5 Pages Essay Samples

Gothic horror novel ‘frankenstein’ by mary shelley

However, some of the monster's actions, the language that he uses, and the way in which the novel is structured, actually encourage the reader to sympathise with him. Yet they also understand why, and therefore empathise with him, possibly for the first time in the novel, as it at this point that the monster, although →

How does dickens create sympathy for pip? essay sample

The story itself is narrated by middle aged Pip and Dickens intentionally uses him so that we see the story through the perspective of Pip as a child and an adult. Dickens has us sympathising for Pip as we discover he is an orphan and the fact that he is exposed to death and tragedy →

Human resource management advantages course work

A formal job analysis is the process of describing and recording job aspects while specifying the skills and other requirements that are necessary to perform a job. A person can apply and wait for the confirmation whether to take up the job or not.

What challenges does post modernity present for christian doctrine?

Introduction Post-modernity is a concept that deals with the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty. In the confrontation with the truth about the reality of God and religious practice, the post-modern perspective is illustrated in the statement that " what is true for you, it's not for →

Good book review on early traces of geniuses

He also had a trace of philanthropic element in him and aimed at improving the working conditions and overall life style of the workers involved in different industrial processes. This was the major leap towards the main idea and once the idea was floated to the owners of the company the idea never looked back →

The merchant of venice by william shakespeare.

Antonio suggests that Bassanio secure the loan from one of the city's moneylenders and name Antonio as the loan's guarantor. Portia informs Shylock that he is guilty of conspiring against the life of a Venetian citizen, which means he must turn over half of his property to the state and the other half to Antonio.

Example of research paper on samuel gompers

The formation and the organization of the Cigarmakers' Union was the origin of the vibrant American labor movement. In that duration, he managed to oversee various measures to improve the conditions of the workers and children.

The role of steinbeck’s women in the grapes of wrath (the movie): when the wind of changes blows analytical essay

It is hard to ignore the fact that up until the beginning of the XX century, most of the deeds that the history ended up caring about were men. For quite long, the role of women was restricted to household and child upbringing; however, in the first decades of the twentieth century, the stereotypical image →

Hypocrisy in “the scarlet letter”

Through the book, the reader comes to know Hester, the adulteress; Dimmesdale, the holy man Hester had the affair with; and Chillingworth, the estranged husband of Hester who is out for revenge. Through the punishment of the three main characters, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth, Hawthorne clearly shows that hypocrisy is a sin meriting terrible punishment.

“it’s a wonderful life” movie essay sample

The film " It's A Wonderful Life" directed by Frank Capra is considered one of the greatest and most successful works of the American cinematography in the twentieth century. Gower added the poison to the prescription and interfered him to deliver it to the client.

Leadership experience essay

The leader of the organization or team, in addition, is solely in charge of the consequences of their decisions. The vision of the conference is to empower and awaken leadership potential of students, in order to have an active as well as influence the society.

Of mice and men essay

And when Candy was young he was a good skinner but now he is useless so he thinks the same thing might happen to him, because at the end of the day he has not got any friend to take care of him. Also he is the kind of man who everybody in the ranch →

“great expectations” by charles dickens essay sample

In this essay I am going to study chapters 1 3 and discuss how the author's choice of setting helps us to understand what is happening in the novel, understand and appreciate the characters, learn more about 19th century life, understand the writers purpose and to appreciate the writers skill. He then gives Pip a →

Exercise program for weight loss strength and vitality case study examples

The program only prescribes physical exercises, but it should also be important that the subject maintains a balanced intake of food and does not increase caloric value of his meals during the course of this program. Between 15 and 30 minutes of stretching will be required on every active day, and that time can be →

Care for kids crche database reports examples

Before the formation of the distinctive tables, there is a requirement to comprehend the rationale that will be utilized to design the tables. At first the table will comprise of a substantial table that will have the properties of every element and protests that will be utilized as a part of the database.

The power of nature over man

In the story, beautiful scenes of nature revive the characters, while vengeful nature reflects the conflicts present in the story, while melancholy nature reflects the character's grief. The fact that just a meer " gentle light" of nature could transform the monsters emotions from those of pain and helplessness, to those of " pleasure" and →

Interpersonal communication skills essay sample

To properly answer the question, it is important to be aware of all of these features and what they mean. This feature contributes to the forming of the self and identity within a person.

