6 Pages Essay Samples

Tony kytes, the arch-deceiver by thomas hardy and the unexpected by kate chopin

This gives the impression that the story is very sensuous and extremely intense with a " frenzy of passion" in how it describes the ongoing actions. In " The Unexpected" there is not a large amount of suspense but the story is still enjoyable and stimulates the reader's imagination.

Relaxation theory: theory and practices

While a reaction of this type is beneficial when there is a need to defend the body from some type of adversary, most of the time stress has a negative effect on the mental, physical, and emotional state of a person. By employing relaxation therapy, it is possible to begin reversing the stimulation to the →

The fair trade is not fair enough

The most notable idea in this paper is the role of landless laborers, migrant harvesters and women in Mexico and also the depiction of the difference that arises in the smallholder economy. This is among the driving factors that makes majority of the farmers live in acute poverty to date, even after the inception of →

Globalization: the homogenization of cultures

The greatest consequence of this is homogenization of cultures and the loss of identity in the process of implementing Western ideologies. Thanks to the process of globalization, today we have unique emerging cultures, such as Internet culture, artists' culture, culture of the young people from around the world and others that are becoming a part →

The new toothbrush on retail shelves marketing essay

Since this space is not occupied by other competitors, the company could position the toothbrush as the most comfortable and effective toothbrush in the market. Product Positioning - Position the product under Super-Premium segment - Use protections of " gum disease" as a main idea to position the product since we know the consumer are →

The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal essay sample

The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal Nowadays in the present world smoking cigarettes has become a trend for every age of people and they take it as a fashion. The government receive huge amount of taxes from cigarette companies and it is the work place of many people around the world.

Puritans in literature essay sample

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter and Arthur Miller's The Crucible, the Puritans play a significant role as most of the characters in both pieces of literature are Puritans themselves. Within the Puritan societies set in The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible, the characters also believed in and acted upon these ideas, to a certain →

Orestes’ sun: apollo’s importance to the oresteia

Although not present throughout the whole trilogy and only a supporting character in The Eumenides, Apollo is the character that prompts Orestes to kill his mother and he also tries to save him at the trial by claiming half of the blame. As a god that has the power of prophecy, Apollo is an important →

African american humanities essay sample

The rejection of the " racial uplift" during the Harlem Renaissance by the African American writers like Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer, and Claude McKay led to the celebration of the African Americans' color and vividness through cultural essays, poetry, and drama in the African-American fiction. The juxtaposition of the acts and voices in terms →

Human genetic engineering research: where to draw the line

The genetic engineering of humans can be the greatest thing to ever happen to us, however, such power can lead to corruption and cause us to regress as beings. Sanded would disagree with the argument that human genetic engineering should be allowed to a certain extent because he is against the whole idea of genetic →

Rinchen shah of ladakh and kashmir history essay

According to Wazir Hashmatullah Khan, Rinchen Shah could not become king in Ladakh due to some political conflicts with his king father and he was compelled to migrate to Kashmir in the beginning of the 14th century along with some Ladakhi traders[3]. Thus, he came to be known as Sultan Rinchen Shah, the first Muslim →

Explain the mauritian miracle economics essay

Industrialization is said to be the driver of structural change which is the key to economic growth, and indeed it create a favorable climate for the economy of a developing country to grow. The adoption of the industrialization policy as from the 1960s has had the impact of creating new pillars for the economy.

Compulsory purchase act 1965 and land compensation act 1973

They are: the damage or loss must result from the authorised exercise of the statutory powers of the acquiring authority; the damage or loss must be such as would be actionable but for the statutory authority; the damage or loss must be an injury to land and not a personal injury or an injury to →

Lg electronics’ fridges in three markets essay sample

This is evident in the statement of Hamad Malik, the company's marketing director in the Middle East, saying that the company is trying to speak to consumers individually since the days of rolling out one product for a global market are gone. On the other side of the world, the company introduced a refrigerator that's →

Chrysler-fiat strategic alliance

So, in early 2009, Fiat turned out to be the key contender for Chrysler and in April 2009, Chrysler and Fiat announced their strategic alliance and agreed on a new ownership structure. Chrysler and Fiat have the potential to become a large leader in the auto industry.

