5 Pages Essay Samples

The objectification of women in “on the roadโ€ a feminist criticism essay sample

The women in On the Road are also explored and objectified for " kicks" or just for the hell of it, when they are pursued by the male characters on their trips across the United States. The leaving of a woman is always connected with the arrival of a male friend and that almost every โ†’

My best friend’s son essay example

I just never found the right moment to do it, so after looking for a long time for the perfect car and not finding it, I was just resigned to continue living with my old junk. The other precious lesson I have learnt the hard way is that, definitely, life is not fair, so I โ†’

Meeting learning needs case study

All children, wherever they are educated, need to be able to learn, play and develop alongside each other within their local community of schools", going further to state that " inclusion is about much more than the type of school that children attend: it is about the quality of their experience; how they are helped โ†’

๏ปฟcontinuing academic success essay sample

Critical thinking is one of the most important skills to possess on one's journey of becoming a master student and professional. In order to conduct research and write a well-organized and documented paper, the writing process and critical thinking skills must be intertwined.

Integration across a range of learning areas education essay

More expertness is required on behalf of the instructors in order to maximize acquisition by effectual integrating.'In order to protect students ' self-pride and develop assurance, it is of import that oppugning takes topographic point in an encouraging and supportive ambiance '. It is indispensable that the instruction takes history of these differences and is โ†’

Paulo freireโ€™s “the banking concept of educationโ€ essay sample

He compares education to the banking system and by doing so he is establishing his own methods and systems on how to make the education system better in our world today. At the beginning, he states how our current education system is very orderly and how the teachers are the " narrating" subjects and the โ†’

Being an effective learner

After I started to work on the essay, I started to realize that I did not have enough time for revising the paper myself or by the tutors although I had finished the paper. The second change I could make in order to become a more effective learner is to be serious on the problem โ†’

Students of alternative learning system: basis for academic performance essay sample

It is part of the education system of the Philippines but an alternative to the regular classroom studies where Filipino students are required to attend daily. The Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency Test offers examiners certification of learning achievements equivalent to the elementary or secondary level of the formal school.

Studying abroad as an opportunity to open mind

Since the student is living in foreign country, the student is automatically exposed to the new environment and culture right from the beginning. Studying abroad is a great opportunity to enlighten the students as they are expose to many new things, such as culture, language and friends.

My critical thinking and development stage

But as I grew older and began developing an ability to think for myself, I started to question the legitimacy of my religion. The faith I had in Christianity was egocentric in that I had assumed that my beliefs were true without every really questioning the basis of them- it was sociocentric in that I โ†’

Establish a safe and supportive learning environment

The main aspect of this theory is that the most important part if learning is the change in the learners concept of self. Evaluation should be constant during the teaching process to ensure I am teaching to the best of my ability and the learners are learning to the best of theirs.

Definition of economics and its main terms

Law of Demand mentions that when the price of a good increases, the demanded quantity of the good falls, and as the price of a good decreases, the quantity demanded of the good rises. The Monetary Policy is a policy that manages the change in the supply of money or in the rate of change โ†’

Standardized testing: a break down of the american education system

As a drama teacher in Iowa describes, " We are robbing our students of the joy and adventure of learning,". In addition, the truly passionate teachers are being stripped of their ability to teach and help their students.

The standards and main challenges of writing a case study

In this case study, the problem to be addressed pertaining to doctoral persistence of business students is learning how gender affects doctoral persistence and what factors influence the persistence degrees in female students. The purpose of this qualitative case study is to understand what factors and experience affect the female student's doctoral persistence or failure โ†’

Promote professional development essay sample

With the relevant training, the standard of my skills and practices will be updated and I will be able to motivate my staff team, so we will be able to create a better caring and working environment. Staff will be able to identify the areas that they need to develop and how to achieve set โ†’

Argumentative essay on quest for career & vocation: tuesdays with morrie

A vocation too is ultimately a career or a job, but the difference is that when you fall into it, you feel that you were meant to be in it, and you will enjoy it. After Mitch meets Morrie, he learns that although he has found his vocation, but his purpose of fulfilling it is โ†’

Tiger mon equal to children success in future

In order to reach the target and be the top student in the school, their children might get high GPA or obtain a Dean's List, which must be beneficial to them in future career. In consequence, even though the tiger mom approach is equal to a better future for children, it should not be black โ†’

Positive outcomes of the progressive era in the usa

During the Progressive Era, the positive changes that were made are seen today due to changes in quality of life, regulation of money and businesses, and movements for more democracy and access to the government. This era was one of the most influential times in American history and changed the country for good.

