5 Pages Essay Samples

Transformative business model for kenya airways

There was the implementation of the turnaround strategy and it was realized that the successful of the strategy could only be attained if the process was guide by the top management when utilizing the Mckinsey 7s model. Research shows that the success of the turnaround strategy a firm needs to analyze the seven elements in β†’

Jetblue case analysis

Additionally, they decided not to serve any meals on their planes as well as their pilots had to always be available, if needed, to help do the cleanup of the aircraft in order to minimize the time the aircraft was on the ground. One of the most notable weaknesses of JetBlue Airways is the fact β†’

Benefits of booking cheap flight tickets from travel agencies vs. booking directly with airlines

The best way to search of the flight tickets is to make the search on incognito mode while booking the flight tickets. It is always advisable to book the tickets in private mode so that the cookies do not increase the prices of the tickets every time you search for the same destination.

Banquet/catering research paper

Most of the equipment used in an A la Carte cooking are conventionally smaller in accordance with the universal measurement of A la Carte meals. Bigger versions of the equipment being used in an A la Carte would be needed to cater larger groups that are assumed to dine-in.

Sample research paper on sous vide

The Sous Vide cooking technique can also be done using a crock pot. One of the advantages Sous Vide technique is its requirement for longer cooking time.

Project management essay sample

Gain access to exceptional capabilities: by outsourcing to a firm that specializes in the areas the based on the project needs, instead of relying on only one company can benefit from the collective experience of a team of IT professionals. Resources are not available internally: On the flip side, maybe when companies do not have β†’

Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography

ERCP is a procedure that enablesdoctorto examine the pancreatic and bile ducts by insert lighted tube which called endoscope is placed through the mouth and into stomach and first part of the small intestine exactly in and passed of cannula through the endoscope and into this opening with injected contrast material and X-rays are taken β†’


The liver produces and secretes bile into the gallbladder from the right and left hepatic duct join together to become the common hepatic duct then into the gallbladder via the cystic duct. During the digestion of fattyfood, the gallbladder releases bile that passes through the common bile duct and into the duodenum through the Sphincter β†’

Standardization of labor, american as a single serving, deep fried, apple pie

A fifteen page pocket book cannot possibly train anyone on something as complex as customer service, but every Pizza Hut employee, from the delivery driver to the area district manager, is told, and is expected to believe that this book will make them an authority on the subject. How long before the Little Red Book β†’

Example of essay on individual project unit 3

A variety of factors has led to the increase in prevalence of obesity in America. The American fast food culture contributes to this level of obesity, as the combination of affordability, taste and convenience makes it easier for a family of any income level to feed themselves on fast food however, it then becomes the β†’

Comparing and contrasting wong’s “noodles vs. sesame seed buns”

Apparently, food is the main idea of both Wong's and Dash's passages, and therefore, they use food as a reason to develop their stories. Dash uses a narrative voice to tell her traditional way of cooking rice, while Wong quantifies the modern fast food trend in Hong Kong.

Origins of french fries

He describes the way to the plant and the population of the Aberdeen town, giving directions to the exact location of the plant. Schlosser also employs the use of dialog in his essay to a great effect.

Biotechnology and genetic modification of crop plants research paper

It is through the reduction of the use of pesticide or the increased safety of the food. It is a high time that farmers and consumers are educated on the importance of such crops at these times that are dynamic.

Caffeine term paper sample

Caffeine is the name that is used to commonly refer to the trimethylxanthine and has a molecular formula of C8H10N4O2. The metabolism process of caffeine is as shown in Figure 4 below.

Watts bar 2 description report examples

However, in the 1980s, at around the time that its predecessor was subject to mandatory modifications to rectify regulatory deficiencies, T.W.A.decided to suspend the construction of Watts Bar 2. This one at Watts Bar is the first in the US, at the first new US nuclear plant to be completed this century.

Good causes of environmental changes argumentative essay example

There is a need to ensure that there is better understanding of the predators and the causes of the changes and effects that can be seen in the environment. The human element comes as a result of changes in the supply of the nutrients that will affect the process of production.

Business track

Since the management of the company is the head of the business, they have the task of setting or acting as an example to their employees. The significance of this implication is to ensure that the employees and the management understand one another when they are communicating in the office.

