5 Pages Essay Samples

The universal appeal of bruce dawe’s poems essay sample

The fact that the unborn foetus is ashamed to feel that he is a part of the " doomed race whose death cell was the womb" evokes untold pity for the defenceless life trapped in his own mother's womb. The persona of an unborn foetus in The Wholly Innocent is sympathised with by the reader β†’

The pro-abortion argument research paper

Arguably, one of the most significant advantages of having abortion accepted in society is the fact that it safeguards the lives of those expectant mothers that develop complications. The second advantage of having abortion in society is the reality that it is an effective means of controlling population by reducing the number of births within β†’

Caribbean examination counsel

Method of data collection In order to gain a better understanding of how the issue of abortion is viewed by females in my community; the researcher has decided to use printed questionnaires. Dear villagers, This survey has been done in the Maxfeild community to gain a result of how the issue of abortion is been β†’

Abortion panel discussion essay sample

HOST: In light of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law or as most of us know it, the RH Bill, an abundance of organizations and groups claiming they are " pro-life" asserted that passing the bill may pave the way towards legalized abortion in the Philippines. A spontaneous abortion is the same as a β†’

To save a life

It is the responsibility that one has towards one's own life and the right to decide the course one's life should take. Concluding with this, Abortion is without a doubt, murder, according to the law of God.

ο»Ώabortion should not be an option essay sample

The process of dilation and evacuation is done by inserting a cannula, then using a curette the lining is scraped to remove any residuals and if needed, forceps are used to remove larger parts since the baby is a bit more developed than at six to fifteen weeks. At twenty one weeks, the baby is β†’

Psychological disorders: myths and reality

One of the phenomena that have myths and misconceptions surrounding it in the modern society is the state of psychological disorder among some members of the society. Fact: children are no exceptions and they can also get mental conditions.states that at the age of 13-18 one out of five children is likely to have a β†’

The results and consequences of pride: medusa and the captain of titanic

The story of Medusa can be compared to the captain of the Titanic, Edward John Smith for many reasons. The captain of the Titanic, Edward John Smith, received many messages to turn his enormous ship around because of iceberg warnings, but he did not want to show that he was a failure, although everyone encouraged β†’

Ovid the metamorphoses

Faulkner's ideology is prevalent in the story The Metamorphoses, by Ovid, as the poet tells of the god Jupiter destroying all man kind because of the actions of one, Lycaon. This concludes that, with the destruction of humanity, Jupiter exemplifies characteristics of ignorance and hypocrisy by: not considering the good and well being of other β†’

Raging achilles: achiles’ tragic flaw

Closer analysis of Achilles' spirited temper and its consequences illustrates that by Aristotle's definition, Achilles does not possess true courage, but merely a resemblance of it. Since a spirited temper lends to anger and passion, these often replace reason and knowledge as the incentive behind the actions of courageous men, such as in the case β†’

Barry strauss

Paris probably thought that the Greeks would not attempt to bring Helen back, but agamemnon was able to convince them of this risky war in order to profit from the wealth that Troy contained, " Helen was not the cause of the war but merely the occasion of the war. Paris and Priam suggest the β†’

Ancient greek mythology essay

Hesiod offers the theogony, which tells of the dealings with the creation of the world, and the origin of the gods, titans, and giants. Because she is the goddess of many things, Athena is featured on many modern crests, was praised by the Greeks in their time, and was supposedly the origin of many great β†’

The grim reaper floats

All of them experiencing death In a different way, the man bitter and mean, the woman and baby oblivious, and the story of the woman who spoke to Satan is already destined for hell. In this passage the character is saying that outside is tantalizing and free, but she is bound only to the rooms β†’

Jonathan tran

In Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, the king of Ithica, Odysseus, is trying to get home to his family after a ten year war conquering the city of Troy. Odysseus is close to being a hero by completing most of the phases but because he did not learn to correct any of his flaws, he β†’

Mythological criticism essay sample

The main tenet for the advancement of the " mythological criticism" is the observation of enduring similarity in literature works. The paper is evaluative of all the forms applied in the criticism and literature analysis.

Essay on nursing shortage in america

Was the Vietnam War a necessary extension of the broader Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union? Gettleman, M, Frankline, B, Frankline, J, & Young, M.

