5 Pages Essay Samples

Philosophies oh punishment essay

Retribution is the theory that the punishment must fit the crime. This is the only theory/philosophy of punishment that concentrates on the punishment of the criminal and not deterrence of the crime.

What techniques has mcewan used to make his opening striking, in chapters 1-3 essay sample

Through the use of metanarrative, McEwan refers specifically to time, " This was the moment, this was the pinprick on the time map", whereby the imagery of time being diagrammatically plotted allows the reader to conjure thoughts of before and after the event as well as during; whereby the change in events are linked together, β†’

Managing people through change

There are various factors causing the vast and deep extent of the change, which are: the development of information andcommunicationtechnologies, the ageing population and the arrival of the European Monetary Union. In the case of IKEA, the company is trying to influence that culture by training and coaching.

Delusion and reality in the underground railroad

In The Underground Railroad, the relationship between delusion and reality provides a justification for the actions of the characters, as Cora's escape, the notion of American equality, and the institution of slavery all rest on faulty foundation myths that nonetheless produce concrete consequences. In the same way that a false foundation myth provides the basis β†’

Interview a teacher leader

Interview The interview with the high school teacher was helpful to know more about the importance of instructional, professional, and organizational-level leadership in schools. Besides, this interview was helpful to analyze the teacher's leadership activities and to describe its effect on the teacher's role as a teacher, among her colleagues, in the school, and among β†’

Saxonville sausage essay

The " Market Segmentation" for the " Italian Sausage" Business: The market segmentation for the Italian Sausage Business is primarily a demographic segmentation based on the gender, work status and number of kids in the household. The " Target Markets" for the " Italian Sausage" Business: Based on the research conducted by Saxonville, the target β†’

Consumer brhavior

A culture Is the complex of values, ideas, attitudes, and other meaningful symbols created by people to shape human behavior and the artifacts of that behavior as they are transmitted from one generation to the next. The normative component is composed of the values and norms of the society which uides and regulates behavior.

The floating leaf disk assay for investigating photosynthesis

The soap wets the hydrophobic surface of the leaf allowing the solution to be drawn into the leaf. The bicarbonate solution will infiltrate the air spaces in the leaf causing the disks to sink.

Nike case study

In this case, the PESTLE analysis will allow for the examination of political, economic, social, technological, legal and economic factors that surround the existence of the company. The political arena of any country will determine the company's ability to produce, profitability and the cost of posting the products.

The procedural republic and the unencumbered self: sandel assignment

Sandal summarizes, " t he right is prior to the good and independent, and in two senses: The priority of the right t means first, that individual rights cannot be sacrificed for the sake of the general go d, and second, that the principles of justice that specify these rights cannot be premier seed on β†’

Declamation piece essay sample

Where I await you, because I need you... Who told you to doubt that I am a Christian?

What is jb priestley’s message in an inspector calls

It was a good place to set the scene as the North Midlands in 1912 was heavily industrial as it was the Edwardian Era. Priestley used this character to make the Birling family think about what they did and therefore their conscience was kicking in.he was a dramatic character as a whole because he knew β†’

Example statement of purpose – teacher

It is to improve the education and well being of people with in the local communities and across the nation and different civilizations. I became aware of University's Education programe and the degree that university offers fit exactly what I need and the goals in my professional carrier which I want to achieve.

As happiness was short-lived with the introduction

This made the company to re-adopt the old formulation in manufacturing its products, leading to the new name of coca cola products namely " Coca Cola Classic". In conclusion, the coca cola company has undergone tremendous changes since its discovery both in its leadership and in products to where it is.

Are shakespeare’s plays ahead of their time?

It is a common misconception that Shakespeare's plays are only relevant to their time, and I would argue that some of Shakespeare's work also links closely to more modern foundations. Overall, I believe that Shakespeare's plays are not necessarily ahead of their time but the concepts and the language within them are.

