6 Pages Essay Samples

Types and history of western art art essay

When we see about the history of western art it takes us to the center of the antediluvian in-between E and ancient times of Egypt and besides the civilisation of ancient Aegean. It Dates back to 3rdmillennium. The influence of the western art lasted even for the following two thousand old ages, that fell into →

Origins he was included for incorporating illusion in

Op was designed to provoke sensations in the spectator bytricking the human eye. Illusion is common to art, but Op exploited thecapability of the viewer to complete images in their mind by effecting thenormal perceptual process. He applied the term cinetic art notkinetic art. Cinetic art referred to the illusion of movement.

Good essay about the paintingthe raft of meduca

Even without a slightest knowledge on the background of the depicted story, it is possible to feel the desperate and pessimistic mood and emotions conveyed through the painting. However, only knowing the pre-story and the governmental impact on the tragedy is it possible to embrace the message conveyed in the painting, since Gericault, as a →

Culture of artifacts from camera obscura to camera

In the article, " Photography's Huge Impact On Our View Of The Vietnam War" the author mentioning the power of the camera as follows, " The errors of the past need to be kept alive by historians, in order to prevent the same mistakes from happening again". A camera has stopped the Vietnam War, a →

A tale of two cities quotes & explanation

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it →

The problem of perspective: director’s interpretation of the novel

This is one of the key stylistic methods of the novel; as the reader is unable to witness the events first-hand, he/she is forced to trust or adopt the opinions and perspectives of the narrators and the characters in those scenes. While this might seem the safest way to experience Jane Austen without the danger →

Good book review about ella cara delorias waterlily

This paper will analyze the major subjects of the book and investigate the author's writing style and tendency to focus on certain specific features and themes that create the plot of Waterlily. Despite that the story of Waterlily is mostly about the life of South Dakota, the novel has not much in common with the →

Written report ”love is a fallacy” by max shulman essay sample

One favors materialistic objects, and wishes he had a raccoon coat, and the other favors looks, and beauty, and wishes he had a certain girl to go steady with. He had made Petey a deal, and that deal was to exchange the raccoon coat , for Polly.

A theme of support from a loved one in novel “the testing” by joelle charbonneau

In the dystopian novel " The Testing", Joelle Charbonneau uses characterization to establish the theme that when a loved one is in a troubling situation an individual will exert actions they would not normally in order to help the one in need and to keep the feeling of family relevant and continuous. With the →

Novel review: the heart of darkness by joseph conrad

The art lies in the depiction of imperialistic approach i.e., unsympathetic and inhuman relationship of the natives of central Africa and European colonizers who became an embodiment of evil due to his prolonged stay in the dark continent of Congo. The themes used in the novel are: theme of evil, theme of imperialism, theme of →

The handmaids tale research paper example

The Angels are the officers in the Gilead military; they are given the most honorable duty of fighting in wars with the intent of protecting and expanding the borders of Gilead. In particular, the essence of the individual is explored in great detail, as the women in the novel attempt →

Free essay on the epistolary writing form in the color purple

The letters that Celie writes in The Color Purple allow for vivid self-expression and are a powerful form of writing. Much of the criticism out there about The Color Purple has to do with the ways in which the use of the epistolary format shows the protagonist's development from a child, who is cowed and →

Seize the day essay examples

It is true that Bellow uses Tommy to reflect his life since the major ideas in the novel show a lot of resemblance between the life of the protagonist and the novelist. In the first chapter, we meet Tommy in the Gloriana Hotel in New York. The wave of energy pushes him to definitely check →

Wuthering heights gothic genre

Gothic novels are often set in dreary places such as old castles that are often haunted and dark a surrounding to put the sense of unease and tension in the reader How does Bronte use or adapt the conventions of Gothic Fiction in the opening of her novel, Wuthering Heights? At this point she could →

The symbolic use of children in the awakening

Oh think of the children!" , in reference to Edna's neglect of her children as a consequence of her independence and isolation from her previous life of oppression. Adele's words ring in Edna's mind, and she is forced to finally face her conflict of children versus self, ending in her suicide. By the end →

The power of seventeen letters

Bennet's character and sense of humor is brilliantly demonstrated in his letter to Mr. It was because of these letters that the reader is able to understand characters such as Mr.

