss the history and time line of outsourcing, while explaining the progress of outsourcing. This progress will include comparing ancient outsourcing to the outsourcing in the 21st century. It is optimistic for federal legislators to believe that by outsourcing Americas can inquire some of the knowledge and skills of its counterparts who →

Human development & counseling

For me the type of relationship you had with the person you were having sex with was unclear and in my late adolescent years of sixteen I did not trust boys my age or men in general. A couple of months went by and I got to the point where I felt comfortable explaining my →

The mind, the brain, the myth essay

To what extent are we the authors, the creators, of our own experiences? " These three questions refer to the same question of the limit of control between the mind and brain. Is the brain the center of control that constitutes every experience, or can the mind adjust this thought process to fit →

Europe and its relationship with the world

We can non deny the benefit that the Europe has made at that clip, but to see the relationship between Europe and the universe between 1800-1914 negative advancements are more obvious because of European industrialisation andimperialism. A batch of illustrations can be found during 1800- 1914 to demo the imperialism of Europeans is non accepted →

A social partnerships in the new millenium

They also see a need for a repeal of all " anti-union" legislation and an end to state interference into unions, such as social partnership agreements. Taken from 'Solidarity', the journal that openly states it's purpose is to challenge social partnerships in trade unions, here are some 'facts' that display how social partnerships have had →

Example of lorazepam research paper

In light with this, there are a variety of effects associated with the depression of the CNS, and they are largely attributed to the drugs used as a depressant. The pharmacodynamics of Lorazepam is similar to the other forms of benzodiazepines, and it steps-up the effects of Gamma- Aminobutyric Acid that has a →

Free essay on legalization of medicinal marijuana

The Legalization of Marijuana The question of whether or not to legalize marijuana is one which has raised its head on a number of occasions and under a variety of contexts. Nobody gets a buzz from alcohol because it's dangerous, and removing the criminal element of marijuana would dull it down to the →

Alcoholism 11

The purpose of this paper is to talk about the problem, the cause and effects, and the treatment process. Alcoholism is the habitual or compulsive consumption of alcoholic liquor to excess according to Webster's New World Dictionary. The cerebellum is the second part of the brain affected. The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance.

Ethics essay example

A substantial proportion of this research has been conducted in the aviation field to study the impact of alcohol consumption and violation on the safety performance. Due to a larger proportion of population being the flight attendants and maintenance personnel, they accounted for 78% of all the detected alcohol violations identified through random testing. Several →

Free effects of alcohol on the brain, body and behavior research paper example

Introduction: This paper throws a light on the effects of alcohol on the brain, body and behavior of a human being. However, there are certain factors that determine how and to what extent the alcohol affects the brain. Following are those factors: the quantity of drinking alcohol; the frequency of drinking alcohol; the age, →

Danylle payne # 4713

1 Peter 4: 3-4, " The past life of drunkenness and carousing has no place in the Christian's life." Yes we as believers are going to be tempted and tested but that is why we have to have a deep and personal relationship with God. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this →

Dental hygienist research paper examples

Dental hygienists are also required to make a follow up on the outcome of the clinical procedures that they instituted to patients and consequently advise patients appropriately. Dental hygienists can also carry out a diverse range of clinical procedures. One of the procedures commonly carried out by dental hygienists is the removal of plague that →

Essay about job enrichment

The first who tried to introduce the concept of job enrichment and modifications were the practitioners in the beginning of the 20th century in order to increase the performance of employees. What was in the fashion at that time were simplification and specialization of the tasks, which, in collaboration with scientists, confirmed to be useful →

The evolution of the cinematic world and d. w. griffith

This presented a huge opportunity for Griffith and Hollywood to seize the market. When The Birth of a Nation was released in 1915, and Intolerance in 1916, segregation was in full effect in the United States. In the wake of its release, the film was accused of glorifying and rallying the KKK by African Americans, →

Garbage is a commodity

The replaced items comprise part of garbage and hence they are taken to be worthless by the owners. With recycling, they are smelted and steel is extracted which is then used in the manufacture of new products.