Cold war impact on us foriegn policy

It was the main goal of the United States to contain the spread of Communism whenever possible." Brinkmanship" was the first major policy that was employed by the United States in the effort to stop the spread of Communism throughout the world. As time continued to go by both the United States and the Soviet β†’

Adrienne rich on power in society

The aunt infuses the world of the tigers with many of the attributes she misses in her own life: a sense of being truly alive and in tune with theenvironment, and a state of fearlessness: " They do not fear the men beneath the tree/ They pace in sleek chivalric certainty. Paragraph 3 In contrast β†’

Philosophical context in franz kafka’s metamorphosis

Kafka wrote about the absurdity of existence, the alienating experience of modern life, and the cruelty of authoritarian power.-The word Kafkaesque has passed into the literature to describe an unsettling, disorienting, nightmarish world that is at once both fearful and menacing in its ambiguity and complexity. And the school system enforced a system of routine β†’

Frederick douglass rhetoric analysis

In 1845, Frederick Douglasspublished Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, in order to do just that- to establish the truth behind slavery and advocate for freedom. Douglass' use of diction and structure effectively persuades the reader of the barbarity and inhumanity that comes as a result of slavery.

Themes in night by elie wiesel

From then on, I had no other name" 42 The harshness of the camp quickly transformed them into selfish indifferent people * " I had not even blinked, only yesterday I would have dug my nails into the criminals flesh" 39 * " you are killing your father" 101 * " The old man mumbled β†’

Sula by toni morrison critical essay

But in this case, the rose above Sula's eye is a symbol of her purity and strength in her self, her unwavering character, which can be seen as beautiful. He may also see Sula as a temptress, a surefire poison that causes the death of his marriage to Nel.

Kapampangan writers and authors

At the time of Delfin's death, he was survived by eleven of his and Africa's twelve children namely, Celia Q. Delfin was one of the founding members of Aguman Ding Talasulat Kapampangan in 1964 and he was elected as the organization's president in June 1977.

The interesting narrative of olaudah equiano book review

The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano does more than just detail the experiences of a former African slave, it sets forth the play sequence between the various players engaged in the slave trade, the emotions involved, the effects and consequences on the players, and the future of the game if it were allowed to continue. β†’

Explore the ways that writers present strong feelings to interest the reader or audience

In the prologue of the play ' Romeo and Juliet' the audience learn that two dignified households in the city of Verona hold an "ancient grudge" towards each other, which remains a source of the violent conflict which is central to the play. Considerably, the poet evokes strong feelings towards the emotion of love when β†’

Kurtz: a mystery in disguise

But even after Marlow meets with Kurtz, Kurtz is still a mystery to Marlow and to Conrad's readers. Conrad uses Kurtz as one of his prime examples to represent the mystery of Africa; from Kurtz's many faces to Africa's effect on Kurtz as well as the other Europeans, Conrad wants to point out that everyone/everything β†’

Resource c: semekazi willie bester

The themes of his artworks stem from the political issues of the time they were created: During the Apartheid, forced removals and brutalization of society, today, crime, greed, poverty and corruption." People have built up a resistance to anything that addresses the psyche of mankind or people or themselves. To the right below the cans β†’

Maternal self-efficacy in south africa

A very important step to follow before developing a measure is for the researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of the concept that's being explored as well as its relevance and meaning in the target population. Self-efficacy play an important role in various aspects of a person's life, but this study will focus on mother's β†’

ο»Ώfailure of the arab league

In the wake of World War 2 the UN assembled to form the new world order In the Middle East, 6 founding members formed the Arab League, an organization founded upon a common sense of Arabism with a goal of Arab unity In the wake of theCold War, Africa found itself at a political disadvantage β†’

South africa dbq

The Afrikaners fiercely supported the Apartheid because they felt it was necessary for their self-preservation, some of the members of the ANC believed in violence to end the Apartheid because the excessive government violence towards them, and the United Nations condemned Apartheid because they felt it was oppressive. In spite of how the Afrikaners believed β†’

Women deserve to be in the military

The pushing for women's rights have allowed great changes in the U.S.military and now women are allowed in positions they qualify for. Although men think that not all combat jobs should be open to women, they deserve jobs for which they meet the requirements, because women share the same physical and mental characteristics as men, β†’

The relationship of feminism and anthropology anthropology essay

Feminists aimed to convey the voice of adult females in descriptive anthropology, they gave a different angle on experiences of adult females and the environing events. This takes us to the issue of descriptive anthropology and what we understand about adult females in different societies.