Futures contract

When the leverage implicit in options is large, when the liquidity in the stock market is low, or when the overall fraction of informed traders is high. Further, the weak predictability exhibited by the public signal suggests that the economic source of our main result is valuable private information in the option volume rather than →

Citibank case

The ever-changing global economy encourages CitiBank to be more innovative to respond to new trends and customers' needs. The bargaining power of suppliers Is medium due to the ability of CitiBank to acquire Lava Trading and other major electronic savvy companies in order to offer its institutional clients the benefits of the most sophisticated and →

Mary shelley’s ”frankenstein” essay sample

In order to appreciate this viewpoint, we must interpret Victor's ' workshop of filthy creation' as a kind of womb and the ' labour' of his ' toils' as a parallel to the process of labour in natural childbirth. This can be extended as evidence of a wish to ' eliminate the necessity to have →

Matrix – this movie changed cinema forever

The matrix: to say we are in the matrix's would really be easy to quickly say no, to think of a human as being no more than a battery is in most circles of thinking laughable, we are not good enough as a power source to even be considered, with all that said now days →

The scarlet letter essays

Dimmesdale had risen through the ranks of the church and had the utmost respect of the people of Boston. Hawthorne used Dimmesdale's sufferings and moral cowardice to illustrate the consequences of leading the impossible double life.


The objective of this project was to figure out ways by which Agastya can be effectively promoted, to make the Agastya website organized and user friendly, to figure out the areas of improvement in the training camp at Kuppam and to create templates and manuals which would increase the efficiency of work. Executive Summary The →

China one child policy essay sample

In 1976, whith the death of Mao, the government decided to advocate voluntary population control to reduce the birth rate. The government relaxed the policy in the countryside for couples that their first child was a girl.

Baptist health south florida qi plan authority, structure and organization essays example

Further, the executives should ensure that the staff and the patients understand the decision making and the data involves. In that respect, the reports on the data collected will be prepared by those responsible for collecting it including the service departmental heads and an independent consultant undertaking the study.- Members education and orientation to the →

Hurier listening self assessment

22 January HURIER Listening Self Assessment It was interesting to uncover the areas of listening in which I needed to improve out of the basic six components of listening that the textbook identified including Hearing, Understanding, Remembering, Interpreting, Evaluating and Responding. I think in some ways that not giving myself any '5' ratings indicates that →

Living in difficult conditions

Walter Mitty is a man working with the magazine LIFE and he is the one in the lead of processing the negatives that they receive. In this essay, I will try to explain the setting, write about the plot and how the movie uses effects to convey the themes of the movie.

Good research paper on woo hoo widget

These are the basis on which employees in the organization are to be motivated as this can help create effective balance in the expectations of the organization and the needs of the organization or its goals. In this way it is beneficial to the organization to achieve the support of the work force of the →

Good example of forms of business ownership and organizationstudents name case study

The recruitment of staff in the hall and the kitchen is made according to different criteria. Most often, the price is somewhere in the middle, and the task of the pricing process is to find the optimum point in the target field.

How priestley uses the inspector to create tension and suspense in an inspector calls essay sample

When the inspector begins to question the Birlings, and Gerald it becomes apparent that the seemingly respectable family may have something to hide and suspicions start to build up in the audiences mind. The play is ended in an intense atmosphere of tension and suspense as Mr.

Racial stereotypes, cultural differences, & employment segregation research paper sample

We find that African-Americans and White-Americans tend to work in organizations in which a majority of the workers in similar jobs are from their respective race. In this case the lady is a victim of both gender discrimination and racial stereotype.

Frankenstein essays examples

The story, whose main characters are a monster and a human being, who apparently is the creator of the monster, is set in Europe during the gothic period. The monster's behavior is a result of the society's reaction to his existence.


