5 Pages Essay Samples


To conclude, there Is a huge gap between the objectivity of Tweeter's price and the reception of customers. Doing all these helps change the customer's perception of Tweeter of being expensive, it is trying to convey to customers that their price on the high quality goods are matched to its other competitors.

Evolution of event industry assignment

There are four areas of foundation in this research: an overview of Australian business and their desire operation, behaviors of Australian consumers awards this new virtual trend, Vehicles uses to access the technology, potential customers of MOMS. 7% of virtual businesses reported that their website is the main reason of increasing their sales in 2011 →

Human and aquinas theories on god

With regard to the creation of the universe he states that there is no direct evidence although in the Bible it states " for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made". We can look at the vastness of the universe →

Syllabus ba assignment

Course Description: 3 Credits According to the curriculum, this course is " A study of various forms of business as information and communication; the uses of technical terms and enable the students to under stand business idioms used in each business division; analysis of business articles in various media order to enhance the students to →

Criminal justice policy assignment

In addition the difference between state and federal applications of the policies will be described as well as a personal view on each policy and how effective the policy is will be rendered. Previously a federal Judge revised the law by reducing the applicability of a law that was created in 1949 that barred demonstrations →

‘daffodils’ and ‘composed upon westminster bridge’ analysis

Wordsworth's " Daffodils" and " Composed upon Westminster Bridge" are poems that convey Wordsworth's preoccupations with nature, politics and the imagination through the beauteous image of the daffodils " fluttering and dancing in the breeze" and a city adorned with an almost celestial light. Wordsworth is critical of the man who can not stop to →

British colonialism and its linguistic consequences

Such impositions regarding language and life styles reflected and altered the identity of the colonized people and, according to T rkmen, played an important role essential to colonialism to be successful:" Identity is one of the indispensable components of colonialism, if we consider colonialism as a body; identity constitutes its spirit while the economic exploitation →

Analytical essay about a lifetime marriage pledge essay sample

In this case, the strength of the family and the secret of kin happiness lie in the plane of the woman's thoughts and her deep faith that the man she chose as her husband and with whom she now lives is the same man with whom she can build her own happiness. Conversely, the trigger →

The withered arm argumentative essay

An example of this is when Rhoda and Gertrude cross the heath to see Conjuror Trendle and Rhoda does not want to and " would have done anything to escape this enquiry", the weather and the atmosphere reflect her dread of what will happen." The thick clouds made the atmosphere dark" and it was only →

English lincoln

Extended Response: Alive in the Death Zone " A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe." -Madeleine Length The autobiography 'Alive in the Death Zone' by Lincoln Hall is definitely a book that gives readers an insight into the amazing world of mountaineering, →

The the minister is a wise person. another

Both Kirin and her spiritual guru Swamiji admit that the content of the stories is less important than the approach to interpreting them and the feelings of the narrator and the audience. Storytelling is more effective than other methods of teaching religion because it allows appealing to people's feelings, establishing the rapport between the narrator →

The agree that it is possible that

The Disease of Masturbation: Values and the concept of Disease by EngelhardtEnglhardt's article The Disease Of Masturbation is an example of the ways in which values impact society's definition of disease. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century masturbation was thought to produce the signs and symptoms of a dangerous disease: " Disease is neither an →

Rise and fall of pro athletes essay

They cannot divulge true emotions in fear of the social backlash, or take a stand on a particular issue due to the people of opposite stance not buying their endorsed product which in turn would cost the athlete millions of dollars in endorsement deals. Sometimes not only the image of a reticular athlete affected by →

Identified as contributing to effective managerial performance essay sample

He needs to have the following skills according to The one minute manager: The first one is the conceptual skills, it is the ability to use information to solve business problems, identification of opportunities for innovation, recognizing problem areas and implementing solutions, selecting critical information from masses of data, understanding the business uses of technology, →

Rip van winkle 1 essay

In paragraph three lines, six and seven, the reader meets the protagonist.a simple good-natured fellow of the name of Rip Van Winkle In paragraphs five and nine, lines one and two, and one and four, respectively, the reader encounters the antagonist. The protagonist in Rip Van Winkle the reader first meets in paragraph three, lines →

Streams of silver 24. eulogy for mithril hall

The burning dragon drifted lower and lower, the light of the flames slowly diminishing to a mere speck at the bottom of Garumn's Gorge. Drizzt scrambled up over the ledge and came up beside Catti-brie and Wulfgar, Catti-brie holding the gem-studded helm, and both of them staring helplessly across the chasm.

