5 Pages Essay Samples

Myeloperoxidase: a potential target of cyclic nitroxide(s) to ameliorate colitis in severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mouse model

Central to Pathophysiology of IBD is the progressive bowel inflammation induced by a cell mediated response where neutrophils and monocytes are the primary immune cells infiltrating the bowl and featuring IBD. Elevated levels of MPO and 3-chloro-tyrosine have been reported in the colon and serum of IBD patients and fecal MPO is considered a marker →

Good example of dangers of de-extinction research paper

Cloning is a process in which the DNA of an organism that is desired to be cloned is taken out and infused in the cell of another existing organism belonging to the same class. De-extinction is dangerous because it will further pose problems and challenges for the scientists.

The kudzu invasive species, its effects, and ways to manage it

The Kudzu vine is known as a dominant plant that outshines other plants due to its receptiveness to both the drought and the frost. Although there are control efforts in order towards the issue of the kudzu plants, they have only developed from that point due to the manner in which Kudzu surpasses and covers →

Lord of the flies and animal farm

In Lord of the flies Ralph is originally elected as the leader of the island, this was due to Ralph summoning the rest of the boys using the conch. This is very similar to Golding's use of the conch in Lord of the Flies as, the society starts to corrupt the pigs change to rules →

World literature critical thinking

A simple explanation of the harm caused by sport fishing to fish can be presented in the few lines that follow:- An action called " catch and release" in sport fishing causes severe physiological stress to the fish. Many scientists around the globe confirm that fish may feel pain at this moment.- Another problem is →

Good killing of the innocent animals, a new level of barbarism essay example

Slaughtering of animals for the sake of food is a cause that could be justified, but countless animals are becoming victims to violence that is uncalled for. Animal testing and killing of animals for the purpose of research should be made illegal.

The nature of geysers in yellowstone national park

Known for lighting the way to the creation of the U.S. It allowed for us to understand that there is not yet a known measurement on the upper limit of life.

Example of essay on hike up mount washington

We followed what he suggested because we believed it was the best thing to do. It was difficult to breathe but we pushed ourselves to the invisible finish line.

Example of colonization dehumanizes the colonizer essay

Thus white Europeans and Americans were at the top, the Chinese and Arabs in the middle, and Native Americans and sub-Saharan Africans at the bottom" This statement clearly shows the attitude of those who colonized the others because they perceived them to be of low status than they were by just looking at the complexion →

Animal abuse essay sample

It is time to better inform and raise awareness in our readers today of the cruelty going on today." Every year, millions of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed in crude tests to evaluate the toxicity of consumer products and their ingredients". People are able to be informed of the situation, and decide for themselves →

Good the debate on animal rights argumentative essay example

Cohen basic argument, therefore, is that the concept of rights is human in nature and consequently; it does not apply to animals and animals cannot, therefore, be said to have any rights. There is however an overlap in the point of view of Singer and Regan, who in one way one another support animal rights →

The natural selection theory essay

This implies that they normally reject the out-of-Africa concept, which claims that the Homo sapiens evolved in the land of Africa and then migrated to the other parts of the world. Understanding the authenticity of evolution is very vital in that one can be in a position to compare the traits of past generation and →

Scientific experiments on animals

Do the advantages ofanimal testingoutweigh the disadvantages and allow us to carry out the procedures on animalsMany would say that experiments on animals are useless as the response of humans might be different to animals in some cases. According to Paul E and Paul J, Scientific and medical researches on animals are justified, it is →

Cultural superstition essay

I realized that he believes in a number of superstitions but the one that I found more interesting was the one about cats and in particular black cats. Therefore, this superstition emerged during the ancient times and has continued to dominate in the modern society where people still believe in these superstitions about a black →

How to change shoes on a horse essay example

To solve the process of the abrasion of hooves that are stained on hard grounds, there was the invention of the shoeing of the horses. If this process is done in the wrong way, then the health of the feet of the horse might be in danger and the reliability of the horse is jeopardized.