History of feminism critical thinking

The first wave in the nineteenth century and some part of the twentieth century concentrated on the need to of women to be identified as full citizens, giving them the freedom and rights to vote. The second wave came in at this point to take care of the interests of women and to ensure that β†’

The dichotomy of a feminine interior and a masculine exterior

Spaces are gendered non merely based on the user or the usage of the infinite, but besides based on the handiness of the infinite. In many families, the adult females are restricted to the insides of the house whereas the work forces of the household travel out to gain a life for the household.

Good critique and revision essay example

First, Virginia Woolf is a good example of a feminist who wrote numerous articles and books in critiquing and revising both men and women on the subject of patriarchy. She uses parody and mimicry in the title of her book as a strategy in which she deliberately assumes the feminine posture and style assigned to β†’

Women’s support roles in the world wars essay sample

Many of these feminists hoped that patriotic support of the war would enhance the prospects for women's suffrage after the war, and this came true in a number of countries. The " reconstruction of gender" in Britain after World War I constrained women's roles and reinvigorated the ideology of motherhood.

Feminism & the tempest essay sample

In the play The Tempest, by William Shakespeare Miranda is a perfect example of a woman's role in literature from a feminist theorist perspective. The woman's physical appearance is a primary factor as to why she is seen as subordinate to the male.

Gender and equality essays example

It is important to facilitate freedom to women in the form of expansion of healthcare and nutrition, schools and housing, employment and social protection, and laying the foundation for the consolidation of a civic society with gender equality. The complexity of gender and equality attributes care to women and justice to men.

Feminism vs misandry

The reason being: that is not the truth and the fact that people keep synonymizing misandry with feminism will of course lead the one being accused to hate the accuser, which in this case Is generalized as mem But the hate would be for the sin, not the sinner; feminists hate the lie, not the β†’

Alban berg biographies examples

Alban Berg was an Austrian composer, teacher and one of the most prominent representatives of the Second Viennese musical expressionism and composer school. One of the most prominent representatives of expressionism in music, Berg expressed in his works characteristic of expressionist artists thoughts, feelings and images: dissatisfaction with the social life, feelings of helplessness and β†’

Once upon a time

They are, in fact, the 'social' faces that everyone has to put on in order to deal with all the people they are likely to encounter in their lives. The heart is a symbol of genuine emotions, and the eyes the conveyor of the sameOnce upon a time people used to smile and shake hands β†’

The future of digital forensics

The new developments in digital crimes pose serious challenges to computer forensics thus calling for the need for the computer professionals to consistently look for new ways of mitigating the effects of such delirious acts so as to protect both organisations and individuals. The new developments in digital crimes and the challenges to computer forensics β†’

Student information system essay sample

The primary goal of this system is to easily know the schedule of the students and to fast access of their profile and school information. Manually system of student information caused a lot of inaccuracy and efficiency in processing the record and data of the students.

Analysis of “the lockless door” by robert frost essay sample

The person in the poem even tries to fool the knock, Back over the sillI bade a Come inTo whoever the knockAt the door may have beenHowever, the person only fools himself when he decides to escape his conscience and go back to the real world. Thus if this situation had been the latter and β†’

Lawrence and dobyns essay revision

Lawrence, in " Rocking Horse Winner," uses the desire of a child, Paul, who wants desperately to gain the luck that he has been told his entire life that his parents have lacked, and in so doing help stop the whispers of a house that demandsmoney. While it is luck that he convinces himself that β†’

James dean

In the photograph that I have attached, it is as if Dean is trying to keep a hold on himself and his emotions; trying not to get too caught up in the crazy world he had been thrown in to. It is the story of a rebellious teenager who arrives at a new school, falls β†’

Comparison: zombies vs. teenagers

Young adults and teens are new to a world full of wonders, they do much experimenting, to learn the cause and effect of the actions and decisions they make. However what is not as obvious is that they are a danger to themselves.

Homeless youth essay sample

This journal article focuses on the barriers to educating homeless teens and mechanisms that are being created to assist in helping them to survive. When referring to the governmental definition, there is a difference between the homeless youth and the runaway youth.