Bus 421 final

BUS 421 Final: Case Scenario #1 Thomas Edison State College October 2012 Emily Schemelia Executive Summary Case Scenario # 1 Given the increasing regulations of the Internet and email by the Government of China, recommend to the CEO of Google whether the company should continue to operate in China, the world's fastest and among the β†’

Example of the souls of black folk report

The District of Columbia officially ended slavery in 1862 after the signing of the document " The District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act". William Du Bois " The Souls of Black Folk' is a chronicle of the black experience during the period of reconstruction and shows that contrary to the expectations expressed in Civil War β†’

America’s involvement in the syrian civil war and liberalismΒ 

Liberalism best explains America's involvement in the Syrian Civil War because of the emphasis on the individual's goodness, trusting institutions, and the support of allies. America's respect for the authority of an institution, the UN, reflected America's consistent commitment to liberalism with respect to the handling of the Assad government.

Slavery and the civil war in the united states

The main cause was the obdurate differences between the slave and the Free states over the power of the national government to prohibit the slavery in the territories which had not become states yet. Due to the fact that around 350000 out of 6 million southerners owned slaves, the North was not pleased with the β†’

Labor force (reconstruction and civil war)

The development of ocean-going steamships and the rise of a great trans-oceanic trade pning the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans made it possible for tens of thousands of men, women, and children to seek a new life in America and, despite the lure of the large eastern cities, to spread out across the continent to do β†’

Good article review on american civil war

Abraham Lincoln one of the senior personalities to have reflected on the causes of the Civil War took a very bold move by asserting that the cause of the Civil War could not have been anything other than the pertinent issue of slavery. The issue of the fanatical agitators and the economic disparities of the β†’

Investigation to find the water potential of potato and carrot tubers

C2 and C3 As the concentration of the sucrose solution increases, the average percentage change in mass decreases in the potato tubers and this is the same as in the carrot tubers. At low concentrations of sucrose solutions the mass of the carrot and potato tubers increases due to water moving into the protoplast of β†’

Essay on understanding world literature

Reading a piece of masterly literature is like traveling through time, traveling to a different place and time and the writer is the tour guide. An expose for the religious and political background and the culture, even when and where the writer was born will help to understand the writer's point of view and why β†’

Discuss ways in which edward thomas presents memory in β€˜aspens’.

As well as this, Thomas explicates the devastation of emptiness due to the consequence of war, which is portrayed through the use of soft consonantal sounds or the use of sibilance to carry the silence through the poem as it does in the places described in each poem. This is shown as the village is β†’

Free term paper on why do we forget our childhood

The paper discusses infantile amnesia the phenomenon of the inability of adults to recollect any memory before the rough age of three years. In particular, the structures in the anatomy of the brain and therefore the memory namely the prefrontal cortexes and the hippocampus have been found to not develop till the age of β†’

Example of false memories literature review

In a similar manner, the article named " The Role of Emotion Elaboration in the Creation of False Memories" examines the role played by emotions in creating the false memories. 7, pp.

Ozone layer

Ozone in the upper layer of the atmosphere protects the ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth surface on the other hand ozone in the lower layer of the earth surface causes respiratory problems in living organisms. Second, ozone warms the upper layer of the stratosphere, which is an important part of the mechanism of the β†’

Better wear sunscreen

The resulting high surface temperature due to the accumulation of the carbon dioxide is referred to as the greenhouse effect. The intents of this paper are to: understand what global warming really is; know about the historical warming of the earth; figure out the causes of the global warming and; find out the expected effects β†’

What we know about the black holes

Many scientists refer blackholes as a region in space where the force of gravity is maximum that even light which is the fastest travelling entity in universe cannot escape the blackholes but a theory tells that blackholes are not attractive to anything else except the gravity. Another misconception is that one day our Sun will β†’

Natural disaster risk assessment and risk management

In general the loses that causes natural disasters are largely a function of human factors which are human decisions, human actions and human choices or sometimes lack of these. They can be indirect damages that the damage to the flow of goods and services that can neither be produced nor distributed when a disaster occurs.