George intended message of peace. these instances thus

The text of " Messiah" borrows from The King James Version of the Bible; the work of Charles Jennens, a scholar of literature and editor of some of William Shakespeare's plays. A soloist then joins at a certain stage after the introduction, a sharp soprano that begins to tell of the prophecy of the coming →

Mccandless’s quest for identity

He is willing to do anything not to follow the footsteps of his parents, even, with the moral certitude sense, not accepting the present with the conscious that his actions were hurting his friends. His reasoning and critical thinking led him to conclude that he was not the person he was intended to be.

Harvey norman essay

Harvey Norman, established in 1982, is one of the most capable industry in Australia in marketing their products with the help of their Marketing Plan and regular monitoring system. It is found that main income of Harvey Norman comes from their furniture market and the financial outcome of company is briefly shown in the picture →

Editorial: shankopathies: shank protein deficiency-induced synaptic diseases

The three members of the SHANK family differ in their temporal and regional expression patterns in the central nervous system and non-neuronal tissue during development. At the protein level, Heise et al.found that Shank2 and Shank3 mutant mice displayed a reduced expression of receptors specific to excitatory synaptic transmission in the striatum and in the →

Bipedalism vs. quadrapedalism essay sample

Dependent: The amount of time it takes to reach the top of the steps. When each tester reach the top of the steps stop the timer and record the speed it took to reach the top of the steps.5.

Physical journeys analysis essay

The personas in the text continue to address the fact that physical journeys explore the concept of providing challenges and insights. Therefore, it is evident that Last Seen 12: 10am is a strong text that supports the fact that journeys offer numerous challenges and obstacles.

Tesco college essay

It's main way of growing and becoming the largest supermarket in the UK since the 1990's, is mainly due to the fact that Tesco's helped the government by sponsoring many schemes and plans which they had. It would cause other businesses to close up and become out of businessOne member of the community I quote →

Big brother era

In George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, we can infer, Winston, is longing for the past due to the dreams and thoughts he has of the past, the privacy and emotion that the government constricts him of, and the want of trust and love. The main difference in the golden country and the airstrip one is →

Erasure in change-rae lee’s “a gesture life”

Upon leaving his birth parents, Hata dissolves any evidence of his Korean-ness, abandoning the language and his Korean name given to him by " the tanners," as he refers to them and adopting the name and way of life of his new, Japanese family. When he enlists in the Japanese Imperial Army, he becomes a →

The feudalism and manorialism unraveled

The emergence of the Medieval Feudal System of the Middle Ages affected all spheres of Medieval society: a land-based economy, the judicial system and the rights of the feudal lords under the feudal system and the lack of rights for the serfs and peasants. The goal of feudalism was to protect the land from invasion →

Economic thinking and dominated

According to Jacob H Hollander, The theory of value is, restricted to commodities, while, Ricardo's theory of distribution involves in it the relationship between the land and capital, but on the other hand, the basic aspects of these economic principles gets a back lash when it comes to Interest and Rent resulting in number of →

War on coal

Coal miners and their families live in some of the poorest areas of the country and the Obama war on coal is killing jobs in the parts of America that can least afford it.". For the past 4 years, Obama and his administration have tried to end coal in America and it is time we →

The most common psychosis

Over time there is severe deterioration of work along with the deterioration Of the ability to cope with the environment. The narcoleptics are believed to block the dopamine receptors in the brain, limiting the activity of dopamine and reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia.

From neuronal populations to behavior: a computational journey

The aim of the study was to understand whether and how interneuronal correlations and the shape of individual neuronal tuning curves affected the decoding accuracy. The paper by Hara et al.addressed this question for the normalization model of attention and showed that the predictions of the model varied drastically for single neurons and neuronal population.