Animal testing essay sample

You may believe that animal testing is for a good cause, but the pain that these animals are put through is not worth a new brand of toothpaste, shampoo or lip gloss. There is going to be a different reaction with some animals from the drug they are tested with, than the reaction to the →

Animal testing lead to extinction of animals research papers example

A number of issues are related to animal testing and one of them is the extinction of animals. The fact of the matter is that animals pass through pain while they undergo various types of animal testing.

Dogs are better house pets than cats

Dogs are better pets than cats Yukako Taketani English 122 Instructor Chang March 17, 2013 Dogs are better house pets than cats In the world, there are only three types of people: dog lovers, cat lovers, and please-no-dogs-or-cats-around-me people. When they are brought to a veterinary hospital, most of the dogs are still wagging their →

Solar system formation – lab report example

What phase is the Moon in? _new_ Where is the far side of the Moon? Facing away from sun_ Where is the far side of the Moon? _facing away from sun_ Position yourself and the Moon so that the Moon is in its 1st quarter phase.

Geol – meteorology and space science

One of the lumps is called a hailstone. Atmos.Sci.

Definition of heat transfer

The larger the temperature gradient, the higher the rate of heat transfer PHYSICAL ORIGINS AND RATE EQUATIONS: It is important to understand the physical mechanisms which underlie the heat transfer modes and that we are able to use the rate equations that quantify the amount of energy being transferred per unit time. Because the molecules →


British and European code provisions for shrinkage curvature are essentially the same Effective stiffness, calculated according to AS 3600, Recoded 2, BBS 5400, and BBS 8110, and with no tension stiffening, is plotted against bending moment for the same concrete section used in the crack width analysis. The cracking moment and curvature of cracked sections →

Hipa a violations affect the medical billing process

Also, it was said from people that AIDS was initially thought to be a disease for gay males and that stigma has stuck but it was clear that women and children of all ages, sexual orientations and races can also be the victims of HIV and AIDS. Within the patient files it should be an →

New productive forms of atomic theory

Their contributions, The Fundamental Idea of Wave Mechanics and the Theory of Electrons and Positrons respectively were accounted for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory. It is in here that the theory of relativity comes in with regards to particles having velocities comparable to the speed of light.

Equilibrium: force table

In the experiment we measured and experimented for the equilibrant force, conditions and center of gravity. 07 m The table above shows the results we gathered in locating the center of gravity and the x and y coordinates of the cardboard.

Laminar forced convective heat transfer

Aim of the research: The aim of optimization is to find the number and shape of the fins and the way of placement beside each other in a way that achieve the most rate of heat transfer. To determine the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristic of an internally finned tube for changing the flow →

Projectile motion lab: using a toy gun

Hypothesis: The shape of the path travelled by the projectile, in this case the bullet of the gun, is a parabolic. As the height of the bullet's release increases the the time to reach the ground will increase, and therefore the range of the bullet will increase.

Nature or nurture controversy

The other process of development that occurs through the medium of the environment is called learning. According to research, the growth and development of a child is modified incessantly by the influences in the environment.

Classical conditioning

The second factor is timing of the CS and the UCS; if they both occur in close timing of one another the person is more likely to develop a fear of the stimuli. One of the most famous examples of an experiment and how classical conditioning principles can develop phobias is that of Little Albert.

Good essay about thin layer chromatography of carbohydrates

The sample is usually applied using a capillary tube on the plate, and the sample is taken up the plate through capillary by a solvent or a mixture of solvents. Separation process is attained as a result of the difference in the rate of ascending the plate by the analyte.

Example of hooning behavior report

They also pointed out that the severity of the injuries incurred by the drivers was subject to the type of risky behavior that the drivers had. Additionally, they found out that aversion to risk taking behavior partially mediates the effects of personality variables in driving.