Credit risk management essay

The first type of credit Vary models is the default mode models In which the credit risk Is linked to the default risk. However, in the event that the loan defaults, If the loan defaults, then the size of the credit loss is measured as the present value of the difference between the loan's book β†’

Managing risk

To use the ERM Framework to address risk, I will follow the 5 steps that organization uses to develop and implementing the ERM programs. As stated in the course text: the strategy plan should be reviewed with the steering committee and the working task force to ensure that the goals and objective are clearly stated β†’

Risk management & health care regs

The health care worker breached the duty of care by failing to conform to the required standards of care. What are some of the high risk departments in a hospital?

Slaughterhouse five siftt sean lawson essay sample essay

A big part of the action of the narrative occurs in the little town of Ilium. Throughout the novel.in both war scenes and in Billy's travels back and frontward in clip.the many images produce a credible narrative of the unusual life of Billy Pilgrim.

Literary analysis of slaughterhouse-five by kurt vonnegut

Slaughterhouse-Five, is written mainly from the point of view of the protagonist Billy Pilgrim, and is introduced through the omniscient narration of the author. In the novel Slaughterhouse-Five the author, Kurt Vonnegut, touches on many themes, such as the destruction of war, the unhappiness of alienation, and the question of free will, within the novel's β†’

Lamb to the slaughter by roald dahl and the signalman by charles dickens essay

In " the signalman" we can tell that the story is pre-twentieth century by the way that the story portrays no women whatsoever and the signalman can stand on the railway lines. It is quite easy to tell that this story is based in the twentieth century, as the women is the main character, and β†’

New manufacturing process builds a nylon bike as strong as steel creative writing example

The famous scene of the movie Jurassic Park II portrays the design of one of the smartest things called the Velociraptor. This new technology is similar to the one illustrated in the Jurassic Park movie and is amazingly similar.

Performance of timbuk2

The products are sold on the basis of cost after considering the price of other similar commodity in the market. The customers are given the privilege to design their own bag in Timbuk2 so that the bag is tailored according to the customer's specifications.

Tougher punishment needed for steroids

In 2004, the players association and Major League Baseball agreed to a drug policy testing deal that would test for steroids and performance-enhancing drugs. With players admitting to steroids on a daily basis, more teenagers and youth athletes see the need to use performance-enhancing drugs.

Free argumentative essay on is baseball considered art

Such stories often tend to explain the origin and reasons for the work of art and the baseball game. The similarities should not be taken to deny baseball the essence of what it truly is: a game.

Good how conflict is good in a relationship essay example

Refusing to address the conflict is the same as choosing to avoid important issues in a relationship. Being calm and non-defensive in the face of a conflict provides an opportunity for a conversation where the concerned party can tell the other regarding the issues in the relationship that are bothering him/her.

Free the death penalty is not a cruel and unusual punishment that is forbidden by the essay example

To the mentally retarded criminals, death is not the suitable punishment and through construing and application of the Amendment in the light of evolving decency standards the punishment is excessive and a substantive restriction is placed on the power of the state in taking life of an offender that is mentally retarded. There is also β†’

Harper lee’s to kill a mockingbird – gun and light symbolism essay sample

Just as in the scene of Atticus with his gun standing against the rabid dog, Atticus's stance at the door of the jail is symbolic of his attitude towards discrimination and injustice. In the name of public safety, however, Atticus was willing to put this moral aside in the name of a higher goal the β†’

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder essay sample

There are many symptoms to watch for when trying to evaluate another person to see if they may have ADHD, the symptoms will present themselves in many noticeable ways if familiar with the symptoms accompanied with ADHD. In addition to the symptoms come the many effects and difficulties the subject will have to face if β†’

Models of abuse

The sociological and medical models are similar as the reason for abusing the children is that they do not know any other way; a parent with medical issues may not understand that it is wrong to abuse their children or that they may not be able to control their own problems and so lash out β†’

Social stratification

There are different forms of Social Stratification that exist in our societies namely; caste societies in this society person's status is attributed to them at birth and not by their accomplishments, class society - in this society person's status is attributed to them by the accomplishments they have achieved, classless society this is a society β†’

