5 Pages Essay Samples

Why obesity is eating americans

We have families and homes to take care of, making working out the last thing on our to do list for the day. If we eat less fast food we can cook our own meals and get to know what exactly is in it and how many calories there are.

Good critical thinking on planning and organizational development

To achieve the objective, the analysis reviews a publication relating to the healthcare industry and identifies changes addressed in the article which forms the basis of the strategic planning overview of an organization in the industry. Future implication to the organization With the initiatives and the partnerships changing the industry focus from curative healthcare to β†’

Windshield survey summary and reflection essay sample

A community health nurse strives to develop a community that is physically and psychologically healthy; and encourages those within the community to reach their full potential, as evidenced by a statement from the World Health Organization, " health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmity". β†’

Effect of obesity on mental health among young youth

A majority of young youths who are obese have stated poor feeding habits and the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle as the primary causes of their overweight. In reality, obesity has significantly contributed to poor mental health among the young youths a factor that hinders a majority of them from realizing their goals.

Travis dwyer

The first research article I chose incorporates professional sports organizations, communities, and schools to help children develop healthy eating and exercising habits." Get Fit with the Grizzlies: A Community-School-Home Initiative to fight childhood obesity" follows the Memphis public school system as they implement a six week program and evaluate the effectiveness of the program. I β†’

Essay about obesity

A BMI of 25 to 29 is classified as overweight, obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 to 39, and clinically severe obesity is defined as a BMI of 40 or more. To account for normal age and sex differences in children's body fat, at risk for overweight is defined as a BMI at β†’

Two methods of losing weight

In order to be successful in the execution of a plan, the groundwork must be laid and have a solid foundation. Asking the right questions and formulating a plan or a roadmap is important when beginning to develop a weight loss plan.

Kinesiology essay examples

The body stores those extra calories in the form of fat and the cumulative process leads to obesity. The NHLBI has conducted showing that due to the recent economic crisis hitting the nation, cases of obesity are expected to rise even more in the next two years.

Evidence based practice research paper sample

It gives a detailed account of the impact of the pandemic in the American community. This gives the impact of the rising cases of obesity to the expenditure of the American healthcare system.

Changing views on diet and exercise to combat obesity research paper sample

By downsizing the wallet every time an individual purchases unhealthy food, the government aims to instill in the minds of individuals that eating unhealthy food produces long-time negative effects to one's health. As a result, the government and concerned health groups began finding ways to curb obesity thus, the revival of the fat tax idea.

Eating habits and exercise behaviors

Children, who are having problems in their lives, tend to keep their problems to themselves and this is where they continue to keep their eating habits in a poor selection and not taking care of their selves correctly. This direct to, when the children becomes adults, they tend to continue that eating habit and have β†’

Example of research paper on the challenges of obesity prevention in the

For example, the rise in the rate of obesity in the United States can be traced back to children that were born in the 1950s and 1960s. The problem of obesity in the United States is widespread and difficult to address.

In what ways did the arrival of the spanish, french, and british change the culture and lifestyles of the indian cultures in north america, central america, and south america?

These relationships slowly changed as the settlers learned how to survive on their own, and as these settlements prospered the animosity between settlers and Indians grew more and more. The Indians believed that the land and its bounties belonged to everyone, including the settlers and themselves.

Roles of technology and geography in western civilization essay samples

One of the notable effects of these advancements in technology is felt in the western part of the globe. The people who settled here were farmers on the lower side of the liver and shepherds on the upper side of the river.

Saudi arabia research paper

The Muslim sharia law has been incorporated into their constitution and thus is part of their daily lives Strengths Large oil supply-the country has a large supply of oil and in fact the second country in the world in terms of oil production. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Brazil that have lots of unexploited oil β†’

Effects of bourbon reforms in spain essay

The Tupac Rebellion of 1780-82 organized by the Mestizo and the native peasants in Viceroyalty of Peru against these reforms which they argued did not favor them. On the other hand, the Comuneros Revolt was organized in 1781 by the inhabitants from the modern Columbia and Venezuela.