To what extent was stalins reign successful

The first plan from 1928 to 1933 and the second to 1932 to 1937 and they had the aims of improving the Russian industry. Through all of these things he caused terror to the people of Russia making this a failure in Stalin's reign.

Essay on mma history and fighters

Due to desire of the man to become better at fighting sports Martial Arts has grew resulting in evolution of different and new styles in combat. He stuck on his course and immerged to be among the feared fighter in the combat sports.

Becky case study essay examples

At her age, her teachers expect her to be socially playful and able to form new social ties with her schoolmates, though that is not the case. In regard to the case study, Becky appears to be socially inhibited and therefore a way to make her less shy and more interactive might be a more โ†’

Good agent of change in my own life essay example

Feminism is a belief in political, social, and economic equality of the sexes, the movement that is organized around this belief. Girls and women die every day all over the world in a large numbers from violence; diffuse cruelty of indifference, not enough medical care and practices that betrayal of the worth of the life โ†’

Facts and problem of the organization business plan

They include; provide health care services to the immigrants, provide elder care services to the clients, provide counseling to the immigrants and any other objective that will make the lives of the immigrant bearable and comfortable in the county. We will measure the living standard of the employees to see the impact of a pay โ†’

Techniques how people can achieve their goals essay examples

The objective of this paper is to discuss the different ways or techniques how an individual could formulate his or her own goals based on the two short stories A Rice Sandwich by Sandra Cisneros, and The Circus by William Saroyan, and based on the personal observations and experiences of the author. The two boys' โ†’

Stories of change: rwanda: understanding how rwanda created an enabling environment for improvements in nutrition and the challenges

While the poverty rate of Rwanda today is lower than it has ever been, in the rural areas of Rwanda that is where the poverty rate is the highest roughly three times higher than the inner urban areas of Rwanda. This is because, of the change in events due to the MDGs which has help โ†’

Example of king kong (1933) movie review

The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze the technological challenges that the director faced while creating the 1993 version of King Kong, and the renowned technological advances that were made by this iconic film. Nonetheless, King Kong remains a classic, a masterpiece of technology, which was ahead of the time in which โ†’

Analyzing ‘the rocking horse winner’ and ‘rules of the game’ literature review example

And it is a significant point of contrast that the mothers in both stories have a direct role to play in the lives of the young gamers and are they key factors in the development of the story. Opposite to that, it's the curiosity as well as desire to learn and outshine in Waverly which โ†’

Media speech creative writing example

As aspiring candidates you need to gain a wide exposure of the media in order to win in elections in the modern political system. The media staffs have a sole responsibility to make preparations that will see them through the manipulation that most likely they are expecting to face in the circumstances when the quest โ†’

Good example of team player essay

In the lights dim, the ABC sports theme fills the air, and the referee enters into the arena in a black and white stripped Jersey. The four bench judges prepare a scorecard, and the referee flips a coin as the four members take their position and the match is on as stipulated.

Free research paper about the definition of curriculum and its aims

The difference between my earlier definition and the current one, therefore, lies in the fact that the second definition is all inclusive of other things beyond the content that needs to be taught, but also the intended objectives and aims of the teaching and learning process. Print Feinberg, W.& Soltis, J.F.

How high schoolers are unprepared for college and some of the reasons why essay

According to the article Effects of high school contexts on postsecondary enrolment, the state of unpreparedness by high school students is shown through the use of national statistics about how various students performs in college. In addition, the persistent instances of social and ethnic gaps in high school and colleges may threaten the readiness of โ†’

Ageing population any resolutions?