Essay on huck finn

As Jim and Huck floated towards the free state of Cairo, Huck is struck by the realization of the enormity of what he was doing, helping an owned slave to freedom. Another example of Huck's slickness is in chapter five where Huck and Jim are floating along the Mississippi river and Huck being bored decides β†’

Investigating electromagnets essay sample

Microscopic domains in the core align themselves in the direction of the field thus increasing the strength of the field. Number of coil's around a core: A greater number of coils in the wire/solenoid around the core will increase the strength of the field produced by that electromagnet.

Newly orthodox women vs judith plaskow: feminism moving in opposite directions

Her book, Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective, was the first book of Jewish feminist theology ever written.[1] She has also written an additional book, a collection of essays, has co-edited three books, and published numerous articles in edited volumes and journals.[2] Plaskow believes that the Torah must be " reclaimed", as β†’

Obama inauguration

The audience is also able to relate to the story of how our nation was created to the current events going on at the moment they listened to the speech. Adding the audience to the commands and promises, Obama is able to steer the audience into the direction that they are in charge of the β†’

Globalization of food

The term globalization refers to the ongoing process of rapid integration of the global economy facilitated by reduced barriers to movement and transactions costs in goods and capital. The main agenda of the meeting was to gain better knowledge on the influence of globalization and urbanization on food systems and analyze their effects more so β†’

A solution for autonomy crisis in mental health nursing essay

According to shared decision making model patient should have equal participation in making decision for care plan along with the health care provider as it promotes patients autonomy and motivates patient participating actively in treatment and reducing anxiety of patient. It is needed to be the part of mental health care setup and patients should β†’

Tv advertising assignment

From the colors the manufacturer chooses to use on the wrapping, to the multi-million dollar expense of television, everyone is influenced by advertising. The invention of the television is one of the most powerful tools for advertising a product to the masses.

Importance of microfinance in sustainable development economics essay

Microfinance for damage to crops is in the early 1980s when the Aga Khan Rural Support Pakistan began in Programme in response to his credit in 1982 and launched Orangi Pilot the same year project established. In 70s, there nationalized banks in one country and most of the loan was provided to small farmers Agricultural β†’

The theory of cognitive map psychology essay

APPLYING LEARNING THEORIES 3 In relation to the social learning theory, my experience in learning how to play piano applies to the theory because first, I was motivated to play piano after years of watching my brother playing piano. I spent most of my time in the beginning not only learning to read musical notes β†’

Reviewing violence by the dark figure of crime criminology essay

It is a lot of reasons why crimes goes unreported.' Newburn carried out the main points why people do not report matters to the police including: ' the victim considers it too trivial; the victims feels the police will not be able to do anything about it; the victim is too scared to report it; β†’

Dell case study

Dell must therefore ensure that it comes up with unique products for it to capture the market that its main competitors are holding and benefit from the internet revolution that is taking shape around the world. This means that for Dell to play a role according to what is happening in the business world to β†’

Commonly known

E-commerce is mainly considered to be limited to the sales aspect of the business, but it also entails the exchange of data and payment aspect of the transaction.1. 4 Consumer-to-Business: CB e-commerce refers to a setting in which consumers decide what they want to ay, and the vendors decide whether, or not to accept the β†’

Archetype: the garden essay

The two best-known representations of this archetype are the Garden of Eden and the Hanging Garden of Babylon. In the tales of the Garden of Eden the garden represents the tranquility and peace, which also relates to the original archetype.

The differences between the men and women’s behaviors are innate

The differences between the men and women's behaviors are innate As time goes by, the toys have changed a lot. Conversely, batman toys show the traditional gender roles that a man should have in the gender myth of the powerful, technical and calm male.

Questions 1-5 games people play

Answers to Questions 5 Games People Play The four elements of a game are: the players; the rules of the game; thealternatives of the game; and the players' preferences on the outcomes of the game. In this game, the players are the masked man and Vizzini, the rules of the game is to choose which β†’

Pluralist theories of the mass media media essay

Marxist theorists suggest that the media is dominated by the ruling class who are the major owners of the media corporations, which gives them total control and manipulation of media content and audiences in their own interest. Some of key claims are: That the owners of the mass media have direct control over the ideas β†’

