6 Pages Essay Samples

Use of the path-goal theory

Shortly after Lewis assumed the position of the marketing manager at Staples, she assessed the situation regarding low performance of the stores, and she quickly came to the conclusion that strong leadership was lacking. This could have been as a result of the fact that Lewis's behavior was motivating to the extent that this director β†’

Planned nursing intervention on healthy food habits

Food is the foundation for bringing the child to be healthy. If the child is practicing the healthy food habits, then even up to the life style of n up to adolescent period itself the lifestyle of the child will be in a healthy manner.

The cliff-hanger

I moved behind the rocks to take cover." Hey you on the left," shouted captain McChrystal and a couples of bullets were shot which ultimately did the job in our favour." Roach, move towards the eastern corner of the base," said captain." There is a gas station in the end of the eastern corner, you β†’

Sport psychology narrative flashcard

Sport psychology is " the study of the psychological and mental factors that influence and are influenced by participation and performance in sport, exercise, and physical activity, and the application of the knowledge gained through this study to everyday settings". A sport psychologist can help enhance the performance of an athlete by strengthening the athlete's β†’

Reflection on classroom management as a teacher

When I begin teaching the way I plan to get students to fully understand the content will be based on my lesson structure, grouping strategies, and technology I use in the classroom. I hope to have a smart board and internet access in my future classroom to be able to really tap into technology that β†’

Oppositional defiant disorder/ separation anxiety disorder

Literature Review The following is a review of literature found on the topics of Separation Anxiety Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder and explores how they affect children and adolescents. Dallaire and Weinraub have discovered that children who suffer with separation anxiety usually have a problematic and chaotic home environment, and the same goes for that β†’

The indian national movement a mass movement history essay

The Indian national movement is perhaps one of the best examples of the creation of an extremely wide movement with a common aim in which diverse political and ideological currents could co-exist and work and simultaneously continue to contend for overall ideological and political hegemony over it. While intense debate on all basic issues was β†’

Human resource planning paper assignment animation essay

The role of the Human Resource Planning in a organization is to recruit the right person for right work, and work to meet organizational objectives and make the employees to respond to changes that made in the organization as well as changes made in the outside of the organization. HR activity is to tell employees β†’

Snow white

The basic storyline of Snow White mainly portrays the themes of femininity and how a woman should act, the patriarchal themes of women and their role in the world in regards to men and stereotypical ideals of beauty and their consequences. By assenting to their proposition, she is essentially placed in the status of a β†’

General buried new delhi’s cold war-era opposition

The research will analyse the impact of military alliance on lndia'score interests and predict best course of action for India while deciding whether itshould enter into a strategic military alliance with the US.14. The tools of research, the questionnaire and surveyanalysis will be applied in this chapter to validate the hypothesis.

Pfizer vs. nigerian families: reality is more miserable than plot of fiction

Nonetheless, the plots in both the novel and the movie were based on reality, on a case in which the pharmaceutical giant corporationPfizertested an illegal drug on Nigerian children and caused the deaths of 11 local kids. After the tragedy happened, Pfizer officially claimed that " Pfizer stands by the results of the Trovan clinical β†’

Vodafone market environment analysis

We have discussed about Vodafone business environment in our case, how it has been affected by the forces of macro environment and how they have overcome these trends of the forces. Technological forces: These forces influences the change applied in the industries related to technological developments and affects the level of competition exists in the β†’

Gatsby paper

Despite falling short of his ultimate goal of getting Daisy back, Gatsby shows throughout the novel that he is truly great by chasing his dream and making the ultimate sacrifice for the love of his life. Gatsby had this option, but he was not going to rat out the love of his life.

Government: federalism and anti-federalist c. undecided assignment

He is a great orator and by some is called the " voice of the common man." During the Revolution he served in the House of Burgesses and as governor of Virginia. He is a vehement supporter of popular rights and the interests of the common man.

Isaac newton life

However, he then made the theory that the rate in which the apple fell directly related to the force that the earth applied upon it. He suggested that maybe the force that was working on the apple was the same force that was responsible for keeping the moon in orbit around the earth.