The religion of islam through the ages assignment

The Religion of Islam Through the Ages 11/21/07 The Religion of Islam Through the Ages The Islamic religion is by far one of the most misinterpreted today within the United States. The following will give a brief overview of the origins, the increase in America today, statistics of the growth, and the Architecture of the →

Multiculturalism in music assignment

Rock and roll music is actually a spawn of rhythm and blues, that was created in the asses. The name Rock and roll' was identified by Alan Freed, a radio disc Jockey that introduced rhythm and blues to the mainstream public, and altered it for the rock and roll.

The violence of french revolution assignment

However, because of the inequality of the representation that existed in the organization of the estates, the third estate had the highest population and was made up Of the commoners, but they had the least amount of power. The next extreme feat for the National Assembly was to try to eliminate the privileges that members →

My experience on singapores culture cultural studies essay

I have been in Singapore for a year and I have quite a lot experiences about different culture and also from different country people. And also when I step in school my Singaporean friends are talking similar to English and then I ask them and they said is 'Singlish' which is basically English but in →

Editorial: horizontal gene transfer mediated bacterial antibiotic resistance

The 22 publications collected in the topic " Horizontal Gene Transfer Mediated Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance" show new discoveries and recent advances concerning this issue in a wide range of fields, providing a basis for collaboratively controlling MDR in the future. Exploring mechanisms of plasmid-mediated ARG spread in soil and water would be crucial for controlling →

Costs and benefits of a non monetary nature economics essay

CBA is likely to have its main use in the public sector where: Price signals are inadequate to guide investment decisions Spill-over benefits and costs are important owing to the magnitude of the schemes The welfare of unborn generations has to be allowed for CBA is currently used in both government and international organization. There →

Studying chromosome 11 of the human genome

Five specific diseases will be looked at and studied in detail: the Sickle Cell Anemia gene, the MLL gene which causes Trisomy 11, the H19 gene which causes Beckwith-Weideman Syndrome, the WT1 and PAX6 genes which causes Wilm's Tumor syndrome, and finally, the work being done on the genes of Chromosome 11q22-q24 regarding cervical carcinoma. →

Is it inevitable that societies exploit useful technologies?

A possible counter to my argument might be that the stirrup and gunpowder were useful in the West and not in the East, and for that reason were adopted in the former but not in the latter area. In conclusion, the examples of the stirrup and gunpowder show that it is a fallacy to automatically →

Editorial: il-1 inhibition

Back to history, Dayer et al.reminds the discovery of the monocytic origin of IL-1 in Rheumatology, the seminal description of the mechanism of IL-1 receptor antagonist acting as ligand binding to its IL-1 receptor and its change levels in serum of adult-onset Still's disease. The inflammasome, the expansion of the IL-1 family, as well as →

Dish tv company analysis and breakdown recommendation hold

Figure 1: Media Spend as % of GDP Figure 2: Media Spend per Capita Figure 3: Household TV PenetrationPenetration of TV households in India remains well below that of global peers in both developed and emerging markets. 9 % of TV HHs 55.3 59.1 62.1 67.2 72.9 77.

Witch hunts symposium assignment

It had full approval of both the church and the local government; the woman had confessed to being a witch and was mercifully strangled before her In both countries, a confession was a sure conviction and therefore a much easier trial that would usually result in the execution of the confessor. Depending on the severity →

The aggregate demand and keynesian range

The higher the price level, the lower the output consume by household. In other word, the lower the price, the higher the outputs consume, vice versa.

The history of ikeas operations management marketing essay

The boundary of IKEA operations can be separated into three parts, the marketing and sales, the service and product development, the last is the operations. In fact, many of IKEA's design in order to accommodate more products and thus bring more benefits to the IKEA business area, which led to the company is required to →

Justification of selected variables marketing essay

Color is one of the most significant factors in packaging which in food industries according to the importance of the color and its role in encouraging customers not only in Malaysia but also all around the world should be considered. The most popular example of this element can be McDonald that in each of its →

Case study of barclay plc

The Board representatives have obligations to the " day-to-day management of the Group to the Chief Executive", who is turn in accountable for ensuring that the company is operating efficiently while conforming to the strategy and risk to the requirements. The strategic fit between the organization and environment Capital strategy and risk management are the →

Guide to selecting implementing partner for ngos – assignment

It is the first in a series meant to enrich the body of knowledge available on the topic and provide guidance to local Non Governmental Organizations desiring to manage donor funds. 2 BASIS OF PARTNERSHIP: The basis of the partnership between the donor and the implementing partner may include: 1.