The later argument that Colting's work was a critique of Salinger's was undermined, it is said, by earlier statements made by Colting to the effect that his work as essentially a sequel of the original Salinger work, and it is this that the court found to be an insufficient defense to merit the legal publication, →

Race and color prejudice in othello essay

Here, Othello is presented as a black man who is a heroic figure, constantly fighting against the perceptions of others to succeed in his own field and life, only to be undone by a villain who is jealous of his accomplishments and fearful of his race. In Othello, the Moor, is distrusted by Roderigo, Iago, →

Informative speech outline essay sample

God values Justice in Amos 5: 15 Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate; it may be that the Lord, the God of hosts will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph. Conclusion: Being a Christian lawyer and knowing that God is the ultimate Judge, and that he values the showing →

Marijuana prohibition canada argumentative essay bibliography

This act outlines penalties for possession, trafficking and production of the substances established as illegal, including Marijuana." Controlled Drugs and Substances Act) Canadian laws pertaining to drugs began in 1908 with the opium act, which was replaced by the opium and narcotic drug act in 1920. Marijuana and the laws surrounding the issue only started →

The themes of the lottery and the rocking horse winner

The Themes of The Lottery and The Rocking Horse Winner In D.H. He calls each family and the person chosen for that family goes to the front to draw a folded paper out of the box.

How victor’s parents tutelage affected how role as a father

The negligence of Victor Frankenstein's parents towards Victor influenced his future role in society and caused Victor to be unprepared for when he had his own " child". This is ironic because the reason that Victor had created the Creature was so that he could be worshipped like the god that his parents had raised →

Test bank: means & proportions

The Fencehas a negative sign on the coefficient, which means that as the Section, Fence increase, the Price would decrease. And the others have a positive sign on the coefficient, which means that as these variables increase, the Price would increase.

Othello’s fall from grace and redemption at the end of the play essay

At the same time, the brilliance of the tragedy is confined to the flaws of the characters which prevents them from making the right decision. At the end of the play, Othello's realizes that his naivety and lack of confidences in his wife' innocence and fidelity.

Critical analysis of of mice and men

The majority of the characters in the novel are in stasis. Tragedy is a disaster that happens to other people, and the greater the person, so it seems, the more acute is their tragedy.

How does the director, gary ross, convey the corruption of society in his 1998 film pleasantville essay sample

His job is to challenge us through the film to consider whether society is being slowly corrupted.' Pleasantville' is a comic fantasy, aimed at teenagers and with the appeal of a family film, which poses a serious question about American society and values. The remote controller is similar to the rabbit-hole in ' Alice in →

Marijuana should be legalized essay examples

Introduction Marijuana is a preparation of the cannabis plant and it is intended for the purpose as a psychoactive drug and as medicine. There are plethora of reasons for the support of many people for the legalization of marijuana.

Great expectations, opening paragraph question essay sample

Pip is the first character to be introduced and from this we can tell he is going to be the main character. Also the theme of power and powerlessness is hinted at.

Hand washing and bacteria report sample

The two hypotheses are:- There will be decrease in bacterial growth variables in non-washed and washed contaminations.- There will be differences in the decrease of bacterial growth variables from the use of antibacterial and non-antibacterial soaps. Experimental quadrants and swab streaks of the agar plate was shown in Figure 2.

Critically examine the contribution of jean piaget essay sample

Piaget's theory of cognitive development will bee discussed in this essay in light of its various processes and the four stages of cognitive development Sensorimotor stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete Operational stage and Formal Operational stage. The four stages in Piaget's theory of cognitive development are the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage →

Valkire movie review

This organization consisted of a group of en who were antihero and were constantly thinking and conspiring ways the could overthrow the Nazi government the guys in this group seemed really s mart but in the movie when Sternberg walked in the room were the men were, t hey seemed like they were unsure about →

The ethics and impacts of lehman brothers bankruptcy

The bankruptcy came as a blow to the brothers and all the efforts of recovering the financial position of the financial firm was in vain for an average of 5 years. In the Lehman Brothers financial firm, the ethical issues that occurred was that the Lehman Brothers' executives exploited loopholes in the accounting standards to →

Of mice and men protagonist

How does the moment of realization contribute to the resolution of the work and/or the development of the protagonist? The resolution to the epiphany is when George finds Lennie where Lennie promised George to be in the clearing when he gets in trouble and, while retelling the story of life on their farm, shoots him →