The assume that the colonies of these cells

The E.coli bacteria were observed to take up the pGLO plasmid and were observed to reproduce which means the E.coli were able to successfully express the ampicillin resistance gene. The E.coli bacteria on the second plate successfully took up the pGLO plasmid and glowed because of the presence of arabinose sugar that turned on the →

Frames of reference in occupational therapy essay sample

DysfunctionMaladaptive behaviors as a result of faulty learning & at the same time the acquisition of society disruptive behaviorRole of OTMotivator & Reinforcing AgentTeacher, Consultant, CoachRole ModelFacilitate the acquisition of performance skills that will enable the client to function optimally in his expected environment. TreatmentProjective Activities in developing object relationships, ego function & defenses as →

Methods of observing young children

Context of behavior not noted; does not focus on the causes and consequences of the behavior; 3. Event sampling: The observer waits for and records a specific preselected behavior Used to study the conditions under which particular behaviors occur or the frequency of behaviors.

Taking revenge or granting forgiveness

Finally, it will come to the conclusion that despite there being some benefits in taking revenge, depending on the individual's life circumstances, it may be better for both the individual and those surrounding the individual to forgive and forget. There is a common theme in the literature that states that revenge is harmful to the →

Managerial behavior

In order to imbue the proactive spirit among the employees you as first level managers must ensure that all employees working under you have the necessary resources to carry on with a task and that each is aware of the performance levels expected of them. After the merger the trained and experienced staff of both →

Classical: higher order conditioning essay sample

The same holds true for other incentivized objects, such as the ashtray for the smoker, the bottle for the drinker, and the pipe for the professor. For example, the CS in the puff of air example might be simply the sound of a buzzer, resulting, after conditioning is complete, in a blink caused by the →

Border-line disorder research paper

The objective of this paper is to identify the relevant signs and symptoms of BPD used by clinical psychologists to diagnose suspected individuals with BPD, and to outline the different BPD criteria according to the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders which is also known as DSM IV-TR or simply →

Managing and motivating cross-cultural employees

From a culture to another, even if they share the same language, the meaning of words change and does not convey the same ideas and the importance of non-verbal communication is not the same. Though understanding the differences that all of these fundamental patterns bear, it is not the principal and unique approach to a →

Organizational behaviour learnings

The trick was in assigning the high priority challenging tasks to the first kind and the mundane tasks to the other. Many a times during my work life I had to convince the team members about the importance of work they are doing and the impact it carries within the project.

Good the stanford prison experiment research paper example

The concept, organized and oversaw by psychologist Philip Zimbardo, of the experiment was to place a number of student volunteers to portray prisoners and another number to portray prison guards. Even the leader of the study, Zimbardo, was not immune to the roles that they were playing in the experiment.

Respondent behavior

Frolov, one of Pavlov's coworkers, conditioned salivation to both the sound of a buzzer as well as the beat of a metronome. In Foursikov's study, one might point to the sensitizing effect of electric shock and the similarity of the sound of tone to that of bubbling water for at least some of the effects →

Stage models in health promotion essay sample

THE STAGES OF CHANGE; TRANSTHEORETICAL MODEL OF CHANGE PRECONTEMPLATION: People have no intention of changing. Clearly implications for behavior change interventions are based on: enhancing perceptions of the advantages of changing behavior.minimizing perception of barriers to adopting these behavioral changes.

Classical conditioning

The most famous and well-known experiment of Pavlov is that he 'conditioned' dogs to start a salivary response to the sound of a bell. They learned to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of the food.

General principles of classical conditioning and operant conditioning

Eventually, through repetition of the pairing of the NS and the UCS, the dogs would begin to demonstrate the same innate behavior to the NS alone. Spontaneous recovery, in operant conditioning, is demonstrated by the organism's continued response to a behavior that is no longer reinforced.

Classical conditioning vs operant conditioning essay sample

The unconditioned response is the natural reaction to a stimulus, in Pavlov's experiment, the dog's salivation to the sight of food and the no salivation response to the tuning fork are the unconditioned stimulus. During conditioning, Pavlov hit the tone then he presented the dog the meat powder shortly after, which would cause the dog →

Social system analysis

I want to be able to recognize things just like the social workers did in the reading Longres, The Biophysical Domain and Social Work Practice. Self-Assessment- I chose social work as a career because of some the experiences in my life.