Features of perfect competition economics essay

Another definition is a single seller of a product and 100% of market share Monopoly is a firm that is the sole seller of a product without close substitutes. Besides that, a firm may own or control the entire supply of a law material required in the production of a commodity and it also has →

Analyzing domestic product (cohen et al., 2006) use

However, this study will address in the little knowledge of some of the technologiesused in maize production. The present study contributes to theliterature by analyzing the adoption of technology on maize productivity bysmallholder farmers in Kericho parts of Kenya.

Technology affecting communication

It does seem to reason that the beginning of this process was slow to start, due to the delinquency of other advancement. But none achieve the capacity due in large part to the uniquely human ability to use language" In the beginning of the human exploit of communication, for the basic premise of this paper, →

Introduction to the gilded age

Because of the success of the Western expansion, the gold rush in California and resources in Western North America, the demand for railroads led the way for much of the Gilded Age. The railroad network enhanced new areas to commercial farming and this led to the creation of a national marketplace that inspired a significant →

Introduction the direct products, wine and pasta as

This project explains the effect of bad weather on the season of wheat along the lines of demand, supply and the equilibrium price. This will mean that its net effect on the market will be negative and supply will be decreased and the supply curve will decrease hence causing the supply curve to shift towards →

David suzuki

A lot of people know about his goals to help the environment and how to get involved in it because of the books that he writes. You will be helping the David Suzuki Foundation to aid in protecting the nature and our quality of life.

Andrew g. ferguson’s overview on dig data policing

Ferguson's comprehensive overview in The Rise of Big Data Policing: Surveillance, Race, and the Future of Law Enforcement covers both the capacities and the potential risks associated with predictive policing. The Perils of Big Data Policing.

Timeliness and method of internal communication management essay

One of the variables analyzed in the research is the way, timeliness and method of internal communication within the organization is conducted as part of the Corporate Communication variable. Based on the questions asked by the researcher on the internal communication aspect of the communication, the relationship with the organization's reputation was established to be →

Types of substitution reactions biology essay

Organic substitution reactions are classified into depending on whether the reagent that brings about the substitution is considered an electrophile or a nucleophile, whether a reactive intermediate involved in the reaction is a carbocation, a carbanion or a free radical or whether the substrate is aliphatic or aromatic. SN1 REACTION The SN1 reaction is a →

A comparison of the time of the doves and midaq alley

His eyes reflected both cunning and boldness." It becomes clear that she is attracted to him; " The moment she passed through it and crossed the threshold of the house, she felt an urge to go back". This symbolizes the end of one phase of her life, and she hopes to leave the unhappiness she →

Chapter 9 + 10

On the DNS server for the network, create an A record named ISATAP that point to Srv3 You manage the small network that is connected to the Internet as shown in the graphic. You add Host A to the network.


The consequence was that the third and fourth Dumas were heavily dominated by the right-wing parties, a reversal of the position in the first two Dumas in which the radical parties had held a large majority. Historians also emphasise the progressive work of the duma in providing state welfare and suggest that it was only →

Ibsen’s a doll’s house and pollock’s blood relations similarities and differences in the female leads

The two protagonists, Nora in A Doll's House and Lizzie in Blood Relations, are faced with a test of their aptitude, and resilience of their own beliefs in order to succumb to or defeat the gender roles put in place for them. Nora plays into her role as a domestic woman while Lizzie refuses to →

Moto: coming to america from japan

From our point of view, if you make an appointment with a manager from another country different from the company, it is first important to know the protocol to be followed at meetings in this country, because as in this situation, to Moto is a Crowell offense keep your card in the pocket, as in →

Machiavelli analysis essay

Many of his critics have condemned him for his pessimistic outlook of man as a whole and in doing so try to negate the bulk of his work. In accepting that mankind as a whole is not always the ideal, he was able to protect himself from the deceptions of other politicians and the common →

The corner stone of blue ocean strategy marketing essay

There is ample opportunity for growth, both in terms of profit and the speed at which the profit is obtained; competition is immaterial because the rules of the game are not yet framed. Blue ocean strategy has been the pioneer in the standardisation, continuity and replacement of the segmentation of the industries.