Viruses that have been most recently introduced biology essay

A transportation across the species barrier of certain viral diseases creates new fatal infections that are non understood plenty to handle when the viruses are immature and at their strongest and largest menace to the host because of their familial fluctuation frequently required to accommodate to new hosts. 1 million new human HIV infections still →

“othello” and “o” comparative essay essay sample

Othello" is a powerful tragedy based on the themes of love, jealously, trust and betrayal and is quite simply the basis of " O", Nelson has borrowed the storyline, plot and even the characters from the great drama. By changing the context of Othello into post-modern times and aiming it at a younger audience, Tim →

Pearl prynne – a blessing and a curse

While forever a tormentor to her mother, Pearl was also her savior; while a reminder of her guilt, she proved to be a promoter of honesty and true virtue, and while an embodiment of her parents' worst qualities, she was the true reflection of a troubled heart. And it was the reflection of her own →

How do we understand the ghost in act 1 scene 5 of hamlet essay sample

From the opening scene of the play, the ghost of Hamlet the King of Denmark is a figure that is shrouded in mystery. Despite giving it's reasons for it's " walking of the night", the issue of the ambiguity of the ghost continues to arise, and no question is more prominent in the minds of →

How mary shelley’s depiction shows the threats of artificial intelligence

The creature, obviously befuddled at the human's actions was furious of the actions of the shooter. The creature was attempting to help the innocent girl, and the man shot the creature because he misunderstood the creature's intentions.

Explore the significance of the loman house to the tragedy of the

In the opening of the play, Miller uses the Loman house to present the idea of tragedy within a domestic setting. The contrast between the Loman house and the audience's perceived idea of a home enable Miller to convey the dismantling of the world around Willy and highlight the ruthless tragedy that can strike the →

A dilema enterprise

Furthering the discussion, there are some highlighted problems and issues that arise such as Encik Zayed and Puan Hashimah who are the Directors of the organization were not familiar with Accounting Standards and the provisions of the Companies Act 1965 and their roles and duties as company directors. Based on those problems the role andresponsibilityof →

Example of human resources recruitment practices and required amendments essay

Introduction: The present paper makes an indispensable attempt to emphasize on the significance of the human resources department of an organization and the effective execution of its functions such as planning, recruiting and selection of the workforce while not disturbing the legal and ethical concerns on part of both the employees and the organizations. →

Significance of the travel agency in the philippines

It makes a direct and significant contribution to GDP and job creation, and provides crucial inputs for the rest of the economy, thus having a significant effect on the overall investment climate, which is an essential determinant of growth and development. The potential benefits of services trade liberalisation Trade in services can help create opportunities →

The day she left me home alone.

My strong dependency on my mother and the illusion of being an only child, due to me being the youngest of several older brothers and sisters, made the thought of " growing up" a nightmare. Realization of my soon approaching adulthood became evident, as I had to face the difficulties of being distant from my →

Of mice and men: overview

Of Mice and MenWebQuest English2 [pic] [pic] Introduction In order to better appreciate the novella, Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck, you are going to conduct a Webquest project in which you examine the time period and setting in which the author lived and wrote the novella. In addition to gaining a better →

Geographic soil study of boulder county area in colorado essay example

The area of interest for the study of this case is the Boulder County Area in the state of Colorado. The Boulder County area under study which is in the north-central part of Colorado State is located along the eastern border of the state's Front Range.

Example of staying true to yourself argumentative essay

Although I know that I have many faults and imperfections, the one thing I try to always ensure is that I stay true to myself and to others. My dilemma started when I started noticing that my boss was not being as honest with the job as I expected him to be.

How was the pyramids of giza built research paper sample

The second theory is that the pyramids were built by paid workers who were loyal to the Pharaoh. With the use of other worldly technology, the " Teachers from Heaven" and humans were able to move the massive stones that were used in the pyramids.