Religion isp bosch “garden of earthly delights”

This panel features the Garden of Eden, vested in its natural beauty, the tree of knowledge and of course the lord introducing Adam to Eve. Quite neatly put by the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: " The Catholic Church teaches that original sin, in which human beings are born, is " the β†’

Environment debate club

A platform for debating and establishing issues forenvironmentThis is the first of a three partinterviewwith Mashaed Hasan Simanta, the executive Program director of the IBA-JUEDC.Md. SIMANTA: IBA-JUEDC is a non-profit Debate association that was founded in 2008 with a goal of promoting the development of our debate skills in IBA-JU.

The development and impact of romanticism on the eupropean world assignment

Because it emphasized change it was an atmosphere in which events occurred and came to affect not only the way humans thought and expressed themselves, but also the way they lived socially and politically." Romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental," β†’

Choledocholithiasis: overview

ERCP is a procedure that enablesdoctorto examine the pancreatic and bile ducts by insert lighted tube which called endoscope is placed through the mouth and into stomach and first part of the small intestine exactly in and passed of cannula through the endoscope and into this opening with injected contrast material and X-rays are taken β†’

International operations of marks and spencer

Therefore, this report is going to explore the reasons why M&S failed in the past, identify the recent development on international operation and give recommendations for the future expansion. For instance, M&S did not change the names of the US chains after it bought Brooks Brothers and Kings Supermarket and used Brooks Brothers' chain to β†’

Home is where by ligaya fruto

Sales? " the clerk asked." Of course she is going with me." The woman said, turning to the girl on the bench. For her it was here, where the roads wound between the mountains and the sea, where the breeze was cool while the sun was hot, where flowers grew by the roadside and never β†’

The size of beauty

To achieve this, the research answers the question of How clothing retailers flatter women with vanity sizes together with societal role in the standardization of women's clothing sizes and the consequences of these changes. In this regard, the research establishes how clothing retailers flatter women with vanity sizes and the society's role in the determination β†’

Kicking butt and taking names assignment

The prohibition would include areas within 25 feet of entrances, exits, opening windows and ventilation intakes, unless shorter distances are approved by the director of the local health department." [2] Definition of Utilitarianism and Demonology considerations Utilitarianism- Balance what is good for the greatest number of personnel Utilitarianism means you should always act in a β†’

Internet marketing tchibo case assignment

It helps to understand why the competitors are not regularly producing the goods that are brought up in the Itching ideas. The concept of weekly launch of new products compels the customers to visit the Itching stores every week, whether it is due to a need for a particular product or it is the curiosity β†’

Comparison of mass/lean production/socio-technical systems essay

The designs and division of labor of these numerous work systems directly affect productivity, work optimization, and the overall success of the economy. The focus of the individual, and the redundancy of parts kept inventories of parts and the people to protect the system.

Chuck e cheeses

We are to prepare a written analysis of the organization with the following requirements: 1) describing the product or service marketed by the company; 2) evaluate the company in terms of the financial ratios we believe are most helpful in understanding the company's performance; and 3) include a financial forecast for the said company for β†’

Johnson and johnson: a case study on sustainability reporting

Johnson & Johnson is ultimately driven by their " credo" that inspires them to " put the needs and well-being of the people" they " serve first". The H&H report goes on to detail each of these areas and how the company is striving to meet goals for them.

Meaning of life

I feel that in order for me to succeed in life I have to at least examine the meaning of my being. Striving for wholeness and perfection, as I percieve are mere steps to achieving a higher good, and therefore are not the cumulative meaning of life.


In doing this they will have additional money to pay for the ever increasing raw materials and they would also be able to put more money into research and development to figure out how to produce their products cheaper. Husky offers a variety of products in relation to the production of plastic and they sell β†’

Do film genres change over time

However the audience is positioned in Coppola's version to feel a certain amount of sympathy for the character of Dracula. Within the first the ten minutes we see Dracula transformation into what we know as today, the use of the pouring blood and perhaps the blasphemy of the church would never be used in the β†’

Influence of culture on fashion

" The more we learn about culture the greater our understanding of the future of global consumerism in Fashion". Cultural influence on fashion: It is important to know the influence of culture on fashion industry and to foresee cultural and social movements in order to comprehend the fashion environment.