It is proposed to import talents from other parts of the world, and implement effective policies to convince children born here to non-local parents and their families to stay here in order to alleviate the shortage of labour force. In addition, with reference to the Hong Kong Population Projections, the overall dependency ratio is predicted โ†’

Essay on how the us changed in terms of economics politics and social structures

Inventions in the transport and communication sectors such as the steam engine and railroad improved the transport of raw materials and finished goods. It also led to ease of the labor movement and more people migrated from the rural areas to take up the new employment opportunities created in the new industries.

Military readiness in wars: actions in mogadishu research paper example

Factors affecting the military's readiness to handle hostilities in the case of Actions in Mogadishu - Tradition on humanitarian relief - Inadequate understanding of the social-cultural context of the war context - Lack of an adequate reason for involvement - Role of the NCO in preparing soldiers for combat operations - Conclusion - References โ†’

Free report on leadership health policy

This then brings into question the adherence of the Section to the scope of practice of the APRN and the RN since the services provide in the Health Homes, acute, primary, behavioral and long term care services are all within the since of practice of the APRN and the RNs. This committee will keep the โ†’

Anna halprin art through dance essay

Dance is an art that involves the movements of the body parts to some form of rhythm or music and is used as a form of expression or public interaction and may be presented as a performance before a particular group of persons either for entertainment or as a religious practice. Although, at the beginning โ†’


The population has been growing continuously since the end of the Black Death, around the year 1400, although the most significant increase has been in the last 50 years, mainly due to medical advancements and increases in agricultural productivity. Contraception is a response to the fact that nearly 40% of pregnancies are unintended and that โ†’

The one child policy in china research paper examples

The one-child policy of China has social and economic effects. Collins, Maria C." The pros and cons of China's one-child policy".

Demographic transition

While in power the Taliban never had complete control of the country and was at a state of permanent war with a variety of warlords in the northern portion of the country. There is still hope though for developing the country because since 9/11, more and more countries are becoming involved in Afghanistan's development even โ†’

Trends in correction research paper examples

This has been to the response of the increasing populations in prisons. They are seen to fail in the role of reducing the prison population.

Community health threats essay examples

The local community leaders must be aware of the health threats and must be resolved in the community level to avoid the problems from evolving into a national concern. This is when health disparities comes in the picture, since the carrier might have a different set of genes designed to withstand strong infections, the nature โ†’

Urbanisation/ counter-urbanisation in rio da janeiro (ledc)

HOW DOES URBANISATION TAKE PLACE? - The movement of people from rural to urban areas exceeds that of residents from the urban to rural.- Life expectancy is greater in urban than that of rural neighbourhoods. Favelas are located on the very edge of the city, very close and visible from all the lavish hotels located โ†’

Impact of food on the culture and humanity of ivory coast research paper

It should be noted that the kind of food that is consumed in most parts of Ivory Coast is mainly dictated by the type of climate and weather conditions that prevail in those regions. This explains the culture of yam and millet consumption that is common in most parts of Ivory Coast, more especially among โ†’

Good domestic and international factors essay example

There are a number of rich and poor countries in the world and their richness or poverty is ascertained by the wealth that draws a prominent line between rich and poor countries. Having observed the succinct view of above mentioned subject, it can be concluded that there are various domestic and international factors that play โ†’

Health care in african american community in usa essay

The origin of the African American health care system dates back to the era of slavery when racism and medical theories about African Americans were eminent therefore creating suspicion with regards to the medical system. The socio-economic status of African Americans such as education, income and employment is the greatest determining factor in an individual's โ†’

The process improvement plan research paper sample

The common cause variation, which is always intrinsic to the process, as well as the special cause variation, which arises from the external sources and the process, is out of the statistical control. In the management of a business control limits are very crucial in the determination of the progress of the business.

Population ecology โ€“ dandelions essay sample

Variables Controlled The size of the circular quadrat, meaning the hula-hoop, the day for the experiment, and the distance between each quadrat. Independent The initial positioning of the quadrat from the base line in the field.