To his coy mistress analysis essay sample

I am now going to analyse each poem separately and show what language skills and techniques the writers use, and try to compare how attitudes towards sex has changed between the 16th and 20th Century." To His Coy Mistress" is an autobiographical poem and it is very persuasive but at the same time the writer →

Hester prynne: a strong female character that challenges society’s norm

Hester's thoughts, actions, and her legacy are all closely monitored and influenced by elements of feminism, and though she's more of a typical women at the beginning of the book, Hester becomes more and more feminist as the plot thickens. Despite the vast disapproval of the community, Hester's independence prevails as she sews a refined →

The significance of time as shown in chronicle of a death foretold and the house of the spirits essay sample

The structure of the big house on the corner in The House of the Spirits is a metaphor for the structure of the entire novel. The title of the novel underlines the association: The House of the Spirits refers both to the book as a whole and also to the big house on the corner.

Does facebook keep us together or apart? essay sample

While we may have satisfied ourselves with wider connections and horizons, it is rather sad that to some extent it had led us to neglect the real value of reaching out and personally engaging with the rest of the community. Description Online social networks are sites catering to anyone with internet access, allowing them to →

What are your first impressions on hamlet in act i scene ii essay sample

This can be seen as a positive aspect of Hamlet, as he can see the negative outcome of his father's death, as people in Denmark are suffering, due to Claudius reign and because he is breaking the Bible's rules. Claudius' calculating nature becomes immediately apparent, as he addresses Hamlet as his " cousin Hamlet and →

Women in the odyssey

The Odyssey is written in a time when women were seen in an obsequious position to men, their job was dedicated mainly to just to have kids and take care of their duties around the house. Women in The Odyssey actually had a personality and have a relationship with men in the book.

Guilt and redemption in khaled hosseini’s the kite runner

Notions of sins and their corresponding atonement have permeated throughout Khaled Hosseini's incisive fiction The Kite runner as a major theme, where in the novel, the protagonist Amir's sin towards his father Baba and his best friend Hassan, as well as Baba's sin towards his best friend Ali are respectively disclosed, and their attempts for →

The young victoria movie review

Her comptroller, Sir John Conroy wanted William IV to die while Victoria was still under the age of 18, making her a minor and allowing him to become regent giving him the power behind the throne and control over Victoria. Victoria refuses to sign the regency over to him and when the king dies, who →


The future is here, with the help of microscopic organisms, toxic and nuclear waste can be process to remove the hazards to our environment. Once the bacteria eats the pollutant the byproduct is water and Carbon dioxide, which are not toxic to the environment.

Australian and new zealand national bank limited essay sample

Australian and New Zealand National Bank Limited, commonly called ANZ, is the third leading banking and financial services group in Australia, and the largest bank in New Zealand. It offers financial products and services in the two countries, and has branches in Asia, the Pacific, Europe, and the Unites States.

Cell worksheet

If the total magnification of a microscope is 430X and that of the eyepiece is 10X, the magnification of the high power objective is ___________________.14. Which structure is primarily concerned with the release of energy from nutrients? a) 5 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 36.

Case study/research paper of mergers icici and icici bank critical essay

In October 2001, the Board of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI and two of its wholly-owned retail finance subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services Limited, with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by shareholders of ICICI and ICICI Bank in January 2002, by the High →

“to be answered only with groans”: the language of the deferred desire in frankenstein’s consciousness

The Creature's realization of his physical self is the genesis of his and arguably Justine's, William's, and Dr. According to Lacan's theory of the " mirror-stage," the Creature undergoes a drama " whose internal thrust is precipitated from insufficiency," and from that moment on assumes " the armor" of an identity whose contours come to →

Spain in world’s economy

Most of the affected people were investors who invested in the economy of Spain, the exporters who largely export most of their products to Eurozone countries, and the employees of Spain who were got unemployed. Due to the size of Spain's economy and the weakening of banks, it became the worst scenario facing the European →

The importance of the discount rate during financial crises and its effectiveness in targeting a given interbank lending rate

Matriculation Number 110004277 The Importance of The Discount Rate during Financial Crises and its Effectiveness in Targeting a Given Interbank Lending Rate In this essay I will briefly describe supply and demand for reserves in the economy to provide some context to the discount window before discussing the implementation of the discount window during the →

Research paper on disciplinary rhetoric legal marijuana

This essay discusses two papers with strong opinions about the part the legal community plays in the marijuana ' controversy.' The papers use some typical methods of introducing the subject, discussing the legal issues, relating the subject to peoples' real life experiences and then they offer suggestions for making improvements. The working paper " On →

Sooner or later essay sample

ANKIT and ANKUR tries to listen to them. SHAURYA drives VIVEK to his college and leaves for his office.