Free essay about the inn of the seventy-seven clocks

Inspector Dyxx and Evangeline's observations, investigations, and encounters with various characters or personalities in the story allowed them to make deductions and finally solve the mystery towards the end of the novel. Prior to the resolution, however, they meet different people and visit various places, which creates a sense of adventure in the story and →

Softening of the stereotypes

To combat stereotypes and expectations for women at the time, Chopin wrote The Awakening in the mindset of Edna Pontellier, who disregards what society expects of her. Pontellier's actions; she also represents the stereotypes of the femme fatale and the New Woman.

Pygmalion: social class and liza

Significance of Title: The significance of the title, "Pygmalion" is in Greek mythology, The town Cyprus Pygmalion was a king who deeply fell in love with the statue of Aphrodite. In contrast to Shaw's play, " Pygmalion" professor Higgins the scientist of phonetics is a Pygmalion and a convent garden flower girl Eliza is a →

Example of essay on layer cake book and film review

Jimmy prince who is a linchpin in the story assign the narrator the task of recovering the stolen drugs and also locate the missing daughter of an affluent associate. Later the narrator encounters Sidney who is part of the crew holding the pills and who is also a member of →

Example of critique of kim essay

This makes the book one of the controversial books to analyze. The background upon which the storyline of the novel is set reveals a great deal of historical events drawing a very vivid picture of India, religion, superstition and aspects of war. Actually, the book was set in a war torn background where the physical →

Grapes of wrath book review example

The book dates back to the period of Great Depression in America, which started in the year 1929 due to the crash of the stock market and lasted until the beginning of the Second World War. He undergoes one of the most prominent transformations in the novel as he gets rid of the philosophy of →

The definition of a true inspiration

Cervantes was unsuccesful in portraying his thoughts and feelings on the corruption of the goverment and his life as a soldier. He is happy with the welcome he receives from the woman and compares Dulsinea, his old crush, to the beauty of the prostitutes in the hotel.

“story truth” and “happening truth” in the things they carried

During the entire work there are two different " truths", which are " story truth" and " happening truth"." Happening truth" is the actual events that happen, and is the foundation or time line on which the story is built on." Story truth" is the molding or re-shaping of the " happening truth" that allows →

Good essay on analytical of the adventures of huckleberry finn

Twain who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn clearly shows these current issues in the society hence making it a modern novel. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the characters Tom, Jim, and Huck battle for their opportunity at the outset of the book. In spite of the fact that throughout their adventures, →

Significance of the characters in the journey to the west essay samples

Therefore, this paper will focus on the significance of the main characters in the novel " The Journey to the West". Notwithstanding, characterization will be discussed based on the novel, " The Journey to the West". The character plays a significant role throughout the novel and that is why he is characterized among the main →

Free a good man is hard to find research paper sample

The misfit, as he is known in the novel, is a character that keeps the audience guessing if he really is the culprit or not till the very end of the novel. The main character, the misfit, is shown as a person suffering from many psychological problems trying to seek →

Character analysis of robert lebrun

Eventually his affectionate nature catches the attention of Mrs. Edna Pontellier, triggering her to go through a series of epiphanies or so-called awakenings where she begins the struggle between the woman her society expects her to be and the independent, self-governing woman she craves. Robert, sifting his way in between dynamic and →

Estancia high school comp/lit ii

Example of alliteration: " Caring cats cascade off" 3.allusion an allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art; writers often make allusions to the Bible, William Shakespeare's plays, Roman and Greek mythology, and major historical events or battles; when speaking, a person can make an allusion to →

The priory of sion revealed: dan brown’s secret society a secret no more

Dan Brown's bestselling novel " The Da Vinci Code" rocked not just the literature community, but the entire world that up to this day, his bestselling book has been the topic of much criticism and debate. What made his book one of the most controversial books of the →

Joseph conrad: life and works

Which is all to state that it is no longer astounding that such a commonly perused work ought to be the concern of a lot of controversies. This 1899 novel by Joseph Conrad is showing how the author is struggling with his acceptance with having a bigoted viewpoint and encompasses colonialism by nature with stories →

How does steinbeck create the theme of insecurity in the novel?

