5 Pages Essay Samples

1491: new revelations of the americas before columbus

Mann then attempts to put together exactly how the famous Incan empire fell, even if the number of Incans exceeded the armies of the conquistadors. As smallpox and other epidemics had done there damage to the population also a civil war had run a muck to the population density of the Incas.

The scarlet letterquestions

The rest of her punishment is that she has towear the scarlet " A" for the rest of her life. Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold and tellsHester to release the name of her husband, but she will not.

Sense perception

For example, if we are in the middle of a forest and scared, we probably start to see and hear things that are not there. So can we really rely on our senses and trust our memory to remember each detail of the event perfectly?

Pine imagery: a constant in a world of change

Within the work, pine serves as a constant shelter, base of relationship, and stimulant of Jordan becoming one with nature in a perpetual environment that is brought by discontinuity throughout the text. The consistency of pine throughout the text serves as a counterweight and reference point to Jordan's unity with nature.

Bias: stereotype and people

As the name indicates, the topic of the book goes around stereotype, and it provides the readers a better understanding of stereotypes: what the stereotypes are; how stereotypes impact people and business; and what to do when stereotypes happen. In business, the main inefficiency of stereotype is in management, which is always considered to be →

17 words that changed my life forever

I? taking the time to tell you all of this preliminary information because when I tell you the 17 words, I really want you to get it and get it NOW! It will enable you to go through the trials and tribulations that may be necessary so you can arrive at your destination.

Guitar final assignment

To help keep track of your process and to share with your colleagues, you will be maintaining Billfolds online, which you will present at the end of the semester. 3) We will also be posting a selection of your responses and completed writings online to a Billfold that you will create to present at the →

Martin luther king jr.,malcolm x, and the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s

The ideologies of King and Malcolm X though similar in fighting for the right of African Americans, were different in a number of ways both socially and culturally as a result of different avenues of development they experienced 1. King's stable background and formal education gave him a clear view of the state of things →

Truman proclamation concerning us legal rights in the adjacent continental shelf

Policy of the United States with Respect to the Natural Resources of the Subsoil and Sea Bed of the Continental Shelf" is the other name for President Harry S. More specifically, the jurisdiction over the natural resources is determined by the government of the United States of America if the shores of the continental shelves →

Permanent sovereignty over natural resources

That resolution declares that ' the right of peoples and nation to permanent over their natural wealth and resources must be exercised in the interest of their national development and of the well-being of the people of the state concerned' Permanent sovereignty reflects the inherent and superseding right of a state to control exploitation and →

Tort assignment narrative essay

The act of unlawful photographing would not constitute an assault itself, however, blocking someone with a " display of force" would carry means of threat into effect, which was reasonable for Rosins to apprehended that the threat would be carried out without her consent. Therefore, Fred would be liable for the tort of assault and →

Corrosive effects of social media to real communities

In the constructivism of internet and technology we forget the meaning of real community and wrap ourselves in materialistic culture. It is very easy to be vulnerable irrespective of the age and the situation one is in.

Stanley black and decker ma analysis merger finance essay

The paper concludes that the shareholders of Black and Decker Corporations got a good deal from the acquisition of the company while also the shareholders of Stanley Works experienced increased market capitalization and has had increased share value and dividend earnings. In order to fully understand the impact of this merger to the shareholders of →

Cafe claudeen case study

For Cafe Claude, Ryan Wilson is the business owner that takes charge of the accounting for the business. He admits that the accounting that is done for the business is lacking completeness, but he hopes to be able to spend more time on it and rectify this situation in the winter months.

School as a socialization agent essay sample

If I did not learn that this was an unacceptable behavior then people would view me as though I was strange and would not fit in to the norm of society. Without the norms that I was taught mostly as a child people would not accept me, and I would have been an outcast in →

Shakespeare’s hamlet: transformation by tom stoppard

Shakespeare's Hamlet reveals ideologies about a structured universe in which language is the fount of meaning and logic is applicable to life. Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead reveals the shift in ideology through its subversion of language within a world-view in which the universe is inexplicable.