Functionalism in psychology history principles and contributions philosophy essay

In the final fourth stage, the publication of John Dewey's article " The Reflex Arc in Psychology" in the year 1896 and themixture of science, apprehension for practicality, importance on individual and evolutionary theorycombined together into the school of functionalism. According to James, both habits and instinct are within the brain and outside of free →

God blessed america

Fitzgerald says the sixth chapter of the book, features one passage in which Nick Calloway, the narrator of the novel, identifies the key components of the entire story and how they divinely affect and reprehensively define Gatsby, the main character of the novel. The soul of this passage, a collection of letters, words, and sentences →

H&sc essay

The Activity Theory of Ageing On the other hand, The Activity Theory of Ageing is the total opposite of the idea of the Disengagement Theory. As elderly people come towards the end of their life span, if they take on the activity theory of ageing, they will likely want to produce a ' life review.

Methods of prioritizing projects

The increased demand of IT man-hours has called for prioritizing of projects in order to organize the work of the IT department. The cost of the project in reference to resources and work hours The complexity of the project processes.

How knowledge is generated

Obliquely, the statement defines knowledge as of an Idea which may be achieved from the mind, but something of pre-existing idea it's not." Knowledge can be generated through the interaction of critical and creative thinking".would be a statement of which knowledge is defined as of something that may be discovered through the interaction of both →

Information processing theory essay sample

Even the smallest, easiest event is not recorded completely and the brain needs to take some time to strip down the information to the portions necessary for the task at hand. The prioritization of information is performed by the central executive, the process of the mind that regulates the flow of information.

Effect of mno2 on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide

Chemistry Catalyst Report Aim I am trying to investigate the effect of the mass of magnesium dioxide used on the speed of the reaction of 2H2O2? Independent Variable The mass of MnO2 used Dependent Variable The rate of decomposition through the amount of mass lost Controlled Variables Environment of the experimentStay in the same place →

Impact of the third way police on the uk economy

In my essay I want to refer to the question; how Tony Blair's Third Way Policy has had an impact on Britain's economy and why it can be seen as one of the major causes for the credit crunch in Great Britain. The liberalization of the financial market is also one reason for Britain's current →

Music theory assignment

There was no instrumental element in the piece but the mixture of upscale and downscale progressions of the different voices enhanced the fullness of the music compared to ones in the early medieval period. The purpose of this piece was to express the sorrow of love instead of the evenly praise of Christianity in the →

The navodaya vidyalaya system essay

Its significance lies in the selection of talented rural children as the target group and the attempt to provide them with equality education comparable to the best in a residential school system. To ensure that all students of Navodaya Vidyalayas attain a reasonable level of competence in three languages as envisaged in the Three Language →

My view on evolution

As a result, Americans have spent a great deal of time in debate about the origins of the Earth, humanity, life, and the universe. The first piece of evidence that supports the idea of evolution is genetics.

The government of trinidad and tobago education essay

To meet this goal and, as a part of Trinidad and Tobago's response to rapid changes in both the global and local economic environment, there is need for significant changes in the landscape of tertiary education, technical and vocational education and training, and lifelong learning. The programme is accessible to citizens of Trinidad and Tobago →

Imagination in a portrait of the artist as a young man

As the story progresses, the role of imagination is evident in Stephen's four distinct transformations." I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race". After shrinking from his cause, Stephen is emboldened: " He though of the →

Sources of finance

Internal sources of finance Retained profit Profits generated by a company that are not distributed to shareholders as dividends but are either reinvested in the business or kept as a reserve for specific objectives such as to pay off a debt or purchase a capital asset. Mortgage: A mortgage is a long term loan specifically →

Ralph waldo emerson

I am glad to the brink of fear." The strong imagery that he portrays with the puddles and clouded sky brings the reader closer to the image of nature that Emerson saw. I started thinking these things and came to the conclusion that it was something I had to keep in mind.

Software engineering

The functionality of a collaborative application is subdivided into the following functions: Session Management allows programmers to start, end, connect to, and leave sessions with collaborative applications. Therefore, better computer support for cooperative software can help programmers to save time, money, and effort in the course of prototyping useful applications.

People nowadays

Before the revolution the world was ran according to class; the people of the higher class tended to rule and " dictate" the poor. The base of this is the described as the economic system and the superstructure of it shows religion, language, and the ideas that props society.