Economies of scale

Economies of scale are the advantages in cost that a business gets due to expansion in the scale of production in the long-run. The contradiction of the theoretical notion of returns to scale and the practical concept of economies of scale is due to large fixed costs that are a source of economies of scale.

Financial reports audit

The audit process of a general purpose financial report is done in several stages: internal controls, management letter, acceptance of annual financial audit, and identification of the role of an external auditor in preparation of all crucial financial statements. When conducting an audit, the auditor must bear in mind that the essence of the process →

Scope of microbiology assignment

Microorganisms in soil and water are essential in the transformation of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and iron to products needed by plants and animals. Microorganisms in soil are important because they affect the structure and fertility of different soils.

Social constructionism in environmental sociology assignment

It focuses the concept of social constructionist and determines the relevance of it in environmental issues. Even Hough social constructionist in environmental sociology may bring the question of whether an issue is real or not under discussion when policies need to be made, it still remains just that -a question.

Argumentative essay on marijuana

The THC is a mind-altering ingredient and the amount of the THC within the plant will determine how strong the effects will be along with other factors including the type of plant, the weather and soil where it was grown, and the time of the harvest. After smoking and experiencing the drug and the euphoria →

The natural law essay sample

It is seen as a way to involve both faith and reason, and for this, it appeals to a varied group of people who are attracted to the use of reason and intuition together.b) " The strict application of Natural Law goes against common sense". A following of the Natural Law would lead us, never →

Editorial: integrative approach to parkinson’s disease

Due to the increase in aging of the population, both the prevalence and incidence of PD are expected to rise by at least 30% by 2030, which will impose greater burden on society and the worldwide economy. Adult neurogenesis is important in the context of PD, and their study is informative for clinicians by showing →

Central african republic assignment

Located in the heart of the African continent, the Central African Republic encompasses a wide array of habitats, ranging from the dry Sahelian zone in the north to the lush rainforests in the south, and supports a rich diversity of fauna and flora. The human intrusions threatening in the area are mainly poachers who hunt →

Research paper devil in joyce carol oates works

" The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world he did not exist" -Verbal Kint " The spirit that I have seen may be a Devil, and the Devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape [...] as he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me". At first glance →

Hca healthcare company analysis

The HCA was able to adapt quickly to the new technologies and fast changes that arose in the external environment of the HCA. A Strategic Analysis of the Hospital Industry and HCA Incorporated.

Bridging black and white essay sample

The film takes place on the hottest day of the year, which may be a reference to temperament and moods; that the environment is composed of blacks and Latinos, with Koreans running the local store and Italian-American Sal owns Sal's Famous Pizzeria, sets the tone for possible conflicts arising from the mix of cultures and →

A brief history of shia muslims

So he put upon himself the guise of a Muslim and came to Iraq among Muslims who had just converted to Islam and were quite unaware of the fact that Islam abolishes every claim on the ground of birth, caste, race and kinship. They were familiar with the ways of their old monarchs who followed →

Female genital mutilation (fgm) in africa

One of the controversial debates that have gained a lot of publicity on the world platform is the female ' circumcision' which is mostly referred to as Female Genital Cutting. Some scholars are of the opinion that the conditions which led to the initial adoption of FGM are not static and that knowing them will →

Introduction shape and reform administration. there is

The main role of the government is to guide and secure effectiveness of the social units that constitute the public. One of the main failures and thus a reason citizens fail to trust the government is lack of clarity over transactions.

To what extent can childhood be considered a social construction? essay

Lots of research has been done to look at the process of constructing childhood and to understand the implications of the childhoods of different times and generations. Nowadays in developed countries the children are in better position because of the multiple social policies that protect them and secure their childhood.

