5 Pages Essay Samples

The role of the family nurse practitioner essay sample

Again, the role of the APRN-FNP is a clinical role requiring direct patient care, according to the APRN Consensus. Finally, it is apparent throughout much of the data reviewed, that the APRN- FNP must remain vigilant in his/her practice, because of the law and practice variations from state to state.

Exploration of one of the many health care resources

The purpose of this paper is to explore one of the many health care resources that are available in the greater Philadelphia area and then visit this site to learn more about it. The mission of Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania is to protect and enhance reproductive freedom, to increase access to reproductive health care services →

The importance of interprofessionalism for health workers nowadays

Roles and responsibilities uses the knowledge of one's own role and those of other professions to appropriately assess and address the health care needs of patients, to promote, and advance the health of populations. Communication with patients, families, communities, and professionals in health and other fields in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a →

Killing vs letting die

While the AMA maintains that people have a " right to die with dignity," and believe it " morally permissible," for a physician to allow the death of a person who is suffering unmercifully and has an incurable disease, they are unwilling to " countenance active euthanasia for a person who is in similar straits, →

Healthcare law and ethics

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act is a law passed by Congress to protect the patients from the practice of patient dumping. The patient must not just be triaged, which is a process in which order of priority a patient is to be screened and treated, but must be assessed to whether the →

The transition to the role of professional nurse

A vocational nurse must also have the ability to effectively transition to the role of a supervisor or leader, capable of making complex decisions and delegating tasks to others as part of their job responsibilities as a professional nurse. A professional nurse is also more likely to be held accountable for patient's outcomes as they →

Oral hygiene aids case study

I explained to her to avoid plaque build-up it is important to brush her teeth and gums at least twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed at night with a fluoridated toothpaste. I use a purple disclosing solution, and told patient this solution is used to expose plaque, and it can →

Universal healthcare: the pros and cons

Presenting both arguments for and against the Patient Protection nd Affordable Care Act allows one to draw a conclusion on whether the new program will benefit or hinder the citizens of the United States. The cost of health care will be greatly reduced by the PPACA, and this will have a chain reaction on big →

Good essay about when the bough breaks (29 min.) can racism become embedded in the body and affect

The introductory program, mention is made of the fact that the United States spends over 50% of the health dollars around the world, yet in terms of health efficiency and health indicators, the United States ranks 30th in the world, this shows there are major socio-economic gaps in the way the United States that contributes →

Sleep deprivation of college students

It is understood that going to college probably is the first time students will be in charge of their sleep habits. A study on the sleep patterns and problems of university business students in Hong Kong.

Example of essay on research question

In a retrospective study carried out in Perth, Western Australia, of the Emergency Department Information System for three main central metropolitan EDs, the correlation between access block and ED overcrowding was found to be the highest of all the correlations between access block and other variables. Efficacy of a holding unit to reduce access block →

Political science research paper sample

In the enactment of the bill, the proposition is to state an average amount of budgetary allocation below which the government cannot fail to allocate to the veterans' health care. The legal course of action is the best approach to better the availability of healthcare to the rising number of veterans in the country.

Essay on unabated continuation of the proliferation and fragmentation of the health professions

One aspect of fragmentation that is desirable in healthcare is the issue of division of labor and specialization. An undesirable aspect of fragmentation of the healthcare professions is that patients may be forced to visit a number of different physicians or specialists without finding a solution to their problem.

Medicare solvency in u.s. essay sample

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, is the federal agency that runs the Medicare Program. According to KFF.org, Medicare plays a major role in the health care system, accounting for 20 percent of total national health spending in 2015, 29 percent of spending on →

Standards of practice, laws and rules

Standards of Practice, Laws and Rules Sabrina Sibert Ohio University Standards of Practice, Laws and Rules The purpose of this paper is to identify the legal aspects of nursing, in laid in accordance to the scope of practice, and the standards of care registered nurses are held accountable for. I will attempt to give a →

Report on role and career opportunities – health care assistant

The next part of the report summarizes feedback from a working HCA, who describes her daily routine, her tasks and responsibilities, the challenges of her job and the skills she brings to the job. Pay rates vary according to environment and location, but the feedback from a working HCA is that the job, while it →