Hinduism practices and beliefs

Hinduism is considered to be one of the oldest religions in the world, as it has no known founder or creator, such as that of Christianity, Buddhism and many other religions. Hindu worship services seem to explode with numerous, overt elements of religious expression starting with the landscaping of the temple grounds, to the astounding →

Patterns of intestinal parasitic infections in hiv/aids

The objective of the study was to determine the patterns of intestinal parasitic infections in people living with HIV/AIDS and its association to diarrhea at different CD4T- cell levels. The Study area Nyinahin is a district capital of the Atwima Mponua District located in the Western part of Ashanti Region.

A look at personal beliefs of teaching

I believe that all students have strengths, and that is the goal of education to assist students in identifying and building upon these. I also have responsibilities to give my students a good quality of education.

Silver sword essay

Ruth then told her sister that they had to go to Switzerland to find their parents, but first they had to go to Posen to find Edek. The water was dangerous at times and in the moonlight, they were visible to people in the villages.

Code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials

RA 3019 " Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act" Enacted in 1861 Graft is defined as " the acquisition of gain or advantage by dishonest, unfair or sordid means, especially through the use of one's position or influence in politics, business, etc." Graft and corruption is an act or omission involving breach of the rules of →

Protection against elderly mistreatment

Title II of the OAA states that the ACL must select someone to be in charge of the research, planning, and developing of elder abuse programs. Hopefully this act will lead to bigger and better things in terms of justice for elder abuse in the United States.

Business ethics assignment

One of the hikers, Bowen McCoy, whose a managing director of Morgan Stanley Co.Inc.decides that this journey is an experience to achieve personal satisfaction and was more important that the well-being of the stranger. In this situation, all these hikers are actually more anxious to achieve their personal satisfaction and interest and was more important →

Un and iraq: the weakest coalition essay

As the United Nations plans to reintroduce itself into the political landscape of Iraq, many realists argue that the United Nation's intervention, much like the intervention of the United States, will fail. The submission reveals the most important flaw in the United Nations' plan: Iraq has become overridden with violence ever since both the United →

British airways – a pr case study

Everybody should be assigned particular tasks and all the queries of the staff should be cleared. Also all necessary information should be conveyed to its customers and the media at the right point of time.

Poisonwood bible symbolism example #2

From the beginning, the attitudes of the five women cover a wide spectrum of events and happening of their time in the Congo. Using the name Methuselah to this image, Kingslover is stating that the African culture is far more ancient than the arriving colonizers, and inferring they should respect the culture of the Congo, →

Norms assignment

There is a debate between sociologists on whose values are the mainstream ones in society; it can be the dominant ethnic group, or even the values of the rich, but some consider It's the politician as they propose the laws of society. You can have a low and a high status In society at the →

Sustainable architecture and passive housing construction essay

The first feature that should be considered before building a passive house is the orientation of the house that is because it is the key of the utmost energy production. Because of the house is insulated, Mechanical Ventilation is used in the house to proved fresh air and heat.

Informative essay on primo levi

Levi's quest back home to Italy was a grueling mission, from ruthless acts of the Nazi regime, the traumatic effects of imprisonment in Auschwitz and the near death experience of hunger and illness. The Reawakening, by Primo Levi, is a remarkable account of the brutal hardships and hope that the survivors of the Holocaust had →

Editorial: encoding visual features by parallel ganglion cell initiated pathways in the healthy, diseased and artificial retina

The injection induced a progressive degradation in RGC optic fibers that was followed by RGC degeneration and, finally, destruction of other retinal neurons. These results proved that S100B intraocular injection provides a potent model to examine the onset and progression of vision loss in glaucoma studies.

Flow through a venturi meter

0; this relatively high correlation between the experimental and ideal flows for the given Venturi meter however when compared to the ideal flow, the actual flow for this Venturi is not steady nor one dimensional. Sub into where A2 is the cross sectional area Qactual = A2 Flow Analysis With values for Qactual and Qideal, →

Introduction to criminal justice essay sample

All of which that leads up to the trail part of the criminal trial. On February 28, 1931, Capone was found guilty in federal court on the contempt of court charge and was sentenced to six months in Cook County Jail.