Analyze the vulnerable population in the workplace essay

The outcomes and possibilities for the patient's recovery have shown to be slim by the frequent return of the patient in the emergency room. The focus will be on educating the health care providers to stop stigmatization, develop self-awareness, and learn to be culturally competent and to be the best advocate for the patient.

Vulnerable populations essay

Age wise, Children under the age of 18 accounted for 39% of the homeless population in 2003. According to the National Law Centre on Homelessness and Poverty, in 2004, 25% of homeless were ages 25 to 34; the same study found percentages of homeless persons aged 55 to 64 at 6%.

Honey bee colony collapse disorder essays examples

Another method is to squeeze the honey out by crushing the comb and lastly is by uncapping the comb and letting it drip. The concern for this disorder is not restricted only to scientists and people involved in the industry but to all of humanity.

Study of purpose personal statement

I suppose that my greatest achievement in college was that I could apply the knowledge I acquired in practice first, I analyzed 5 years of monthly closing price data and estimated the value-at-risk of the chosen mutual fund, as well as did the rolling analysis of Constant Expected Return Model Parameters in my final project โ†’

Example of opportunity identification and planning essay

Citing a business opportunity, the level of skill and the willingness to make use of the skill plays an important role in the identification and choice of a business opportunity. It is important that the business venture is alert on some of the characteristics and requirements of the business opportunity.

Bp amoco case essay sample

In the US, employees typically set aside a predetermined percentage of their earnings which is deposited to the plan and the employer will match that contribution. In contrast to Amoco's plan, only 16% of the assets were invested in company stock, and 51% of the assets were invested in the stable income fund.

Erin balderson research paper examples

Therefore, excessive government spending is a situation where a country's rate of investing is far much less than the rate of spending. In fact, a situation where there is an existence of a gap between a country's spending and the manner in which it collects its taxes, the country is most likely to undergo excessive โ†’

Edumonaftpar essay

A lack of after-school programs can result directly from this, and it deprives students and teachers of the opportunity to work together individually and tackle students' problems. Since student participation in these programs is voluntary, minority students who genuinely want to do better and may not otherwise have the chance are deprived of a place โ†’

Net present value (npv) payback essay sample

The technique is a three-stage process: to calculate the present value of each element of cash expenditure in a proposal and then, to add these individual present values together to provide a total present value of the expenditures; to similarly calculate the present value of each element of cash income in a proposal and, then, โ†’

Diagram exploit innovation and enhanced screening and assessment

Workapplication The managing standard behindany inquiry of a candidate ought to be the accompanying: Can the businessexhibit an occupation related need for making the inquiry? Before making the inquiry, the questioner ought to decide if this data isimportant to judge the candidate's capabilities, level of abilities and generalfitness for the position.

Commercial real estate essay sample

Advise the fund on the main advantages and disadvantages of investing in REITs as opposed to buying commercial real estate buildings directly. Consequently, taking into consideration the disadvantages of REITs as opposed to purchasing a commercial real estate directly, it is observed that the greatest adverse to REIT investment is that the REIT shares' value โ†’

Example of essay on the five steps of writing process

In the Research and Evaluation Report titled The Writing Process: An Overview of Research on Teaching Writing as a process it argues," the act of writing is ingrained in every aspect of our lives and will continue to shape human interaction as we head full force into the 21st century". Prewriting is the first stage โ†’

Good example of report on finance

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the CFO of the business to critically analyze the financial information of the business and identify any important or key financial element to the directors of the business. In the case of Universal Health Services, the new CFO of the company must critically analyze the financial performance of the โ†’

Good example of john mclane article review

The article addresses the topic of relationship between real stock returns and inflation, aiming to obtain the empirical evidence of the effect of different dimensions of inflation on the real stock returns. The common way to test the stated relationship is stating it in the form of a regression model, with the dependent variable being โ†’

Math of investment essay sample

And this was the only time I got to understand what the importance and meaning of math of investment is. I did not get to understand of this lesson fully in one seating that's why I was forced to study at home and really read the book.