Sources of arsenic in soil

A variety of As compounds, each organic and inorganic, square measure introduced into the setting through earth science and anthropogenic sources.little amounts of As conjointly enter the soil and water through numerous biological sources that square measure wealthy in As. Though the anthropogenic supply of As contamination is progressively turning into vital, it ought to →

Experiment 2: common-ion effect and buffers

DATA, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the first part of the experiment the experimenters used visual indicators and pH meter to know the pH of each solution. The experimenters dropped the indicators in the solution and the color of the solution immediately changes.

Spectroscopic study of cu(ii) complexes: crystal field theory essay sample

These colors are due to the absorption and subsequent emission of light in the visible part of the spectrum. The Broken line represents the spectrum of TiCl63-, with a maximum at 13, 000 cm-1 The size of E is most readily measured spectrochemically by observing the energy of the electronic transitions between the t2g and →

The importance of using chlorination reactions

The most prominent mechanism bacteria are destroyed is through the chlorine agent destabilizing the bacterial membrane by binding to reactive compounds in the membrane. This proves most effective when the chlorine is able to react with the bacterial enzymes, replacing one or more of the hydrogen atoms in the molecule with chlorine.

Sparkler investigation lab essay sample

In other words the purpose of this experiment is to determine the enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide. The function of the magnesium in sparklers is to provide the bright light to the sparkler.

Chemistry famous quotes

5) Amando Kapauan - one of the first to study the problem of mercury in the environment and designed equipment to analyze its presence in soil and water. His most renowned contribution to the world of science is discovering and creating a polio vaccine.

Radical halogenation and gas chromatography essay sample

The energy liberated in the reaction of the free radicals with other atoms is sufficient to keep the reaction running. After the experiment, according to GC data, 1, 1-dichlorobutane had 5% of the product.

The wittig reaction – lab report essay sample

The purpose of this experiment is to synthesize trans-9- anthracene from benzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride and 9-anthraldehyde through the reaction mechanism recognized as the Wittig Reaction. A more recent and inexpensive version of the reaction is the Wittig-Horner reaction.


Krishna Janmashtami, also known as Krishnashtami, Saatam Aatham, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti, Sree Jayanthi or sometimes merely as Janmashtami, is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Krishna, an Avatar of the Hindu deity Vishnu.[1] Krishna Janmashtami is observed on the Ashtami tithi, the eighth day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of →

Gangnam style essay

The worldview of the region is a place comprising of the rich class of people. Predictable formula in this style in is the fact that the writer and initiator of the style converted a story into a poetry and then to a song.

Example of report on water provision techniques for arid regions

As per several studies, Water reclamation and Reuse & Solar distiller desalination are two provisions or technologies for fresh water supply in arid regions.- Presentation of Options Solar Distiller Desalination The first technique of fresh water creation is Solar Distiller desalination which uses fresh water and salty sea water with utilizing sunshine. An addition was →

Man made location: dubais man made islands essay examples

Dubai city has grown to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world graced by amazing architecture, top of the class hotels, world renowned festivals and sporting activities, amazing views of the most amazing man made features the world has to offer. Perhaps the most amazing feature of this city is the Palm →

Free thesis on sampling method and lab work

After completion of the study period of 10 days, I assessed the incubated samples for presence of an infection; the infection status was determined as positive if parasites were found in any of the culture tests, whereas the status was confirmed as negative if the parasites were not seen under the microscope even after 10 →

Hydrogen uses, purposes, and compounds

It is a colorless gas that has a melting point of -51 C, a boiling point of -35 C, and a density of 2850 kg. It is a colorless gas that has the boiling point of 113.