Business insight_lgt

LEG Telecoms was founded In 1996 and is headquartered in Seoul The smallest of Koreans three mobile carriers is the beneficiary of a government policy to support smaller operators. Sales Proposal: The IBM solutions To secure competitive service price through cost reduction and better service quality through NW infra improvement will be the most important →

African americans and the cold war. assignment

The Cold War and the intense ideological disputes between the United States and the Soviet Union aided in the strengthened awareness towards his inequality and led to a slight advancement of the societal position for African Americans. With the numbers supporting the American government declining and the " difficulty sustaining the smooth image of racial →

How is technology changing the way organisations conduct business nowadays

Although there are the initial and maintenance costs to consider, the advantages of having one are increasing drastically mainly not only to improve the business but also to enlarge it and compete with the rivals. This hence varies from introducing new equipment in the office to the use of emails, internet/websites, and evolved telephone systems.

Reflective article review – sexual harassment

According to a survey by Crocker and Kalemba in " The Incidence and Impact Of Women's Experiences of Sexual Harassment in Canadian Workplaces", sexually harassed women in the workplace has been considered a contentious social dilemma as half women in the workforce went through incidence of varioustypes of sexual harassmentat work which made sexual harassment →

Chapters 13-14 apush

Robert E Lee Lincoln was hesitant to support abolition early in the war because he: Feared losing the support of the slaveholding border states within the union The last nation in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery was: Brazil The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863: Did not apply to the border slave states that →

The confucian struggles of three brothers

As the " first son of the first son" he is the head of his household and as a result is forced to take on responsibilities he does not want and which his two younger brothers, Cheuh-min and Cheuh-hui, ridicule him for. Chueh-min is perhaps the wisest and most coolheaded of the three brothers, yet →

The competitive environment of british petroleum management essay

The analysis covers the competitive environment of the company in terms of its stance in the midst of its various competitors and also how attractive is the industry in which the British Petroleum company belongs to. POWER OF THE SUPPLIER: The bargaining power of suppliers is relatively high and this is driven by the presence →


Introduction to Psychology Written Assignment 03/31 Introduction to Psychology Written Assignment Like most behaviors in the study of developmental psychology, a child's ability to perform in the classroom is a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors. The health of aging lesbian, gay and bisexual adults in California.

Easter: then and now

I have become aware of many similarities and differences regarding Easter, as a youth, and as an adult, including the Easter outfit, the Easter egg hunt, and the arrival of the Easter bunny. Actually, the rush to get out of the Easter outfit is one of the traditions that have probably stayed the same on →

P emergency bail out

The sub prime mortgage crisis and the ensuing credit crunch is by all means a haunting reminder of Black Tuesday, when on October 29, 1929, the NYSE crashed as a result of panic selling and led to theGreat Depression. The original idea was that the purpose of the plan would be to purchase bad mortgage →

Why did the suez canal crisis of 1956 take place

One of the foremost reasons for the war the nationalization of the Suez Canal this canal represented a main source for oil for the Britain and France. A reason outside the Middle East for the war was the constant annoyance that Nasser posed to the British and the French.

Theoretical reflections of the virtual child essay

Students are expected to know the contents of the course outline and to discuss with the professor any areas where clarification is required. Course DescriptionThe final field placement experience will provide an opportunity for students to consolidate their learning from the previous three semesters of study and support their acquisition of the knowledge, skills and →

Creative writing-belonging essay

I remember how I came in here a lot in the middle of a thunderstorm at night to wake my mother up, as I was too scared to sleep by myself. I was in such a shock when Josh said that to my face, the next thing I know, I was in an empty room →

Human resource case studies

Both the Act and the recent movement for comparable worth focus on reducing the wage gap between women and men in the job market. The individual performance modifier ensures that the individual is awarded the overall company and team incentives in a ratio comparable with his or her own achievement of individual goals.