Why i chose to be an accountant: a reflection

I decided to make a career into the field of accounting in the corporate market, working for a firm and then a private company. I believe in this era that we are in today, the work of an auditor is extremely important to ensure that the numbers reported by an entity are accurate and as →

Federal reserve system assignment

As an academic specialist of the Great Depression, Brenan is aware that the US economy is still vulnerable to a significant policy tightening, even though the run of news on housing, sentiment and Jobs has been particularly positive. In the lesser depression that the US economy is emerging from now, thanks to the radical and →

Using the 4 ps to market violence

Through the course of the paper, I will discuss all the aspects of the marketing mix, and how they are utilized by the mixed martial arts promotion The Ultimate Fighting Championship. The marketing mix is normally described as the strategic positioning of a product or service in the marketplace, using the specification of the four →

Smoking: epidemiology and immediate outright ban essay

The results also indicate that the majority of people do not like smoking; I consider this to be a good thing for society. Finally I also believe that such a ban would not work as too many people do it and thus it would have to be a series of bans and the like.

Mbti reflection paper

After going through the AMBIT this last time and taking the time to dive deeper into my type I have men equally encouraged and enlightened as to who I am and how I approach life situations. I was very encouraged to know I am not weird Just because I like to " make the rounds" →

Driving and instruction permit

The intermediate license is step two of the three-step process in TADRA, the intermediate license is Class D. A driving test is also a requirement in the process of obtaining an intermediate license.

Compare and contrast: cataract operation, about his person, & poem

The subject matter in Cataract Operation is about the poet looking out of his window and seeing things in a way he has never seen them before, like pigeons in the yard, washing on a line, and hens pecking forfood. This cannot be compared to About His person as in this poem a man is →

The meaning of wine in egyptian tombs: article analysis

As a result, Guach-Jane identifies the purpose of this article as being " to use the residue to identify the nature of the wine that had been in the amphorae and investigate their symbolism in the context of what is known[1]" in Egyptian mythology. Reference Guasch Jane, Maria Rosa." The meaning of wine in Egyptian →

Jarassic park: the dinosaurs were not to blame for the destruction of jurassic park

Near the end of the book, while the humans are fighting off the velociraptors, Malcolm delivers a long and didactic speech about how science is to blame for messing up the world because it has no morality; science tells us how to do things, not what things are worth doing and why. With the resources →

The retail inventory-level planning

The difference between the book inventory and the physical inventory can be attributed to shrinkage. The final step in the process is determining the ending book inventory at cost and retail.

The old man and the sea essay (book review)

" The Old Man and the Sea" is a story of a modest old man and his struggle for the greatness. This essay seeks to make a detailed review of the story, " The Old Man and the Sea", its themes and relations to the real world.

Science fiction can be an influence to the evolution assignment

There has been a majority of technological advancements by Star Trek, as the tablets, communicators, Bluetooth devices, and even technology in the process of development such as the transporter technology created in the minds of the writers of science fiction." Fiction" could change an individual's comprehension with the " relationships within developments. What are the →

The use of codis in sexual assault investigations essay sample

NDIS is the uppermost level in the CODIS hierarchy, and facilitates the laboratories participating in the CODIS Program to exchange and match up to DNA profiles on a national level. The analysis or testing of DNA obtained from a crime scene or a convicted offender's DNA sample will create a DNA profile a series of →

Developments in america: equal rights

According to Howard Zinn's book " A people's history of the United States," the country was previously ridden with slavery, inequality, and oppression. It does so, by highlighting previous inequalities that taint the nation's heritage such as women rights violation, cruel land eviction of Native Americans, forceful grabbing of Mexican land, slavery of black Americans, →

Research design db

Limitations and Significance of the Data The misuse of the data by Enron can be considered to benefit the reputation and the price of the stocks during the particular time. Conclusion The fact that the company lacks the real assets that amounts to the values represented in the records can be considered as the main →

Stakeholder management analysis

Individuals are considered to be the stakeholders of any organization if they have a stake in the policies and decisions of the organization. Stakeholder Managers are the employees who coordinate organizational resources to create value and ensure the goals of organization are successfully met.