Ballad form in the rime of the ancient mariner essay sample

In the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Coleridge employs the ballad form to contrast the traditional with the exotic through this he forms a poem full of supernatural elements that is easily accessible. In the Ancient Mariner the scene is set in the past shown by the use of archaic language and the use of →

The power of true love

Another line in the poem to show this type of imagery is line six, " Or all the riches that the East doth hold." This line clearly illustrates how unimportant material possessions are when comparing them to the love she has for her husband. In this line it seems she is praying to the heavens →

With close reference to three poems, show how wilfred owen

Although they write the truth about the horrors of war and have very similar sentiments, Owen concentrates on his compassion and the message of the futility of war. The sounds linger on through the onomatopoeic effect of constant rhyme structure in the first stanza, and are presented as dominant through the repetition of the word →

Poetry comparison of i shall return and war photographer

The opening line, " In his darkroom he is finally alone," is very secretive because it does not directly tell the reader exactly what is happening and " darkroom" leads the reader to believe that the character is hiding from someone or something. However, to contrast this, in the next line we are told that, →

Poems “richard cory” and “ezra farmer” essay sample

Robinson's use of " from sole to crown" implies that Richard Cory is a wholesome man from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head; whereas the parody says " heel to toe" which has the reader thinking about Ezra Farmers shoes. The poem " Richard Cory" and the poem " Ezra →

Sheena pugh’s ‘the craft i left in was called esau’ poetry analysis

This means that in the order of poems it shows the 'end of the earth', areturning to earth', and 'a new bit of earth'. The third poem we have studied is called 'Geography 1' and the person in the poem is describing the birth of a new part of earth, the island of Surtsey.

The cyclist poem

The use of time in " The Cyclist" is used to reinforce the notion that the pleasures of summer are temporary. Water is a symbol which is heavily used in the second stanza and the beginning of the third stanza.

”wild oats” by philip larkin essay sample

He also tells us that he was indecisive on whether or not he should have commit to the relationship, and the reader gets a feeling that this poem is Larkin's confession of his weaknesses when it comes to commitment. It is important that Larkin does not know fully of beautiful's personality as this gives her →

Techniques of poetry appreciation

Techniques of AppreciatingPoetryWhat is poetry? * Poetry is the creativity of a person's imagination.* It is nothing but rhythmical, imaginative language expressing the invention, taste, thought, passion, and insight of the human soul.* Like any other literary work, poetry needs to be understood to be appreciated.* The writer writes for a reason.* The purpose may →

Soto’s poetry – academy of american poets

His works are reflections of his childhood and what his personal experience was like growing up as a Hispanic and the hardships he faced. He wrote to give incite to his own life and express the life of Hispanics in poverty.

Crossing brooklyn ferry

In the second section, the men and women on the ferryboat become the eternal " impalpable sustenance" of the poet. He thinks again about all the people of the future who will enter the gates of the ferry and cross from shore to shore".

“love song, with two goldfish” by grace chua essay sample

The poem consists of five paragraphs, each of which is in brackets, which constantly reminds the reader of the fact that the two goldfish are in a small confined space. The very first paragraph of the poem establishes the attraction the male fish feels towards the female fish through words like " always floating around →

Dover beach

Midway through the stanza, the speaker invites his love to ' come to the window' and listen to the grating roar of the pebbles. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 23 Oct.2012.Web.


The poem is divided into two sections: the first three deal with the memories of his father working on the farm and second three deal with the poet himself. The end of the poem shows complete role of reversal between Heaney and his father.