Consequences of plague essay examples

Plague was the leading Couse of death in the Afro Eurasian world, in this essay I am going to discuss the long term effects of plague on the Afro-Eurasian world. The long term effects on the social, political and economic effects of the plague were evident in more years to come in the Afro European β†’

The national living wage in the uk

The introduction of the new national living wage could result in the wage bill of many retailers increasing, as those who were paying their workers minimum wage will have to increase the wage rate per hour in order to meet the new legal guidelines. Although there will be an increase in costs due to the β†’

The issues of race and identity in “things fall apart” by chinua achebe

Just as the men are superior to the women, the elders are in charge of dispensing justice and are the occupants of the highest ranks in society. Rather than adapt to the ways of the Ibo people, the missionaries do not hesitate to impose the will of their reigning Queen and support the spread of β†’

Western and eastern europe essay sample

The Kush and Axum civilizations developed to the south of Egypt in the upper reaches of the Nile river. In the fourth century, Axum converted to Christianity, and in the seventh century, many converted to Islam.

Essay on political geography of ukraine

The independence of Ukraine is marked by the fall of the Soviet Union that occurred in 1991 since the country became independent immediately after the fall of the union. It is through the practice of voting in Crimean that conflict arise in the region as the country tries to push Russian activists.

Essay on the evolution of contemporary jazz

Jazz is a genre of music that begun in the 20th century as result of a mixture of African and American music culture. This marked the origin and advancement of jazz music.

Example of history of pythagorean theorem research paper

As years went by, different mathematicians came up with different was of proofing the theorem thus diversifying the applicability of the theorem for example, in complex numbers. Despite acknowledging Pythagoras as the inventor of the Pythagorean Theorem, it is believed that the Babylonians used Pythagoras theorem many years before Pythagoras invention.

Love – personal writing

When I was 18, I realized that I had to work, make my own money. How was I supposed to tell her that she meant a lot to me?

Mood in porphyria’s lover

He also uses punctuation in the last few lines to capture the long-going uneasiness and blooming insanity of the work. The aggressive nature of the wind is foreshadowing the strangling of Porphyria and certainly setting an unsettling mood from the very first lines of the poem.

Fantomina’s curiosity and ambition

She enjoys the love and power she feels in her seduction of Beauplaisir, which gives her the influence to continue enticing him. Then she simply chooses a new character and tries a new path to achieve her desire of being consistently Beauplaisir's lover.

Reading reflection: β€œthe story of an hour”

This is set forth by the use of language in " The Story of an Hour" in which Kate Chopin uses to describe Louise's emotions when she toggles between shock and joy at her chance for newfound freedom. When the world outside of her bedroom window is being described it is very minimal, but the β†’

Argumentative essay the apprenticeship of duddy kravitz

From the moment he hears his grandfather say, " A man without land is nobody," he is prepared to seek the land of his dream, no matter what the cost would be. Duddy has all the qualities that are needed for him to succeed in society; it is only a matter of time.

Relationships in love: literature

Whereas, the other two texts deal with both the poets sweet, happy and more realistic attitude towards the power of true love.'To the girl who stood beside me at the checkout counter of Whitewalls in Hamilton on Tuesday,' written by Glenn Colophon and 'This is love,' written by Karol Mila both deal with the positive β†’

The two main themes explored in β€˜in the attic’ and β€˜stop the clocks’ are love and loss essay sample

Auden likens the stars in the sky to the shining of a person's soul, now that the soul has gone there is no need for the stars to shine anymore. The more they shine the more they remind them of their loss.' Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;' that line shows that the β†’

He wished for the cloths of heaven and love by george

The tone In the beginning of 'Cloths of Heaven' Is one of exuberance as it describes a joyful, effervescent declaration of love but awards the end it changes to fearful as the poet considers that his love might be rejected. It's cold and I have nowhere to sleep, Is there somewhere you can tell me? β†’