The need for registries in the early scientific evaluation of surgical innovations

That was highlighted, in particular, by the reaction to the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which was greeted by Sir Alfred Cushieri as the " greatest unaudited procedure in the history of surgery". A good example of early scientific evaluation of surgical innovation by means of a prospective research database is the NOTES registry of the →

Example of religious studies research paper

It seems pretty ironic how a lot of historians believe that the 19th century is one of the most significant periods in Christianity's developmental history despite the fact that that very period was marked by the plateauing of power which eventually led to the downfall of some of the old world's superpowers such as the →

1984 – a dystopian novel

The only chance of survival is by showing obedience to the Party's orthodoxy and complete devotion to the cult of BB. Everybody is constantly watched and the use of language modified to try and crush independent, individual, autonomous thought, so that the Party will at last be in control of the whole inner being of →

Old and new marketing approaches

Today the societal marketing concept which is the most up to date marketing concept, it has widely been used in many organizations in order to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and delivers the expected satisfaction more effectively than competitors, also in a way that could improve the society's well-being. However, the →

The assassination of archduke franz ferdinand

The assassination of the next emperor of Austria-Hungary is the cause and what is the effect? A member of a secret society named the Black Hand killed the Archduke which was one of the causes of War World One and that is all there is to it.

Abstract economy of virtually every nation, reshaped

The globalization has impactedthe every aspects of the people all around the world. Globalization means the onset of the borderlessworld"." Globalization is aphenomenon that has remade the economy of virtually every nation, reshapedalmost every industry and touched billions of lives, often in surprising andambiguous ways".

Sequence analysis of the third man

The shot of the policeman hidden along the statue cuts quickly to a shot of a still, dark street. The next shot is of a policeman leaning in to catch a view of to whom this shadow belongs.

The critical evaluation of service dominant logic

More so, SDL provides a similar theoretical framework, in terms of its significant concepts of co-creation of value and exchange and relevant service orientation in consumption, which plays a vital role in the understanding of both marketing management and consumer behavior. Furthermore, contrary to Prahalad and Ramaswamy's idea that the " downside of co-creation is →

Sex and temperament essay

Anthropologist Margaret Mead addressed the differences in temperament found between men and women in her book Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies. In the Mundugumor societies, they have standardized the behavior of both men and women as " actively masculine, virile, and without the softening and mellowing characteristics that we are accustomed to believe →

Civil disobedience in the mind of socrates

It is a form of peaceful protest based on the idea that if a movement occurs solely on the refusal to obey the law, the government will weaken and therefore have to listen to the people and change the law accordingly. Even in a matter of life and death, it is evident that Socrates believes →

Observation report

The structure of the Rouge Test involves three phases: observation of a child's spontaneous behaviour in front of a mirror before proceeding to the next phase, the child must look at her/ himself in the mirror at least once; Rouge phase, when the experimenter or mother surreptitiously applies a rouge mark on child's cheek near →

Winter street essay

But when their children had grown up and moved away the house had become to big for the Kroboble couple and they had moved closer to the city to be with their children. She had to open the door and get Heather out.

Julie was perfect – creative writing

Bowdon's wife who was not a skier and would have to spend the day with only each other for company. So, what have you done that's so bad?" Jen asked with a friendly smile on her face for the first time".

Analyze the impact of globalization, technology, and the quest for democracy in the middle east today

In both of the books the protagonists are overambitious and dare to defy the laws of the universe. The tragedy of the situation involved the inability of the creature to find its place in the community, no matter what it did, and the unwillingness of people to understand the needs and aspirations of the Frankensteins →

H.g. wells`s time machine critical essay

The initial events: The novel begins as the Time Traveller invites his friends to inspect his new invention - a time machine. The Epilogue: The Time Traveller then returns to his own time and to his friends.

Leadership in a health organization

The development of existing and future leaders is significant to driving the innovation and change essential to the continuity and sustainability of the healthcare system in Australia. The HWA stated that the " quality of leadership in the health system directly and indirectly affects the quality of patient care, and is shown to be →

Design of a bicycle frame

The next great transportation innovation and evolution - aviation, was in many ways a child of the bicycle industry in the sense that most of the early inventors, pilots and builders were previously a part of the bicycle industry. The frame is the mall body of the bicycle and Is the framework which all other →

Fear and duty in going after cacciato essay

As he gushes out in the final pages of the book, Paul Berlin fears running away, going into exile, the thoughts of those he loves, the loss of reputation, and most of all cowardice. Finally, he realizes that the duty of a soldier is not to fight well, or to be a hero, but simply →

Allied health professionals and occupational therapists

A physiotherapist is able to help the patient with their function such as balance, gait, and movement of the body. This scenario is able to show the significance of communication in health professions and the collaboration of a variety of allied health professionals to provide successful patient outcome.