Business forms essay sample

Which of the following business forms is the easiest to raise capital? a.sole proprietorship.b.partnership.c.corporation d.limited liability partnership Which of the following factors or activities can be controlled by management of the firm? a.capital budgeting b.the level of interest rates c.stock market conditions d.the level of economic activity Tre-Bien Bakeries generated net income of $233, 412 โ†’

Be awarded half of the $200,000 she contributed to his education essay

Unless he can prove he was forced to take the lower paying position, he will probably be held responsible for the payments as stated in the divorce decree.- Ryan's health problems have no effect on the proceedings from the aspect of ability to care for the child since they did not alter his income and โ†’

Example of current macroeconomic situation in the united states essay

Thus, the GDP growth rate is expected to be slow in the near future. As depicted in the Figure 2, unemployment rate has been a concern for the country since the beginning of economic slowdown of 2008.

Billy joel business ethics and law case study

Case Solution In the above case scenario, the oral contract that was made between the seller and the buyer are not binding in the court of law in accordance to the contract law. Defence to be used by the Business Persons: It is paramount to note that the Bernard and Margaret as the business persons โ†’

Essay summary of ethics case study

Such practice along with not spending a lot of time talking with customers, selling stock that is not in the best interest of the customers, false advertising, finding ways to elude disclosure of commissions, and withholding pertinent information from customers before selling the product sends the message of untrustworthiness and dismay to the customer. The โ†’

Youโ€™re not special

McCullough, in turn, concludes his speech with a collection of dialectical dictums: " Develop and protect a moral sensibility and demonstrate the character to apply it. In this way, McCullough increases audience enforceability and the impact of his other rhetorical claims.

๏ปฟevaluation of a business code of ethics essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to research a chosen companies Code of Ethics and explore how the Code of Ethics effects and is used by employees, Managers, and members of the Board of Directors. Managers are expected to be familiar with and use this code to lead their employees in their ethical daily ethical โ†’

To the consequential theory, or also

If the outcome of the action is positive, then the action is morally right. The principle of utility is the morally right action that produces the best overall consequences in regard to the utility of welfare of all the affected parties.

Religious notions of evil and moral notions of evil are not mutually exclusive

Religious Notions of Evil and Moral Notions of Evil are Not Mutually Exclusive Religious notions of evil and moral notions of evil are not mutually exclusive. This paper defines religion, morality and evil, and explains how religion and morality are compatible and have similar characteristics.

The ignorance of bliss

There is the argument that allowing the humans to atrophy in the cocoons that the machines are making them stay in would be the morally incorrect decision. That itself improves the morality of the decision to free the humans over that of leaving them in the matrix.

Ethics in clinical experimentation research paper

In the 40 year old study, the Public Health Service simply monitored the spread of the disease among the remaining 201 test subjects. Proper selection of test subjects should be done and these subjects should provide legal consent to participating in the clinical test.

Literature essay examples

Pinker's Scientific Analysis of Morality In the article, " The Moral Instinct", published in The New York Times Magazine on January 13 2008, Steven Pinker elaborates on our perception of moral and immoral behaviour, and attempts to show that it is a complex part of ourselves, which is influenced to some extent by our neurology โ†’

Emerging ethical issues in advertising

Advertisement plays a major role in the society in economic, political and culturalenvironment.a.economic benefit associated with advertising Due to the effect ofglobalizationit has become very difficult for companies to use other promotional mix e.g.personal selling, therefore most companies have resulted to the use Ethical issues in advertising 2 of advertising to reach their target market โ†’


Why should I sacrifice the lives of innocent families, for a couple of men that have caused unhappiness to all? I want happiness, I want innocent lives to be saved, and I want to strive for the greater good of all.

The ethical and legal responsibilities of h&m

At H&M workers are eligible to a contract of employment, to work part time, to be able to join a union and to have hearing against unjust dismissal. For any reason H&M fail to do so they are breaking the law and therefore will occur.

Free critical thinking on arthur schopenhauers philosophy of pessimism

I did not consider the pros and cons of the scope of the study. Although the viewpoint is apt for criticism, I would agree with the author that in the end every human wants to live long and have a complete life.