Free essay on environmental planning and managing

They will be required to grow more trees, utilize alternative sources of energy for their various consumption purposes, will be deploying techniques to recycle the waste, and will be spreading the awareness in the society. The culture and the values of a given society need to be aligned in the direction of environmental protection so →

Research paper on global warming and air pollution

In tackling the topic of global warming and the effects of pollution on glaciers, I outline the effects of global warming and air pollution on the environment. In discussing the effects, I will measures currently in place to mitigate the effects of global warming and air pollution on the environment. →

Research paper on a new crisis: issues and concerns over water

Rapid population growth, rising irrigation needs, and a host of other uses for water withdrawal is dramatically faster than the " natural recharge rate" resulting in decreasing levels of water tables in a number of regions in the United States. One of the larger aquifers in the United States, the Ogalla aquifer, is formed under →

Research paper on environmental science

The distribution of pollution among countries is now in favor of the developing ones, and the developed countries tend to stabilize or even decrease the amount of respective pollution. Discussion The outcome generally fits the hypothesis, although it does not provide comprehensive data on the future development of the situation due to a considerable →

Air pollution 19

Factors contributing toward the growing air pollution problem are the industrialization of society, the introduction of motorized vehicles and the explosion of the population. The dramatic and incapacitating effects of severe air pollution episodes in cities throughout the world have alerted governments to the necessity for crisis procedures.

Free research paper about reconstruction and race relations paper

The formation of the Jim Crow laws in 1877 was used to separate the whites and the blacks. In this law the blacks and whites were to not eat in the same restaurant or go to the same schools. Some of the actions taken were the formation of the freedman bureau which handled all the →

Book review on black boy

Wright also delves deeper into the mechanics of the Reconstruction period than many arguing that emancipation was taken away from the former masters who were chomping at the bit to continue dominating the slaves. Slavery in earlier times: Wright delves deep into the mechanics of the slavery system in the early 18th century and how →

The underworld of human trafficking

It cites trafficking in persons as the second most lucrative crime around the world next to the drug trade and that 30% of trafficking victims are below the age of 18. Trafficking is estimated to be one of the biggest crime issues in the world and is steadily getting out of control.

Sample essay on the great migration

However, the promise of freedom for the former slaves really only lasted about a dozen years after the Confederate surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Between 1865 and 1876, the Union Army remained in occupation throughout much of the South, and its purpose was to follow the Radical Republican agenda and actively enforce →

History of jim crow laws

Urofsky describes Jim Crow laws as, " any laws that enforced racial segregation in the south between the end of the Reconstruction in 1877 and at the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s". According to History.com " In 1965, at the time of the passage of the Voting Rights Act, there were →

Chika da silva book reviews examples

She was a member to various social groups which were exclusively for the rich and the whites, though she was black and was a well-known slave. He says that rather than being the commencement of the formation of a positive black identity, it was the beginning of the acceptance of moral values by the elite.

Organized crimes: organ trafficking on a global scale

This essay argues that power is abused to influence the poor to engage in organized crimes like organ trafficking to further elevate income for people with higher socio-economic status, and that Globalization has accommodated the reaping of profits through widening access for commercialization of organs. The type of organ trafficking that will be focused on →


The abolition of slavery in the Caribbean was the result of numerous factors in and outside of the region. Conclusion The theme of resistance was a part of the enslaved women in the British Caribbean from the beginning of slavery to the very end.

The loss and rebirth of motherhood essay sample

Now she can love, she does not need to send her babies away, so the motherhood which hides in her heart for many years, finally releases. Like the volcanic explosion, the strong love to her babies running out from Sethe's heart, shows in her action of killing her little daughter in order to keep →

Free book review on religion in america

The church has led to the development of both the American religion and the economy because of its highest population in the United States. The reform helped the Jewish to print newspapers and other media to promote their religion's idea and this connected them to people who were devoted to make the Jewish religion and →

Report on fmcg market sructure and market share

Furthermore, the FMCG boom increased due to the reduction in excise duties, packaging innovations etc.and unlike the perception that the FMCG sector is a producer of luxury items targeted for the elite but in reality, the sector meets the every day needs of the masses. Here by the above graphs we can see that there →