Case study about industrial disputes in public sector

In February 2010, 81 per cent of BAA cabin crew staff who were members of Bass, the cabin crew branch of Unite, voted in favor of industrial action in a row over proposed staffing cuts and changes to working conditions. A feature of this industrial dispute has been the claims and counter-claims about the impact β†’

Health care disparities: interview case study

By empowering the individual to be interactive in heir care, and in control of her choices while giving birth, allowing for cultural influence, and to having family members included as well, these clinics have increased the interest in being involved in one's own care. The other growing problem, not only faced by these clinics, but β†’

Studies on gender schemas and subcultures

The thematic elements of the story progressively began to change, as the general theme of the story that was being recalled by boys began to intensify in its violence and conflict. The implications of the results of this study is that because the women in this experiment are occupying a position that is deemed to β†’

Universal education

Government had to confront the jobs of nutrient.of unfriendly neighbors.the job of Kashmir.the job of lingual provinces etc. Faulty Administration of Education: In most of the provinces the duty of cosmopolitan primary instruction is on the governments of Blocks.

What is my desirer state education essay

I will not afraid to lead and I will not worry about failure because I believe in my abilities and I will start it again and again if I fail. I will be more self-confident, positive and cooperative in my approach to others.

The little molecules that could: a story about micrornas in neural stem cells and neurogenesis

The special topic of " microRNAs in Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis" in Frontiers in Neuroscience discussed diverse roles microRNAs play in neurogenesis through a series of review articles and original research articles. Together, these articles reflect a sophisticated and exciting story of the dynamic roles miRNAs play in NSCs and neurogenesis.

Abstract β€˜information-age.’ it is obvious that many parents

This paper gives a review of the research on the impact of home computer use on the development of teens. Surveys of parents suggest that they acquire home computers and subscribe to Internet access to provide learning opportunities for their children, and to equip them for the ' information-age.' It is obvious that many parents β†’

Objectives: microscope essay sample

After performing this activity, you should be able to: 1.handle the microscope properly; 2.identify the parts of the microscope; 3.describe what parts of the microscope can do; 4.prepare materials for microscope study; 5.focus the microscope properly; 6.compare the image of the object seen by the unaided eye and under the microscope; 7.compute for the magnification β†’

Analysing dasein according to heidegger philosophy essay

To get to the meaning of Being, we must first go through the human being and the Da'sein. Da'sein is basically Being-there Being-in-the-world.

Leadership reflection of nursing experience

This type of leadership was used by my nurse manager when I used to work in a hospital back in Nepal to manage the unit and the staffs on a daily basis. I observed this type of leader in a hospital where I used to work, but she was a nurse manager of the different β†’

The strategies to maintain building efficiently construction essay

All strategy or approaches in building maintenance are easily to the maintenance workers do their job and become more efficiently. Other than that, the strategy will be used in building maintenance management to ensure the performance of the maintenance works is well-maintained.

Issues of clinical trials in india by vallinadh karamcheti

Phase II studies are performed on groups of patients and are designed to test for efficacy in the clinical situation, and if this is confirmed, to establish the dose to be used in the definitive phase III study. Issues of conducting clinical trials in India: Clinical trials are required to be carried out in India β†’

A case study on motorola marketing essay

4% Bird n/a 1.0% 2.2% 6.0% 7. 0% TCL n/a n/a 0.4% 2.

Why did jammu and kashmir conflict start

At the time of partition -the British provinces divide two countries India and Pakistan the Hindu majority on the side of India and the Muslim majority on the side of Pakistan and j s k one such a rich pricey and nature rich state had a vesicular problem. In 1987 the alliance won and Farooq β†’

The education system of today

The pressure of society for a person to strive to reach the best schools and therefore the besteducation, to do this your test scores have to be the best. In order to get into the best college to get the best job one has to go to the best high school, which takes the best β†’

Abstract be less corruption , increased transparency

For Implementation of e-Governance in Punjab, Government of Punjab hasentrusted DOIT which formulate policy, give technical advice to all the Government Departments for effectiveimplementation of e-Governance projects in the state. Punjab and e-GovernacePunjab is among the one of the richest states of India which islocated in the northwest of the Country.