Life in the leatherwoods ( a book by john quincy wolf) book review sample

Life in the Leatherwoods by John Quincy Wolf is a very rare memoir about the lives, society and culture of the ' plain folk' of the Upper South during the late-19th Century, specifically the white small farmers of the Ozark Mountains in northern Arkansas. This was the norm in the childhoods of the grandparents and →

Summer project 2013 essay examples

Therefore, apart from the flash floods, the slow swelling floods can be predicted to occur during the rainy season, though this largely depends on the amount of rainfall in the particular season. In some cases, flood victims grew desperate and sold their wives and daughters, and cases of cannibalism were also a cause of the →

Rough water ahead

The following are the required steps to identify, recognize and measure the impairment of a long-lived asset to be held and used: * Indicators of impairment consider whether indicators of impairment are present. Measurement of an impairment If the undiscounted cash flows used in the test for recoverability are less than the long-lived asset's carrying →

The feasibility of different techniques for providing fresh water to arid regions in the world

UNESCO and the Italian Ministry for theEnvironmentand Territory have launched " The Water Programme for Africa, Arid and Water Scarce Zones", which seeks to develop the potential management of water resources to protect the fragile environment of water scarce regions. In Africa is the greatest percentage of people lacking access to safe drinking water, there →

Epistemology and metaphysics in the 18th and 19th centuries david hume immanuel kant schopenhauer and georg wilhelm friedrich hegel essay

Even it must not have to be via one's personal sensory organs; the simple certainty that the information concerning the experience relayed to the mind and developed there makes one's perception. If the brain requires what is essential, it is since the body is dispatching indicators to the brain portraying insufficiency of that requirement.

Good saving baby mark essay example

Upon reaching the changing room, I realized the calmness in the face of Mark and teased him that he was already being scared of the water. I jumped into the water with a huge splash and got into the place where mark was and held his waist with my right hand as I was swimming →

We will pack up for them later. she said jokingly essay examples

The first changes we made to the house, taking into consideration where we live, we closed off the attic from the rest of the house with an iron door, put in a small bathroom and a kitchenette. My wife wept silently, we could not climb down from the attic window and we were not ready →

Vitamin c water-soluble essay sample

The number of moles of Vitamin C is then determined using the difference between the initial moles of iodine and the moles of iodine leftover. The final mass of the Vitamin C in the given tablet was calculated to be 497.

Martin luther king: the story of struggle against racism

The Montgomery Improvement Association was forced by activists to boycott the transit system, so they chose King as their leader." He had the advantage of being a young, well-trained man who was too new in town to have made enemies; he was generally respected, and it was thought that his family connections and professional standing →

Black like me research paper sample

In his experiment, black was subdued to stereotypes of the black man being of a lesser caliber than a white man. This picture of the existence of a rift in America between blacks and whites conforms to a dominant idea of the existence of a rift.

Civil disobedience: different points of view for the same subject

Martin Luther King Jr, Thoreau, and Gandhi, all trusted in investing energy in prison as demonstrations of civil disobedience and believed that that was a piece of the arrangement in accomplishing their objectives. Every one of the three men trusted that correctional facility time was viewed as a demonstration of civil disobedience and that it →

Notes of a native son vs. letter from a birmingham jail essay sample

King, as the leader of the civil rights movement, uses the repetition of the first-person defense to strengthen his argumentation. Focusing on the same theme of segregation, King responds to the issue of injustice among blacks and whites by convincing the audience, who are the unwise and untimely critics, that only through nonviolent direct protest, →

Maya angelou graduation essay sample

When she is describing the excitement and anxiety in the people around her, she is relating to what everyone feels when they are about to graduate." The children in Stamps trembeled visibly with anticipation...the whole young population had come down with graduation epidemic".. This concrete information she included only added to the believability of her →

Social issues: racism essay

Racism refers to the act of ascribing certain traits and stereotypes to individuals based on their race. According to a report titled Race for Equality, the National Union of Students revealed that 1 in 6 black students experience racism in their educational institutions.

Example of creative writing on thought paper; the concept of sovereignty is highly over emphasized and should be

For the sovereignty of a nation to be recognized, the leadership of that nation must have a free reign over the running of their affairs. The influence of the United States on the on the United Nations is a major factor that the genocide proceeded to the levels it did.

Racism and anti-semitism

Racism and anti-Semitism is complex and still is a problem in the United States. Of the agreements presented, there is still a problem with racism and anti-Semitism in the United States.