Sociological analysis of wall stree

The social-conflict approach is the best approach to take when analyzing the events and message of the film. In this case we are looking at a group of people, in the movie Gordon Gekko and eventually Bud Fox, which have wealth, power, and social prestige to use it to their advantage to gain more wealth β†’

1. sociology

Wright Mills 3.sociological imagination the ability to connect the most basic, intimate aspects of an individual's life to seemingly impersonal and remote historical forces 4.social institution a complex group of interdependent positions that perform a social role and reproduce themselves over time; also defined in a narrow sense as any institution in a society that β†’

Karl marx-theory of social change essay sample

As societies emerge from originally undifferentiated hordes, the division of labor leads to the emergence of stratification, of classes of men distinguished by their differential access to the means of production and their differential power. When they have been overthrown by a victorious proletariat, " the prehistory of human society will have come to an β†’

Social class

The relations between the classes are antagonistic because they are in conflict over the appropriation of what is produced, and in certain periods, when the mode of production itself is changing as a result of developments in technology and in the utilization of labour, such conflicts become extreme and a new class challenges the dominance β†’

Essay on american isolationism

The second type of scholars suggest that not all American foreign policy can be named " isolationist", and that it was so only in the beginning of the country's formation, during the time of the Monroe doctrine and the interwar period. In the times of Napoleon Wars, USA, just as European states, was surviving and β†’

Pip, magwitch, miss havisham and estella in great expectations

Compare and contrast the presentation of Pip, Magwitch, Miss Havisham and Estella in the opening chapter of Great Expectation Compare and contrast the presentation of Pip, Magwitch, Miss Havisham and Estella in the opening chapters of ' Great Expectations'. In ' Great Expectations' sympathy is a key emotion and theme felt by the reader and β†’

Sample research paper on theatre studies

These writing seek to establish the tension, the conflict, the mystery, and the murderer in the story. Knowing that Jasper is in love with Rosa the quick lime, he points to him being as a suspect to the death of his nephew.

How does the main protagonist in a chrismas carol change throughout the text

How does the main protagonist in A Chrismas Carol change throughout the text In this essay, I will analyze how the main protagonist in A Christmas Carol transforms from being a mean and spiteful character, to the generous man at the end. Then I will also be evaluating the style and form of the story, β†’

Canadian pyramid essay

Though constructed differently from the conventional male-on-the-left female-on-the-right orientation, this pyramid illustrates the following: the number of male and female in Canada for the Year 2001 is nearly equal with female at 50. This bulge is the effect of baby booms in the 1960's, or a phenomenon of " uncharacteristically large age cohorts within a β†’

Muscular dystrophy

Otherwise known as " inherited myopathy", " Muscular Dystrophy" includes the following inherited sickness or medical conditions: Becker's muscular dystrophy; Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy; Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy; Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy; Myotonic Dystrophy; Myotonia Congenita. For Muscular Dystrophy, the symptoms are the following: First of all is the weakness of the muscles which actually β†’

Stroke epidemiology in southwestern iran health and social care essay

The disease is the 2nd prima cause of decease in the universe and considered as the 3rd in the United States and other industrialized states. In add-on gender is deciding factor in this disease; In general, the shot is more likely to happen in workforces, However, due to the longer life anticipation of adult females β†’

Good research paper on effectiveness of energy or caffeinated drinks

In this version of the test letters of the alphabet are presented in front of the participants for 250ms, the respondent will be instructed to press the keyboard every time they see the letter ' X'. The responses of the participants will be measured in terms of accuracy and response times.

Paper 1: coffee advertisement

The structure of the advertisement is a primary tool used to persuade the reader into looking into and buying the " decaffeinated organic coffee" product at local stores. This works to the company's advantage as the majority of the product information is located inside the blue box.

Caffeine in the diet

Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. Caffeine sensitivity is most affected by the amount of caffeine a person has daily.

Coffee marketing analysis

Coffee appeared in the IX century and now it is present everyday in the menu of the majority of the population, in the whole world being consumed over 400 billiard cups of coffee. Instant coffee and cappuccino are consumed in a greater proportion of youth, while natural coffee is consumed in a greater proportion of β†’

Ecotourism in hong kong

In Hong Kong, we can watch butterflies in all seasons due to warm climate and the presence of a variety of habitats. In marine parks, visitors are encouraged to appreciate the beauty and diversity of marine life.