Destin brass products co. case study

The solutions are as follows: From the given information in the instance survey, there is a connexion between the merchandises costs and the costs incurred by the activities related to the productions of each merchandise line. The reply to this issue is to fix cost estimations for the three merchandises by using the necessities of β†’

Stop and smell the sicksweet scent of old roses: flower symbolism and tragedy in β€˜the god of small things’

Estha and Rahel are constantly feeling the affects of History and Roy uses the " sicksweet smell of old roses on a breeze," as a way of presenting the long-lasting effects of pain and loss that come with History. This makes readers flashback to the Terror when the twins smell the old roses following the β†’

Role of pink1 in Ξ±-synuclein aggregation

The role of PINK1 in -synuclein aggregation and toxicity in Parkinson's disease State-of-the-art Misfolding and aggregation of -synuclein is the major component of Lewy bodies [1], the pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease [2, 3]. To determine the effects of PINK1 in ASYN aggregation and toxicity in vivo.

Role model: atticus finch

Parents and siblings prove to be an important role model in their child's life, the actions and attitude towards their children influence their life; such as in the case of the Ewells and Finches in To Kill A Mockingbird. Parents and siblings prove to be some of the biggest role models in a child's life.

Romeo and juliet assignment

Ziegfeld's version of this scene is very different to the one previously analyses due to the time period between the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. As Romeo is talking to Juliet at the beginning of the scene in he tomb, the director has done a long take to expose the love and sadness between the β†’

Sex and violence in movies

After considering the increase in rape and molestation, sexual harasement, and other sex crimes over the last few decades, and also the corresponding increase of business in the pornography needs considerable study and examination. According to Catherine Itzin a leading reasecher in the pornography feild pornography can be divided into three categories: The sexually explicit β†’

Cognitive dissonance theory

As a result, more than 50% of participants in the negative condition claimed to have an increased liking for grasshoppers, this change in attitude was done in an attempt to ease the dissonance of the situation. This dissonance is believed to result in attitude change for a number of reasons including chemical reactions in the β†’

The diverse nature of psychology

The Diverse Nature of Psychology Psychology has a broad array of assorted concepts that influence its very nature, which is the study of mind and behavior in various organisms from the most primitive to the most complex. Cognitive Psychology A cognitive psychology is devoted to the scientific study of the mind and includes studying how β†’

Ethical fashion markets in the uk and india | research

In order to fulfill my project, I need to do the forecast research of the Ethical Fashion in UK and India in order to reach to the best topic of my research. Investigate into an Ethical Fashion market in UK and India Investigate into an Ethical Fashion market in UK and India Understand the current β†’

Johnnie cochran

Johnnie Cochran was on his way to mastering acareerin law after facing hundreds of juries as a city attorney and soon afterward as a criminal lawyer. Johnnie Cochran idolized Marshall and therefore wished to follow in his footsteps as a lawyer.

The usefulness of an interactionists perspective on education

Interactionist theorists do not focus heavily on relationships between the formal education system and the economy, but their theories do suggest that the formal education systems are not organised meritocratically and this theory does help to undermine the other theories such as functionalists and Marxist of the relationship between formal education and the economy. Giving β†’

The quality and importance of sexuality education

As sex and pleasure is still thought of as a taboo topic by many especially when it comes to the sexuality of young people such as teenagers perhaps this omittance was a result of official bodies trying to accommodate for families that did not believe it had a place in the formal curriculum. The knowledge β†’

The handmaid’s tale essay

Religion in Gilead is the similar to that of the current American society especially, the aspect of ambiguity which has been predominant with regard to the rightful application of religious beliefs and principles. The Handmaid's Tale is presented as the secret journal of Offred, beginning with her training for a life of sexual servitude as β†’

Part b- cross cultural management (student’s review of a peer’s posting)

Overall, this point is significant, as evidently managers need to be well aware of the dynamics of the negotiation process and the influence of the culture they are dealing with, to maximise the result in the negotiation process and to solve any conflict that may arise because of the cultural differences. Sara has also explained β†’

Efficient market hypothesis persuasive essay

Technical analysis involves the analysis of market prices according to the previous history of the market by using primarily price and volume. According to the efficient market hypothesis, the return of stocks is a reflection of the information that is available in the market and the discount rates at given times.