Markething research of coca cola

Table of contents INTRODUCTION3 MARKETING RESEARCH4 MARKETING RESEARCH METHODS5 PRIMARY RESEARCH5 SECONDARY RESEARCH6 THE LINK BETWEEN PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING AND MARKETING RESEARCH7 CONCLUSION7 SOURCES7 Introduction In this assignment I am going to describe how the marketing research information is used in order to understand customers, competitors and the market environment in a company like Coca →

A postcolonial psychoanalysis of determinism in native son

Wright's narrative depicts the psychological and existential struggle of adolescent, black youth to feel any sense of agency in life because the institution of racial oppression impinges upon their psychological development; consequently, a strong-willed, black man may prove incapable of accepting a reality devoid of agency and dangerously struggle to create agency where there is →

What is the bystander effect

Their award-winning research was gathered to complete their essay " Why Do not People Help in a Crisis," they suggest the probability of a bystander helping is correlated to the number of bystanders present. First the bystander must be aware of the situation, second the bystander has to establish if the situation is an emergency, →

The two forms of social order

The authors warn that the transition from a limited-access order to an open-access order requires many changes. My guess is that libertarians will object to this relatively optimistic view of the powerful state in an open-access order.

Mastery exercises essay

Which of the following is NOT a common method of TAR? A. Is the written form of defamation.A.

Combination therapy in heart failure

The ability of the heart to pump blood Is impaired and It can no longer meet the bodys metabolic requirements Table 1. The antioxidant effects carvedilol and some of its metabolites are due to the presence of carbazole moiety.

What dorgan amendment no. 990?

990 because of the following reasons: Americans unjustly pay up to 5 times more to fill their prescriptions than consumers in other countries; The United States is the largest market for pharmaceuticals in the world, yet American consumers pay the highest prices for brand pharmaceuticals in the world; A prescription drug is neither safe nor →

The ethical issues behind cosmetic surgery

The third is the belief that American popcultureand media have a role in affecting people's personal awareness and ideals of beauty, and this is making them much more willing to have unnecessary cosmetic plastic surgery performed. To thisI believeMill would still say that it is the patients responses that matter, for they are the ones →

Different types of formal assessments and how they are used

One advantage of the criteria referenced is the fact that students are better prepared for the exam as they have been thoroughly taught all the materials that will be covered on this test. Another disadvantage of this type of assessment would be that since this is done at home, teachers can not know if this →

History of the uninhabited aerial vehicles

If there is an invention or discovery that startles the world today, then it should be the discovery of heavy than air crafts and yet if an object is tossed unto the air it will not stay afloat for a second as the pull of gravity is forcibly pulling it down to the ground or →

American realism and naturalism in the country doctor  

Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country Doctor is classified as a local color fiction because of the encapsulated elements of time, space, memory, romanticism, stock characters, language, and the predominant city versus country theme. The locus in time is the Reconstruction Era of the United States which spanned the 1860s to the 1880s where there was →

Media article analysis: effects of high protein diet

Introduction Media claim from ' The Telegraph' that high ingestion of protein would be ' as bad as smoking 20 cigarettes a day' and ' have as higher risk of developing cancer as smoking 20 cigarettes a day' is misleading and misinterpreting to the readers of general public. Although the alternative claims are found further →

Psychoanalytic and adlerian therapy

The psychoanalytic approach include the structure of a mental ramekin of personality that being the would, ego, superego, three connecting systems that constantly interact with one another in order to regulate the behavior of the individual. The old is the primary source of psychic energy and the seat of the instincts.