Ideal home description essay

The doors of the garage are a maroon color that matches the window sills of the home. There is a closet on the right of the room that is filled with towels, lotions, creams, and etc.

Reasons to step out of your comfort zone and do something

If we want to be excellent, we will have to make out the best of those skills, we have to explore our abilities to the fullest. If you must achieve excellence, you must conquer fear, you must learn how to motivate yourself and look above the thing making you to be afraid.

Essay on the liberal party

The Liberal Party of the UK was created by the merger of the Old Whigs Party and the Radicals group. The very first was the First Reform Act passed into law in 1832 which extended voting rights to more men, then came the Second Reform Act that passed the House of Common that then had β†’

Vinyl fences and all you need to know

Fencing your property in CITY is one of the most practical ways to keep your pets and children in your yard while they play without having to worry whether they stray out in the street, or if they talk to strangers. Also, since privacy fencing is used for most large areas of the yard, or β†’

Free essay on the message in emil shers short story

Emil Sher captures his memories of Bobonong in his mind and through his story he is sending a message to his audience Bobonong is a place to visit. The things that Emil admires is just another day in the life of the villagers; and it amuses them when he goes to sit on the roof β†’

Free zionism essay example

The development of the Zionist movement created a powerful Jewish community in Palestine. The Zionist movement considered the people in Palestine as one of the problems in Palestine.

Decaying state of infrastructure in memphis

While the Hernando de Soto Bridge may be repaired now and prepared for earthquakes, the same cannot be said for the rest of the bridges in Memphis, Furthermore; as the problem of the de Soto Bridge may be repaired, it is unfortunate that a so called " retrofit" had to be implemented, and while hindsight β†’

Levittown experiment

Levittown project was taken up in the U.S.after the end of Second World War, with the aim of providing mass housing facilities to people in the wake of increasing urbanization and problems of accommodating large population in limited urban area. However, the strong private construction lobby was pressuring Congress to get out of the housing β†’

Anne moody’s coming of age in mississippi essays example

The power of social movements, particularly the Civil Rights Movement, is particularly poignant in Coming of Age in Mississippi, and in the life of Anne Moody as a whole. It is in these moments, tragically, that Anne Moody starts to lose her revolutionary fervor, as she grows pessimistic about the possible outcomes of the Civil β†’

Good example of essay on first leaders against lynching and racism

Wells criss-crossed the country in her efforts to raise awareness on lynching which was extremely common in the South and which occurred at almost a rate of one incident per day up till the mid 1920's. A favoured publicity stunt used by the NAACP was the hoisting of a flag over the New York office β†’

Free essay on do men and women have equal rights in the united states

There are no equal rights for men and women in the United States despite the fact that the citizens advocate it. There are no equal rights for women and men in the United States in the sense that women are still discriminated against in terms of leadership.

The failures of progressivism, 1900-20 essay examples

In the Progressive Era of 1900-20, some limited gains were made in the regulation of capitalism, as well as granting voting rights to women, passing constitutional amendments for an income tax and the direct election of senators, but most important reforms on behalf of workers, organized labor, blacks and other minorities, and the creation of β†’

Political parties, coalitions and realignments in the united states essay examples

On the contrary, they found that there were very durable partisan loyalties in the United States that only shifted as a result of major upheavals and realignments, such as the Civil War, the depressions of the 1890s and 1980s, and the great crises over Vietnam, civil rights and the cultural rebellions of the 1960s and β†’

Good napoleon: champion or gravedigger of french revolution research paper example

The revolution was really a historical landmark in the world for the massive bloodshed and intensity of the revolution. By meting out the reforms on France, Napoleon was a real protagonist and reformist, In his efforts to see the fruition of the principles of the revolution, Napoleon was keen on the principle of equality for β†’

Martin luther king jr. and the civil rights movement

Martin Luther King Jr.was the leader of the peaceful Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's. The purpose of the speech was to achieve racial justice and equality for everyone especially African Americans.