Metaphors in master harold

The complexities of this relationship are shown through the authors use of effective metaphors, such as the kite and the bench, to illustrate the life experiences between Hally and Sam within the racial and political time in which they lived. During the time when Sam and Hally went to fly the kite, Hally was so →

Murmuring judges: public and the police

Here, Hare is perhaps consciously suggesting that the people dislike the police as they are the ' face of justice' and thus perceived by the public to be the ' enemy'. This is strengthened by Hare's presentation of the public, as they are shown to be non-cooperative or " grovelling".

The negro movement

After the AmericanCivil Warthere was a spark within the African American culture to diminish the legacy of slavery. The Harlem Renaissance is the name given to the period from the end of World War I and through the 1930'sDepressionera.

Racism in poetry literature review

Moreover, the speaker of the poem is a slave, and he is arguing that he is just as American as the white people of the country. In mentioning the colour of the pigeons' feathers and their ' cooing' accents, the poet is linking the image to the colour of Hispanics' skin and to their differing →

Free research paper on the browning of america

However, with the increasing calls for equality by many ethnic minorities, and the increasing population of minorities in many areas of the country - more than half of the population of California is now Latino or Hispanic - one wonders if America will still be seen as a white-centric country. The cultural power of many →

Discrimination of women in the states

Women are not given the chance to prove themselves to be equal to men in the business world; not just in the business world either, but in everyday life. While most people, especially men, believe women's rights in society have changed in major ways, people do not realize that women are still being belittled, and →

Blue eyes vs. brown eyes essay sample

Jane's hypothesis was that the students would understand what it felt like to be discriminated against with separating them with their eye color, saying the brown eyed students were not as smart as the blue eyes and vice versa the next day. Based on reunions and interviews, her experiment has had a positive outcome on →

Martin luther king and his famous speech ‘i have a dream’

Martin Luther King Jr.was an American who is best known for his role in the African-American civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1960s.Dr. Martin and Coretta became the parents of four children: Yolanda King, Martin Luther King, the third Dexter Scott King, and Bernice King.Dr.

Good research paper on race bias, facial recognition and recall: the effects of race on memory

The researchers determined that individuals who were of the same race as the subject were assigned a higher " value" to learn by the subject, and those who were of a different race were assigned a lower " value" for the completion of the task. According to the literature, own-race bias is a psychological phenomenon →

The foundation of ku klux klan and the harm it brought to society

At this moment the slavery had been made illegal in the south and the blacks were given the right to vote, where the Republicans could collect their batches and escort them to polls. White Robes and Burning Crosses: A History of the Ku Klux Klan from 1866.

The current predominance of black athletes

Discuss the argument that the current pre-dominance of black athletes in world sprinting is a social and not a ' racial' phenomenon. The following essay will discuss the argument that the current pre-dominance of black athletes in the world of sprinting is a social and not a racial phenomenon.

Good essay about race and social policy

The book implies that the war on drug has created the new form of racialism as politicians implement the policies and fund the campaigns the war seems to have the blacks as the main target. The film presents a comparison of the racialism in the 60's and the 90's through a test.

“the modern temper: the american culture and society in the 1920s” by lynn dumenil essay sample

In the stead of this less insightful means of analyzing the 1920's in America by assuming that the post war era was a direct creation and consequence from the war, the author offers the suggestion that the seeds of the twenties were planted much earlier during the industrial revolution and through the effects of a →


People are often influenced by culture without being aware of it.* Located evidence of individual behaviour * Located evidence of others' similar behaviour or culture in the story * Made a link between the two to fashion an argument that " people are shaped by their culture" In the text, Mrs Waranda was too scared →

Problem of racism in america

In 1860 the Missouri Compromise was passed which prohibited the holding and ownerships Of slaves in the territory of the United States north Of the line. This acts helped crease the amount of segregation and racism in America.

Book report

The book focuses on the social role of the woman in the household and the Indian traditions that keep them there. The author shows the reader a glimpse into the arranged marriages of the middle class in India through the eyes of Uma.