Wegener and the theory of continental drift

He was one of the first scientists to theorize about the continental drift or continents in motion, which supports the belief that the Earth's continents once were a single land mass. Based on the theory of continental drift, Wegener began to gather evidence from around the world from landforms, fossils, and climate and put it β†’

A close look at bangladesh

The People's Republic of Bangladesh, also known as Bangladesh, is one of the youngest nations historically. Government The politics of Bangladesh has witnessed several changes with the shifting of the forms of government from parliamentary in 1972, to presidential in 1975, tomartial lawin 1981 and back to parliamentary in 1991.

Starwoods hotel essay sample

We are thrilled to expand our portfolio of Sheraton hotels in Brazil and partner with GJP Hoteis & Resorts to open our first hotel in Salvador, one of the country's most important cities," said Osvaldo Librizzi, Co-President of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Americas." This additional hotel in Brazil, highlights our distinctive positioning in this fast-growing β†’

The ritz-carlton hotel company essay sample

Service and the essence of The Ritz-Carlton experience, and what Ritz-Carlton sells to its customers The Ritz-Carlton Hotel has always relied on excellent personalized service, or the total quality management philosophy of the organization. How The Ritz-Carlton creates " Ladies and Gentlemen" in only 7 days The first day of the Seven Day Countdown for β†’

Causes of the revolutionary war from the british viewpoint assignment

Responding to resulting American displeasure, Lord Halifax declared, the colonists feel " entitled to a greater measure of Liberty than is enjoyed by the people of England." In Britain, the French and Indian War created a vast debt. The tax was to be used as part of the cost of maintaining English troops in the β†’

The revolutionary war and its consequences

The Revolutionary War caused the breakdown between the United States and England and a break away from the England government. To begin, the Revolutionary War caused the political revolution in the United States.

The our town by thorton wilder

The play is portrayed in such a way that the audiences are forced to concentrate on the characters and the theme of the play. The play begins with the commentator also called the stage manager who narrates the simple life of the people in the town with the milkman and the newspaper boy delivering milk β†’

History of african american music

It was said, " She was a spellbinding performer at the age of fourteen." So her family really supported and inspired her to become a gospel singer. The father was better suitable to raise Aretha and her four Siblings.

College writing i sec. 39

Due to these women who are willingly exploiting their bodies, women are characterizing themselves in a way that is not considered " good." It is very poignant that women are using themselves because it is destroying the young culture of America. Women are changed by this type of music and some have troubles when they β†’

Civil war reconstruction

This shift in power was supposed to mark the beginning of the " New South" in which the virtues of thrift, industry, and progress would become the model characteristics of the South. The changes in the South from 1877-1900 reflected traditional attitudes and policies, such as power in the hands of a conservative oligarchy, the β†’

Example of essay on cyber high english activities 17, 18, 22

According to Anna Godas, the chief executive of Dog Woof Pictures, which is one of the most active companies when it comes to producing documentary films and television shows, one major reason behind the sudden upward spike in popularity of reality television shows is the fact that they have simply become more entertaining. This is β†’

The importance of teaching education essay

Teachers make the lifeboat because they are the first to interrupt the field of unknown and transform thoughts into reality by learning and passing it on to the body of America. One way to approach the question of whether teaching an adult is different is by examining the types of learning in which adults engage.

Importance of pragmatics in communication skills education essay

I teach special education and most of the students that I service are with me for reading and written expression. The second idea that I gained from this course is the significance of semantics in language and how that relates to English language learners understanding of specific words and their relationship in overall language acquisition.