Perhaps, however, we can pursue the issue in a way that abstracts from the difference over the will: Kant is more impressed by the continent person than he is by the person who is virtuous in Aristotle's sense, whereas Aristotle is not. It might be thought, however, that what Kant esteems is not the capacity โ†’

The tell tale heart essay examples

The fact that he denies in a forceful and loud voice that he is not mad, show that the narrator has lost his mind, and he is indeed insane. According to Zimmerman, the narrator is insane because he does not realize that he has committed a crime even in the presence of the police.

Philosophy: the ethics of human cloning

In this way, the parents would have the chance to love the clone just as much as the original child. For example, cloning could be a way to help expand the length of human life, but it would cost the lives of clones who were failures in the experiment.

Professional development essay sample

Rodd states the significant responsibilities of educators in the early childhood setting is to make decisions and to act in a way that will promote and protect the rights of children. The ethical responsibilities for early childhood educators is acting as a protector, facilitator, advocate and champion is a high priority as the educators are โ†’

Casual sexual behavior among youth

However, with the progression of time and the dynamism of various schools of thought, sexuality between people has become one of the most popular matters to ever grace the field of research. Personality can forecast the participation of young adults and adolescents in casual sexual relationships.

The bear minimum

The issue at hand is determining whether the costs in these provisions should, in fact, be included in minimum lease payments Conclusion Provision 1 Big Bear Power should not include the $500, 000 negotiation fee in its minimum lease payments because, by definition, it is not an obligatory payment to be made toward the asset. โ†’

The organizational structure of proctor and gamble essay

Procter & A; Gamble The construction of the Procter and Gamble is multidivisional construction. At P & A; G, we believe in taking advantage of all the unique and particular differences that our employees possess and leveraging them to the fullest.

Criminal justice system essay

If I had to answer this question right away I would say that I am in the middle, I say that because of after reading the chapter on crime It made me see all the problems our criminal justice system has that needs working out. This is where a lot of people would say the โ†’

Business lessons in a delicate balance and the richer, the poorer

The story is told in third person narrative and gives the reader a good impression of the character of the people involved through their actions and their words. After listening to Bess's tales of adventure and fun, Lottie soon realizes that it is she who is the poor one poor in relationships and love and โ†’

Discussion questions week 8

Why does Ted spend " a lot of his time trying to explain why it is necessary and proper for things to be the way they are," and what is the downside to his attitude? In your own words, answer Stanley's question, " Why is Ted inflating the results of the program and not addressing โ†’

Internal control

75)Second, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission has claimed that internal control is process, effected by an entity's board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following thing: effectiveness and efficiency of operations and reliability of financial reporting. If this foundation โ†’

S g cowen essay

It is true that the individual behavior is related to individual KASs, however, more and more evidences show that, in the long run, no matter from the point of organizations' retaining costs, or from the point of individual contributions to organizations and individual returns from organizations, the win-win situation of employees and organizations comes from โ†’

The us economic forecast for 2005(iv)-2006 essay

The debate regarding the US GDP growth for the last quarter of 2005 and year 2006 has been intensified by the claims that the Katrina hurricane will impact negatively the latter. The specialists of the EIU explain the trend of the economic slowdown in 2005-06 on the basis of the influence of monetary tightening on โ†’

Basic accounting equations essay sample

3/24Paid $1, 500 on account to Park Central Outfitters in partial settlement of the balance due from the transaction on March 18. The cash was obtained from an owner investment by Peter Houston of $50, 000 and a $30, 000 bank loan.

Education system analysis essay

The education system is faced with one of the greatest tests in the recent times, to realign it with the needs of the society. For education to meet the above criterion, it has to be well balanced and designed to meet the psychological needs of the students, the social needs of the students as well โ†’

Auditors independence essay

Another is gathering and evaluating any information to determine whether the information being audited is identified in accordance with establish criteria to satisfy the purpose of the audit and also auditors must be competent to identify the types and amount of evidence to accumulate to reach the correct conclusion after the evidence has been examined โ†’

Outsourcing harms and threats the united statesโ€™ economy essay

Three of the most important negative effects are the risk of losing key skills to competing for the future, the risk of decreasing the employment of U. Outsourcing jobs is a threat to the U.S.