Moreover, the reader opines that the women in the Indian society are like to make comparison and talk at back of the people. The society has fixed that the role of the women is only to cook delicious food for the family and do house chores and should not be lazy.

Freedom and justice for all

It is more than just a union and much more than just a status; it is about being with the one you love most and sharing everything for the rest of your life. Therefore they claim gay marriage is a sin based on the beliefs of proper marriage being between that of a man and →

Research essay on marriage

In Zhao Xu's essay " Marriage is the Grave of Love", he writes " Marriage is the manifestation of love when two people are just getting married, and it is a killer of love as well when they have got married. Marriage is destiny, and it will not be out of style forever!

The necklace and the story of an hour essay sample

In The Necklace and The Story of an Hour both Guy de Maupassant and Kate Chopin use irony and descriptive narration to portray Mathilde Loisel and Margaret Mallard as female protagonists whose thoughts and actions are at odds with the expectations of society and the norms of 19th century marriage. By using irony both Guy →

Marriage customs

As long as arrange marriage is considered to be the custom of the old days, it is immediately rejected as unacceptable in the free social norms, in which we live. Importantly, arrange marriage is not viewed as a historical disadvantage: the progressive character of the Korean society is in no way diminished through the fact, →

Malcom x essay

Information and Entertainment Center) Essentially, it was Malcolm X's speeches and the teachings of Elijah Muhammad that had the most profound effect on the civil rights movement coming from the Black Nationalist side of the movement. Information and Entertainment Center) Malcolm X's influence in the black community was another part of him being a great →

Gay marriage speech

For instance Mike Judge, from the Christian Institute in the United Kingdom, suggests that the value of marriage will decrease if gay marriage is legalized in the United States as it was in the UK. If the special rights of marriage are given to any other relationship then the special values of marriage will diminish →

What’s wrong in marrying?

She argues that the number of gifts that the father bestows on the daughter and the heavymoneythat he spends on the wedding make the bride look like a " commodity" that is being transferred from one to another for a sum. By this argument she overlooks the love and care that the father has for →

Wide sargasso sea english mla analytical paper

As the arranged marriage between Antoinette and Rochester causes their relationship and sanity to slowly unravel over the course of Wide Sargasso Sea, they also suffer as a couple and as individuals. The second part of the novel marks the beginning of the marriage between Antoinette and Rochester.

Dracula vs pride and predjudice

One of the main problems that is faced while contrasting Jane Austin's " Pride and Prejudice" with Bram Stoker's Dracula, is that even when it is the same society that we are talking about, the time is not the same, is almost a hundred years apart from each other, with according to societies, could mean →

Difference between reality and imagination in anita desai’s in-custody

The title of the paper, Difference between reality and imagination in Anita Desai's In- Custody brings out the struggling character of Devan being stuck between imaginary and realism. In order to fulfil his miserable longing of becoming a Urdu lecturer, he goes to Delhi and meets Nur.

Marriage in kate chopin’s story of an hour

Near the end, she comes out of her room and walks arm In arm with her sister down the stairs to find her late husband at the door, which causes her heart to give way, in what the doctors proclaimed " of heart disease? of joy that kills. The author makes the heart represent marriage, →

Mi familia essay sample

The characters in the movie can be somewhat stereotypical of most Mexican families, but the central theme of the movie and the characters represented is the binding force of the movie. Her role in the movie is essential since she provides the backbone to the family and strikes at the core of the standard Chicana →

Carline dambreville

For the first time in U.S.history, more than half of the children being born to mothers under the age of 30 are doing so outside of marriage. The analysis in the article is that this is due to two major cultural shifts: 1) women are becoming more and more economically successful and independent compared to →

The iroquois

When comparing the Iroquois nation to the American culture it can be seen that the kinship and marriage rules are the same in both cultures. Iroquois living style The Iroquois nation married outside their family or clan like we do in the American culture however, once married Iroquois couples would live with the bride's parents →

Marriage and family

The definition of the US Census Bureau states that the family is a " a group of two people or more related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together". The above definition of the nuclear family refers to monogamous families that are typically considered the norm in the West.