Write about: Why some characters feel insecure How language contributes to a sense of the characters' insecurity How the settings contribute to a sense of insecurity Other features which create a sense of insecurity You must: Explore how Steinbeck creates a sense of insecurity through the presentation of insecure characters, eg →

“the dark horror: dark imagery in heart of darkness”

Through Marlow's journey into the darkness of the Congo, Conrad's use of light and dark imagery as well as symbolism indicate that he is also on a journey into the deepest recesses of the darkness of his soul. This infestation of evil is illustrated through the destruction of Kurtz's " white" moral fortitude and the →

Coping with uncertainty: fear of death argumentative essay samples

The story constantly challenges each character's mind with the uncertainty of reality due to fears that each of them have; the fear of death is a persistent idea through out the novel. Everyday, he fear the future and is preoccupied with the concept of death that he failed to appreciate the brighter side of life.

Mary shelleys frankenstein term paper sample

In addition, Shelley's story seeks to demonstrate how the adoption of modern technology within society has the ability to lead to unnatural consequences that would have negative effects to both the survival and the comfort of mankind. Analysis Motifs of Knowledge in Novel First, it is important to look at how Shelley brings →

Essay on ceremony

Religion, as well as maintaining tradition, is seen to play an important role in the culture of Pueblos as the glue that holds them as a race. The novel shows three of the most significant and important figures in Pueblo mythology. This change is seen as confusion for most cultures, and Tayo is the bridge →

Humor in chosen places, timeless people and running in the family

Marshall writes that the locals could be on the verge of acquiring power since a local black man and one other mullato elite are part of the governing circle. It is humorous somewhat ironical that two people are the ones that may bring some sense of power ownership in the entire island. She is the →

How i am legend was adapted for the big screen essay

However, it is either ending which truly sets the written and film versions apart: The novel, I Am Legend, was adapted for the big screen through altering its ending to make it more appealing to mainstream audiences - in the novel, Neville's character is introverted to encourage the view of him as the monster whereas →

Parenting in pride and prejudice

The happiness and feelings of the children did not matter to the parents as we can see in Pride and Prejudice. Mr. We could say that the Mr.and Mrs.

Free essay about the frankenstein application

Ultimately, it is this uncontrolled thirst of knowledge that leads Victor Frankenstein to creating a hostile creature that turns out to be not only the source of his own ruination but also the cause of the death of his loved ones. Victor Frankenstein's struggle and suffering serves as an example to Walton, who makes up →

Never let you go essays example

The author has been very effective in portraying aspects of the clones that are images of the nature of the normal humans but have been subjected to servitude for them. The novel show the complexity of the society with a social setting depicting advancement in technologies that are helpful in combating chronic diseases such as →

Good example of orwells 1984: implications on the real world we live in today research paper

The novel now is less a work of fiction, and more of a roadmap to identify what government overstepping looks like, which mirrors the reality of the present. An overview of the Orwellian world of 1984 will give some context for comparison between what is happening in our world today, how it mirrors the situation →

Steinbecks present and development of the character curly

We are made extremely aware that she is not respected on the ranch when the men refer to her as " jailbait", " tramp", " tart", " bitch" and at one point is even referred to as a " loo loo", lulu also being the name of the dog on the ranch which could again →

The birth-mark and the minister’s black veil literature review examples

The use of the birth mark and the veil are significant in the creation of the plots. This paper will review the use of the literary technique of symbolism as used in both the novels. The significance and the influence of the plot device on the plot of the novels will also be analyzed. The →

Similarities in morrisons’ and jacobs’ novels

The effects of not only women but mothers of slave history in America is unveiled for readers to concieve slave mothers' and women delineations in both narrations. Equally, the female authors, delineate characters' internal struggles prompting readers to obtain a closer glimpse of the components of slavery. Both authors are interested in not just the →

The rebellion by edna in the awakening by kate chopin

The story of Edna Pontellier is the one which is problematic, as one follows the character from the beginning of the story to the end. From the novel, it can be said that awakens Edna as well as her sensuality, is mainly the art of speaking out as well as her being able to make →

Free research paper on mama day

This brings out the idea that Gloria Naylor uses the idea of supernatural as an important theme within her novel. Theme of Change It is evident from Naylor's novel Mama Day that there are radical changes that happen in the lives of the characters presented. Naylor describes the experiences of the mama day's ancestors →

The little prince

I felt that it was a story of growth, for both the narrator and the Little Prince. In the case of ethnicity, class, and faith, I do not believe that the text is addressed to those matters.

”the fall”by albert camus essay sample

The story also revolved around the judge-penitent's quest to understand the processes of his life as well as his ascent or descent from everyday life to the role of judge-penitent. In the story, Clamence tells us that he used to lead an essentially perfect life in Paris as a highly successful and →

The difference between novel, novella and short story research paper example

A novel is something bigger than a novella and a novella is bigger than a short story. The genre of a novella is the transitional genre between a novel and short story.

Structuralism and the wars essay sample

This novel is about a young man whose name is Robert Ross and is on his way to war because he feels guilty about the death of his sister. When Robert sees Taffler with the Swede, Goliath, he is both shocked and enticed. The war forces things to be exposed and it is a →

Free research paper on computer forensics specialists/ computer investigations

The various stages used in this process portray the logic steps and primary considerations that are important in investigating crimes related to cyber as well as the apprehension of the criminals. They describe the objectives of the data followed by the exploitation tactics that will be applied, the methods of attack that will be used →

Essay on in harms way by doug stanton

And he commits suicide. The rest of the book acts a one long flashback to the events of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis because those events and the US navy decision to court-martial McVay have led slowly but inexorably to McVay's suicide in 1968. Nearly 400 ships were lost in the war. After the →

The prison system: parole and re-entry

The justice systems of the United States has been referred to as a revolving door, describing the cycle of so many Americans who are released, reconvicted, and incarcerated. The amount of elements that are reviewed include the nature of the crime, the inmates behavior while incarcerated, and participation in rehabilitative programs that are made available.

Not guilty by reason of insanity

In the article the author talks about the insanity defense and how the public dislikes it. Along the same lines he was not monitored outside of the hospital and forced to take his medication.

Example of research paper on the rise of organized crime and racketeering during and after the great depression

The debate into the existence of organized crime came to the fold in 1920s and has since generated much interest in the country. Additionally the paper will review the conditions and circumstance the allowed organized crime to flourish during the great recession of early 1930s. Background In order to appreciate the existence of organized →

Book review on criminal institution

I will also discuss the rise of Women and Imprisonment. Over the years Corrections, prisons, and jails have always been used as words associated as a place where someone is called what the public calls " locked up" while all these words may necessarily be true and all fall under the criminal justice system, there →

Counterintelligence drugs: case study development research papers examples

Introduction The task of this report requires the development and analysis of a counterintelligence activity, which specializes in the involvement of drugs, pertaining to an operation conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The background of the case study of Ross William Ulbricht distributed the efforts of a team of special FBI and →

Drug violence in mexico report

I would think trying to address the drug violence would be a major issue for police and politicians. I had to think about the actual source of the problem, which is the illegal drug trade that creates the violence in the first place.

Cybercrime research paper example

Whether it consists of bullying and harassment, credit card fraud, character defamation, or many other crimes one can commit while on the internet, cybercrime is forcing lawmakers to stay vigilant and create a new brand of justice, here at home, as well as internationally. Cybercrime has been an emerging and strengthening branch of crime for →

Public policy and the presidency essay sample

Some of these changes have involved the ways in which the president uses the influence of the executive branch on judicial nominations, the way in which the role of the commander-in-chief is used, and the manner in which the president is involved in the war powers since 1973. Part of public policy is influenced by →

Example of the necessity for strong gun control laws in the united states today argumentative essay

In the recent wave of massacres, though, including at an elementary school In the U.S.the real causes of crime and gun violence are social and economic, including an elementary school in Connecticut, the issue of gun control is back on the political agenda for the first time in decades. They always claim that gun violence →

Crime measurement techniques essay

There is no clear picture of the recorded crimes due to the various factors that influence them like victims' readiness to give their testimony about the crimes. - Uniform Crime Reports In 1929, the International Association of Chiefs of Police envisaged the Uniform Crime Reporting Program for the fulfillment of the need of →

Essay on open system theory

According to Milakovich and Gordon , this theory has assumed that organizational components will seek an equilibrium among the forces which demands them to respond to said forces. However, it bears stressing that open systems are highly complex, interdependent and has overlapping boundaries, which may entail the characterization of change and uncertainty of the →

Legal based ethical dilemma course work

In this particular case, the most terrifying thing is not even the defilement, but the long run impacts that Tonya will have to live with for the rest of her life. The medical team does not know whether to assist her to end her life or to refer her to a counseling team to convince →

Good research paper on what we can to do to make orange county prisons more rehabilitative

It is within the best interest of society to maximize the efficiency of the rehabilitation aspects of the prison system. While it is beyond the scope of this essay to dive into the reasons that people end up in prison in the first place, what prisons can do is work to remedy the problems that →

Julia pulatov professor: corey robin essay samples

In addition, Marshall defined " among the several states to mean " intermingled"; trade between states cannot stop at the border of the states, but " may be introduced to the interior of the state". In the years after the decision given by the Court in Gibbons, these concepts of interpreting the tenets of the →

Essay on career path investigation

The integration between these three branches of the criminal justice system is incredibly important for the overall success of the system there is no doubt that a breakdown in communication would mean an inability to collaborate throughout the system on every level. Identify the impacts of historical aspects of law enforcement, courts, and corrections on →

Free essay on habeas corpus as an extension of fundamental human rights

The Habeas Corpus is considered by many sociologists and political lawyers as one of the most important rights in modern-time democracy. The History of Habeas Corpus The writ of habeas corpus was associated with the US in the previous paragraph, but it is good to point out here that this writ has a history →

Victim compensation fund research paper examples

Introduction. On the wake of the September 11th attack at the world trade centre the government of the united state through the congress found it necessary o establish a fund to cover for the pain loss and suffering for all those who were caught in the disaster. The person who was to Mann the →

Reform in the criminal justice system essay samples

The expectations of the society to the law enforcers are very high, and they include; following the law, allowing the separation of the innocent from the guilty, and administering appropriate punishments and rehabilitation programs for the persons who serve sentences in the correctional facilities. The formulation of a sound strategy is an essential step that →

Example of bullying in schools essay

The efforts of Olweus greatly contributed to the fight against bullying in schools because it brought awareness of the issue to the larger public domain and also initiated other professionals within the field of psychology to conduct more research and vastly expand the meaning of bullying. This event caused a worldwide outrage and devastation as →

Good example of should congress pass the dream act essay

Third, the youth are the future and the promise of the state and nation, and hence the need to have them afforded opportunities of fulfilling their human potential in contributing to the society. The states will be in full compliance with the lead federal laws. On the other hand, the →

Brain injury and crime in youth: literature review article review sample

The aim was to improve and characterize the association between TBI and offender behavior, so the studies on incarcerated samples were used to generalize the findings and estimate the lifetime prevalence of TBI in the general population. The results of the study suggested that TBI prevalence is significantly higher in the incarcerated population than in →

The main rules of healthy punishment are essay examples

Punishment is one of the important aspects of the parental behavior and it is important to understand how it can be used to get the result that is right in parents' viewpoint. Physical punishment, spanking, earlier was a wide-spread way of punishing the kids. First of all, any physical punishment →

Global perspectives assessment essays example

Moreover, the fundamental structure of the system stems from the judicial, legislative and executive wings of the government. Assess the Impact of Globalization on the U.S. Finally, the emergence of transnational organized crime, and the impacts of a more complicated American culture have had a significant effect on the justice system. The US government has →

Child adoption and trafficking in haiti: the concept and origin essay samples

Vigo targets a global audience, particularly the adults who take the responsibility of adopting a child, by highlighting not only the reasons that lead to such actions (of both legal and criminal nature) but also how these actions consequentially lead to the downfall of the humanitarian values pertaining to " →

Terry v ohio: history and impacts research paper sample

Terry is also one of the most castigated decisions involving the Fourth Amendment in the contemporary era of the United States Supreme Court and the development and incorporation of the exclusionary process. There is no doubt that the decision of the High Court in Terry acknowledged the factor of race in the justification of the →

Good essay about the effectiveness of drug courts

At present, the three authors in the analysis shows that there is room for improvement in the way the Drug Court operates. The introduction of the Drug Courts in The United States judiciary system stems from three main concepts. In addition, Drug Courts offer compulsory episodic drug testing and uses the most suitable rehabilitation services →

Example of essay on dna testing

Availability of a large and permissive NDNA database will play a pivotal role in increasing accuracy and efficiency in the justice docket. The current national DNA database contains DNA profiles of criminals convicted for committing crimes and people suspected of being involved in criminal cases. The establishment of a national DNA database will increase the →

Good example of on gender differences: separating the boys from the girls essay

It reflects on how the gender roles are reinforced from before birth in how the parents and their friends design the nursery and plan the layette. The men are examples of the justice system in the county and assumedly be typical of the people who would try and judge Mrs.

Concepts and operationalization research proposal sample

In the journal titled Mapping the Spatial Influence of Crime Correlates: A Comparison of Operationalization Schemes and Implications for Crime Analysis and Criminal Justice Practice, Caplan Joel acknowledges the variety of independent variables that have significant direct correlation with particular crime outcomes that decades of research in the field of criminology have identified. The →

Example of presence and efficacy of inter-agency collaboration and cooperation as factors in case study

These two concepts of collaboration and cooperation are well informed by the need to involve the very persons affected by the problem of insecurity and the menace of drug peddling and trafficking. These departments include but not limited to the department of justice, the police department, correctional facilities, non-governmental organization and the members of the →

Niccolo machiavelli’s the qualities of the prince critical thinking

This paper considers Machiavelli's rhetoric as presented in his work, " The Qualities of the Prince" and assesses the validity of his advice in the political scenario today. The Role of the Prince in Military Matters Machiavelli advises that a prince should take nothing as his profession but war, →

Example of irreconcilable conflict between therapeutic and forensic roles argumentative essay

Attorneys as well as court systems should not allow therapists to provide information in courts unless it lies entirely on their area of expertise. Factors that bring about the conflict between therapeutic and forensic roles One of the aspects that cause the conflict between therapeutic and forensic roles is the degree of scrutiny. It →

Tribunals report examples

Fourth, international tribunals may be used as a forum for the review of acts by international actors such international non-government al organizations. The settlement of international disputes has grown from a mere conflict of laws and interests to a conflict of cultures as well. Cultural and political differences among nations make it difficult for international →

Free policing, purpose, and organization essay example

- What is meant by the phrase " the rule of law," as used in a democratic society? The rule of law is primarily referent to the law's authority and influence across the society. Formalist descriptions for the rule of law lack the making of judgment for the " just" nature of law →

Songs of suicide

As usual, the teachers would shout across the field, at the group of kids standing in the corner, lighting up a regular cigarette and as usual, there were the group of good people, or bofs as they were often called by the rest of the school, as they hid their heads in a book, and →

Wireless networking essay

More and more technological advances are being done in the telecommunication field every year. One of this advances is called 3G, which is " the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology that enables network operators to offer users a wider range of more advanced services while achieving greater network capacity through improved spectral →

Albert jakob who was a engineer said

The teachers thought he was a daydreamer and did not like him, and he was lonely and got teased, but he excelled in his classes. His mom worth " Albert got his grades and he was at the top his class again; he brought home a brilliant record. " He did not a lot of his →

Case study on google essay

Mid-1980s The " Porter's five forces" is useful for analyzing and expressing the effect of changes in the PC industry on Apple from the mid-1980s to 2008. The intervening years The intervening years between the mid-1980s and 2008 saw tremendous changes in the PC industry in general and particularly Apple.

The audio engineer

After receiving the hands on experience from internships, the climb to the top of their field starts and soon they begin to take on more important tasks in the studio, which can include becoming a second engineer or even becoming the lead engineer. As an engineer, the skills learned through out the →

First lady michelle obama

With the amount of debt the nation is in, it seems like that is not affordable. The healthy school lunch program is also costing schools. Clearly, this is not a good program for students. Furthermore, the new school lunch program is not even effective in many schools.

What influenced music in the 1960s?

Lastly the rim click is used which helps convey the mood and theme of the piece. This piece is originally composed for the drum kit and has not been arranged for it. My instrument relates to the others in the ensemble by playing the rhythm and keeping the time. It is vital to the piece →

Mystery was widespread, as there were very

It took place biannually in the city of Eleusis, which was located northwest of Athens. The city and celebration was so important that " the Sacred Way (the road from Athens to Eleusis) was the only road, not a goat path, in all of central Greece". This included mystery religion and cults. The Dionysiac Mysteries →

Genre conventions of punk

Then lastly I will need to produce a report where I will be evaluating my production, and also comparing it to real ones and commenting on the weakness and strengths mine has. The Genre I have chosen is punk rock/pop punk, It is not clear when the term pop punk was first used, but pop-influenced →