Lorca’s play on tragic love

The play contains both the passion and the torment in the intense struggle of a group of women held in check even from the thought of love by a tyrannical mother, Bernarda. Slowly, but unequivocally, Bernarda drains the minds and hearts of her daughters until they become as white and barren as the walls of β†’

Explore the different types of love shown in wuthering heights

Catherine's fight between both her heart and her head causes her to feel that Nelly is taunting her and does not understand the dilemma of her situation; ' but if you will not mock at me, I will explain it.and further mentions that she can only give a small insight of how it is she β†’

Juliana giles

I found myself lost in a strange sort of fascination that I was totally unfamiliar with, and it chilled me to the bone. It was as if I was looking into the eyes of someone I had known as long as I had lived, even though they were those of a complete stranger, one I β†’

Love and lust

Samizdat wanted to use the help of D-503, 0-90 ND 1-330 to bring out a triangular love relationship and to comment on the effects of this relationship. Since in a Chinese culture point of view, the importance of marriage is to produce offspring, if the first wife is not able to finish the task the β†’

Crouching tiger, hidden tiger script analysis essay sample

The section that we are analyzing is a pivotal point in the movie because it is where one begins to see the main character's more in depth and understand the true motivation of Lo and Jen. This is the first point of attack and also where Lo is first introduced, this is also a brief β†’

Perspectives of marriage in literary work – a dolls house and pride and prejudice essay sample

Perspectives of Marriage In Literary Work In A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen, and in Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice marriage is a major theme. From the beginning of A Dolls House Ibsen portraits Torvald as the dominate male and as the controller of the household and Nora as the little house wife acting childish β†’

Ann beattie

The cream colored ceramic bowl serves as the main character throughout the story, and is correlated to the Roman God " Janus" that is identified primarily with doors or other places of passage, and is also represented as being two faced. It is implied when she wakes up in the morning next to him and β†’

The thermal-hydraulic design of the microchannel heat sink

The value of S is kept constant throughout the study, while the width of the channel is varied taking in the account the design of the channel and location of pins as shown in Table 6. Thus, the thermal resistance of the channel with the pin is lower than that without pin while the number β†’

Are green buildings truly green and for how long?

As per the definition interpreted by the What is a Green Building, the projects that would allow us to preserve most of natural environment around the project site, while still being able to produce a building that is going to serve a purpose is categorized as green building. If we calculate the payback period of β†’

Finding a similarity between an ancient area and a contemporary area

It is the focus of this paper to look into the similarities of the architectural designs of both places; Angkor Wat and The Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels. Some of the episodes include the Battle of Lanka, the battle of Kurukshetra, the churning of the sea and others in the main galleries'.

Goals of the vibravid platform and its advantages in the crypto market

VibraVid will provide a platform for creators to upload, store, market, lease and sell their content to users with the added benefits of being able to crowdfund and sell merchandise and event tickets directly to their subscribers and fans. While advertising is not a thing of the past, we believe that users should be able β†’

Kindergarten chats – architecture

The elements of earth and air shaped by delicate hand of time A creative impulse of origin In conclusion, buildings are made of materials, but the elements of the earth are removed from the matrix of nature, and reorganized and reshaped by force; mechanical, muscular, mental, emotional, moral, and spiritual. I agree with Sullivan that β†’

Effects of culture within humans architecture essay

Therefore, within my essay I will travel on to farther discourse the effects that civilization has had on the development of worlds ***CONTINUE LATER***" It was the success of the simplest tools that started the whole tendency of human development and led to the civilisation of today ". It is believed that to go bipedal β†’

Interpreting african american views on other americans in an age of tense racial relations

The plan for the qualitative research is to interview two African Americans, both in college and in their early twenties. A single country in the world attempting to unite not just a state of a different tribe, but a nation of them; White and black, Christian and Muslim, to name a minute of nomenclatures.

Erica the end he failed tremendously. for

Holden felt the need to make a connection with the little girl in the park because of his brother's death. After his brother died, Holden lost his innocence and it impacted his ability to make connections with others and that's why he felt the need to interact with the little girl.