Hypermarket impact on small retailer

Also using GIS, we corroborated the decline in the number of sundry shops within the surrounding housing estates with the residing addresses of the surveyed customers of the hypermarkets. The results obtained confirmed that the operation of hypermarkets does contribute to the decline in the number of sundry shops and the degree →

Market segmentation notes

Segmenting the market can also serve to identify smaller groups of people who make up their own, previously unknown subsets, further improving the overall efficiency of the company's marketing efforts. Segmentation Strategies According to experts, in order to be a good market segment, a group should meet five criteria: 1. The purpose →

Perfect competition in economic theory

In contrast, a monopoly firm is the only supplier in the market and therefore has full control over the market prices and total market supplies. Therefore, a firm operating in a monopoly market fixes its price in such a way that for the quantity demanded by customers at that market price the →

Overview of the stock market

The company" s value is represented by the stock price on the stock exchange. Over time, a method of judging a stock" s performance, called the " profit to earning ratio" was created. Although NASDAQ came about long before the rise of tech stocks, it now represents the growth that they portray. This is mostly →

Effect of washington consensus upon emerging market

In addition, financial liberalization exacerbates economic growth in the sense that ratio of reserves to foreign denominated short-term indebtedness had declined substantially. Washington Consensus suggests emerging capital markets to deregulate their economies in order to achieve economic growth. Despite that, implementation of Washington Consensus in emerging capital markets lead to volatile stock market especially in →

The causes of market failure

Part of the problem is the existence of 'externalities', part is a lack of competition, and part is the fact that markets may take a long time to adjust to any disequilibrium, given the often inconsiderable short-run immobility of factors of production. Let's analyses the types of market failure. One of the example →

Tesco marketing strategies marketing essay sample

For e.g.for the customers who are rich for them tesco's offers high range of products or branded product, for the medium class customers it offers the branded as well as it own brands product which is tesco's product and the customers with less budget plans or not rich customers tesco's offers value product which is →

Indian coconut market

Soap and soap essentials manufacturing were an investment-laden business because to extract the essentials from crude coconut oil for soap raw base material, the equipment that was needed was too expensive. In the meantime, refined coconut oil for cooking lost its momentum in the world market due to the introduction of corn oil, soybean oil →

Global market entry strategies

McDonald's organization's mission becomes the cornerstone for its strategy and is necessary for the organization to assess the process identifying the objectives of each functional area. It was done to minimize the risk by spreading over several businesses to capitalize organization strength and minimize weaknesses, to minimize threats, to avoid current →

Segmentation and target market assignment essay sample

Unilever formed in the 1930's and went through trials because of the Great Depression and the Second World War. During this time, Unilever rationalized its position in the market and started diversifying into different markets. The main point is that Unilever will expand its market to meet the needs of the consumers in all →

Breakfast cereal market analysis

113-114). The breakfast cereal industry has shown innovation in product and packaging strategies. In addition to this, breakfast snack bars are a new innovation.

Positive and negative sides of the use of genome sequencing

The site also recommends to consult with a genetic counselor for more information about the diseases they tested for and if they may need support on what to do next. One more point that has arisen since the use of genome sequencing is that soon we will also be able to alter our children to →

Biocem experimnt

0 | 1. 5 | 0.

Pet overpopulation epidemic

But no, that is not the route of the problem, not by a long shot. Breeders are the effect of the problem, and the massive pet overpopulation is the aftermath. Yes, the problem lies with the general public who, do not research, and buy these pets without thoroughly thinking it through.

Free research paper on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a summary

Transmission of information and messages occurs from the motor neurons of the brain to neurons in the spinal cord (known as the lower motor neurons) and to target muscles. The muscles that control breathing including the muscles of the diaphragm and chest wall do not function, and many →

Free argumentative essay on why we must maintain biodiversity

The lower the population size in a species the closer it is to extinction especially if more stressors are added. Populations contain a large variety of species and the species members have characteristics that vary between individuals. The aquatic plants, the water and the plankton are part of the systems that regulate the earth and →