Essay on arguments between booker t washington and web dubois on civil rights

His own Tuskegee Institute was the model for his version of industrial and agricultural training for blacks, and despite the fact that most of them were still sharecroppers and tenant farmers, denied work in industry, the professions and government, that the South offered more commercial opportunities than any other region of the country. DuBois argued β†’

Example of gender economics- the gender gap in the middle east research paper

Minister Al Hashimi added that the UAE believes that the success for achieving the MDG requires global partnership, in light of the recent and inter-related economic, financial and security conditions experienced by the UAE and the rest of the Arab countries in the past years. The UAE and Turkey are just countries in the Middle β†’

Example of australian history essay

This was coupled with the fact that the Japanese were migrating in large numbers into Australia and this was viewed as a threat to security. The Australians feared that the Japanese migrating freely into the country, and their involvement in the pearling industry, was a reason for concern.

Example of shouldn’t russians finally bury lenin argumentative essay

With respect to being buried, some leaders in Russia are of the opinion that the remains of Lenin, who was a Bolshevik Revolution leader, should be finally be laid to rest in the ground. In his response, he reiterated that the people of Russia should be given the opportunity to decide.

Why did the u.s. military intervened in the korean war and is it justified

There were a full amount of countries being involved in The Korean War, such as the Soviet Union, the United States, the Democratic Peoples of Korea, the Republic of Korea, the United Nations Canada, Columbia, and so forth! There are reasons why the term, The Forgotten War, was first introduced was because this was how β†’

War communism and the new economic policy essay sample

The policies of war communism and the New Economic Policy had a great impact on both the peasantry and the proletariat. The impact of War Communism was great on both the peasantry and the proletariat.

Critical thinkers – james cone and jean-paul sartre critical thinking examples

The Public Broadcasting service did a profile of James Cone in its series " This far by faith" which explains how the social and political tides at the time shaped his view of the world and his ideas for how he thought the world could be improved. The problem that Jean-Paul Sartre tried to solve β†’

Why did the us fail to save south vietnam from communism? essay sample

Ho Chi Minh on the other hand was a person supported by a lot of the Vietnamese, because he gave the people what they wanted, which were to rid the country of foreign occupiers once an for all, and to give the normal person land. This was due to many reasons, many of which were β†’

Guantanamera film argumentative essays examples

This is evident from the new directive that allowed the citizens to transport the bodies of the beloved only up to the nearest funeral parlor that was in a bordering province. The directive was intended to save the amount of gasoline that was used in the course of such transportation.

The ethics debate surrounding stem cells essay

Morals and ethics, as well as the lack of knowledge regarding the subject remain the most significant reasons for the halt in advancement of embryonic stem cell research. The rally put a severe halt to the advancement and funding of further research.

Good example of movie review on watching youtube video about city council meeting

At the beginning of this public hearing, the mayor of the city, Mel Cohen, greets the audience, thanks everyone for the presence and announces the purpose of the meeting, namely the discussion of the presentation of the budget. I think it is obvious that the meeting is generally convenient to the public: both the day β†’

Victim services essay

According to the system of check and balances, the President of the United States needs to report on his agenda as well as the condition of the state. It is also essential to mention that the State of the Union Address also starts with the idea of constitutionalism.

The pros and cons of providing parole for elderly inmates essay sample

Notably, while this may seemingly appear unfair on the part of the people, they have no choice but to support the living needs of the inmates while they are within the constraints of the bars of the prison homes. With elderly inmates given the parole to leave the premises of the prison homes, the responsibility β†’

Hoover’s plan of action vs. the new deal

Widespread speculation rather than true investment and buying on margin were major factors in the cause of this day, now called " Black Thursday." Along with the Great Stock Market Crash, overproduction compared to a reduced demand and an uneven distribution of income brought about the zenith of the worst economic crisis ever to hit β†’

Good example of elections in egypt essay

The deposition of the president led to the installation of a military-backed government. Referring to the issue of a democracy processes within the country, liberalism was applied in the resolving of the issue.

The electoral college research paper sample

Then the president of the senate would preside over the vote counting for all the states and read them to the Congress. Then, the President of the Senate opens the vote certificates alphabetically and passes them on to the four vote counters who then announce the results.