The hypodermic syringe model essay sample

Katz and Lazarsfeld simplified this to ' attitudes and ideas flow FROM radio and print TO opinion leaders and FROM THEM to the less active sections of the population.' However, although the model focuses less on everyone being mindlessly affected by the media message and more on the absorption of concepts and the sharing of β†’

Importance of partnership between parents and caregivers

The interaction between each parents was closely monitored during the pick up and drop off time, in the morning and afternoon, between the parents and the daycare staff. In general keeping a close relationship between both parents and caregivers would encourage the children to do better.

Additional procedures in relation to recruitment and appraisal

The tasks of the manager to which you wish to employ must be clear in order for the company to employ the correct person and in order for the correct person to be attracted. In addition to the above the manager to must be able to function to a acceptable standard within the job.

Research desighn in counseling

The most serious consequence of publishing fraudulent data is the loss of faith in the work of a particular researcher. He may have also meant that the data may be interpreted in whatsoever what way to suit the needs of the researcher.

Journalist and pr relationship

The question for the essay is " Journalism and Public Relations: Symbiosis or Parasitosis? " Journalists and Public Relations practitioners interact with each other everyday as part of the process of news production. Journalist perception on public relations practitioners has a negative connotation to it, often troubled by the often about the levels of ' β†’

Global public relations trends

Back in the day, PR specialist focused on communicating the right message to the public. Having A PR person in place can be vital to the success of the company.

Federal and unitary systems of government essay sample

Federalism is the creation of two layers of government, the federal government and the constituent states, which equally share the legal sovereignty of a country. Nowadays most of the existing unitary states have developed a central tier between national and local government.

The age of awakening

By analyzing Call me by your name and Oranges are not the only fruit the themes of relationships, religion, identity, sexual expression and sexual orientation the elements of the Coming-of-age genre will be examined. The first person narrative technique of Oranges are not the only fruit allows for readers to assess the inner workings of β†’

The relationship between faith and reason

Use at least one example of a Christian teaching that shows the harmony of faith and reason The harmony of faith and reason are the grounds upon which many Christian teachings are built. This relationship enhances elements of both constructs, however the danger of separating reason from faith is that reason will endeavour to prove β†’

Interpersonal relationship and billy

This idea is represented in the core text of The Simple Gift and related text of The Blind Side which further reveal that belonging is the understanding and acceptance of an individual which makes them feel included. It follows the protagonist Billy and his longing to find his place in life to feel accepted, but β†’

Supplier rrelationship management

It also has the aim to illustrate the supply chain of the additives business and show its relationships to the users by showing it through the process cycle diagram and in the end, evaluate the commercial risks for the supply chain by making an assessment. Additives is one of the most expensive items bought by β†’

Theraputic relationship

It was also as my duty to feed her so that I couldmake sure the patient get the best care in the ward. In order to analysis of the event, I could evaluate that, my communicationskills are very important to provide the bestnursingcare to Mrs.A.


Acetaldehyde is present everywhere in the atmosphere and may be produced in the body due to the breakdown of ethanol. A, abstinence is believed to be the treatment of choice after suffering from alcohol abuse.

Alcoholism among the youth

The legal drinking age should not be lowered due to the fact at a younger age; people are less tolerant and less capable of controlling their reactions to the alcohol, potentially putting their lives and the lives of others in danger. One of the largest arguments in favor of lowering the drinking age is the β†’

College students: propensity to drink and drive

Its shown in the National Survey of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behaviors that persons driving within 2 hours of consuming alcoholic beverages in the year 2008 that do it most fall in the ages of 21-24. 8 million college students reported driving under the influence of alcohol in 2010.

Research paper on why is this still a problem

In the process of presenting a suggestion or idea to the person who has the power to implement it, the procedure of presentation influences the decision maker's acceptance or rejection of the idea. That shows that in the span of two years more people continued to die due to accidents caused by drunk driving, β†’

Literature review on sociology

In the FT study conducted, the percentages of those who went through the therapy successfully were derived from the actual cases that were used in the study. This is information is in congruent to the results discussed at the end of this article after the results of the study are presented.