‘dedication’ and ‘epilogue ii’ from requiem by anna akhmatova essay sample

' Dedication' and ' Epilogue II' are poems reflective of the suffering and changes the Russian people have known under Yezhov terror.' Dedication' focuses on the emotional and psychological impact of the Yezhov terror on human beings, which Akhmatova also feels from a mother's view.' Epilogue II' is Akhmatova's response towards all the tragedies she →

How rossetti narrates the story of cousin kate

Personally I believe this poem presents Rossetti with a stage where she can speak of her resentment at the power men have and the weaknesses and few liberties that women have in the Victorian period; as in the end she takes sympathy for Cousin Kate who appears to have everything, because she must live under →

Nominating derek mahon for an award

Mahon is a creative and innovative poet who is true to his Irish heritage yet has the skill to broaden his poetry from our shores to a worldwide experience that everyone can related to. He expresses true dedication and devotion throughout his poetry, We get a complex insight to not only him but to the →

Poems themes: love

The first one, " A Red, Red Rose", shows strong everlasting love, the second, " The Passionate Shepherd to his Love" shows the things that love could offer to everyone, and last but not least, " Come, My Celia" which shows to live in the moment of love and cherish it no matter how long →

The love song of j. alfred prufrock and preludes essay sample

Eliot explores the severe experiences of Prufrock in order to induce the reader to consider the deeper feelings of the character. In his poem, Eliot encourages the reader to investigate the problems of society through various literary devices.

Research paper on the group theatre and history of method acting in the usa

The Group Theatre was originally a company that was founded on the basis of a group approach to the theater and performing arts. The Fervent years: the Story of the Group Theatre and the Thirties.

Bohemian grove meetings research paper examples

The Reality Bytes has pointed out that " without certainty of the group's initial mission, the Bilderberg Group is currently a secretive and shadow world government", and also " The fear of many people concerning the Bilderberg Group is that they are a threat to the removal of our Rights to control our own future". →

Amish culture and heritage research paper examples

This is the ability of an individual to practice the culture of other people when situation need an individual to act in that manner. According to the Amish community, health is the ability of an individual to work hard.

national honor society application essay sample

First of all, I have achieved the top grades in almost all core academic areas in the first semester and half of the second semester, including the first, the second and third term, and the fourth term is now progressing. I have an average of over 90% for the first semester, scoring grade scale of →

Essay on conflict theory

The upper class group is the rich people in the society and they are the people who make vital decisions on the economic situation of the United States. The upper class group is always in conflict with the lower class as they struggle for power and wealth in order to control the lower class group →

Example of admission essay on social services

I have always intended to become a social worker but due to the responsibilities that I had in order to support my family and my hectic schedule, I was unable to pursue my dreams of becoming a social worker and serve the society. As I always wanted to be someone who can contribute to the →

Example of elderly care research paper

In the United States, the whites' access good medical attention compared to the blacks and this applies to the elderly whereby the whites will receive good care at home and in the sponsored facilities for the aged compared to the blacks. There are a variety of aged care services mostly funded by the government but →

The brains pleasure centers research paper

This is the other mechanism that works together with the reward system of the brain to make the experience of pleasure, and the loss of this experience so salient to us. Therefore, the pleasure centers of the brain cannot be examined without also examining the centers which help us avoid pain.- The Pleasure Center in →

Film analysis: do the right thing movie review examples

This analytical paper aims at elaborating the outstanding scenes and criteria used within the film, which is essential in enhancing a success in the development of the theme of the film, doing the right thing. Initially, the film, Do the right thing is related to the basic life experience of the director of the film →

History: the four voyages of christopher columbus critical thinking

Ptolemy, on the other hand, underestimated the circumference of the earth and overestimated the size of Eurasian landmass Columbus desired to reach the land by sailing to the west. Irving Press, 2007.

Counselling in the polish community essay sample

I would explore the client's childhood development and transition through the appropriate development stages and work with the client to work through any un-resolved or unfinished stages to allow appropriate transition. This would include allowing the client to identify their own strengths and resources to allow them to confidently make the right decision.