Who is to blame for the death of eva smith

Other reason for why it was set in 1945 is that 1912 was the period of the Russian revolution, the holocaust and the atom bomb. Eva worked at the shop and Sheila got Eva fired from her job when she lost her temper at her for looking better than her for looking better in a →

Globalization and modernization assignment

Identification: Description of effects on Qatar and Alaskan Native cultures An excellent example of the effects of globalization and modernization of a western culture on a more traditional culture is the effect of the western oil trade on a specific Arab culture. The building of the Alaskan Highway caused a great influx of western influence →

Human traffcking and greed essay

Despite the fact sex trafficking makes up less than half of the human trafficking business based on victims, it is again the only form of trafficking heard about in our media. The evidence examined thus far has examined the variety of industries that human trafficking is in, Just how large of a business this actually →

Pepsico evaluation paper

The Accounts Receivable Turnover ratio for Pepsi Company for both 2008 and 2007 was 11.0. 0 ProfitabilityThe return on assets for Pepsi in the year of 2008 was 14% and in 2007 it was 16%.

Slave ship creole

The wreckers took the slaves on board this ship to Nassau where they were set free. As a result of this knowledge the slaves on the Creole made plans to fight for their freedom.

Iq tests do they measure intelligence psychology essay

It is proposed that IQ tests, which largely measure the functioning of the postrolandic cerebrum, are not a good measure of intelligence, which reflects the functioning of the prerolandic cerebrum, especially the prefrontal cortex. Now a days IQ tests are considered to be the means to measure intelligence, at the same time a different school →

Poverty, inflation and unemployment

In Malaysia, the unemployment rate is measured by the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. The second role of policy maker in order to eradicate unemployment is provide more job opportunity such as recruit more people into the public sector.


He does not give himself a chance to amount to anything and he never stands up to defend himself. Much like Stanley's curse, his curse is unconventional; all he has to do is stand up for himself and believe in his own abilities.

R.c air plane

Page IITable of Contents: Chapter 1: IntroductionPage No.02 1. 1 Modeling of DC Servo Motors Page No.09 3.

How fair british education for all

The originator of the functionalist ideology, Emile Durkheim argued that education is an agent of secondary socialisation which transmits norms, values and roles and acts as a bridge betweenfamilyand the whole social system. The founder, Karl Marx, assumes that education is part of society that is vital for the ruling class to exploit the working →

Survey and question design

Keep your survey short and to the point - fewer questions will deliver a higher response rate. In addition, the analysis of open-ended questions can be difficult to automate, and may require espouse and ensure there is enough space for a complete response.

“the fall of the house of usher” by edgar allan poe literature analysis research paper

Although " The Fall of the House of Usher" is traditionally believed to be a timeless horror story and a representation of the deepest human fears, it can also be viewed both as a product of its time, i.e, the " gruesome engine" of the then jurisdiction, and an observation of a gradual descent into →

Analyse how meaning is presented in carol ann duffy’s ‘bees’

Carol Ann Duffy's ' Bees'- through the extended metaphor of a swarm of bees used to represent the process of writing a poem- focuses on the capacity of words to excite and invigorate the reader and author alike. Such is demonstrated by the extended metaphor of a swarm of bees which continues throughout the poem- →

The stupendous thought switcher

The tricky thing about thoughts is that one you recover from the previous one the next one has already found a way in." What if I do not get into ANY of the colleges I apply to, another chimes in. Let me tell you that the idea of the thought switch is a sure shot →

What is the effective assignment writing

Your student is, however, see it as a puzzle all right, but it's just a jumble of pieces and colors and no context, no sense of what it's going to be in the end. The audience is also important to remember it's kind of a given that you the professor are the audience but your →

What i tell you three times is true by lewis carroll essay sample

The repetition-validity effect is defined as an increase in the belief of truth due to repeated exposure. The frequency-validity effect is the idea that the rated truth of a stimulus is determined by how often that stimulus is repeated.

Mosuo culture essay

The Mosuo are considered the only matriarchal society in the world, and are also known as the " kingdom of women". The matriarch or the Dabu is the head of the family and the position is held by one of the female elders in the house.

A greater understanding of norman rockwell

He was born in the year 1894 on 3rd February to Waring and Nancy Hill and they lived in New York though during most of the summers he would spend on the countryside. The first freedom as stated in the speech was the freedom of speech.

Octavius ceasar and mark antony – character sketches essay sample

While Octavius's character often seems pale in comparison with Shakespeare's portraits of Antony and Cleopatra, he is vital to the play, for he functions both as Antony's antagonist and as his foil. Antony seems to have acquired a new interest in the pleasures of living because of his residing in Egypt and because of his →