Equiano’s travels

Although he left his home at a tender age, he still identifies himself as an African and he emphasizes his originality by writing his bibliography titled: The Life of Olaudah Equiano the African. In the other hand it shows that his originality was not in England as he had to learn the English language.

Nothing gold can stay

This can also be related to the sun rising and setting, and how this appears to be golden as well." Green is the first mark of spring, the assurance of life; yet in fact the first flush of vegetation for the New England birch and the willow is not green but the haze of delicate →

The relationship between data information knowledge philosophy essay

In Information Management, we been thought about the relation between data, information, knowledge and wisdom, most of us, maybe who does not familiar with the information management courses or principle, they cannot differentiate between data, information, knowledge and wisdom. This is information that we get, one plus one is the information that we know now, →

The tea party movement

The Tea Party Movement is one of these parties and it is currently gaining much prominence across the USA." The Tea Party Movement is regarded as a populist political association, which is conventional and libertarian". It has also revealed that the Tea Party participates in various socioeconomic issues of America.

Analysis of the tempest

It is thought that the first known performances of the play were at the Court of James in 1611-13, and the presence of the Jacobean-era Masque further cements the play into this time frame. The betrothal Masque in Act might have been added for the 1613 performance, since the play was staged as part of →

The challenges of public relations in china assignment

In recent years the Chinese media has had more flexibility and editorial control, but the regulation Of media outlets by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist party of China can still be a challenge. But there is increasing competition in the Chinese media, and journalists are now becoming more Western in →

Personal ethnography

China is the oldest civilization in the world and Chinese civilization was built on agriculture. The collective nature of Chinese values is largely the product of thousands of years of living and working together on the land Today, China is a communist government with a socialist ideology and a capitalist economy.

North and south states in the us during the civil war

Throughout the underlying tension of the sectional divide between the country, it helped further the strife between the North and the South yet carrying on one fundamental theme of the concept of slavery which can be seen in primary documents. In 1820, Congress passed the Missouri Compromise, which created Missouri as a slave state and →

How effective is the opening of ‘minority report’?

It is in the future because it says the date at the start of the film. The film deals with the issue of free will and fate because the police have a department of ' pre crime' and they can see into the future with there new machine.

Communist manifesto essay

What is very interesting about the Communist Manifesto is that it is actually not criticizing the Bourgeois to persuade the Bourgeois to be part of their radically movement of Communism, but, his purpose was to win over the potential members of the Communists. For the Bourgeois society, " the right of personally acquiring property as →


The species of the Brucella, Brucella abortus, is the main cause of brucellosis in cattle and bison. One is due to the build up of erythritol which promotes infections in the fetus and the placenta.

Miss jane marple and miss cordelia grey

At first blush it is difficult to imagine two women who are more different that Miss Jane Marple, the cozy amateur detective featured in Agatha Christie's At Bertram's Hotel and Miss Cordelia Grey the protagonist in P.D. Mary Mead who she has observed for a lifetime and has learned to recognize anomalies in the actions →

Barbie doll: the title itself advocates a perfect physique

A doll is thought of as a young girl's sweet and innocent toy that portrays a positive image, but a Barbie is a plastic doll made in the image of a conventionally attractive, slim, and shapely young woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair even skin. The Barbie doll is a fitting toy because →

Performance measure critique

Marketing Measures An important responsibility for stakeholders and managers is to assess the market performance of a firm. The performance measures help to identify overall progress of a firm.

Mat rempit

Although this approach is too drastic and cruel, we should consider that the youth is tending to be influenced by their friends. They should be exposed to the danger of illegal race, the punishment that will wait them if involved and how to enjoy their life in the best ways.