Uncertain future: the bigger picture

Perhaps this sporadic nature of its occurrence calls for a new approach wherein instead of trying the onerous task of predicting unexpected events and failing, these events and the uncertainty of their occurrence could be seen as an opportunity and as an improvement where the future can thrive on uncertainty. Lack of a shared vision →

Good example of essay on how to train your dragon: film review

In the movie ' Stoick the Vast' is chieftain of Viking village and Hiccup who is the main character of the movie is his son. Hiccup shows the influence of prejudice and intolerance when he attempts to kill dragon in the movie.

Intra-racial discrimination

This research indicated that it was more about the racial situation between whites and Hipics rather than the race of the cashier. La Canasta shows that their can be discrimination within the same race." The cashiers do not resent their White customers.and accept their place in the social hierarchy".

Promote equality and inclusion in health

This scheme promote equality by addressing the needs of those with disabilities that effect their mobility and by participating in the scheme we are making a conscious effort to bring service user's needs in line with able bodied people who can walk longer distances. He is also to carry a torch and reflective jacket, for →

My view on outcomes of brexit

Outside the EU, the UK will also be able to implement regulation that allows them to out-compete other European countries, the only regulation they will have to comply with is that of exports to the EU and all exports have to comply with the regulations of wherever they are sent. Everyone says the reason they →

Discrimination against women

In addition to the problems, women also suffered from the heavy burden of discrimination based on their gender." They were assigned to the least skilled jobs, given the fewest possibilities for advancement, and treated as the most expendable members of the workforce". Despite their increased occupancy in the work force, most women still have a →

Free research paper on inequality

5 in the year 1992 which means that the level of inequality is high, the index increased during the late 1990s and early 2000 to reach as high as 54. 9 in the year 2010, and this indicates that the inequality level in Columbia is very high and the increase in the Gini index over →

Tanglewood case 3 essay sample

The company could also argue the fact it is in the best interest of the company to actually have employees who can market and fraternize better than Ms. Similar to the case of Bundy vs.

Urban social issues concerning tourism in png

The research is to signify what are the main impacts of squatter settlements on tourism in Madang. Most of the people living in squatter settlements such as wagol, govstoa and admin compound are employed and contribute to the economy of Madang Province.

Age discrimination in employment act

In the beginning, ADEA was the following: The ADEA sought to protect older workers from discrimination based on age in both the hiring and retention process. An applicant may arrive to the interview in a wheelchair, in which case, it can be seen that applicant has a disability and reasonable accommodations can be discussed.

Pro-choice: the only fair position

The pro-life supporters maintain that abortion is murder due to taking the would-be life of a child. Therefore it is proven that abortion is used to save the child from a life that would not be as fortunate as it could be.

”the weary blues” by langston hughes essay sample

Langston Hughes is showing the culture of the African Americans through the blues singer and the singer is using his song to express his feelings of sorrow and depression. The reason Hughes would choose to create his poem in this form of Blues is because blues offered a release of tension by expressing the anger →

Three countries with the best quality of life

The world has many limited resources and if we do not stop the growing population or slow it down many people will start to starve, and the amount of homeless people will increase. S should be regularly checking on the students to make sure they are where they need to be and are getting the →

Social issue paper example

The first day of school was the worst, I was stared and pointed at by many of the students both in and out of class. The eight hours at this school were the worst hours of the day and I just dread the moment the last bell would sound to head home at last.

Essay on social welfare and policies

The States would be requisite to re-examine these barring at breach to resolve even for a extra eternal bargain such as custody is necessary.- MORE EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION - About to happen changing nature of the social and economic problems, periodic view of desirability and constant review of the current public welfare programs is eminent. In →

Analysis of the factors that influence my sleeping habits

Hence, the intensive school environment has developed in me a need to stay back in school till late, compromising my sleep and health. In fact, research also shows that " hunger can affect an individual's quality of sleep and it is recommended to consume a light meal to get better sleep".

Business plan on day to day operations of patience centered medical home

Segregating the audience and delivering the data to the respective users for quick delivery of services to patients is the fundamental role of health IT. The program should work towards the harmonizing of services in order to reduce duplication, improve communication with patients, and enhance service delivery.