Our socialized selves

Culture is a social force; it contains values and morals we are taught in the process of socialization. Class is another social force; we are often born into a specific class and usually strive to move up to a higher class.

The awakening

In The Awakening, Chopin uses Edna Pontellier to show that women do not want to be restricted by the roles that society has placed on them. She is merely expected to run the house, care for the children and do her best to please her husband.

13th amendment

The article, Instead of Waiting for the Thirteenth Amendment: The War Power, Slave Marriage and Inviolate Human Rights reveals the abolition of slavery in US and the effects it had during the civil wars. It explores the American history throughout the period of the progressive era and the counterpoint between the two antislavery decrees adopted →

Gender roles and marriage

Among women, Walter is subservient and the object of derision. Among women, Walter is subservient and the object of derision.

Reaction paper

Same Sex Marriage * Countries where Same Sex Marriage is legal The first country in the world to legalize gay marriage was the Netherlands on April 1st2001. The new legislation makes the definition of a marriage gender neutral and gives same-sex couples the right to adopt and church weddings.


There are various causes of divorce, which affect both parents and children together with the society in general, and this has led to the formulation of ways that can help in reducing the divorce percentage. Lack of trust between parents is one of the major causes of divorce in the society.

Evolution or ignorance of education

The process of learning about evolution is a necessary part of a well-rounded student's education due to the fact that it is a statistically proven science and removing it in turn revokes certain student's rights. Biological evolution.is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual.

Moral dilemmas in jane eyre essay

One's moral values and inner truth are the things that one must strive to find, and to maintain. In some cases, it is easier to stay true to oneself and one's values, depending on the circumstances.

The the right to life, liberty, and the

The pride that Sal, owner of awhite pizzeria in a primarily black neighborhood, had over being in possessionof property that warranted admiration is the reason for the intense emotionsassociated with the destruction and fall of the establishment at the end of thefilm. The fall of the pizzeria should not be compared to against the deathof →

Defining honor

For instance, we say that it was a great honor for Jim Smith to be elected captain of the football team; and then, on the other hand, we talk about a code of honor, or the laws of honor. Next to keeping our own obligations of honor is the duty of protecting the honor of →

Can we trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge?

In history, the sense of trusting emotions in the process of knowledge acquisition in History as a discourse is rarely ideal. In their report to the respective tutor, the students wrote that there was absence of blood cells and the test was negative.

A critical appreciation of wallace steven’s

In the fourth stanza the tone of the poem turns darker and the speaker begins to notice things other than the woman, her song, and the ocean. As the speaker begins to perceive that the song is more than the sea merely singing through the woman's voice, he begins to feel a sense of ineffability →

Comparing the presantation of conflict in the charge

The words " charge for the guns" proposes of the certain death that the soldiers will meet and how suicidal this charge is, it also suggests the madness of the war. Tennyson says " cannon to right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them" this shows the confusion through →

She love of her life and as

She could not even tell her parents the things they would say, " Our daughter Irene Addilyn Kersen must never get married to another female, such a disgrace and disappointment to the family" oh she just could not get the thought out of her head, but she would not take back anything now, as she →

Professional development plan essay

My beliefs and values were incorporated to do my doctrine of nursing.that is to be an advocator for my patients' and their household during their most vulnerable clip.go oning my instruction to supply the best quality attention available and taking a holistic attack by looking at the individual as a whole; caring for their organic →

Essay on impact of cultural diversity in expectation of facial expressions of emotions

Major sections of this article include; Abstract, Introduction, Validation of internal representations, Validation of internal representations showing change of gaze, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.- Does the author state the hypothesis of the research study? This involves the use of statistics obtained from the experiment to determine if the hypotheses are true.- Is there a discussion →

An analysis of ”the weapon” by fredric brown essay sample

This appears to be quite ironic, and a contrast, but it seems that in the end they are the same, the adult being just as naive and innocent as the child. In the beginning of the story, the reader is introduced to Dr James, whom is studying hard, thinking about his son and his disabilities, →