British rule in england

However, during the period of the annexation of the subcontinent, India was in a period of regional strife. English is taught in the college levels, it is the language of the educated in India.

Children: a vulnerable population

When dealing with children it is important to look at things through the child's perspective and understand that children are capable of thinking, feeling, and creating, and that they learn by practicing these capabilities. Children ages 1 to 5 eat three to five more times food and the air intake of a resting infant is →

Good literature review on work place dynamics: implications for nursing care in health care settings

As against phenomenon like motivation and satisfaction in the work place, employee engagement and empowerment connote an element of dynamism in the employer-employee relationship. Perceived organizational support and job involvement in the Iranian health care system: A case study of emergency room nurses in general hospitals.

Free critical thinking about human resource management

It is vividly observed that strategic training and impartation of skills on HR and other individual tasks is crucial to realize the goals of the organization. It enlightens the management on the core issues to adopt and the solutions to the weaknesses and the threats for business success.

Lives in the captivity of big despair

The monster that Victor creates also experiences, and lives, a life of social and physical isolation. The reader cannot help but notice that Victor himself is a kind of monster, where his self-centered ambitions and secrecy lead to alienation and separation from human society.

The role of women and african americans in of mice and men

It seems like in a strangely poignant way to show their loneliness, Crooks and Curley's wife are the only African American and women characters in the book. In an interesting way, the discrimination at the hands of white men is highlighted in the interaction between Lennie and Curley's wife.

A are also regularly harmed by different types

Species diversity is very important because it's the number of species that are represented in a given community, but the loss of one species affects many other species and causes imbalance. Furthermore, asymmetry, which is a physical change that signals genetic abnormality, also suggests a decrease in the genetic diversity of species with pollution, leading →

Fact sheet on effects of marijuana on the body

However, the question remains open as to whether this impairment is due to a residue of drug in the brain, a withdrawal effect from the drug, or a frank neurotoxic effect of the drug.3. The daily use of 1 to 3 marijuana joints appears to produce approximately the same lung damage and potential cancer risk →

My review on glory road

The movie is able to capture the attention of the readers as the movie is not very long and covers only that scenes which are related to the theme of the movie. In the film more importance was given to the race and ethinicity of the person, which was not the case with the team →

Margaret edson’s play, “wit” essay sample

She is a subject of research for the doctors who attend her and is urged by her doctors not to compromise their study, that is, to endure the " full dose" of chemotherapy. The hospital environment is so foreign to Vivian that as a patient, she loses the control she once had in her classroom →

Profile first time chairing a conference. so

Then, the founder of PETA uncovered the truth of the animals, sparked the movement of animal rights and revealed to the world the horrors of animal testing. The testing of animals, the farming of animals for food, the farming of animals for fur and the use of animals in entertainment.

Honour killing essay sample

One may say that it is not worth taking someone's life away just because you would not be happy with their relationship and they should understand that it is up to the girl to make her decision on who to marry and that you should accept the true love of the daughter's life and that →

A clockwork orange – struggles between the government essay

The society in the story is inhabited by fearful citizens, wild young outlaws, and a totalitarian government which is unable to control the society's flood of violence. As the crimes increasingly rapidly in the society, the government has produced a " Ludovico's Technique", which is a method of condition to cure a person of his →

Frankenstein and blade runner

This theme is evident throughout the novel and is used to emphasise the emotions of the characters and to suggest the power of nature for both beauty and destruction. The present season was indeed divine; the flowers of spring bloomed in the hedges, while those of summer were already in bud." Vivid imagery is used →

How is brutus portrayed as a tragic hero?

The character Brutus in particular is a keypersonalityto the structure of the play in his fall from honour. This is the turning point in the play as the stepping stones begin to fall in place and Brutus reveals to the viewers his deep down uncertainty to the decision of Caesar being crowned emperor.