Process of discovery in the tempest and ghosts

Shakespeare continues to invite us to experience Prospero's process of discovery as he progresses towards the realization of the meaningless of his magic. Furthermore, Flack makes evident to us that the conclusion of Mrs Alving's process of discovery is, in many respects, similar to Prospero's, as she ultimately accepts the truth and no longer relies β†’

Decision making in end of life of newborn care

Shared decision making at the end of life of newborn care Introduction: Neonatal intensive care for extremely low birth weight infant is expensive and most of the time there is disagreement between the Neonatologist and the family to make the best decision in the best interest of the patient. In- fact the doctor decided based β†’

Trends of the coffee sector in ethiopia | research proposal

6 percent of the total value and 3 percent of the total quantity of coffee traded to the global market, which leads the country to be the 10 th largest exporter of coffee in the world and the first exporter in Africa. 40% of the total coffee production of Ethiopia is exported, which earns 33% β†’

Do standardized tests really benefit students?

This mother had received a letter from her sons teacher saying that her son failed the FCAT or Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test by one point and in order for him to move on to the next grade level he would have to take a summer class and take the FCAT once more and pass. Standardized β†’

The monkeywrench gang

George Hayduke, the centre of the story is a Vietnam veteran and an ex-Green Beret who returns to the Southwestern part of the desert in the post war period and is at a loss when he finds the canyons and the and the rivers he cherishes so much under threat due to industrial development. The β†’

Islam and women assignment

I have a belief that many of the women who wear the Burma are proud and prefer to wear it. I believe that the Burma is beautiful and women should be able to wear it.

Electronic media (gd)

With the advent of computer, the internet and cell phones people can affect the family relationships and are more often expected to address work issues from home. A: In a nutshell, we all agree that study habits is the best choice because studying has become for more flexible, meaning students can choose to learn and β†’

The public interest theory of regulation economics essay

The idea is to determine a price, or rate, that covers the production cost and a fair profit for the company. This is caused by the regulations blocking entry of other companies and regulating the rates of the product.

Virtual reality 14835

We have no participation in the play, but identify with it and our imagination creates a generic feeling that we are a part of the story. In time, as virtual reality improves, maybe we will get the chance to do just that by strapping on a set of goggles and a sensory suit.

An inspector calls

The next person that seemed to be responsible for the death of Eva Smith was Sheila Birling. It is because of this that I think that their relationship had a minor role in contributing to the death of Eva Smith.

Syntactic stylistic devices

SYNTACTIC STYLISTIC DEVICES The sentence, as a unit of a certain level, is a sequence of relatively independent lexical and phrasal units, and what differentiates a sentence from a word is the fact that the sentence structure is changeable; it does have any constant length: it can be shortened or extended, complete or incomplete, simple, β†’

Protein purification using affinity chromatography

The introduction of the affinity tags allows us to purify the proteins using affinity chromatography by taking advantage of the interaction associated with the metal ions and the protein molecules. 5 mL of Ni-NTA Agarose to the minicolumn and wash with 10 mL of DI water.

Zappers final assignment

Acquisition Capo's strategy for acquisition is to aim to prospect customers by: Word of Mouth The best policy for acquire a client trust is thru a good referral, this fact is exponential when applied to e-commerce Excellence in Customer Service Achieved by an easy contact either thru the website and most importantly thru the call β†’

Furman selz

On one hand, the people of Farman Sell were put-off by the bureaucratic style and on the other hand, the firm enjoyed being under the umbrella of a big brand. Following the 'Black Monday' of 1987, the financial services sector was badly hit and even though the performance of Farman Sell was above average, Xerox β†’

Family assistance plan essay

One of the byproducts of the Family Assistance Plan is the aid known as The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. In order to be eligible to receive the additional monthly income the Health and Human Services Commission " Looks at a family's income and compares it with the amount the family pays for basic needs".

Comparison of the confederation of the united colonies of new england and the dominion of new england

The following is the history of the establishment of these united colony fronts, their forms of government structure and the ways in which they were different: History of the New England Confederation This is an alliance of the English colonies that was established on the basis of religion and defense. History of the Dominion of β†’

Filmore enterprises essay

According to the attachment, we can see that the figures of economy of T-bill are all the same, which means no matter what the state of economy is, it will not be affected; The beta coefficient is 0 and because of it is independent of the changable economy, T-bill surely promise completely risk-free returns.b. Check β†’

Darwin destroyed the concept of human specialness

It is the ability to see beauty in a sunset on a savannah, to hear the splendour in Tchaikovskys The Nutcracker, to read great works of literature and be able to travel the universe with our imaginations. Our ability to understand the universe and our position in it is one of the glories of the β†’

Peter skrzynecki shaun tan postcard and feliks skrzynecki, the arrival belonging essay

However, in the poem PC, the persona fails to experience the same connection and sense of belonging to his homeland Warsaw, as his father experiences ' half a world away'. This vision of the homeland continues on from the poem FS as the personas inability to identify with the image of the postcard ' haunts' β†’


Our brain has the capacity for learning to the degree we do not know which means that our learning capabilities are endless and we can only limit ourselves with the amounts of information there is to know in a lifetime. The word mnemonic is derived from the Ancient Greek word mnemonikos and is related to β†’

Winter and warmth in ursula le guin’s the left hand of darkness

Indeed, there is much significance to the ideas of warmth and coolness to the plot beyond temperature and setting in The Left Hand of Darkness. At this point, the discomfort does not belong to the characters, but to the reader: the Genly Ai and the Gethenians are skeptical of each other, but Estraven's revelation that β†’

Why people perceive things differently philosophy essay

One of the most suitable meanings in this context is it to become aware of something or someone by using your eyes.[1]On the other hand, understanding may be defined as a psychological process related to an abstract or physical object, such as a person, situation, or message whereby one is able to think about it β†’

Democracy rights were extended but little reforms

For instance, political and democratic changes in Great Britain started way back in 18th century and the road to political democracy was marked in 1918. London: Atlantic University Press.

The and sentiments run high culminating in

The religious frenzy displayed by the members of the two communities on the eve of partition resulted in enormous loss of life and property on both the sides. A large number of Muslims migrated to Pakistan while a sizeable number of them were persuaded to stay on in India with an assurance of security of β†’

Citigroup inc. essay

Though the merger was presented as a merger, the reality on the ground was more of a stock swap with Travelers group purchasing the whole of Citicorp shares for about seventy Billion US dollars and issued two and half new Citigroup shares for every Citicorp share. The company also appreciates that early intervention and total β†’

A report on olympic games

Almost all major cities compete for the right to be the host city of the next Olympic Games. Further, this essay will observe election procedure of the host city and state main requirements of the IOC for the host city.

Bilinguals and the education of minorities

The factors are: the force per unit area to go bilingual, the requirements for bilingualism, the method used to accomplish bilingualism, and the effects in the instance of failure. The members of this group are taught to larn a 2nd linguistic communication and the methods used in learning are believed to be better than the β†’

How fiend like is lady macbeth

In the play Lady Macbeth turns the order of the hierarchy as she seems to be the one ruling over Macbeth. When Lady Macbeth reads the letter by Macbeth she instantly decides that she will make Macbeth kill the king in order for the prophecy to come true." That I may pour my spirits in β†’

You save my life

The people who do a deed in order to save someone else's are really appreciated and need to be thanked more often. Rascal Flatts is just a band that realizes that there is a more to people than the eye can see.

Aircraft wing design considerations

The drag force that is formed when the air craft is moving is always proportional to the speed of the aeroplane. The other misconception is that the shape of the ring is important, however it has been proved that the edge of the wing must be sharp and the trailing edge should be angled downward β†’

Salem witch trials-motivation in history

I believe that the people in Salem had their reasons to be so afraid and act as they did. In a community with a religion as strict and unforgiving as Puritanism caused the citizens were brainwashed and scared for their lives now and being sent to Hell in the afterlife.

Sole trader essay

If the business is successful the Sole Traders reward will be the profit which the Sole Trader can keep all to himself as he is the only one to own the business. As J-Sainsbury's is a plc it is easy to obtain information of the company because they have to publish accounts every year because β†’

The rise of asian/asian american hip hop in america’s music industry

It is important to examine the growing successes that Asian Americans have obtained in the music field because this field provides more and more opportunities for enthusiasts who are inspired to promote the status of Asian culture through music in America, as well as for people who are interested in working in the music-related businesses β†’

Forensic accounting analysis flashcard

Diagram 1: Fraud and the Fraud Triangle MISAPPROPRIATION OF ASSETS: Misappropriation of assets involves the theft of an entity's assets and is often perpetrated by employees in relatively small and immaterial amounts. Hence with increasing number of Frauds, it is recommended that the company undertakes extensive Fraud Risk Assessment and Forensic Accounting.

Developing through the years essay

Everything from discipline to grading, views Of coworkers to family life, and preparing lessons to the center of the classroom vary with the experience of the teacher. Molting had to establish and develop over the years; his philosophy of teaching, center of the classroom, and his tactics on how to prepare for new lessons are β†’

Visual analysis of tobias and the angel essay

This realistic detail is apparent in Tibia's muscularity, the beautiful shine of the wet skin of the fish, and the texture of the wrinkled cloth that the figures re wearing, but it is the detail in the characters faces that proves to have the most powerful effect on the viewer. They add a sense of β†’

My response to mccloskey’s “on being an atheist”

Because of this, we will ultimately be forced to abandon any quest for proof of the existence of God and be forced to ask, which argument offers the best support of our claim or idea. To support all of the plant growth that is taking place in the spring, we have the spring rains, which β†’

Sociological group matrix schaefer essay sample

Complete the Social Group Matrix by identifying and describing the relationship between yourself and the members of any social group you are a part of. It is a social group that will inspire you, support you, and help you discover the world when you connect.

The lotteryexample essay

Hassan is Amir's servant who is also like a little brother to Amir. Ali is the main servant of Amir's house and Hassan's father.

Chapter 10

LANs often are used to share resources such as printers, large hard disks, and programsMAN High-speed network that connects local area networks in a metropolitan area such as a city or town and handles the bulk of communications activity across that regionWAN Type of network that covers a large geographic area, such as a city, β†’


She helped in fighting for women to have a place in higher education within the United States through her involvement in developing and equipping the kitchen laboratory and cooking lectures in Kansas City. She also helped in expanding the discipline of home economics and enhanced women's education in higher learning.

Ceres and persephone in β€˜the pomegranate’ and β€˜the bistro styx’

The tale continues on to display the search for the prolonged search for her dear daughter and the emotional turmoil that ensues from this abrupt situation." The Pomegranate" and " The Bistro Styx" illustrate the complex mother-daughter relationship between a modern day Ceres and Persephone; while both poems depict the struggle of a mother accepting β†’

Business environmental factors in brazil economics essay

It is also imperative that ArcelorMittal grows in tandem with the economy of Brazil, and in particularly be one of the driving agents to the growth of Brazil. This report will show strategies in which ArcelorMittal will strength and expand itself in the market in relation to the emerging market of steel in Brazil.

Organizational so crucial in understanding how their

Culture and behavior of an organization tend to have a similar meaning and are very important in determining the way the operations of an organization are carried out. It has become a hard task for organizations to offer employment to people in a manner that ensures equitable distribution of the opportunities to all the people β†’

Zorba the greek by nikos kazantzakis essay

In the book by the recognised Greek author Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba, the main character is an avatar of the Dionysiac nature and practitioner of the Epicurean philosophy of the pursuit of earthly hapiness. An example of this is Zorba's love of music music is an example of appreciating and participating in the world in a β†’

Analysis of circus in winter

In addition, he has a habit for traveling to New York each summer to indulge in life pleasures that the city of New York has to offer. The trip was unique because he managed to meet his soon to be wife, Irene who was the daughter of one of his bankers in New York.

Maldi-tof advantages and disadvantages

There are several comparative studies between the conventional techniques and the MALDI-TOF systems in terms of reliability and accuracy of their methods. A major advance is the use of proteomic studies for rapid diagnosis as fast as 5 to 15 minutes of etiology of infections, and it is represented by MALDI-TOF.

The judicial system and its systematic oppression towards individuals with intellectual barriers

First, through a social model lens, I will focus on historical evidence of mistreatment found within institutional settings and how these ideologies have shaped the treatment of individuals with disabilities reveals how " Institutions are a central and painful feature in the historical record of the treatment of people with intellectual disabilities". Lastly, I decided β†’

Sight and blindness in oedipus rex assignment

With these themes in mind, one can see how Sophocles portrays each character to suit these themes and communicate his own definition of the term " sight." When Oedipus calls on Terrifies to reveal the identity Of King Laics' killer, Terrifies reveals the murderer is Oedipus and Oedipus himself reacts in anger, rage, and denial. β†’

Medical advancements due to technology

So the question is can society take to the idea of not only living a longer but also to the process of living a longer life? First the positive; now patients can get an organ without the need of a donor, because the bioprinter is using the patient's own cells, the patient does not need β†’

Caste politics assignment

Does the selection of leaders on the basis of caste hinder the economic, social, political development of a state? Caste, society and politics in the Indian from the eighteenth century to the modern age by Susan Bayly will help me understanding the past and the present role of caste in politics of India especially A.P.

Role of women in the restoration period

What is perhaps the most telling evidence of the role of women in society is what the play is centered around; Horner and his lies about being a eunuch to get into the lives of women and then sleep with them. However, Astell's intentions are to write on this subject so that women will see β†’

Role of clinical psychologists in ‘valuing people’

In 2001 the ' Valuing people' project started as a governmental initiative and strategy with certain performance indicators in order to address the needs of people with learning disabilities by improving the quality of their lives and that of their families and carers. In the second objective of ' transition into adult life' again clinical β†’

Phylogenetic tree and horizontal gene transfer

Horizontal gene transfer is also known as Lateral gene transfer which means the genetic materials from one species are passed to another species without through the process of reproduction of offspring. But the genetic material of offspring also can be some different from their ancestor, this is because of mutation and also horizontal gene transfer β†’

Fahrenheit 451 essay narrative essay

Throughout the book, the fire and the Phoenix are Montag's sources of happiness, the only things he feels " happy" about in his life. The badges of the fireman are the Salamander and the Phoenix.

Is global warming a threat or an illusion? assignment

In addition, given that we drive nearly fifty percent of the world's cars, the graph is particularly noteworthy after World War II for those, such as McKinney, who state that the majority of global warming has been happening in the second half of the twentieth century and beyond. Hansen, the cooling throughout the first half β†’

“pregnant in body and in mind”: reproduction and immortality in platonic love

The progression from the initial definition of a lover as a concrete individual who wants the good forever to the definition of love as an abstract " desire to have the good forever" sets up a similar progression from a concrete function of love to an abstract function which is at the core of Platonic β†’

Surface modification of titania experiment

Below is the list as discussed before:Inhibiting recombination by increasing the charge separation and therefore the efficiency of the photocatalytic process;Changing yield of the particular product. 1Metal Semiconductor Modification The photocatalytic process is changed after the addition of the noble metals as the surface properties of the semiconductor are modified.

The importance of discipline

The dictionary definition for discipline is " a branch of learning, training that develops self-control." Discipline to me is a form of work that takes time; but, in the end works for your good. Having a good and positive outlook on what you discipline can do for you in the future is nice to see β†’

Case study – eliminate the middleman

This is giving way to the highlighted problem for USTech, as with the increasese expertise of the market as well as the access to product information, manufacturing details as well as the string establishment of Taisource, the company has become a viable competitor for USTech in China. This can cost USTech considerable market share as β†’

Paris description

The sun made the whole city looked Like It was covered with a thin, light and golden layer of apple dust. It was probably the best time In pans for traveling, when the freezing cold and the depressing rain were all gone.

The characteristics of effective english teachers high schools

Thus, in an attempt to progress the quality of education in Cambodia, Investigation on the characteristics of effective English teachers in high school really provides a lot of contribution to enhancing the quality of teaching in order to meet the students' need. Further, they will be a great contribution to upgrading the quality of English β†’

Focus questions

What was the geographic extent of the Spanish Empire in the New World? What were the contributions to American independence and government from the New England Confederation, the Dominion of New England and the Glorious Revolution? 4.