Alcohol essay example

Alcohol is one of the lightest forms of addictive substances, but still the danger of becoming addicted is huge, especially if drink alcoholic beverages on a usual basis. For many people it is the only way to buy a little happiness for the money, and the value of this happiness depends on the amount paid β†’

Gut permeability alterations mediated by bacteria and links to alcohol dependence essay example

The study entitled " Intestinal permeability, gut-bacterial dysbiosis, and behavioral markers of alcohol-dependence severity" by Leclercq et al: E4485-E4493) explores the possibilities of links between alterations in gut permeability, composition of gut-microbiota, as well as the activity of the gut metabolites and the increased depression, anxiety, and alcohol craving in alcohol-dependent subjects. Gut bacteria have β†’

Essay on drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol on a social basis may not be considered as a danger to the individual's health or social relationships. Alcohol abuse may be the stage to recognize that alcohol consumption is interfering in the person's lifestyle.

Good example of the united states of america should not lower the minimum legal drinking age to research proposal

It is for this reason that many people are for the idea that the MLDA should be revised from the current 21 to 18. In sharp contrast, the opponents of such a move argue that maintaining the MLDA at 21 helps in the preventing of alcohol-related deaths and also control binge drinking.


Those are the types of arguments the proponents for the eighteen drinking age will generally give, but there is more to consider when it comes to the topic of alcohol. What we should be looking at instead of lowering the drinking age is to educate the youth about the dangers that come with alcohol consumption; β†’

Free trainspotting essay example

Although the novel was set in the 1980s, the author uses several aspects in the novel to allude to situations that are evident in the modern society thereby asserting the relevance of the Scots in the contemporary society. Ah hate the Scots" The colorful observations made by the character in the novel offer a very β†’

Career development essay

The companies think that paying their interns seems like the first step in doing the right thing and taking the responsibility to compensate someone for tasks performed.so, the no of job offers has increased as well as the undergraduates have got the opportunity to do a paid internship. Research Design, Approach and Method The purpose β†’

According care of people’s teeth and gums.

A dentist would need to make their patient feel very comfortable and by being easy to talk to the patient will feel very welcomed and being trustworthy will make sure that the patient is calm and not scared by the treatment they are about to receive. This can cost more damage than there was supposed β†’

This opinion. however, this apprehension may be overcome

An example of such flexibility is that where the Lord Chancellor sees it ' desirable in the public interest' for a judge to continue in their role beyond their 70th birthday, they may be awarded the potential to do so fo up to one year, and not beyond the date of their 75th birthday. It β†’

Research a person should always have a

Some organizations believe that assisted suicide is wrong and things like the hippocratic oath and the bible are a valid explanation as to why it's wrong. Other organizations in Switzerland feel that helping a person with euthanasia is the right thing to do.

Career theory essay sample

The classic career theory is diminishing as the growing number of people and career environment. The maturation of career theory.

You have just gotten a job

In the emergency department, the scope of practice would be quiet different from the scope of practice of other departments. The scope of the practice may often be determined by the licensure board, which would permit the nurse to work in a particular field.

Lebron named gloria marie james gave birth

He is or if not the best player in the world, and will continuehis streak to the finals. The career he's having is now his prime and he has manyyears left.

Female athletes in all sports essay

Thesis: Jennie Finch has a unique background, she paved the way for the sport of softball, and is a wonderful friend. Thesis: Jennie Finch has a unique background, she paved the way for the sport of softball, and is a wonderful friend.

Career management

High organizational commitment predicts the practice of career management activities by graduates to further their career within the organization while low commitment is closely associated with behavior aimed at furthering the career outside the organization. Summary This paper reports the findings of a two-wave longitudinal study investigating relationships between organizational and individual career management activities β†’

Job satisfaction and employees performance

1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Employees in Total Nigeria Plc.lay important roles, so employee's satisfaction is a very essential one; hence there arises a need to study the job satisfaction of oil, gas and lubrication employees. To access the general level of job satisfaction in Total Nigeria Plc.