Isys 209 ch. 10-12

The testing process that focuses on individual computer programs is called _________________unit testing The plan for unit testing, system testing, and acceptance testing is called __________a test plan Implementing a new system into an organization module by module is called a ____________.phased approach The most bold and risky implementation strategy is the _______________ approach.direct cutover →

Freshwater resources

Water sits in the dams for long periods, and it is decanted, and small levels of treatment have to be made to the water. In areas prone to floods, the excess water is contained by the use of dams.

Colonists essay

The role of the Boston traders and merchants in opposing the actions of the British government and their ability to influence the colonists were the main factors behind the colonists taking up arms and declaring their independence in 1776 To what extend do you agree? The Boston traders and merchants opposition to the British Government →

Agro eco regions in india essay

Because of the finite nature of the resources and the ability of our planet to provide us infinite resources, we need to, carefully consider some aspects of our existence, like our consumption, acceptable living standards, what technologies make best use of the resources available and explore ways to preserve the ecosystems on which we depend. →

Sports education: micro teaching reflection

The learning Combination Lock is a meta-model that offers a systematic process for the educator to consider and select from a vast range of ingredients available in the development of learning processes; so I will use the LCL as a tool to examine my lesson plans and identify whether they set out to achieve the →

Effect of alliances and rivalries on the economy

The purpose of this paper is to study the global phenomenon of alliances and rivalries and the effect they have upon four key structures of the world's economy. In the initial stages of the globalisation, the sharing of technological and scientific knowledge of the developed countries was promoted in the interest of improvement of quality →

Editorial: hurdling the challenges of the 2019 iaaf world championships

Editorial on the Research Topic Hurdling the Challenges of the 2019 IAAF World Championships The 17th International Association of Athletics Federations World Championships were staged in Doha, Qatar from September 27 to October 6, 2019. One of the unique characteristics of the 2019 IAAF World Championships was that it was hosted in the Middle-East for →

Intrinsic water use efficiency: carbon isotopic composition

It is needed to determine the intrinsic water use efficiency of main species of the landscape for better compositional management of the landscapes keeping in view the water demands of the species. Water stress affects the vegetation production by a reduction of the leaf area, the stomatal conductance and the CO 2 uptake and hence →

Analysis of the factors determining coca-colas continued profit

Coca Cola is the 1 of the biggest manufacturer, seller and distributer which has the largest seller concatenation in the universe and besides Coca Cola is considered most valuable company in the universe. Coca Cola largely produce and markets non-alcholic sparkling drinks and their four trade names have taken the topographic point in the top →

Introduction not been proven to them and meaning

Some of the basic principles underlying the belief of atheism include; that there is neither the existence of God nor that of the devil, there is no sin that can be accrued to the violation of God's will and teachings, there exist no supernatural realm, that the universe is generally materialistic and measurable and so →

Parallel dimensions

Comparisons in the childhoods of Bronte and Jane are evident in the in the harsh conditions of the strict charity boarding schools they attended. With the rough conditions at the schools both Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte lost people very near to them as a result of a typhus outbreak.

Industrial relations and trade unions in brazil

First, the effort to describe the Brazilian industrial relations system and the current role of trade unions start with the normative environment expressed in the Brazilian laws, mainly the Consolidation of Labor Laws, enacted in 1943 in the period of Get lio Vargas dictatorship, in autocratic manner, and despite being updated that is still under →

America’s shortcoming

Its disappointing that American students do not even posses the potential to receive one of the highest paying jobs in America since all of them are related to science or math. If money drives America, then why is not the idea of a high salary luring students to pursue math and science related jobs; it →

Marketing assignment

To recapitulate: individually-done case memos are due to me for two of the seven cases we discuss in class other than the major group case; each case memo is to e handed in as a paper copy at 2 the beginning of class on the day we discuss the case; and you must also submit →

review sheet results essay sample

Describe the difference between the hematocrits for the male and female living in Boston. How did the sedimentation rate for the menstruating female compare with the sedimentation rate for the healthy individual?