Assignment 1 (25% of your final mark)

Rupar sees objectivity as a ' norm' rather than a goal or state of journalism, and uses this view to look at the ideal of objectivity as a method of news gathering, an account of representing reality and an attitude towards the reality constructed. News media in New Zealand generally follow the cultural patterns and β†’

Investigative journalism – libel actions and coalition government reforms

Investigative journalism is an important part of the international media and the lives of ordinary people, reporters involved with this type of work present important and highly valuable information to the public. The only difference in this kind of reporting is that the people who are connected to the issue are not taken consent of β†’

Good example of a view from the field: a napoleonic soldier essay

This paper will tend to expose the circumstances that encompassed the lives of the Napoleonic soldiers in the battlefields by using the perspective of the life of a single prominent soldier during the epoch of war. The document commences with the promotion of one of the soldiers to the rank of a corporal after being β†’

Causes of the reign of terror

Mercy is not a revolutionary sentiment," exaggerating the intensity of the situation in Vendee and the success of the revolutionary government against the West region, supposedly leading to the ' Reign of Terror' in France. The Republican Army of France dominated the battles and were able to overcome the Austrians, Prussians, British and Spanish- the β†’

A critical response to censorship of reading material on the youth

It was stated in the study that censoring books lead to negative effects such as ignorance of a person about his or her country's situation, hinders a person's ability to make moral decisions, and that a person's mind may be manipulated due to lack of information and may cause the person to follow the majority. β†’

B-boys: boundaries that are breaking innovation

Alba's plan is to encourage B-boys and B-girls to take ownership of their talent in order to treat it as a business. What he is essentially saying is that with the upcoming popularity and exposure of breakdancing to the general public, B-boys and B-girls have a chance to put breakdancing on the level of mainstream β†’


To address the dawning of the millennium, what should the 21st century education be? To study and work in an environment of the 21st century, learners and teachers should embrace the necessary skills to address the need of the millennium.

Greek stuff

What is the " bible of the Greeks"? 25. What is the rack? 89.

Compare and contrast a doll house and a streetcar named desire

However, the female protagonist in A Doll House is able to transcend her status by try to be dependent on herself at the end of the play, whereas the one in A Streetcar Named Desire still continues to depend on men. But instead of being a capable woman, she chooses to live up to the β†’

Language is what makes us human

Using this as a basis for the question can language be developed after puberty, I intent to argue that although language comprehension can be acquired after puberty, complete language development can not be achieved; using case studies such as Genie and E.M. The Development of Language in Genie: a Case of Language Acquisition beyond the β†’

The importance of writing and reading in academic life

The Importance of Writing and Reading in Academic Life Writing is a skill that is required in many contexts throughout life. Due to this, reading and writing teaching in academic life is so required and value for people.

Detrimental effects of social networking

The problem with this method of communication is that it does not allow for strong face to face interaction and allows society to in a sense to hide themselves. If one person has a lower amount, teens are known to harass and chide them for it While there are many users of social networking that β†’

Informative speech essay sample

Therefore, today I will be talking about the history of basketball, the rules of basketball, and the positions played in basketball. The goal of the game was to throw the soccer style ball, into the fruit baskets nailed to the lower railing of the gym balcony.

The accompanying terms in the cybersecurity field

Experts working in the cybersecurity field can be known by a portion of the accompanying terms: White cap programmer A white cap programmer is a PC security master who breaks into ensured frameworks and systems to test and asses their security. A portion of these dangers can be delegated: It is a way to get β†’

Financial forecasting: riordan manufacturing

According to the operating and cash budget for 2005 interest expenses were budgeted at a low $257, 400 for the purpose of an increased spending in research and development expenses of $903, 000 for the year with capital expenditures of $250, 000 in October 2004, January 2005, and $350, 000 in April 2005. The primary β†’

Personal identity essay sample

He felt blessed that his parents took him in and raised him to be the man that he is "[h]ow lucky I am to share the fate of the man and the woman I came to know as Mother and Father, decent and good people, who all my life, loved me as their own". In β†’

Business trip to ukraine

For those of you who have not made the long distance travel to the Ukraine I say get ready to learn and take notes on the most important five minutes of the day. Today you will be briefed on some of the most important areas of your trip such as, what to pack for a β†’

Organisational climate

Organisational climate is regarded as '" an attribute of the organisation, a conglomerate of attitudes, feelings and behaviours which characterises life in the organisation, and exists independently of the perceptions and understandings of the members of the organisation"." The climate of an organisation is inferred by its members through the organisations practices, procedures and reward β†’

Dadaism and surrealism

Its works were characterized by a deliberate irrationality and the rejection of the prevailing standards of art. The aim was to " resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality.