5 Pages Essay Samples

Editorial: antibiotic alternatives and combinational therapies for bacterial infections

Editorial on the Research Topic Antibiotic Alternatives and Combinational Therapies for Bacterial Infections " The thoughtless person playing with penicillin treatment is morally responsible for the death of the man who succumbs to infection with the penicillin-resistant organism". This is the editorial article introducing the 20 accepted publications addressing the antimicrobial action of varied agents β†’

Negative impact of human trafficking on society

However, the problem of human trafficking is still in a bad situation. There are both mental and physical damages that human trafficking brings to victims in the three cases, and they are just a tiny part of this whole crime.

Fundamental analysis of sugar industry

The annual turnover of industry is to the tune of Rs. INTRODUCTION TO FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS Fundamental analysis is the examination of the underlying forces that affect the well being of the company, industry groups and companies.

Comparison of jonathan swift to thomas jefferson writing styles essay sample

Jefferson had attended the College of William and Mary, briefly been a lawyer, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses, and also had been a delegate of the Continental Congress. The Declaration of Independence was addressed to the people by the people, and for the people, even though those who wrote it were an β†’

Do natural disasters impact tourism in new zealand?

There is a growing amount of worldwide disasters and crises ranging from natural disasters, human-induced disasters, financial crisis and threats to biosecurity which impact on the tourism industry and tourism operations around the world. The results of this research will show in relation to the research questions of the current study whether natural disasters have β†’

Experiment 1 report

The distance from the slit to the screen was determined by getting the difference between the screen position and slit position. The slit with was changed to 0.

Twelfth night paper essay sample

As a director, it is essential to ensure that the actors playing Feste and Malvolio capture the essence of their character; otherwise the subplot will not be understood. Due to the nature of the subplot of the play, Malvolio must come across as unlikeable, otherwise, the humour of the play may be considered cruel and β†’

The problem definition stage

If the value of addressing the problem is less than the cost of the research, research is unnecessary. Sales volume in units is indicated to be the variable of interest.

Attribution theory/heuristics

QUESTION ONE Attribution theory is a concept that allows people to make sense of their surrounding on the basis of what they consider is the cause of a phenomenon and its effect. In making an external attribution, the cause of the behavior is in relation to the task, people or the surrounding environment.

The themes of sexism and classism in daughter of earth: freedom is higher than love

The narrative of the novel Daughter of Earth by Agnes Smedley follows the coming of age story of Marie and her struggle against the almost overpowering social forces of both sexism and classism to find her own sense of self-respect and autonomy. Marie is able to make the connections between the personal and the political β†’

The modern marketing concept competitive advantage marketing essay

In view of this threat is essential to carry out to understand the interpretation of using social networking as a marketing tool. The diagram attempts to present the Marketing its functional relationships with competitive advantage As vivid in model diagram below, the there main reasons for attracting web traffic for the websites categorised under this β†’

Using trevor’s and dahlia’s accounts from activity 2.3 in learning guide

It will also specify the nature of the interrelationships between these factors and being ill I will begin by talking about the Biomedical Model of Health. The Biological Model provides diagnostic categories, provides an easy identifiable structure, provides effective treatment and produces experts who highly specialise in their field The biomedical model, which primarily assumes β†’

The impact of scale on francesco borromini’s sac carlo alle

At the time it was argued that building proportions should be derived from the proportion of the body of a man, the proportions of the Vitruvian man, as it was argued that the proportions of the man was modeled in the image of God. As a result of Borromini's freedom to create in the image β†’

Tracing the grotesque: anderson’s model in faulkner and woolf

In " The Book of the Grosteques," the first story of his novel Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson introduces the concept of the " grotesque". What resulted was a distortion of these truths: they were turned into lies, and the people themselves became grotesque upon attempting to own these truths." The moment one of the people β†’

Islam worksheet

Islam Worksheet When studying Islam, it is important to understand the essential elements of the faith, how they are practiced, and the distinctions among the three branches: Shiite Islam, Sunni Islam, and Sufism. The fundamental goals of Islam are a complete submission to Allah and adherence to the teachings of the Qur'an.

Nonverbal communication skills assignment

The nonverbal communications showed in this imagine is the way this girl is dressed and the makeup she is having in her face. The message that the two girls are sending to the other people is their way to integrate they personality in the society.

Genome sequence of p. acnes ed1 strain

The coding sequences of P.acnes genome in 318 subsystems was found as well as the allocation of the genes in the genome. The SEED annotated the P.acnes ED1 genome and defined that the coding sequences were 2, 788 and the number of subsystems was 318.

Introduction :

Just to oblige a friend , " he never even seen us - for ole, life seems to be worse than death: he has no passion, he keeps looking the wall when Nick says he is going to be killed by two men - The characters seem to be interchangeable: -as seen before, the characters β†’

Siddhartha by hermann hesse essay

This is a young man who decided to go in search of his " I" because he wished to know the essence of the world and acquire wisdom. In the seemingly constant desire to achieve the ideal of Hesse, overheating is laid, as a result of which the main character instead of spiritual searches indulges β†’

The tragic dimension of moby dick: “the specksynder”

Furthermore, without fully understanding the extent of Ishmael's perspective of Ahab, it is impossible to grasp the full significance of the political dynamic at work in the construction of the novel's narrative. The non-narrative chapters exist to provide a framework that enlarges the more profound implications of the narrative drive in order to transform the β†’

Theory of electromyography

The signal represents the current generated by the ionic flow across the membrane of the muscle fibers which propagates through the intervening tissues to reach the detection surface of the electrode located in the environment. The lack of proper description of the EMG signal is probably the greatest single factor that has hampered the development β†’

The guide to having a perfect labrador puppy essay sample

It is also essential that the puppy will have a quiet place to sleep in away from all the clutter and bustle of busy everyday life in the home. The puppy will also need a cosy and comfy bed as they do spend quite a lot of time asleep as small puppies, the bedding should β†’

Taxation impacts on international business

The constitution of the United States provides different authorities to the State and federal governments when it comes to tax management, and none is capable in meddling in the affairs of the other. In the United States, an employee is to pay some taxes to the both the federal and the state levels.

Technology can get out of control assignment

However phones and internet do make it easier for us to contact one another regardless of what country you are in or how far away you are, which I would say has been a positive change to our society rather than negative, but once phones gained access to games and the internet that is perhaps β†’

Illusions of respect: tone and techniques in woman at point zero

By comparing herself to a prey, Firdaus is recognizing her submission and more importantly, her lack of power. Saadawi uses metaphors, along with contradiction, to reveal the the prevalence of the inverse relationship between power and respect in the workplace.

The importance of negotiation skills flashcard

That is why I think it is of import for both.direction and brotherhoods to understand the procedure of dialogue in deepness.and understand how critical it is for accomplishing their ends. What are the attacks of dialogue.and why are dialogue accomplishments of import?

Flash language

The use of headlights as a means to communicate messages on the roadway appears to have expanded over the years. A trucker's headlights flash at a vehicle on the other side of the road.

Case brief

The case was an appeal from the discharge of action against the defendant for the transfer of funds of the plaintiff to the plaintiff's estranged wife. The case was first brought to court in 1992 when the estranged wife of the plaintiff had attempted to sell off land in a flawed process.

Mise en scene, dracula essay sample

The purpose of Mise-en-scene is to add to the narrative in creating meaning, it allows artist expression through the planning of each scene. The narrative of the film is quite different to what the mise-en-scene would indicate.

Database management system notes

A linear search through the file records is necessary to search for a record. Reading the records in order of a particular field requires sorting the file records.

The memoirs of wwi world war i essay sample

Remarsque had a more negative view on the war and criticizes how the war caused a loss of unity in the German army and the creation of a lost generation of men. The story, even though it has a pacifistic view on the war, shows the dread of war and the mindset that led to β†’

Performance enhancing drugs in baseball

The new agreement between the players, the owners, and Major League Baseball to test for performance enhancing drugs is a vast improvement over the previous deal. The other half of the players were to be tested during the regular season.

Bayer pharmaceutical | company analysis

Being in a competitive position, Bayer is one of the forerunners in the pharmaceuticals and medical products. The benefit sought out of this product is that the reduction of pills to two, which would relieve the pain all day and secondly the Aleve users, led a busy life with a lot of commitments and pride β†’


In " My Mother, the Crazy African' at the beginning when the young narrator Ralindu was speaking to her readers she would translate in English what was said to her by her company when spoken to in Igbo. However in " My Mother, the Crazy African this clueless mother intentions was to be a proud β†’

History of deculturalization and america history essay

It is only through the relatively modern ideology of multiculturalism and the celebration of diversity that the United States has begun to make amends for the injustices it has committed on other cultures. With the Meriam Report, published in 1928, the inhumane treatment of Native Americans was brought to the public eye, and this made β†’

Analyse the methods used to make

He uses very different techniques throughout the whole of the ilm to add realism and disbelief to the film, which made many audiences, want to watch the rest of the film. The French horn plays patriotic music as does the violin to show that the old man is in a cemetery in which the bodies β†’

Social change

What I can see, firstly the we as the students and visitor try to gain the knowledge about the orphan and the children there. The four steps in social change theories are help us as the students to understand on how the emotional and behaviors of the children.2.

My autobiographay paper

My first day of school was very scary but I did not have to worry because everyone was nice to me since I stepped through the door, I felt that I have been in the school for a long time. When I grow up one of my dreams is to be a professional footballer but β†’

Concepts at servant leadership

In comparing Christianity and Islamic religion in regards to servant leadership, the characteristics must be observed: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. In closing, servant leadership is not a particular style of leadership, but rather relates to the motivation behind a leader's thoughts, words and β†’

Physico-chemical properties of pectin from jelly fig

Occurrence of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in dried figs have been previously determined. The temperature in Aegean Region duringthe ripening, harvesting and drying of figs are favourable for mould.

Dystopian literature

Dystopian literature is built off the issues surrounding society at the present, and is a creative exploration of the possible consequences for the future. Through speculative fiction, basing predictions of the future of the events of the present a dystopia appears all the more real and influential to the reader.

Women of the harlem renaissance assignment

The " New Negro' was a term related to African Americans during the Great Migration who had moved from the south to northern cities in the United States in search of better education, employment, and suffrage. The lives and careers of poets such as Jessie Redmond Faucet, Secondly Bennett, and Georgia Douglas Johnson have, in β†’

Example of report on immunology

In the long run, this knowledge improves performance and enhances the quality of life of the entre populace. With respect to the prediction of T cell epitopes, this is made possible through the initial prediction of vital MHC binding sites.


Advocates of globalization point to the emergence of the " middle-class" in developing countries, economic growth within peripheral economies, the continued expansion of global stock markets, demagnification and the emergence of a " global culture" as indicators of the benefits of this process. Critics of globalization point to the rising gaps of inequality between nations β†’

Editorial: inflammation in the cns: advancing the field using intravital imaging

Editorial on the Research Topic Inflammation in the CNS: Advancing the Field Using Intravital Imaging Inflammation of the central nervous system contributes to a diverse array of life-threatening and debilitating conditions. Particularly, the advent of two-photon intravital microscopy has allowed researchers to directly examine the role of multiple immune cell populations in the initiation and β†’

Advertising and body image assignment

For the Barometric ad, personally I think only 6% of the ad is used for the product being shown, witch in this case is the Barometric jeans. For the " Shalom" ad, personally I think only 25 % of the ad is used for the product being shown, witch in this case is the perfume.

On dictatorship

Dominance of the fittest and the most daring is the essence of any autocracy. The fascists used the oppression of the treaty of Versailles, the Bolsheviks used the oppression of the bourgeoisie and the French bourgeoisie used the oppression of the aristocracy to each reach their goals.

Saber-tooth curriculum

The aim of the CAPS will be to improve the quality of teaching and learning. There is always going to be people that approves or disapproves a curriculum and a teacher should teach her content so well that the teaching of a curriculum.

How far was personal gain the motivation for imperial princes to join luther’s reformation?

For example, the abuses within the Catholic Church, and in particular, the selling of indulgences throughout Germany that led to the building of a new St. This was also where there was a greater support for Martin Luther and his Reformation of the Catholic Church.

Advantages and disadvantages of globalization in the uae

It should also be noted that integration of the economy is a result of a number of factors: Technology within the UAE is without a doubt one of the factors that are bound to result in economy integration. The lead disadvantage is of globalization is that it contributes immensely to the erosion of a people's β†’

Medieval renaissance conflict in dr faustus assignment

Adkins famously remarked that Doctor Faustus tells " the story of a Renaissance man who had to pay the medieval price for being one." This quotation throws light on one of the plays central themes- The conflict between Medieval ideals and the Renaissance ideals, and how Faustus is caught in the grip of the changing β†’

Tom brennan

Tom starts to show signs of a positive attitude, he makes the scrapbook for Daniel and even though throughout the chapter he has second thoughts about giving it to him, in the end he decides that giving it to him could help both of them, he states? if he has to face the future, so β†’

The new age of motherboards

The motherboard is the hub which is used to connect all of the computers essential components. As the chipset is integrated into the motherboard, it is important to choose a motherboard which includes a recent chipset, in order to maximize the computers upgradeability.

Dissent: a stand against submission

To challenge a political system is to question the modes of society and attempt to better its policies. In essence, dissent is the antidote to the delusions of the majority.

Rev.: 0 date : 9.8.2005 bem/rd/ppc/12

5 An engineer should not be the Submitting Person for designs beyond his/her area of competency An engineer should not endorse his PE Stamp and sign on reports or plans not prepared by him.t An engineer should not enter into partnership with any party not permitted under the Engineers Act. 3 An engineer must be β†’

Music essays – antonio vivaldi music

ANTONIO VIVALDI 1678-1741 Antonio Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678 in Venice, the Capital of the Republic of Venice and was the oldest of nine brothers and sisters. In 1730, Vivaldi traveled to the music-loving city of Prague with his father and Anna Giraud.

Strategic management on samsung electronics industry

Samsung electronics Industry Corporation was created in 1969 as a division of Samsung group, and the name of corporation was changed to the current name which Samsung electronics in 1984. Here a PESTLE analysis is applied of the external macro environment in which SAMSUNG operates.

Economics – house prices

The main things that affect the price of a house are: Unemployment This affects the price of a house because as unemployment rises then less people will have the money to buy houses and therefore the demand for the house will be lower and the equilibrium price will fall. Also the third way that unemployment β†’

Candidates observation sheet gp essay sample

Biological Hazards/COSHH: Drainage from the centre was found to be inadequate and in a poor state of hygiene. 2 2 month from the report COSHH audits to be set up and carried out In house, minimal cost.

Dental fillings: a threat to your health or harmless?

However, the F.D.A.stills deems amalgam fillings safe for adults and children over six, leaving the general public with the question, " Do amalgam fillings pose a significant threat to human health? " Since the F.D.A.eemed amalgam fillings safe for the public, many people hold the view that the mercury used in dental fillings is safe β†’

Zara vs h&m supply chain | case study

The main reason that Zara are favorite in expended internationally by wholly-owned stores is because Zara believe that the controlling a large part of supply chain which include own its own store is the only way to achieve the shortest lead time. The chain of company-owned stores is the main distribution channel in H&M, which β†’

Hard rock cafe essay.

Hard Rock cafe was found in 1971, and from that point of time, Hard Rock applies the famous concept " experience economy" to its global business. The opening and closing of Hard Rock cafes in some non-standard tourist destinations in the UK have shown the Achilles' heel of the strategy.

Interest group report

Youth and Diversity campaign is about how people of every age and background embrace the Sierra Club's motto to " explore, enjoy and protect the planet". To become a member of The Sierra Club you have to sign up on the website and choose an amount of dollars to pay monthly and go to every β†’

Problems in public schools

In order to reach a quality education it is necessary to have proper funding and adequate teachers who let their students be creative and shine through their work. This was a program to " solve the chronic shortage of teachers in the city's toughest schools".

Health care provider and faith diversity assignment

A description of what was learned from the research and how this can be applied to health care providers is present. A description of what was learned from the research and how this can be applied to health care providers is present with adequate detail.

Jean valjean: an angel in hell

However, despite the tragedy that surrounds him, this choice is a better one for Jean Valjean, and he is able to right the real wrongs in his life. In the end, though, his good deeds have outweighed his past, and he is treated by Marius as a hero.

Theories of intelligence

In order to try and measure intelligence, tests have been made to investigate and to further advance the unanswered field. These theories, tests, and investigations have created a better understand of what intelligence is, at least to an extent.


This claim can only be assessed after the definition of key words in it have been decide, and realising that what we are debating is that whether science is the best route to truth and not the only route. The route to truth that science or art can offer will then have to be one β†’

Human allegory in ”lord of flies” essay sample

The reason that the author, William Golding, chose the characters to be kids and not teenagers nor adults is because of their innocence and lack of knowledge of the civilization that they came from. The story Lord of the Flies teaches us that a society without order and rules could be really dangerous and fill β†’

A trade environment and the rights of patients – dissertation example

This dissertation endeavors to examine the tension between intellectual property law and the right of the patient to health care, and to explore the specific ways that the latter can be compromised by the former. 6, Symposium of the Law in the Twentieth Century, pp.

Portrayal of muslims in indian cinema essay

The sign of terrorism and the picture of Muslims as terrorist, invaded the world almost at the same instance. Yousfani says that " Regrettably, most Indian movies happen to depict Muslims and Pakistanis through a predominantly negative lens." Bollywood is one of the famous and the strongest industry among the film industries around the world, β†’

Overcoming sexual wrongdoing: blindness v. salvage the bones

Although the circumstances may be different in Blindness, the group of hoodlums in the story use the mass rape of the women as a means to become the most powerful group in the asylum, and thus control their only life source, food. Although in different forms, there is a singular moment for both the doctor's β†’

Selective attention essay sample

They were shown a warning stimulus near the fixation point followed by a target stimulus, which was a letter displayed to either the left or the right of the fixation point. The Psychology of attention.

Medical equipment-the miracle of life

Running head: DME THE MIRACLE OF LIFE Medical Equipment-The Miracle of Life Laura Makula University of Phoenix HCS/402 Medical Equipment-The Miracle of Life When one thinks of Health Care, most think of the Doctor or Nurse that takes care of the impaired individual. They teach the patient and family about the proper use and care β†’

The implications of drone targeted killings

Senator Durbin: The duty of the President of the United States is to defend the US from foreign threat within the framework set by a nation that is both democratic and where the rule of law prevails. There is also the issue of who in the executive branch makes the decision to use a drone β†’

Weeding out the “socially not useful”

Weeding Out the " Socially Not Useful", 2008report In his classic essay " What is seen and what is not seen" the shamefully underrated and neglected French economist Frederic Bastiat 1 declares that what distinguishes a bad economist from a good one is that the bad one can only see what is to be seen, β†’

Commentary “the sexualized-body-inversion hypothesis revisited: valid indicator of sexual objectification or methodological artifact?”

Because Bernard et al.presented half of the stimuli upright and the other half inverted, Schmidt and Kistemaker suggest that Bernard et al.'s findings might be due to less stimulus symmetry among inverted female bodies: If inverted female bodies are less symmetrical than upright female bodies in Bernard et al.'s setup, their findings could be explained β†’

The research approaches adopted and methodology

Firstly, according to Alan Bryman, the quantitative research can be construed as a research strategy which emphasis the quantification in collection and analysis data and involves a deductive approach to the relationship between theory and research which the accent is placed on the theories testing. Secondly, qualitative research can be construed as a research strategy β†’

Choice and freedom of the human spirit

As a social and political protest text, throughout ' The Songs of Innocence' Blake can be seen to juxtapose the freedom of the human spirit, particularly that of children, with the oppression and suppression faced by children in 18th century England, making the poems a form of criticism against child slavery and the corrupt education β†’

Moringa oleifera medicinal uses

Moringa oleifera Lam belongs to a monogeneric family of shrubs and tree, Moringaceae and is considered to have its origin in Agra and Oudh, in the northwest region of India, south of the Himalayan Mountains. It is used in cough, asthma, bronchitis, pectoral diseases, splenomegaly, epilepsy and cardiopathy, also used for poor circulation, to increase β†’

Editorial: mechanics of cell division

Errors that arise associated with the chromosome-spindle attachment can result in missegregation of the pair of sister chromatids into one of the two daughter cells or can cause chromosomes to lag at the middle of the dividing cell. In addition to such mechanical aspects of subcellular structures, the shape and mechanics of the entire cell β†’

The stranger abroad: ideology and impotence in our sister killjoy

Additionally, the reference to Sissie as a " stranger" is especially pertinent to this discussion; it is specifically this Otherness that enables her to identify the hypocrisies in the ideology of marriage. While Sissie's role as a stranger to Europe is integral to her ability to function outside of the ideologies Marija exists within, this β†’

Mcdonalds corporate organizational structure business essay

For example, the human resource department's specialized task is training and recruiting in addition to assign the right qualified person to the right position." Functional structure activities are grouped together by common function from the bottom to the top of the organization". In this type of structures, functional structure, decision making is mostly centralized and β†’

Kimmel financial accounting solutions assignment

Major sources of cash in a statement of cash flows include cash from operations; issuance of debt; collection of loans; issuance of capital stock; sale of investments; and the sale of property, plant, and equipment. The advantage of the direct method is that it presents the major categories of cash receipts and cash payments in β†’

Ecological systems on gene-environment correlations essay

Next the Secret Annex is connected to Anne by the Active gene-environment this place had a big environmental influence on her in a positive and negative way. These four things are connected to Anne and everyone else on the map through the evocative gene-environment because they all caused a reaction out of everyone.

Construction of human muscles health and social care essay

The other surface of an epithelial bed is attached to the underlying tissue by a acellular cellar membrane composed of bantam fibres and nonliving polysaccharide stuff produced by the epithelial cells. The epithelial cells run alonging the capillaries and fibroblasts of connective tissue are quickly renewing.

Editorial: bifidobacteria and their role in the human gut microbiota

Furthermore, thanks to recent discoveries about the microbial diversity of the human gut, we have started to achieve detailed insights about the composition of the bifidobacterial communities in this complex ecosystem and to understand the intricate relationship with their host as well as with the other members of the gut microbiota. The 21 articles comprising β†’

The salem witch trial and its role in history

The Salem Witch Trials were a landmark event in the history of the United States that left a lasting impression and impact on this nation. Scholars and historians have attempted to pinpoint the specific cause of these witch trials, but still much speculation exists as to the for sure root of the cause.

Fidel castro, the new prime minister of cuba

Kennedy proposed the creation of the Alliance for Progress, an organization dedicated to satisfying " the basic needs of the American people". Much of the capital produced and goods exported from Cuba and Latin American ended up in the hands of the United States.

The era of the common man

The Era of the Common ManThe Jacksonian period from 1824 to 1848 began a new era of change and growth, which is celebrated as the era of the? common man? The birth of the Whig party and the development of the Democrat party opened a broader world for the common man, and gave him the β†’

The impact of recession on car industry

By the figure the total value of the car sales show that with the end of 2010 the market will be running smooth and by 2013 the market will be in profitable state." In current prices, car sales will fall in value between 2008 and 2011 with recovery in 2012-13". The costs of the cars β†’

Business administration

The purpose of this assignment Is to give you an opportunity to conduct an Interview with a manager to enable you to have a better understanding of a manager's day-to- day responsibilities. You will need to turn in your questions in the Appendix of your paper.

Employment at will doctrine assignment

To limit the liability and impact on the company as a COO, I would simply arrange a workshop on the code of ethics and conduct for the individuals working in the company. Being an internal issue within the company, as a COO I will talk to Jim in person and issue a letter to him β†’

What do you understand by the notion of an invented tradition essay sample

The catalyst for the outbreak of revolution in Ireland in the Easter Rising of 1916 was twofold, firstly the desire to drive the British Empire from Irish soil, and secondly to establish, or as the Nationalists may say, resurrect an independent Irish state. Some of the cultural symbols chosen by the Nationalists that corresponded with β†’