Editorial: double-edged swords: genetic factors that influence the pathogenesis of both metabolic disease and cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Double-Edged Swords: Genetic Factors That Influence the Pathogenesis of Both Metabolic Disease and Cancer Our understanding of cancer development has been marked by milestone discoveries in genetics, including the identification and cloning of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. In the review article, Kung et al.conduct a comprehensive review of the →

Middle ages

Krishna of the Valhalla family brought out Unvaried on the Vigilant of Babushka-al and elaboration of the rules of indeterminate equations of he first and second orders. The Mussels knew the technique of production of gunpowder and its use in gunnery, another application of Chemistry.

Johannes itten and josef albers

He also adopted various basic shapes like the line, the plane, the spiral, and the circle as a way to which he could start creation and the use of gymnastic exercises as an approach to make his learners relax and prepare for the experience that they were to face during class time. To add on →

Impact of globalization on non western culture assignment

Circumstances Before and After Event The Chinese culture before the transformation of globalization was one of the world's most significant opponent of globalization. Therefore, the women need to work and contribute to the household income to afford a certain lifestyle Cause of Influence The cause of influence is the very definition of globalization; it is →

Ethical hacking

The crackers changed the prices of all products on the catalogue to one-tenth of the original price. The choice to choose a path is in the individual's hand.

Chemical kinetics lab raport paper

The rate law indicates the affect that the concentration of the reactants has on the reaction rate. The differential rate law relates the rate of the reaction to the concentrations of the various species in the system.

Rhetorical analysis: “the raven” by edgar allen poe

Edgar Allen Poe wrote the poem, " The Raven" in January of 1845 and upon the publication of his piece, he was met with great praise and critical success, despite having been a published author and journalist for many years." The Raven" is deemed as one of Poe's greatest poems for its structure, language, rhyme →

A courageous leader rosa parks

Raymond and Rosa collaborated in a collection of programs under the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Before her arrest in 1955, Parks worked vigorously as the secretary and youth leader of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Is the military draft ethical politics essay

For years, nations around the world have chosen to turn to drafting citizens for the military against their will in order to have an adequate number of soldiers for wars occurring at the time. According to Utilitarianistic ideals, if the drafting of civilians for the military will promote the common good, it is the right →

Notes be a confession. he protagonist stars

Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky is a book which tells the reader about the life and the actions done by the protagonist. The main idea which should be considered in the essay is the understanding of the reasons why the author uses the protagonist without a name.

Blinking hell essay

The title of the appeal ' Blinking Hell' is printed in a large font compared with the rest of the appeal mainly to highlight the importance of this fact and to catch the attention of the target audience. This is a rhetorical question and the use of the word ' you' in the sentence addresses →

Oedipus rex chorus

Through the use of the chorus he gives the audience a view of the horendous masacre that has happened to Oedipus in which as a result led him to destroy his own family. Although he had moment of goodness light, he was given the hand of his own mother which has a double meaning, to →

20th century philosophy paper essay sample

Sigmund Freud and the Psyche The philosophy of the psyche was first developed by Sigmund Freud. The third component of the psyche is the unconscious.

Harvard style references

NFPA 14: Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 2010 Edition National Fire Protection Association. NFPA 20: Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, 2009 edition, Quincy, MA.

Historical investigation:

His works, are one of the most respected and accurate understandings of the process of life and is the basis of modern evolution. Throughout this historical investigation, the main intentions presented are the environment in which Darwin produced the theory of evolution in and the production of this theory itself.

Anorexia nervosa: symptoms and interventions

As it progressed into the Renaissance period, the disorder slowly evolved less of religious fasting but more of a spiritual and material belief fasting, however, the medical reasons increased especially in the 18 th century. As psychologists try to diagnose this disorder, many find that the disorder is really the tip of the iceberg.