Organizing, researching, and illustrating your material essay sample

An explanation from the branch head is imperative before communication with anyone else in the company.branch head is responsible for the overall performance, and as a branch head, should be held accountable for issues the branch is facing, or needs to explain his side regarding the issues. In this regard, a report is needed to β†’

Relationship between ethics & public administration: competing ethical obligations essay

Ethics in the public sector is usually the moral justification for the various decisions that lead to the actions made in the daily completion of duties performed, when working in the government and nonprofit organizations. The list is not fixed and it is subject to changes in the order of arrangements, inclusions and removals as β†’

Swot analysis: american president lines

The Pacific Mail Steamship Company, predecessor of the American President Companies, was founded in 1848; it was one of the first steamship companies to open its doors in the United States. Involvement PAL is one of the companies that believe in giving back to the community.

Asa marketing

However, L'Oreal did own up to the claim and admitted that within their Maybelline and Lanc me ad they did utilise the use of ' post production techniques', but they justified themselves by adding that the reason for using the tool of airbrushing was to ' accurately illustrate the results' This can have a huge β†’

Isu verbal visual essay

She felt very desperate, to the point where she started to disbelieve in her lord, the almighty god that her father prayed towards, and felt that she should too. This proves to us the state the captives were in at the time they were captured.

Growth and development of paksitani media

Mass media is the major source of providing news and entertainment to the people who wants to know who is doing what and what is happening. The realization in the people and Government about the role of media in society / economic development is there.

Cyberterrorism essay

Cyberterrorism is a phrase used to describe acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers attached to the Internet, by the means of tools such as computer viruses. As the Internet continues to expand, and computer systems continue to be assigned more responsibility while becoming more and more complex and interdependent, β†’

Strategic analysis of the newspaper industry essay sample

Abstract The Newspaper Publishing industry is a segment within the Media industry and is made up of companies whose primary scope is to produce and print newspapers. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING INDUSTRY A STRATEGIC ANALYSIS The Newspaper Publishing industry is comprised of companies in which the primary scope of business is to produce and print newspapers.

Rational choice vs labeling theory essay sample

The Labeling theory works on the basis that when dealing with crime, the behavior is not as important as the reaction to said behavior. This is seen by the fact that people may kill in the heat of passion and while they did chose to kill they were not, however in the eyes of most β†’

Placing criminals in prison benefits everyone

While it was basically still for the enforcement of the law, it was used as a holding area for people accused of crimes and in the process of trial, and for those accused of lesser crimes as non-payment of debts. Deterrence from the commission of crimes is effective to fight crime.

Ethnic profiling is defined as the use by police criminology essay

The foundation of ethnic profiling is the supposition that people of a certain race or ethnic background are more likely to commit certain crimes than others. A 2005 report by the Missouri attorney general is a testament to the ineffectiveness of racial and ethnic profiling.

Three types of sex offenders criminology essay

Since the rate is relatively low, it has traditionally been believed that the best form of treatment for incest child molesters is a minimally intrusive form of therapy that reduces sexual recidivismAccording to Hanson's study; rapists were the second most likely group of sex offenders to sexually recidivate, at a rate of 17.1%. Causes of β†’

The classical school by beccaria criminology essay

Criminology AssessmentThe classical school by Beccaria generally places emphasis on the individual suggesting that we have the ability to make our own choices and that crime in society is a product of an individual's free will. The Chicago School is considered to be good because it identified a relationship between crime and the environment and β†’

Informative essay on criminology

The intention of criminology is the development of a form of common and tested principles and of other types of knowledge concerning this process of law, treatment, and crime. Around the end of the nineteenth century, a new vision of the world tested the legitimacy of classical theory and ffered a modern way of looking β†’

A study on entrepreneurial crime criminology essay

Of course, the entrepreneurial type of management offers a real opportunity to realize the creative potential of the individual in a competitive environment, and also helps to develop a mass people's desire for the initiative and innovation activity with a diversity of ownership during the formation of the society. Thus, the main aims of the β†’

Gender based violence and related legislations criminology essay

In this respect, Gender Based Violence is identified for analysis in this discussion beginning with its definition on a social context addressing the causes, forms, society's response and view on the issue and its implications on the society and individuals. Although women and children are the ones most prone to the violence, the term Gender β†’

The criminal justice system and its ethical egoism criminology essay

The purpose of this paper is to conclude that the theory of ethical egoism exists in the criminal justice system and how it is applied in ethical dilemmas. Sometimes ethical egoism theories in the criminal justice system may also come from some the self-interest of police officers, the right of entitlement to police officers, corruption β†’