Target audience

By designing my billboard and magazine adverts I am aiming to sell the fragrance by advertisement and I am hoping that my billboard design will be seen all over the world and that my magazine adverts will appear in a lot of woman's magazines of which my target audience read. The other magazine advertisement contains β†’

Guidance in early childhood education: the use of toys

The hope of all practitioners who follow the curriculum guide is that all individual children's needs are met, whether it is that a child needs increased individualized assistance or is in need of a gifted program. This is a very significant point and the rest of the presentation will be focused on how curriculum and β†’


The part of the brain is thought to be affected by schizophrenia is the limbic system. One guess to the cause of schizophrenia is that neurotransmitter dopamine is involved." Some of the supporting evidence behind this theory is the fact that amphetamines, when given in large doses, causes the brain's dopamine levels to rise, this β†’

Ponzi schemes: how do they do it

This way, the investors will act as mediums of channeling information about the legitimacy of the scheming company to the public. The ability of Ponzi schemers to communicate about their profit to the public determines the success of the fraudulent enterprise.

Women’s impact on shaping the civilization of spartans

Well, it is clear that men have substantial roles in the military, so if Spartans accepted the military system in all spheres of their life, the dominant role in people's life would have been men's. Also, it is clear that the education system does not play a main role in the military so much, and β†’

The channel tunnel project construction essay

In this stage the project manger was managing the over all drive of the project and ensuring the design met the concessions specifications. In the Development phase the project manager had to make a variety of managerial decisions to maintain and bring the project back on the required time schedule.

Underestimated plasmodium malariae

The following paper will be discussing on the article Plasmodium malariae Prevalence and csp Gene Diversity, Kenya published in 2017 that will explain the findings of how and why P.marlariae should be considered in the category of malaria elimination in Africa, with the need of sensitive outreach applicable methods to specifically identify P.malariae in malaria β†’

Culture in australia’s criminal justice system assignment

In addition, I will discuss the role the media plays in the portrayal of criminality and further examine the effects of culture in the criminal justice system. While most condemn the criminal actions of the youths in Cronulla, another culture has raised its hand to be regarded as typically Australian and that is the ' β†’

Women in the society

She is defined and differentiated with reference to man and not he with reference to her; she is the incidental, the inessential as opposed to the essential. In this novel, Pecola is the central character where she was highly humiliated by malefolks because of her colour and also being as a girl.

Pre hospital perspectives in emergency management

A study conducted in the form of a structured interview questionnaire to support the statement that not all healthcare workers and paramedics are willing to work during a disaster was presented to Victorian paramedics asking them to perceive risk in their own way and the situation they are placed in. The National Health Act does β†’

Burger king

Burger King Holdings is the parent company of Burger King; in the United States it operates under the Burger King Brands title while internationally it operates under the Burger King Corporation banner. Place * Burger King operates its business via franchises, under a franchise arrangement, the franchisees invest in the equipment, signage, seating and decor, β†’

Bmw & manufacturing process

As soon as the painted chassis have left the drier, the layer of transparent paint is applied; this last layer of clear paint greatly increases the chemical and mechanical stability and of the surface and illuminates the color. The BMW Group is the only automobile company in the world to introduce the particularly environmentally friendly β†’

Our freedom to make ethical choices is only an apparent freedom essay sample

Therefore the decisions we are free and able to make in our own minds count as the causes by which everything is made to occur. However we have the power in ourselves to break down these constraints and become free, if a door is locked then break it down, if I want to throw microwaves β†’

With the old breed book report

But the authors desire to serve his country in battle with the enemy before the war was over was strong enough to make him end his college career and begin anew in the Marine Corps. Something that I think gets overlooked a lot when people mention the Pacific Campaign is the insurmountable misery of the β†’

Indiscipline among the young, techniques for controlling it impact and causes

The Bound together Nations depicts Young people between the ages of 15-24 years, this definition was made amidst approaches for the far reaching youth the year 1985 and maintained by the General Social affair different nations in like way draw a line on the energetic at the age at which an individual is given relative β†’

We accept that the worldwide war on medications is presently bringing about more essay examples

The reason for this task is to deliver a relative logical dissection of three articles on the same subject: one sourced from corporate media, the other sourced from the free or option press and the other distinguished from the nearby articles. In the last article, The Slippery Slope Begins' is an examination on the ramifications β†’

How the irish famine shapes irish social policy assignment

Discuss the impact of the famine on the Irish Poor Law and on the development of Irish social policy and after the famine. Even the commissioner, George Nicolls admitted that the Irish Poor Laws would be unable to provide adequate relief if a period of severe distress or a famine was to occur The workhouses β†’

Robin and lucienne day essay

Robin and Lucienne Day are respectively product and textile designers who bought a breath of fresh air to British design back in the 50s thanks to Robin's cheap mass produced furniture and Lucienne's vibrant and colourful textiles. In 1951 Robin was asked to design the interior seating of the Royal Festival Hall.