Help me and best friend essay sample

I can live without computer and TV but I cannot live without " friend" the person who is sharing my mood with me whenever I am happy or sad and I found " her" my really best friend who has nice appearance, good personality and I am very happy that I can be friend with →

18th century and romantic test

Plea for doing away with superficial trappings and the unity of all believers- clean up the religions Gullivers Travels " A Modest Proposal for Presents the Childern of Poor People in Ireland for Being a Burhen to Their Parents or the Country and for Making the Beneficial to the Publick" Alexander Pope* very short b/c →

King lear analysis essay

How far is King Lear a tragedy without any redeeming features? ' King Lear' is a well known tragic play due to the flaws present in the King, the two evil daughters whom crave power, the torturous acts and number of deaths provided at the end of the play. Goneril and Regan play a massive →

Structure and rhetorical strategy in “the new jim crow”

In The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, author Michelle Alexander delves into the troublesome topic of social control mechanisms through the lens of race. In the first chapter, " The Rebirth of Caste," Alexander traces the path of social mechanisms back to the very beginning: slavery.

Analysing the reggae music genre music essay

Although reggae is possibly the most popular genre in Jamaican music it was certainly not the first of its kind in Jamaica, with reggae having a few predecessors and a vast history that made reggae what it was today. It was this freedom that boosted the popularity of Ska and made it a huge success →

Introduction to the pc house plc commerce essay

A With to the full fledged gross revenues mercantile establishments throughout the island, an extended merchandise portfolio & A; a strong presence in the local market, the Company is the preferable Information and communications engineering merchandise and service supplier for the bulk of the Corporate and Retail consumers across Sri Lanka. The Personal computer House →

Lord of the flies analysis of chapter 1

We can predict that he will become important in the rest of the book because he is the first on the island, and he removes his clothes, which is the first symbol of rebellion. Ralph is overjoyed that there are no grownups on the island, but Piggy can envision the consequences of the pilots death, →

“ode on melancholy”: sorrow dwells in the temple of delight

Keats makes this connection to humanity in comparing the emotional states of melancholy and joy to a mistress showing her anger. The " she" in the first line of the final stanza contains a double reference to both melancholy and the mistress.

Negotiations resolution & conflict

The major goal of the negotiators in the Northern Ireland peace process was ending the violence that had hit the region for 30 years. On the other extreme, the republicans led by the Provisional IRA wanted the formation of a united Ireland and the release of republican prisoners who were been held by the Irish →

Gattaca – college essay

In the film Gattaca directed by Andrew Niccol the power of the human spirit is exemplified as the prominent theme, presented through the characterisation of Vincent Freeman, the protagonist of the film. It is during the early flash back sequences of the film we learn of Vincent's dream of space travel, and the genetic inferiority →

Construct and support

While I do know it is not required to have this degree to succeed in today? s economy, it would help to make me more of an asset wherever I decide to go and help to ensure a more fulfilling future for me, and a more financially secure future for my family. I believe that →

Example of essay on explaining how you go about writing including details and when and where you

As a self-evaluation of the effectiveness of my composing process, it is effective for the simple reason that I can express myself the best that I could possibly would. On the other hand, some aspects of my composing process that I think are most likely not to change over the course of this semester are →

Film and indian movies assignment

In Pakistan the Bollywood movies are very much famous and the real reason of Indian movies popularity is the gradually downward of our Pakistani showbiz industry. But there is great number of Indian Movies that which are responsible for the promotion of crimes in the society.

Awareness of range of interpretations philosophy essay

After this I will provide an outline of Bernard Williams' criticisms of Kant's theory of freedom, then a discussion on Korasgaard's interpretation of both Kant's theory of freedom and his categorical imperative in light of the criticisms from Williams. Kant maintains that morality is something that stems from freedom and this freedom must be presupposed, →

A comparison of the plays macbeth and antigone

Although Creon and Macbeth both share common aspects in tragedy; ultimately, Macbeth is more of a tragic hero than Creon because Macbeth was portrayed as a more respectable person than Creon was, however, unlike Creon, Macbeth never learned from his mistakes. Ultimately, Macbeth is more of a tragic hero compared to Creon despite their shared →