Sample biography on my life at dupont

While I was at my job at the Nylon Beaming, I became so determined to reach my goal, which was at that time to work in Nylon Spinning. While I was at the height of my motivation to excel, word was going on that women could not work in the Nylon Spinning department for more β†’

The life of amelia earhart

Throughout the years, her father's inability to be the provider for the family led Amelia to become independent and not rely on someone else to " take care" of her. 1911 was a very rough year for Amelia because her grandmother passed away, who she was very close to, and the situation with her father β†’

The of the inspiration for social justice

One of the writers in the Victorian Age is Charles JohnHuffam Dickens. In this essay will discuss about thebiography of Charles Dickens, the famous work of Charles Dickens that is ThePickwick Papers, and the relationship between The Pickwick Papers withhistorical background during the age of Victoria.

Career episode – civil

After reviewing the background data I had to define water-supply sources, to calculate water consumption for domestic, industrial and fire safety purposes of the mine industrial area and the town. This scheme was as follows: Water from the water-intake wells is distributed by the pumps to the regulating reservoirs intended for the water collecting before β†’

Causes and effects of water pollution in lake huron essay sample

As well as evaluating and describing the pollution's causes, the paper also details the impacts of the pollution on the economy and people, so that those responsible for taking action to improve the situation have this important information available. According to " Water Pollution in the Great Lakes", the three main sources of pollution are β†’

Should recycling be mandatory

Recycling in America: It's not that hard In America, the choice to recycle is in the hands of each individual, but many choose the easy choice over the right choice. Of course if they wanted to be lazy they could just purchase the largest bag and put all of their trash in it, but it β†’

Pros and cons of fracas essay examples

The reason being that 75 percent of the oil and gas is left behind even in conventional oil reservoirs with permeable geologic formations, which allow oil to flow to the wellbore due to the natural pressure built for so many years. Along the horizontal bores, extending for many thousands of meters, well modules are constructed β†’

Air pollution summary 15

Air pollution is regularly used to classify unwanted emissions produced by human doings, which is also referred to as anthropogenic air pollution; examples of anthropogenic air pollution are: The burning of wood, coal, fuel oil or natural gas burning fireplaces, stoves and furnaces, Air pollution affects human wellbeing, flora and fauna; deteriorates structures, it intervenes β†’

Research paper on contaminated foods causes and effects

It is common to hear in newsflash of instances of food poisoning due to food, some dying due to the contamination. With the various types of contamination, the simplest food safety precautions can also present food contamination and affect people severely through food poisoning or death.


The deforestation will affect the change of the global climate, the agriculture and water supply. About 70% of the Earth is covered with water and only 3% of that is part of freshwater.

Chapter i

It contains the background information of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the study the scope and limitation of the study, operational definition of terms, and conceptual frame work of the study. 007-2012 the Selective plastic ban and the use of eco bag ordinance of the Province of Cavite.

Matt culp

Matt Culp Professor Sheridian Criminology 11 December 2012 Human Sex Trafficking in the United States When people think of slavery, they most often imagine the 1800's and The Civil War. In a bulletin released by the FBI, they say that " it [human sex trafficking] is the fastest-growing business of organized crime and the third-largest β†’

Human trafficking & slavery

In response to this human trafficking and slavery there has been a large reaction from both the international and domestic community to abolish trafficking and slavery. The effectiveness of international law in protecting the human rights on human trafficking and slavery is good to an extent.

How supreme court and jim crow laws affected on black americans life

It was the Supreme Court that was responsible for the worsening social and political condition of black Americans in the southern states in the period 1883 1900: how far do you agree w the statement The Supreme Court can be seen as vital in the worsening of social and political conditions of black Americans in β†’

Why huck finn shouldnt be banned essay sample

The idea of banning a book and not teaching it to others is selfish and subjective in itself. Although he is shown to be this way, Twain shows the irony and hypocrisy of treating a mature man like simple property.