Gynecology and obstetrics has entered modern times: perspectives and challenges

The scientific progresses achieved, during the twenty-first century, in molecular biology, in cytogenetics, in the use of stem cells in the treatment of various pathologies by reprograming them, in medical imaging and in surgical instrumentation allow an avant-gardist management in the fields of assisted reproductive medicine, in oncology, in gynecological surgery, and even in obstetrics. β†’

The general theories about stonehenge

The stone settings at Stonehenge, and the relevant sightlines and horizons were likely aligned with the midwinter sunset. Archaeologists now have evidence that Stonehenge was a burial ground and a monument to the dead.

Kirkpatricks evaluation of training management essay

The first level is the reaction level in which the reactions of the trainees are understood to mean the way in which they perceive and subjectively evaluate the relevance and quality of the training. Learning can be described as the extent to which the attitudes of the participants change, their knowledge increases or their skills β†’

Simmons implementation of great game of life program essay

With the implementation of GGOl, the new leadership style will facilitate a number of changes in the organization thus making Simmons a company where customers would prefer to deal with and people prefer to work. In so doing, a concise leadership change must be incorporated alongside implementing GGOL which is an outdoor and traditional training β†’

Case study team

Thus it can be a huge boost for Burger King as it is important in winning customers earlier in the day and getting them accustomed to returning to the same outlet as morning customers. To be successful in the United States and Internationally, Tim Horton require a kind of rebinding that can be now fulfilled β†’

Movie distribution report

In order to focus the scope of this report we are specifically looking at the distribution of films to movie theaters in Canada and the United States, and distinguishing the roles of movie producers and distributors. This practice transfers most of the risk to the distributor, but also gives the distributor rights to more of β†’

Diffrent type of doctors

Cardiologist: These are doctors of the heart that diagnose and treat heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Immunologist: The doctor who studies all aspects of the immune system in all organisms and gives treatment to diseases of the immune system.


A potential difference of 20 volts is applied across the ends of a resistance of 5 ohms. What is the potential difference between the ends of a conductor of 16 ohm resistance, when a current of 1.

Competencies of the two amusement parks tourism essay

This is an obvious strategy as it gives Ocean Park the chance to grow, to penetrate the market, and that is exactly what they require, to gain more market share. This is not an option as this will result in the downfall of Ocean Park.

Personality factors for obedience

Obedience has long been studied in the field of psychology, and Stanley Milgram's obedience studies are notably the most renowned in the area of social psychological research. Researchers have uncovered four situational determinants that led to the high rates of obedience in the Milgram experiments: obedience to authority; gradual increase in demands; limited sources of β†’

Psychosocial development case study analysis

In contrast, a person who is self-centered and unable or unwilling to help society move forward develops a feeling of stagnation- a dissatisfaction with the relative lack of productivity. Superego identity is the accrued confidence that the outer sameness and continuity prepared in the future are matched by the sameness and continuity of one's meaning β†’

Financing shipping companies

The degree of the advantages/disadvantages with outsourcing varies greatly with the complexity of the work that has to be done, the potential savings and the importance of in-house supervision. The company's balance sheet does not show in detail to whom the long term liabilities is owed, so to answer the question we will have to β†’

Intuition in organizational behavior essay

This is a mental process that involves the selection, organization, structuring, and interpretation of the given information in order to give meaning to it and provoke certain behavior or action. The characteristics of the object or person that is perceived, such as contrast, size, intensity and others are also very important in the perceptual process.

History of our fear of aging philosophy essay

This fear grips people for many reasons, but the 2 biggest are: 1).they are afraid of the unknown, and 2).they are afraid of being alone. This is the goal of people in these cultures; to live long enough to get to this place where they can be revered by the younger people for their knowledge β†’

This specific group. advertisements through newspapers, magazines, radio,

The first step in the sales presentation is to draw the attention of the prospect towards the product meant for sale. Therefore, the second step for the salesman is to create the interest of the prospect in the product meant for sale.